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12478102 No.12478102[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do mathematicians continue to honor literal Nazis? Personally I do not think this should be allowed. I see a lot of discussion on math twitter about renaming math concepts, so what does /sci/ think?

>> No.12478130

Fuck off, censorous fucks.

>> No.12478146

Kill all Jews. Yes I am a mathematician with tenure track. Fuck you twitter and especially the kike in OP.

>> No.12478147

If you lived in Germany in the 30s/40s you'd probably go along with nazism too, considering you are so willing to enforce the mainstream

>> No.12478150

Renaming is not censoring.

>> No.12478153

>nazi mathematics
is that how they managed to run their crematoriums more effiecently than modern ones?

>> No.12478161

>he fell for the bait

>> No.12478162

Wtf i love mathematics now

>> No.12478172

Sternberg, Moshe, Abraham, Goldberg...
All mathematicians, all Jews.
Every one disgusts me.
The one that haunts me the most is Nicolas Bourbaki.

>> No.12478181

Gentzen died of starvation at 35 in a soviet camp. I hate twitter.

>> No.12478185

Pascal Jordan probably missed out on the Nobel prize for physics because he was an enthusiastic Nazi well before being a Nazi was popular.

>> No.12478191

Why would a nobel prize have anything to do with something outside an individual's work? Seems absurd to me.

>> No.12478192

Wtf I love Jordan Normal Form now.

>> No.12478195

The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi

>> No.12478199

play stupid games, win stupid prizes

>> No.12478201

Nah, I think it was the mass murder and lack of respect for the bodies.

>> No.12478204

That's camille, u dumb fuck

>> No.12478206

>hurr nazi
That was over 70 years ago, who the fuck still cares? Just finally move on.

>> No.12478209

Kek tweet him

>> No.12478211

Naming mathematical concepts after people is cringe. It's nerds forcing themselves on history without doing anything impressive like actual historical figures worthy of admiration.

>> No.12478214

By citing their names in papers, textbooks, and classrooms, you are honoring people who attached their identity to a murderous ideology.

>> No.12478222

There's less than 10 ideas more important than the Gauss-Bonnet theorem.

>> No.12478223

lol keeping it alive is useful anon

>> No.12478227

And that's a good thing

>> No.12478228

Nothing wrong with honoring great mathematicians. Separate the art from the artist, if you will.

>> No.12478230

>murderous ideology
Isn't that pretty much every ideology humanity has had so far? Also jews, gypsies, slavs, gyas, trannies, and the disabled aren't people so it is a moot point.

>> No.12478234

>Separate the art from the artist
Exactly. So we will continue to use their theorems and ideas, but remove their name from it.

>> No.12478237

lol fuck off
churchill has a big fat statue for all public to see and he second-hand personally slaughtered 100,000 innocent croatians after promising them peace once the war had ended

communists are all over textbooks of innumerable fields and there are many people alive today from old communist countries that will tell you about their murderous ideology

when understanding the mechanisms of reality, science is blind to personal ideology

>> No.12478258

Nah fuck that I like these german names IDGAF if they were based or not

>> No.12478277

Chess players still worship Alekhine and Fischer.
Philosophers still worship Heidegger.
Politicians still take Soros' money.
Actually, it's pretty strange that the woke crowd doesn't raise a stink over Soros.
Almost as if their values are flexible.

>> No.12478278

the maths doesnt have to do with any of this?
perhaps you should just control your autism and stop digging further into your fallacy hole.

>> No.12478282

Yeah, Jordan is one of those names that really should have had "Nobel laureate" before it, but that's how it played out.

>> No.12478298

What about Gauss? He was very transphobic.

>> No.12478307

What will they when it is proven that 1488 is the best number (The 1488 Conjecture)?

>> No.12478320

>math twitter
implying any even half serious mathematician would give a flying fuck about any of this horseshit
no, trannyies and run of the mill commie loonie lefties are not mathematicians
this social media cancer is breeding the ill and dysfunctional somehow, why remains mystery of this century

>> No.12478590
File: 42 KB, 550x393, 1599694815322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please go fuck yourself if you're gonna make maths political

>> No.12478632

Tell that to the twitter kikes and trannies

>> No.12478633


>> No.12478640

So we pretty much can't quote anyone from the pre-enlightenment?

>> No.12478674

We do the same thing with similar people throughout all of history. People have a stick up their ass about nazis because they're vaguely recent. It's almost a century ago though. People need to get over muh holocaust. The people are long dead. They're part of history. They're not any worse than plenty other historical figures from fucked up societies that we honor. Hell, we even respect tons of them like Genghis Khan and I'd argue he's as bad as Hitler. If we go down the path of un-remembering nazi mathematicians, next in the list would easily be ancient Romans followed by countless others. This is all just dumb.

>> No.12478759

Sad. The world had a lot to thank the nazis for but stupidity won in the end

>> No.12478769

yes it is
they even change dictionaries to change how people think.

