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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 670 KB, 1500x1665, Aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12497212 No.12497212 [Reply] [Original]

Literally the closet star to us has aliens with advanced tech. We can safely say panspermia is real and the Drake equation has been blown open.
>The signal appears to emanate from the direction of our neighboring star and cannot be dismissed as Earth-based interference, confirming that it is a transmission from some form of advanced extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI)—a so-called “technosignature.”

>> No.12497221

not confirmed and also its bullshit, its never aliens

>> No.12497232

It would take over 6300 years for the ISS to get there? I don't think that's accurate, so what is the 6300 years referring to and why is ISS pictured?

>> No.12497234

>actually believes something interesting would ever happen

>> No.12497256
File: 309 KB, 900x563, Proxima Centauri B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big question: should we nuke them? They have at least a 100 year head start on us because of our radio wave emissions and have likely already prepared an invasion fleet. On the off chance they have peaceful intent we can still get the jump on them by attacking first; if they are peaceful we win, if they have already launched their attack then we are doomed anyway and lose nothing.

>> No.12497314

The entire nuclear arsenal deployed on Earth would still leave human survivors. Nukes would not kill them, we don't know which planet it came from. It would be suicidal.

>> No.12497326

he real question is what info could a single symbol (represented by an unmodulated narrow frequency band) convey.... hi??

>> No.12497346

You don't just nuke an unknown civilization, anon.
If they're slightly more advanced, we're finished.
What we should do:
1. Invest more in space exploration and space military
2. Send a probe and contact them
3. Examine
4. Send nukes if they're weak
If they're on the same level, we can try trading and exchanging information.
War isn't worth it if there's a potentially bigger civilization out there waiting to kill us both.

>> No.12497372

Could be bait, to see how we respond. They might not even be from Proxima Centauri system and are just sending signals from there to trick us. In which case if we try >>12497256 they'll see malevolent intent and will wipe us.

Also imagine if those beings looked indistinguishable from humans. Humans living on a different planet living in similar societies. Pretty trippy.

>> No.12497375

If it's real we should franchise each other's chain restaurants.

>> No.12497382

You can put all emitter power into one frequency if you want to reach farer or into a frequency band to send more information.
If these aliens just want to be heard, it makes sense to be as loud as possible.

>> No.12497400

>If these aliens just want to be heard, it makes sense to be as loud as possible.

Yes we need to make it crystal clear we are crazy crazy and not to be fucked with.

>> No.12497428

Is there more vain a job than extrapolating nonsense from noise?
Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question.

>> No.12497437

Take me aliens. Fuck humans.

>> No.12497609

>cannot be dismissed as Earth-based interference

The researchers clarified that it's 99.9% likely to be earth based interference.
They just haven't figured out exactly what yet.

>> No.12497630

>The big question: should we nuke them?

Burger confirmed

>> No.12497639

based and comfy


>> No.12497659 [DELETED] 

Fake and gay

>> No.12497660

Fake and ayyyyyyyy

>> No.12497669


>> No.12497673

>Unironically wanting to be butt-probed by a bunch of sadistic extraterrestial beings

>> No.12497690

Why are astronomers the kings of disappointment? First Betelgeuse didn't supernova, then Tabby's star wasn't dyson sphered but just dusty, and now they are doing it again with Proxima Centauri. Are there no other ways of obtaining funding than coming up with horseshit stories?

>> No.12497694
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, 0A1ouV7iD8o-00-00-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12497703

I say we send probes first and scout them. If they are less advanced, we invade them.

>> No.12497705

>Also imagine if those beings looked indistinguishable from humans. Humans living on a different planet living in similar societies. Pretty trippy.
If there actually was intelligent life literally at the closest star, at the same time that we exist, this would be the only option I would buy. It's some ancient civilization that fucked off from Earth and are now living over there

>> No.12497715
File: 66 KB, 626x417, 2147937487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it is grants time.

>> No.12497720

>>12497256 Just FYI nukes in possession of humanity would not be a weapon of humanity but of alien invaders. Wrong thinking anyways assuming it's not trolling or alike, which it likely is.

>> No.12497725

>It's some ancient civilization that fucked off from Earth and are now living over there
People of Atlantis built rockets.

>> No.12497731

What happened to that channel? It's literally 100% popsci bait bullshit right now. I'm glad my waifu Sabine is making fun of each and every video they post every now and then.

>> No.12497753
File: 620 KB, 1517x1874, tree of life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If there actually was intelligent life literally at the closest star, at the same time that we exist, this would be the only option I would buy.
It would be highly indicative of panspermia seeding planets across the galaxy with similar lifeforms.

>> No.12497771

It's almost like we were born only to exist in the most dull era in human history possible.
No crazy primitive human bullshit, but no crazy sci-fi shit that makes reality redundant either.

>> No.12497773

Dude I'm getting so fucked up tonight. Holy shit, aliens are fucking real, I feel like I'm fucking Fox Mulder right now

>> No.12497780

If theyre black, yellow, red or have big crook shcnozes we gotta nuke em all to ashes asap

>> No.12497785

I really doubt they look like whites, otherwise non human and we should not care at all

>> No.12497838

the nephilins are our fathers

>> No.12497847

Man. Fusion and warp drives is cool but I'd sure love XGLyR's fried Lovecraftian horrors rn.

>> No.12497863


>> No.12497873

would the nukes stop working before they land whats the halflife of a warhead?

>> No.12497876
File: 49 KB, 900x900, 1599305879786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the thinking man.

