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File: 215 KB, 2246x1265, astra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12471316 No.12471316 [Reply] [Original]

Next up: China's Chang'e 5 poised to return with lunar sample December 16 9:32am PST (17:32/5:32pm UTC)

>> No.12471318

prev: >>12468212

>> No.12471320

polymeric nitrogen aeroass

>> No.12471322
File: 20 KB, 306x306, Are you kidding me pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese probe
>Named Chang
So sick of this racist shit

>> No.12471327

Air breathing ELF thruster SSTO spaceplanes.

>> No.12471330
File: 288 KB, 1920x1080, PIA23764-MarsPerseveranceRover-ArtistConcept-20200305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bullshit: is this worth 2.7 billion?

>> No.12471331
File: 38 KB, 332x281, 1607472970688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning I hate SLS

>> No.12471333

Looks like a hard worker to me.

>> No.12471342
File: 468 KB, 2127x1112, 1603369861774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SN8 slow mo and stuff: https://youtu.be/KfMCApWc5xE
that composite shot at the end is sick

SN8 mini-documentary: https://youtu.be/xrVqLhhd1zo

>> No.12471343

I wanna use a Cybertruck as a chassis for a superior robotic rover that drives stupid fast and collects way more science just to dab on NASA.

>> No.12471344

Your attitude would turn right around if you bought some Boeing stock.

>> No.12471346

I checked Astra's Twitter, and they actually deleted the "orbital space" tweet kek >>12470280
the article it was quoting is still up though https://techcrunch.com/2020/12/15/launch-startup-astras-rocket-reaches-space-for-the-first-time/

>> No.12471348

Waiting for the starlink IPO, not going to fund boing for a fucking cent you nigger.

>> No.12471350

TOP lel. bunch of tossers running their social media

>> No.12471351

Just think, a cybertruck based moon buggy with an M2HB in the back is technically a mobile anti orbital weapons platform in lunar gravity.

>> No.12471353

No eta on when that could happen. Wonder if Elon will wait until he can put up 400 Starlinks a launch with Starship.

>> No.12471354

What's your take on the best bang for buck low tech terraforming method for Mars? Here is mine

>Use big mirrors/lenses to heat ice caps and bring the whole planet up to a reasonable temperature
>Forget trying to electrolyse water for oxygen/Hydrogen, not enough of it and a waste of water anyway
>Use giant fucking lense to btfo molten rock/regolith canals to release enough stored CO2 to bring it up to a passable atmospheric density

Yeah its not breathable but you can walk around without a suit, just an O2 bottle for minimal effort. I guess the next step would be seeing if there is enough ice asteroids that could be put on Mars intercept with minimal dV to give you a water cycle.

>> No.12471356

These are required watching bros, probably the most based production outside SpaceX themselves

>> No.12471359

why not both? boeing is a good american company, they are really changing the culture

>> No.12471360

Strap rocket engines to asteroids in the belt

Send it hurtling towards Mars

>> No.12471361
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>> No.12471368

Can Hazegrayart get any more based? Cgi Rotary Rocket bros, get in here-

>> No.12471373

fuck yeah, nobody even dreamed of an SUV sized rover on Mars before.

>> No.12471376

Mars-Sun L1 electromagnet to block solar wind too.

>> No.12471381

Simple semi low tech addition too, yeah nice.

>> No.12471404

I'm desperate for space industry exposure but not THAT desperate

>> No.12471405
File: 1.12 MB, 1334x750, 3E0B7F6A-2084-41B5-BF81-6239952FEE90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, the test flight was actually really close to the rendered videos people were making

>> No.12471408

cheap nuclear teakettle shuttles ferrying ice between the belt and Mars like in my dystopia TV shows

>> No.12471416
File: 253 KB, 402x600, BEBF7E53-C0AB-4B0C-9309-8CC322BF5A35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek when it cut to the shot of it flying through the air I laughed

>> No.12471440
File: 367 KB, 747x458, elon based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one man be possibly so based?

>> No.12471446

Based oort cloud poster

>> No.12471453


>> No.12471468

The Oort Cloud is quite a ways away in terms of the speed of light, so a recent post talking about older news is sometimes called an “Oort cloud poster” here

>> No.12471482
File: 252 KB, 852x836, Ceres_-_RC3_-_Haulani_Crater_(22381131691)_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars will for certain be governed as a dystopian oligarchy, just like Earth is. This is why we need to colonise Ceres, to escape the shackles.

>> No.12471485

>no human has ever landed on Mars yet
>bros, we need to escape the tyrannical Mars government
based doomsday prepper

>> No.12471491

Always 5 steps ahead

>> No.12471493

oh come on it's just 2 days old, I'm sure most people don't scan Musk's twitter 24/24

>> No.12471496

based proxima centauri poster

>> No.12471499


>> No.12471500

>0.029g chess

>> No.12471528

Wow Astra didn't make orbit? Well, space is hard

>> No.12471545

YAAAASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAASSIVE SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12471574

Ahem I have an announcement gentlemen, please listen up

>> No.12471591

Space is HECKIN hard, we need more black excellence!

shut up cracker, you won't do shit.

>> No.12471594
File: 438 KB, 750x1050, 43225B34-0868-4C59-9602-BC5D608FF003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my announcement

>> No.12471606


>> No.12471608

I wouldn't feel bad for hookers normally, but exposing yourself to a whole host of nasty as fuck diseases really does suck.

>> No.12471624

>Western society is so sunken into degeneracy that whores want government backing

>> No.12471625
File: 760 KB, 1079x2020, Screenshot_20200927-204714_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what a dirty whore. broken goods lol. no woman of stable mind or self respect would shake her tits and ass for internet strangers. live and let live, but some people really should kill themselves haha. anyway, no girls allowed on mars

>> No.12471626 [DELETED] 

This bitch needs to be hunt down and shot ffs

>> No.12471627


>> No.12471630

bros...zubrin retweeted this
I actually love this idea.instead of greta's bugs or gross beans, we could eat shitloads of krill! love me some shrimps, should be ez money to farm

>> No.12471631

hello my fellow 4channer and definitely not a huffington post writer screencapping their own posts

>> No.12471636

Fucking slut, anybody get her pics b4 she deleted them? I fucking love broken girls

>> No.12471637

The entire galaxy will be a dystopian cyberpunk shithole and I love it

>> No.12471638

cost-plus content, yea or nay? what is the verdict, sfg?

>> No.12471641
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, Elons Junkyard v8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, potentially really dumb question, but why isn't starship using two pairs of gridfins?

>> No.12471642
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>> No.12471647

two words
re entry

>> No.12471648
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Ocean bugs are tasty, useful and based

Land bugs are rope the manufacturer tier

>> No.12471649

>instead of bugs, eat shrimp
????????? what do you think shrimp are

>> No.12471652

You mean it's supposed to bounce off of the atmosphere a bunch of times?
Yeah ok I should have figured that. The cheaper grid fins in ksp always melted off on my ships as well.