>> No.12478772

>The one that haunts me the most is Nicolas Bourbaki.

>> No.12478778

>Nazis were in power for 13 years 75 years to
>never stop talking about them

>> No.12478779

>attitude affects how quickly a crematory can burn bodies
Tell me more.

>> No.12478796


wooden doors? really?

>> No.12478841

every ideology needs an enemy, if only so that a certain group of people can remain apparently oppressed forever.

>> No.12478849
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Teichmuller understood the problem very clearly

>> No.12478911
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Does the same thing apply to communists? They have explicitly attached their identity to a murderous ideology (one that objectively killed more people than Nazism). By using the name of Gentzen or Teichmuller, you are not attaching your identity to Nazism, let alone doing so explicitly.

You have no argument against this because your position is completely biased and disingenuous. If you claim that accurately giving credit to Gentzen for his work amounts to endorsing a murderous ideology, then explicitly and openly supporting communism in the way that many anti-white SJW types do, is even more of an endorsement of a murderous ideology.

>> No.12478921

>and lack of respect for the bodies
This nonsense again? Why don't you try to bake three cakes on the same oven and see what happens if you take them out after the time it takes to bake one.

>> No.12478930
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I honestly don't understand why this is controversial. Doesn't everyone want to be taught by people they can ethnically and culturally identify with? Doesn't everyone want role models that they can ethnically and culturally identify with?

We often hear about the need for black, Hispanic, etc. teachers and role models for students in the black community, and I fully support this. But shouldn't the same also apply to white students?

Identity is an important component of human culture and psychology. There is nothing wrong with it. Pretending that identity doesn't exist does us no good. If you want to reduce racial tension and conflict, then you need to learn to accept the reality of race and be open and honest about it. I wish no harm on the black or muslim or Jewish communities, or any other community, but I just want whites to be free to embrace our identity in the same way as any other races.

>> No.12478934
File: 549 KB, 1008x1008, viper kill urself my man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here, you fat gay nigger. So let's just pretend these Nazi mathematicians didn't exist and didn't make brilliant contributions to their field. You're a fucking retard.

Most people follow the popular ideas of their time. Seeing how closely you're following mainstream virtue signaling trend of erasing people's names from science who thought the wrong way, you probably also would have gone along with the trends and been a Nazi during that time.

>> No.12478938

the propaganda footage of bulldozers you're likely referring to was actually the Allies, clearing away bodies of camp inmates who died of typhus

>> No.12478939
File: 333 KB, 1200x1200, dancers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Throughout history it has been people with evil and oppressive intentions who engage in censorship, but this time its the good guys and censorship is totally cool now

>> No.12478942

The whole anti-white SJW shit is just mass hysteria and their ideology is super cult-like and hostile to any outside ideologies. These people are no different from far-right evangelical conservatives.

>> No.12478947

Math has always been political you brainless frogposter

>doesn't know what happened to the greek who divulged that the square root of two is irrational

>> No.12478955

Jews who write things like this are the ones who later accuse people like Stephen Hawking (RIP) of being antisemite for his academic boycott of Israel.

>> No.12478981
File: 12 KB, 246x202, Mochizuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is mocizuki a Nazi by transitive property?

>> No.12479030

Just as much as Kinyon is a Trump supporter for living in todays America.

>> No.12479035

ABC conjecture is cancelled.

>> No.12479049

We often hear about the need for black, Hispanic, etc. teachers and role models for students in the black community, and I fully support this. But shouldn't the same also apply to white students?
Whites are the only people who don't get to have any identity. This is no coincidence, it is so by design. The soft genocide of the white race is well underway.

>> No.12479052

He's Japanese, so of course he is a Nazi.

>> No.12479079

Nah, he wasn't naming random German mathematicians like Hilbert. All those mathematicians specifically went out of their way to support the Nazis.

>> No.12479088

OP and the rest of these retarded cowardly fucks need to fucking kill themselves.

>> No.12479115

It's not like every nazi participated in the death camps. Most didn't even know about them.

>> No.12479209

yes it is

>> No.12479212


>> No.12479232

What's wrong with Nazis? It was democratically elected government. You don't like democracy?

Also, why would someone's political opinions affect their scientific publications? Or for that matter, why would anything else affect a scientific publication except what is written in that paper?

>> No.12479238

Yes but we've changed what the word censor means so your definition is no longer THE definition. We win. You lose. Game Over!

>> No.12479253

They don't see the irony. The book burning, etc. They've become what they hate.

>> No.12479254

The tiny fact that they wanted to kill or enslave all Jews and Slavs.

>> No.12479258

So? What's the scientific relevance of that?

>> No.12479264

Who (prior to 20 years ago) wasn't transphobic?

>> No.12479272

literally everyone still is, they're just too afraid of the whacko diversity cultists to admit it publicly

>> No.12479310
File: 319 KB, 1280x1635, par196080-teaser-story-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this moment i'm euphoric

>> No.12479317

And it's rightly termed disgust, not the (((pathologizing))) as a "phobia".

