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12503549 No.12503549 [Reply] [Original]

How much longer until the human species dies out you think?

>> No.12503553

a few weeks

>> No.12503557

What do you know anon

>> No.12503559

nothing you don't already know

>> No.12503566

No clue but I think it'll be slow rather than quick like in the movies. If the worst fears on climate change are realized then civilization will fall first and we'll be stuck in preindustrial times waiting for climate feedback loops to worsen until we're all killed off a few generations down the line. This slow death where we see our extinction coming but can't stop it somehow feels worse.

>> No.12503590

i'm going for an extinction level event before the end of this century

>> No.12503600

We aren’t going anywhere any time soon fren

>> No.12503602

I hope in a few thousands years. I also hope event will render the planet sterile.

>> No.12503643

April 27th 2027.

>> No.12503647

Hopefully soon

>> No.12504958

can't wait. good riddance

>> No.12505019
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Who cares? I'll be a genetic dead end whether humans go extinct tomorrow or 10 thousand years from now.

>> No.12505059

/pol/ has some ideas, but it's /pol/, so take it with all the grains of salt you can handle.

>> No.12505104

I think we're the last organic generation of the human species, soon its all just going to be genetically modified human beings, EXCEPT ALSO TOTALLY EPIC LIKE IN WARHAMMER 40K, LETS GIVE PEOPLE LIKE FUCKIN CRYSTAL DIAMOND TITANIUM BONES AND LIKE, JETPACK ANGEL WINGS , SOLAR SHIELDS, LIGHTNING SWORDS, IT WILL BE SO EPIC

>> No.12505134

Doubt it.

You heavily overestimate how disastrous a changing climate could be to humans. We aren’t frogs, minor changes will not wipe out our species.

What exactly do you imagine is going to happen so soon that we will be destroyed before we even set up a colony on Mars or some other off world place?

>> No.12505137

Inability to grow viable nutritious crops
Death of livestock and fish

>> No.12505155

Green houses, hydroponics, advances in fertilisers and at the end of the day, we could do without several billion people no problem in fact it would be quite beneficial to trim the fat.

But even if we didn’t have that it still wouldn’t cause our total destruction so what are you so scared of?

Sea levels rising? A shitload of land would still be there even if every bit of ice melted.

Smog? Might lower your life expectancy, but it’s only a problem in a couple shitty countries and even then it’s concentrated in just a few cities.

>> No.12505584

damn lol you're stupid.

>> No.12505591

are you the one who's posting "2028" on /qa/ for no reason too?

>> No.12505640

>Sea levels rising? A shitload of land would still be there even if every bit of ice melted.
I'm disappointed I have to live in the same reality as smoothbrains like you.

>> No.12506124
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Define human. Physical humans will be a minority in a few centuries but a small population might survive under a sun or black hole for a few 100 trillion years. Digital humans might survive for a 10^100 years gaining their energy from hawking radiation. During that timespan they might discover new methods to get energy, vaccum energy, basement universi or reversible computing would allow such being to life eternally.

>> No.12506150
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W was nodding with you in agreement when you brought up
>Green houses, hydroponics, advances in fertilisers
But then as your comment trailed on i watched as you steadily became more and more of an idiot.
heres some advice to you anon.
Know when to stop talking, you'll look like less of a retard that way.

>> No.12506152

You fail to provide any argument that humanity would be completely wiped out by these scenarios.

>> No.12506164

Once again someone else has no argument. Do you have a scenario where humanity will be destroyed by climate change before we leave the Earth? Assuming we would be destroyed at all.

>> No.12506171

shut the fuck up you faggot, im not saying humanity will be destroyed by climate change before we leave the earth i'm calling you a fucking retard because you are A fucking retard

>> No.12506198

Right so you have no argument of any kind beyond insults.

Look retard if you can’t even formulate a response explaining what you are so upset about then don’t bother responding at all.

My original post was to someone who thought civilisation would fall into a preindustrial age over climate change and then we would all die a few generations later, but I don’t see any way that could happen and I listed a few of the most common threats of climate change or pollution and how they couldn’t possibly put civilisation in the ground.

>> No.12506208

if we survive the next century or two, we'd be good for a while

>> No.12506220

About 9000 years.