>> No.12471656

crustaceans, not insects. they are both arthropods though

>> No.12471659

grid fins are more for steering
the starship has fat fully solid fins because it wants as much drag and surface area as possible going into the atmosphere to slow down

>> No.12471662

Sea bug good, land bug bad. Simple as.

>> No.12471664

lol his virgin galactic video made hoes mad. fucking hilarious considering virgin galactic has no business case. sure as shit doesnt close. it's not like theyre gonna carry cargo like a c17 or some shit. plus richard branson is a known bungler at best, at worst a fraudster.

>> No.12471674

how much sooner could we have had deep cryo methane first stages? how many decades wasted?

>> No.12471686
File: 551 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201216-024007_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations Lori! So proud of her, smash that glass ceiling!!

>> No.12471692

christ she looks like such a sleeze bag

>> No.12471693

Cryo methalox could have been done in the 50s. The real problem is the computer hardware and software for retropropulsive landings.

>> No.12471696

they could have done winged boosters tho right? maybe even piloted 8^)

>> No.12471728
File: 30 KB, 636x466, 1595121633908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and gender minorities

>> No.12471733

I still find shrimp gross, but I can at least tolerate them if they’re served pre-pealed.

>> No.12471742

>Women in aerospace
>Working as a detriment

>> No.12471784

Shrimp are fucking delicious

>> No.12471785

I like to eat grubs.

>> No.12471816
File: 405 KB, 955x599, Witchetty_grub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too. witchetty grubs.

>> No.12471832

Yeah thanks I should have sat down and given it a thought for 10 seconds :D

>> No.12471899

>not 25cm long titan beetle grubs

>> No.12471908

are there any good graphs that compare tonage to orbit per rocket per year?

>> No.12471931

They taste good, but seeing them with the legs creeps me out too much to enjoy them.

>> No.12471934

Here you can find quarterly reports for 2020

>> No.12471936

>bought some Boeing stock
Funny you should mention that, but when the stock market dropped back in march from the shutdown, I started buying up stock from lots of places.
Boeing stock went from $300+ to about $100 a share at the end of March. Its over $200 a share now.
I hate Boeing, but I'm OK with them making me rich.

>> No.12471956
File: 85 KB, 506x719, 5466f4ac6e40cff4ec3076507053a598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon and SpaceX are unironic Contolists

>> No.12471967

I have a robot that reads Elon's tweets and replies, and tries to figure out if they're space related
space stuff pings me
memes and other stuff get queued up for whenever I have time

>> No.12471969

reentry is worse on edges
grid fins are nothing but edges
they're using big paddles instead to reduce the heat load on them

>> No.12471972
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>> No.12471989

impressive how the irl flip looked smoother and had less horizontal translation.

>> No.12472035

>Russia conducted an anti-satellite missile test

not sure what happened because i can't find any details on it

>> No.12472054
File: 3.32 MB, 5568x3712, 1603319283119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SN10 nosecone getting flaps

I like it. But at the same time it's missing a kind of "x-factor" that really good channels have. Something to set it apart. But I'm sure he'll find it in due time. That's the kind of thing that you develop through experience, incremental improvement, and non-trivial expenditure.

>used to fucking love crab
>but last time I had it I got an ichy throat and threw up
now I'm afraid to eat any sea bugs. Feels bad

>> No.12472094

With Trump gone, fears of Russia and white supremacy are the only things uniting the "bribed by China" and "remain independent" factions of our elite.

Putin militarizing space is therefore good.

>> No.12472095

Fuck Ceres, still too big, too many potential colonists. We need a proper scattering. There will be no tyrannical government on a 2 Km wide rock where everybody knows everybody and everybody is more or less required for communal survival. And if one pop up, you just take your friends and family to the next one...

>> No.12472127

Why does that flap look so bumpy when SN9 flaps were so smooth?

>> No.12472131

for her pleasure

>> No.12472144
File: 174 KB, 1460x2048, 1603209429674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is cool. Simulated telemetry for SN8. According to this the Raptors were indeed heavily throttled. In addition, SN8's terminal velocity was something around 70m/s, whereas Falcon 9's is around 260m/s before the landing burn. Some have put SN8's terminal velocity at a lower bound: https://imgur.com/a/a4n5H7v

version with commentary: https://youtu.be/XJZ7VWzqtJM

I think it's just the light. From what I remember flaps have always looked a bit bumpy.

>> No.12472191
File: 353 KB, 983x546, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SN8's terminal velocity was something around 70m/s
Seems legit. Pic related was from Elon's 2019 Starship update. The numbers for the flip are also pretty close.

>> No.12472195

WTF? Texas let them do that to the ground?

>> No.12472197

good lord the F9 is a skinny beast.

derealityation is based

>> No.12472201
File: 453 KB, 2896x4096, 1593006550873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still impressed at how huge the usable space is in Starship. Literally everything else is tiny in comparison or has all its space taken up by hydrolox tanks.

>> No.12472204
File: 59 KB, 914x574, 1601945851208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this. Cramped as fuck.

>> No.12472205

>rotating annular aerospike

>> No.12472220
File: 29 KB, 1920x1080, Maxar1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /sfg/ think about Maxar?

I'm not too interested in the imagery side of their business, although I see it growing as imagery constellations enable near constant surveillance of the earth's surface and it creates a lot of useful data to analyze and sell. I'm more interested on if they can take advantage of Starship greatly lowing launch prices and become a dominate smallsat manufacturer. I understand their GEO satellite business is struggling but that's a very competitive sector.

Retail investors in this space don't have a lot of options besides the old space companies. Maxar is more of a pure play but still pretty much old space. Beyond that as far as I know there's just Momentus Space, a bunch of communication satellite companies which I'm not interested in, and LMAO Virgin Galactic.

>> No.12472221
File: 387 KB, 480x480, eat the bugs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living the dream

>> No.12472228
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This is the only further info given. So Russia may have performed an unannounced space launch?

>> No.12472232

What a retarded thing to say without any more info.
That's some dramatic shit if it's LEO. There's been what 3 livefire tests in the entire history of ASAT?

>> No.12472233

Did anyone see the expanse earlier? One of the signs was advertising "cricket protein".

>> No.12472243

So they tested a missile but didn't actually shoot down anything? So the fuck what? Everyone has done this a bunch of times.

>> No.12472244
File: 94 KB, 680x568, 1603782361831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it was a Nudol missile test. It's used for both ASAT and missile defense roles.

>> No.12472247

only going by what i read on your post, i will assume that they make sats and are specializing in imagery which i usually connect with observation and telescopes

if they're smart they should develop astronomy sats or something to that direction

>> No.12472249
File: 58 KB, 768x462, 1578933974923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So the fuck what?
The American military's budget is based on fearmongering. It's shitty but it leads to interesting projects like Lunar spy sats.

>> No.12472251
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>Orion Is almost legal and it's only flown once

>> No.12472256

They really are subhuman, aren't they?

