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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.12 MB, 3840x2160, Shuttle-Starship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12478686 No.12478686 [Reply] [Original]

Bellyflop edition

Previous thread: >>12474945

Falcon 9 Block 5 | NROL-108
Thu Dec 18, 2020, 9:00 AM EST (3 hour window)
LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

>> No.12478687
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>> No.12478691
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>mars colony

>> No.12478694
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SN17 welds look very clean

>> No.12478696
File: 507 KB, 1920x1476, Expedition51_blessing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bless this thread

>> No.12478700

k i n o

>> No.12478702
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>> No.12478704
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It's not enough.

>> No.12478708

No way.

>> No.12478710


>> No.12478712
File: 630 KB, 3000x2392, 1546470360303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X-33 a cute

>> No.12478715

>falling for the carbon fiber jew

>> No.12478719
File: 2.28 MB, 614x441, SN7.1 pop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've come a long way, baby

>> No.12478722

>this project has been delayed too much
>if it gets delayed again we will end it
>we regret to inform you that we are ending this project due to excessive delays
What did they mean by this?

>> No.12478725

Posting this here in case people are too lazy to find it themselves.
>0:00 Sunrise from Starship Pad B
>0:30 Starship SN9
>1:04 Stainless Steel Delivery
>1:46 Orbital Launch Site
>2:08 Starship Launch & Landing Pads
>2:31 Work Continues on the Orbital Launch Site
>4:00 Starship SN8 Wreckage
>4:26 Starship Pad A
>5:17 Scissor Lift Delivery
>5:40 Starship SN10’s Nosecone Section
>6:04 More Deliveries
>6:44 Starship SN17’s Aft Dome Section
>7:17 Super Heavy Booster Forward Pipe Dome Sleeved
>8:58 Work on SN9 Continues
>11:31 SN10’s Nosecone Section Prepped for Stacking

>> No.12478731

this is why they switched to 304L steel. Unlike 301 it doesn't get brittle at low temps so if there's a breach it just leaks all the gas instead of exploding.

>> No.12478733

"You will not leave the prison we have erected for you all"

>> No.12478738

Wasn't SN7.1 a test of the tank's upper limit pressure-wise? Or am I misremembering?

>> No.12478742


>> No.12478744
File: 2.47 MB, 1188x1214, 1580532392504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like people were going inside of her today

>> No.12478746

possibly inspecting it?

>> No.12478747

you're right

most likely. They gotta inspect it first before they replace the flaps.

>> No.12478760

Why, of course. Because she will fly, and she will land.

>> No.12478763

What was the point of having SN5 and then SN6 do the same hop? I wasn't following SS dev at the time. Not sure why they'd build two of them and then use them both for a redundant test.

>> No.12478766

To make sure the first wasn't a fluke, I presume?

>> No.12478767

Reads like RHETORIC over RESULTS to me.

>> No.12478785

This, I think. If not this, then I don't know.

>> No.12478786
File: 136 KB, 800x799, soyuz_2.1b_image_20200513182641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also an Arianespace/Starsem launch out of the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Russia,12:26(pm) UTC (4:26am PST) 12/18/2020. Soyuz 2.1b/Fregat

I'm excited bros

>> No.12478793

OFT was in december 2019....

>> No.12478794


>> No.12478799

orbital failure test

>> No.12478800
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>> No.12478801

Say what you will, but the fact that they're sending up Orion without fixing the issues is kinda based. Fuck more delays, I dont care how gay SLS is I still wanna see it fly (or explode lol)

>> No.12478803
File: 703 KB, 948x711, 5a30a5b4b0bcd58c028b45cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many jobs has Starship created? Not many?

>> No.12478804

Of what?

>> No.12478806

Just Starship, not many yet

>> No.12478808

probably around 100 at the moment

>> No.12478810

no like 700 according to the Berger article. Musk wants to have like 3000 in boca by 2022

>> No.12478812

>by the time Starliner will finally dock with the ISS it will be set up for deorbit

>> No.12478815

Damn, missed that.

>> No.12478819

is he counting the raptor plant and spacex administrative people?

>> No.12478821

which article? i've heard already over 1000.
no, boca chica just has a shit ton of people

>> No.12478847

Actually quite a few Mr shelby.

>> No.12478855
File: 213 KB, 1200x721, 1606331990381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 people to Mars in starship yes or no? Some back of napkin drawings I have done seem to indicate you could give everyone a sleeping pod in four decks, 2m high each, leaving room for THE SHAFT, 300mm of foam insulation around the outside shell, 100mm foam sandwich pod walls and 200mm SHAFT walls to contain the water tanks and act as a storm shelter. I think the real problem is going to be the life support. Can you carry enough enough carbon scrubbing material for 100 people for 6 months? Water will be fine, easy enough to recycle piss and greywater. Food less easy, not sure how much you would have to bring per person but you could reduce it by 2/3 by having your colonists on a 72/1 fasting schedule and packing on a few kilos before they go.

>> No.12478870
File: 36 KB, 595x207, Screen Shot 2020-12-17 at 9.18.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go

>> No.12478880

The average person consumes about a ton of food per year, even if you make it all MREs and say halve that, you'd still be talking about fifty tons of food for a hundred people. Personally I think more like 25 people is more likely, you'll need a life support significantly more powerful and long lived than that carried aboard the ISS to sustain even that many people for a six month coast, and of course you'll want to have a significant safety margin on that so it will need to be even more long lived. Same for food, water, etc.

>> No.12478881

>100 people to Mars in starship yes or no?
literally no, 30 people is really pushing it, more than that will require fleets of people. 6 months in isolation, particularly for non military astronauts is gonna require a lot of elbow room and even then might result in insanity, no one is gonna pay for being buried alive in space

>> No.12478884

it's already in orbit you fools

>> No.12478885

I've heard the 100 number somewhere official-ish, can't remember where. But yeah, that's in theory an extreme upper limit. More realistic the first human starship missions, especially humans to mars starship missions, is going to be very few humans, a lot of equipment and science gear, base set up gear, etc. Also they'll want to reduce souls at risk as much as possible, so probably bring as few as possible. Long term, assuming starship isn't replaced at that point, you could start maxxing human capacity, but even then mars is a long trip, people are gonna need room.

>> No.12478887

The Mayflower had approximately 400 m^3 of usable space. For 130 people, along with chickens, dogs, sheep, twelve artillery pieces, and goats. And supplies for all of them. For seven months.
Starship will have ~900 m^3 of pressurized space. And probably less artillery pieces onboard.
Volume won't be a problem, humans do fine crammed together

>> No.12478890

They were wildly off course and suffered casualties en route.

>> No.12478892

They also had free oxygen en route, but I share your sentiment that humans can endure even abysmal conditions between points A to B.

>> No.12478893

I gave more credence to the isolation-madness idea before this year. Whole populations have been cooped up for even longer than a voyage to Mars and they haven't gone crazy. Well, except for the riots...

>> No.12478895

trip on the mayflower had less livable volume in crew quarters than starship

>> No.12478897

The mayflower also didn't have to scrub the air or carry radiation shielding.

>> No.12478899


>> No.12478901
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>Double dubs

>> No.12478902

Due to navigation problems and medieval tier conditions and medicine. Neither are problems for this journey.

>> No.12478905

Lol fuck this planet, there are plenty of people who would unironically be locked in a 2x1 cage for 6 months if that's what it took to gtfo. Sanitary conditions are not a problem, this isn't the fucking 1600s.

>> No.12478906

>interplanetary colonization canceled because anons get uncomfortable for a little bit

>> No.12478909

>probably less artillery on board
No, they MUST be armed.

>> No.12478910

More likely 50 people, but pack for 100 for some sweet redundancy.
For the first mission to Mars though I’m expecting somewhere between 8-12

>> No.12478916


>> No.12478917

Reminder that 100 people with an average of 70kg (sorry Americans) only weighs 7/150 tonnes. The decks and cabins will weigh fuck all, plastic and foam sandwich construction I would imagine. 10 tonnes on the absolute outside, probably much less. That's a whole SHITLOAD of spare carrying capacity.

>> No.12478919

SpaceX doesn't plan to replace starship once they've gotten the early colony started up, they plan to start sending fleets of 100s of crewed starships every orbital synod starting in the mid to late 2020s (eventually upwards of over a 1000 crewed starships per synod). I've also heard that SpaceX plans for 10 cargo ships for every one crewed ship, which would mean upwards of 10000 starships every orbital synod towards the late 2040s/2050s. This is why elon NEEDS the insane launch cadence he has claimed for starship (3 launches per day), as he'll need to eventually fuel around 10000 starships in orbit (which would require over 60000 launches within two years). When he says stuff like "3 launches" a day, that is probably only for tanker starships.

>> No.12478923

if they're working class people who sold all their property on earth to get enough money for a ticket then yeah, but the sanitary conditions would still be 1000x better

>> No.12478926

Also the mayflower was in 1g, can’t utilize volume as efficiently. And they had bulky foods etc.

>> No.12478927
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 1605000436966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this retard tier launch cadence is totally doable with the projected cost estimates for starship and the income from starlink

Never wanted anything so bad desu.

>> No.12478940

this, didnt realize /sfg/ was full of pussies

>> No.12478941

So does it appear they have committed to launching SN9, or are they still checking it for issues that might cause it to be scrapped?

