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12481208 No.12481208 [Reply] [Original]

I shit you not, scientists caught the radio signal from Proxima Centauri. it was supposed to be hush-hush secret, but info was leaked, signal was heard in April-May, paper is in the works, signal is called BLC1.

I know you will be sceptical, chances of civilisations spawning so close are abysmally low but if we are un/lucky then what does it mean, what will be our future. Maybe someone knows more about the paper, post iTT.

>> No.12481230
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hayman mad

>> No.12481238
File: 169 KB, 596x873, 1598314981538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want some alien pussy

>> No.12481256

What if all aliens are males and gay and they want to fuck US with tenticles?

>> No.12481264

he did not tell a single lie

>> No.12481287

Aliens getting BLACKED soon

>> No.12481292

I made a thread about this as well but nobody cares.

>> No.12481295

whats post-detection protocols then, where are they posted, who agreed on them and who signed them? Some faggots decide to hide information about aliens because "we are not ready" and because they can't get enough profit from releasing the information?
BL indeed sees a lot of signals, but they usually really easy to discard, something moves with relative high speed in the sky its a fucking satellite, they also have tables of radio frequencies of vessels, phones, radars, planes, millitary, everything to compare to the data. If they somehow sure it is none of that and they point out to Proxima, its really something special. Because Proxima is just a fucking precise dot in the sky, if you randomly point your finger into the sky you probably will never randomly point to proxima without knowing where it is, so the fact that the signal is no discarded in the first seconds fucking automatically is already strange, but the second fact that it is coming from Proxima makes it even more strange and special. Random noise wouldn't be located precisely in proxima.

>> No.12481297

Maybe, but he's mad that the leak has stolen the glory. This is an important discovery and was discovered LAST YEAR. It's been investigated already, it just hasn't been double and triple checked.

>> No.12481302

The key part of the Proxima signal is that it is in the 980hz range and dips in a cycle, suggesting it is coming from a planet that is obviously rotating. It is fucking vital we investigate.

>> No.12481311

have sex with a human female.

>> No.12481313

yeah, but the team who discovered it want all glory to themselves and they are willing to keep it a secret for who knows how long untill they write a paper.
i wonder if they discover killer asteroid, will they also be keeping it secret only to write a scientific paper and get the last Nobel prize in human history?

>> No.12481315

Yeah as I said here >>12481297 he's mad that it was leaked.

>> No.12481326
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And what if these faggots also detected the signal and decyphered it already and there is a message? What if these scientist faggots also already sent the message to aliens? What if someone was trying to prevent it and this is why Arecibo got destroyed? What if there is a war of scientist groups over the control of communication with alien civilisation and we see only the tip of the iceberg?

>> No.12481359

The hilarity is if it is actually 'intelligentally made' signal. Will they tell us? Fuck no. They'd say it was some random cosmic occurance. Even though, for me, that'd be cool it itself. The fact they might lie to hide the truth hurts. It is implied they are already trying to hide it by going through 'post-detection protocols' (and I swear if you discover alien life you're meant to contact the USA straight away which is fucking gay in and of itself) and it took a leak to get the truth out... can only hope for other leakers if it is hidden.

>> No.12481368

that might explain all he abduction reports with anal

>> No.12481372

So lets keep the thread up, maybe we can generate some noise and someone will leak it. I remember when phosphene thing happened, there was a suspense period and someone was leaking that its phosphene here on /sci

>> No.12481384

I am not sure how they can asspull this away from being intelligent. It is in a known range, it dips as if the planet is rotating, it lasted for long enough to be considered a signal and not a passing thing. That suggests it was 'aimed' at our location for long enough before moving on.

If >>12481230 is right and this was leaked, we can only hope the 'results' are leaked.

>> No.12481389

ok, i'll do some digging

>> No.12481404


>> No.12481410

So the signal was discovered by Parkes telescope in Australia. Parkes joing BC initiative in 2016 and one of the first actions the took - wait for it - they listened to Proxima Centauri. in 2016.

Lets make a list of people potentially behind this and also highlight the structure. i am sick right now, possibly have COVID-19, don't have to work, so i have time to dig this shit out

>> No.12481418

There are other radio telescopes in the world. Doubt China or Russia give a fuck about the post-detection protocols of scientists here.

>> No.12481421

The damage control is
Ignoring that humanity doesn't repeat signals we send out; we change location constantly.

>> No.12481423

Yeah but it's like
>verify it
>confirm it
>contact USA
or something dumb like that.

>> No.12481440
File: 134 KB, 1200x800, DaXB45vWkAEMNvG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the Parks schedule for April-May

we can see BL - breakthrough listen from 22 april, ordered from Andrew Siemion. So this is the guy or the leader of the team of those who are responsible for detection and probably write an article right now.

>> No.12481461

parkes telescope is low in south hemisphere so probably no one else could have heard the signal? i don't know the positions of stars in the moment of reception of signal
there are some software programs, can someone run them and see ?

>> No.12481463

>we change location constantly.
Not on the scale that matters for a radio telescope. It would take proxima something like 240 years to move outside the Parkes beam.

>> No.12481489

>The hilarity is if it is actually 'intelligentally made' signal. Will they tell us? Fuck no.
How can you be this retarded? It was allegedly detected by breakthrough listen, a SETI project. These people have staked their careers on trying to find signs of life. The idea that they would hide it is retarded tinfoil bullshit. If they didn't want to find anything the project wouldn't exist.

>> No.12481497

fuck, wrong link
but here it doesn't say who is behind BL

>> No.12481502

Except the argument could be they are there to discover shit and are ordered to tell the government (aka USA) about it and they decide. Or it is literally a front to go
>See, we're not hiding this from you, look, SETI!
Don't be naive. It was already kept from us for over a year and took a leak to become public knowledge.

>> No.12481505

Some people develop nukes and then never bomb a country into a nuclear winter.
knowledge is power, maybe they have hedging the release of data with some other event to distract people for example.

>> No.12481507

>Random noise wouldn't be located precisely in proxima.
They have a single feed detector, there is no way to isolate it like that. It could be something in the beam, like proxima, or local RFI in the sidelobes.

>> No.12481518
File: 66 KB, 606x774, 3241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the signal is 980 mhz, could it be just some random antenna reflection like this from the balloon or something?

>> No.12481519

Knowledge of a radio blip is not power.
>Some people develop nukes and then never bomb a country into a nuclear winter.
Because WMDs have utility as a deterrent. Having a candidate SETI signal is not that either.

>maybe they have hedging the release of data with some other event to distract people for example.
Then there would be no need for a public project. Or they could just lie, they would no no need to actually observe.

>> No.12481536

Maybe there is more to this signal and leak is not complete. Whoever establishes the contact with the alien civilisation first will get the advantage in theory. So it is possible that they planned to hide it for 8 more year. 4 years for human signal to get there, 4 years waiting for the response?

>> No.12481546

>contacting unknown ayylmaos for infinitesimal chance of military/espionage benefit
they don't have the balls

>> No.12481547

>Except the argument could be they are there to discover shit and are ordered to tell the government (aka USA) about it and they decide.
Ah yes, something you pulled out your ass entirely. Data taken on an Australian telescope using money from a Russian billionaire doesn't care what the US government thinks. As this leak has proven, that would be a shitty idea.

