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12473486 No.12473486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, how do I refute this?

>> No.12473502

If a dog and a cat can't mate that's because they are a different race. But the difference between two breeds of dog can mate just like to breeds of cat. Ergo you misused the word race where you should've used the word breed.

>> No.12473507

Hmm, that's true, but tigers and lions can mate and have fertile offspring. Would you classify them as the same 'race'?

>> No.12473537

I'm not aware of Ligers having offspring. The current status quo is that tigers and lions are different species but are really closely related.

>> No.12473546

So tigers and lions are actually just different races?
why don't you ask Twitter how to debunk it.

>> No.12473555
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>> No.12473696

checked... what do we do now anons... we say that tigers and lions are the same species?
I wonder how that could apply to humans...

>> No.12473707

You would still discriminate against a smart black and embrace a dumb white so this was never about IQ.

>> No.12473720

Doesn't count. There should be liger to liger breeding to probe they can be a species in their own right. Mulattos can breed with mulattos.

>> No.12473751

There are more black scientists than there are blonde+blue eyes scientists

So, yeah

>> No.12473774

No because they can't produce any viable offspring.

>> No.12473779

Looks like tigers and lions are the same race after all. We should mix all tigers and lions.

>> No.12473837

And yet every single white neighborhood will continue to be nicer than every single black neighborhood. This is without exception because unlike individuals, group behavior is 100% predictable by race.

Now do per-capita

>Compatibility along a metric that is unrelated to cognitive abilities will surely tell us something about whether or not the races have different cognitive abilities

>> No.12473843

You don't. Why would you engage with /pol/ monkeys? Don't you have better things to do?

>> No.12473885
File: 553 KB, 875x490, cromag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often times wonder what life must be like for people this retarded

>> No.12473888

Yeah but you would still hate them if they were smart. Consider the chinese or the 105 IQ pajeets, you dont like those either.

>> No.12473890

I mean, I can't think of any blonde+blue eyes who made any good contribution to science.
On the otherhand, Google can't stop feeding people with black science people

>> No.12473894

My life is hard but i dont know what you imply. Just state your point.

>> No.12473897
File: 83 KB, 651x833, 1608156371278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taleb is writing an entire book on how IQ is nothing but a swindle

>> No.12473907

What predictions does race denialism make? Have any been confirmed?

>> No.12473943

>someone is writing an ENTIRE book on something they know nothing about and have been thoroughly ripped a new asshole for being so ignorant on by people who actually do know what they are talking about
Wow that's really something anon. Be sure to preorder it from (((Amazon)))

>> No.12473980

You don't. It's real.
There's this weird anti-intellectual angle that genetics is all a social construct.

If a dog and a cat can't mate that's because they are a different race.
Wrong. they're a different species.
"race" is akin to "sub-species".

Tigers and lions are different species. Like polar and grizzly bears, they CAN mate, but typically don't. (and male ligers are more likely to be sterile due to Haldane's rule).

"Can they interbreed" is a quick and easy defintion of "species", but biology is nothing if not full of exceptions. Look up "ring species" if you wan to have your mind blown.

He already corrected you on "species" don't be dense.

>And yet every single white neighborhood will continue to be nicer than every single black neighborhood.
Naw, depends on the subset. If you select the most civilized and prosperous group, they'll be fiiiiine.

yeah, this war on IQ kinda sucks.

>> No.12473998

so two gays are not in the same race?

>> No.12474003

transphobic much?

>> No.12474259

>Race has no biological basis

Nobody denies race is important when it comes to biology and the medical field. Only parrots will deny this to not sound racist.

Blacks and whites usually have different body proportions and bone density as well as protein content. Bone Marrow is a good example as well. The argument is that these differences are superficial and don't matter when it comes to managing a society.

Even these small differences could be waved away, as it's possible for blacks to get the same body composition as whites and bone density varies. As for Bone Marrow, it's better for everyone to be mixed so finding matching patients could be easier.

>Lewontin's Fallacy

I need you to read this carefully, because whenever this is explained to a racist they're either too biased or dumb to understand.

>Edward never refuted continuous variation (clines are distributed more among different races)
>He actually agrees with Lewontin
>But not his conclusion of races not existing
>He only suggests that race could be constructed in another way
>The frequency of different alleles at an individual locus

I'll give the example of lactase which only some geographical groups could produce. It's contained in a single gene, but it's seemingly insignificant to the overall human genome on the surface. However, those with lactose intolerance have sets of problems.

The debate lies whether these small differences are enough to warrant the classification of races, and the consensus leans towards no.

>Body proportions, bone density, and protein content varies through race but it's not always the case.
>Clines are already more distributed through races than in-groups.
>And classifying through melanin differences is fucking stupid.

If we want to go the Edward Route, I guess we can treat lactulose intolerants as a new race?

You can classify others by race, but it's pointless to do so.

>> No.12474288

You can dislike people for their culture or for their lack of intelligence or both, and in a lot of cases cultural behaviors can be the result of lack of intelligence. Me personally? I don't dislike asian people, especially when they become integrated in western culture and perform very well and are contributors. Blacks on the other hand? They are basically given a free pass with people bending over backwards to force their integration and they still fail as an aggregate. Like personally I don't fancy chinese culture but I feel like I could have much more interesting conversations and frienships with a chinese person than with a black person who would be like talking to a sack of potatoes

>> No.12474516
File: 824 KB, 3530x3236, diversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The argument is that these differences are superficial and don't matter when it comes to managing a society.
If that was supported by MRI images of their brains looking the same, they would show them in school to convince people we're all equal. There's a reason they don't, and it's because you can easily tell the races apart from looking at their brains. HIPAA won't let me show you the labels, but you can see how wildly different the subcortical phenotypes are. This is far from superficial.

>> No.12474566

In order for races to exist you have to define them. White European is not a race in many cases. Most scientists say arabs are included in that.
So the /pol/tard definition of race doesn't exist.

>> No.12474616

Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, Aboriginal.