>> No.12472257
File: 667 KB, 1200x800, 1578510827073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interestingly the source from a few days ago suggested that the Angara launch provided a test target for this ASAT launch.

>> No.12472266

Angara launch was great
>"IT FLIES DAMNIT!" - t. Rogozin
>Supply nothing but a million angles of clearing the tower

>> No.12472275

anything new that can be extrapolated from these details?
could the supposed target have any interesting properties going by the launch profile of angara?

>> No.12472279

>how DARE anyone try and weaponize space to threaten our weaponization of space

>> No.12472280

Idiot here, why is there a fuel (or oxidiser, specifically) tank at the top of the fairing? Is that normal?

I always thought fuel tanks were at the bottom of the rocket

>> No.12472283
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> Cone of shame
We've all been there

>> No.12472287

Header tank. Because when landing, the fuel in the main tanks is sloshing around and not where it can be drained down into the engine by piping. Header tanks are reserved for landing only.

>> No.12472291
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>> No.12472293

I thinks she's cute but then again I'm barely civilised.

>> No.12472303

also they need it to keep the center of gravity higher during the flip
so it's not just fuel, it's also a counterweight

>> No.12472307

I'm allergic to shrimp. Weird because it was my favorite till last year.

>> No.12472311

more like
>see what they can do? good thing we weaponized our chunk of space, we should do it more just to be safe

>> No.12472370

>nasa went for this flying turd over the DC-X

>> No.12472371


>> No.12472374
File: 224 KB, 1578x860, SPCEBull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bros, I just started experimenting with going off script on the virgin galactic video. Hopefully with that I can start showing more personality. I'd honestly love to also start talking more about international affairs in space, stuff like the artemis accords and ASAT tests.

On my latest video, Some people are just delusional about virgin galactic. One guy in the comments is talking about investing in Virgin for ten plus years. I might actually do a series on "space" stocks like BA, LMT, and some more obscure ones like LHX and BWXT. Because the stock trading world is fucking retarded when it comes to space, it's why you see private investors funding shit like ARCA with it's green rocket lol.

>> No.12472392

SPCE is bullshit. Entire premise rests upon the idea that it sounds similar to SpaceX. I'm not even kidding. They must have heard about point to point transport from somewhere (spacex starship) and thought this is what SPCE is. Never mind the fact SpaceX is the only one talking about point2point and virgin is only talking about 4min joy ride to space.

People there are delusional.

>> No.12472396

> Simulated
Is the official telemetry encrypted? Would be easy enough to pick up with an sdr.

>> No.12472407

I'm certain that Virgin has brought up point2point before, except they wanted to be the luxury/business jet version instead of the economy class version that Starship would be.

>> No.12472413

Every NewSpace companies riding on the SpaceX's hype.

>> No.12472424

SPCE is Branson's tax dodge.

>> No.12472426

Suppose in the not so distant future space does get cheaper and there's sufficient commercial viability and interest for a burgeoning market, as is the hope. Suppose at least one starship launch a day, and growing.

What would be the limiting factor for growth? LOX production methods? surely it wouldn't be methane. Enough skilled people to maintain and manage so many rockets?

>> No.12472429

Yeah, it is, I took a pretty mild take and the like to dislike ratio is 60%. It's like a cult

It's prob making him fuck tons of money cause his stock like quadrupled.

>> No.12472431

Safety I think

>> No.12472441

I've been dealing with delusional SPCE bulls since it existed. If you're looking to get eyes on your channel, maybe do a video on AST as news just broke that it is going public and it has an approach to mobile satellite internet that is very different than the other companies getting into this sector. Maxar is another option because it's more of a pure-play than the other old space companies.



>> No.12472442

any of them actually doing something useful?
or plan around the capabilities starship could provide?

i'm imagining a school of remora newspace companies swimming around the spacex whale

>> No.12472444

You can already buy cricket protein powder online and in some fitness stores lel

>> No.12472448
File: 456 KB, 2558x1427, AST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image.

>> No.12472451

The fuck is wrong with people?

>> No.12472453


Noise complaints are also a factor. Rockets are loud, louder than passenger planes. Having a rocket launch every once a couple of weeks is bearable but every day? Every 12 hours?

If you want to launch rockets as frequent as passenger planes, the rockets would have to be launched from a place relatively far from peoples homes.

>> No.12472455

Also, Momentus Space is another topic that isn't well covered. Ticker is SRAC. This is my favorite space stock.

>> No.12472456

it's just protein, what's the big deal?
it all end up as innocuous power no matter the source

>> No.12472460


You forget or may not understand that a lot people in the Western world view insects as something dirty, not a potential source for food or food related supplements.

>> No.12472469

im sorry to hear bro. what changed?

>> No.12472474

SPCE is the same as Nikola.
People thought it might be similar to an Elon Musk company and didn't want to miss out on the run on the, in their minds, predestined success.

>> No.12472475

Maybe you could talk about some of the parent company conglomerates or investment groups like Spacefund

>> No.12472478

when will people understand that there wont be another Tesla or SpaceX, another Musk. He's a once in alifetime character. We desperately need to secure his dna for cloning in the future

>> No.12472480

he has like 7 sons

>> No.12472483

Not quite as Nikola but close. Virgin has a vehicle they've been working hard genuinely for years. The whole SPCE is prob a clever choice from business point and probably wasn't any foul play from Brandon/virgin. It's just the investors are retard in this case. Nikola was a pure cash grab trying to pull string from Tesla's fame. Both investors and the company are fraudulently exploiting each other.

>> No.12472489

Yup, just saw it. Don't fully understand AST yet but I'll do some research.

Got it

>> No.12472492

>Virgin has a vehicle they've been working hard genuinely for years
with the sole ambition of sub-orbital space tourism

>> No.12472500

>Noise complaints are also a factor. Rockets are loud, louder than passenger planes. Having a rocket launch every once a couple of weeks is bearable but every day? Every 12 hours?

This is why point-to-point Starship will almost certainly never happen outside of select transoceanic routes. It's going to make Concorde sound as quiet as a Cessna by comparison.

>> No.12472502
File: 73 KB, 1086x992, 1606184913971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances of MacKenzie Scott starting a spaceflight company to try and screw over her ex?

>> No.12472505

They've made that clear many times. As I said, it's investors who are fooling themselves here

>> No.12472507

It'd be hilarious if she threw it all behind Skylon or something similarly crazy.

>> No.12472508

She will buy stocks from spacex lmao

>> No.12472510

It's very unlikely but how can someone get 60 billion from a previous partner and still decide to twist the knife?

>> No.12472520

who is she and what's her background on business and/or aerospace?

>> No.12472521

>The SLS rocket probably will not be ready before early 2022, if not later.
LMAO, I didn't even hear SLS slipped all the way out of 2021 yet.