>It was already kept from us for over a year and took a leak to become public knowledge.
Often it is years between taking data and publication. You know nothing about research. And what has been leaked is worthless, it doesn't tell you anything. Only the paper will provide context.

>> No.12481564

>implying you would believe Russia or China if they claimed they got an alien signal from Proxima

>> No.12481567

>Maybe there is more to this signal and leak is not complete.
Obviously, as the leak says nothing substantial at all.

>Whoever establishes the contact with the alien
A signal does not mean contact. It probably doesn't even mean aliens. If contact had really happened then dozens of radio telescopes could listen in.

>> No.12481577

>You know nothing about research
False. They are under no obligation to hold information for a certain length of time. They could have, upon discovering the signal, released 'Hey we found an interesting signal, give us a few years and we'll investigate it'. Instead nothing and it took a leak for us to even know about it.

>> No.12481585

Maybe its good thing, that they kept it secret. Now year later when Arecibo is destroyed, people won't be sending dumb animal noises and gay music messages there, hoping that aliens somehow will feel human emotions from this shit. METI is embarassing and the fact that its not regulated is disturbing.

>> No.12481604

never open gateway to proxima centauri remember what happend to event horizont?

>> No.12481609

>They are under no obligation to hold information for a certain length of time.
I didn't say they were, try reading. Astronomers have multiple projects, and so when data comes in it can take years before it is published. Even getting the paper accepted to the journal usually takes months.

>They could have, upon discovering the signal, released 'Hey we found an interesting signal, give us a few years and we'll investigate it'.
Or they could actually apply some rigor and investigate it before reporting anything.
There were some people at Arecibo who did exactly what suggest a few years ago. Just days after they released the info they re-observed and found it was a satellite. Had they waited there would have been none of this false hype.


>> No.12481622

they waited a year, it is actually harder to calculate satellite positions year after the detection for independent investigators seeking to falsify and check possible alternative sources

>> No.12481631

[citation needed]

>> No.12481682

>It is not only the statistics that look bad. Proxima b is so close to its parent star that it is tidally locked, like the moon is to the Earth. One side is eternal day, the other in perpetual darkness. “It’s hard to imagine how you can have a stable climatic system and all the things you need to get from bacteria, which are hardy, up to intelligent animal life forms, which certainly are not,” Dartnell added. “But I’d love to be proved wrong.”

Is this journalist claiming to know all the planets and possible moons of the Proxima system? Get the fuck outta here

>> No.12481690
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BLC1 means Breakthrough Listen Candidate One, meaning they have given this signal a name and a designation of being THE FIRST to satisfy their strict requirements for a signal candidate. This is not written in the article, but can be deduced from the name alone, meaning its much more serious. Its not some BLC5425 out of BLC9999, its fucking BLC1.

>> No.12481720

maybe they also wanted to get a strike - first they get a radio signal and they wanted to confirm the existance of the additional planet. Because if you going to just post info about the signal and it would show that it comes from the exoplanet on orbit not yet observed by any other means, then people would doubt the signal too. So for it to be taken seriously they need to confirm the existance of the additional exoplanet in proxima system.

>> No.12481745

Isnt Proxima unstable red dwarf that will sterilise any planet close enough to be in HZ?

>> No.12481774

IF planet has a stong magnetic field, more atmosphere than earth to offset the loss or IF the planet tidally locked meaning twilight and night zones not get blasted by radiqtion, life can exist there
Or IF a planet is a moon of a gas giant with strong magnetic field or IF the planet moon has a stong magnetic field..

>> No.12481798

Bump. One of the rare good threads

>> No.12481839

But if there is civilization there capable of sending out signals, wouldn't we detect lots of them instead just one?

>> No.12481862

It's 37 840 000 000 000 kilometers away.

37 trillion 840 billion kilometers away.
Signals aren't very strong anymore after that distance.

>> No.12481865

You shut the fuck up.
It's clearly a signal from an alien civilization on the star system that happens to be the closest to ours, that happens to host intelligent life, and that civilization just happens to have discovered radio waves barely a century after us and they're sending signals now.

>> No.12481900
File: 35 KB, 474x471, potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Signal translates to pic related. As does the OP.

>> No.12482008

Seems incredibly unlikely that out of all the stars surveyed, the closest star to the solar system is the one that hosts aliens who communicate with radio signals

>> No.12482023

But isn't it also true, that we can detect closer radio sources more easily? A radio signal from the other side of the milky way wouldn't be detectable, but one from our neighborhood would.

>> No.12482044

Yeah I was kind of thinking that. The next closest star with a possible planet in the hab zone is...10 light years away? So with inverse-square, that's about one-quarter the intensity. Depends on how close they were to the detection limit of their equipment.

>> No.12482052

Why so? If life on Earth originated from outside our solar system (asteroid or anything else), wouldn't the closest system be the most probable source?

And, if life there originated from outside of Proxima's solar system, would an asteroid from our system be the most probable source?

>> No.12482422

There's also the outside possibility that a form of life that can survive the flares developed (ie: in a deep ocean).
There would still need to be some form of magnetosphere though in order to keep the atmosphere from yeeting out into space.

>> No.12482497


Yeah, looks pretty solid since it's matched up with the movement of a planet in that system.

Could be some fake and gay human shit, but I'm guessing it was leaked now as it's actually their first actual hit.

>> No.12482693

Knowledge is power. Secret knowledge is secret power.

>> No.12482705

>Seems incredibly unlikely that out of all the stars surveyed

Not demonstrable. It could actually be incredibly likely. No one has any idea.

>> No.12482714

>There would still need to be some form of magnetosphere though in order to keep the atmosphere from yeeting out into space.

Venus doesn’t have an intrinsic magnetic field but it’s got the nastiest atmosphere in the system

>> No.12482729

He sounds based

>> No.12482732

That’s a human female in your image, incel

>> No.12482762

I'm in Australia and the southern cross and hence Proxima is pretty low in the sky at this time of year. Not sure what that means for visibility to other telescopes.

>> No.12482766

Nordics are aliens

>> No.12482830

This signal is obviously just a radio beacon left by some alien civilization to troll nearby inhabited planets. There's no need to investigate it further since the aliens obviously wouldn't leave any useful information for explorers to find.

>> No.12482858

Inb4 the "aliens" on proxima are humans that left earth a few dozen thousand years ago, and we're still technically alone in the universe.

>> No.12482967

>projecting this hard

>> No.12482972

Imperium scenarion? i don't want astartes dropping on my head.

>> No.12482977

Look at this page

There is so much in our solar system, so many objects. I bet other star systems have as much or even more planets and asteroids, more real estate for life to develop on. Yet we still blindly think that Proxima has 1 or 2 planets, lol. There could be 20 planets, but we are just weak and can't detect them for now.

>> No.12482980

>retard thinks humans are indigenous to Earth

>> No.12483004

to troll? That thing would be motivating for our civilisation to go interstellar and investigate.

>> No.12483013

I think the scariest scenario would be that we are alone, but not first.

>> No.12483035

New article, since Guardian spilled the beans

>> No.12483082

>a technological civilisation around a red dwarf
>next to earth
I'll believe it when I see it. The only explanation for why we aren't seeing galaxy-computers all over would be intelligent design at that point.

>> No.12483088

Swamp gas

>> No.12483138

>The only explanation for why we aren't seeing galaxy-computers all over would be intelligent design at that point.

