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12491342 No.12491342 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he hated by so many? I don't know much about him outside of about 4 hours worth of interviews I've watched.

My opinion on him is that he is a very well-spoken and educated psychologist. He backs up his statements with scientific research/studies/statistics.

Is he really an alt-right monster like many people claim?

tl/dr: redpill me on Jordan Peterson.

>> No.12491344

>Is he really an alt-right monster like many people claim?
no, leftists see everyone to the right of Social-Democracy as alt-right

>> No.12491347

also this is a borderline /pol/ thread

>> No.12491361

i don't go to /pol/. im asking about opinions on this clinical psychologist (a scientist).

i tend to avoid a lot of mainstream and social media so i didn't know much about this guy until my mom (a psychologist) recommended this podcast to me where they were painting this guy as some sort of alt-right maniac. i started watching some interviews and formed a very different opinion.

now i'm trying to understand why he has so many detractors, and since a lot of /sci/ posters seem to have very informed opinions i thought this would be a good place to get some more information.

>> No.12491366
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I think he is quite good in what he does, but people often forget that people like him are indeed just people and they are prone to mistakes and bad decisions. You don't have to agree with his message and things like his interpretation of religious stories, but you can learn a lot from him nonetheless.

>> No.12491373

>(a scientist)
you wish
asking our political opinions about a pseudo scientists isn't math or science.

>> No.12491374

faggy pop-philosophy intellectual
beef only diet, gets sick and addicted to benzos
spouts nonsense as if they're facts

i heard him in one video say if you flip a coin several times, you expect one person to have majority heads. obv a retard

>> No.12491384

Pretty shit b8.

>> No.12491410
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yikes. i thought maybe i was missing something, and someone would have an intelligent comment/opinion about why he is "bad". but all i see here are double digit IQ brainlets who can't appreciate or understand the wisdom that he preaches.

i'm genuinely concerned for the future of humanity. i can only think of a few possible solutions:

idea 1: somehow conduct some sort of universal intelligence test. and anyone who falls below a certain standard be sterilized.

idea 2: set up a new civilization on mars and forbid entrance to anyone below the same intelligence standard as above.

idea 3: a "great reset" that creates a global technocratic government or maybe an AI government (and maybe this government would implement idea 1).

>> No.12491415

>well spoken
Like, just listen to him, man, he sounds like he's ready to cry everytime, man
>>>/his/ we talk actual science here sir
He's good as a self help guru for idealistic young men, nothing more

Take your Benzos

>> No.12491416

He's a gatekeeper and grifter, there are areas he doesn't touch. his purpose is to shape what you read same with Alex Jones

>> No.12491421

Dude, you should know this already. Anyone who speaks the truth, states facts, and bases their reasoning on reality rather than fantasy is without doubt a full blown extreme right wing Nazi monster.

>> No.12491431

/sci/ are sadly brainlets/engineers, I would recommend asking /lit/ they deal much more with this sort of philosophy.

>> No.12491441

He's not an alt-right monster. He is an annoying overhyped pseudointellectual with a mediocre academic career, though.

He doesn't even say anything remotely controversial. He just sells you common folk wisdom as this daring thing no one dares say. Well, no, people know his life lessons on the street because the world isn't a college campus.

I read his rules for life books and its just such a longwided boring book that can be condensed into 5 pages that I really don't get why he is so popular.

>> No.12491457

what does this word mean?

sure, he may not be the next sigmund freud, but he obviously knows his shit. i haven't and won't read his book. i guess he's just really popular because the far left hates him, and anything the far left hates automatically is loved by the far right. i think i have all i need to know now. thanks for the responses /sci/entists

>> No.12491461 [DELETED] 

you're a borderline nigger, so what?

>> No.12491463

into the bin it goes.

>> No.12491466

He's a midwit grifter who came to fame by strining along disenfranchised white men. He's also a communist.

>> No.12491474

>He backs up his statements with scientific research/studies/statistics.
The former dept chair of psychology at Toronto who brought Peterson to UT doesn't believe this to be true.
Too bad the piece is paywalled.