>> No.12474622

>HIPAA won't let me show you the labels but i have a hunch the ones that look ugly are probably black
Lol. Brains are malleable and could change shape by absorbing knowledge from your life experience. That's why no brain looks exactly the same. This is a scientific fact.

>> No.12474623
File: 227 KB, 800x321, coincidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>argument is that these differences are superficial and don't matter when it comes to managing a society.

>> No.12474658

>the meme chart
Please do tell me the particular genes that makes blacks have a lower IQ than whites.

Racists will call smart blacks 'outliers' which suggests its possible for blacks to lack the gene that makes them low iq. They will ignore whites that have this mysterious and poorly suggested gene that makes them stupid too.

The problem with racists is that they show actual problems but will never provide a solution or a reason why it's happening.

It's far more likely that there are IQ differences because socioeconomic problems. It could even include not eating healthy which effects the brain. We have this thread all the fucking time.

>> No.12474724
File: 452 KB, 1692x1936, 1572354022479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>far more likely that there are IQ differences because socioeconomic problems
Absolute soileft take completely incompatible with all reason and evidence.
Low IQ causes social problems. Being poor doesn't turn you retarded but being retarded means a lifetime of dead end menial jobs, bad choices, drugs, crime, poverty. Being rich doesn't make you smart but being smart will get you a decent job and living standard.
>have this thread all the fucking time.
And we will as long as we need to.

>> No.12474734

You don't, because it's true.

>> No.12474736

Wolves and coyotes can have functional offspring and they do all the time in the wild, yet they have the same genetic distance as subsaharan Africans and Whites.

>> No.12474738

>every single white neighborhood will continue to be nicer than every single black neighborhood
This is a dishonest exaggeration

>> No.12474744

>implying they have more black scientists because they didn't get there by bias and affirmative action

>> No.12474748

Say something about how top scientists dont believe in race, then ignore any and all evidence. Evidence doesn't matter, it's all about what harvard professors say.

>> No.12474757
File: 59 KB, 873x568, crime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the correct ratio? It's going to be close to 100%.

>> No.12474768
File: 308 KB, 1192x1432, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broscience will save science.

>> No.12474771

Wolves and coyotes are the same species, much like Africans and Europeans

>> No.12474772

Science isn't as scientific as many people would believe. A lot of it is gate keeping, committees with HR departments who promote social engineering, and journals/media outlets who promote a certain narrative by amplifying certain research and shunning other research, basically lying by omission and exploiting the mystique that surrounds science to drive it in a certain direction in a manipulative way, just like any other corruptable h*man institution. A lot of science is influenced by control of information flow, and it's pretty easy to have a major impact when you think about it.

>> No.12474791

on the other hand, tons and tons of blue eyed people did so.

>> No.12474797

Half of medical knowledge comes directly from nazis and racists, try looking a little harder next time.

>> No.12474805

ye being a lab technologist we had to learn 100s of tests and virtually 100% of the tests were just some german dude's name and virtually every reagent was too

>> No.12474828 [DELETED] 

>that chart
>he thinks SNPs are genes
>he doesn't know there needs to be several thousand of these to actually have an impact in intelligence if that's what they actually do (not proven anywhere, correlation causation bs).
>i have to pay to look at the rest
Judging by this chart's composition, it seems this was made by a biased source which makes it already shit. The reference for finding "intelligence" SNPs was mostly done using European ancestry individuals, doing the same on African ancestry individuals would most likely lead to slightly different list of SNPs which positively inpact intelligence. It means nothing. Thank you for wasting my time. May the race threads finally fuck off.

>> No.12474859

>that chart
>he thinks SNPs are genes
>he doesn't know there needs to be several thousand of these to actually have an impact in intelligence if that's what they actually do (not proven anywhere, correlation causation bs).
>i have to pay to look at the rest
The reference for finding "intelligence" SNPs was mostly done using European ancestry individuals, doing the same on African ancestry individuals would most likely lead to slightly different list of SNPs which positively inpact intelligence. It means nothing. Thank you for wasting my time.

>> No.12474864
File: 9 KB, 199x254, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooo not those sources
You're the embodiment of the memes.
>same on African ancestry individuals would most likely lead to slightly different list of SNPs which positively inpact intelligence
Yeah sure because africans are known for their high genetic iq.

>> No.12474890

Why should I take your meme chart seriously if it can't even distinguish SNPs from genes? The most criminal and misleading thing about your chart is that these SNPs aren't even guarenteed for whites and could be found in other races.

SNPs as well as genes could be developed through environmental factors. Grab a black couple from Africa and place them in America. After a couple generations they will have new genes. Would you consider that new generation a seperate race from Africans? The answer is that you could, but it's practically pointless to do so.

>> No.12474903

We don't know them yet, but what we do know is that races do have different brain size differences that are implicated in intelligence.

Nevertheless, using this approach, it was found that genes associated with educational attainment and intelligence preferentially express together in nervous tissue (Okbay et al., 2016; Lam et al., 2017; Trampush et al., 2017; Savage et al., 2018; Coleman et al., 2019). Specifically, hippocampal, midbrain and generally cortical and frontal cortical regions show the highest enrichment of expression of these genes (Savage et al., 2018; Coleman et al., 2019). With the exception of midbrain, these are brain regions previously implicated in intelligence by brain imaging studies.

And keep in mind that this is brain imaging.


>> No.12474946

im ignorant on theological arguments as well

>> No.12474962

Imagine that someone developed a test to measure general intelligence and it almost perfectly measures skin tone while containing no questions about it. Now imagine every test designed to measure general intelligence even tests written entirely in black slang find the same correlation.
Now imagine someone claiming that whites and blacks have equal "natural intelligence" an undefined term that only exists in a hypothetical world ("abolished" capitalism or some such dog whistle for kill whitey) that would be silly, wouldn't it?

>> No.12474968

Being poor causes violent rape/sexual assault donchaknow

>> No.12474972
File: 9 KB, 233x217, 7t2g3h98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>criminal and misleading thing about your chart is that these SNPs aren't even guarenteed for whites
It says at the top they're present in 1/3 of euros.
It's only misleading if you misinterpret it.
>distinguish SNPs from genes?
That's not going to change the results. Most gene variants are SNPs. A list of genes those SNPs are in would be a list of intelligence increasing gene variants common in euros.
> couple generations they will have new genes. Would you consider that new generation a seperate race
That's hybridisation, races are from partial speciation.