>> No.12506227

statistically we should assume that we are born around the most likely period for a human to be born. about 100 billion humans have lived so far, so the world will end around the time the 200 billionth human is born
this is 100% good logic

>> No.12506238
File: 140 KB, 360x450, ooooaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok brainlet

>> No.12506283

already happened

>> No.12506284

Ok retard

>> No.12506287


>> No.12506291

I think Humans will slowly evolve into something else through biogenetics.

Ironically all of these doomsday scenarios: dinosaur style hothouse earth, thermonuclear war ect could actually make the human species last longer by slowing us down. (Alternatively it could provide even more extensive incentive for gene alterations)

That guy is totally right that besides a Venusian tier catastrophy, climate change is not a risk at all to human civilization.
People will just move north.

We reached peak child some time in the 90s

>> No.12507485

>climate change
back to plebbit faggot

>> No.12507518

Do you want climate refugees? Because that's how you get refugees.

>> No.12507547

you get refugees with pseudoscience propaganda?

>> No.12507642

>climate change is pseudoscience propoganda
Oh no, it's retarded...

>> No.12508451

The process starts as soon as Bidet and Harry slither their way in to the White House

>> No.12508458

Look up how homogenous elevation is for habitable and arable land, you shit eating retard.

>> No.12508549

Good riddance. We deserve it for ruining God's Earth.

>> No.12508552

The absolute state of /sci/. Go back to /pol/, retard.

>> No.12509280

Assuming no catastrophic external natural event like a large asteroid hitting the Earth?

Then, other than evolution into another species through millions of years, we will not die out.

The quality of life and the survival of a an advanced technical human civilization is an entirely different question though.

For the latest perceived threat, climate change, it would require wet bulb temperatures to entirely wipe out the human race. Before that happens however the decline in industrial society and population numbers will more likely assist the planet in avoiding such extremes.

Even if there was complete collapse brought about by increased disease vectors, environmental pollution and degradation, even full scale nuclear war caused by political destabilization, humans would manage to survive in some areas. Perhaps in subsistence conditions and with near total loss of modern technical knowledge. The situation might be analogous to the Eskimos, or the Kalahari bushmen, or the Australian aboriginals.

On the other hand should a homogeneous and pragmatic country, such as China, manage to achieve world hegemony within the next couple of centuries then there is a fairly good chance that not only will humans survive in reasonable numbers but do so with relatively high living standards and full technical knowledge. In which case continued progress in science and technology is likely to continue, even if it does so at a slower rate..

>> No.12509282

>And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Befruitful, andmultiply, andreplenishtheearth, and subdue it: and havedominionover the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

>> No.12509361

This is the correct answer.

>> No.12509372

What may happen is a human bottleneck. I have doubts the human species would die out considering the widespread of humanity and protective buildings like bunker.

>> No.12509431

Considering that the Cuban missile crisis happened 20% of us are living an alternate reality fueled by memes that spread faster than anyone can keep up with and we still struggle to have a serious talk about climate change, not long if we go down this path.

>> No.12509878

Certain races have self destructive traits right now, the push I'm noticing is to attempt to get these kinds of people to either not have children or to interbreed.

The most obvious ones are attempting to encourage white liberals to not have children and blacks to race mix. Both of these will have a great effect on future generations if successful.

>> No.12509977

You do realize that humans are the only species on Earth that is able to thrive in every ecosystem?

Sub-zero arctic hell-scape where the only source of calories are giant whales that are 20X your size? We thrive. Without electricity. Without combustion engines. With only pre-historic technology.

Desert environment? We will still thrive.

We have literally thrived in every extreme environment, where we can still breath oxygen and have land underneath our feet.

>> No.12509994

Billions of years

>We have literally thrived in every extreme environment, where we can still breath oxygen and have land underneath our feet.
Which is only a tiny subset of the planet's biosphere.

>> No.12509999

global warming will kill us all in 2015

>> No.12510043

>sh-sh-shutup you f-f-fucking p-p-pleb GLOBAL WARMING WILL KILL US ALL AND TURN THE EARTH INTO VENUS

>> No.12510106


A couple of million years, give or take.