>> No.12491487


>> No.12491495


>> No.12491503

What makes him a pseudointellectual is that his work is based more on strawmanning and appeal to authority than scientific merit.

Take for instance his obsession with IQ, which has a lot of issues with measuring intelligence, especially in children. Not accepting that your life is hopeless because your IQ is 99 doesn't mean you're rejecting reality.

>> No.12491510

He's alright but he got too popular wih normies so /sci/ hates him. Twitter checkmarks hate him for obvious reasons. I personally think he's ok but you should take what he says with a grain of salt.

>> No.12491515

Good luck getting every 130 iq person low inthe social hierarchy to be hppy with their mcdonalds job. You still need brainlets.

>> No.12491549


>> No.12491553

post an actually reliable source not a joke

>> No.12491554

>i heard him in one video say if you flip a coin several times, you expect one person to have majority heads
Link to vid or you just pulled that out your ass

>> No.12491558

Can you point out one thing that's wrong in the article? Ah but first you would have to show that you're a reliable source. Too bad.

>> No.12491579

this leads me to another question. why are universities so overwhelmingly liberal? this dumb fuck is trying to censor peterson now because he disagrees with his views. scary how the people who claimed to be oppressed are in fact the biggest oppressors

>> No.12491589

>why are universities so overwhelmingly liberal?
Cons only care about $ and Jesus

>> No.12491603

rationalwiki have burned too many bridges to be taken seriously and not just seen as a propaganda tool

>> No.12491610

He's the kind of person who would tell you to take your meds like himself. Look at how that worked out.

>> No.12491614

ya i dont agree with any kind of medical treatment for mental ailments. it always fucks shit up in the end.

>> No.12491625

So he was shilling meat only diet that cured his depression while chugging benzos?

>> No.12491632 [DELETED] 

He refuses to use pronouns for trans and snowflake genders. This makes him Hitler raised to the power Satan in liberal academics.

>> No.12491649

Why do you fags always write the exact same posts? Literally NPC tier

>> No.12491660

did he actually refuse to use the pronouns, or did he just speak against it being made law?

>> No.12491664

He doesn't refuse to use pronouns.

>> No.12491666

that's what i thought. yep, just regular cancel culture and idiot leftists. nothing to see here. moving along now.

>> No.12491757 [DELETED] 

>samefagging this hard

>> No.12491773

you're trying so hard, but still failing. it's kind of pathetic.

>> No.12491796

you will never be a woman

>> No.12492107

legitimate question, what bad things have rationalwiki done - what bridges have they burned? I'm not aware of anything

>> No.12492145

he is a pseud who uses word salad to make his extremely basic self help nonsense and his conservative ideology more appealing to people who like the idea of understanding what a smart man has to say
he is intentionally extremely vague about most things he says and when he does say something clearly it is absolute bullshit
"lobsters have hierarchies so we should too", "i cant debate a woman properly because its not generally accepted if i hit her"
he is also a sexist and transphobe and hasnt taken the time yet to critically think about "race realism"

its pretty clear that he is a grifter, coming into the spotlight for completely misrepresenting bill C-16, knowing what kind of reaction that would get from right wingers. i have to assume it was intentional, because he does seem to be able to read.

>> No.12492162

forgot to mention, he is also hilariously wrong about everything he has ever said about leftism. he also thinks cultural marxism is real and equates postmodernism with everything he dislikes.

>> No.12492166

He is not racist. That's why /pol/acks all over 4chan, in all boards, hates him.

>> No.12492168

he is not asking our political opinions, dumbarse

>> No.12492175

Based, but complete removal of stupid people is destructive as smart people don't want to do the shitty jobs they do. Just enslave the stupid people and we're good to go

>> No.12492176

Of the few clips that I've seen of him on Youtube, he knows what he's talking about.
>Is he really an alt-right monster like many people claim?
Why would you care about what others think of him. Especially in this day and age where everyone is a special snowflake and everyone else needs to walk on eggshells as to not hurt other's feefees

>> No.12492192

>if tumblr made a wiki

>> No.12492200

>he is also a sexist and transphobe and hasnt taken the time yet to critically think about "race realism"
Wtf you're supposed to make me hate him not love him more

>> No.12492214

>haha im gonna ironically be hateful on the internet, thats really gonna show it to them liberals

>> No.12492217

They hate him because he tells the truth.