Here’s the explanation: Futurists are retarded and the nonsense they make up is retarded

>> No.12483147

And here's me refuting your post: energy demands will never go down and it's a dumb idea to let stars waste their energy

>> No.12483151

>energy demands will never go down

They’ve literally went down in developed European countries.

>> No.12483167


Yes, it's laughable that they can say there's this or that in a system light years away when we aren't even sure what our system fully contains yet. There's a chance another reasonably large planet is within our system but we can't see it visually.

>> No.12483173

energy can be better stored and better used. Nuclear fusion in a lab in 200 years will satisfy all the needs of humanity. When we make our chips smaller, they start working more efficient, consuming less energy.
the growth of energy demand depends on the growth of the population, and the population growth will stop on whole Earth in 100 years from now. Same with aliens, they could control their numbers to the point where there are some 1 million individuals who live infinitely long, and everyone in that million knows each other like a family because they also have enchanced intellect and memory.

>> No.12483176


Eh, we might have attained peak technological advancement now, and there's not much else left other than the will to engineer what is within our capabilities. Does anyone really see humans from Earth making a generation ship and colonizing another system? It's possible, but unlikely.

>> No.12483178

So why aren't we seeing large scale projects to break apart stars? These processes take hundreds of millions of years.

>> No.12483187

Maybe it's illegal in space.

>> No.12483191
File: 46 KB, 750x715, 1558291916369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So why aren't we seeing large scale projects to break apart stars?
Why would we? Why the fuck i should explain to you why no one in space doesn't do stupid shit? its like asking "Why no one is building giant dick swastikas in space the size of Jupiter? Explain to me whey this doesn't happen!"
no faggot, i don't have to explain to you why something is not happening. Its you who have to prove to me that it has to happen and then as a proof of your hypothesis you need to find one example of it happening. If your hypothesis has no real examples then its just a hypothesis with no real examples, its on the same level with the hypothesis that Aliens OUGHT TO build giant jupiter sized dick-swastikas seen from interstellar distances. No better, no worse.

>> No.12483194
File: 239 KB, 1280x1920, hiMrAyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She leads signal analysis, will the ayys like her?

>> No.12483199

>Why would we? Why the fuck i should explain to you why no one in space doesn't do stupid shit?
Imagine you're living on an icy planet and your only energy source are oil fields. Would you let them burn instead of putting out the fires and using the oil more slowly for a longer survival?`
>its like asking "Why no one is building giant dick swastikas in space the size of Jupiter? Explain to me whey this doesn't happen!"
You don't need that survive. You do need energy to survive though.
>no faggot, i don't have to explain to you why something is not happening.
Then I guess you're admitting that you don't have a clue about anything.
>Its you who have to prove to me that it has to happen and then as a proof of your hypothesis you need to find one example of it happening.
Alright: Life needs energy. Energy comes from fusion. With a lower rate of fusion, life can survive longer. Stars have a fast rate of fusion. Breaking them apart means you can use the fuel more efficiently for fusing.

>> No.12483207
File: 119 KB, 960x868, 1560131447849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really guys, i think every alien civilisation HAVE TO build a giant dildo the size of Saturn. The fact that we don't see Saturn size dildos around every star is concerning! I called it absence of Saturn-Dildo paradox, and i have written 352 scientific papers on absence of Saturn-Dildo paradox, because my calculations show that aliens have to, ought to, absolutelly MUST build that thing, my logic is flawless and infallible. If we don't see Saturn size dildo around each and every star, then it means that either something wrong with the Universe or aliens are dumb, because it can't be that my logic is wrong, my logic and calculations are equal to the laws of universe, its aliens who either dying before being able to build Saturn-size dildos in their home system, or aliens never reach my level of logical mastery to understand that building the Saturn size dildos in their stars is something absolutelly essential to EVERY sentient civilisation, meaning those aliens not really sentient or smart.

>> No.12483211

She's alright, i think she leaked it

>> No.12483214

No he doesn't, he sounds like a flaming faggot

>> No.12483233

There is some ammount of energy that you NEED, and there is some ammount of energy that you don't need, overcapacity. When we design power-grids we try to avoid overcapacity, because it can damabe the equipment and doesn't produce any usefull work. When civilisation needs for energy assesed, they also would follow the logic and not build power grids and power plants that would produce or store or relay more energy than they need. which is why no one would be building stupid dyson spherese, its fucking stupid, it requires to process planets for materials, it destroys the way of life of civilisation and "building" would take hundreds of thousands of years as if any dumb civilisation can allow itself to have stable government all that time to support the construction, as if its populations wouldn't rebel against turning their home systems and cultural relics into raw material, so that they could live in miserable conditions working and building some dumb thing that they will never see the end and use of it.

>> No.12483234

Upload the data plz

>> No.12483247

>Breaking them apart means you can use the fuel more efficiently for fusing.
Lol, thats just cope and you know it. More efficiently is just words, but how much efforts you need to waste to break apart the star, and what would it mean to the whole ecology of things, planets, stations, satellites everything revolving around that star? and for what? To burn the fuel for few more billions of years, as if 1 billion is not enough for everything? get out of here. if you can break apart stars, you can travel between stars and just gather neutral hydrogen in interstellar

>> No.12483249

>There is some ammount of energy that you NEED, and there is some ammount of energy that you don't need, overcapacity.
That's not my point. My point is that it doesn't make sense to let stars waste energy when you could just use it later.
>When we design power-grids we try to avoid overcapacity, because it can damabe the equipment and doesn't produce any usefull work.
Stars are overproducing energy.
>When civilisation needs for energy assesed, they also would follow the logic and not build power grids and power plants that would produce or store or relay more energy than they need.
Storing energy is not that difficult. Juputer sized planets don't fuse much.
>which is why no one would be building stupid dyson spherese, its fucking stupid
I'm talking about storing energy, not using it.
Also, how do you know how much energy a highly advanced civ would need?
>it destroys the way of life of civilisation
What a retarded argument.
>and "building" would take hundreds of thousands of years as if any dumb civilisation can allow itself to have stable government all that time to support the construction
A civilisation with a long individual life span (maybe indefinite lifespan) wouldn't have such issues.
>as if its populations wouldn't rebel against turning their home systems and cultural relics into raw material
Does this apply to every alien civilisation? Even the antlike ones? I don't think so.
>so that they could live in miserable conditions working and building some dumb thing that they will never see the end and use of it.
Or they have robots that do their work for them while they chill for billions and billions of years in their comfy simulations that require shitloads of energy.

>> No.12483253

>More efficiently is just words, but how much efforts you need to waste to break apart the star
You need less energy to break it apart than you can harvest from its materials. Way less.
>and what would it mean to the whole ecology of things, planets, stations, satellites everything revolving around that star?
Who cares about a bunch of lifeless rocks? Use them for building.
>and for what? To burn the fuel for few more billions of years, as if 1 billion is not enough for everything?
Believe it or not, some people are not satisfied with the 80 years we humans have. So why be satisfied with a few billion years when you could live for 10^100 years?
>if you can break apart stars, you can travel between stars and just gather neutral hydrogen in interstellar
Or you could also gather the materials from these stars. Gather as much as possible to survive as long as possible.

>> No.12483254

Sounds like a horrifying dystopia.

>> No.12483259

>You need less energy to break it apart than you can harvest from its materials. Way less.

Anyone who genuinely thinks it's feasible to take apart stars is a retard and reads way too much nonsense on the internet.

>> No.12483261

Get educated.