>> No.12472523

what's your point? do they have any ambitions? never heard of musks kids accomplishing anything. also it seems most of the women musk knocks up are dumb as rocks, maybe the kids got their mother's personalities. he's also a bit of an absent father, to put it lightly. doubt his kids give a shit about their dad's projects.

>> No.12472527

2021? Why do you want the rocket to launch in 2022? Don't you know that's too dangerous? Our highly skilled engineers need to carefully inspect every bolt before we even consider the 2024 launch. You should be proud that America is working on this most spectacular rocket that will launch in 2028.

>> No.12472529

Latest GAO report on sls out. Crew sls won't launch atleast until 2026 done by nasa's own study assessment. Cargo may launch in 2024.

>> No.12472533
File: 252 KB, 958x596, mackenzie-scott-esposa-jeff-bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be a cool plot twist.

>> No.12472539

skylon doesnt even hit falcon 9 prices. it's a fuckin farce lmao

>> No.12472542

2 of his sons are 16y/o, 3 are 14y/o, and the last is a baby. What accomplishments do you expect?

>> No.12472544
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>have a massive shrimp allergy
Fuck me. Are there other types of seafood that can be mass produced on Mars? I imagine clams and other simple mollusks would work fine enough.

>> No.12472551
File: 136 KB, 363x296, 1605049338282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment Biden takes office they are pushing Artemis back another 4 years to 2028

>> No.12472552

A Canadian astronaut will be on the Artemis II circumlunar flight. Another Canadian astronaut will be sent to the Gateway on a later mission.

Canada will remotely operate the Gateway robotic arm and be responsible for Gateway robotics in general.

>> No.12472553

>Development cost estimates for key programs also increased. The cost of the SLS program increased by 42.5 percent and the EGS program by 32.3 percent since 2014, for a combined increase of over $3 billion, bringing the total to $11.5 billion
>The EGS program was then notified by NASA headquarters that it should focus on a crewed Block 1B mission in 2026 instead of a cargo Block 1B mission in September 2024
>NASA determined that it needs to develop a docking system to support Artemis III, the crewed lunar landing planned for 2024. This docking system, however, was not part of the original Orion baseline
>NASA awarded Boeing a letter contract—a type of contract with undefinitized terms—for production of two SLS core stages, materials for eight additional SLS core stages, and materials for eight EUS to support future Artemis missions
>The program, however, does not plan to definitize this contract until March 2021—17 months after its initial award
I don't know if I should laugh or be mad at this.

>> No.12472554


>There's a good chance that Starship will land on Mars before SLS lands Orion on the Moon.

What the fuck lol.

>> No.12472556

idk maybe something akin to programming and selling a game at age 12

>> No.12472562

fucking cancel it, it's embarrassing

>> No.12472565

Judging from that GAO report, SLS doesn't even need Biden to delay things

>> No.12472569

It cannot be canceled and it cannot be finished.

>> No.12472576

How long did F-35 take? Cost?

>> No.12472577

Maybe the Dems shoulda passed more gibs and how did covid stop hookers

>> No.12472579

moon 2030 bros :)

>> No.12472587


>> No.12472588

Wait. Crew launch. As in Artemis 1?
They're not just not gonna make moonfall by twentytwentyfuckingsix, their useless joyride around the moon is still six fucking years away? Nasa will literally do a 4 man tin-can flight when SpaceX is already ferrying a hundred people between moons and planets.

>> No.12472591
File: 1.38 MB, 404x720, f35B.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't everyone always shit on that one for basically burning money? I mean it does look cool though.

>> No.12472592
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>> No.12472594

>This docking system, however, was not part of the original Orion baseline
Orion can't even dock?

>> No.12472595
File: 155 KB, 667x410, it_aint_that_easy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to put some things into perspective, if Apollo was managed like how SLS is, then Apollo 4 would happen in 1971, Apollo 8 on 1980, and Apollo 11 on 1981 (most likely 1983).

>> No.12472596

>crewed Block 1B
So the first flight of a 1B is going to be crewed?

>> No.12472598

20-ish years, 1 trillion, but you get thousands of them and get this...they're reusable, you dont have to throw them away after each flight!

>> No.12472599

>F-35 was completed
>SLS can be completed too, just gib Boeing 1 trillion dollars please :)

>> No.12472605
File: 105 KB, 640x360, Orion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orion seems to have the IDSS like on Dragon 2 or Starliner, but I guess NASA wants a new docking system designed specifically for Artemis?

>> No.12472610

does the B stand for BENIS? serious question

>> No.12472617
File: 26 KB, 300x248, tinfoil hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldspace is a CIA conspiracy designed to make spaceflight look *hard* so that the next big milestone is always just a few years off and each generation is raised to wait 'just a little longer' before the great age of Space will begin.

This is just a part of the Plan to keeps us locked inside this terrible atmosphere (remove it) forever. Musk's soul is not tethered by gravity, so he's attempting to boldly escape this prison himself and take a few others with him before the bars are finished and the key thrown away.

I just don't understand this 'reusable fighter-jet' meme.

>> No.12472618

Artemis 2 was crew launch. but with a biden delay, they might add more useless flights between artemis 1 and apollo 8 redux

>> No.12472621

The B means nothing, it just marks that the Block 1 variant has the EUS

>> No.12472623
File: 84 KB, 1024x684, FF86D6E7-8783-4EDB-868F-03C94AB3474A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the PSLV look so good?

>> No.12472624


yeah that line is confusing

>> No.12472627

didnt they stop dev on EUS years ago?

>> No.12472628

"B glad we didn't just stick with ICPS indefintetly."

>> No.12472632

Seems like just the vanilla Block 1 will be used for all planned Artemis missions with the Block 1B version being more like a wished item rather than a serious pursuit

>> No.12472636

Yeh, Artemis 2. I forgot the nothing mission to nowhere was an Artemis mission too.

>> No.12472640

Yes, because it has been done for years.

>> No.12472642

This whole fucking project seems more like a wished item rather than a serious pursuit

>> No.12472644

it's incredible they want to put humans on a government death trap at all

>> No.12472645

The 1.5 trillion number that gets carted around is the estimated lifetime program cost including R&D, procurement, and maintenance through like 2050 or something.

>> No.12472647

no no i'm misremembering. am i thinking of block 2? there was something else boeing wanted that nobody else did

>> No.12472650

Especially considering that it's being brought up now after NASA has been using the IDSS for a while. Seems like a typical oldspace ploy of demanding a highly specific item in order to drag on development time and budget

>> No.12472656
File: 244 KB, 1080x1135, Screenshot_20201216-091905_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't see NASA doing this. Americans hate the environment. Europe once again will lead the charge is safeguarding mother earth for future generations, starting with green clean rockets

>> No.12472658

I think they are raised in California, so don't expect much from them.

>> No.12472659
File: 221 KB, 1079x957, Screenshot_20201216-092102_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Q2 2021

>> No.12472663

sounds a little ambitious, expect that deadline to slip

>> No.12472666

>This docking system, however, was not part of the original Orion baseline
Wait wait wait wait wait, the craft that can neither do landings nor support any decently sized micro-G science mission wasn't planned with a docking system?
They planned a people mover that can only open its doors at the bus depot?