>> No.12478943

>tfw 55kg in weird euro-units
Put me in coach, you can maybe get two of me for the price of one

>> No.12478946

>boo hoo I can't go outside for 7 months!
What site even is this? Who are these normalfags?

>> No.12478949


>> No.12478950
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>> No.12478951

hypergolic x-33 when?

>> No.12478952

Also imagine what happens to the kind of person who can't handle enclosed spaces for 3-6 months when they suddenly realise they are going to spend the rest of their lives never going outside again. There is going to need to be some serious screening work done along with a blind eye turned to airlock and surface suit accidents.

>> No.12478956

I would absolutely sign the fuck up for that. Been working from a fucking flat since march, I'm trained

>> No.12478959

>you think customers that pay AT LEAST the equivalente of todays 250 thousand dollars are gona be ok with living in sanitary conditions of colonial age disentery ships
Colonists literally did pay their life savings to move to the new world.

>> No.12478962

SN9 is a clumsy lush and a bit of slut

>> No.12478963
File: 3.00 MB, 450x800, chinese_moon_probe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the Chinese space program


>> No.12478967

Don't judge her just because she's falling all over herself, she's just having a bad night. Also she thinks you look really cute and she needs to puke right now.

>> No.12478968

Buy a ship, treat her proper, she’ll be with you the rest of your life.

>> No.12478969

Reminds me of those lambo bodykit things from 10-15 years ago the poos and chinks kept making.

>> No.12478972

I'm curious if there are any parallels to this in American colonial history. Obv you could put people in jail, but on Mars berzerk colonists would be a dangerous drain on resources, at least initially

>> No.12478973

You must be Europeam

>> No.12478977

Told you it was fucking staged

>> No.12478978

Wood is legit a good material though, it's a shame that all you can find nowadays is fucking pine junk because forestry niggers cut down all the good stuff and didn't replant it with the same stuff because they are too fucking impatient for good trees to grow and mcmansions need cheap pine.

>> No.12478979

Play nice unless you wanna fend for yourself on the surface without a pressure suit. Simple as. Shouldn't take more than a couple examples to drive home the message.

>> No.12478984

>3d printed hamburgers
>3d printed mahogany
the future is bright bros

>> No.12478986

Literally the von braun plan in action lmao, I hope this actually happens

>> No.12478987
File: 754 KB, 2400x1514, saiful-haque-outerwilds-heathianship-wide-v04-0623-lowres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the Outer Wilds ship.

>> No.12478988

Hmmm anyone who goes crazy or deserves “jail” time will probably be given an ultimatum: either return to earth or get sent out the airlock. It wouldn’t cost anything to send them back seeing how starships will be returning anyways. But if they are mentally unfit they might have to be killed. The city in Mars is going to have to face this and other hard choices

>> No.12478989

If I was colony governer I would just space them, then collect and recycle the body. However I don't think that will happen, maybe there will be "accidents" in the early days when there simply can't be useless mouths to feed but once there is a stable base population and settlement they will probably just be locked up until the next synod and fucked off back to urf on returning starships.

>> No.12478992

never imagined a game could have this much soul

>> No.12478994

it does though, it requires an immense amount of resources to fuel Starship for return. Airlock it is, at least for a long while

>> No.12478995

Martian colony rule #1: Fuck around and find out

>> No.12478997

Ah yes, the Fremen colony

>> No.12478999

if we're lucky they will just space themselves

>> No.12479002
File: 50 KB, 480x480, 1476923081611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they really just sending any shmuck who can pay? Not trained astronauts that are physically and mentally conditioned for such a mission instead?

>> No.12479003

Space-seppuku confirmed
the least they can do is recycle the air instead of venting it with them, selfish fucks

>> No.12479004

that's how america was founded, anon

>> No.12479007

>Not trained astronauts that are physically and mentally conditioned for such a mission instead?

Aka how to never have a colony. The best you can do is recruit from hard cunts in the general population and try to screen out the psycho fuck normies who would lose it and go apeshit.

>> No.12479009

Will it be multinational or just americans? It will be funny if mohammad the millionaire starts throwing a tantrum because he wants all the women to cover their faces. Out the airlock you go mohammad, fucking schmuck

>> No.12479010

The weak among them will die and the strong will survive

>> No.12479012

I think it’s a lot different when the average joe could quite literally kill the entire city if he lost his mind. Or sabotage the starship en route to Mars because he realizes he made a mistake. Hopefully the vetting process is arduous. (personally I want musk to build a biosphere II in boca and force all participants to live there for 2 years to weed out the weak)

>> No.12479013

UAE is fairly progressive. Plus it's clear they will be huge into bankrolling colonial efforts. The Mormons may be enormously helpful as well. we shouldn't discount the deep pockets of fanatics

>> No.12479014

What’s sn9 going to do?

>> No.12479016

Holy shit that looks retarded

>> No.12479017

we lost many early american colonies. some survived

>> No.12479019

It looks exactly like what you'd get if you welded some garbage together until it was a spaceworthy vehicle. It's a flight-worthy pile of trash in the vague shape of a spacecraft.

>> No.12479020

Religious fanatics bankrolling their own colonies would be extremely based.

>> No.12479023

Yeah UAE and Mormons are both based. I was just picking an easy strawman. Maybe a better example would be a hyperliberal white woman who gets to Mars and stars trying to sabotage everything because she thinks the colony is too nationalistic and fascist.
>We should not assign pronouns to Martian babies! let them choose!
>Black martian colonists should be given better rooms and more currency!
>All von braun portraits must be destroyed!
>Um sorry honey but we are all intrinsically evil colonizers so we should not try to mess with the environment. Stop planning your terraforming project!
I would spartan kick someone like this down the canyon with no remorse

>> No.12479024

The offer of sacrificing everything to live out your days in a tin can in a frozen hell is already a top filter.

>> No.12479028

i seriously don't understand why zubrin isnt going out of his way to make the case to these people. he seems retardedly focused on ukraine for some bizarre reason. UAE is already excited to stretch their Mars legs, with Hope and all. They love funding and building out megaprojects

>> No.12479038

Because Rubrin is politically retarded and is mostly blind even in space domain as seen in his criticism of starship systems as too general.

>> No.12479041

But anon, you don't want to infect Mars with the problems of Earth, do you? We need to start Mars off on the right foot, with a Star Trek commie utopia. That is only until after we feed all these niggers. We can't explore space until we solve Earth problems, simple as.

Oh also, anon, you really shouldn't use that word colonialism. Bit problematic

>> No.12479051
File: 184 KB, 1400x788, 0-1536x864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope Astra gets their shit together because their rocket and launch site look really cool.

>> No.12479066
File: 55 KB, 716x428, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back up nigger, world's most kino launch site coming through.

>> No.12479069

I wonder if their IP will be worth anything after their inevitable bankruptcy. I say inevitable bc they could fuck up launch 3, or eventually Starship body slams them, along with every other smol launcher

>> No.12479076
File: 82 KB, 618x773, Aerial-photo-of-Kwajalein-Atoll-Source-Photographed-by-official-photographer-Sue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12479083

That's actually really cool, and it's nice seeing it celebrated in china. It's their Luna moment

>> No.12479085

Its kino but they don't launch anything from there now do they?

>> No.12479089

What does /sfg/ think of the new KSP update?
Finally our landers won't be left on the surface because apparently the landing legs can't "take the landing speed of 33.12 m/s"

>> No.12479090

It's a military site iirc.

>> No.12479094

That's actually a pretty neat replica

>> No.12479095
File: 537 KB, 1920x1280, 1920px-Osaki_Range.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try again fuckface

>> No.12479101
File: 121 KB, 828x996, 1604041027594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all these kino launch sites but the future of the world's giant spaceport is some shitty swamp

>> No.12479106
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, getty_647726438_152941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starliner going to try and not fuck up for a second flight. Senate Launch System cannot static fire because weather.

Meanwhile SpaceX has grain silos doing acrobatics

>> No.12479111

Apollo launched from a swamp too.

>> No.12479114

>3 launches per day
President-for-life Kamala is going to shut him down long before that. Carbon emission limits, you know.

>> No.12479120

They'd be off shore launches in the middle of the ocean, and SpaceX plans to be completely carbon neutral in terms of launch emissions by scrubbing the amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere that they release into the atmosphere

>> No.12479122

Looks like a Goldeneye level.

>> No.12479123

astra will be forever valuable to the US gov because they can fit the GSE and rocket in two international cargo containers and use it for shady shit

>> No.12479126

I suppose so, plus soon Musk will be rich enough to personally pay off every single member of the US government from the county level up.

>> No.12479128

I can't even imagine 3 launches a day, either the starship fleet is either going to be huge, or its going to be not as huge and with near miraculous turnaround times.

>> No.12479130

Are they really going to scrub carbon? Kek I mean good for them but shit eaters on twitter will still complain about Elon assuming twitter is still around 20 years from now
Goldeneye is fucking based. The N64 soundtrack is unforgettable

>> No.12479132

RIP Arecibo

>> No.12479133

I think they're aiming for huge. The idea is for each starship to be a complete commodity item produce by the thousand, like liberty ships.