>> No.12474977

why would I imagine in a thread that's supposed to be about science?

>> No.12474980

Taleb is a hysterical retard

>> No.12474985

>You can classify others by race, but it's pointless to do so.
My life improved dramatically when I chose to stop associating with blacks and shitskins.

>> No.12474988

Imagine never graduating highschool.

>> No.12474991

Not as much as being black does, statistically speaking

>> No.12474992
File: 997 KB, 480x270, i-see-you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race is real, does matter a lot, and does get suppressed in academia. All that being true however, isn't in itself a reason to be hateful based on race, anymore than you should hate someone for being prone to sickness, weakness, or even strength. At most you could apply it to a utilitarian world view. I guess what I'm saying, OP pic is mostly true, but it's also usually spammed by /pol/tards to justify cultural beliefs that have far less to do with biology than they'd like to think.

>> No.12475002

Did you even look at them? They are completely differently shapes. A black brain will never be functionally the same as a white brain and vice versa. They are malleable within the scope of their own potentials, but they have different potentials because they are different animals.

>> No.12475009

you can be rationally racist without being a dick about it

although the sheer amount of cultural-political wrangling that goes into trying to bringing them up to par from an assumption of absolute equality can be a little aggravating if you're a taxpaying citizen, it's really not that much worse than usual government corruption and waste.
unless you're american, in which case you're in trouble lol

>> No.12475011

>All that being true however, isn't in itself a reason to be hateful based on race,
Yeah that comes from experience, and is simply validated by biology. Why do you think the most historically diverse states in the US are also the most historically racist? Niggers are a plague.

>> No.12475017

Well, you don't have to imagine because that's what >>12474658 believes

>> No.12475019

Black people hate white people in those areas too. You're using biology to justify that you're in the right. Black people would use history (slavery) to justify that their in the right. Truth is, none of it justifies hating the biology, or ancestor of a person. It's no more valid than hating someone for having any particular hereditary trait or great grand parent. Hate only makes sense when it's personal, somebody being black or white isn't something that should personally offend you.

>> No.12475028

>It says at the top they're present in 1/3 of euros.
Sorry i overlooked your shitty meme. I guess most Europeans aren't white then?
>That's not going to change the results.
No but it does say something about the guy who made this chart and the guy posting it.
>That's hybridisation, races are from partial speciation.
I'm sure not even you know what this means.
Feeling like your better than most will make you feel good.
>They are completely different shapes
The brain is a wonderous thing.

>> No.12475030

I hate niggers because of how they act and what they have and continue to do to my country. Niggers hate whites because whites treat them according to their behavior. Most niggers couldn't tell you the year that slavery ended lol.

Hate does not "need to" make sense, nor does it need to be personal, but in every racists case (that I've seen, and I've been heavily involved in NS groups for almost a decade) it comes from direct experience with niggers, followed by the realisation that almost all niggers exhibit the same kinds of negative behavior. The US would have an OVERALL murder rate equivalent to a European country if we got rid of niggers. Tens of thousands of lives have been ruined because of the rerarded "empathy" and detachment of people like you. I mean your argument is isomorphic to saying "You shouldn't hate pedophiles unless they've directly harmed you." At best it's autistic.

>can't use their/they're/there correctly
You're an imbecile, leave the board.

>> No.12475032


>> No.12475033

This whole thing about race not existing is one of the most woke-white takes I've ever heard and does more harm than good.

>> No.12475036

Denying race is just a form of white-saviorism. "Hey, people of color, let me disappear this very real biological construct you've dealt with all your lives by snapping my fingers and proudly proclaiming that race no longer exists." Utterly inane and offensive.

>> No.12475039

>The brain is a wonderous thing.
Sounds like yours short circuited, or you're admitting that it would take magic for the races to have equal cognition given their huge differences in brain structure.

>> No.12475048

Actually, no
It's because Africa has its own research agencies

>> No.12475056

You can always place any particular individual in a group to hate them.
>The US would have an OVERALL murder rate equivalent to a European country if we got rid of niggers.
That would also be true if you got rid of all the males in America.
Would also be true if you got rid of all the 15-25 year olds
But if I met a young black dude, I'm not gonna have my blood boil because he exists in that demographic. I'd be weary of him, but hate and obsession? Nah, I have better ways to spend my time

>> No.12475058

Yeah true, Ghana is leading the world in military hardware right now, as you can see here:


>> No.12475067

>That would also be true if you got rid of all the males in America.
>Would also be true if you got rid of all the 15-25 year olds
Both of those are necessary groups for a functional society. Niggers are not.

You have better uses for your time because you haven't lived around niggers long enough, or because you are one (or some other shitskin) and don't understand why every other race fucking despises them after living with them for any significant length of time. Yeah it's not "rational" to hate each and every nigger you interact with but neither is being disgusted every time you have to sit next to a reeking homeless man (who is likely black).

>> No.12475082

>Nobody denies race is important when it comes to biology and the medical field.
>You can classify others by race, but it's pointless to do so.
Ah. Important, but pointless... Why the fuck do you talk out of both sides of your head?

Africans and Asians look different. Why is that?
Is it genetic? Do their kids inheirit those differences?

>> No.12475088

>Both of those are necessary groups for a functional society. Niggers are not.
Look man, we're on /sci/. Believe what you want, but don't act like OPs pic is some scientific justification for racial genocide. That's some edgy shit, but more importantly, not the realm of science discussion. Better to have that discussion on /pol/ or at best /his/.

>> No.12475095

>In order for races to exist you have to define them
The broad or narrow groupings of people that didn't interbreed with the rest of the world and experienced genetic drift from the global average. This developed traits that are super-fucking-apparent and it's making all of science look foolish when people claim Africans and Asians don't really exist.

European is a race. Irish is a race. Human is a race. You can be as broad or narrow as you want as long as there's a real genetic trend in the markers found in their genome.

