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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 100 KB, 981x1044, bUt ThE LoNg TeRM EfFeCts!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12487561 No.12487561 [Reply] [Original]

This tweet will destroy all your anti-vaccine bullshit

>> No.12487565

This thread will go well.

>> No.12487566

long term effect status: unknown

>> No.12487578

>1,110,000 people have received a vaccine
damn, Trump wasn't kidding. What a god. Hopefully people vote for him this November.

>> No.12487579

long term effect of covid: unknown

>> No.12487583

>not knowing how to code so has to leave house
baka desu senpai

>> No.12487585

We should wait 15 years to accumulate data while COVID continues to fuck the economy. What's the long-term effect of shit posting?

>> No.12487592

>implying dumb normies taking the vax isn't accumulating data

>> No.12487596

>he thinks braindead retards can be convinced with facts

lmaooooo. If you base your whole identity on being a retard, you can't just change it one day miraculously and accept reality from now on.

>> No.12487603

>An increased risk of narcolepsy was found following vaccination with Pandemrix, a monovalent 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine that was used in several European countries during the H1N1 influenza pandemic. This risk was initially found in Finland, and then other European countries also detected an association.

>> No.12487608

Every scientist and doctor in this age is a traitor to the species.

>> No.12487614

Hey quick question what did the WHO have to say about lockdowns?

>> No.12487615

trust the science bro, it's infallible

>> No.12487621

We are about 3 months away from being told masks don't work and you need the vaccine to keep your job

>> No.12487624

I’m glad you semi-schizos are slowly dying out due to stupidity. Honestly, I’m done trying to convince anyone, if people fall for it, nature will do its thing.

>> No.12487633
File: 63 KB, 482x700, F82EB131-AB6A-4988-B965-41BF846879D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We will not give in to the thinkers!

>> No.12487642

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12487651
File: 239 KB, 1072x1156, DrM7M2dWwAA_FQu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>antivaxxers in 2019 a few hippies and soccermoms
>antivaxxers in 2020 literally every pepe avatar and right wing grifter

>> No.12487654

Just ignore them, do not waste your energy or time to answer, just ignore them. This trump era and this covid crisis proved that there are really retarded people in the world and they are proud to be retarded.

>> No.12487656

>1.1 million have received
I would like a source on that

>> No.12487664

Covid virus is natural and came from bats.
Vaccine is lab made and unnatural.

>> No.12487667

I don't get what they're worried about, they already have autism?

>> No.12487669

>'big pharma said it, i believe it, that settles it'
>calls others stupid

>> No.12487672

>slowly dying out
From what? Nothing's killing anyone anymore. There are no selective pressures on the species at this point. That's exactly the problem.

Are you under the impression there's a lot of thinking going on in 2020?

>> No.12487674
File: 231 KB, 962x625, 29337300-8397065-White_police_officers_and_community_members_gathered_to_wash_the-a-9_1591618965199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12487676

> im so contrarian and not a le sheep
> 30-something percent of population are conspiracy tards these days

>> No.12487678

>this fag thought I read all that Reddit shit

>> No.12487681
File: 85 KB, 810x448, 1608469504667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those don't quite seem to be the real numbers.

>> No.12487682

If you don't realize that conspiracies are the natural state of governments after 9/11 then there's no hope for your brain.

>> No.12487683

> if you are not my kind of retard you must be retard from the other side of the spectrum

>> No.12487685
File: 258 KB, 2000x1333, FEE5AE39-6B25-4162-963D-00541D97760B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't inspire trust that the first video of someone receiving the vaccine was fake, and when it was pointed out it was fake, the media, google and twitter all burned the video off the internet, and removed discussion of it. Or that no one in the media followed up with the Texas hospital about why the doctor received a fake shot.

>> No.12487686

Remind me what the experts were saying about masks in february

>> No.12487687

this really is the best pasta to out the /pol/tards, kek

>> No.12487688

No, you seem to have it mistaken. You are a retard, while we are not. You will believe any retarded shit the television tells you as long as it's authoritarian enough. You are quite literally an NPC.

>> No.12487691

source pls

>> No.12487694


>> No.12487695

No no no! You're not supposed to remember things! Only obey!

>> No.12487696

it wasn't fake, he got pricked by a used needle. med fags are absolute retards and dishonest at that. anyone who blindly trusts them is an absolute retard.

>> No.12487699

> hehe im so unique, not like these sheepies watching tv, I like a true contrarian get my information from 80IQ boomer conspiracy theorist on youtube

>> No.12487701

This time these incels are afraid of infertility.
Literally can't make this shit up.