>> No.12492258

So there is nothing wrong with the article. Thanks.

>> No.12492275

I agree with him on mental illness as stemming from an individual having to put up with real world complex problems.

>> No.12492308

>5000 people flip a coin 4 times each
>Every single one of them gets exactly 2 heads and 2 tails

>> No.12492334
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so you hate all social sciences

>> No.12492340


he makes SJWs seethe because they want to cancel him, but can't find anything that will stick

>> No.12492391

I dunno having brain damage from being out into an artificially induced coma because he was addicted to benzos and couldn't get clean sticks pretty hard

>> No.12492409

eternally stuck in 2015

>> No.12492438

He's a grifter with tenuous knowledge of what he talks about when it's outside psychology. Made money from lonely broken young men by offering extremely basic advice and passing it off as transcendental.

>> No.12492450

He may be decent strictly as a psychologist but on everything else he's out of his depth. Look into his ramblings about the double helix.

>> No.12492482

See >>12491558

>> No.12492496

I like his work, it gets people off their ass
But the fans, they are a bit less autistic then rick and morty fans
They need to chill out

>> No.12492519
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He constantly states "just facts" and poses questions that are constantly loaded towards supporting a conservative worldview. This is fine by itself (even though he states things as fact which are tenuous at best pretty often (Jung etc.)), but the problem comes when he refuses to own ANY obvious conclusion from the selective set of things he always brings up. He claims to just be stating facts/ making statements, but he is clearly trying to tell people to return to tradition 95% of the time. This strikes many as incredibly disingenuous, and I think that it's a really lame thing to do.

His self-help and psychological stuff is fine. He just talks outside of what he knows often and refuses to own up to the obvious implications of what he says constantly.

>> No.12492616

>Muh /pol/ boogeyman is so scary!!1!

>> No.12492734

Never forget


>> No.12492832

it's been eight hours but i just want you to know that you're based

>> No.12492945
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no need to keep them alive when we can easily just let robots do all the shitty jobs.

>> No.12493003

He’s hated by leftist SJWs for obvious reasons and because he cares about modern male issues. He’s hated by rightist SJWs (ie /pol/) because he once made a blog post detailing why anti-Semitic conspiracy shills are retarded. One thing with rightist SJWs is that because of their exceptionally low intelligence they assume every conservative is a neonazi initially. Then they feel betrayed when they turn out to be a rational human being.

So basically all extremist evil people hate him, which is one way you know for sure someone is a smart, kind stand up guy.

>> No.12493009

You’re gonna cancel someone for an addiction? It’s amazing how proud some people are of their ignorance. Smart people are always prone to addiction.

>> No.12493017

>He’s hated by rightist SJWs (ie /pol/)
You're mixing /pol/ up with alt-right bloggers who hate Peterson because he's competition for eyeballs.

>> No.12493033

no I’m not. pol has been chimping out against Peterson ever since he called out neonazis as retards who should stop supporting him

>> No.12493040

I really cannot take anyone serious who would get addicted to benzos on accident at his age and who would get off them cold turkey without tapering with his resources. He’s another self-help guru who is moronic and absolutely worthless.

>> No.12493099

Yea that was really strange, a doctor that had clients
Tought in Harvard, and almost stayed there
And didnt know about tapering

>> No.12493102

maybe he should have taken his own advice lol

>> No.12493120

it's a little weirder than that, he was actually in some pretty nice rehab facilities in the US a couple times, but apparently he bailed on the treatment, and instead went for the ultra sketch russian shit that may have given him brain damage. Doesn't help his daughter gave him covid right afterwards as well.

>> No.12493134

He's not a medical doctor, he's a clinical psychologist. Don't know about Canada, but pretty much everywhere psychologist can't prescribe drugs.
Still baffling if he didn't know you should taper benzos considering his field.