It really proves the out of Africa model and how we migrated across the globe.

>> No.12475096

>I can't refute your arguments so I'm going to say you're "just wrong" and suddenly declare that the conversation I've been a part of for 20 minutes (in a thread I likely started) doesn't belong in this board

>> No.12475098

except you had to put like 6 imagines in there for a reason.

>> No.12475102

Not to mention you're strawmanning, no one said anything about genocide. Nice 88 though.

>> No.12475106


>> No.12475109
File: 53 KB, 604x604, historical-meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conversation stopped being about racial biology and you started going off about niggers and shitskins and reeking homeless people. I'm cutting my losses. Shit thread anyway, OP has his answer.

>> No.12475113

You are the one who brought up hatred sambo. Stop making things up.

>> No.12475125

>It's far more likely that there are IQ differences because socioeconomic problems.
A reasonable point to raise. ....Except it's still there when they take into account economic class. The "socio" part is "that they're black".

The real fucking hard part for people to accept is that IQ IS HIGHLY HERITABLE IN HUMANS. Between 60-80%. We can measure this. Twins studies back it up. It's science. You get more than half your braininess from your parents.

Ok, so consider Hitler's attempt to make a super-race. He killed off all the jews he could get his hands on. Those with foresight, power, money, or means managed to escape germany. Physicists were particularly gobbled up. Now, this might sound crazy, but if you kill off all the idiots, and save all the smarties, and IQ is highly heritable.... how do you think that affected average jewish IQ scores post WWII? Same thing with Mao and the intellectuals who fled to the USA to become tiger-moms. They're all ex-village nobility, engineers, doctors, and the intellectuals Mao had rounded up and "re-educated". If they had stayed. Now they score higher.

Slaves, on the other hand, are not selected for their ability to perform knowledge work. This is a cluster-fuck that keeps on giving.

We select for this stuff all the damn time with dog-breeding. It's simply ego talking to presume it doesn't happen in humans. We're animals like any other, in most ways.

In his defense "genetics" is a bit of a misnomer.
But dig into that one. Look up the references at the bottom. I tried to simply call bullshit on it once and... I couldn't.

Wisdom. It freaks me out to see a taboo subject in academia though. Like when the fuck did the progressive become the party of suppressing knowledge.

>> No.12475127

Not the guy who said it, but pointless as in it's practically pointless. There's no reason to classify race outside of those things. It would look something like treating blondes and brunettes. We know they have a small difference in genes but we don't make a big deal out of it.

>> No.12475132

>As for Bone Marrow, it's better for everyone to be mixed so finding matching patients could be easier.
It's better for everyone to be uniform. In the US mixed blacks have a chance of finding a donor which is many times lower than that of any non-mixed race.

>> No.12475135

I do, and it has improved my life by a lot. If the United States decided to deport all blacks it would have immense fiscal and criminal benefits for almost every person left in the country.

>> No.12475145

>Wisdom. It freaks me out to see a taboo subject in academia though. Like when the fuck did the progressive become the party of suppressing knowledge.

Makes me feel very sad that this is the case. Used to be total leftie but just can't anymore because of this dishonesty. Still have to pretend IRL tho.

>> No.12475168
File: 126 KB, 1118x629, 2821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this race discussion is important. I would like to know if there's a biological basis to peoples' behavior, especially aggressiveness/criminality. If there is I would like to know if it's distributed with different frequency between groups/races of people.

I would also like to know how strong the preference is for people of the same 'race' and if kin selection/selfish gene is a significant factor in this.

>> No.12475179

>There's no reason to classify race outside of those things.
But inside those things, biology and medicine.... there IS a point.

(IQ, genetic trends, psychology, sociology, and everything they feed into.... yeah. WTF do you think biology and medicine are?)

>> No.12475205
File: 1.20 MB, 631x2798, kike_genes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scientifically speaking, how do I refute this?
Humans have subspecies that are just close enough to produce fertile offspring but distant enough to create asthmatics, allergists and other shit the further they go from their own.
This applies to "whites" as well.

Also, if race ain't real then why does the jewish disease consortium only recognizes three genetic groups as truly jewish and gives them bloodright to israel?


>> No.12475211

>Ok, so consider Hitler's attempt to make a super-race. He killed off all the jews he could get his hands on

Stop reading jewish fairtytales.

>> No.12475218

Liar. You dont have any bug or poo friends. They are repulsive people but that has nothing to do with IQ. Low IQ people can be friendly, the thing with blacks is they are angry and resentful, on top of the low IQ.

>> No.12475336

In some cases it's beneficial to throw the concept away altogether. In other cases it's beneficial to socially construct race but in a non-conventional way. If you wanted to, you can socially construct races between short and tall guys. They have different genes after all and it even changes their look.

There are infinite races as there are infinite ways of organizing groups who have different genes. There's a meme question we often ask here
>Oh, so how many races are there?
It's priceless watching everyone come up with different answers. It's even better when they know there are infinite but still don't believe race is a social construct despite unknowingly agreeing to it.

>> No.12475385

That's a good point, actually, that really rustles my Jimmies. If, and only if Northern Italians were separated from the Southern ones during intelligence tests, then all find out that Italians are among the most intelligent, well-educated, innovative in every field they ever got their hands mixed in, most superior people that ever existed! And the only reason for the kikes having a slightly higher IQ is because they managed to steal some of that Italian superiority by mixing with our women during the Roman times.
So, there's no doubt about it; how the kikes managed to take over the world. It's because they mixed with some superior Italian women, giving birth to the mongrellic abominations we see to day. But it's my humble opinion that it won't last, it truly won't. You can only make so much out of some few sparse, running-out of Italian DNA, which is being bred out of them. And as soon as it runs out, it's truly going to be all over for them, as well as everyone involved in this charade and farce that is modernity!

>> No.12475386

>that chart
>he thinks SNPs are genes
>he doesn't know there needs to be several thousand of these to actually have an impact in intelligence if that's what they actually do (not proven anywhere, correlation causation bs).
>i have to pay to look at the rest
The reference for finding "intelligence" SNPs was mostly done using European ancestry individuals, doing the same on African ancestry individuals would most likely lead to slightly different list of SNPs which positively inpact intelligence. It means nothing. Thank you for wasting my time.

