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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12494644 No.12494644 [Reply] [Original]

Transexuals aren't mentally ill according to Modern Psychiatry™, meaning that even when somebody decides to rip his/her/their/its own organs apart in order to compensate for a minor specific brain circumstance it is perfectly acceptable and should be encouraged by civilized societies.

>> No.12494646

That's right. Now eat the bugs. Sleep in the pods. Use the pronouns.

>> No.12494857

modern psychiatry is not a science anymore... we better start ignoring what there "specialists" say.

>> No.12494876

I've only ever encountered one tranny irl, I live in a small town.

I was at my local grocery store and as I was walking down an isle there was what i at first perceived to be a female standing in the isle looking at something. I couldn't see its face only its side and back. It was small in stature, was dressed nice, and had real nice looking hair. As I approached it my mind took it as a female. I had to go around it, and I said "excuse me ma'am," as is the custom here in the south. It turned around, happy that it had been mistaken for a female, and said excuse me, which is the proper response here.

That's when I saw it's face. It wasn't hideous, but there was no denying it was a man. My body reacted before my mind could grasp the situation. It was like I'd seen a ghost. It took me by complete surprise. I kind of staggered backwards and had a look of horror upon my face. Then I just said uuuuu uummmm uuuuu. Then I quickly walked away not looking back.

What I remember most was the look it had on its face. When I called it ma'am it turned to look at me with a proud verified countenance. Then it saw my reaction to its face. The look of dissatisfaction on its face, was sad. It realized at that moment that it did in fact not pass. In my face it saw what a horrific thing it was. It saw my genuine reaction, my subconscious reaction, to what it was and it broke it. I did not mean to judge it, or make it feel bad. It was just my natural reaction.

>> No.12494879


>> No.12494881

fuck off, /pol/

>> No.12494894
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>> No.12494902
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>> No.12495182

>go back to /pol/ incel!
>go back to /pol/ incel!
>go back to /pol/ incel!
ooh stop it at once, retard

>> No.12495216

i've got one of those vertical bookshelves
maybe i'm a girl too

>> No.12495247

Dilate pol tranny

>> No.12496057

>muh I have no backup for my conspiracy theories, I still spout them because I actuallieve believe that shit

Fuck man pol has really gone downhill, from proud, shitposting natsocs to some angsty teenage boys that feel validated because their aunt clicked “like” on their last qanon crackjob post on facebook.
Go back to your containment board, or adapt to substantiating your claims and discussing like a fucking grown up.

>> No.12496080

People on this website are extremely hateful and bigoted. Thats why i stick to reddit. The internet humor and quirky upvote system is great and if i encounter a no no thought me and my buddies can downvote that person! You should join is on reddit

>> No.12496085

Man, 4chan is next level obsessed. /lgbt/ here and every other board I browse guaranteed there's at least one thread on the main page about trannies

>> No.12496100

now you know how it feels when you freaks invade all our shit. you're still in the negative.

>> No.12496111

Regardless of the question whether or not you believe that people should have the right to identify themselves as transsexual or undergo "sexual transition" by chirurgical means, you cannot deny that some powers are pushing strongly for the societal normalization of transsexuality which can be seen, for example, in the number of people who identify themselves as transsexual. Of course, what /pol/ doesn't get or doesn't want to tell is that people earn tons of money by convincing people, especially those vulnerable to suggestion or with a weak gender identity, that they are actually transsexual and should transition. By selling pills, hormon blockers, operations to transsexual people, you can easily earn 200,000 $ or more per person. We can already see that transsexuality is a billion dollar business. A business that is keen on selling this product to more people.

>> No.12496127

>that some powers are pushing strongly for the societal normalization of transsexuality
I don't disagree but why is this a bad thing?Conservatives got mad about the normalization of homosexuality 30 years ago and eventually got over it.
>the number of people who identify themselves as transsexual.
I'm sure there must be a name for this fallacy which is thinking that a rise in reported cases = a rise in cases. It's not rocket science that people who had to stay the fuck quiet 20 years ago are coming out now.
>people earn tons of money by convincing people, especially those vulnerable to suggestion or with a weak gender identity, that they are actually transsexual and should transition
This is completely untrue, not only is the market tiny (I could name all major trans surgeons on two hands) but if you ever actually tried to transition you'd find that it's the exact opposite. You get doctors, psychiatrists etc trying to talk you out of it at every step and they are generally unhelpful.