>> No.12497877

It's not nearly confirmed as aliens you fuckin faggot, wait until we have more information.

>> No.12497878

Relax dude, this could be one of many things, don't blow your top yet

>> No.12497891

>ball earth
into the trash it goes

>> No.12497947

so what was the signal? what did they send

>> No.12497954

The signal is not yet confirmed.

>> No.12498061

In that case we prove our worth as battle thralls to the space empire, a lean and hungry race ready to fight and kill.

>> No.12498319
File: 139 KB, 988x1059, 1532534262546324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the nephilins are our fathers

>> No.12498397

This is the same diplomatic strategy the Spartans had.

>> No.12498603

Journalist retards can't into space technology. They usually base it on the velocity of the space shuttle or Voyager probes.
We could probably build something right now to allow <100yr one-way trip to Proxima Cen.

>> No.12498605

>Tabby's star wasn't dyson sphered but just dusty
Bullshit, Tabby's star science is far from settled.

>> No.12498622

The Empire of Man shall conquer the universe.

>> No.12498668

Space stations are meant for long distance interstellar travel you retarded mongoloid.

>> No.12498670

>aliens intercept and repogram nukes
>turn them around and send them back at us
RIP in peace

>> No.12498672

Time to set the pipe down and get yourself into a drug abuse recovery program.

>> No.12498675

It's almost as if every bit of astronomical science is literally JUST GUESSING.

>> No.12498677

i hope nobody recklessly responds if it does turn out to be ayys

>> No.12498680

They're pinging neighboring civilizations.

>> No.12498681

Not everyone in the universe is a violent monkey you fucking cromagnon

>> No.12498691

>take car speed, or space station speed, in mph, do some complex wonky math related to scary divisions and stuff and... get a big number! scary!

>> No.12498697

We could probably pull something off using orion manned kamikaze impactor at around 0.1C. Meaning it can get there during the human life of the crew and devastate their planet permanently for the next several hundred million years.

>> No.12498712

>Yuri Milner
>Israeli science communicator and tech billionaire
it's bullshit and clickbait

>> No.12498720


>> No.12498724

>No crazy primitive human bullshit
Ever seen a rap music video?

>> No.12498732


You just need to build a bigger nuke, fren.

One the size of a skyscraper built in orbit should do it.

>> No.12498781

Good call.

>> No.12498785

There will be if we strike first.

>> No.12498862

Totally no way THAT could go wrong

>> No.12498881

>Not everyone in the universe is a violent monkey you fucking cromagnon
Get familiar with evolution and game theory. It is most profitable for aliens to get rid of us, especially if we're weaker.
If they're logically thinking we're fucked, but if they're some delusional civilization having peaceful religion/moral system, then it's our chance.
Space is not some disney movie shit, but a cold dead place.
To exist long enough, a civilization must think logically.

>> No.12498889

If they are far more advanced than we are it would be like you stepping on an Ant because you are scared it will kill you. It would probably far more interesting for them to observe us and see how we evolve.

Unless they are some kind of predator like civilization and enjoy fucking up other life forms for joy.

>> No.12498892

now we need to take a big rock, make it go FAST and point it at proxima centauri, in fact make it one rock for each planet there

>> No.12498898

>If they are far more advanced than we are it would be like you stepping on an Ant because you are scared it will kill you.
I'm not talking about this level of disproportion,
>It would probably far more interesting for them to observe us and see how we evolve.
If they're interested in that.
>Unless they are some kind of predator like civilization and enjoy fucking up other life forms for joy.
It's not about joy but about pure calculation - a life form which destroys all competition wins and achieves reproductive success.

>> No.12498913

>not really!
>except, maybe!
Fuck these cunts are as bad as click baiters. Basically the complete opposite.

>> No.12498931

>not everything inawoods wants to eat you
>t. has never been inawoods

>> No.12498947

If there's only one load of bread and I'm competing with ants for it, I sure as hell will kill them with fire before they eat it.
That's how the universe works. Not enough resources for everyone. And civilisations can easily go K2 within a few thousend years. Why take the risk?

>> No.12498964

This basically.
Thinking otherwise is just Homo sapiens monkey cope.
Some common misconceptions:
1. Misconception: A-aliens will keep u-us to have conversations with us!
Answer: No, not really. You don't talk to monkeys. After they gather all information they need, we're useless.
2. Misconception: A-aliens are not v-violent!
Answer: Evolution. Organisms on Earth almost always kill when they have a chance, altruism is mostly a family thing - related organisms protect each other because they have common parts of their genome.
Altruism outside of one species is only when the two organisms don't have the same niche and when there's a common enemy.
Sometimes altruism is an outcome of a error/mutation, but unwanted errors don't last long in the evolutionary scale.
3. Misconception: A-aliens are c-cool and fluffy! They're certainly emphatic and won't just kill us, right g-guys???
Answer: No, not really. They're most probably AI/machines, because that's what has the most promising chances of survival.

The only hope I see for us if the signal is real is:
- Aliens are less developed than us
- Aliens are on a similar civilization development stage
- Aliens don't see us as a threat because civilizations are extremely rare in the universe - there's enough space to share it
- There's a common enemy and the war isn't profitable - we work together to prepare for a bigger war

>> No.12498972

Here, let me translate media babble into factual reality.

"Retarded media fuckwits seeking clicks to justify their egos and salary conjure up story based on mundane regular astronomical occurrence and ignorant dumbfucks like OP lap this crap up like a dog."

There! All fixed now!