>> No.12475398
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1592448552470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that text for what amounts to an appeal to a "scientific consensus" which you can't refute without losing your job.

>> No.12475401

Is it also priceless to watch biologists argue about the number of subspecies in other species ?

>> No.12475426

Kind of honestly, taxonomy in general is a field desperately in need of an overhaul. Classification can be incredibly arbitrary, and there's a bunch of decades and century old work that honestly just needs thrown out, but getting everyone to actually agree to the same thing doesn't seem like it's going to happen any time soon.

>> No.12475485

species =/= race
Go be retarded somewhere else.

>> No.12475589
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>does say something
Says more about the guy crying about it being deception.

>> No.12475632
File: 95 KB, 892x899, fgene-04-00127-g002 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you look at thousands of loci at once. Millions of loci in some cases. Keep up. "Read Who We Are and How We Got Here" by David Reich.

>> No.12475642
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There is nothing to deboonk. It's all true.


>> No.12475650
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You don't and can't refute truth

>> No.12475738

Ok nigger provide one study that, making the right corrections, proves different races have the same IQ.

>> No.12475855

He's not though, and that's the problem. He's a mixed bag of genuine insight and off the cuff shit-take attempts aimed at things that he doesn't like but doesn't have a good criticism of. If he were merely hysterical this wouldn't be an issue, but he's too clever to not matter.

>> No.12475901
File: 505 KB, 1120x2499, genetics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought you had a gotcha? you don't need to pinpoint the exact genes anymore than you need to know every part of an internal combustion engine to observe which performs better on a race track. But you already knew this I am sure because like all leftard shills your goal is only to obfuscate the truth with pilpul sophistry

>> No.12475903

Holy shit, you are either trolling really well or you lack the ability to grasp what a normal distribution implies.

>> No.12475918

This is just /pol/ bait, but I'm not politically interested, so I think I'm a good candidate to reply dispassionately.

From a cursory glance, Myth #4 is wrong as the distance in the chosen embedding between extremes of one cluster is quite a bit larger than the distance between the clusters, even with the gap. It's just not a continuum.

I think also the amount of race mixing in racially diverse places also closes most of the gaps between the different race groups. For example, saying that race is social in the context of the USA seems entirely reasonable. You wouldn't expect to see such wide gaps in the DNA difference embeddings of american blacks because of how white they actually are. Yet their behaviour is significantly distinct from white americans. I can only imagine it's due to cultural (and plausibly socio-economic) factors. As for intelligence itself, sure, I wouldn't be surprised that they are disadvantaged on average, but I don't expect any sharp lines to be drawable for the same reasons.

>> No.12475922

Even a 12 year old should already know that politics isnt about truth but about peace. It may be so that caucasians are superior to negroids, but for the greater good it is best to lie about it and claim we are all equal.

And actually it doesnt make any difference whether it is true or not. We make our own reality.

>> No.12475938
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Who's "greater good"? It damn sure isn't for whites greater good. It is a noose around their necks to babysit retards that blame them for all their problems while having every conceivable modern convenience provided to them by whites. They would still be living in mud guys in the stone age of it wasn't for us and if it wasn't for them we would have colonized mars already

>> No.12475941

*mud huts

>> No.12475960
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You make a legitimate point but then you'd have to question if it really does protect the peace.

What I'm seeing is that people think
>we are all the same
>so differences in wealth, health, criminality are due to racism from whites against blacks
>so we need to fight back and fix it
But it ain't broke...

On the other hand acknowledging that blacks are more violent and less intelligent could lead to ethnic cleansing, but it could also lead to a better understanding of how to live in peace, without putting too many expectations on each other's and resenting ourselves for not meeting them.

>> No.12475961


a question to those who feel validated by this graph: why? I can imagine a few scenarios:

1. you're a racist who wants justification. this is pretty obvious.
2. you are a reactionary who doesn't like the taboo in certain scientific fields on researching racial differences. this is pretty understandable.
3. you are a conservative and want to just take the opposite stance of the libs. this is maybe a little daft.

IMO it would be nice if science didn't have social taboos and just stuck to ethical ones, and if politics could stay out of science. In practice, academia is too cancerous to recover, especially the humanities. I don't think taboo science is automatically good science though, and this image sort of proves it.

>> No.12475989

Look at the specific brain parts that vary the most. The biggest difference you can see here >>12474516
is the caudate nucleus, which is involved in procedural and associative learning, inhibitory control, reward system, goal-directed actions, and romantic love. This gives us a plausible physiological basis for black people being slower learners, more impulsive, less forward-thinking, and more likely to abandon their baby-mamas. Not to mention all its other functions and all the other brain parts that differ between the races (basically all of them).

>> No.12475991

I didnt really read your post. What I wrote contains all the information about the subject. Just read it and put it in your heart and mind.

Differences in wealth are due to difference in skills.

>> No.12475993

>Doesn't know the difference between species and race

>> No.12476032

these /pol/ threads are tiring you fuckers come and circlejerk about the same facts we already know day in day out. having pride in being better than the average nigger is pathetic because its an extremely low bar. they are niggers who have achieved more and are currently living better lives than the entirety of 4chan regardless. spread these infographics to places that need them, we already hate niggers here.

>> No.12476069

fuck you disengeniius scum bag you are perfectly fine with racism as long it is only whites that are negatively affected by it. We owe you NOTHING and our kindness and patience has been pushed to it's limit and if you keep playing games acting like everything is just fine and gaslighting people airing their grievances I assure you that you won't like what comes next and you better believe people are already prepping for it and have been years. I have been coming here for years warning you idiots what is brewing and what will happen if your stupid asses don't wake the fuck to what is happening and start getting involved in conversations you are too pussy to have without being forced too by people you screech pol at like downsy retards.