>> No.12479135

Yeah Musk needs to get in on the bribery game like all the other big boys so the government shitfaggots let him get on with it.

>> No.12479136

Lmao all those people in Boca cheering for the SN8 flight won’t be cheering much longer when they have a constant armada of starships brapping around their city

>> No.12479140

>Honey wake up its time for your 2am starship launches

>> No.12479143

Complimentary earmuffs for each citizen within city limits.

>> No.12479144

I know the goal is to make so many of them that the sheer quantity causes the price of them to go through the floor, but what's probably going to be the big hurdle is getting the money for the initial large production runs. I have no idea if space tourism + starlink can pull in enough revenue to cover what is initially going to be a rather big money sink.

>> No.12479149

Starlink is going to print gigabux

>> No.12479150

I would prefer to send at least 10 starships with 20 people each for a serious mission as redundance measure in case of problems

>> No.12479153

The idea is a huge starship fleet, but the "3 launches a day" will presumably only happen with tanker starships as SpaceX will eventually get to the point where they will have to fuel 10000+ starships in orbit 6 times with a full tanker starship launch within 2 and a half years. But that is far into the future, late 2040s/early 2050s at earliest/
That'll never happen, at most Boca China will have 1 starship launch a week, because the exclusion zone is so big. The majority of the starship launches are going to be off shore.

>> No.12479155

cool, i might reinstall. Too bad KSP2 got pushed back though.

>> No.12479156

>"As commercial companies focus on providing human transportation services to and from low-Earth orbit, NASA is free to focus on building spacecraft and rockets for deep space missions to the Moon and Mars."
Why does NASA completely ignore starship aside from the Artemis HLS? Its probably more flight proven then SLS at this point.

>> No.12479157

By late 2040s I'd expect most fuel to be manufactured off-world and shipped to earth orbit, bypassing the problem of gigantic launch rates.

>> No.12479160
File: 429 KB, 884x820, space is over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA is free to focus on building spacecraft and rockets for deep space missions to the Moon and Mars.
Uh no, NASA is free to focus on climate science.

>> No.12479162

solar powered lasers

>> No.12479164

road closure on 23rd and 29th

>> No.12479166

I doubt it. Since starships use methalox that'd mean SpaceX would have to go through the trouble of producing massive methalox production plants on Mars, (they plan to produce methalox with ISRU but not on the scale that would be required to fuel a starship fleet), which would potentially take decades to do. Its much simpler to simply refuel the ships from launches on earth, and SpaceX has already designed starship from the ground up for "rapid reusability"

>> No.12479167

Waste taxpayer dollars that could be going to healthcare.

>> No.12479168

>Solar panels only 20% efficient
>Lasers are only 20% efficient
>Grand total of 4% Light to Light conversion
This isn't getting into the fact that military grade MW lasers rely on some rather exotic chemicals to run, and you can't just rely on electricity alone.

>> No.12479169

like their black lives matter rocket?

>> No.12479170
File: 264 KB, 750x1334, 399B4C41-2770-4689-B5A8-AA1AD62963A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay /sfg/. Long story short I have a family friend who is a geologist. His dad was also a geologist who helped train Neil and Buzz. Neil snuck him two moon rocks and they are in his house in his rock collection. They are really big too, like half the size of a closed fist each. I will try to get photos later. How do I fucking convince him to give me one? Or do I rat him out like an asshole (I was told not to talk about it because it’s illegal for him to own them. But neil and buzz gave them out anyways).
Pic unrelated but I met alan bean as a kid and he was really funny

>> No.12479174

I was thinking of a methalox station on a near earth asteroid, or even the moon. 2040 is a long way off, it could be done.

>> No.12479175

I'm sure that with a couple of supercapacitors in parallel you can do MW laser pulses without too many problems... the question is how many before recharging for 1 week

>> No.12479176

How does this guy who smokes pot beat us?

>> No.12479179

Also you're gonna need some huge radiators to deal with all the heat.

>> No.12479180

>How do I fucking convince him to give me one?
>Or do I rat him out like an asshole
Choose neither, you trash person. Be thankful that you were even told of the true nature of those rocks.

>> No.12479181

lmao it was more of a joke, I wouldn’t do that. But they fill me with envy. They are super dark now - presumably they were oxidized because of the atmosphere. I have my own rock collection but I will never have moon rocks

>> No.12479184

Maybe you will get to visit the moon in the next twenty years and take some rocks home with you.

>> No.12479187
File: 7 KB, 444x555, 1597861953381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does NASA completely ignore starship aside from the Artemis HLS? Its probably more flight proven then SLS at this point.
They're an executive branch agency and can't admit that SLS is garbage in public without pissing off every member of Congress with SLS jobs in their district/state (which is literally all 535 of them).

>> No.12479190

I will certainly try my best. If I had musk levels of wealth I would personally bankroll a venus sample return mission or something else niche but cool. Space is so mesmerizing and the fact that moon rocks are still rare in 2020 makes me sad

>> No.12479196

sure, space is quite bad from that point of view... no convection

>> No.12479197

fair enough, didn't consider that. they are the smallest, right? pretty lean support team too from what i heard

>> No.12479201

try to get a job at rocket lab... they will try to shoot something to Venus to advertise their company sooner or later

>> No.12479203

I finally figure out the perfect candidates for mars colonization, monks.
>used to living in isolation
>can focus on a task and put petty squabbles aside
>accustomed to lives of strict, repetitive routine
>small, cramped, ascetic mars bases are comparable to monasteries
All you'd really need to do is find monks who have experience in relevant technical fields.
It can't be too hard to find a bunch of Florenskys or Athenagorases to journey to mars.

>> No.12479210

i still think it'd be far easier to just do it from earth

>> No.12479214


>> No.12479217

Nah, we will have equatorial spaceport barges, maybe hundreds in the ocean lining the equator. 18m starships will exclusively launch from there. smaller 9m starship will shuttle people

>> No.12479218
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the crater left behind from SN8

>> No.12479220

can you actually construct large structures or is it just limited to small shit like solar panels and legs?

>> No.12479233

Pretty much anything that can fir in the volume of the containers

>> No.12479274

Raptor scars. Alternatively, brap marks.

>> No.12479278

I've had similar thoughts about who is going to be running the schools and hospitals off world. If only Francis wasn't such a shit.

>> No.12479281

The average autist from /sfg/ would fare well on Mars.

>> No.12479297

>You have been assigned a full week of outdoor work in surface suits. The security /k/ommandos will use their moist nuggets on you if you flee.
>Normie: "Aw maaaan."
>4ASShole: <moonbasealpha.wav>

>> No.12479302



>> No.12479306

>excepting NEETs to do work

>> No.12479309
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Does anyone have the little Timmy meme about Atomic Rockets? That's me now. I tried rewatching Star Trek and got so incredibly mad at the decks pointing the wrong way that I had to stop.

>implying /sfg/ is all neets
I haven't put pants on this week but that's my governor's fault for keeping everything locked down. I allegedly have an office job if offices ever reopen.

>> No.12479312
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The space sector is so tiny.

>> No.12479314

>the decks pointing the wrong way
Wait what

>> No.12479320

Star Trek ships have decks parallel to the direction of thrust, like a boat. Moonship has decks perpendicular to the direction of thrust.

>> No.12479326

The maximum calorie density for food is fat at 9cal/g. That means 2000 calories is 222 g of pure fat(oil, crisco, etc). 2000 calories is 500 g of either sugar or protein (both are 4cal/g). So a year of pure fat would be >365*222=81kg or 365*500 =182 kg.
So somewhere between those 2 is a reasonable ration. A starship with 150 tons of fat as cargo would supply the caloric needs for about 1650 person years of calories. A starship full of protein or carbs would contain 750 person years of calories.

Most food isn’t optimized for caloric mass or volume efficiency- MREs weigh 600g and only have 1200 calories in them. Sugar, flour, etc can be stored compact and dry but turned into beer and bread etc when it’s eating time, and the moisture taken back out after the crew has digested it.

>> No.12479328

Oh never thought of that before. In that case they point the right way. Same with the space shuttle. Starship’s stacking method is weird because all the rooms are sideways along the direction of thrust/movement

>> No.12479332

>A starship with 150 tons of fat as cargo would supply the caloric needs for about 1650 person years of calories.
The interplanetary keto diet

>> No.12479337

I believe SpaceX has the technical ability deliver humans to Mars in the next four years, but I don't believe they will be allowed to do so as the risks will be too great for modern sensibilities to allow.

>> No.12479339

How is this country even functioning, I fell like I already have UBI. Like I sleep during work and wake up at midnight to play games. Why do they keep giving me money

>> No.12479341

they can do whatever they want lmao

>> No.12479352

Nothing is stopping them at this point but themselves. The government could tell them starship is too dangerous, but there is no law against human rating rockets landing on other planets. (Hell, if anything Musk gets to make all the laws on Mars if he is the only one with a colony on it). Spacex could get cold feet though and decide to land everyone with dragon 2’s instead but I doubt that will happen at this point.

>> No.12479353

>How is this country even functioning
Inertia, basically.

>> No.12479355
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>> No.12479357

Quantized inertia USA

>> No.12479369
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>> No.12479371

Don't be a fucking nigger. If you are close just ask if you can have one when he dies.