>> No.12483263
File: 538 KB, 1280x1672, o05h821IYn1rpx848o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then I guess you're admitting that you don't have a clue about anything.

No faggot, its /sci/ so we here talk about science. You need to prove the hypothesis first, you can't just postulate some entity in the premise and then start drawing conclusion about reality from the absence of your observation of that entity. Its like saying "Demons have to exist" and then saying "I don't see demons, hence demons were probably killed by inquisition". First you have to prove that demons were possible and supposed to exist in the first place. So prove to my that hypothetical objects like Dyson spheres are possible and supposed to exist by showing me 1 example of a Dyson sphere. If you can't, then it just means that Dyson spheres are not scientific and on the same level of with unicorns, fairies, elves and demons, and if you can't see those its not because you don't have magical ability, or because there is a magical supression generator nearby, or because they use invisibility spells - no, those fucking things don't exist and they don't belong on /sci/. If some fucking youtuber futurist priest shat all over your brain with dyson spherical fairies and demons, its your problem, not mine.

>> No.12483264

>Isaac Awthur

Every time.
Stop watching YouTube and study actual engineering.

>> No.12483265

Why not whip out even more techno-magic and assume we don't see Dyson Spheres because aliens actually just make new universes with wormholes and escape into them? Just spitballing here

>> No.12483266

>No faggot, its /sci/ so we here talk about science.
Most arguments against this were based on logical fallacities.
>You need to prove the hypothesis first, you can't just postulate some entity in the premise and then start drawing conclusion about reality from the absence of your observation of that entity.
1. It's physically possible
2. It's the most rational solution
>So prove to my that hypothetical objects like Dyson spheres are possible and supposed to exist by showing me 1 example of a Dyson sphere.
Sure. We have satellites. They use the sun's light for energy demands. That's already a small scale dyson swarm.
>If you can't, then it just means that Dyson spheres are not scientific and on the same level of with unicorns, fairies, elves and demons, and if you can't see those its not because you don't have magical ability, or because there is a magical supression generator nearby, or because they use invisibility spells - no, those fucking things don't exist and they don't belong on /sci/. If some fucking youtuber futurist priest shat all over your brain with dyson spherical fairies and demons, its your problem, not mine.
So you don't believe in satellites then. Alright.

>> No.12483269

its not science, its fanstasy. Theoretically we can make pokemons by gene splicing, but would we? Theoretically we could clone Stalin, make an army of Stalin soldiers and carve his mustache on the Moon, but would we? Sci-fi is a fairy tale that has nothing to do with reality, because in reality real people make decisions and they stop and never waste resources on such dumb shit.

>> No.12483271

>Satellites exist therefore it's possible and logical to cover a star

>> No.12483273

It's physically possible. Now it's up to engineers to do it.
>Why not whip out even more techno-magic and assume we don't see Dyson Spheres because aliens actually just make new universes with wormholes and escape into them? Just spitballing here
Because dyson swarms and starlifting is physically possible while magic and wormholes are not.

>> No.12483275

All you need is more satellites. Algorithms for keeping them in orbit exist today.
What's missing is the materials, but even that can be solved once we start mining some asteroids.

>> No.12483281

No no no. Its because (You) made it, fucking loser LOL

>> No.12483283

Do you seriously believe any government would use asteroid mining to cover the Sun in satellites?

Maybe it's a good thing there's a Satanic cabal of elites controlling the world's governments; they wouldn't do something as nonsensical as that.

>> No.12483287
File: 70 KB, 500x666, 1566487014735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2. It's the most rational solution
No. Rationality of some decision can be evaluated only when we know all the conditions of the situation in which this solution was achieved. You can't postulate absolute rationality of some decision in every situation, because every situation has different conditions affecting the rationality of the decision. Is it too complicated to you? Like for example why we don't build Dyson sphere right now? Because we are not one humanity, because our political systems don't allow it, because we don't need that energy right now, because we can't reach farther than the Moon with humans, because we don't have the technology, we can't sustain the construction of something for more than a few years and on top of that 100 more reasons. Aliens would also probably have 9999 reasons why they don't build this shit, or some other shit that you can theoretically come up with, while jerking off to some youtuber and reading ENTERTAINMENT sci-fi bool.

>> No.12483288

>Do you seriously believe any government would use asteroid mining to cover the Sun in satellites?
Any government right now? No. A government in the future? Yes.
>Maybe it's a good thing there's a Satanic cabal of elites controlling the world's governments; they wouldn't do something as nonsensical as that.
Nothing more nonsensical than using otherwise wasted energy, amirite?

>> No.12483291

As a long term survival strategy, starlifting is the most rational solution. There is no alternative.

>> No.12483301

humans are not rational so even if it would be most rational we wouldn't do it. but also, since humans are not rational, then this idea of starlifting is not rational because irrational humans came up with this in the century when they can't even fly to the Moon. Some fucking ape who never been to space wrote something on the paper produced from a fucking tree and thinks it can take apart a star. i doubt it

>> No.12483321

You sure she was born on this planet?

>> No.12483339
File: 481 KB, 1280x1672, o05h821IYn1rpx848o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while magic and wormholes are not.
i'm sure Isaac Awthur would say otherwise. You know, what if elves and demons are just DNA-edited hybrids from the future sent back in time by the future humanity to help us spiritually, and if you can't see them, then it means that fate-consequence generator showed to them, that your descendants will not survive 100 years in the future and you not worth talking to? I mean, this story of elves is plausible, lets discuss it on /sci/ it has wormholes, time travel, gene-editing, all the things your sci-fi priest so loves. So have you seen elves or demons? Its not because they don't exist, probably you just a loser who never got laid, and will never have descendants in the future, this is the my conclusion from your disbelief in elves and demons. I seen them when i took LSD and they are funny, talking about the future and warmholes...

>> No.12483340

>i'm sure Isaac Awthur would say otherwise.
Envious much?

>> No.12483346 [DELETED] 

have he seen elves too?

>> No.12483382 [DELETED] 

i doubt he has seen elves, like me

>> No.12483388

he hasn't seen elves in his life

>> No.12483390

I think you need some sleep.

>> No.12483484


Likely a classified space ship or spy satellite in orbit that the observers will never know about.

>> No.12483494

Is it absolutely confirmed that it matches up with movements of an exoplanet in some fashion? can I get a primary source on that?

>> No.12483508

Probably not but the paper will tell.

>> No.12483580

New details unfolding, people get more talkative


>Using Parkes, the astronomers had observed the star for 26 hours as part of their stellar-flare study, but, as is routine within the Breakthrough Listen project, they also flagged the resulting data for a later look to seek out any candidate SETI signals. The task fell to a young intern in Siemion’s SETI program at Berkeley, Shane Smith, who is also a teaching assistant at Hillsdale College in Michigan. Smith began sifting through the data in June of this year, but it was not until late October that he stumbled upon the curious narrowband emission, needle-sharp at 982.002 megahertz, hidden in plain view in the Proxima Centauri observations. From there, things happened fast—with good reason. “It’s the most exciting signal that we’ve found in the Breakthrough Listen project, because we haven’t had a signal jump through this many of our filters before,” says Sofia Sheikh from Penn State University, who helmed the subsequent analysis of the signal for Breakthrough Listen and is the lead author on an upcoming paper detailing that work, which will be published in early 2021. Soon, the team began calling the signal by a more formal name: BLC1, for “Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1.”