>> No.12476084

you stupid fucking faggots didn't know jack shit until we came to beat it into your stupid fucking head stfu you little bitch

>> No.12476088

I'm perfectly fine with racism no matter who does it lol. I don't particularly care about the plight of any race, including my own, which you are free to guess for my entertainment lmao. this must be pasta, but at least direct it toward someone relevant.

>> No.12476140

eat shit /pol/nigger i wish moot kept your shitty board nuked you dont need 20 stat pages to know niggers are fucking retarded you cunts do though because it gives worth to your shit existence, go back to your containment board faggot or have the balls to just start a nigger hate thread instead.

>> No.12476148

being mixed doesn't make you able to all of sudden be able to use white or black marrow in a transplant it makes you reject both

>> No.12476208

pretending you know people's motives for things pretty.much invalidates everything reasonable you said before that. You are allowed the comfort of being dispassionate and "removed" from the reality of all of this because it does directly effect you yet. Shitting on people who it has directly effected by trying to imply they are just some yocal hicks who are looking for a "scientific" justification to mistreat and "hate" people for no reason is a meme that has been pounded into your head by Jew and leftard shills your entire life and has zero truth to it. There are people who have seen their cities and livelihoods absolutely decimated by leftard policies and attempts to integrate negroes and for you to sit there on your high horse and point your finger at and call them names for speaking truth about their experiences being vindicated by the science proving what they said all along shows you are a simpleton prick who doesn't understand what he is talking about before spewing off at the mouth or a coward who thinks you are somehow better than those that do speak truth. Pro tip: you aren't, you are just afforded a luxury that was taken from them without their consent. The right to live with their own people

>> No.12476218

I will stuff my boot up your ass you scrawny incel faggot. You wouldn't dare even look me in the eye irl so stfu you little bitch like I said the first time

>> No.12476251

the problem with your argument is that it has no relevance to the realities of race. Why should the existence of racial differences between cultural groups influence outgroup hatred (racism)?

The reason to be a xenophobe is to preserve the cultural in-group. racial differences is a complete non-sequitur.

Honest question: do you think the racism you feel toward your particular boogieman is entirely unrelated to the racism Hong Kong activists feel toward recent immigrants from mainland China? Do you think theres any meaningful genetic differences in their case?

>> No.12476266

Culture is downstream from genes. Otherwise you could teach a gorilla to write poems. Claiming otherwise would require extraordinary evidence.

>> No.12476275

again, contrast mainland chinese, taiwanese, hong kong. The latter of which share all genes, yet hate the shit out of the former (broadly speaking) due to cultural difference.

your reductionism would not convince me even if I didn't have an example handy that completely crushes it.

>> No.12476284

Dude if it's as bad as his current articles on IQ then it's gonna be one hell of a read.

>> No.12476303
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>asks for genes
>is shown genes
>"but uhhhhhhhh we need more genes!" "SNPs aren't genes you don't understand"
Just neck yourself already. They've done these studies on blacks, and he clearly addressed:
>Please do tell me the particular genes that makes blacks have a lower IQ than whites.
This is, and I hate to say it, horrible cope.

>> No.12476311

Same genes can produce or take on different cultures, but that doesn't mean that all genes are fit to live within all cultures, or that you can't use genes to make predictions.

For example, after having seen China and Korea handle covid well and Italy handle covid badly, a small part of me thoughts that Asians will handle covid well and Europeans especially southern badly. It has been true. So they might all hate each others yet they can be grouped as one in terms of cultural determinants that are quite pertinent for social behavior.

>> No.12476325

Do you know what downstream means? Hint: it doesn't mean genes deterministically fix every aspect of the resultant cultures.

In the example you mention, there are also clearly cultural similarities there, i.e: collectivism, a certain brand of deism, openness to autocracy, and the list goes on.

Culture doesn't influence genes, broadly, while genes most definitely influence culture to some degree.

>> No.12476357

why do you want to refute this? Are you a fucking sophist?

Its science. Embrace the results and build upon it.

>> No.12476359

Can't you create genetic sets based on gene grouping? Certainly being against "race" is just a semantics argument?

>> No.12476376

the post I quoted was nowhere as nuanced as you're pretending it was, but I'll grant what you're saying now: I think I agree with you.

Where I disagree is the claim that race is important. I think cultural problems are infintely more relevant to the political problems at hand than the race discussion that everything inevitably gets tied down to, and that the details on race realism are ultimately useless.

IMO the only tenable solution to peace and harmony between humans living together is movement toward cultural compatibility, if not homogeneity.

>> No.12476393

i would conjecture the correlations you're seeing are due to the incredibly strong heritability of culture. i.e. that you are mistaking the correlation between race and behaviour with a direct causal link, and that the true causal agent is heridity, not genetics.

Attributing the correlation specifically to race in this case, I don't see any evidece for.

>> No.12476396

Well this is gonna have to involve mass race-mixing, because we've identified that some of this is biology. Now when you do that, your destroying all of human culture and all potential for technological progress, because evidently, some "cultures" are unable to foster these things.

>> No.12476419

Makes no sense. You said yourself that they hate each other. Seems hard for them to inherit the culture of people they don't like. Unless of course there is a genetic predisposition to collectivism and the like...

>> No.12476432

what is the evidence that race mixing is required? A cultural genocide sounds like a perfectly good solution to me.

What? they obviously developed new, western-influenced culture that overrode their original inherited culture, which caused them to become incompatible. don't be purposefully dense. Why do american racists tolerate taiwanese but hate chinese? because of cultural influence. see? it works. We need to do more of it.

>> No.12476435

Well, if the stuff you don't like from a certain culture is genetic to some degree, then to remove this cultural element you need either eugenics or some sort of mass miscegination.

>> No.12476437

Meh. I also get called a racist when I say blacks' problems are due to their shitty culture.

>> No.12476451

I don't think your premise is supported. I love taiwanese people and wish mainlanders were more like them. I don't think any eugenics is required. just an *ahem* cultural revolution.

You haven't provided any single piece of evidence to suggest that I'm wrong. Only the conjecture that race influences culture. Being short influences your free throw percentage but that doesn't mean you can't train short people to shoot good enough to play in intramurals.