>> No.12493565


Slavoj Zizek is more guilty of this than peterson, but SJWs love him. Psychoanalysis isn't even science unlike psychology.

>> No.12493789

>He doesn't even say anything remotely controversial.

>> No.12493806

he's an internet youth pastor or something like that

>> No.12493807


>> No.12493816

I think he has a kind heart, but he is a pseudo-intellectual and for some reason convinced himself he is a philosopher and more intelligent than what he actually is.

>> No.12493888

I tapered off benzos and it was not expensive and it worked and I am not rich and I don’t have the resources he has. It doesn’t matter if you go to a Malibu treatment center. There is nothing that can replace the absolute agony of benzo withdrawals. I went to a detox center and it was unsuccessful because no matter who you are, no one can climb in your brain and go through withdrawals for you. That’s why I think he’s dumb. He made a decision to go cold turkey off a benzo. And he just spews a bunch of stupid bullshit all of the time.

>> No.12493913

>Why is he hated by so many?
He is hated by leftists because he tells people to take personal responsibility and to better themselves
That’s it
I’m serious
Most modern leftists are completely mental

>> No.12493920

>SJWs love him
Leftists love him. Some leftists.
SJWs dont know he exists

>> No.12493924

He is loved by dumb centrists who need a pop-intellectual telling them to not be a piece of shit (while he ironically wigs out on drugs).

>> No.12493952

>while he ironically wigs out on drugs).
He was on prescribed benzos after he got depression from loss. Benzos is more physically addictive than cocaine
The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.12494358

honestly this is probably the best description of JP i've ever seen.

>> No.12494404

Jordan is 99% likely to end up in with the other niggers in the nigger hole.

>> No.12494423

Lol literally no one would have made this comment if it weren't for his benzo addiction, until that became public everyone thought he was a god that shat on libs

>> No.12494426

I don't need to listen to a guy about mental health who gets himself hooked on benzos and fad diets. He needs to take a good look in the mirror.

>> No.12494447

>I can't debate a woman properly because it's not generally accepted if I hit her
This is a dishonestly simplistic interpretation of what is a well documented perceived power dynamic between men and women
You're only outing yourself as a pseud

>> No.12494475
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how dare he suggest meritocracy be the norm!

>> No.12494494

The suggestion that we live in a meritocracy is offensive to people with bad luck. That’s why people respond negatively to it.

>> No.12494502

That sounds like a bullshit quote.

>> No.12494514

He's quick to dismantle other people's arguments but offers no solutions of his own to replace them.

>> No.12494521

No need to offer a solution, pointing out that something is wrong stands on its own

>> No.12494524

Yeah just like it's rational to disregard everything Freud wrote because he did coke. Maybe if the only thing Peterson said was "Don't do any drug, ever" then that would be justified

>> No.12494529

Without "published academic philosophy" as a requirement for being a philosopher, the only rational alternative seems to be a broad definition

>> No.12494652

his biggest issue comes when ventures outside his lane. he makes grand statements condemning left-leaning ideals as "postmodern neo-marxism" despite the fact that postmodernists were generally critical of the grand narratives posited by marxists. he labels anyone who explores themes of power and class as marxist, and combines that with a further misunderstanding of the nuance behind postmodern thinking. He — as many laypeople do — confuse postmodernism as advocating for a thorough and absolute relativist belief that suggests all perspectives as "true" in defiance of "absolute truths" like gender. He then uses this as a strawman to argue that these "postmodernists" have latched onto "neo-marxism" in that they've oriented their beliefs against existing and traditional power structures (gender norms, free speech) in order to tear them down and move them toward "their" perspective.

The reality is this greatly over simplifies the nuance in postmodern thinking, that is one that is less relativistic but more epistemological — that is, there may be an absolute truth out the but our _narratives_ we construct through our experiences will never full encapsulate this grand Truth. To call neo-marxists "postmodern" seems to ignore the fact that marxists are falling into modernists narratives about power structure and class. He also seems to ignore the fact that postmodernism is alive and well on the right, as Trumpianism illustrates. It was a Bush (43) aid that's famously quoted, "we're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

>> No.12494654

imagine blaming your failures all on "bad luck". sorry sir, but that will have to be a yikes from me.