>> No.12487702
File: 426 KB, 1600x1309, 1599088026258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or what they were saying about the virus at the start of the pandemic. the medical community has proven to be untrustworthy. only the biggest retards believe them now.

>> No.12487705


>> No.12487706

Sucks that there's a completely reasonable explanation of what happened.

Not that you care about that.

>> No.12487707
File: 123 KB, 899x1124, 1608466243808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there still an Arctic zone, shouldn't have disappeared in in 2000 or was it 2012?

>> No.12487708

>falling for obvious pasta
>not retarded
Electing a choice alternative is mandatory; electing one choice alternative voids the option to elect the other alternative.

>> No.12487709


>> No.12487712

he got pricked by a used needle.
>go to get vax
>get hiv instead
lmao, and midwits like you trust your health "heroes".

>> No.12487714

> nooo its a lie by jewish media trying to cover up their other lies nooooo

>> No.12487728


>> No.12487730

Here's the entirely reasonable explanation.....
>“After numerous reports emerged on social media claiming one of the five nurses receiving a
vaccination on Tuesday did not receive a full dose of vaccine, we want to remove any doubt raised that he was not fully vaccinated and further strengthen confidence in the vaccination process,” UMC said in a statement to KTSM. “The nurse in question today was vaccinated again.

""""He was vaccinated again the following day, just off cameras.... trust us. We don't know why we didn't give him a shot yesterday in front of the entire world. Ooops"""""

>> No.12487736

I believe he's confusing the numbers. The 1 million probably includes Russian or Chinese vaccines.
At least 200,000 of the Pfizer vaccine.

>> No.12487740

Who are you here shilling for? Nobody here agrees with you.

>> No.12487742

I'm sorry, but did you think this was your safespace?

>> No.12487744

> Nobody here agrees with you
speak for yourself poltard

>> No.12487745

Hey riddle me this: why do you shills never respond to posts like this? >>12487702

Your bosses should at least teach you to have some kind of pat responses to posts like this. The fact that you just go on shilling propaganda throughout entire threads while ignoring anything that contradicts your narrative just makes it more obvious that you're paid shills.

>> No.12487748

This is completely scientifically and legitimately how vaccines work. If someone doesn't believe that you took one on camera you just take one again!

>> No.12487754

That tweet was already debunked

>> No.12487755

Because it was in fucking February when it wasn't known how deadly or how infectious it is.
There's been epidemics starting in Asia before without spreading throughout the world.

>> No.12487765

We had data in February already. The lockdowns are a political tool not a medically motivated decision

>> No.12487767

See that's better. No one believes you still, but at least you're making an attempt now! You still need to come up with better excuses than you have so far for why Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom and all the other Democrats don't obey their own draconian policies concerning Corona. I mean, since it's such a serious disease and all that we have to destroy all of society for.

>> No.12487770

Remember the World Health Organization is against lockdowns.

>> No.12487771

We literally already knew it would be more infectious than SARS and deadlier than the flu. Now dilate.

>> No.12487775

Yes, that's why I said it's a political tool not a medically motivated decision.

>> No.12487776

>unknown disease
>CCP lock down a metropolis in a matter of days
>better keep the borders open and party with zhang et al

>> No.12487777

Everyone already knows this. Nothing is going to stop until people start getting killed because of this draconian bullshit. They literally won't stop until there's an actual revolution.

>> No.12487778

and against banning of international flights from China. That is how Europe got infected, because they didn't ban Chinese flights. WHO tried to cover up how bad it was taking place in China too.

>> No.12487779

This. Dont let them forget China was doing lockdowns and gassing cities in January.

>> No.12487781

they already are getting killed

>> No.12487782

You have to make up your minds because it's kind of weird how you're now arguing it wasn't a nothingburger.

>> No.12487784

Oh I don't believe a god damn word the WHO has to say. But the Corona zombies do, that's my point. But CNN doesn't agree with the WHO on this, nor do the Democrats, which is why the corona zombies don't agree with this either.

>> No.12487785

The data said it was a nothingburger. That's why the decision to lock down is a political tool and not a medically motivated decision

>> No.12487787

I never said anything of the sort. Corona is a fucking nothingburger. But the draconian lockdowns and totalitarian policies that the Democrats are employing are something. And they need to be fucking stopped.

>> No.12487793

So the headlines were right? Make up your mind.

>> No.12487795

Same thing with the Hepatitis B vaccine and multiple sclerosis. It's a correlation vs causation thing. People need an answer, why them ? they need something to blame and a vaccine is an easy culprit.