I'm with you on this one, but anyone who thinks calling someone a racist refutes their point is not worth arguing with anyways.

>> No.12476463
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>As for Bone Marrow, it's better for everyone to be mixed so finding matching patients could be easier.
This is WRONG and dangerous. Do what you want but your child being mixed race makes it incredibly difficult to find a donor they wont reject.
>Nobody denies race is important when it comes to biology and the medical field. Only parrots will deny this to not sound racist.
>You can classify others by race, but it's pointless to do so.
I agree with you, which is to say I disagree with you, because you contradict yourself. Unfortunately difference dont suddenly stop at cool different coloured skins, some of the biggest differences as >>12474516 , >>12473486 and >>12474623 point out, the differences are far more than skin deep and are BY FAR the biggest predictor of your quality of life.
>the meme chart
Are you anti empirical study anon?
>Please do tell me the particular genes that makes blacks have a lower IQ than whites.
(In pic rel, fuck captcha and fuck jannies)

>> No.12476471

In the case of taiwanese and chinese, assimilating one culture to be like the other doesn't require eugenics because they, well, have roughly the same genes.

>Only the conjecture that
You agree that genes influence culture, which means that changing culture in certain aspects and to a large degree will require eugenics.

Race is important because race correlates with these genes in many of the political scenarios that are relevant to the West. For example, we can never hope to fully assimilate immigrants because we know their culture is ultimately tied in part to their genetics (and thereby their race). This is much more relevant than the China and Taiwan thing, in any case.

>> No.12476474

I dunno how to tell you this man. But if they "stole" some of your precious northern Italy DNA.... then they're "nortern Italian" just like you are. It doesn't really "go away" unless you get into race-mixing and dilution. If those norther-Italy descendants keep interbreeding among themselves they retain all the genetic info.

>In some cases it's beneficial to throw the concept away altogether.
Literally pro-censorship and rejecting established fact. Why do Africans and Asians look different? How would we describe that sort of grouping?

>If you wanted to, you can socially construct races between short and tall guys.
Do we have populations of people with these similar traits that keep to themselves, have a trend of interbreeding within the group, shared genetic lineage, and pile of common medical nuances? no? then that's LESS useful, now isn't it?
But I think the biggest argument against that is that tall women aren't sought after, so the trait doesn't perpetuate.

>There are infinite races as there are infinite ways of organizing groups who have different genes.
There are infinite shades of colors and yet "BLUE" still exists and is a real thing. You're making all science look like a joke if you ignore what's painfully obvious.
How you split up the geographical regions, and what name you give them is a social construct. That there are groups with shared ancestry IS FACT.

>> No.12476495

again, you haven't proven the requirement, and are only asserting it. Just because genetics affects (let's be honest, predisposition to) culture doesn't mean culture can't be changed for the better in spite of genetics.

Men are more predisposed to violence than women because of genetics but that doesn't mean eugenics is required to produce a culture of less violent men.

>> No.12476508

This is solid.
I fucking love science. It cures ignorance even if some people go kicking and screaming about it.

Let's talk about this part though:
>a threat to the existence of the group these acts are committed against.
>the only justification required for that groups particular survival is existence for the sake of existence.
There's more justification than that actually. I mean, a group wanting to survive and perpetuate themselves is justification enough. But there's more. We don't really WANT everyone to be the same. We want variation. We want people to be different. Because some things work and some things do not. With variation we can find what works and capitalize on that. We want races to exist because diversity is a GOOD thing. It really is. Anyone arguing for race-mixing (or against those who aren't into race-mixing) is arguing against diversity by mixing all the colors together into the same shade of brown.

(Not to be a nazi or anything, but come on, learn some grammar. It's not that hard.)

>> No.12476512

>we can never hope to fully assimilate immigrants
we can and they already do. get out of your mom's basement.

>> No.12476513

I thought you accepted this requirement. It also follows from what you say, right:
>Just because genetics affects (let's be honest, predisposition to) culture doesn't mean culture can't be changed for the better in spite of genetics.
Sure, this is precisely the case, but it similarly implies that there's always going to be a tendency to regress towards the genetic predisposition, which means that any lasting cultural change will require eugenics.

If you want empirical evidence, then this is borne out almost everywhere you'd expect:
>african culture and government has remained roughly the same pre and post colonialism, democracy still has not been fully embraced: theres a study showing 90% of nigerians belive in magic
>even in your example: men are more violent than women in every single culture on earth (except whatever single hunter gatherer tribe you chose to dig up). If you want to produce a culture of men that are less violent than their women, then you're going to do something that has failed historically every time
and so on

>> No.12476519

Have you been to any large american city, like, ever?

>> No.12476524
File: 2.63 MB, 996x5137, asianwhite2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where have you ever seen any evidecne to support the strawman you just pulled out of your ass? Literally nothing in American culture has ever discriminated against Chinese people since at least the wild west era and they were laundry and railroad workers and literally everyone was racist against everyone else for the fuck of it. There was as much racism against Italians and Irish as there was against the chinese or japenese that had nothing to do with physical characteristics but rather just convention/culture. America would prefer Chinese immigrants over any other race outside of european in fact. You are a fucking joke and no one should respond to you or take anything you say seriously.

>> No.12476526

Yeah. I live in one. Have you ever left your mom's basement?

>> No.12476529

Truth. The reason all this is taboo is because saying otherwise riles up the idiots and they start burning shit down.
AND every attempt at overtly removing them has blown up in our face. Eugenics is real... but it's not worth it. The best we can really do is make contraception and abortion available to any fucking idiot that doesn't want kids. From backwards immigrants and dumbfucks who can't even help themselves, the lower class outbreed the upper-class. Accepting it, and living in the sort of idiocracy will regress our species to a lower state though. There's no better solution to this, although I'm all ears for any alternatives.

Any ideas?

>> No.12476538

Once. My mom got fed up with me and told me to go fetch the groceries and help her out for once. I went to the grocery store and there were two black women standing by the ice-cream fridge, and when I walked by them they looked at me funny.
The probably just had low IQ.