>> No.12510229

The human species will never die out. It's just never going to happen the way it happens to other animals

>> No.12510269

People aren't inhabiting every corner of the Earth, only the mildest glaciers and deserts are occupied. We can only tolerate temperature extremes and lack of resources up to a point and we've never experienced climate extremes and climate variability like what could happen if we go over climate thresholds. Even if industrialized societies fall and we stop polluting altogether, we'll have put into motion feedback loops that persist into centuries and millennia. We'll outlive our civilization (at least those who didn't starve due to agriculture and husbandry becoming nonviable) but there's no guarantee we'll just be able to ride it out for a few millennia until things rebalance. Even if humanity doesn't go extinct after all of this I think the fall of civilization and the death of a majority of mankind is a good enough reason to care. We all know climate change is a problem and we all know we have to keep it under control. This is something every discipline in science agrees with. We also know the cost of handling climate change is either small or negative. Knowing all this to me the only logically valid motivation for opposing climate policy is misanthropy (which is a sentiment I disagree with).

>> No.12510276

Shortly after 2100

>> No.12510352

During the Jurassic Age the Earth was 10 to 15 degrees hotter and Dinosaurs walked the earth. We expect at worst a temperature rise of 8 degrees. It would change the habitization zone but human civilization will survive it.

>> No.12510387
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We won't make it to 2100.

>> No.12510819

This one will be replaced by homo Futuris where gene editing has eliminated all illnesses, gained massive intelligence and a life expectancy of 200 years.
It will happen in about 50 years.

>> No.12511353


I think you may be right. I was explained about the situation in Asian wars once and perhaps if you use bioengineering as a default truth in war films you’d realize many soldiers are participating in it and not against to make their money. Supposedly in US tap water there are halogens and minerals that react with nuclear plutonium radars. Meaning you can go in but hard to get out. So many ethnic tribes choose to go into the US as non-ethnic people. That’s how advanced science is. Most rackets therein call for the participation in proxy systems. Most tribes just choose to remain anonymous and the only way is selective breeding or genetic modification.

>> No.12511406

Two more weeks

>> No.12511677

>climate policy
you mean carbon taxes, and continued "economic growth" right?

if so then you're the only misanthrope here, and you're an extra special cutie pie one too since you've got a lot to gain if people by the "solutions" you're selling.

>> No.12511704

Gets better. If we burned ALL our fossil fuels now, at once, we'd only reach the level of the Palaeocene / Eocene burp.

Most of that carbon which killed us off in the Permian extinction has been sucked into calcium and become limestone or chalk. Nobody is pulling the carbon out of that shit - why would they.
Obviously mammalian life survived to the Eocene.
As for "climate policy" just fuck right off. You mean a poll tax on poors. Just say it you damned democidal snob.

>> No.12511757

hopefully soon

>> No.12511821

>hopefully soon


>> No.12511949

depends entirely on the species actions; from war to even economic issue and much more. so it's really up in the air on how long the species will last but if they never leave earth then the species has up until 2027 before a asteroid is most likely going to give them the dinosaurs treatment but if that doesn't do it then they have until 2039 before another disaster hits and so on. The species is currently facing the reality that it cannot stay in the nest forever and needs to start migrating before winter hits.

>> No.12512990

Donate your jizz to sperm bank so a bunch of dykes can still use it to makings of babby

>> No.12513532

>hopefully soon

cringe you think like a woman

>> No.12514322
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Humanity is screwed when the technological singularity happens

>> No.12514325
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>> No.12514328

hopefully soon, humanity needs to be replaced with robots, westworld style

>> No.12514329
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>> No.12514332
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>> No.12514349
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Get a load of these lifecucks

>> No.12514357
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Using AI and quantum computing, we will alter our biology, such that we can survive in outer space. We will become star children.

>> No.12514485
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>Sooner or later, as their scientific knowledge progressed, they would get rid of the fragile, disease-and-accident prone bodies that Nature had given them, and which doomed them to inevitable death. They would replace their natural bodies as they wore out - or perhaps even before then - by constructions of metal and plastic and would thus achieve immortality. The brain might linger for a little while as the last remnant of the organic body directing its mechanical limbs and observing the universe through its electronic senses - senses far finer and subtler than those that blind evolution could ever develop.
>Even on Earth, the first steps in this direction had already been taken. There were millions of men, doomed in earlier ages, who now lived active and happy lives thanks to artificial limbs, kidneys, lungs and hearts. To this process, there could be only one conclusion, however far off it might be.
>And eventually, even the brain might go. As the seat of consciousness, it was not essential; the development of electronic intelligence had proved that. The conflict between mind and machine might be resolved at last in the eternal truce of complete symbiosis.