>> No.12498981

Just stop and think for a moment. What if the aliens are qt cat girls? We would be destroying the answer to all our Incel problems.

>> No.12499007

can you read, or are you just shitposting?

>> No.12499010


>> No.12499297

>Tabby's star
you all should read this short but brilliant crippy alien contact / invasion story. a true masterpiece.

>> No.12499302

We coddle and study endangered species endlessly. Theres a significant chance they might feel a need to preserve us or not interfere at least.

>> No.12499310

>Not enough resources for everyone
literally infinite resources are available with correct tech. Kys tranny

>> No.12499321

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12499380

But anon, the signal is real. It just hasn't been confirmed yet.
I agree with the /pol/ garbage though. They have the science understanding of a blind dog.

>> No.12499389

>Literally the closet star to us
That would be the sun

>> No.12499394

Yeah, and the closest country to Burgerland is Burgerland.
That was smart.

>> No.12499400

based kill or be killed. If we wanted to we could send a swarm of nukes and no matter the civilization they wouldn’t be able to avoid it. defiantly since these would need to be going interstellar thus ATLEAT 5% light speed. Even if they can destroy 90% of them if you send enough nothing will stop you. We could nuke away the atmosphere.

>> No.12499419

>That would be the sun
>Yeah, and the closest country to Burgerland is Burgerland.
>That was smart.
Hurr fucking durr
You had nothing to say to me.

>> No.12499423

>Literally not confirmed

>> No.12499450

Closest star to Sun.

>> No.12499515

>responding to copypasta

>> No.12499598

mad man theory doesn't really work if you got no bite, human

>> No.12499732
File: 148 KB, 800x789, 15325434254326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome.
>No wonder m00t created that containment board.
>Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already.
>At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12499948

Is it already save to assume they are already reusing their GSM bands for 5G?

>> No.12499986

THIS. It's ALWAYS fucking nothing yet ifuckinglovescience retards lap it up every time. Don't forget floating aliens on Venus.

>> No.12499995

Going around in a circle several times a day doesn't count as "travel"

>> No.12500005

Let me tell you something; I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill em all!

>> No.12500010

>Fuck humans.
Oh they will...

>> No.12501716

shut up, rico

>> No.12501720


>> No.12502890

unless it repeats (which no ‘alien’ signal ever has) then it probably isn’t ayys.

>> No.12502906

>Alien hunting astronomers
There's an alien which hunts astronomers?

>> No.12502924

>muh warp drives
Fuck off, scifi tranny.

>> No.12503056

>muh space gods.
Any useful information to impart? Because 'they wuz our ancestors' doesn't quite cut it for me.

>> No.12503093
File: 7 KB, 345x146, contact hiler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope shitposters don't convince the aliens to be antisemites!

>> No.12503148

>This post was created by American brain

>> No.12503229
File: 29 KB, 367x376, 209ee9c0508b9e1e7e231e82b82221d2-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not enough resources for everyone

>> No.12503708

Has everything post Hitler just been Cope?

>> No.12503852

Earth is a finite planet with finite resources, brainlet

>> No.12503855

> it would take over ___ years to get there
FOR WHAT you dumb fucking cunts

>> No.12503948

They ran out of actual astronomy so now they're just discussing schizo theories.

>> No.12504540
File: 81 KB, 410x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>982 MHz
>literally in the frequency range of 5G
>Aliens blasting us with 5G

Wait until /x/ gets their hands on this lol

>> No.12504580


>> No.12504743

Buenos Aires was an inside job

>> No.12504753

remembrance of earth's past


>> No.12504754

if they followed ur logic, they would have nuked us first

>> No.12504812

Hopefully Aliens are never discovered because the US would probably send money to them.

>> No.12504821

Gotta nuke something

>> No.12504858

I can't wait to be nakadashi'd by Big Alien Cocks.

>> No.12504882

Haha this made me laugh man

>> No.12505257
File: 57 KB, 985x216, trump btfos ayylmaos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, you just laughed to a Trump tweet.
You are now a racist chud

>> No.12505296

How I wish they come and wipe us the fuck out
Or at least give us alien waifus

>> No.12505542

Feels bad man, the early astronomy stuff was great.

>> No.12505867

private aircraft traffic, very likely, since in that particular area, that frequency CAN be used by private aircraft

If it can be, it did.

>> No.12505870

not with my tax dollars, you can't

better get some funding, frend

>> No.12505874
File: 125 KB, 675x1200, bazinga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, was I not supposed to send them every episode of Big Bang Theory?


>> No.12506058

television signals already did that.

>> No.12506062

and burn their trees...and take their minerals..

>> No.12506134

We can only gather resources within a few billion lightyears from us. That sounds like a lot, but won't last an eternity either.

>> No.12506144

Humanity will never leave the Solar system.

>> No.12506203

Nigga we live in some of the most interesting times in years

>> No.12506223
File: 1.57 MB, 2432x3178, 1590635909738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We can only gather resources within a few billion lightyears from us. That sounds like a lot, but won't last an eternity either.
we have to solve many problems before we think about colonizing the galaxy, first the solar system, how people will grow and adapt in space because you know radiation, gravity, g force, muscles and bones that will be affected, organs, even eyes, we have to build a ship with artificial gravity by centrifuge, also the fuel problem, we have to somehow solve the fusion and then create a ship with a fusion engine.
A lot of problems to fix before we really start the space exploration with humans.
not with that attitude

>> No.12506243

Humans weren't 'built' to live forever, complex evolution was just a fluke. Large chemical structures break down into smaller more inert structures. The universe cools, and energy disperses into more dynamic and separated configurations. Eventually, the universe will be a homogenous soup of radio waves. And that's trillions of eons after humanities inevitable destruction. Best not to think about it because all things have an end. Accelerating progress towards the end just ensures a quicker and easier extinction, so lets do it! Merry sciencemas

>> No.12506290

>t. Nelson Muntz

>> No.12507304

Ratpublikkkans would only welcome them if they were white

>> No.12508099

>hello anon I want to be your gf

>> No.12508110

it's designed to be in earth's orbital space not for interstellar travel you utter imbecile

>> No.12508117

Why bother with a nuke?
Just deorbit a 10km asteroid to assure a mass extinction. Way cheaper.