>> No.12494656

hes a charlatan and if you cant see that then youre his target demographic

>> No.12494658

he is very popular and very publicly fights against the dogmatic leftwing ideologies, and his stuff is well thought out which makes him hard to counter. it really is that simple.

>> No.12494662

all these mfers focus on peterson's shit politics but dont understand how his videos were easily accessible and he acted as the father figure to boys who were grown up in the digital age and distanced from their own biological fathers. The sad thing about JP is that the symptoms he notes about the modern condition are a result of neoliberalism, which is something is is exactly synonymous with; a neoliberal, vaguely conservative.

>> No.12495135
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psychology isn't a science therefore Peterson isn't even close what you would call a scientist
if your stretching it then at best it's a protoscience according to Kuhn

>> No.12495147
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imagine taking this test and paying 10 bucks lol

>> No.12495169

naw he admitted it was a long ongoing thing
he popped them like kids do sweets to fight depression

depression is a normal function of the human consciousness, suppressing it does nothing for you
it's only done this way because capitalism is the cause of all these problems but needs to maintain a working populace
tending to an actual depression takes years to heal and the entire capitalist system would collapse if people claimed their rights

>> No.12495606

it just sounds like a neo fascists wet dream that they cannquote aristotle
>dude we dont murder trannies in the street society is failing!

>> No.12495638

>poster count
>reply count
It's just one teenaged sperg trying to keep his thread alive with libtard owning bait isn't it

>> No.12495692

All failures or successes are down to luck entirely. Not realizing that indicates low intelligence.

>> No.12495725

>Yeah just like it's rational to disregard everything Freud wrote because he did coke.
It is when Peterson uses the following argument to try and cull any dissidence
>you shouldn’t listen to these people telling you what to do because they haven’t put their lives in order yet, and thus have no business telling people how to live
This is the crux of his argument - that you can’t and shouldn’t tell people how to live if you don’t have everything down, and this is his argument against activism.

This argument is also the one that tells you that you shouldn’t listen to him. He clearly has a life that’s not in order. Listening to him on anything regarding how to live your life is a direct violation of his premise that only those with *every affair in order* deserve to be listened to, regardless of whether they exist or not

>> No.12495735

Dumb person's idea of a smart person https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/03/the-intellectual-we-deserve

>> No.12495737

This argument is meaningless unless you specify what “in order” means. I would argue a disordered life is about much more than a dependency on medication.

>> No.12495759

why is it that every peterson fan is completely insufferable?

i don't even disagree with peterson's political views, i just recognise that he's not saying anything interesting or novel. he just panders to morons.

>> No.12495764

>This argument is meaningless unless you specify what “in order” means. I would argue a disordered life is about much more than a dependency on medication.
Peterson himself defines in order as having absolutely no outstanding problems holding you from being some idealized provider, etc etc., which you can find in both his book 12 rules for life and from various interviews (if you give me an hour, I can fetch the sound bytes for you). Your idea of valuing Peterson’s word knowing there’s something not right in his personal life goes against that teaching.
Yes, it’s binary because Peterson’s own words on this matter are very binary. The dude spends a lot of time spinning purple prose to eventually justify intellectual laziness, to say “oh, disregard them not because their argument is bad but...uh, well they don’t have everything down, so they can’t be right.” This, coupled with his target audience being lonely and somewhat disenfranchised young men has given him a following where they all feel like they see the light because their irreverent academic uncle is telling them “how it is, man” without realizing just how much social and monetary gain they’re siphoning a professor who barely knows what he’s talking about on the side of biology or otherwise.