>> No.12496322

>eventually got over it
Plot twist, they didn't. More specifically, there is a biological component to both subconscious and conscious dislike of homosexuality and any other kind of deviant behavior or deviant psychology/physiology. This component is very difficult if not impossible to change as both recent and older studies show. It should be obvious that identity politics, for example, exploits this biological component. Black vs. White, Female vs. Male etc.
>that a rise in reported cases = a rise in cases
I said: raise in the number of people who identify themselves as transsexual. I did not say that the amount of hidden or openly transsexual people actually increased over the time and I didn't imply it anywhere.
>not only is the market tiny
It is tiny, yet yields an enormous profit per capital. I wouldn't really care if articles didn't pop up that celebrate the use of puberty blockers in (small) children.
>You get doctors, psychiatrists etc.
See point above. Of course, doctors, psychiatrists etc. will not condone a deviant behavior if they are not the ones profiting from it.

It's one thing to support the right to homosexuality and transsexuality on the ground that they are civil liberties. It's another thing to ignore that companies and think tanks have hijacked the LGBT movement for their own interests. Interests that will ultimately harm the LGBT community.

I tell this as one of the few people who regularly browse /pol/ and yet are still sympathetic to the LGBT community.

>> No.12496323

You mean when obsessed autists scour Twitter for rando trannies and post them here?

>> No.12496362

>biological component to both subconscious and conscious dislike of homosexuality and any other kind of deviant behavior
Lmao you mean the maggot study that was purseposely done in a highly religious population?

>> No.12496376

>there is a biological component to both subconscious and conscious dislike of homosexuality
This is bullshit because lesbian porn is widely popular among straight men. In fact no-one has ever cared about lesbians indicating that it's a social issue not "biological"

Maybe facial feminisation surgery is profitable but you'd make way more money just doing facelifts for cis women. There are like 10 of those surgeons in the whole world anyway. Most transwomen either go to Thailand for sexual reassignment or it's covered by public healthcare so there's no booming private market for it in the west

You're just posting knee-jerk reactionary shit as usual

>> No.12496393

It's one of those things for which, I believe, you don't even need psychological studies. Regardless, psychological studies have been done and they could be even reproduced. War and hatred has always emerged along those borders where two distinctive populations with different group identities collided against each other. The in-group preference is something that you find everywhere in nature, in plants, in insects, in mammals.

>> No.12496413

It's completely informed by cultural and religious prejudice. You can't justify being homophobic by conjuring up some bullshit biological explanation.

>> No.12496430

>War and hatred has always emerged along those borders where two distinctive populations with different group identities collided against each other
Completely unrelated to gays. Since they mostly face discrimination within the family and communities.

>> No.12496453

>It's completely informed by cultural and religious prejudice
And where do cultural and religious prejudice emerge from? Do you really believe that a tribesman or religious cleric at some point thought: "Hey, why not blame everything on the gay guys over there?", and everyone went happily along with it, because why not?
I don't actually have the time to explain to you why assortative mating is a thing, why people want to interact with those that are similar to them, why ethnocentrism and egoism favor genes and vice versa. It's all to be found in a lot of journals and books, both theoretical and practical, both conjunctured and with case studies.
>You can't justify being homophobic by conjuring up some bullshit biological explanation.
Where did I justify homophobia? I completely ignored that question until now. I only said how homophobia emerged in the first place and how it relates to the disgust response and the tendency of people to like people who behave, look and speak like them.

>> No.12496512

You're providing an extremely flimsy biological explanation that doesn't even apply to homosexuality let alone other races to justify it.

>> No.12496513

Look ma, I posted it again

>> No.12496516

Virtue signaling nerds on twitter mean nothing. Your ideas of gender mean just as much.