>> No.12508126

if a house I want to live in is infested with ants then I'm going to genocide them

>> No.12508141

Yeah but only after we destroy their natural environment and bring them to the verge of extinction.

>> No.12508149

wth is going on?
I'm certain I've seen this thread before. The 30 or so top replies look familiar too. Yet the thread is from a few hours ago.

>> No.12508172

>tfw no 400 IQ octopussy gf to cuddle with

>> No.12509172


>> No.12509222

Because it was a leak

>> No.12509229

You're agreeing with a bot

>> No.12509292
File: 548 KB, 750x1334, 532CD7C9-BE8C-4C7B-B7D3-99D9A74AA49B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooh look at you look at you :)

>> No.12509309

Nothing special ever happens. Probably some bullshit thing with the equipment

>> No.12509484

suffer not xeno to live

>> No.12509489


>> No.12509494
File: 286 KB, 1000x1338, bronto_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12509508

yea cool stuff, but there's about a 99.9999% chance it's just unaccounted for human interference.

>> No.12509720

>Ratpublikkkans would only welcome them if they were Jewish

>> No.12509803
File: 107 KB, 1024x770, FDF739B6-42DB-42D8-A1DE-5C0741B41B6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhhhhh imagine having a gullible anticipation for anything these days. If it’s not fake the aliens will turn out to be horrible, either space genociders or even more retarded than we are. Imagine going to a planet and the average inhabitant makes humans look tame in comparison. Give up. Go outside. Play vidya. Don’t get excited for anything that doesn’t require a lot of hard work to achieve because everything else is probably bullshit.

>> No.12509974

5G is 10s of GHz m8

>> No.12509981

AT&T = Alien Takeover & Totalitarianism
it was under our noses the entire time...

>> No.12510259


>> No.12510375

>Literally the closet star to us has aliens with advanced tech.

We'll see, I doubt it but evidence may well prove me wrong. SO far, proof is a fairly long way from what we have.

>We can safely say panspermia is real

Does not fallow at all. Could also mean that the completely unknown variables in the Fake Equation are a lot closer to 1.0 than most have thought. Or that we hit the jackpot and beat long odds -- that does happen from time to time, every few weeks or months somebody else wins the lottery, however unlikely it is that any one particular person will.

>> No.12510383
File: 79 KB, 710x710, 3d5f78bbe94016c49682ebac51673caa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puff up your fur and make your eyes big, they hate that.

>> No.12510390


>> No.12510406

>Are there no other ways of obtaining funding than coming up with horseshit stories?

I think you are missing how this happens.

1: Astronomer discovers star doing something unexpected.
2: Science reporter who knows little about science but went to journalism school hears about it, asks "What's up wth that?"
3: Scientist says, "Well, we don't know yet. Could be dust, could by Ayyyys, could be this, that or the other thing. We'll need to do more research to find out.
4: SCIENTISTS SAY NEW DISCOVERY COULD BE AYYYYS! headline, sells more papers.
5: Internet posters scream about Ayyyys being "proven at last!"
6: Further research, not mentioned by anybody since step 3 has been going on all this time, and since there is a lot more dust, thises, thats nd the other things than Ayyyys out there, guess what is discovered?
7: "Why scientists make false claims alla time, eh?"

>> No.12510414

>It would be highly indicative of panspermia seeding planets across the galaxy with similar lifeforms.
It would indicate the likelihood that something seeded both planets, or one of them seeded the other. It would say nothing about "across the galaxy," which is a pretty significant difference in scale.

>> No.12510431

"Found this autumn in archival data gathered last year, the signal appears to emanate from the direction of our neighboring star and cannot yet be dismissed as Earth-based interference..."
>appears to
>from the DIRECTION of
>cannot yet be dismissed as Earth-based

Looks very likely to be technological, but this planet is swarming with technology... put your money on "Oh, it was JUST US all along."

>> No.12512457

yeah, brilliant. defective webpage consisting of alternating black and white backgrounds plus a request to accept all cookies. real creepy.

>> No.12512468

did I mention there's no text on the webpage, just the backgrounds? oh, I haven't. in that case, there's no text on that webpage, just the backgrounds. and the demand to allow cookies.

>> No.12512537

Fucking chimps. Literally why Aliens do not visit us. Trade, is the basis of all economics. The research, tech, materials that could be gathered. You discover another species and your first reaction is to club it like a cave man. Fucking retard.

>> No.12512615

No, spastic, we've been emitting signals of life for 2 billion years, since the Great Oxidation Event, which would be delectable by astronomical spectroscopy, along with other biosignatures, and no one has attacked us yet. Calm down.

>> No.12512661

Don't leave us hanging. Did you accept? What happened then? Did you look for hints in the source code?

>> No.12512667

I closed the tab, turned 360 degrees and came back to the thread to shitpost about it.