>> No.12479378

Fucking Evangelion fanart.

>> No.12479379

Interplanetary fasting diet is optimal. Have your elonauts put on 30-40kg before launch and consume nothing en route except water and a few salts. Has the bonus of weeding out soft pussy cunts.

>> No.12479382

That's one hell of a bulk

>> No.12479383

Why do you think he's in Texas?

>> No.12479385
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The state of America's military.

>> No.12479387

I want a scramble for the solar system. I want starships assembling megladon class starships that do round trips around near by bodies and strip them for materials. I want outposts glistening on the moon. Man kind's birth right is the stars. We may never be one nation or one people. But we can all stake a claim on the greatest bounty of land since the new world

>> No.12479390
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He needs to go to Greece and find the Bloatlord if that's his master plan.

>> No.12479392

Pre emptive food supply desu. You can fast indefinitely down to full holodomor famine skele mode with no ill effects so long as you have your electrolyte salts.

>> No.12479396

at least they out themselves

>> No.12479400

Am I back in 2012?

>> No.12479401
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>oh no I have to eat a bunch of super dank food 5 meals a day for 6 months before launch.

>> No.12479410

imagine the poop

>> No.12479421
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I hope the Mars colony has an alien / star citizen look to it, and not a boring stale utilitarian look

>> No.12479424
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>female astronauts are going to stuff their faces get really thick before launch

>> No.12479426

don't shittalk swamps

>> No.12479434

Swamps are objectively the worst biome on the planet. Even desert and Arctic tundra is preferable.

>> No.12479438

come and fucking fight me bitch
wait you can't because you're a pussy who can't handle swamps
I'm going to enjoy my pine, deer, oysters and crab and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.12479442

So basically KAS + KIS mods got ported into base game
Eat shit vanillafags

>> No.12479445
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Fasting is the future of cheap interplanetary travel. Body fat is by far the most dense food source available.

>> No.12479446

Floridian, Louisianian, Dutch, Celt, or Byelorussian fag detected

>> No.12479448

South Carolina
the whole east coast from north of Charleston all the way down around passed Boca Chica is hard to differentiate

>> No.12479450

I have spent months in swamp country while travelling and currently live in a borderline desert. Swamps are fucking nasty shit for subhumans, I can't think of a single more horrible environment for human habitation.

>> No.12479452

saltwater swamps (known as tidal wetlands) are the best you fucking casual
it's almost like you don't enjoy dolphins, manatees and great white sharks

>> No.12479456

Fuck that, enjoy your 100% humidity and unlimited swarms of biting AIDS insects fucking your shit up.

>> No.12479457

noseeums are your friend, anon

>> No.12479460
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Anyone else excited for "the Flippening of the Century"?

>> No.12479461

SIDF pls go

>> No.12479463

get the fuck out of my swamp

>> No.12479467

How's the weather over in Tel Avestuary?

>> No.12479469

No problem, so long as you stay there.

>> No.12479473

Swamps are the white man's natural home. He thrives on adversity.

>> No.12479474

the wut

>> No.12479475

>Tel Avestuary
lol. It's 3 degrees right now, quite pleasant.

>> No.12479478

Musk becomes the richest man in the world through the upcoming SpaceX fundraising equity sale, and Bezos dumps more billions into his pathogical simping for busted beaner thots.

>> No.12479480

how's the weather inside your mom's ass hole?

>> No.12479487

Swamps are one of the furthest things from the white man's ancestral habitat.

>> No.12479492
File: 48 KB, 447x438, Francis_Marion_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come and say that to my face bitch

>> No.12479495

I think the BLM stuff was really a sign that Bezos is desperate. Combine that with the shade and jealousy he throws at elon..it's been a gradual but noticeable fall. everything jeff does is emulation of elon, with investment in rivian, autonomous vehicles, reusable rockets, mega constellations. elon had multiple states begging for tesla's next factory, but amazon only had bad press when they had states compete for their new hq. bezos was super pissed about that

>> No.12479509

Yeah, I found Bezos’s electric car website by accident (I didn’t even know it existed) and it was an absolutely unapologetic rip of the tesla website layout. So embarrassing
But bezos will always have amazon. I don’t know if he is genius or just a lucky hedgefund manager but bezos is lucky as fuck amazon is as big as it is

>> No.12479513

bezos can run a slick bookstore, but he's no engineer

>> No.12479518

Have to say he's dressed effay as fuck as well... damn.

>> No.12479521

Bezos is the limp globohomo imitation of Musk.

>> No.12479530
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>be rocket engineer

Work for national agency
>paid to study hypothetical manned flag planting mission doable in 4yrs
>only allowed to upgrade 80yrs oldspace design
>no unproven newspace technology allowed to be tested
>have to wear cap made of red tape
>every 4yrs your budget and design goal reset
>do mission-critical R&D side-project that will never be used
>people call you a tax-thief with a cushy-job

Work for private company
>paid to build a mars-rocket right now is it done yet?
>free hands to try any imaginable new concept
>no uncool technology allowed to be tested
>green paper fall from the sky
>subsidies money keep coming no matter how much explode
>get all mission-critical R&D for free from national agency
>people glorify the CEO who pay you minimum wage to make gravity his bitch

>> No.12479536
File: 404 KB, 750x427, B23F1C47-47F9-4255-BD0D-0A7ECDB20464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are other countries like Russia going to even attempt to compete without private companies? Hopefully roscosmos gets a huge budget increase in the future

>> No.12479547
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Bezos was a programmer like Elon was, but he doesn't "get" spaceflight the way SpaceX, RocketLab, or 4ASS do. He talked a big game about O'Neill cylinders but he's not operating Blue Origin like a man who actually intends to build them.

On that note, the first rocket stage to reach and remain in orbit with a Richard Dean Anderson dakimakura payload will technically be an O'Neill Cylinder. Someone call Jim about funding.

>> No.12479551

I don't get your joke about... the actor who played MacGuyver?

>> No.12479555


>> No.12479560

ah, sorry, Stargate SG-1 isn't swampcore enough for me

>> No.12479569


>> No.12479580

>the first rocket stage to reach and remain in orbit with a Richard Dean Anderson dakimakura payload will technically be an O'Neill Cylinder
Cring'd externally

>> No.12479588
File: 2.10 MB, 2560x1440, Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart enough to pass aptitude test understand the risks
>brave enough yet not actually insane
>rich enough to afford ticket
800 people climb Everest every year at $30,000 - $160,000. Arguably much cooler but your chances of returning alive and healthy are looking like the original Moon landing. I think the problem comes when they try to sell the seats. There has to be a huge disclaimer stating 'you will probably die'

>> No.12479594

We all die anyways. Plus, any method of death on Mars or en route there isn’t that bad. If the rocket blows up or crashes it’s instantaneous. A blowout of a window in space or something would be a quick death

>> No.12479623

>not that bad
I'd dispute that. Also too many deaths early on discourages others and puts a bad taste on things.
>100 tons of rovers in the next four years
This is the better strategy. The manned timeline is too optimistic.

>> No.12479637

Problem is just economical.
Russia have less problem with creative engineering and can do high-tech project. But they don't have the money to do more than preserve their oldspace glory or pay subsidies to save the ass of private companies.

Reminder that SpaceX was ridiculously lucky. Only way it can be more lucky is if a space-mining industry fund the Starship for something more profitable and safer than what its madman want.

>> No.12479640

do you know if it's deaths as a percentage of fortress pop or if it's just total deaths that trigger the migrant repulsion?

>> No.12479709
File: 13 KB, 222x224, d5d8d5189887ffce295905b816af8b61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steam updates KSP
>mechjeb not compatible
>tweakscale partially compatible
Good thing I copied the game folder bf updating. But now I have a problem: If I keep playing my backup, how can I move back to the updated copy once the mods are compatible again?

>> No.12479717
File: 24 KB, 97x116, 1371647075881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mechjeb not compatible
guess it's time to learn how to play the game now huh?

>> No.12479740

I only use it for the porkchop graph in the transfers section, and for the automated ascent. Doesn't really give me an advantage.
I also have transfer windows in kerbal alarm clock, but they happen to be wrong every single time.

>> No.12479745

>Falcon 9 Block 5 | NROL-108
Why are you burgers launching NRO junk every week? Are they been taken down by the Russians or what?

>> No.12479756

If they don't launch a payload every week the NRO will get budget reductions. They're probably fucking boilerplates lmao

>> No.12479764

1997 called, they want their image back.

>> No.12479785

F9 SCRUBBED to Saturday.
See, this happens when you buy cheap rethoric over results.

>> No.12479787

Soyuz launch now live in Ruptly and Roskosmos channels. No English stream that I know.

>> No.12479795

Arianespace stream live in 5 min.
This mission is lifting up 36 sats for OneWeb.
Expected launch time 12:26 UTC

>> No.12479797
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>> No.12479820

LMAO the ruskie stream is broken both in roskosmos and rt.

>> No.12479826

I forgot Roscosmos' 3D animations were good. Their stream quality though...

>> No.12479830

lol the chat is funny. nobody can see shit.

>> No.12479843

Why are Soyuz launch pads' flame trenches always so big? Because it's not a big rocket and it looks way bigger than on western pads

>> No.12479849

ohh, so it is a polar launch. That is why it is off Vostochny.