>> No.12472668
File: 220 KB, 1080x1104, Screenshot_20201216-092324_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How based is that? Can't wait for Arty II

>> No.12472670


>> No.12472671

implying Dear Moon won't fly first

>> No.12472673

eh that line is fucking weird
i would ask for more details before turning into outrage mode

>> No.12472675

Fraud Musk is incapable of delivering, so I'm not worried

>> No.12472676

Orion was clearly going to have a docking system. As to why the IDSS isn't good enough for this, we have no idea.

>> No.12472682
File: 285 KB, 1365x2048, FB07E38C-94B4-4B59-9B02-649F5344A878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The leafs should thank the heavens every evening that the United States is their neighbor.

>> No.12472687

>Crew sls won't launch atleast until 2026 done by nasa's own study assessment.
This is not what:
>"it should focus on a crewed Block 1B mission in 2026 instead of a cargo Block 1B mission in September 2024"
means, is it. They could still have a crewed mission earlier, no?

>> No.12472692

Even if trump was reelected and kept pounding the table for 2024, 2028 would probably be a bit optimistic. Human rating the lander(s) has tons of room for slippage.

>> No.12472697

>An Indian guy posting Canadian stuff
Care to explain, is there a cooperation between those two nations?

>> No.12472699

NASA is an order of magnitude worse at achieving their deadlines than Musk is

>> No.12472702

The safety factor was something like 1 in 9 for those early flights and 1 in 100 for later ones. Gotta design to 1 in 270 now a days, that's the main reason crew dragon slipped to 2020 and starliner slipped to who knows when.

>> No.12472703

He is Canadian

>> No.12472706

Isn't Canada primarily made up of Indians, Chinese PLA reservists and Quebec?

>> No.12472707

Canadian diversity is beautiful

>> No.12472709

This guys is all three

>> No.12472712

Jesus christ, I hate it when money moguls sit around and make statements on when they expect for companies to meet timelines.
Seriously, wtf does Sachs know about producing and launching rockets?

>> No.12472713

Canadian born politician that leads Canada science/innovation industry.

>> No.12472717

>NASA is an order of magnitude worse at achieving their deadlines than Musk is
You mean the contractors that NASA hires *cough*boing*cough*?

>> No.12472718

Also why would Covid impact anything going forward? I swear there will be people in 2022 blaming covid for whatever bullshit delay they have lmao

>> No.12472722
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>> No.12472724

>why would Covid impact anything going forward
Gotta blame poor performance on something other than sheer incompetence.

>> No.12472727
File: 74 KB, 1280x853, Laugh_along_with_Musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinese bootleg starman

>> No.12472728

Is this a chinese spacex stan or a company ripping off spacex?

>> No.12472729

How dare investors expect spaceflight companies to keep accurate timelines! Virgin Galactic may have been delaying their flights for literally over a decade but space is hard so shut up and wait. The next launch is just around the corner, goy.

>> No.12472731

>obvious non functional cosplay suit
chinks gonna chink

>> No.12472732

These cosplayers are getting good

>> No.12472736

The Stig got a new job I see.

>> No.12472738
File: 689 KB, 1148x1760, chinese knockoffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made in china

>> No.12472739

Chinese spacex stan. Fans of spacex exist in China due to popularity of SpaceX/Tesla/Elon. Like it or not, Elon is a modern day legend that's hated in the host country but loved by others.

>> No.12472741

Thats cool.

>> No.12472745
File: 677 KB, 605x756, 75388324_125531738882455_1140898598360186880_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no
bros we got too cocky

>> No.12472746

must feel bad that the US government is going to cuck the CCP and Chinese companies from ever paying for SpaceX services.

>> No.12472748

>hated in the host country
Twitter is not America.

>> No.12472751

Twitter/reddit/foxnews/cnn/state politicians/etc

>> No.12472752

>feel bad that they don't get to be thieving kikes

>> No.12472754

Reddit love musk.
What has cnn and fox news said against him?

>> No.12472757

Don't bother reading into that if you don't know too much about those facts.

>> No.12472759
File: 49 KB, 988x612, Top_SFG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some say he achieved lunar escape velocity using only his flatulence
>that he sold his vacation home on Venus because it got too cold
>and rumors suggest that he uses cologne derived from UDMH
>all we know is: he's called the Stig

>> No.12472767

>Reddit love musk
No it doesn't. The SpaceX subs obviously like the guy, but pretty much every other post about him is filled with seething communists.

>> No.12472770

>Reddit love Musk.
That's like saying muricans love Trump. Some do, some despise him. And it seems to be around 50/50, just like with Musk

>> No.12472775

It's so blatant though. Anyone with a sliver of intelligence sees right fucking through it. Saying covid delayed ANYTHING proves to me they're incompetant

>> No.12472776
File: 112 KB, 604x428, 1460616129148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese bootleg The Stig
All i care about is that it has a window so the Dear Moon passengers can moon the moon.

>> No.12472777


>> No.12472779

It doesn't matter how flimsy it is. Until the government stops LARPing about covid being anything more than a bad flu season they're legally shielded from consequences if they blame it.

>> No.12472784


>> No.12472788

Why not have heades around the edges of main tank?

>> No.12472790

Artemis 1 delayed to 2022 according to CSA

>> No.12472792

>Artemis II is proud to present you its crew
>from NASA, say hello to the commander Shaneequa
>from ESA, we have here out pilot Mehmet
>from CASA, the 1st specialist Pajeet
>and from JAXA, the second specialist Musashi

>> No.12472793

Space is hard

>> No.12472795

This would be too based

>> No.12472801

>Anyone with a sliver of intelligence
There's your issue.

>> No.12472819
File: 274 KB, 2048x1536, 20201216_101721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what to do

>> No.12472821

gonna miss this man...

>> No.12472823
File: 35 KB, 717x466, jamesmay3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad news!
The SLS has been delayed!

>> No.12472826
File: 278 KB, 2048x1536, 20201216_101959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canadian space mommy <3
I want her to talk dirty in french and crush my testes with those sexy heels ooh lala

>> No.12472834

To fit the theme, the Japanese astronaut would need to be Brazilian.

>> No.12472844

Is that an arm I see? 8^)

>> No.12472884

sounds like a crew you'd find on a ship in the expanse

>> No.12472887

New Hullo! Video, Astra getting scolded

>> No.12472889

>money moguls
The guys who make that assessment are desk jockeys. At most the "when do we expect SPCE to do something" estimate was signed off on by someone barely scraping by earning 7 figures in NYC.

>> No.12472895

Chang'e 5 is returning to Earth right now, livestream:

>> No.12472905

Roll for parachute failure and striking a rural village.

>> No.12472909

What time is it expected to land?