>> No.12512734

Big answer is no.

>> No.12512838
File: 113 KB, 1263x556, CONQUEST OF BIG ROCKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You discover another species and your first reaction is to club it like a cave man.

>> No.12513071

Yes. Fuck them niggas dis universe be our crip

>> No.12513075
File: 33 KB, 559x604, 1607684763188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12513084
File: 27 KB, 854x359, images - 2020-12-28T000423.725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey there Sparks

>> No.12513743

So hard to wait for raw data...

>> No.12514520
File: 2.42 MB, 272x480, 1598003709876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would not believe how badly I want to read the paper, even though we all know is going to be a microwave oven radiation thing again.

>> No.12514917

I am pretty sure the source is somewhere along th hat red line. The lower end us overwhelmingly more likely.

>> No.12515495
File: 611 KB, 1052x1474, 1606147509927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine falling for yet another irl clickbait

>> No.12515619
File: 126 KB, 1263x556, WEAK TRIBE SHOULD FEAR STRONG TRIBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finished it

Grug conqueror stars

>> No.12515691

You figure Proxima Centauri was still pretty close to us ca. 20 galactic revolutions ago?

>> No.12515774

More that intersteller space is teaming with life that seeds the entire galaxy.

>> No.12515781

>It would say nothing about "across the galaxy,"
Copernican principle says panspermia is the only answer. If it's like that here, and it's like that at the next closest star, it's like that everywhere.

>> No.12515784

Too risky. Strike first and early is the only responsible course of action.

>> No.12515787

The failure of aliens to manifest is a violation of the Copernican Principle. The null hypothesis is always that it's aliens.

>> No.12515790

First you only tradde what you can't take. Two we have nothing to trade to an advanced civ. Three we present an existential risk; we didn't trade with sabertoothed cats, we wiped them out.

>> No.12516025
File: 110 KB, 1074x964, chink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave it to the chinese

>> No.12516062

In alien language, the symbol means "fuck off space niggers"

>> No.12516104


>> No.12516108

Stop saying confirmed when it is still subject to doubts. Are you gonna post that there is life on venus too?

>> No.12516129
File: 1.17 MB, 2511x3696, alien-girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you got me interested.

>> No.12516138

What do modern humans do when they find a new species of animal? Kill it or try to learn from it and preserve it? You're projecting your own violent tendencies onto beings more advanced than you.

>> No.12516158

We traded spears for teeth.

>> No.12516160

You guys are assuming the aliens will be just as primitive as us. Look as this situation logically, without your human ego clouding your judgement. If they have passed the great filter and achieved interstellar travel, they arent going to be murderous insane apes like we are. They will have every planet at their disposal. Our resources dont mean shit to a spacefaring civilization, and they would not see us retards as a threat. We cant touch them. They would be better off using us and controlling us than killing us.

They could take our resources without killing anyone, we can't stop them anyway, killing us is just extra work... how do you not understand this?

>> No.12516161


Crazy primitive human bullshit is underwhelming. You have the KhoiSan and isolated sentinelese tribe who both represent some of earliest derivative populations of man and they're just doing basic survival. In their own pocket of the world.

>> No.12516246

Killing us, could be less work.

How can you not understand that?

>> No.12516247

This doesn't need to be real to see that the drake equation is b.s.

>> No.12516271

>confirming that it is a transmission from some form of advanced extraterrestrial intelligence
How does it confirm it?

>> No.12516274

No, it's not. They literally just take what they want and fly away. Killing the inhabitants would be extra unnecessary work and an inefficient waste of energy for these hypothetical beings. Theres no point, literally.

>> No.12516312
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They only defend themselves and stay neutral to us.


>> No.12516386

>Fucking chimps.
Says who? Homo sapiens? Pan sapiens or Homo troglodytes would be a better name.
>Literally why Aliens do not visit us.
>Trade, is the basis of all economics. The research, tech, materials that could be gathered.
To give you an idea: when people arrived to America, how long was the trading period and who won in the end and why?
Get familiar with Game Theory, read Richard Dawkins' books, read about evolution and then judge who's an ape here.
>You discover another species and your first reaction is to club it like a cave man.
Uh, yes? Maybe not instantly, but that's a reasonable thing to do.

>Look as this situation logically, without your human ego clouding your judgement.
Yeah, instead they're likely an AI that was created by the organic life previously living on the planet.
Cold, dead AI making only logical decisions to secure its survival.
>If they have passed the great filter and achieved interstellar travel, they arent going to be murderous insane apes like we are.
Are they? Look, if something survives for a long time, it was proven by evolution. Violence is profitable, killing competitors is profitable.
This is like prisoner's dilemma. Betraying is always the most profitable option if you can finish your enemy in just one move.
By cooperating with aliens you get some profits, but risk being nuked by them in the future.
Cooperation only lasts as long as both sides are unsure how long is the game/war going to take.
If the aliens would know they can finish us quickly, they will do this. Seriously, read "The Selfish Gene".
>They will have every planet at their disposal. Our resources dont mean shit to a spacefaring civilization, and they would not see us retards as a threat.
I assumed a civilization on our level, considering they still use radio to communicate. But still if we're not a threat for them, we're not needed by them either.
They can kill us and secure their future preventing us from further development.

>> No.12516466

>we don't know which planet it came from
Then we nuke their star and all the planets get flung into space and die off

>> No.12516530

So the moment this guy went to initiate his missile launch, his weapons control just shut off?

How could they have known what was happening, to initiate that?