>> No.12483609

what if its aliens?

>> No.12483614

So besides the first planet, there is a second giant planet around Proxima Centauri. It is possible that it has moons, where life could originate on. Like the moon systems could be complicated, the heating from the resonances can provide a lot of heat for life.

>> No.12483651

Man I hope it's not aliens. If they can send a radio signal, they can easily go from Proxima to Alpha Centauri A and B and colonize the whole system. That was supposed to be our first expansion.
Fucking aliens.

>> No.12483655

>implying they don't leak on purpose when media interest is too low

>> No.12483660

Can anyone calculate the ammount of energy that would be used to send the transmission if it would indeed be coming from Proxima? That way we can get idea of their technological advancement level

>> No.12483736

Guess its time for purging xenos. Thats why Trump created space force

>> No.12483747

How many datapoints do they have now?

>> No.12483761

this but unironically.

>> No.12483828


>> No.12483848

Big aLien Cock 1

>> No.12483976

>I think the scariest scenario would be that we are alone, but not first.
what's scary about that? if somehow we manage to survive and reach the speed of light and there is no one around us to crush us, we conquer the Milky Way in a short time .

>> No.12483997

>we conquer the Milky Way in a short time .

You assume that this will happen automatically and eventually as if its guaranteed. Its optimism. After people landed on the moon in 1969 people thought that in 20 years they will be on Mars and people would be flying to the Moon regularly. But that didn't happen. Why? Why their expectations were wrong? What stopped humanity from maintaining momentum of exploring the Moon and Mars with humans? and could the same reasons obstruct and stop our human exploration of Solar System and Milky way in the future? Stop just assuming that things will happen automatically eventually and because you want to believe it, instead research how this can be done and what can stop it from happening.

>> No.12484017
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Let me guess, It was a Jew who leaked it to take credit?

We saw this with Salk. Two of his peers got the Nobel peace prize & he didn't, but it's he who got the celebrity status.

>> No.12484135

>“BLC1 is, for all intents and purposes, just a tone, just one note,” Siemion says. “It has absolutely no additional features that we can discern at this point.” And second, the signal “drifts,” meaning that it appears to be changing very slightly in frequency—an effect that could be due to the motion of our planet, or of a moving extraterrestrial source such as a transmitter on the surface of one of Proxima Centauri’s worlds. But the drift is the reverse of what one would naively expect for a signal originating from a world twirling around our sun’s nearest neighboring star. “We would expect the signal to be going down in frequency like a trombone,” Sheikh says. “What we see instead is like a slide whistle—the frequency goes up.”

So its getting closer as its broadcasted, does the planet rotate at the opposite direction than expected like Venus or Uranus, or could the doppler shift correspond to unexpected retrograde or skewed translation. Anyone now the resolution of measurements that could say something about this?

Another posibility, battery/power increasing as its broadcast until it exceeds the limits of "breakers".

Please upload the data. (this should be the new "Carthago Delanda Est" endphrase, I recommend you spergs end all posts with it)

>> No.12484147

Because if we were alone, but found obvious signs of past civilizations, it would mean something destroyed everything, including those far more advanced than us, an we survived it all who knows why. Whatever did it, it could come again and succeed the next time.

>> No.12484194

Aliens could have a beacon in retrograde fast orbit around their star that would be sending that type of signal, and its retorgrade orbit nature would be to attract attention.

>> No.12484224


Please upload the data.

>> No.12484236
File: 2.90 MB, 200x170, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's increasing in frequency because the transmitter is on a spacecraft that's accelerating towards us

>> No.12484246

I don't know why anyone thinks that its indicative of civilization living in Proxima Centauri. If there were ayy lmaos and they were cautious or perhaps had some bureaucratic requirement of a civilization being interstellar for contact then popping a satellite into orbit in the nearest system and sending a radio beam makes the most sense.

This also adds to such a hypothesis. And the issue is there aren't any natural events nearly energetic enough in a place like Proxima Centauri to make such a signal.

>> No.12484247


>> No.12484262

please be friendly aliens who will help our shit civilization become not shit, like the Vulcans.

>> No.12484264


I'd like an estimate of the power requirements for broadcasting such a signal for further speculation.

Please upload the data.

>> No.12484273

it's increasing in frequency as it's a terrestrial broadcast reflected off of debris orbiting earth as it passed across the scope of the antenna

>> No.12484275

>Please upload the data.
dude, we just speculating, none of us have access

>> No.12484292

No, if its orbiting Earth, then the source of the signal would be moving really fast around Earth and would get out of reach of the telescope. But the telescope was listening to Proxima, then to check if the proxima is a real source, telescope was moving away to randmom spot, listening there(no signal), returning to listening to Proxima again and signal re-appeared. its all in the article by scientificamerican itt

>> No.12484298

Ask yourself, would we waste our resources on some less advanced civilisation out of generosity and benevolence?

>> No.12484302

this is a message for miss Sheikh

>“In five of the 30-minute observations over about three hours we see this thing come back,”
Tge likelihood of a reflecting satellite in a perfect 30 min orbit is pretty low. Read the posted news

Please upload the data.

>> No.12484312
File: 17 KB, 640x480, tea_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats post-detection protocols then, where are they posted, who agreed on them and who signed them?
Jesus, you didn't even look, did you? Googling "seti post-detection protocol" nets you multiple good results that answer your questions and more.

Verification is done by multiple independent parties using separate observatories, you admit to having no idea what the signal actually looks like (>>12481384), and you don't know just how many candidate observations there really are, with the only difference for this one being that it was leaked to the media. There's no objective basis for why this particular signal would be so special, especially considering that damn near every astronomer at every observation site in the world knows where Proxima Centauri is because it's part of THE star system that is closest to the Sun out of all the stars in the sky. Any organization's radio observatory from bumfuck Chile could input the same signal from the same place if it was really about racing for glory for the discovery.

>> No.12484315
File: 251 KB, 2048x1360, 23525r321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please upload the data.
You sound like a creepy Indian asking to show nudes again and again, lol

>> No.12484317
File: 288 KB, 824x1023, 1542440785845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a realist. I don't know what happened after humanity arrived on the moon in 1969 and stopped colonizing and exploring, we stopped dreaming and looked at the stars. They had von Braun , maybe Elon is our future Van Braun who can rekindle the fire of exploration if he gets to Mars and humanity to look up again and start exploring, now if you look at the state of the internet, you can see a lot of people are a bunch of doomers who think Mankind will end in 30 years, so no point in exploring, to reach new heights,invent new technologists, solve current problems, etc.

>> No.12484319

As long as they are cute then sign me up daddy.

>> No.12484323
File: 34 KB, 420x585, cato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares? if you have a better idea that might get the raw data public, peak.

Please upload the data

>> No.12484336
File: 20 KB, 484x484, 1565025251515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, i was looking for ill-intent in the wrong direction. turns out they listened to the star, but they haven't looked at the data for a year. Many people in Breakthrough Listen possibly treat this listening campaign as a fucking grift to get paid by the Russian billionaire and do nothing, because they don't actually believe in aliens or their signals, but just want to get a fat money check to feed their family and bad habbits.

>> No.12484340

The resources devoted to the moon missions by the US government had fuck all to do with the fire of exploration and everything to do with great power competition. Von Braun would have been known only as an early pioneer in the field of rocketry if he hadn't had access to those resources. What sets Musk apart from the other dreamers is that he was already a wealthy businessman when he started SpaceX. He could make a credible business case to prospective investors who didn't (and still don't) give a shit about exploring and colonizing Mars.