Also, you really should read the links you post.
> Researchers did not detect any associations between the vaccines and narcolepsy.

>> No.12487798

No, you're just fucking hypocrites. Nobody is confused here, despite your acting as though we are. Your fucking propaganda is not going to work here. Try Reddit.

>> No.12487801

>everyone is the same person
Hang yourself. Nothingburgers and cvg schizos agree on one thing: the response to the outbreak in China fucked the world. If everyone had enforced strict restrictions of travelling from or to China then we wouldn't be here, but you xeno dick sucking faggots thought it would be too much to ban poor zhang from coughing in your egg roll.

>> No.12487802

The headlines are from the news media which are a bunch of incompetent lying retards so I don't care about what they said.

The actual data said it's a nothingburger and nothing to lock down over.

>> No.12487803


>> No.12487809

Why would it matter what China did or didn't? It's a nothingburger so who cares?

>> No.12487811

>the media lied when they called it a nothingburger
>it is a nothingburger
Do you think things through before you post?

>> No.12487814


>> No.12487817

Even people who think it is a nothinburger would prefer not having in it in their country. Now eat shit you faggot, you're responsible for it all, a hard swift quarantine of China would have saved the world a lot of trouble, but in your warped reality any chink, nigger or brown shaded dude is holy and cannot be touched. I remember twitter and mainstream media pushing a campaign to hug chinks in Europe in late february.

>> No.12487819 [DELETED] 

Rename this board to /anti-science/

>> No.12487823

>travel bans are racist
>trump should've done something about the virus earlier
>masks dont work
>you must wear masks
>protesting spreads the virus
>going to RBG's funeral does not
>grandma is an evil racist that should croak
>you're an evil grandma killer
>covidiots must be named and shamed
>no, there's nothing wrong with your leaders breaking lockdown and partying
Do you?

>> No.12487824

What is this /pol/ trash?
Go back to your containment board for sucking shit out of twitters ass and calling it content.

>> No.12487825

>lockdown doesn't work but we should've lockdown and quarantined china back in january
Are you listening to yourself?

>> No.12487826

vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc

>> No.12487833

I have never even said that, there's more than one person in here take your meds you fucking paranoid chink sucker.

>> No.12487834

Is there a point you're trying to make?

>> No.12487838

Why is Ivermectin getting so heavily censored on social media? this should have blown up to viral levels months ago.

>> No.12487842

I'm the schizo? I'm apparently responsible for spreading the virus around the world.

Time to stop projecting.

>> No.12487843

>vaccinate 1 million people
>a new strain appears
eh, nothing personal

>> No.12487850

It's going to be at least six months before the vaccine is freely available to everyone. Why the hysteria about people asking questions about its safety when there won't even be an excess of vaccine for half a year? The medical community seems to be holding a master class on how to instill distrust and destroy their credibility.

>> No.12487851

Those telling you that you are not permitted to have any questions about the vaccine are the same people who have been wildly inconsistent in their messaging over the course of the pandemic. Why should anyone trust them, much less give up their right to raise questions about what they are saying.

>> No.12487856

The headlines are from the news media which are a bunch of incompetent lying retards so I don't care about what they said.

The actual data said it's a nothingburger and nothing to lock down over.

What does media being right or not have to do with anything here? I don't read media because it's pure opinion, often playing both sides, often doing a 180 degree turn because it's trendy.

Should I quote Asimov as factual data because he predicted hand terminals in one novel?

Look at the gathered data, as unedited as possible. Not the media, not the political drivel.

The data says it's a nothingburger, that's what it is. Media accidentally agreeing at first and then going back to being wrong about it is as relevant as the tweet of some irrelevant simp on the internet.

>> No.12487864

You're pretending the distrust wasn't already there.

>> No.12487871

It's literally a racket anon.
same with seasonal flu jabs

>> No.12487875

>you will believe anything on television if its authoritarian enough.
Nice try. I realized 9/11 was a false flag attack 2 days after it happened while I was in 6th grade.

>> No.12487881

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12487888

You really have to go back.
Everyone knows 9/11 was a false flag attack.

>> No.12487892

based af

>> No.12487899


>> No.12487915

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. You can wear a mask and use hand sanitizer WITHOUT being a niggerworshipper, you fucking cretin

>> No.12487925

You don't like my trolling? Maybe cause I ain't trolling bro

>> No.12487962

It's fantastic to see anons adopting the ideological doctrine (antivac) created by suburban soccer moms just out of pure contrarianism.