>> No.12476544

i think you greatly underestimate the parameters other than race that can and should be played with. culture does not regress toward race (what would a mechanism for that even look like?)

>produce a culture of men that are less violent than women
no I'm saying you can produce a culture of men that are less violent than some baseline culture of men. Beyond a certain threshold, it doesn't matter if they remain more violent than women, because they are compatible with women. Most civilized men (most men) are already above this threshold. hooray!

>> No.12476549

back at you nigger when did I ever say americans discriminate against the chinese? kill yourself you race-baiting shit-for-brains.

>> No.12476556

Fun fact, "genes" are the parts of DNA with open and close codons that get routed through the part of the cell that makes proteins that actually go do things. They're the I/O opcodes of DNA. All the other code around the genes decide when and what proteins to go make.
"Genetics" is a misnomer from before we knew this shit. They thought all that code was worthless and didn't do anything.
He's right that SNPs aren't genes. But he was a dumbfuck for asking for genes in the first place. Because most of the contents of a genome go into making you who you are. (There's STILL junk DNA that doesn't do jack shit).

>> No.12476576
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>> No.12476580

>For example, we can never hope to fully assimilate immigrants because we know their culture is ultimately tied in part to their genetics (and thereby their race).
Nawwwwww. English and Estonians can get along despite wildly different cultures (and slightly different genetics). I mean, there's a WIDE range of possibilities that depends on how much people want to work on a problem. And how long we have to deal with it. America was a great mixing pot. The "irish americans" now have an excuse to go drinking one day out of the year and.... that's it. No real cultural history there. We've lost that history more or less.

If there's more significant genetic distance? Eeeeeh, there's some signs that there are lingering problems. But I think the most recent flare-up is more a factor of those in power seeking an alternative to occupy wallstreet having a comeback in the next economic downturn. If they jingle the keys a little the plebs will forget how much they're getting fucked.

>> No.12476592

>culture does not regress toward race
Proven wrong countless times by history, you goober. The mechanism is as follows:
race is determined by a probabilistic distribution of genes, this distribution affects a variety of psychological traits that include things like collectivism and IQ, these traits in turn influence culture: you can't run a democracy with 70IQ people and therefore no democracy-adjacent culture for you either.

There are other parameters, but it looks to be the case that an important one is genes, especially in the contexts relevant to western societies.

Good look trying to make blacks less violent than they are now via culture. (Look up MAOA gene). You could, say, put estrogen in the drinking water, but the second you stop doing that black men will go right back to being violent, that's the point. Any cultural solution is going to be about as effective as it has proven to be, namely marginally so.

>> No.12476601
File: 125 KB, 228x219, doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant tell if you are baiting or legit retarded
>Why do american racists tolerate taiwanese but hate chinese?
I will slit your throat while you sleep nigger bitch

>> No.12476628

Get along isn't the same as assimilate now is it. There are consistent statistical differences between irish americans and anglo americans to this day, namely to do with religions and voting patterns. Irish Americans are probably the closest you can get genetically to WASPs and even they have failed to fully assimilate statistically.

Now, culturally, there's an argument to be made that the character of American society changed from being purely WASP to being somewhat irish after irish immigration, which would suggest that, yeah, even culturally, the US failed to assimilate the Irish. The very idea of a melting point is this: a melting point is not one culture assimilating into the other, it is both assimilating into some creole culture.

>> No.12476631

>all americans are racists
sorry bud but nah

>> No.12476650

pretty useless thread. racists will be racists regardless of science and wil always try to bend evidence to support their views.

they say society would be much better without racial integration. i think it would be much better if all radical right racists retards were all segregated in their own little fake newz retard society instead. then both sides would be happy.

>> No.12476651

oh you arent even retarded, you are legit fucking schizo. Die in a fire you downsy motherfucker

>> No.12476653

Americans are pretty resistant to homogenization of their roots actually. They are quick to refer to themselves by heritage first, American second. Hence Asian-American, Italian-American, African-American, Muslim-American.

my pet theory is that this is why they can't integrate properly, but I recognize this leans towards sapir-wolf faggotry.

>> No.12476658

for someone who told everyone not to respond to me you sure aren't setting the greatest example haha

>> No.12476663

Fair enough, but at any rate, my point stands. Good luck trying to fully assimilate immigrants.

>> No.12476670

Why They Want To Replace White Europeans

>> No.12476692

>culture does not regress toward race (what would a mechanism for that even look like?)
A bunch of fucking idiots not understanding the teacher's lessons and being generally useless in society that need to be taken care of because they can't contribute. Imagine having a wave of births that are all fucking retards. Tragic. If this happens to a lesser extent, but across the whole nation, what does that look like? Is it any less tragic?

>you can't run a democracy with 70IQ people and therefore no democracy-adjacent culture for you either.
I mean, you CAN, it's just not going to be very sophisticated. If there are also IQ 100 and 130 types in there, you'll obviously have a fuckton of propaganda by those who know what they're doing to sway the masses of retards.

>> No.12476696

I am one and I assimilated fine. I think others could have too, if their social ties with their original culture were weakened more. I don't feel like an outlier in anything but circumstance, but of course I can't say for sure.

>> No.12476706

>failed to fully assimilate statistically.
Perfect is the enemy of good.
"No true scotsman"
Who gives a shit if there's remaining traces? It's certainly close enough for a functioning society.

> racists will be racists regardless of science
Truth. But it's weird to see the racism popping up in acadamia and being defended. "There's no such thing as race" is racist.

>> No.12476717

I am one, and I never have
It's not a no-true Scotsman because that was word-for-word my original point. I give a shit, because the fact that our society had to change to accommodate even the most closely related immigrants means that its going to have to radically shift in the direction of Brazil to accommodate brown people.
I mean hell, it can be argued that the shift away from WASP culture to "white christian" culture was bad, much less a shift even further away.

>> No.12476724

>I never have
pity. I guess that's why we aren't seeing eye to eye. because of our strong innate opposing biases. oh well. no hard feelings anon.

>> No.12476731
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thread theme senpai

I love the fuhrer as much as I love my own father pbuh