Pilot intent? Knowledge of our weapons systems? Precognition? An artificially intelligent computer deciding that we were over some percentage likely to arm a weapon at that moment?

>> No.12516533

Don't see how redirecting a kinetic impactor is hard work. Fuel? Energy cost?

>> No.12517009

>Send nukes if they're weak
well if this reasoning is applied I hope we're not the "weak" of someone else

>> No.12517013

were they hoomosexual

>> No.12517088

That's different bru, that's like a billion earths banding together to steal your shit, not one earth that's just trying to get along

>> No.12517105

>By cooperating with aliens you get some profits, but risk being nuked by them in the future.
Counterpoint: Nuking a planet is pointless if they have spacefaring capabilities, because you've effectively kicked a beehive who has every reason to retaliate, and it's impossible to shoot down every bee that is going to do so.
You would basically be starting an unwinnable war (by virtue you can NEVER be certain you've completely neutralized the threat) for no reason.

>> No.12517116

There's a wide galaxy out there. What they can find on earth they can find elsewhere

>> No.12517120

Can you cut it out with this bait and bitching about america every thread in every fucking board?

>> No.12517721

but ayys need welfare too

>> No.12517877

What if aliens give their tech to any civilization they encounter? That's what we want, then we could spread chaos through the galaxy.

>> No.12518129

I have casually crushed ants before for no reason.

>> No.12518282
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They won't find memes like this, just anywhere.

>> No.12518338

We wuz nephiltiti

>> No.12518339

And fuck their wives

>> No.12520157

the game

>> No.12520218

you're gonna be the first to be eaten by the aliens, mark my words.

>> No.12520468

yea remember that asteroid that zoomed into our solar system and made erratic turns. totally not a reconnaissance satellite

>> No.12520511

What the fuck is up with this thread? Why is it so cancerous?

>> No.12520522

because the raw data won't come out for a month, when the paper is published, and they announce this was a janitor's alarm clock

>> No.12520683

Lol nope.
A short sygnal only received by one radiotelescope that can be explained naturally isn't confirmed.
It's bullshit.

>> No.12521507

You know we can predict how a protein will fold now using A.I with 95% accuracy. This was using google deep mind. The reason it seems so boring is your not looking

>> No.12521515

That's hardly impressive or useful.

>> No.12521544

Turns out with the discovery that our closest star also has an advanced civ, ergo every star has an intelligent civilisation already there. So no, there are no fields of green pastures in the Milky Way, only permanent war, struggle, and death, in an eternal fight over finite resources. As the Italians say: galassia caine.

>> No.12521581

>aliens use metric and the same signal allocation blocks as the United States
It's a signal from earth being reflected off of a planet.

>> No.12521613
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>aliens arrive
>they're frieza force-esque
What do?

>> No.12521680

It's just one message repeated over and over on a loop, and it says "Resistance Is Futile."

>> No.12521911

Except proteins are such a major part in our biochemistry that a good understanding of them will be the next leap in medicine, like going from no antibiotics to some nice penicillin.

Plus engeniering would likely profit from proteins. Spider Silk is mostly proteins and that stuff is lit

>> No.12521966

More like ginyu force and they arrive blasting their theme song across the globe

>> No.12522839
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>> No.12523470

/x/ moment

>> No.12523473
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pic related

>> No.12523477
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>tfw there a bigger chance of an Ayy lmao burger franchise opening in my state than In-N-Out

>> No.12524541

Based Dark Forrest anon.

If they show signs of intelligence / life we should absolutely nuke them.

>> No.12524569

>Literally the closet star to us has aliens with advanced tech
I want it to be real just so fermiparadox fags will be finally BTFO

>> No.12524572

Anal probing fag detected

>> No.12524578

But it won't and the only one to be BTFO will be you (again).

>> No.12525606

And it was "one ping only, please".

>> No.12525647
File: 108 KB, 564x542, 1570901908658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in-n-out opens up on Xktyzqb in Proxima Centauri
>Not in anon's state
>Five guys opens up in Xktyzqb too
>It's cheaper than in anon's state

>> No.12525701

If they are an advanced civ I hope they just take horny dudes like me with them to bounce on their dicks all day

>> No.12525902

next level retard idea. if this is what humanity has to offer we deserve to be harvested by a type 1 civ

>> No.12525910

you do realize your suggestion we nuke them if they're weaker than us, means if they're anything like us they've made the same strategic calculation, and will meganuke us first? Buying into the dark forest argument is strategically sensical, but also self manifesting, and depressing as fuck.

>> No.12525914
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>> No.12525923

>Explained naturally
Are we talking the same signal? Because it lasted hours and looks artificial by all means

>> No.12525926

there is no prior for the likelihood of life in the universe because we are the only sample, and thus suffer from observer bias, thus assigning a probability that it is or isn't aliens is literally impossible unless you definitively prove it one way or the other. They're saying that because if it was, it would be the biggest event in the history of mankind, and cause our economic, military, legal, and religious structures to upend and reorient themselves overnight.

>> No.12525951

I know you think this makes sense, but that is just because of your inferior intellect. The discovery of a planet inhabited by a similarly retarded species offers plenty of opportunity to control the ignorant on this planet. Think of it like a gold rush. I know you don't understand but you are going to have to just trust me on this one dumdum.
Suppose we were advanced enough to send nukes across the galaxy, what do you target on that alien planet?