>> No.12484347

Nothing about this signal suggests technology that is more advanced than ours. The speed of light means that even in the unlikely event that it is ayyys, we're looking at a decade between response and reply.

Assuming this isn't a bait and the Earth won't be eating a relativistic kill vehicle in 5 years.

>> No.12484355
File: 38 KB, 540x357, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, you're not even looking before you make your conclusions. The Breakthrough Initiative is largely a volunteer & academic project, and you can even request the raw data straight from the horse's mouth through the SETI@home project. The data takes a long time to look at because they're receiving petabytes of raw data, and the algorithms being used aren't sufficient to keep up with the data input, at least not with their current basis of computing power.

>> No.12484364
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>> No.12484368

hmm do I pwn my pc for the slightests chance of getting the relevant raw data, yes I do

>> No.12484373

Partition off a virtual machine. That's like basic tinfoil-hat protocol.

>> No.12484383

Lol, try to request the signal from April-March last year, and post ITT if its so open. its just words, they won't give you anything

and they DO get paid. They don't just do it as volunteers, its all lies. They even pay celebreties to attend boring Breakthrough Prize parties, yet no one fucking cares or watches them

>> No.12484404

Listening to Alien signals while everybody with two braincells knows Aliens don't exist.
What a fun way to waste tax payers money.

>> No.12484408

Its Russian money, so i'm ok with them spending it

>> No.12484419

but what if the doomsday event was the big bang? say that all alien constructs that we find are made from exotic matter and/or dated to older than the big bang itself.

>> No.12484422

>It's physically possible
Get fucked by gravity and moving objects!

>> No.12484423
File: 106 KB, 736x981, fkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling other people to do the investigative work for something that YOU are concerned with. We've given you a pathway to do some actual investigation, and refusing that pathway just communicates that you'd rather pull your facts out of your own ass than out of the places where you can actually get some substantive information.

You didn't even Google the answers to questions you've been posting in here, so the presumption is that you don't actually give a shit about the subject matter and just want to keep your precious /sci/ thread going.

>> No.12484426
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>> No.12484427
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Presumably aliens have advanced enough to not make the same mistakes as us.

>> No.12484435 [DELETED] 

why the fuck do you assume me the person behind the question? are retarded? you think i posted every post in this thread? i only posted 89% of posts in this thread, its not THAT much

>> No.12484436
File: 105 KB, 720x961, 1605206349805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay niggers from outer space!

>> No.12484438
File: 453 KB, 1440x1013, roswelldailyrecord_0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering proxima is 4 lightyears away, so at the earliest they could have noticed our signals by 1905. making a massive assumption that they would send a probe immediately, and that probe travelled at 1/10 light speed, they would arrive here around the time of the roswell alien crash.

>> No.12484443

if africa is anything to go by, shit like that is suicidal

>> No.12484458

The signal dipped like if it came from a planet rotating would, if it was our planet I think they would have figured it out already.

>> No.12484461

>travels for decades to reach Earth
>crash lands
Oh good, then the aliens are retards.

>> No.12484499

so a spinning balloon

>> No.12484514
File: 247 KB, 768x768, Coq au vin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart would it be to bring a cook book & bunch of ingredients to try and ask a creature you can't communicate with to pick something that it thinks looks interesting to eat?

Doi you think it would try to show it's cook books as well?

>> No.12484524

Maybe it's easier to design a probe that can carry out it's function after crash-landing than to design one that touches down softly.

>> No.12484536

Since 2012 was 8 years ago, I wonder if it’s just ayys texting a LOL at our doomsday panic.

>> No.12484592

>Watching Alien!Youtube
>Funny videos of those primitives on the next planet over thinking their world will end based on an arbitrary unit of time
>Guy on Alien!/sci/ says "hey guys, lets blast a continuous tone at them and see what they do!"

If you wouldn't do the same, then you are no true /sci/entist.

>> No.12484684

>closest star just happens to harbor intelligent life
What a coincidence

>> No.12484711

that chicken stew looks good right about now

>> No.12485217

Can’t wait for their response on Trump’s 2016 election.

>> No.12485270


>> No.12485400


>> No.12485563

>982.002 megahertz
I think it's man made. It's a pretty good number and I doubt aliens would use seconds.

>> No.12485641
File: 204 KB, 1200x834, hitleruforttext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flying disc

>> No.12485683

Signal is unmodulated. Literally a whistletone. It's ayylmao skykangz

>> No.12485703

>Literally this

>> No.12485707

>chances of civilisations spawning so close are abysmally low


>> No.12485747

A new transmission is received from the Proximans:
>Congratulations earthlings on your election of God Emperor Trump, and overthrowing the reptilian aliens from Zeta Reticuli who have until now ruled your planet!

>> No.12485974

Boy are they in for a twist...

>> No.12486022


I reckon it’s radio waves being produced by a planet’s magnetosphere, planets orbit dwarf stars very close so it may be subject to near constant excitation

>> No.12486025

Well, what if they are all big tiddy goth gfs and kidnap and enslave human males because human cum is the only way they can breed?

>> No.12486780


Why wouldn't aliens have seconds?

>> No.12486792

Umm..doesnt this imply that even carl sagan and his seti fuck boys are retarded enough to expect radio being in human mathematical therms?

>> No.12486841

why does our system has to be the origin of life?

>> No.12486854

so if such an implausable being existed it would basically be galactus?

>> No.12486857

>God I want some alien pussy
can you imagine wanting to fuck an alien for free.

>> No.12486863
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>> No.12486867
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>mfw WOW! was our one chance at galactic ascension and we missed it because we couldn't hold a dish on target

>> No.12486878
File: 39 KB, 225x350, 114121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alien poster detected
We'll take your super-advanced radio beacon if that's what you left there, thanks.

>> No.12486923
File: 47 KB, 890x480, office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swerving into this thread to ask: why did we just now find a signal from Proxima Centauri, our closest foreign star? Did nobody bother to look there before, or are we to believe that they JUST developed radio technology?

>> No.12486938

It's almost certainly a woman or a diversity hire getting confused somehow.

>> No.12487007

Because it's our measurement of time.
It's very unlikely that they count time as we do.

>> No.12487020

Well it could be that the apparatus puts measurements into bins at the kHz level.

>> No.12487025

Then I wouldn't expect .002 but rather .343 or something.
Sure, that's not a proof for anything, but I would say it indicates to look closer what human made it could have been.

>> No.12487519

People always think discovering alien life would be this giant reality shattering moment for our society.
In reality it will probably go down like this:
>astronomers pick up some kind of signal
>doesn't seem to be of natural origin
>a bunch of people claim it's aliens, a bunch of other people say it's just an unexplained natural phenomenon
>the reddit "yay science" community freaks out about it while understanding 0
>the shizo right wing will claim it's some kind of jewish/government/media/soros psyop to control the populace while somehow understand even less
>eventually over the next decades we get more and more proof it is a signal of alien life

>> No.12487723

those arms keep it from disappearing into the ass, nice one.

>> No.12487747

my boy anton talked about this if anyone is interested :)

>> No.12487762


>> No.12487831

So discovering aliens doesn't change the course of humanity. It is just a moot talking point on reddit?
Your focus is retarded.