>> No.12515160

>it is patently absurd to suppose that the technological world-system is ever going to provide seven billion human beings with everything they need to stay alive indefinitely
Why does everyone feel the need to anthropomorphize Artificial Superintelligence? Ignoring that, a computerized Earth would be able to sustain itself off only the sum energy of the solar system for millions of years, not even including how slow time would past outside compared to simulation.

>> No.12515177

Pests never die out.

>> No.12515240

Posthumans would also grow far beyond earth and convert the solar system into a dyson swarm and do this to all the stars in their reach. Only the redshift could stop their work but in the few trillion years that the universe have before the stellar era ends, our posthuman descendants could pack the entire local super-cluster into one hyper-galaxy of a few qunitillion stars. So that they can use all that energy/mass for the deep time. Transhumanism is a naive-cosmicist worldview.

>> No.12515272

20 years.

>> No.12515276


>> No.12515443

mid january shit will go down

>> No.12515608

Yep, seems pretty accurate.

>> No.12515627
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i got shivers from this exchange

>> No.12515633

>genetic dead ends using genetically dead end genetic material to make an ultra omega genetic dead end
hell ya

>> No.12515683
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define "human"

>> No.12516722

Featherless biped.

>> No.12517168

we're not surviving another millennia for certain, but I think we've got a couple of centuries at most

>> No.12517212 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12517225
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>> No.12517234

>the elevation meme yet again
there's enough arable land just in the western half of the united states to support triple the current world's population

>> No.12517818


>> No.12517871

Everyones taken exeption to your mention of climate change so I will just mention that solar power can now produce 1 kwh/$0.01 now in some places. Its over, there will be no 'climate crisis' oil, coal, and even nuclear are all just too expenaive.
We've very nearly reached escape velocity now. Inteplanetary travel, superintelligent AI, transhumanity, and harvestong just about anything for energy are all about to he upon us. The most likely thing to 'kill'us would be a decision to switch ourselers off after 1000s of years of conciousness. Either that or the laws of physics themselve, though I very much think there is indication we can at very least escape the death of this universe.

>> No.12518195

lmao benatar cuck. what are you 12?

>> No.12518450

you're such an idiot

>> No.12518484

Our civilization will collapse before 2100 but many million humans will survive

>> No.12518512

As terrible enough as it is that you invented or found a word to describe the retarded shit you are describing, you either made up or copied an even more retarded one.
Demo- is Greek for people.
-cide is Latin for murder.
So, the word you are looking for is genocidal which is Latin in both parts. Even if you are looking for a word with more of a hint of “common” on “underclass” that’s still not it.

>> No.12518518

Yeah, if like all optimum conditions are in effect but they aren’t anywhere ever.

>> No.12518683

it's pretty hard for us to die out now because there's so many. only way is huge environmental or planetary disasters that cause famine and unlivable conditions. although something as basic as the problems already present with industrial agriculture could cause mass death.

also, once global civilisation fractures or collapsed the population will nosedive but will overall be much more robust because food production, power, and economy aren't all heavily centralised but mostly safe. you don't suddenly lack food because some richfag fucks with the world economy for example, such things are largely impossible when decentralised but so are mega-projects to mediate big disasters. there is no robustness in the face of a big boy asteroid regardless.

>> No.12519895

Sometime between now and 2050. Accepting that we're all on the timeline where humans don't make it, and the techno-utopia dream will never happen is the toughest pill to swallow.

>> No.12520663

10^100 years

>> No.12522862
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>civilization will fall first and we'll be stuck in preindustrial times
Very nice

>> No.12523862

When you respond in that way you seem like a retard too

>> No.12524897

Never, for mankind is eternal.

>> No.12525785

A looooong time, if you are scared about us humans dying out because of climate change, don't. antartica will be back being a tropical paradise and some of us will get there in time, with time the feedback loops will stop, earth will get back to normal and, if we are lucky, we will start killing anybody who gets the bright idea to build a factory or a farm. We are hunter gatherers, that's what we are meant to be, this agriculture experiment has gone too far.

>> No.12526165
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Men is meant to be nothing but what it chooses to be.

>> No.12528359


>> No.12529763

only few more hours left
say goodbye to your loved ones