>> No.12526157
File: 9 KB, 147x343, 9F725A98-DB0F-4CB5-B8DE-57428414C837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are coming back

>> No.12526491

How many people on this board are ESL? Cause it feels like I'm having a stroke reading some of the shit here.

>> No.12526584

Just put them to the sword, really. That will totally show our superiority, by acting like savages.

>> No.12526762
File: 78 KB, 724x826, aje8k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those animals aren't a threat to our civilization. Any species that has the capability to get to space, has the capability to threaten your planet at some point. I actually imagine that if somebody actually was sending signals out, it would just be something like "yeah, we see you. Stay away". Just avoiding contact with anybody, until you're guaranteed to have the upper hand if things go sideways

>> No.12526774

It's my third language, but I'd like to think my grammar is fine after 20 years

>> No.12526856

It's probably fake like all the other Ayy talk.

>> No.12526868
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>> No.12526879

>bwaaah you monkey, not everyone is primitive!!!!
>the europeans obliterated native americans and africans

Yeah no, my nigger, we fire nukes and if it is to happen, we die in a blaze of glory.

>> No.12526880

You’re what’s wrong with humanity


>> No.12526888

Go kill yourself nigger.

Just because the advanced european civilization completly enslaved and genocided your people in the past doesn't mean the past won't repeat itself.

We must strike and strike with mighty force.

>> No.12526893
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Hey pacifist idiot. If they weren't inferior why are they so heckin dead and invalid?

>> No.12526897

Beware the false idol called SNEED

>> No.12526898

Not sure if anyone else has posted this yet but dont you think the fact that proxima centauri is going to last 10 trillion years is relevant here?

If im a civilization im going to the star thats going to last fucking forever if I can help it.

10 trillion fucking years... man

>> No.12526916

I'm pretty sure they are calling us crackers, niggers, beaners, chinks, redskins and sandniggers

>> No.12526918

It's settled then, we nuke the shit out of them

>> No.12526925
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You forgot the sun

>> No.12526962

>my waifu Sabine
who? link?

>> No.12526964

What's the difference?

>> No.12526977
File: 1.28 MB, 640x360, f637280fe43671f1a40c9bf1a94614c1b87843919ea48ed2e8311147a4c87ba2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is real

>> No.12526982

t. homosexual or woman

>> No.12526993

Imagine believing this

>> No.12527063

based degenerate

>> No.12527185

>they made a gay one too

Ayy lmao

>> No.12527250

This desu.

>> No.12527329
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>> No.12527330

finna smoke that sherm with my proxima centauri niggas they hood as fuck

>> No.12527640

I was sure it was the older thread.

>> No.12527692
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>> No.12527790

aliens are reddit shit

>> No.12527882

They aren't the ones hyping it up it's pop-sci that's doing it. I don't mind though because space mysteries are fascinating to me, even if the answers are mundane.

>> No.12527904
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>> No.12527941
File: 77 KB, 640x501, 10366319_656216927784669_4334662063136268056_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have a human alien hybrid child

>> No.12528029
File: 15 KB, 224x126, 8895DAD0-DAAC-453C-8048-1AADA495A484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((They’re))) not even trying to hide it anymore

>> No.12528034

based warhawk psycho anon

>> No.12528040


>> No.12528066

Starship Troopers (the novel) of all things sums this idea up nicely, the main character is reflecting on how the human colonists of a planet with little cosmic radiation (thick magnetosphere) would turn out in 100 years. He remarks that the planets native life cannot compete with earth based life (insects and plants). He then applies this to the war against the bugs.
>if humanity was like this planets life, passive and unable to adapt, where would it be?
>the bugs would have wiped us out and there would be no one to care or remember us
The universe is a prisoners dilemma, and those who play nice likely just get exterminated by everyone else, only those with unrivaled power have the luxury of mercy - such as what eventually happened in the new world, but only for the very last survivors.

>> No.12528098

Transmission of Love, Hope, & Empowerment from our Galactic relatives, the Pleiadians


>> No.12528106

spacex starship is big

>> No.12528112

But being serious, we should send a few orion drive spacecraft to 0.20c and then just impact their planet.

>> No.12528142

Why are there so many fucking schizophrenics on /sci/? Hope you all kill yourselves once they confirm it was a satellite.

>> No.12528180
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It was easy to figure out that the govt. has known about them for a very long time! Same with the cryptids.. They don't want us to know what's really out there It's naive to think this is impossible!

We have been working hand in hand with other extraterrestrial races since Nazi Germany..There are extraterrestrials that look just like humans that have been living with us in society for decades. This interview just confirms what I've always known.



>> No.12528187


everything you just said is a baseless assumption

>> No.12528432

you literal double nigger. What makes me mad is I know at least of the country is braindead enough and the other half is Jewish enough to let us lose the Great Space Rush just save a few measly shekels.

Now we'll all have to learn fucking mandarin, a language so grossly convoluted and dumb, it literally blew China's 400 year lead on not getting TEA'D by Perfidious Albion

>> No.12528441
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Based infographic.

>> No.12528462

>>Trade, is the basis of all economics. The research, tech, materials that could be gathered.
>To give you an idea: when people arrived to America, how long was the trading period and who won in the end and why?
>Get familiar with Game Theory, read Richard Dawkins' books, read about evolution and then judge who's an ape here.