>> No.12479850


>> No.12479852

Yeah, arianespace is in eng.
Roskosmos stream is Ok again.

>> No.12479860
File: 1.19 MB, 4096x2731, 1592132493331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OneWeb waifu

>> No.12479861

>night launch
>Siberian weather
Fuck this

>> No.12479863

Yet another quality soviet production.

>> No.12479867

>Siberian weather
meanwhile everyone else is scrubbing because of a slight breeze

>> No.12479868

Seriously. New cosmodrome, same shitty video feeds. No onboard cam...

>> No.12479870

So fucking cold you store your LOX and RP-1 in a regular fridge.

>> No.12479878

It has been -36°C, 300 km from the airport to the cosmodrome.
They had to stop every half an hour to check the generators were still powering the satellite heaters. 6 hours of travel in total.

>> No.12479879

Oneweb must be pretty sad huh

>> No.12479883

I live in a country with similar temperatures in the inland in winter. Thank fuck I live on the coast.

>> No.12479884

They're going to start commercial satellite service next year though? I think they are guaranteed a monopoly in India, so their jobs are secured.

>> No.12479888

I'm pretty sure Starlink will eat their lunch given a bit of time.

>> No.12479890

musky is already shitting all over them, they're going to be drowning in musks poo

>> No.12479894

>another constellation of junk in LEO
Finally Elon will be able to stream barge landings with no interruptions!

>> No.12479895

Starlink is unlikely to get approved in India since US law requires ISP's to provide data on non-American accounts and Indian law says it's illegal for ISP's to do that.

>> No.12479896

What's stopping SpaceX from setting up subsidiary ISP companies? Absolutely nothing. Reminder that SpaceX set up a subsidiary company in Norway to get Starlink off the ground in the first place.

>> No.12479898

Kind of ironic to laugh at manual skills given the hand welding required on the various Starship prototypes thus far. It's like to see the 4ASS Xmas Starship model competition entrants. I bet they would be universally pants

>> No.12479902


>> No.12479910
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>> No.12479914

You're right.

>> No.12479915

>sorry Americans
At least you're not using "stone".
crazy that 2020 is just at the right time to be an example filter for normiefags to understand what it's like going to mars, just tell them that they have to do that for at least two years at a time, and there's no way to cheat
they need to understand that even being sent home is going to take six months, and the bus only leaves every two years
IFLS snowflake millennials are gonna go crazy if they don't grow the fuck up, there's going to have to be like 2-3 months of isolation *with* work even before launch just to filter out the worst of them, like this >>12479385
NPCs can't visualize this shit without being Biosphered for a few months first
right, this
it looks like The Homer
>Doom startup screen
holy shit, it's been like 30 years, I didn't remember the startup of the dos version thanks to all the console versions

>> No.12479917

>Ion thrusters in each sat
>3 months to raise orbit
The absolute state

>> No.12479920
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>> No.12479924


>> No.12479927

I guarantee you countries like Saudi Arabia will fund thousands of fanatics with their oilbux to create an Islamic fundamentalist colony.

>> No.12479936

Just americans
Pretty much. Maybe they'll do a one month isolation period on earth or something.

>> No.12479947

No retard, the Japanese billionaire isn't American, anyone with money is gonna get an opportunity to go to Mars.

>> No.12479952

The first mission or two should only be trained astronauts, engineers, scientists, etc. Let them set up the base then the rest can come.

>> No.12479961

Cope, a lunar tourism flight is much different from mars colonies.
Probably mostly engineers at first, not scientists. Elon doesn't care as much about doing science on Mars as he does about setting up a colony. But once the early colony is set up, I'm sure scientists will start arriving.

>> No.12479968

Is there any chance that SN9 flies before 2021? I want to leave spaceflight news for a few weeks but I don't miss the first landing of Starship.

>> No.12479971

No it's not. Plus they're going to be launching offshore, so passports and visas won't be an issue. They also need all the rich people they can get, saying only Americans can go is a typical thing to say for the fascist cunt that you are who doesn't understand the importance of diverse backgrounds in space. I'm almost sure you think musk was born in america, can't blame the American in you for being ignorant.

>> No.12479973

Finding Mecca for praying is going to require some serious calculations.
Also martian mosques cannot longer point to Mecca.

>> No.12479979

Fucking kill yourself you stupid anglo

>> No.12479980

You probably don't even know what fascism is

>> No.12479996

Ok, this is a good dbz post

>> No.12480000

Are you mad that the rest of the world gets to enjoy musk's accomplishments as well as retarded Americans like you? Reminder, in Mars, there'll be no nationalities. I take comfort in knowing that retards like you with nationalistic, republican ideologies won't pass the screening test for travel. You fail to understand just how important diversity is for survival in space.

>> No.12480010

Malaysia's space agency, Angkasa, convened a conference of 150 Islamic scientists and scholars last year to wrestle with these and other questions. The resulting document (.doc), "A Guideline of Performing Ibadah (worship) at the International Space Station (ISS)", was approved by Malaysia's National Fatwa Council earlier this year. According to the report, determining the qibla should be "based on what is possible" for the astronaut, and can be prioritized this way: 1) the Ka'aba, 2) the projection of Ka'aba, 3) the Earth, 4) wherever.


>> No.12480012
File: 157 KB, 860x860, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You fail to understand just how important diversity is for survival in space.

>> No.12480013

amerimutts get BTFO

>> No.12480017
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>> No.12480032

Based, islamic money is gonna do some crazy things in space. They're desperate to diversify past oil and nothing says ego project like space. Also Muslims really want to get back to the golden age of science.

>> No.12480033

Well that was a shit livestream that Roscosmos had. Also, somehow, the light masts on the rocket pad werent turned on? Because I couldnt see jack shit of the rocket itself. Thouroughly disappointing. Oh well, at least the rocket itself did what it nearly allways does.

So, only 3 launches left including a tropical Soyuz launch.

>> No.12480034

>americans, americans, americans, GOD I HATE AMERICANS
Show me on the doll where uncle sam touched you.

>> No.12480040

>running out of argument
>w-why are you so mean to us americans :,(

>> No.12480050

Look, it will be a diverse mission, which means there will be white people going, and that requires non-americans.

>> No.12480063

if you are in space but intend to return, you are on Jihad
but if you go out into space to settle, what does the mufti say about that?

>> No.12480066

Nah that won’t change anything

>> No.12480087

Science is incompatible with Islam, you retard. And in general, with religion.
Having to find a direction vector to pray at a certain time of the day (Martian day?, ISS day?) is retarded, and no goatfuckery should be ever allowed into a colony.
Imagine having to carry a knife and a lamb to cut the neck inside a ship.

Fucking back to the desert tent.

>> No.12480107

Someone had a bad religious upbringing.

>> No.12480109

There's no other kind.

>> No.12480118

you need to go back

>> No.12480123

Not even a joke. One of the first Chinese reentry capsules (probably during the film cannister surveillance era) used impregnated oak hardwood for the heat-shield.

>> No.12480136
File: 332 KB, 1920x1079, ArtemisTimeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the cool spaceflight things that happened this year? Wanna do a 2020 in review for spaceflight video. Obv starship, mars missions, and China, what are the more niche things?

>> No.12480166

SLS rollout

>> No.12480183

Vega fuckup

>> No.12480192

possible speculation on the Starship update?

>> No.12480218
File: 211 KB, 894x1390, tgx03 Deep Space Idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12480221
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more tomorrow

>> No.12480224

SLS will be the most powerful rocket ever built

>> No.12480229
File: 1000 KB, 3536x1848, Screen Shot 2020-12-18 at 9.31.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vega was actually cool

SLS is on there

When exactly is that gonna be?

>> No.12480243

could come this month as a christmas present

>> No.12480244
File: 2.26 MB, 1364x641, saturnv_vs_sls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8,872,000 lbf of thrust on the pad to send 57,000 lbm to the Moon
>Saturn V
>7,610,000 lbf of thrust on the pad to send 107,100 lbm to the Moon
Is this the power of the Shuttle stack?

>> No.12480247

after the heat death of the universe

>> No.12480274

>in the grim darkness of the far future
>Boingus makes a plea to the High Lords of Terra
>"You must not build the new versions of the Sword-class Frigate!"
>"The design is only 10,000 years old. The Space Launch System has over 38,000 years of heritage hardware behind it."

>> No.12480275


>> No.12480281

Saturn had to go to the Moon. SLS has another mission: keeping the shuttle mafia alive.

>> No.12480332

>literally doesnt say anywhere on the plaque that it's a moon rock
dutchies got played lmao

>> No.12480333
File: 43 KB, 534x569, 1605282236200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we shit on the normies a lot for not being able to take a 6 month stay inside on Starship and years on Mars but how many of us could do it? How many of us could actually do the same as we do now with absolutely no internet and being in nearly constant contact and interaction with at least two dozen other people?

>> No.12480335

I already severely limit both my time outside and my required interactions with others, and can keep myself entertained with minimal input. I'd be willing to bet a significant portion of anons here can say the same.

>> No.12480338
File: 99 KB, 182x309, 143269384055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wooden heatshield
>ablative composite biopolymer heatshield

>> No.12480352

Cat are the leading cause of extinction of many species.
Lion have to be kept in zoo and reserve to stay a species.

