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File: 2.14 MB, 2079x1441, Aging-1149473225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12484741 No.12484741 [Reply] [Original]

When will aging research advance to where human lifespan has increased by 30 years? 30 years is all we need to reach immortality because those 30 years will buy us time to reach 'longevity escape velocity', where human life expectancy increases 1 year per year because of accelerating advances in biology and technology in general. All of the recent breakthroughs like epigenetic reprogramming, senolytics, and deep mind make me think this is way closer than we think. All we need to do is remove some cellular garbage.

>> No.12484744

Aging research will come to fruition in private companies. There are already rejuvenation biotechnology startup companies out there right now, if you know where to look.

>> No.12484746

Why the fuck would you want to be immortal?

>> No.12484822

It's not about being immortal, dummy. It's about being able to choose when I die and being young and healthy throughout my entire life.

>> No.12485062

This. Immortality is for elites, plebs shouldn't think about it.

>> No.12485665
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>> No.12485702

The first person to live to 150 has probably already been born
It will be this way for a while until the techniques get so refined that it would make more money to mass-produce and sell shitty versions of it to the general middle-class populace. Over time, these shitty versions would be refined themselves.

>> No.12485864


Annnnnnd??? There have been MANY advancements since this. Young blood and fasting are not really the forefront anymore, and sort of a meme now. It's not a surprise that calorie restriction and 'young blood' has been a thing for a while. And what the fuck is the purpose of highlighting mind uploading and cryonics? Those things have nothing to do with the serious research going on right now.

>> No.12485957
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Why the fuck would anyone want to spend the last 30-50 years of their life in a shitty physical condition that will only get worse every day and probably destroy their mental condition as well?

If I can avoid pic related, I'd happily live for 307 years as a young man until getting hit by a truck or choking on a piece of bread.

>> No.12485988

Unironically, 16:8 fasting all the time, 72 hour fasts 4x annually, light exercise 3-4x weekly (with strength training), low carb high vegetable diet, 8 hrs sleep a night, no or light drinking / smoking will probably push you over 100 cleanly.

This isn't even taking into consideration the progress in biotech we can reasonably expect over the next 50-70 years it will take for us to reach that age.

We all might live a very long, very healthy life. Just don't fuck it up by being a canonical burger.

>> No.12486076

It was written in 1992. No one here is going to live to see life extension.

>> No.12486098
File: 210 KB, 1935x359, 1593662784338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12486101

Humans live too long
We should really all die in our early 70s

>> No.12487306

Most centenarians aren't low carb and don't do intermittent fasting. The only purpose of fasting is to alleviate bad digestion/gut bacteria, nad if you're a centenarian you very likely have your digestion sorted out.

>> No.12487649

This. Life is not that great anon, maybe look at why you're so scared of death

>> No.12487974
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Chad life extensionist

Virgin deathists

>> No.12487998

If you want to die, why aren't you hanging from a rope right fucking now?

>> No.12488108

>most centenarians don't fast
Fwiw, most people don't routinely fast. Weigh the associative epidemiological observations against the primate experiments in fasting however you like.
>only purpose of fasting is your gut
And I just lost all respect for your opinion. 2 minutes of quick googling would help you.

>> No.12488170

You understand that you won't be included right? If we discover a cure for aging tomorrow it will be for the next generation and not yours. That 30 years extra time will be applied to the yet unborn.

>> No.12488171

I think "autophagy" is mostly just the catabolic processes necessary to release nutrients when fasting. And fasting isn't some obscure health trick, it's prominent in a lot of religions and cultures. Given this you'd expect the centenarians to be populated with a bunch of monks and yogis, and not mostly normal people. Most people don't regularly work out but they're not found among mass monsters, if something has pronounced effects on people you will find practicioners of it in the highest levels.

>> No.12488177

>When will aging research advance to where human lifespan has increased by 30 years?
When I stop shitposting on 4chan and get back to studying biology.

>> No.12488215

>I think autophagy is simply catabolism
Pretty uphill climb to square that with the animal and sparse human data on neurodegenerative disease, cancer, and autoimmune conditions in relation to fasting.
>Fasting is found in many cultured but doesn't correlate strongly with centenarian abundance
I mean, I pretty quickly acknowledged this here >>12488108. It's up to you to weigh the experiments against the epidemiology. I'm pretty sympathetic to the idea that confounding lifestyle effects (smoking in muslim cultures, exercise in tibetan yogi land) make it tricky to just write off fasting.

Comparing lifestyles between costa rica / japan / italy (no fasting, long life) and the middle east / tibet (fasting, shorter life) is a pretty shallow way to argue that fasting doesn't impact longevity.

>> No.12488262

>Neurodegenerative disease, cancer, and autoimmune conditions
Dangerous intestinal bacteria produce endotoxins, which can induce all of those. Maybe I wouldn't argue if intermittent fasting didnt turn me into a dull skinned freak, but I think it's not something that's very good for you, aside from intestinal lightening.

And even if there are confounding factors in the cultures, it doesn't really account for lack of the occasional fasters that skipped those. Saying that fasting, abstaining from alcohol/smoking, low carb and exercise will easily push someone over 100 is insane, it's like you don't know how old 100 even is. If that was all it took to reach 100 we would be awash in people who reached ages up to 120.

>> No.12488305

>Dangerous gut bacteria produce endotoxins that cause cancer
Uh, huh. Sure. Maybe you are into something and the entire oncology / fasting community should listen to you and change their opinion.
>I had bad feels on it so all the literature is bunk.
>Doing these things won't push you over 100
Dunno. The current average lifespan in the US is ~80. These are people that were born in the 40s. I don't think it's completely unreasonable to think that a healthy lifestyle now is dramatically better than a healthy lifestyle then. Couple that societal change with active lifestyle interventions and 100+ is actually my bet, even though it sounds nuts at a first pass.

>> No.12488318

The average lifespan and general public health now is worse than for older generations.

>> No.12488862

Mostly this. However, most people don't NEED 8 hours sleep; Many people get by on 6-7 hrs just fine.

>> No.12491034

We should have much more research if the government wasn't constantly destroying it with their regulations and if people actually got medical research degrees instead of getting sociology degrees(another stupid thing the GOVERNMENT did)

>> No.12491304

"Millions long for immortality who don't know what
to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon."
– Susan Ertz, "Anger in the Sky"

>> No.12491325

>30 years is all we need to reach immortality because those 30 years will buy us time
unless you are a part of the ruling elite, i don't see how it concerns you

>> No.12491736

read a book

>> No.12492268


I don’t know maybe I’m going to order a new body to be built by 50. It takes time to get the germ going coagulation. It’s a game of patience.

>> No.12492783

That thought process seems flawed, if none of the 8 billion people fast some will reach 100 regardless for whatever reason. Doesnt mean we couldnt have way more centenarians now

>> No.12492833


>> No.12492871

not before i piss on your grave faggot

>> No.12492949

Well, you have to settle for immortality then

>> No.12494174

Trickle-down economics do work when it comes to tech.

>> No.12494365

Day after you die, as we have always planned it to be