>> No.12495771

Yep, that's how it starts.
>be 20 year disillusioned
>find Peterson video on YouTube
>make him your surrogate dad
>regurgitate his pop-psych babble wherever you are
>call anyone who proves you wrong a leftist snowflake tranny

>> No.12495928

This. His purpose is to herd impressionable young white men into individualists while their countries slowly become engulfed by the third world. The “so youre saying” interview with that british cunt journalist was pretty entertaining nonetheless

>> No.12495948

He doesn't know his shit. Nothing he says about post-modernism or socialism should be taken seriously since he hasn't read any of the source material. He spouts incessantly about "post-modern neo-Marxists", a misnomer if not an outright fabrication.

You can't say he's a reasonably good exegete of Jung, Doestoevsky, and Nietzsche unless you yourself are a capable exegete of them. Personally, I think his grasp of Nietzsche is at the level of a stupid graduate student/okay undergraduate student.

>> No.12496021

Freud was a quack. Besides that, Peterson acts like an expert on mental health, and everything points to him being a miserable person who resorts to drugs and extreme diets to fix himself. Why should I believe anything he says? Would you ask a fat fuck who can't stick to a diet for diet advice?

>> No.12496031

jordan peterson is my e-dad

>> No.12496036

>Smart people are always prone to addiction.
Yeah only geniuses order drugs from the dark web and take them till they almost die

>> No.12496037

Recent converts to pretty much anything are insufferable about their new found enlightenment. They tend to chill out over time as they become more secure in their understanding of the subject matter. Peterson hasn't been on the scene long enough for his fans to have hit the chill out phase yet.

>> No.12496521

>Psychoanalysis isn't even science unlike psychology.
psychology isn't science, retard

>> No.12497592

I only watched him on the GQ interview that got popular on youtube. He was such a prick to the girl that was interviewing him. Needlessly combative and patronizing.

>> No.12497769

>Would you ask a fat fuck who can't stick to a diet for diet advice?
no but unless he was fat once and got his life in order again why would you ask anyone else?
this is why the entire field of psychology is a joke

people who never had to deal with depression reading in books about depression and looking at people like they are machines that need fixing
notice how quickly Peterson turned against medication just from his experience alone

>> No.12497777
File: 25 KB, 400x400, CE87F51A-3B22-496B-B10E-E9CEE54B5C22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pop intellectual

Jesus Christ, /pol/ I mean /sci/. What level of competency and merit does a public science figure have to be on to be considered worthy of this board’s praise? He is very knowledgeable on a lot of topics, has great lectures linking a variety of philosophical and abstract concepts to modern scenarios (and no, le clean your room isn’t him “stealing old wisdom”, it’s good advice for a young guy who never would have heard of Confucius’ version of it). I’m not going to delve much into his segues into political theory or debates, because I’m not that read up on it. But

As for why libs hate him, it’s mostly because he’s nigh impossible to bully or shame in an argument and he’s got several decades worth of experience in tackling complex topics in front of a camera or audience, so you can’t cow him or tongue tie him either, meaning he can and has btfo the average leftie talking head. But again, as for more advanced stuff e.g. his debate with Zizek, I don’t know how well he does there. And yeah, if you think he talks gibberish or what he says is confusing then the pseud is you kek

>> No.12497783

kys, most scientists are idiots outside their niche and anyone who doesn't think so is either even more of a retard or at the peak of dunning kruger.

>> No.12497813

>no but unless he was fat once and got his life in order again why would you ask anyone else?
True, and maybe if Peterson actually proves that he's turned his life around, I'll be interested in what he has to say. He was giving out a lot of advice about mental health before his life went to shit, so I'd be very leery of acting on that advice. He was talking about the reason for all mental illness back in 2017 and how to fix it, then we find out he's severely depressed in 2018, in drug rehab in 2020...that's not a great track record.

>> No.12497842
File: 737 KB, 627x3741, JPisaFraud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan Peterson is fraud who sucks the dick of his Jewish handlers and is a lying sack of shit

Jordan Peterson Dismantled

The Dismantlement of Jordan Peterson - TPS #300

The Myth Of Jordan Peterson's intergirty

>> No.12497964

>listing an IQ score as though it is some kind of credential and has real meaning and weight

>> No.12498021

>listing an IQ score as though it is some kind of credential and has real meaning and weight
Jordan Peterson seems to think it does when it comes to Ashkenazi Jews.