>> No.12487835

whats the problem?

>> No.12487954

Just imagine we would find life out there.
It is pretty clear we will not get into normal communication for years.
We may freak out about it, but there is no chance they could give us any useful knowledge to change our life.

>> No.12488004

Wright taught one of my seminars at PSU, they guy hates it when the media runs off with some stupid assumptions about results. He was real salty about the media telling everyone that Tabbys Star was aliens...

>> No.12488038
File: 598 KB, 1700x1700, EZ0hnByU4AE0BG8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wrote an article about this signal now

what harm is done by Tabby buzz? What harm from this story buzzing as if its aliens? I don't get it, attention is good, they can't attract attention by nothing else, people not going to care about the heroic act of listening to the sky or observing in search of the technosignatures. Whats romantic in this, if not the slight chance of actually catching something? And when they do catch something, they immidiatelly start trying to punish themselves and everyone who discusses this for having high hopes.

>> No.12488359


If placement and timing are important in the universe then life would likely be found in clusters, so we should expect to be near other planets with life.

Intelligent life arising on a similar timespan is always going to be a crapshoot though, but it doesn't mean it can't happen.

It could be a beacon left there for eons by some advanced race inviting us when we have made enough progress to something greater

>> No.12488411
File: 279 KB, 1064x1505, EWS5uv2VcAU7EXl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if some proto aliens sent seeds of simple life with comets into majority of star systems? Like what if the simple microorganisms just drifting in the galaxy everywhere not seen or heard as technology, but the often stumble onto planets the life starts? I mean, the galaxy is fucking OLD. There could have been millions of civilisations already arising and dying, spreading seeds, having their plans flourish and shatter. Its like we are late to the game, when everyone already either dead or so old they don't care, but the debrees from millions of wars and just simple life sperm is drifting across the galaxy, giving new life. This would explain why Proxima and we have life - we could have the same upbringing, same pro-DNA organisms seeded life on our planets.

>> No.12488450
File: 173 KB, 976x914, 1607761179977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope that at least one of these is real

>> No.12488489

I'm bi so I'm okay with this.

>> No.12488499
File: 438 KB, 720x518, 1513811576135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please spoiler grays creep me the fuck out

>> No.12488514
File: 2.94 MB, 4032x1960, 20201211_082057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry fren they used to freak me out a bit too but I have been trying to get used to them and I'm pretty used to then now sorta

This is a great article ty

>> No.12488573
File: 43 KB, 604x601, 1579541937657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sucks because at the same time ET life really interests me as well as rumored encounters with ayys
but fuck if that white face and those black eyes don't make my mouth go dry

>> No.12488589

dat ass

>> No.12488646

it's always fucking nothing.

>> No.12488778
File: 11 KB, 225x225, Tyson Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digots say that aliens will taste like chicken and Tyson Foods will team up with SpaceX to harvest aliens for food and solar farm slaves.

>> No.12488941

Drop your space boner, anon. Aliens are not coming to make YOU the king of the humans nor are they going to kill off the big bad meanie humans who bullied you when you were little or who rule your governments with deception and extortion today. Aliens doing that for you is the equivalent of you killing off the elder mountain gorillas and declaring the younger gorillas free of their reign of terror. Aliens are not coming to save you from the humans you are horrified of. Start from there and you will better understand space politics.

>> No.12488968

Seems very likely if the universe is created. This is the simpler and better hypothesi.

>> No.12489118

heavy projection

>> No.12489172
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>> No.12489266

of course the USA would say that, probably china and best korea would say it as well, there's no particular reason anyone would actually care

>> No.12489278

could it be a signal from earth reflected by something random on the planet? After all it's only 4.25 light years away so rtt of 8.5 years. Anything happen 8.5 years ago?

>> No.12489400

It would be a god that can create energy infinitely.

>> No.12489403

What about Nukes?

>> No.12489504
File: 37 KB, 657x526, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c-can we just slow it down and be careful about how we deal with this? I want alien pussy as much as the next guy, but we have no clue what an alien race would want from us. I just hope astronomers don't forfeit our advantage as the listeners and start blasting signals back right away.

It's probably nothing anyway

>> No.12489537

three body problem pic related POGGERS

>> No.12489603

Fuck, if true and there's a civilization on Proxima we can be fucked.

>> No.12489625

I want this.

>> No.12489630

Do aliums coom?

>> No.12489651

Sounds like Time Lords

>> No.12489653

Jeez they're never gonna upload it if you keep acting desperate like that

>> No.12489715
File: 100 KB, 960x960, 111727379_2589707501246910_7353776195405036712_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Aliens arrive by improbability physics curvature shit*
they: 10101010010101001000100101000010101112

>> No.12489719

I was expecting yesterday this to be on the news already....but nothing.

>> No.12489720

Do you think they will just publish it when they confirm it's from Proxima?

>> No.12489809

They know us already if they are for longer civilized than we.
I think they would know us at least since we blew up two nukes outside of our atmosphere or some tests in higher altitudes.

>> No.12489818

Cool poster, what's that?

>> No.12489833

Aliens are tops

>> No.12490109

>They know us already if they are for longer civilized than we.
Let's hope they're also held back by some religion so they don't invade us.

>> No.12490152

I'm not anti-religion, in fact I appreciate a lot of what it has done and the comfort it can bring people since life is fucked quite often (as well as beautiful, don't get me wrong), but thinking they WOULDN'T invade due to religion is just... well... really stupid.

>> No.12490154

Kill yourself you worthless cunt nigger faggot. It's not funny, it's not witty, and you're not cool for anything you'll reply to this with like "LOL U MAD" - you're just a loser.

>> No.12490205


>> No.12490222

Doesn't the fact that one of the astronomers leaked this lend some support to this being something more interesting than interference or similar?

It would seem strange to me that one of the astronomers would go full 'ayy lmao' if this was easily explainable?

>> No.12490263

>Doesn't the fact that one of the astronomers leaked this lend some support to this being something more interesting than interference or similar?
I think one of the astronomers leaked that so the government doesn't keep it classified.
Or maybe a hacker published the info.

>> No.12490266

Or maybe they release the information slowly not to cause panic.

>> No.12490281

What would be the scariest?
>They are aliens, but really alien aliens. Even the most depraved human prevent couldn't find them sexually attractive, barring tilefucker levels of weird
>They are aliens, but they look human. Their genetics are completely different and can't reproduce with earth humans.
>They are aliens, but they look human. Other than a genetic similarity close enough to allow interbreeding their evolutionary development and history is completely different from earth
>They look human, and they have an religion that is uncannily similar to an earth religion

>> No.12490282

No, its exactly the opposite actually, it has positive, rather than negative drift implying the source is heading towards us. That either means a beacon in orbit of the star or more likely a satellite orbiting earth in a very high elliptical orbit rather than low orbit.

>> No.12490305

There is very likely one the size of Neptune.

>> No.12490315

>They are aliens, but really alien aliens. Even the most depraved human prevent couldn't find them sexually attractive, barring tilefucker levels of weird
Very likely.
>They are aliens, but they look human. Their genetics are completely different and can't reproduce with earth humans.
>They are aliens, but they look human. Other than a genetic similarity close enough to allow interbreeding their evolutionary development and history is completely different from earth
>They look human, and they have an religion that is uncannily similar to an earth religion

>> No.12490327

Depends on the orbit of the satellite.

