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1247607 No.1247607 [Reply] [Original]

1) Go to university, complete an undergraduate degree in "human biology" (aka the easiest shit ever)

2) party for 4 years

3) apply to medical schools in the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Bahamas, etc...

4) spend 2 years smoking weed, snorting coke, and occassionally studying medicine

5) take a year off, study non stop for USMLE's

6) take the test, complete final 2 years of medical school with internship at an american hospital

7) enjoy being a doctor (aka con artist) in america making 200K+ a year.

>> No.1247621

Don't you mean 300k a year?

>> No.1247614
File: 15 KB, 431x314, 1267574273780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this true ?

>> No.1247623


did you see Ph. D. in mathematics at all in this thread ?

>> No.1247641

serious question.

isnt phd a doctor in philosophy?

>> No.1247653

I know people that have pulled this off.

>> No.1247655

Not really
Biology majors have to take almost the same kind of credits as any other science major with the exception of the concentration courses
OP is probably just jealous
But Biology majors probably get more pussy because its filled with money hungry whores that get wet when you mention that you're studying to apply for med school
Also working as a doctor sucks

>> No.1247662


this made no sense at all

completely retarded gobbledegook

>> No.1247674

but yeah this is true.

in fact, here is the best way:
do all the shit OP said...

then, instead of looking for a job or starting your own practice:

move to california

rent a shitty little office and get a secretary

give out medical marijuana recomendations for $150.

schedule 100+ people 2 days per week

>$150,000 per year until your medical license expires for literally sitting on your ass smoking weed all day long

>> No.1247685



>> No.1247692

get a license, move to the hamptons, have an accounting brother, get a hot assistant, live in the guest house of a rich German guy, become a concierge doctor, get pussy from a local hospital director.

>> No.1247696

I don't have the guts to do this.

>> No.1247703


>> No.1247701

Care to elaborate?

>> No.1247707

Technically yes, Ph.D is a Doctor of Philosophy. So when one receives a Ph.D you are a Doctor of Philosophy in a particular subject.

>> No.1247714


>>Dominican Republic, Cuba, Bahamas, etc...

you do realize that once you are done at this school you have to take a test to graduate, right? You only get two tries. You fuck up your second try? Tough shit, you'll never be a doctor.


>> No.1247718


>> No.1247722 [DELETED] 

Anybody who even remotely believes any of the shit is a retard.

>> No.1247725
File: 11 KB, 368x357, NOJE-18s34-seal-700_368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh my god you have to take

.......test ?

in school ?



>> No.1247735

you don't have to memorize them if you are smart. YOU WILL JUST REMEMBER THEM.

>> No.1247729

Ok then OP
Have fun memorizing over 9000 diseases, symptoms, body parts, procedures and a ton of other shit
Btw when I say over 9000 I actually mean over 9000

>> No.1247741


If anyone actually believes any of this shit, they will be in for a rude awakening when (if they somehow) they get to med school.

>> No.1247748


samefag is either too stupid to understand how the system works, or went through it the hard way and failed and now works at burger king lawlzorpewpew

>> No.1247754

Why have you gone to med school or are you just pulling this out your ass?

>> No.1247764
File: 56 KB, 285x298, 1272044851342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a chief emergency medicine resident. Fuck off with this bullshit.

>> No.1247779

Even if this were true I would still not want to do it
Doctors work all day cutting people and taking out tumors and all that gross shit while their whore wives spend all of their hard earn money on shoes

>> No.1247796

I know 2 people who have done this, went to med school in St. Kitts, both working in chicago atm doing their residence.

>> No.1250052

I hate being dumb

>> No.1250086


Yea, but that's involved with that people who goes for ph.d usually ends up working with the philosophy of whatever subject they're working with.

But that shouldn't surprise anyone, since everything is just applied philosophy.

>> No.1250111

I am kinda doing this, but the UK way.

1. Did Human Biology at shit tier university
2. partied for 2.5 years, worked hard for the last half of 3rd year
3. Work experience for 2 years
4. Apply to 4 year medicine course

Currently in 1st year. Luckily our uni has exams that are pretty much identical to your USMLEs which means it shouldn't be too hard to get my ass over to the USA maybe canada, to work.

Shit is easy

>> No.1250116


You can really cut down on the amount of memorising by really knowing your basic shit, basic anatomy, physiology, diseases process etc.

>> No.1250136

Canadian Way:

1. Become fluent in french before graduating in high school

2. Complete associate degree in a francophone community college

3. Study as much as you can for the MCAT for about a year. Take the MCAT..

4. Go to a francophone university complete medical degree in the 3 year program..

5. Smoke weed everyday.

>> No.1250141

RemoEv_YuOR_iLlGEal cLoEn FO Http://wwW.ANToNyTALk.se/ (ANTony_=_aNON)_IMmeIDaTeLy. eic lrd wj mnowwgzlm edwczpfu nmue

>> No.1250144

I could be wrong it probably is 2 1/2 years maybe just 2 year internship

>> No.1251801

medicfag here. Riddle me this basic emergency med question: in tricyclic antidepression poisoning, what would the observed changes to PR intervals and QRS duration be as the poisoning worsens?

what dosage of sodoim bicarbonate would you give via IV for a child in this situation to treat the arrhythmia after correcting hypoxia and acidosis?


>> No.1253212

what are the best schools in the Caribbean?

>> No.1253265

>implying you won't epically fail America's exam for a certification to practice medicine if you studied in a shit country.

>> No.1253293

I hear people replace the Caribbean with India now.
Is that common as well?

>> No.1253337


22 ml