>> No.12472913

>Canada will spend well over $2B over next 24 years on Artemis including this Artemis II mission
wow $2 billion

>> No.12472915

Momentus will use ticker MNTS and isn't out yet...

>> No.12472916

Not sure, it might've landed already. China is being secretive about it.

>> No.12472919

>We'll pay for one (1) SLS!
>God it feels good to advance human science

>> No.12472931

Word is that Angara may not have been involved because there was no actual object in space involved in the the test (aside from the Nudol ASAT missile).

>> No.12472940


>> No.12472994


>> No.12473019
File: 28 KB, 603x372, 1593223940637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh... starship bros?

>> No.12473025

there's some infrared shot of something laying on the ground on the screen with parachutes and it's 2am in china so I think it's already landed

>> No.12473026
File: 678 KB, 1920x1080, 1591665630196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lunar sample feat coyote

>> No.12473035

Yes herro prease, Xiao Manrey here. Fry safe.

>> No.12473037
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>> No.12473038

I don’t understand this one

>> No.12473039

Artists that try to make stuff for a reasons rather than making art because art

>> No.12473041
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>> No.12473042

link the document, foust you bitch

>> No.12473044

Oh yeah that makes sense. And is there any more context to the he/him tweet or is it just that people who put that in their bio like to oppress and control what you say and think

>> No.12473050

So no testing this weekend, and outright full package by the end of the year?

>> No.12473051

Hollow out comets so they become big ice (or use water from europa) balloons, fill with nitrogen yoinked from titan, drop em on mars, and use orbital mirrors to increase amount of sunlight. Get enough light, water and atmo-pressure, everything after that is ez.

>> No.12473058
File: 956 KB, 1196x792, 1580691760247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah. I had forgotten about this thing

>> No.12473061
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bugs on site

>> No.12473063
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 1587440158502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redpill me on this thing. It looks like an impressive piece of engineering, but at the same time it doesn't exactly look practical

>> No.12473065

Its shit

>> No.12473066
File: 290 KB, 1200x800, 1592286517382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean holy shit just look at it

>> No.12473071

What would it take for this thing to shear itself in two during flight?

>> No.12473076

it's cool, but it's not capable of nearly as much as it should be capable of and now that Paul Allen is dead they don't have much direction.

>> No.12473079

No, it's that according to wokists who put pronouns in their bio the "he/him" combination is evil and oppressive. So you adopt their ritual but claim to be everything they hate, making it a tongue in cheek kind of thing.

>> No.12473080

Its launch vehicle got fucking cancelled in 2014. I have no idea what they're planning to do with it. If DreamChaser got a manned variant with integral service module and engines it'd be the perfect payload - runway takeoff and landing.

>> No.12473082

We should use this thing to launch the Dream Chaser, not some silly ULA rawkit

>> No.12473083

Wasn't this thing meant to carry a Falcon 9 at some point?

>> No.12473084

Fuck Patrick Bateman for killing him.

>> No.12473090
File: 2.24 MB, 695x392, 1608006790476.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet it could carry a huge nuke.

>> No.12473097

>it's cool, but it's not capable of nearly as much as it should be capable of
is its carry capacity bad in spite of its size, or are all the rockets compatible with it just shit?
...Or does this method of launching offer little advantage over traditional launches?

>> No.12473100

It's a pre-Falcon 9 reusable launch vehicle concept

>> No.12473101

Why not all 3?

>> No.12473102

I vaguely remember some kind of spacex x stratolauncher agreement. Though it obviously didn't happen

>> No.12473105

>the "he/him" combination is evil and oppressive
Is this really a thing or is it just the general misandry?
>Gee Stratolaunch, two cockpits?

>> No.12473110

>In January 2019, three months after the death of Stratolaunch founder and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, Stratolaunch abandoned the development of its PGA rocket engines and dedicated launchers. This left the Northrop Grumman Pegasus XL as the sole launch option for an orbital capability of 800 lb (360 kg).

>> No.12473114

Space is hard. Eat the bugs citizen.

>> No.12473115

Cargo version for NASA and UN is just the prelude to crewed variant. USSF would also benefit more from the piloted version, rather than one that just doubles their X-37s.

>> No.12473116
File: 406 KB, 2788x1576, 2020-12-16_10-56-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hory shiet they did it the madlads

>> No.12473117

Hahahaha. No.

>> No.12473120

>carry a Falcon 9
I think you mean a Falcon 1 or some other of the smaller cancelled falcon variants. It would be absolutely insane to carry a falcon 8

>> No.12473121

China annexed Santa's village?

>> No.12473123

Damn could a dream chaser really find a way to fit in it and launch from it? That would actually be pretty cool

>> No.12473124

busy day today

>> No.12473126

>Is this really a thing or is it just the general misandry?
It's general misandry, if you want to call it that. But it's better understood as one of wokism's religious tenets, the progressive stack: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_stack

>> No.12473134

I meant specifically about "he/him in bio."

>> No.12473137
File: 27 KB, 1024x576, b6T7XT4Qi0KKqH5RV18G-S018R-yPQ-kUtfVynUI1w4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Falcon 9 Air would have been an air-launched multi-stage launch vehicle under development by SpaceX in 2011–2012. Falcon 9 Air was to be carried to launch position and launch altitude by a Stratolaunch Systems carrier aircraft, the world's largest aircraft by wingspan. Payload to low Earth orbit was projected to be 6,100 kg (13,400 pounds).
>Propulsion for the rocket was planned to be provided by four Merlin 1D rocket engines
What an interesting dead end that would have been

>> No.12473138

It's over SS is a failure anons tried to warn all of you that
>stainless steel doesn't work
>you need small scale testing
It's over.

>> No.12473141

As in? Like, some people *do* put that in their bio. 99% of them are sincerely broken people accepting their place "at the back of the stack" as it were.

>> No.12473143

>We could have had another attempt flight in less than a week’s time
>Instead, some shoddy test stand designed by a discord tranny decided to give way and let SN9 fall
Again, we could have explored the stars by now if it weren’t for these people

>> No.12473149

Sounds strange to me that it would have the "9" name but oh well. I meant it would be insane for it to carry what we refer nowadays as a falcon 9

>> No.12473157

Oh speaking of which, why is it called Falcon 9? Is it named after the number of engines? Or was there a falcon 2-8 that got scrapped on the design floor

>> No.12473159

I imagine keeping the 9 in the name was purely for the sake of branding

>> No.12473165

The nuclear document is out

>> No.12473183

>Is it named after the number of engines?
Bingo. Falcon 1 had 1 Merlin engine, Falcon 9 has 9. There was plans to do a Falcon 5 as a mid-range launcher but that was thankfully scrapped

>> No.12473198


>> No.12473205

It's staged. None of this is real

>> No.12473226


>> No.12473227

And it shouldn't have been.
Today national security and our aerospace industry wouldn't have been endangered by private - PRIVATE - super heavy lift vehicles looming and crashing on the horizon.