>> No.12490378

Would nukes be detectable at 4 light years?

>> No.12490386


>> No.12490394
File: 762 KB, 1080x2246, Screenshot_2020-12-21-04-51-43-855_com.microsoft.emmx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can switch them off 4 light years away.

>> No.12490398

Just in, confirmed to be nothing of interest, it's not aliens guys

>> No.12490424


>> No.12490449

Am envisioning an ayylmao Bart Simpson slowly flipping the switch over and over, and having a giggle at people bolting around amok.

>> No.12490460

This has been debunked

>> No.12490484

If we're lucky they'll turn out to be retards like in that TNG episode. We might be able to exploit them somehow.

>> No.12490511 [DELETED] 

Well, I would say you can receive the electromagnetic burst.

>> No.12490756

chill out

>> No.12490772


>> No.12490778

could have missed previous signals.

>> No.12490783

>capitalizes Aliens

>> No.12490803

No one went full "ayy lmao". All that the article said was "we found a signal that passed our filters", but it's much more likely an indication that filters need to be refined than aliens or whatever.

>> No.12491376

someone already posted it

>> No.12491378

>5 yr away
wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.12491397

Bjork didnt age well.

>> No.12491475

Even 1000 light years away would be a historic discovery silly

>> No.12491483

If it's radio, could we hear it like with our broadcasts?

If so are they likely to let us listen to it?

>> No.12491489

it's more like discovering new algae on the bottom of mariana trench
cool, interesting, but irrelevant to anything in the grand scheme of things
at best you will get some holy wars and religious unrest in this case

>> No.12491643


>That's not my point. My point is that it doesn't make sense to let stars waste energy when you could just use it later.

bro how much energy do you think they need? are you a hoarder, by chance?

>> No.12491657

It wouldn't be a society-changing event, but proof of existence of a technological civilization so close to us would at least lead to increased investment in space. And five years is not so long we wouldn't be able to exchange information.

>> No.12491686

>it's more like discovering new algae on the bottom of mariana trench
Are you dumb or something? Life on Earth is nothing special, but life in space? Intelligent life in space?
That would be a groundbreaking discovery. Also 4 ly is close enough to be a threat for us.

>> No.12491694


It’s plausible some military radars are stupid powerful

>> No.12491706

there won't be end to their energy needs if they keep expanding/reproducing/replicating themselves.

>> No.12491713

That is not at all plausible. The reflected energy from radar drops off with distance to the 4th power, because you have the inverse square law in both directions.

>> No.12491738

G-Guys, they had the ability to calculate and pinpoint our location, yet we have difficulties in even counting the numbers of planets in the star systems.

>> No.12491747

>G-Guys, they had the ability to calculate and pinpoint our location
Coincidence? :)
>yet we have difficulties in even counting the numbers of planets in the star systems.
Our star is brighter, it is easier to see planets if you have proper telescopes.
Also if we focused more on James Webb Telescope instead of consoooming and killing each other, maybe we could calculate planet locations easily.

>> No.12491905

>Coincidence? :)
>Our star is brighter, it is easier to see planets if you have proper telescopes.
Ah, a good point!
>Also if we focused more on James Webb Telescope instead of consoooming and killing each other, maybe we could calculate planet locations easily.
Monkey brain ruining it for mankind, like always.

>> No.12491913

>That would be a groundbreaking discovery.
With little real-world applications.
>Also 4 ly is close enough to be a threat for us.
No. If that was the case we would be already gone.

>> No.12491938

Hoarding is the best choice for long term survival.

>> No.12492026

>With little real-world applications.
Science isn't about "real-world applications", but about knowledge. Real-world applications come after the desire to know.
>No. If that was the case we would be already gone.
So what, you want us to sit and do nothing?

>> No.12492068

>Science isn't about "real-world applications", but about knowledge. Real-world applications come after the desire to know.
Not in reality. Someone has to pay all the equipment and people.

>> No.12492113

>Not in reality. Someone has to pay all the equipment and people.
Science has its origins in human curiosity, capitalism came after that.
People discovered things before there were companies and governments willing to pay for it.
Essential discoveries in math or biology were made before people were willing to pay for it.
If everyone had your attitude, we would still live in huts from shit.

>> No.12492179

Even in communism you need to convince your boss.

>> No.12492318

>not society changing
Proof that all world religions except mormonism or scientology are incorrect

>> No.12492338

Religious authorities would release a patch where they claim how this and that passage was totally confirming aliens all along and the world will keep on spinning.

>> No.12492349


Are you two handicapped or just 15?

>> No.12492451



I'm trying to watch this but I cant stop laughing at this poor man's speech impediment. Lmao

>> No.12492537


t. utilitarian mouthbreather

>> No.12492573

seems it what just an unmodulated carrier.
maybe the Vogons will be beaming us the galactic highway project file after all.
We have still a chance for a NIMBY appeal and earth will be saved !

>> No.12492594

is it safe to assume that the proximians are already reusing GSM bands for 5G in their homeworld?
This was basically some ay techie that forgot to turn off its test equipment. nothing to worry about.

>> No.12492889

Isn’t that how life is explained in Evangelion

>> No.12493228

>posts human instead
what did he mean by this?

>> No.12493352

>They look human, and they have an religion that is uncannily similar to an earth religion
I want this to happen so much to melt atheist nerd brains

>> No.12493365

Yeah, proxima centauri slimy tentacle Jesus is waiting for you with other cosmic Jews

>> No.12493376

Take me to the kingdom of heaven, space Jesus, I have emptied myself of all things sinful so that I am ready to receive all your tentacles into my body

>> No.12493448

SETI has published a new article today.
They emphasize that the origin of the signal is STILL UNKNOWN and that it is JUST A CANDIDATE, but WHO KNOWS IT STILL CAN BE A REAL SIGNAL.
>It’s probably not alien and we will confirm this soon. Of course, as a SETI Institute scientist, nothing would please me more than to be proven wrong.

>> No.12493466

I hate these headlines. 'not really'? Except, maybe.

>> No.12493479

Definitely a clickbait.
The dude who writes these articles is a troll.
Just look at this:
>I tell them that I know my colleagues, and there will be always be one who leaks a secret like this. And that is precisely what happened with BLC1, where the story started with a leak from a Breakthrough Listen scientist to The Guardian.

>> No.12493498

what a retarded article

>> No.12493501

Well, that's the truth. It's probably not, except maybe it is.

>> No.12493508

>what a retarded article
The first one was as retarded:
A troll smoking weed wrote this.

>> No.12493510

>is it safe to assume that the proximians are already reusing GSM bands for 5G in their homeworld?
While I still hope for aliens, this is the mosed based and realistic comment here.

>> No.12493588

How long do you think the investigations will take?

>> No.12493604

As long as it takes for the general public to forget about it.

>> No.12493627

>As long as it takes for the general public to forget about it.
Never forgetti my spaghetti.
Let's hope glowniggers won't shut it down.

>> No.12493818


>> No.12493830

this. and he's drumming up controversy for attention with those posts too.

>> No.12493898

Impossibly based

>> No.12494298

>nooooooo you can't just not publish your findings immediately before confirming we demand to know!!!
>nooooooo you can't just say it's unconfirmed this isn't fair!!!

>> No.12494661

> you're meant to contact the USA straight away

Hahaha Why? USA can go suck a lemon

>> No.12494912