The winner is clear.

>> No.12480356
File: 223 KB, 640x382, funkyship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12480364

That's not really how that meme works anon, but open question: Martian zoos. How do we make them, what animals do we take there, what can we learn from terrestrial zoos in order to get viable populations of endangered animals onto Mars?

>> No.12480370

SLS is the leading cause of extinction of many NASA projects by sucking all their funding
Saturn V is kept in museum

flawless analogy

>> No.12480376

>not keeping every species as frozen embryo and bioengineering dragon to fly on.
More a O'neil colony type of guy.

>> No.12480383

I use mechjeb because I already know how to do everything manually and fucking around with the maneuver node for 3 hours trying to place it efficiently gets old after the 100th time. Same with launches. I do still manually RCS/docking and landings, but that's mostly because I find those fun. For me KSP is more about designing and building space stuff and the orbital mechanics and whatnot is a side show.

>> No.12480389

A seedbank on Mars like that one in the arctic would be a good idea to have as a backup, never put all your unfertilized eggs in one basket.

>> No.12480392
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, outer_wilds_anglerfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was kino, but also terrifying

>> No.12480428

New Astra clips. Really helps show just how small their rocket is.

>> No.12480467

Same here. I see you are not updating.
How should I go when I finally decide to update? Is it enough to move my savefiles to the other game folder?

>> No.12480485

I could all i need is to bring my phone with the music downloaded.
I have that weird thing called maladaptive imagination and can get lost pacing

>> No.12480490
File: 1.63 MB, 1373x2048, Poster of SpaceX Starship entering Mars atmosphere by Gravitation Innovation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start this video


at t-49 left in the count, start this


Take any and all drugs you have.

>> No.12480510

Two ships by 20 people each capable of carrying 40.

>> No.12480515

I don't get it. What's nonono about this?

>> No.12480524

what kind of food would they have on starship?

...is it possible to turn shit into food?

>> No.12480526


>> No.12480550
File: 1.46 MB, 1196x2455, 1586793787203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12480563

>SN5 takes up the mantle from SN9 and performs her own impromptu hop and landing
Show the kids how it's done 'ol girl.

>> No.12480577

Some insight with new Peter Beck / Scott Manley interview. Apparently they didnt show the engines because the heatshield down there was meant for assent and so it burned through, exposing the secret ssuce

>> No.12480581

we were talking abouit this yesterday. apparently if you eat your own poop you dont even have to cook it. but if you must eat someone elses, def cook first

>> No.12480586

i don't think they will force the colonists to eat shit

>> No.12480597

I will eat a fellow colonist before anyone even suggests eating poop.

>> No.12480607
File: 83 KB, 671x643, heatshield SN9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SN9 heatshield upgrade

>> No.12480611

They look like oreos

>> No.12480629

>step 1. select NEETS
>step 2. boot camp to weed them out
>step 3. send the survivors on kerbal style missions to the solar system

>being a nigger

>> No.12480660

They better let Snine to reach at least 20km.

>> No.12480674

>mfw I could actually get 250k in cash
Yes. YES!

>> No.12480675

>how many of us could do it
0. No one here has the money, dedication/work ethics, educational/work competency, mental stability required. SpaceX isn't going to pay someone to go there, they're not a charity organization. They want customers. So if you're rich, have education/credentials, has ethics, can pass rigorous health exams, want to go there, then they'll be selected.

>> No.12480684
File: 452 KB, 767x650, You won&#039;t be flying safe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Hullo! video reviewing the new update with Peter Beck

>> No.12480685

>No one here has the money, dedication/work ethics, educational/work competency, mental stability required
At least one of us is psychic evidently, that should prove useful on Mars.

>> No.12480686

Good to see government employees with a sense of humor.

>> No.12480692

I can't wait to see this. This will be the most amazing thing that has ever happened.

>> No.12480696
File: 406 KB, 401x465, 1595687875936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

busted foward flap removed last night

>> No.12480697
File: 70 KB, 167x168, 2020 Moon Olympics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no 2020 lunar olympics

>> No.12480698
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>> No.12480701

Forbidden Smores

>> No.12480706
File: 179 KB, 1024x1024, Starship Fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Twelfth Mars Colonial Fleet transfer burn', 2032 (colorized)

>> No.12480724

I like the way the decks are stacked on star trek ships

>> No.12480738

but that's wrong, The Expanse has decks in the right direction

>> No.12480747

At 4pm EST the Vice President will announce the official name of Space Force personnel. You know...like Army personnel are called soldiers, Marines are called Marines, Navy are called sailors, etc. Well now we are about to find out what Space Force people are going to be called.

>> No.12480763


>> No.12480764

I play RP-1 i will not not use mechjeb

>> No.12480769


>> No.12480783

This activates my trypophobia

>> No.12480789
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>> No.12480790

Smart A.S.S is kinda necessary for RP-1, i can't imagine flying everything manually.
That being said, mechjeb in stock ksp is straight up cheating.

>> No.12480794
File: 487 KB, 848x1200, 84730301_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Other women will get really thick to look like astronauts too
Best timeline.

>> No.12480797
File: 306 KB, 602x595, screenshot-twitter.com-2020.12.18-12_49_20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12480799

Elon is going to buy the Bee and actually put a meme on the Moon, isn't he

>> No.12480800

>I have to take a shit

>> No.12480805

I can kinda see it for probes if you have that remotetech mod but i think that one already has flight computer but i tend to use my joystick for manned missions on stock and diva mod.

>> No.12480809

The Onion wouldn’t sell to him, but Musk acquiring the Bee would be even funnier

>> No.12480819
File: 42 KB, 454x453, 1574517393887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone make a new thread for god's sake

>> No.12480826

Pig 7 is too early

>> No.12480827

No, there's still propellant in the balls

>> No.12480829


What is wrong with the current thread? It is perfectly viable. Asides, page 7 is way too early. Page 10 is when you are allowed to make a new thread.

>> No.12480832


>> No.12480837

you know how i know you're from reddit? because this was taken months ago. and no, you're not a based bow shock poster

>> No.12480838

dumb frogposter

>> No.12480841

im aiming for 5 million just in case

you're ngmi, clearly

>> No.12480846

so dumb. cant wait for biden to shut these gay ops down

>> No.12480857


>> No.12480858

There's another mod that does the porkchop graphs, and as for ascent, lrn2fly.

>> No.12480861

the thread is way past its bump limit
There should be a new thread so that it goes up in the first page every time someone posts in it, this way people can see there is an active discussion going inside the thread and might join in
rather have threads like this in the first page instead of IQ or "you should be able to solve this" threads
go fuck yourself

>> No.12480863

could we mine the sun if we approach it at night?

>> No.12480864
File: 242 KB, 1280x720, space_Inside_ISS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk more. /sci/ isn't a fast board, threads don't need to be on page 1 for people to find it.

>> No.12480865


/sci/ is a slow board, newfaggot. Ride it all the way to page ten so it doesn't clutter the catalog.

>> No.12480871

Hi welcome to /sfg/, enjoy your stay.
Is there some way we can remove the light?

>> No.12480872

Sounds like the plot take from courage the cowardly dog.

>> No.12480876

Isn't there a complete digital internal scan of the ISS out there?

Someone should take that data (or pay to have astronauts do a scan FOR SCIECNE if there isn't one already) and make a VR thing out of it where you can fly around the ISS and get a sense of what it would actually like to be inside it.

>> No.12480881

Hell I'd buy a VR doohickey just for that.

>> No.12480886

this thread is moving too fast

>> No.12480888


>> No.12480889

>he doesn't know about starlifting

>newfag frogfag thinks /sci/ is a fast board

>> No.12480895

Retard frogposter lol

>> No.12480896
File: 538 KB, 643x989, 74D1C425-4F3F-424C-8B57-28F8B9BAF2F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem weary from your browsing, have a rest anon.

>> No.12480905

thank u

>> No.12480909
File: 1.61 MB, 1079x1880, Screenshot_20201217-142710_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim liked that

>> No.12480918

I don’t blame him. Have you seen all the other twitter responses to CSA’s announcement? All canadians seem pissed that they are “burning fossil fuels” to get to the moon. 99% of the comments were shitty, this is probably one of the .01% of people who are excited

>> No.12480924
File: 1014 KB, 3792x972, THEULTIMATE QUESTION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there is a VR app where you can dick around in the Apollo era equipment/walk around on the Moon, so i'm surprised no one has made an ISS version of that.

Honestly, i'm surprised there isn't a company that just pays people to do really accurate digital scans of exotic/hard to reach places and then recreate them in VR so normal people can sorta visit them. I bet it would be pretty popular.

That's pretty cool but it doesn't really give a good sense of scale or fluid movement. Also pic related, who has the better spread?

>> No.12480926

>Honestly, i'm surprised there isn't a company that just pays people to do really accurate digital scans of exotic/hard to reach places and then recreate them in VR so normal people can sorta visit them. I bet it would be pretty popular.
Sounds like a good idea that nobody has gotten to yet.

>> No.12480944

lol dont pay attention to tw@s, real canadians love providing arms.