>> No.12473229

chink shill, you believe everything your overlords tell you huh?

>> No.12473235

>the virgin hayabusa2
>spend years going to an asteroid
>pick up measly 100mg of samples
>have to ask ausfailia to let you pick up your samples that parachute back in

>the chad change5
>yeet probe to moon in a few weeks
>drop stages over populated areas, don't give a fuck
>grab 2kg armful of rocks
>yeet probe back
>crashland it in mongolia

I only hope we can go back to the moon before the chinks do, it would be fucking embarassing if they caught up

>> No.12473243

>drop stages over populated areas, don't give a fuck

They launched from Hainan.

>> No.12473245
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>> No.12473269

Starship is already cool as fuck but god damn. Raptor is possibly one of the most based engines ever made. Up there with the F1

>> No.12473271
File: 2.48 MB, 2048x1536, jimbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12473278

>the engines were well below max thrust
holy shit

>> No.12473284

EA is a meme, but I'm glad there's someone on twitter who Musk consistently responds to about spaceflight related Qs

>> No.12473287

Actually the issue back then was that the natural gas industry wasn't as developed as it is today. The only reason they went with kerosene was because it's basically the same stuff as aviation jet fuel, they simply put it through more purification steps to remove more sulfur.
Any other reason for using kerosene (muh density, muh easy to handle room temp liquid) is backwards justification. Kerosene rockets use cryogenic liquid oxygen oxidizer anyways, so using cryogenic methane as well is not actually a challenge. Cryogenic methalox gets less bulk density than kerolox, but is more efficient, meaning the overall performance of a methalox rocket is greater than a kerolox rocket even before you consider other technological pathways to improvement like better combustion cycles.

>> No.12473296
File: 528 KB, 885x664, 1604965170865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fugg maybe Starship can SSTO with minimal cargo.
Definitely can go Suborbital by itself.

>> No.12473323
File: 42 KB, 1342x442, n44RFN8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they really believe that this thing would just roll out without any examinations and apparent flap replacement in one day

>> No.12473327

>they could have done winged boosters tho right?
Using nothing but gas-generator engines similar to the ones already developed in the 60's, it's possible to design a fully reusable TSTO vehicle which uses gliding reentry to recover both the Booster vehicle and the Orbiter vehicle. In fact it's not really that difficult at all, as long as you don't get trapped making dicey material selection choices in order to increase payload mass.

>> No.12473335

Dolphin sex methalox would have been the key to the stars

>> No.12473337

Anyone else eat the shrip's exoskeleton too? I don't bother peeling them
It's because IRL the Raptor engines have a much faster gimbal speed than in the animations, also they used a different gimbal method specifically to start killing rotation before passing through vertical.

>> No.12473342

don't tell me that you'd rather have a fucking fr*nchman

>> No.12473345

we already know it can without headers, flaps, cargo, heat shielding. but then what's the point

>> No.12473353
File: 38 KB, 413x395, 1591621018165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elon blowing Estronaut the fuck out

>> No.12473356

might as well slate the closures optimistically just in case. No real reason not to.

>> No.12473359

if he's canadian born, why does he wear that gay hat? and dont post that picture of trudeau in the gay hat, you just move the goalpost

>> No.12473369

One of these events we need to send a 4ASS crew to retrieve Estronauts testucles

>> No.12473370

Stratolaunch Talon still exists.

>> No.12473382

4ASS doesn't do ovarian surgery anon.

>> No.12473383

I hope chang disintegrates on reentry

>> No.12473384

it's fucking ridiculous how good it is. It's going to make every other chemical engine obsolete if it continues improving over time.

>> No.12473399

Torch ignition is already a no brainer for a future reusable engine. Steel body, spark plugs, large cargo capacity... it's a space truck.

>> No.12473421

why don't more engines use torch ignition? Sounds like a no-brainer to me

>> No.12473426

It's a much more complicated system than using a hypergolic starting fluid.

>> No.12473434

Nobody else is building seriously reusable engines yet.

>> No.12473450

>we already know it can without headers, flaps, cargo, heat shielding. but then what's the point
taking out an enemy space station with a single launch?

>> No.12473452

Why bother when you use them once? Do firecrackers have reusable torch ignition built into them?

>> No.12473458

>...Or does this method of launching offer little advantage over traditional launches?
The advantage (singular) is that you can fly your launch pad to whatever latitude works best for your launch inclination. There's no significant delta V advantage.
The drawbacks are many, but the biggest is obviously that you can't design a bigger rocket than your air launch platform's maximum carrying mass. Even a Falcon 9 2nd stage masses close to 100 tons, so you can imagine that you're not gonna be able to get much payload per launch with a system like this.

>> No.12473459

Anon you can do that with an SM-3 off an Aegis cruiser if it's in LEO.

>> No.12473461

Correct, but our space agencies should react as if it is real anyway, just so that we end up stomping chine even harder.

>> No.12473471

we need to start thinking big

>> No.12473476

That's how the Cold War worked.
>Soviets make obvious bullshit claim
>Pentagon tells Congress it's real and asks for funding for a counter
>American version works
Shuttle and Buran was like the one time it went the other way.

>> No.12473477

And production Starship will have twice the number of engines, with the addition of the three Raptor Vacs, which are also capable of firing in atmosphere.

>> No.12473481

You also don't have to scrub for weather, which is nice.

>> No.12473487

more fuel + more engines + heat shield + 150 tons cargo = heavier = slower

>> No.12473488

>It's a much more complicated system than using a hypergolic starting fluid
I dunno if it is. I think it's just that using pyrophoric fluid to start the engine guarantees that there's gonna be fire in the combustion chamber as long as the valves open correctly. Oldspace is terrified of taking any risks.

>> No.12473493

It also allows you to have launch facilities in places without a free east facing corridor. Places with west facing coastline can use it to hit prograde orbits.

>> No.12473500

>Soyuz rockets are still using big match sticks stuck up inside the engine for launch ignition
You do if there's weather at the runway, or at the launch zone. You can't just fly around until you find a place with clear skies and hit the launch button.

>> No.12473513

Yeah, obviously, except also no.
Adding engines and heat shield is more dry mass, which reduces delta V. BUT, being able to fill the tanks all the way massively increases delta V, because of the much bigger wet-dry mass ratio. Three Raptors can't lift off with full tanks; in fact even 6 Raptors probably won't make enough thrust to push a fully loaded Starship at >1g.
I'm not an advocate for Starship SSTO, but it's definitely within the realm of possibility for SpaceX if they wanted to build a no-TPS no-flaps no-headers one off version of Starship to perform an SSTO flight just to steal the milestone and prove once and for all that SSTO bows to TSTO in all aspects.

>> No.12473529

Which is why we have the Super Heavy in development to yeet SS away from the ground.

>> No.12473533

>Amazon’s David Limp about launching its Project Kuiper constellation: we hope that Blue Origin can provide launch capacity, but hope others will, too. Expecting to use multiple launch providers.
BO is finished

>> No.12473535

does the BE-4 use them? I know that it's supposedly designed from the ground-up for reusability.