>> No.12479343

They? You mean the people of Germany who voted for that?

Why do you think they wanted to kill certain races? Dont be so stupid as to assume they simply did it because they were evil. No, there is a very rational reason why they wanted to kill certain races.

What do you think that reason is?

>> No.12479348

Actually it doesnt matter at all what you think inside your head. The only thing matters is what you bring out to public.

You are NOT a transphobe if you do not publicly denounce trans people. Anonymous forums certainly arent public. Closed friend groups arent public. Family is not public.

Thats how power works. You are afraid to broadcast publicly that trans people should be euthanized, and therefore you are pro-trans in the minds of everyone else since you never step out of line.

>> No.12479354

Kind of like how people are going along with SJW shit?

>> No.12479377

In short, I do not think it's a good idea to start renaming concepts.
It is not supposed to honor people for being Nazis, but rather to honor work that characterizes original ideas in mathematics.
I think if these names for concepts have been good enough for 50+ years now, then they should also be good enough for us today. Furthermore keeping names the same reduces headache when reading old articles.
Finally, I doubt the sincerity of the outrage in OP's screenshot. The pictured twitter user may be honest about it, but on the other hand maybe not. It's difficult to tell as long as you live in a culture which socially rewards acting like you're more 'tough on Nazism' than others.
And twitter is for faggots.

>> No.12479439

Why should I care about this genocide?

>> No.12479517

that was his point anon

>> No.12479624

no they just wanted the jews out of their country and out of disproportionate positions of power in finance, the media and education.
after churchill got his war their options were limited
the book burnings were of pornography, commie propaganda and tranny propaganda.

>> No.12479633

>reduces headache when reading old articles.
this is a major problem, if you change the language people use then you can censor the past

>> No.12479638

Because you're next.
they want a world of compliant slaves consoom

>> No.12479700

Did someone say Teichmuller?
>I am not concerned with making difficulties for you as a Jew, but only with protecting – above all – German students of the second semester from being taught differential and integral calculus by a teacher of a race quite foreign to them. I, like everyone else, do not doubt your ability to instruct suitable students of whatever origin in the purely abstract aspects of mathematics. But I know that many academic courses, especially the differential and integral calculus, have at the same time educative value, inducting the pupil not only to a conceptual world but also to a different frame of mind. But since the latter depends very substantially on the racial composition of the individual, it follows that a German student should not be allowed to be trained by a Jewish teacher.

>> No.12479704
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Dare I say, quite based.
Along the same lines, quote by Bieberbach:
>"… the spatial imagination is a characteristic of the Germanic races, while pure logical reasoning has a richer development among Romanic and Hebraic races. … In the intellectual sphere the race shows in the manner of creation, the evaluation of the results, and I guess also in the standpoint considering foundational questions. … Formalism wants to build a realm of mathematical truths which is independent of man, whereas Intuitionism is based on the idea that mathematical thinking is a human endeavor and thus cannot be separated from man."

>> No.12479713

Censorship is more relevant in other domains than mathematics. Nobody really thinks about cancelling whole concepts unless you're an ancient Greek named Pythagoras. But reading old articles with confusing naming conventions or notation you have never seen before is actually annoying and these social justice warriors are trying to make life more difficult for those of us who consult literature just a decade old or so.

>> No.12479714

I don't mind (((them)))

>> No.12479718
File: 12 KB, 273x364, Teichmuller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teichmuller could've had a long and happy life but he left his cushy university position and volunteered for the Eastern Front where he died in combat. F.

>> No.12479766
File: 13 KB, 239x400, Schur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember me

>> No.12479771

>long and happy life in postwar Germany

>> No.12479778
File: 133 KB, 2050x382, im.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a 55yo Prof with pronouns in your twitter account, from which you post 40 times a day

>> No.12479858

>implying the nazis would take even half of these people
They'd be sent to the camps and fail to rehabilitate.

>> No.12479875

Not really. They only sent specific types of people. Most commies and homos self-closeted. They only gave a hard time to jews and 15 IQ retards that shat themselves and slept on sawdust. There wasnt a concept of anime or autism and 99% of males were married with kids. Even commies believed in patriarchy except for the most deranged Jewish theorists or brain damaged dicksucking Bolshevik commisars.

>> No.12479899

That's fascinating. He's literally validated decades later by IQ studies about verbal IQ of Ashkenazi. is it true for Romans also ?

>> No.12479901

Slavs were Nazis as well

>> No.12479906

Italians do have higher IQ than Germans, probably because of the verbal part

>> No.12479911

Commies were much more socially conservative than nazis

>> No.12479922

Not the hardcore ones. They had no brakes in their capacity to imagine new societies. Also had brain damage from police beatings.

>> No.12479930

Kahler was a nazi?

>> No.12479937

Yes, and he never apologized for it after the war. Rumor has it he kept a nazi flag in his office kek, imagine the seethe from his jew students

>> No.12479950

Northern Italians are Lombard germanics anyway.