>> No.12480958

I was just looking around on Steam and there is a Shuttle pilot game on there too. It looks honestly kind of shit but if there is one place VR could really dominate it would be space games. You could do all kinds of shit with VR like riding in historical space craft, VR moon/mars/titan/whatever base, VR SS13, the possibilities are endless. God if I had any capital I would start a game studio and just do VR space simulators.

>> No.12480959

Just 10% of Twitter users account for 92% of all tweets

>> No.12480967

Not just visually, but need audio too. People completely overlook quality audio or include no audio altogether. Check out shit like the Sound Traveler on YT-

>> No.12480970

>like riding in historical space craft
Riding along with robotic craft in near realtime during events like New Horizons flyby or Bepis bopping the asteroid for a sample would be badass too.

>> No.12480993

>pistachios in space
that's a terrible idea

>> No.12480998

It's not VR but Amazon had a similar idea.


>> No.12481008

>6 months of sriracha and pistachios rations on the way to mars

>> No.12481011
File: 3.51 MB, 1948x1096, 1590623166737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is what the closure today was about

>> No.12481019

what is it?

>> No.12481021

mystery box

>> No.12481023


>> No.12481032
File: 3.47 MB, 3557x3303, elon_bane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it bring friends?

>> No.12481033

How do we prevent humans from chimping out en route or in Mars? Huge amounts of stress, lack of privacy and other social stressors can contribute to this.

>> No.12481038

bring a bunch of high IQ introverts

>> No.12481040

vr porn and 0g orgies

>> No.12481041

Don't bring any demographics likely to chimp out in the first place.

>> No.12481042

psychological evaluation

>> No.12481046

Don't send seething normies. The filter is easier than ever, figure out if they were ever "depressed" or "suicidal" over coof closures.

>> No.12481048

this reminds me of BO's dumbass "we're the tortoise and spacex is the hare" stance. No, Blue Origin is the hare that does nothing but daydream about how it's the tortoise winning the race while Spacex is the actual tortoise doing actual work . Oldspace is roadkill.

>> No.12481050

Screen out low IQs.

>> No.12481052


look at 'em go!

>> No.12481055
File: 104 KB, 500x502, get well soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SLS fans in 2020

>> No.12481057

Only send white people

>> No.12481059

I wonder what this bunker is made of that they couldn't build it on site

>> No.12481061
File: 199 KB, 1196x798, 2A648DAB-5176-45C4-BBCB-1160A80B922E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starhopper was revealed 2 years ago
What the hell

>> No.12481064

must be heavy if they're using that heavy-lifting... thing. Shit, what do you call it? It has a weird abbreviation that I've forgotten.

>> No.12481073

Block access to Twitter.

>> No.12481074
File: 1.67 MB, 1196x4347, 1582029677221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JWST update

What happens to arianespace if they blow this thing up?

>> No.12481075

Unironically based

>> No.12481076

france ceases to exist

>> No.12481079

They get kicked out of the artemis accords and all euros are banned from leaving earth per the new USA / Space Exploration Technologies Inc. Deep Space Charter

>> No.12481085
File: 1.35 MB, 1196x3576, 1603821938318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12481096

No. I'd imagine it's like how Crew Dragon can hold up to seven people, but for now we've seen crews of two and four.
I could see early missions being at quarter capacity or less, and average missions being around 65% or so

>> No.12481098

>107 failure points just to stuff one part into launch configurtion
>they are proud of this
Words cannot express how much I hate oldspace.

>> No.12481112
File: 1.03 MB, 770x630, 768CE845-3865-4DC1-B944-701A6F480AA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space is hard

>> No.12481116

so, no men?

>> No.12481118

>139 different actuators
>8 motors
>1000's of other components
>107 individual pins
always makes me nervous when engineers brag about how complex their shit is

exactly. If they were more talented they would have made it more elegant/simple.
I can't help but think about how the engineers who made KMS Bismark's fire control system boasted about how it was so complex only a few people could use it. Of course it turned out to be inoperable on the battlefield and had to be replaced.

>> No.12481119

Fuck I hate this thing so much

>> No.12481122

Nothing because nobody has any hope leftb in JWST. They're moving forward because it has grown too big and too costly to cancel, sunken cost fallacy doesn't apply to multibillion government projects. Only one (1) failure in the hundreds of parts is necessary to make it useless with current capabilities, that is if NG manages to get it to orbit first

>> No.12481123
File: 17 KB, 320x312, 771950F6-0CC9-48CE-A1E2-D8E78DE41D5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes the colony will be all female except for me

>> No.12481124

That's why Elon is looking into producing catgirls for each colonist

>> No.12481134
File: 436 KB, 840x859, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 months to pack up a fancy telescope

>> No.12481137

Counts as a mercy kill before one of the hundreds of little moving parts would have failed after launch

>> No.12481139
File: 101 KB, 862x1390, stephane-israel-chairman-and-ceo-of-the-satellite-launch-company-arianespace-poses-prior-to-the-companys-annual-news-conference-in-paris-january-6-2015-reutersphilippe-wojazer-france-tags-business-science-technology-2D0TPH7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have faith goy

>> No.12481151

based file name autist

>> No.12481155

The boring anime kind or the based furry kind?

>> No.12481158
File: 14 KB, 265x446, 1591533193211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that what Star Citizen is trying to do, only with fantasy spacecraft?

>> No.12481160

>now watch as this rocket flies through the gap between my two front teeth

>> No.12481163

Did you know you can use bread as a heat shield?

>> No.12481168

Nothing. It's a funny joke.

>> No.12481170

>High-density carbon foam is what was used to cover the exterior of the space shuttle, and it turns out you can make it from wonder bread.

Oh no, not this again.

>> No.12481177

>cover Space Shuttle with bread
>It blows up anyways and kills everyone
>News: bread shuttle makes astronauts toast

>> No.12481178

That's pretty cool actually, I fucking love science!

>> No.12481184
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>> No.12481185

>Hullo plays KSP with Peter Beck
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one

>> No.12481186

God I hope a little pea-sized piece of debris fucking destroys this thing.

>> No.12481187

God dammit.

>> No.12481190

Place your bets gentlemen. What will happen to JWST?
>Everything works as intended
>Works fine but destroyed by space debris
>Failure to deploy properly
>Failure to insert into correct orbit
>Failure on launch
>Damaged during transit
>Indefinately delayed

>> No.12481192

A big part of Bismark's problem was that Germany had not built a battleship since WW1, so they built it like a WW1 battleship. Instead of an "all or nothing" armored citadel with all the important things inside, it had a distributed armor scheme of varying thicknesses with an armored deck deep within the ship over the machinery spaces. This lead to important cables being above the armored deck.

>> No.12481196

Imagine being the guy who drops a wrench on it and delays it for another year costing 500 million dollars

>> No.12481197
File: 2.28 MB, 5833x3420, 1602470285779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISS astronaut sworn into the Space Force an hour ago.

>> No.12481198

I think everything will go fine. Ariane is a meme but it has a pleasant track record of success. But god damn, I just know that stupid sun shield is going to fuck up

>> No.12481200

failure to deploy

>> No.12481207

I like how Big Jim was there too.

>> No.12481209

>Hopkins was reportedly late to his initiation process Thursday morning. At 06:00 hours, NASA astronaut and colonel Michael Hopkins was slated to sign in via a teleconference call to be initiated into the USSF. Instead, he sent a delayed message to his superior officers stating “ Yolo, PS5 > letters of discipline”

>> No.12481213

different guy

>> No.12481216

It was a joke lmao

>> No.12481221
File: 50 KB, 1200x800, 1588441902439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12481222

I would love to see it blow up on launch

>> No.12481228

Why would they highlight the most important bits with a black highlighter?

>> No.12481233

>personal Fitness Improvement Program
So he was already a fat fuck and skipped a required workout to play games?

>> No.12481235

Should be live any time now

>> No.12481242


>> No.12481250

Japanese subversion

>> No.12481263

>Here's your space marine bro

>> No.12481270


>> No.12481275

shut the fuck up

>> No.12481278
File: 3.35 MB, 2560x1440, b9ECmJH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deliciously cursed

>> No.12481279
File: 2.14 MB, 1079x1790, Screenshot_20201218-141354_Clover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.12481282

Make sure it's at least a 3:1 male to female ratio especially at first, this will prevent the women from ruining everything like they do when they get the chance. Also, make sure you only bring the most stable and fertile women to Mars to use as cock sleeves.

>> No.12481291

Airforce BTFO

>> No.12481310

It was just really bad at handling battlefield damage, due to poor citadel design as stated by>>12481192
Still an amazing FCS. Shame the Germans had no naval experience whatsoever, they built the most aesthetic ships bar none.

>> No.12481320

SN8 flight 3d crowd audio from Cosmic Perspective

>> No.12481331


>> No.12481341

German light cruiser design was so poor that they built half a dozen of them and never used them beyond Norway and the Baltic.

>> No.12481351

Oh they sucked sure, but they looked good while being absolutely useless so that counts for something.

>> No.12481364

German planes were sexy as well. Too bad they suffered from complete military retardation lmao

>> No.12481370

oh god I'm in love, 10 of these aren't enough.

>> No.12481435

I'm convinced the Germans saw a future where their vehicles were going to be used by millions in multiplayer games and decided to make them as niche and overengineered as possible just to take advantage of game mechanics.

