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File: 115 KB, 556x312, fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1248187 No.1248187 [Reply] [Original]

Dyson invents bladeless fan.


>> No.1248199


>> No.1248264

>Oct 13 2009

>> No.1248279

What if he invents some sort of cool sphere....

>> No.1248297

This pissed me off the first time I saw it and its pissing me off now.

"For those who cant stand the buffeting of air waves across yer face and hurrrff derrr DERRRRRRR"


>> No.1248306

Bullshit that guy is a proven con artist.

>> No.1248310
File: 54 KB, 330x288, Trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My skin is very sensitive.

>> No.1248350

holy fuck I lol'd harder than I should have..

>> No.1248408

err you know they have been selling those for some time yes?

>> No.1248512

Its just got fans in the base. Stupid trendy consumer garbage tech.

>> No.1248866

Mac customers will buy this.

>> No.1248875

+1 rep for you.

>> No.1248916

You've got your head in the right place this time, Frank! Now don't fuck it up!

>> No.1248949

Fucking fans, how do they work?

>> No.1248957

I don't know anymore apparently.

>> No.1248962

I saw this shit in Best Buy 8 months ago.

>> No.1248976

Julian Sands should play in the movie.

>> No.1248989

Not quite, it needs a glossy housing, under lighting, and half the useful physical configurations locked out.

>> No.1248998
File: 66 KB, 556x312, dyson_orb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dyson here and my latest invention is a sphere that will encompass entire stars and turn their radiant energy into electrical power. I am still working on a name.

>> No.1249006

Jesus Christ...this guy is my hero.


>> No.1249010

>He spent one year (1965–1966) at the Byam Shaw School of Art (now part of Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design), and then studied furniture and interior design at the Royal College of Art (1966–1970) before moving into engineering.

>> No.1249012
File: 17 KB, 550x408, yes thats wonderful now make me some tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1249014

>He spent one year (1965–1966) at the Byam Shaw School of Art (now part of Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design), and then studied furniture and interior design at the Royal College of Art (1966–1970) before ventured in homoerotic photography.

>> No.1249015

Bigball has that nice ring to it.

>> No.1249020

That's not new, that's called ionized air
The downside is that they're not nearly as efficient as fans with blades
I heard they were planning on using them for cooling cpu's though. That'd be a good idea.

>> No.1249032

Dyson Sphere

I don't get it.

>> No.1249037

>He spent one year (1965–1966) at the Byam Shaw School of Art (now part of Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design), and then studied furniture and interior design at the Royal College of Art (1966–1970) before moving into business, where he proceeded to accumulate mad stacks of cash.

>> No.1249039

If it was the negative pressure that was creating the air in the first place how did he turn the fan up? Also why did he quickly turn it off? How do you believe in aerodynamics when it's just a theory? (fuck me)

>> No.1249042

>He spent one year (1965–1966) at the Byam Shaw School of Art (now part of Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design), and then studied furniture and interior design at the Royal College of Art (1966–1970) before moving into evolutionary theory, which is just a geuss.

>> No.1249044

Wrong, watch the video idiot.

>> No.1249051

Who uses fans?

>> No.1249060

Poor people.

>> No.1249062

that dude sucks hard

>> No.1249066



>> No.1249075

well this is pretty apple-esque technology
i guess this fan...

>> No.1249078

This fan reminds me of transistors for some reason...

>> No.1249091

if i was rich i'd buy one just to experience what a breeze totally lacking chop would feel like.

>> No.1249148

its not bladeless
its a circular blade

>> No.1249185

Fuck. Da Vinci and Edison invented all kinds of cool, useful things, and that generation only gets that chump? Baby boomers are the worst generation.

>> No.1249216



If by invent, you mean have dozens of men working in a lab inventing things for him, and tricking Nicola Tesla into working for him for nothing, then sure.

>> No.1249221

>Butthurt Telsa fag.
>implying Dyson doesn't do the same and still only makes shit like this fan

>> No.1249360


I thought Edison was a lone workaholic who slept 20 minutes at a time? Now I'm hearing that he was a shrewd capitalist leveraging work off others...

>> No.1249544

That's just tesla propaganda.

>> No.1249551


He did sleep 20 minutes at a time, so he could more efficiently profit of the work of others.

>> No.1249554

edison invented the incandescent light bulb, how could he not be evil.

and fuckin tesla. why are the geniuses such fuckin gullible saps?

>> No.1249555

He should invent a giant sphere next.

>> No.1249558
File: 79 KB, 411x600, dr venture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Think of Edison as a 19th century Dr Venture and you'll be pretty much on the mark.

>> No.1249562


Tesla was once given an award by some New York society for something, and for his acceptance speech, he spent three hours talking about the village where he was a kid and his life story in general.

He was not a normal man.

>> No.1249585

how dare you use my name in vain

>> No.1249588

>why are the geniuses such fuckin gullible saps?

becasue they are reasonable, rational, intelligent, sometimes friendly, non-confromtaional,forward thinking model humans.

Most other people are stupid, ignorant, angry, egoistc apes that would rather bash smash and take what makes them feel good without giving a fuck about what is going on next week.

>> No.1249613

They also tend to assume others are as honest with them as they are, like a figurative shell game they eagerly keep picking thinking they can learn the system not realizing they aren't allowed to win from the beginning.

>> No.1249700

about the blade less fan idea, if there was a strong enough electromagnet being alternating on and off fast enough, a vacuum could be created that might be able to be used as a fan however the strength of the electromagnet would be unfeasible.

>> No.1249710

This guy is right, the fan is in the base.

Don't listen to this guy it has nothing to do with ions.

>> No.1249737 [DELETED] 

Yes, there's a fan is in the base. Your point ?

>> No.1249740

Yes, there's a fan in the base. Your point ?

>> No.1250117

Joseph Swan would like a word with you.

>> No.1250146

yeah, uh dude...
this went in stores like forever ago.

>> No.1250154

they sell these things here in Japan. i saw a new model out last month or so.
my friend wondered how it worked, and since i am not an idiot i said, "You should go ahead and touch it."
Shocking, to say the least.

>> No.1250160

Yes that looks fantastic, it does exactly what a normal fan does just slightly more efficiently. Let me just give you £200 and I'll take one now. Oh... wait...

>> No.1250186
File: 92 KB, 400x631, full_957604james_dyson_cut_out_news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2011: Dyson inventes perpetual motion machine.

>> No.1250190

would you say that Dyson is to air what Tesla was to electricity?

>> No.1250191



stopped reading tight there

>> No.1250203 [DELETED] 

REmOev yuor_iLlGEal_ClOEn fO HTtp://wWw.AnToNyTALK.SE/ (aNtoNY_= AnON) ImmEIdatELy. s r imqzwiepjj b yhhqgormd nd e nzi p nzjb

>> No.1250204

Oh how the mighty have fallen

the man who invented the enclosed star now selling hipster fans

>> No.1250233

only if Dyson can build a death ray that fires a column of air that destroys everything in its path.

>> No.1250431

The fan. It is in the base column. Niggers.

>> No.1251274

>invented the enclosed star

Freeman Dyson is not James Dyson.

>> No.1251293

>bladeless fan

teh blades are just hidden in the base of the fan

>> No.1251311

Sir, are you speaking of a generator? They produce electricity, which is technically air yes, but that shit is hot, not cold.