>> No.12487971

It is growing by an order of magnitude because of the authoritarian gaslighting of petty dictators who insist they are above questioning. If the best medical outcomes is their goal, they're failing miserably as they alienate more and more people.
It used to be mostly goofballs like Jim Carrey and soccer moms with autistic children who were anti-vaxx. Thanks to the moronic behavior of the medical community during this pandemic, that distrust is going mainstream. The long term damage won't be from those who refuse the covid vaccine, it will be from all of the new converts to general anti-vaxx thinking due to the conduct of medical authorities over the course of this year.
"Shut up and do as I say" isn't a great way to convince people that you have nothing to hide or have their best interests at heart.

>> No.12487979

Credibility is important for trust. Most people trusted the medical establishment before the pandemic. Now many don't. It's not that suburban soccer moms have been effective in converting people to their way of thinking, it's that the medical establishment has been acting like they are infallible gods and anyone daring to question them is evil.
They need to get over their ego trip and get over it quickly because they're approaching a tipping point with consequences that will reach far beyond the current pandemic.

>> No.12487985

>all recovered quickly
Just like how they recovered quickly from covid.

>> No.12487990

Give me a break. This has been years in the making. It's literally every moron that's been yelling about fake news and the deep state that's gone full anti-vaxx now.
They're literally being fed garbage disinformation 24/7.

>> No.12488009

1. it's not a vaccine, calling it that is lying

2. you were paid to make this post(so are all the people making threads against the treatment)

>> No.12488017

Then why are you bitching at Trump? He did significantly more than anyone on the left at the time.

>> No.12488019

It's not anti-vaxx. Vaccines have been improved many times and proven safe and effective for decades, and even after that record, are still subjected to strict safety processes

This is not a vaccine, it is a gene editing experiment that is relatively new, has little track record, has unknown effectiveness, has high potential for abuse, has high potential for long term health risks, and has been fast tracked past safety procedures. While the entire media is pushing it and calling it a vaccine andd equating people who don't want to take it with people who let their children die of rubella on purpose when it can be prevented. That makes people not trust you

>> No.12488021

What's the word on the sequencing after the vaccine? And it's variants.

>> No.12488022

Democrat NPCs and politicians have SIGNIFICANTLY more to answer for in regards to Covid than ANY Republican does.

>> No.12488024

>everybody who disagrees with me is just trolling
>actually everybody agrees with me and they're just pretending
Narcissistic moron

>> No.12488028

>This is not a vaccine, it is a gene editing experiment
Ah I see.

>> No.12488029

It's copypasta spam

>> No.12488046

Great statistics doc
>more than 1.1 million people have received a COVID vaccine
>in the sane time, 7.1 billion people who didn't get the vaccine did not get COVID
>48 of those people were killed by falling coconuts
>That's the risk/benefit comparison we need to remember

>> No.12488050

>It's not anti-vaxx
Says every antivaxxer ever.

>> No.12488065

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12488067

>Political movement to restore economic dignity and demographic cohesion gets sidetracked into dumb pathogical conspiracy theories
A true black pill. All that political energy wasted, turned into a democide of elderly whites. Pity the nation.

>> No.12488076

To me it appears they reused the needle from the first nurse by mistake, thereby inspiring confidence in the hospitals ability to administer to you not only the vaccine but also the diseases of the patient before you.

>> No.12488079
File: 111 KB, 1024x576, 1593044582033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7.1 billion people who didn't get the vaccine did not get COVID
fucking kek

>> No.12488084

Once any movement attains a critical size, it is infiltrated and its efforts redirected into self sabotage.
Only smaller groups can retain cohesion. yet are ineffectual.

>> No.12488092
File: 94 KB, 640x788, Liberal Democracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Western doctors tried to sell the "masks don't work" scam until it was too late because we're a dying civilisation being surpassed by East Asia. Over there they always promoted mask use and achieved near universal wearing.

>> No.12488094

The thread has been autosaged

>> No.12488099

Pretty sure there are no antivaxxers who deny being antivaxx.

I have all of my vaccinations. This is not a vaccine, so being against it is categorically not related to being against vaccines.

western "doctors" were trying to downplay the virus because they cared more about "racism" than their own people dying

>> No.12488104

It literally is a vaccine you dumb cunt. Just because it works a little different doesn't make it something else. There are many different kinds of vaccines, and they all work a little different. What they have in common is that they elicit an immune response that provides a person with protection again a pathogen. That goes for mRNA vaccines just the same. An electric car is still a car.

>> No.12488107

>Pretty sure there are no antivaxxers who deny being antivaxx.
>I have all of my vaccinations
That's literally what they all say.
>This is not a vaccine
A vaccine denier actually. That's a new one.

