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12489932 No.12489932 [Reply] [Original]

What are the long-term side effects of habitual marijuana use?
How much damage does it do to the brain and lungs? My IQ is already pretty low so I can't afford to lose many points.
I find that weed does have some short-term benefits, at least for me, but I'm questioning whether it's worth the long-term consequences.

>> No.12489972

decreased short term memory, lower IQ if you use habitually as a minor, possibly if you use it excessively as an adult.
not nearly as bad as cigarettes

>> No.12490362
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I was working as a crew leader at a painting company. We hired a guy who had just come off of a 20 year long daily pot smoking habit. His brain was essentially fried. If I told him to do say task A, then B, then C. He would get A done in a haphazard manner, not remember or be really confused about B, and have no recollection at all of C. We had to let him go. It's sad because he was a really nice guy and had a kid but when you're running a business, you can't afford to fuck around.
A girl I used to work with said she smoked pot a lot when she was younger and admitted that it had definitely permanently dulled her mental acuity.
I could tell much worse stories about people I've known who were into hard drugs, but that's off topic.
I would strongly advise you to avoid drugs entirely, in the interest of having a functional brain and being successful in life.

>> No.12490693

i don't think thats fair, that's a very good chance he took much harder drugs which are already recognized as brain destroying

from what ive seen and read cannabis destroys the intellect but at a noticeably slower pace than alcohol.

As always, abuse will lead to bad results, but even casual use of alcohol, when its not retardedly often (say drinking 1-2 beers per day as a limit, as opposed to drinking 1-2 bottles of wine per day) is not noticeable, as a matter of fact many people that are in the top tier limit of human intellectual capacity were known to be casual drinkers. ITs less dangerous with pot

>It's sad because he was a really nice guy and had a kid but when you're running a business, you can't afford to fuck around.
i totally get this, but to be fair, i had to let go people who were useless because of clearly non drug related issues. The amount of guys who reach age 30 without ever growing independent of their mom is terrifying

>> No.12490801
File: 95 KB, 575x620, 26CE696A-A050-4E24-A96E-1D952F74D6D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coome r detected

>> No.12490903

>not nearly as bad as cigarettes
why is that? is tobacco smoke really that much more harmful than just smoke in general?

>> No.12491271
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Seethe cope dilate project etc.

>> No.12491296

MD here, it's perfectly safe, just don't smoke everyday, weekend smoking is fine, and stop entirely if or when you start to get anxious highs instead of gambling with it to avoid creating any severe mental illness out of it

>> No.12491305

Chronic pot smokers function significantly worse when they've just got off their drugs. Guy might've seemed ordinary on pot.

Think of it as some guy trying to function after going cold turkey from his 20 cups a day of coffee habit. Not going to be 100 at his game for a few days or weeks.

>> No.12491314

ive been smoking daily and stopping for a month to pause - only when i feel the onset of paranoia and small sciso moments
I can really tell when i had enough and i have to stop to let my brain recover

Other than that, ive started smoking since 25 im 32 now ive been smoking so much some times, other times not so but lets say ive been smoking a lot all these years on average - some of my ADHD symtptoms worsened, and im a bit of a low energy - but im perfectly aware of everything and know how to deal with it
Because i do creative work and need super focus, weed helps me immensely and ive been super careful to make sure the benefits do outweigh the eventual cost to my health - im gonna die anyway, and i really know i want need to be a pro chess player in my 50ies and 60ies