>> No.12481439

>Space Force members are officially called "Guardians"
wow that's the biggest cucking i've heard

>> No.12481446

yikes, that's awful

>> No.12481459

Holy fuck my expectations were low but still

>> No.12481473

to be fair some of their DDs were nearly cruiser-sized.

bit overwrought but the entire Space Force is so whatever

>> No.12481475


>> No.12481490
File: 1.25 MB, 3600x2400, 1600183892922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12481494

vidya with guardian special-ops using armed Starships when

>> No.12481513

What the fuck that is so fucking gay

>> No.12481517
File: 2.52 MB, 4608x3456, 1583919910687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda wonder if SN10 is missing its right flap because they sent that one to SN9

>> No.12481521

>Space Marines
>Space Men
>Space Cadets

>> No.12481525

aww my cute widdle guardian angels

>> No.12481526

It will never leave fucking storage.

>> No.12481527


That is one good looking nosecone, much better than the one on SN8 or SN9.

>> No.12481529
File: 723 KB, 2048x2048, 1603049487726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you name them, /sfg/?

>> No.12481530

Kek I assume it’s supposed to be a rocket taking off in the background there, but it looks like an asteroid is striking Earth

>> No.12481532

Opposite, they're now just adding the flaps to SN10.

>> No.12481534


>> No.12481535

Larp cuck retard faggots

>> No.12481538
File: 2.04 MB, 4608x3456, 1602041230882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big time. Every SN# looks a bit better than the one before it

>> No.12481540

Space Marines.

>> No.12481542


>> No.12481543

Once Trump declares himself the Emperor, those will be Imperial Guardians.

>> No.12481545


>> No.12481549

X Æ A-12ggers

>> No.12481551

>seething crayon defense force

>> No.12481552

would they run into copyright problems? In any case I like it

>> No.12481556


>Chixilub event size asteroid striking the Earth while a Spaceforce satellite watches impotently
Pretty accurate desu

>> No.12481566

>Yup, that’s a planet killer. Good job guardians

>> No.12481571
File: 763 KB, 1125x1536, 2B5EEB26-AC78-4634-B991-72C756279E18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP New Shepard. Jeff Who doesn’t want you to see this.

>> No.12481572


>> No.12481573
File: 17 KB, 362x207, do americans really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12481574

What's the problem? It's just a sounding rocket, most of them are expendable.

>> No.12481580

Don’t worry, new glenn will be here in 2-20 years

>> No.12481581


>> No.12481584
File: 4 KB, 126x95, 1315153558893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coast Guard members are called Coastguardsmen
>Air Force members are called airmen
>all you have to do is not fuck it up and name your people "spacemen" and everyone will think you're cool as fuck

>> No.12481590

literally who made this mess in the desert

>> No.12481591

If anything the Coast Guard should be called Guardians.

>> No.12481594

Boy I sure am glad congress decided to leave it up to the service to choose their own ranks.

>> No.12481598
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, VRChat_1920x1080_2020-10-21_16-28-54.314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cough cough. Go check out my vrchat world with the ISS in it.
I'll probably do a world with the internal scans when I can figure out zero g locomotion.

>> No.12481605

>"'navy ranks are gay"
some space force guy, probably

>> No.12481608

At least the SpaceX private security forces will have amusing and fun ranks.

>> No.12481610

>>Coast Guard members are called Coastguardsmen
Most call them "faggots" actually. In my country too.

t. someone who's father served your army and uncle is retired US chairforce.

>> No.12481612
File: 1.27 MB, 487x215, 3EMhggP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold your guardians of the galaxy!

>> No.12481615

The old MCU had soul. I think it was at Age of Ultron that it went to shit

>> No.12481621

is this recent?

>> No.12481623

guardians of reddit, the movie

>> No.12481624

why the coastie hate? they have actual useful jobs unlike the army.

>> No.12481625
File: 329 KB, 602x344, 4BFF57D2-3EFE-469C-8680-FBBF8B5DDCFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it’s from 2015, but BO purged all images and videos of the crash. I have no idea how I found this shit.

>> No.12481627


>> No.12481630
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>> No.12481632


>> No.12481634

Airman, because the space force has zero justification for being an independent service. It needs to be rolled back into the Air Force asap.

>> No.12481635
File: 200 KB, 2000x1200, FD0E2BE1-8C10-43E3-8892-F66626E76EB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12481636

wow, that's fucking dumb. I'm going to save and post that image every now and then just to spite them.

2020: ground support holocaust

>> No.12481637
File: 2.71 MB, 2560x1440, NhSVMo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12481638

So wait, this thing is 100% expendable right? They're just going to let the stages crash? That's so weird.

>> No.12481639

It's because Bezos is fragile and vain, and fundamentally cringe.

>> No.12481642

Here's how it went
>space marines
Too violent and imperialistic.
too sexist and lgbt offensive.
Very internationalist, devoid of meaning, stupid sounding - perfect.

>> No.12481644
File: 664 KB, 2480x3508, vector-skeleton-linocut-astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worker morale must be in the negatives

>> No.12481648

Yeah it’s beyond retarded. At this point i’ve just stopped caring. It will have its handful of flights and no one will give a shit about it

>> No.12481651
File: 37 KB, 1000x714, SLS_MAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA struggling to turn on the electrical systems to even begin propellant load for SLS's green run, after more than a year of trying
>SpaceX has a rocket fall over, so they pick it up with a crane and bang the dent out with a mallet

>> No.12481654

*Stennis scrapyards

>> No.12481656

I always liked that design

>> No.12481657

Kek the first human-rated space force vehicle will be called something gay like endeavor or atlantis

>> No.12481660

I'd watch a documentary about the SLS clusterfuck and how the frontline workers dealt with it

>> No.12481661

To add onto that the video on the Blue website legit cuts off at stage/capsule separation. Save this image whenever someone tries to defend Body Odor

>> No.12481662

Do you think they're going to skip Trump when it comes to naming space warships after presidents?

>> No.12481663

you just KNOW it's going to be enterprise

>> No.12481667


>> No.12481670
File: 44 KB, 320x550, D062D24A-0268-45F0-A2F0-1B930324BF37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And here we have the first Space Force Crew Dragon Launch
>The commander has named the vehicle uh... USS Samuel B Roberts.
>Uh anyways

>> No.12481675

they should fine BO for littering

>> No.12481684

That's not litter, that's business waste. Learn the difference, it could save your life one day.

>> No.12481688

Something to do with their area, not fucking reddit tier meme naming for people ingesting Marvel intravenously.

>> No.12481689

>and how the frontline workers dealt with it

>puts one bolt in place
>alright well done lads let's pack it up and call it a day there

>> No.12481694

Fucking dark energy in this thread hahah

>> No.12481697

It's likely they'll have more relevant titles based on their assignment, in addition to their basic rank, like happens in the other services.

>> No.12481699

Because they're useless in a fight.

>> No.12481706
File: 31 KB, 346x484, mechazawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12481708

>get your ship sunk while you're on the slow boat ride over to theater
>get ass saved by the world's best MSAR niggas

>> No.12481716

We'll let you know if there's any lobster traps to inspect, coastie.

>> No.12481731

the forbidden oreos...

>> No.12481741


>> No.12481749
File: 42 KB, 446x718, 1BADAD21-C2DA-4C2C-8F18-8E87E1B609AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Voidsmen” sounds like an elite special forces unit which consists of Spec Ops soldiers who have their brain and internal organs placed into a mechanical chassis.

>> No.12481779

They probbly spend a good part of day filing the paperwork and going through training, procedures, briefings and checklists. Hell, a single day might not even be enough to install a single bolt. It's not that easy in rocketry.

>> No.12481792

Has there been a USS Clifton Sprague or USS Ernest Evans yet? There damn well should be.

>> No.12481796

Turbo cringe, literally capeshit tier.

Now this or "Voidmen" would have been based.

>> No.12481797


>> No.12481802

>commies mad
wtf I love the space force now

>> No.12481805

At least it implies they're going with meme-tier ranks all the way up. Some of them might be good. Like how they call their divisions "deltas" in reference to delta-v

>> No.12481810

Four-star general - Starman

>> No.12481814


>> No.12481819

fucking based

>> No.12481822

I have to wonder what sort of march their branch will have.
The Russian Space forces have this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyrqiKTUAzU

>> No.12481828

sounds like an anime song

>> No.12481832


>> No.12481836

They need to find a Japanese animation studio to produce "Space Battleship Tsilokovsky", with an 70s/80s art style this song as the opening

>> No.12481837

this is the most kino rocket song

>> No.12481840


>> No.12481841

>The Wild Adventures of Space Repair Vessel Kamchatla

>> No.12481847

>Page 10

Staging: >>12481844




>> No.12481932

I wonder how much Canada paid to get this seat

>> No.12481940

same, our people will conquer the solar system

>> No.12481999

If they don't name it Enterprise they're fucking gay.

>> No.12482036
File: 125 KB, 259x492, guts tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking imagine it bros, instead we get post-marvel bullshit, fucking Guardians...
I'm just so fucking tired...

>> No.12482070

fuck off slaanesh cultist

>> No.12482187

holy shit it really does sound like an '80s space anime anthem theme song

>> No.12482266
File: 26 KB, 400x570, 1589078486797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me.