>> No.12488133

Crispr is a different technology entirely, and its safety and efficiency cannot be derived from a word for a different technology like you're trying to do.
>I called it a vaccine! that means it's the same as other things called vaccines!
it's pathetic, you're trying to define things out of existence because you can't defend it

cool kafkatrap creep, you are chipping away at the credibility people give to medicine and science every time you talk like this

>> No.12488144

>Crispr is a different technology entirely
I know you tard. Crispr isn't the mechanism of action for the vaccine. The vaccine does nothing to your DNA. If you're arguing gene modification is bad in general, then you should consider we've been doing it with food for years, without problems.

>> No.12488172

>If you're arguing gene modification is bad in general, then you should consider we've been doing it with food for years, without problems.
Yet russia bans it.

>> No.12488181

Russia bans lots of things. That's not an argument you fucking retard.

>> No.12488199

It is, they must have some reason to ban it. Even if it's only the precautionary principle.

>> No.12488245

Jesus christ I know this is 4chan and everyone's retarded, but you really are blisteringly stupid. How about a protectionistic economic motive since almost all corporations that produce GMO products are western? How about any of the myriad other reasons that makes the Russian government do what they do? Point is its not a fucking argument you dumb shit. The vaccine doesn't alter your genes, and
>hurr durr GMO bad
is luddite autistic screeching.

>> No.12488311

I'm not against genetic engineering, I was highlighting one nation with a different policy, I don't know their specific objections to the technology.

>> No.12488372

So then you agree that mRNA vaccines are vaccines?

>> No.12488524

The 90k deaths in the intervening time are not a subset of a population of 1.1 mil. This is a glaringly obvious false equivalence.

>> No.12488691

How many had corona in that timeframe?

>> No.12488708

You could say the same about any vaccine or disease after an untested time. We don't know the effects of the HPV vaccine after the 40th year, for example. I agree that there are reasons to be sus of the different vaccines available, but this argument is not one of them, as it is based on ignorance instead of on things you know.

>> No.12488988

I'm a different anon.

>> No.12489055

>it's not a vaccine, calling it that is lying
This is a good point, and its one I wish the mainstream media would pick up. You take a vaccine, and you're protected the rest of your life. That's what a vaccine is. But what's being offered is already being said you need to take every 3 months or so (that's what's being floated around, anyway), so it's not a vaccine at all.

>> No.12489069

Bullshit, many vaccines need repeat shots, and the 3 month number is nonsense.

>> No.12489079

Damn right.

>> No.12489091

Sometimes you get a booster shot, that's true. But not every year! And not every 3 months.
>the 3 month number is nonsense
I know it should be, but the drug companies are trying it out to see if the public and the goverment flinch. If they don't, you can bet they'll say they need to keep getting shots that often ... mo' money, mo' money, mo' money.

>> No.12489110

>But not every year! And not every 3 months.
Also not the case here. I don't know where you're getting this from, but it's nonsense.

>> No.12489236

All while declaring themselves heroes and making a metric fuckton of Tik Tok dancing bullshit videos which has probably done more damage to faith in the medical establishment than anything in the past hundred years combined.

>> No.12489245

Amen and fuck Reddit.

>> No.12489250

You are insane if you think vaccines are to be taken more often than that.

>> No.12489262

>we're a dying civilisation being surpassed by East Asia
Literally propaganda made up by chinks and spread by their shills. There will never be a Chinese century or an Indian century. China's entire economy is based on Western consumption. As soon as that cord is cut China dies.

>> No.12489273


You reddit retards don't realize it, but every time you open your mouth you make more enemies. You have never converted anyone to your idiotic way of thinking, because only the fearful are susceptible. Those whom you have already had interaction with who agree with you are the only ones who will ever agree with you.

>> No.12489283
File: 57 KB, 680x591, 558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>rejects science when it disagrees with his liberal agenda

>> No.12489397

I don't think arguing you'll never be convinced of something because you got your feelings hurt in a discussion is such a killer argument.

>> No.12489489

What makes a person see all of this bizarre safety theater and watching millions of people become jobless and homeless over a fucking disease that kills almost nobody even by the CDC's own admission and think what we really need right now is even more draconian rules and crackdowns on people existing outside of complete and absolute slavery? How does a brain become this rotten?

>> No.12489557

You are insane if you think that I think that.

>> No.12489978
File: 297 KB, 90x90, 1583088235901.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder the internet eats away at the self; causing you to lose sense on reality