The idea that the natives all died out due to conquest is a wholesale white lie. 99% of natives on both continents died out due to disease, most having never even come 100 miles of a single European. The subsequent 18th and 19th century mop up jobs were essentially the entire arsenal of an early modern nation-state versus the scattered remnants of what were essentially post-apoloyptic societies squatting on depopulated lands they had only occupied mere decades before getting obliterated by pale face's thunderstick. So considering any alien life would come from a completely divergent evolutionary track than life on earth I highly doubt they'd have disease to do the heavy lifting for them. In the twighlight period right before Eurasian diseases wiped them out polities like the Aztec and Incan Empires were able to field armies in the tens of thousands, and before they were crippled by disease gave any European looking for easy loot a run for their money, despite still technically only being stone age societies. What I'm saying is that if it does come down to a fight, it'll be a slog but we're quick learners and ruthless. We would definitely put up enough of a fight to not be worth it to any species that has access to the boundless resources of space.

>> No.12528467

Your "logical thinking" is basedboy conditioned thought pattern with salt as its roots. There are absolutely no reason whatsoever to think alien life should be a danger to us.

As long as human beings on this planet havent managed to take care of their own anger problem then the race for alien life is pointless cause we'll always have these aggressive degenerate using kiddy tier psychology to justify their repressed frustration and agressivity and the shitty behaviors coming off

>> No.12528473

Internet journalism is such a fucking mess holy shit.

>> No.12528505
File: 47 KB, 460x818, v49bosj4raf21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs could've flung countless extremophile species into to space, hurling them in all directions to destinations unknown to kickstart life anew on a close by, similarly situated rock. We know precious little about the cornucopium of microscopic life that surrounds us in the trillions, but even without really meaning too just cursory glance revealed creatures capable both braving the vacuum of space and can survive the long journey to another star by entering an indefinite state of suspended animation. And that's just the creature we know about. With how easy this one was to find, I've no doubt there are countless more just as sturdy, if not more so. Tens of trillions of creatures, ready on standby to hitch the next ride out of here and bring forth the miracle of life ever deeper into Empyrea Incognita.

>> No.12528558

she cute

>> No.12528591

Project Blue Beam confirmed

>> No.12528641

Oh look, another culture-wars thread about why the debunking of popular fads, fallacies, and delusions is a bad thing. Can't imagine where this is going or who does this.
8: Demagogues, Internet Institute trolls, mountebanks and frauds use failures or flaws in science journalism to assert that it is all equally fake news, to the benefit of themselves and their operations, and to the detriment everyone else, including the retards and schizos who buy their shit.
9: GOTO 1
Thus the cycle churns and burns all the harder.

>> No.12528808

>the closet star
there is no excuse for misspellings in OPs and image texts; not even for freundian slips, because you operate under no real time pressure in those cases.

>> No.12528915

>Ayys find first signs of extraterrestial life
>Scayyentists all over the planet are blowing bubbles in excitement
>"Okay then, Fblurgll, pull the somatic transcriber up. It's time to see what kind of creatures they are"
>Homo sapiens, a bipedal omnivorous pursuit predator. Build primarily to throw rocks. Entire militairy history revolves around figuring out how to throw more dangerous projectiles further and harder.
Intrinsic tendency to throw rocks results in a constant state of war on their planets surface. The only thing that can compare to their tendency to pelt other lifeforms with projectiles is their constant need to fuck. Their fucking is in fact not particularily tied to reproduction, but rather works as a social tool, and they can essentially become attracted to anything, real or not. Also they can rewire their brains on the fly to adapt to basically anything.
Aliens would be terrified of us. We are the universes prime rapists.

>> No.12529004

We've noticed that if you break their limbs, they just kinda... regenerate? Like they just put the broken limb in a container, and then after a while it just becomes whole again. How are we meant to kill something like that

>> No.12529081


>> No.12529134
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This is all assuming this is about domination.

You would be better to view the world more as a garden of differing plants instead.

You don't want some invasive weed cutting out the other plants do ya. Lest you piss off the bees...

>> No.12529137

>Not enough resources

This may be one of the dumbest comments I've seen on here. Your own world view has a higher warp than gravity.

>> No.12529175

>meet them
>get incurable mutant disease
>humanity wiped
fuck this

>> No.12529524

>what we cannot breed we must exterminate

>> No.12529560

id just find a different house

>> No.12529692

Aliens visit the Earth
> Americans
Can we bomb them?
> Chinese
Can we eat them?
> Europeans
Can we fuck them?

No wonder aliens avoid us like the plague.

>> No.12529783
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Realistically though, what is there even to gain from contacting other civilizations? If you're at the point where you can travel from star to star, you've already got things pretty good. At that point I picture everyone would just try to stay clear from other societies. Like unless you're 100 percent sure you could kill them first when things get out of hand, it just seems like a huge risk to come in contact with another interstellar society. You already have all the means to prolong your existence for as long as you need by mining resources from wherever the speed of light permits you to get in a reasonable time frame. You don't need their help, and if they're even a thousand years ahead of you, they have a massive upper hand as far as destroying your entire civilization goes. And a thousand years is nothing in the grand scale of things. Scientific curiosity only goes so far. Three things we can assume about any intelligent species:

1) Any specie that is in control of their entire planet needs to be totally ruthless when it's necessary
2) Their existence will be more important to them than ours
3) They will assume the same thing about us

Look at what bears do, if they wander into somebody else's territory, there's just a huge standoff where they're telling each other to get away. Only when nobody is backing off, do they start fighting because they both know they can do massive damage both to themselves and the other party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEG-w2YI7hQ

So that's my nihilistic take. If anyone's beaming radio signals toward us, they're just letting us know that

a) they know we're out here, and
b) we should stay away from them

>> No.12529791
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>no excuse for misspellings