>> No.12498034

>being so retarded you don't see the inherent contradiction in your own post while also calling someone else retarded
the perfect microcosm, /sci/ in a nutshell. you are stupid please stop posting on this board lowering the mean IQ of the dialogue

>> No.12498271

Ultra moronic take. Sometimes I wonder how your brain is not able to understand such basic concepts. Maybe because you've lived your life so protected by your parents that you simply never experienced much. I imagined the biggest adversity you had in life was a videogame in the 'very hard' difficulty.
>Heh, he abused drugs at some point in time, life wasn't in order eh! Better to discard everything he wrote and said because of it.
Life is constantly changing. Your life can be completely "in order" today and tomorrow catastrophe might throw it completely off rails.
You probably should not listen to people trying to give you advice when their own lives are in complete shambles. This is absolute common sense, which is by the way 90% of what Peterson says. He's only so popular because in this day and age common sense is a rarity, and also because there's a high number of boys who never had any contact with a father figure, who usually has the role to teach these common sense things. Even if the majority of what he says are the absolute common sense, it still has a great positive effect in men, so it's something that I personally welcome.
An arguably successful man like him, with multiple books written (even before he was even remotely popular), probably had his life in order most of the time. But catastrophe comes to everyone, as it will come to you at some point, and if you understand this then you will try to lift yourself up from whatever hole as fast as you can and get your life in order again. No one can avoid this, not Peterson, not me, not you.
Don't you people have parents and grandparents in North America? What the fuck do they teach you?

>> No.12498295
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I love how you pseuds who have never read any real philosophy think Peterson came up with stuff like this
>You probably should not listen to people trying to give you advice when their own lives are in complete shambles

"In order to straighten others, we first do something infinitely more difficult. Straighten ourselves" - Buddha

Peterson, like every other "new age" guru is a hack that just repackage the dhammapada or gita to sell to midwits not smart enough to read the masters.

>> No.12498310

average IQ of entire populations is a valid use of IQ tests and scores. IQ of an individual is meaningless.

>> No.12498320

>average IQ of entire populations is a valid use of IQ tests and scores.
Even when the numbers are fabricated?

>> No.12498321

you will never be a woman

>> No.12498350

That's your ethical opinion.

>> No.12499173

I repeated many times in my comment that the majority of what Peterson spews is pure common sense, which means that of course it has been thought and shared by a fucking ton of different people before. Holy fuck are you an actual retard larping on /sci/?

>> No.12499183

Listen here you faggot kike, I have 2 fucking PHDs and I refuse to be talked down to by a borderline muppet

>> No.12499237

only a sith deals in absolutes

>> No.12499255

he doesn't reflect the times for many modern woke-types

i think he's an alright guy for many young men who are struggling to understand their identity in the modern era

a bit convoluted, like many of his contemporaries, and makes some assertions about things that are more projection than anything

but i think some of his steps/rules are okay for some young men

>> No.12501386

Sounds reasonable.

>> No.12501406

Alt-right is a bogeyman created by the left in order to demonize the middle class.

>> No.12501522

>He is very knowledgeable on a lot of topics
HAHAHAHHA if only you knew
every time he talks about something outside of clinical psychology he gets so much wrong
even within clinical psychology, he is a Jungian, which isn't considered scientific by the majority of clinical psychologists
you've clearly never listened to a lot of his work, otherwise you'd have come across his views on DNA and psychedelics (and he also links this to his Jungian bs), which are just bullshit and I doubt even you'll be able to defend them
>great lectures linking a variety of philosophical and abstract concepts to modern scenarios (and no, le clean your room isn’t him “stealing old wisdom”, it’s good advice for a young guy who never would have heard of Confucius’ version of it). I’m not going to delve much into his segues into political theory or debates, because I’m not that read up on it.
if you don't mind it being interwoven with his conservative politics
>if you think he talks gibberish or what he says is confusing then the pseud is you kek
it's not that he talks gibberish, it's that he often talks bullshit

>> No.12502936

You will never be a real woman.