>> No.12473539

musk said he wouldn't mind launching sats for a competing constellation.

>> No.12473541

Can they really be finished if they have yet to even get started?

>> No.12473550

It'd be a weird scenario when Starship is up and going and is the only provider capable of reasonably launching an entire constellation, but also Starlink hasn't spun off from SpaceX yet. Would it be an illegal monopolistic practice for SpaceX to deny launching Starlink competitors on a Starship?

>> No.12473551

for a price :^)

>> No.12473552

No shit, because that could possibly open up a monopoly investigation.

>> No.12473554

This doesn't surprise me. BO wants to use New Glenn to put up sats, but at this rate its not gonna happen.
Amazon has to get 100's of sats up by a certain deadline (a few years?) to keep FCC approval for their system.

>> No.12473557
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1960s NASA was a silly place.


>> No.12473559

it's not like there aren't other launch providers, though. Starship is just better than the alternatives.

>> No.12473564

this is like the third or fourth bit of news this year that leads me to believe BO might actually fuck this up. wild

>> No.12473571

Ridiculous, no it wouldn't.

>> No.12473574

>put tha witchetty gwub on ya cok

>> No.12473582
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if they wanted to make an E2E starship they could shove in quite a few more sea level raptors. It's the vacuum ones that take up all the room. SL raps are shockingly small. Incredible thrust/area

>> No.12473589

simulation-tier shit right here

>> No.12473591

Back then, NASA had soul

>> No.12473597

You can be a monopoly even if you have competitors.

>Microsoft's dominance of the x86-based personal computer operating systems market constituted a monopoly, and that Microsoft had taken actions to crush threats to that monopoly

>> No.12473599

surgically female general :)

>> No.12473600

This article is retard
>Sending stuff to space is ridiculously expensive. It costs about $10,000 to launch a single pound of cargo into orbit around Earth. That’s why heavy traditional building materials, such as concrete or steel, are impractical for off-Earth construction sites.
First of all, they are using old space launch costs. They claim it costs roughly 10000 dollars per pound to reach LEO, but its closer to 1500 dollars per pound to LEO with Falcon 9 external launch costs. So off the bat they're already wrong.
Second, for the entire article they assume that these launch costs will remain static. This is a fatal flaw because Mars colonization is NEVER going to happen with high launch costs to LEO. They conveniently ignore that Starship will drastically lower launch costs.

>> No.12473605

are you telling me this article was bought and paid for by Big Krill shills?

>> No.12473612

Its a pop sci article so its more likely the author is just retarded

>> No.12473620

That atomic rockets article makes me wonder if a truly universal airlock is possible. Like that hose-like apparatus used to make an airlock on a downed submarine.

>> No.12473623
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How is this a success?

>> No.12473627

>You do if there's weather at the runway, or at the launch zone
At the runway, an aircraft has a much more tolerant envelope than a rocket, and the rocket will be well above any inclement weather when it launches.

>> No.12473632
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>> No.12473633

Oof, bad look for SpaceX. Blue Origin can take their place, they have no failed landings

>> No.12473635
File: 2.40 MB, 702x396, space_starship_flap_action.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Full scale prototype tested an first time altitudes
>10+ minutes of combined raptor burn time
>Stable belly flop
>Demonstrated control with flaps
>Stable tail flip
>Crashed exactly on the landing pad
But you knew all this already right?

>> No.12473636

Nobody's going to use spacex so they can get taken down for monopoly.

>> No.12473639

>beezy will be forced to launch with SpaceX
Soon to join Israel and Zuckerberg in the freak anomaly club

>> No.12473647

So what killed BO? I read there were some serious issues they had with fuel tanks and in particular making the honey comb structure. Small scale tests - works. Fullscale build - fails. That kind of stuff. True?

>> No.12473648

>Blue Origin can take their place, they have no failed landings
NS-1 would like a word with you.

>> No.12473651

I see, thanks

>> No.12473661

More likely BO forces Congress to push through a law screwing over SpaceX

>> No.12473662

Don't forget Elon said today the Raptors weren't even NEAR full thrust.

>> No.12473664

sounds cheap

>> No.12473672

i don't think the system works like that

>> No.12473677

What does the RS-25 use? It was reusable at one point

>> No.12473679


>> No.12473684
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>> No.12473685

Fucking kek. Must be the same for BE-4

>> No.12473687

Special startup system on the pad and wonky pressures and shit. It never restarts.

>> No.12473693

It must be cool getting to talk to Musk whenever you want
Copefags gonna be jelly

>> No.12473700

The Sisyphus rocket.

>> No.12473704

Correct, they'd probably put nine of them on, a ring of six surrounding the central 3.

Side note, did anyone else realize that SN8 was capable of outputting more thrust power than the Delta IV Heavy? The latter only develops 6280 kN of thrust, whereas three Raptors at 100% throttle could do 6600 kN.

>> No.12473705

An urban "canadian".

>> No.12473706

On Mars, yes.

>> No.12473714

Most people in america don't hate elon, most people just think of him as funny space tesla guy. The 0.1% of the population that know more about elon is like 60% supporters and 40% people who hate him.

>> No.12473715

Jesus. Three Raptor Falcon when?

>> No.12473718

>care to explain

>> No.12473722

Our argument doesn't matter anyway because air launch is clearly not a winning strategy IRL or else the Pegasus launch vehicle would have been a massive success and bigger versions would have grown from there organically.

>> No.12473726

>no failed landings
yeah they do
Definitely, to still be over-expanded kilometers in the air those engines would have had to have been effectively on idle.

>> No.12473729

>1. setup a city
>2. setup L1 magstation as noted above
>3. wait/nuke/orbital reflectors to warm permafrost
and don't forget
>4. before doing any of the above nuke the earthnigs so they don't spoil everything

>> No.12473730

It also uses torch ignition but in such a way that it requires help from GSE systems. RS-25 as is cannot be restarted in flight, it's pad-ignition only.

>> No.12473735

Never, because it wouldn't be able to land using its main engines.

>> No.12473737

Oh yeah that’s right it has that weird spark sprayer to burn off extra hydrogen and presumably light the engines. It burns to orbit and then it’s just dead weight

>> No.12473745

>>4. before doing any of the above nuke the earthnigs so they don't spoil everything
Nukes are fine but dumptruck loads of gravel in middle and low Earth orbits work nicely too. Only takes a few tons of sand distributed into a 100km x 100 km cloud on a hyperbolic trajectory to shred most Earth-orbiting satellites.

>> No.12473749

No the sparky thing was just to prevent big boom from the hydrogen leaks, it doesn't ignite the engine. Common myth.

>> No.12473754

>that weird spark sprayer to burn off extra hydrogen and presumably light the engines
The sparks didn't light the engines but they did burn off bleed-valve hydrogen. The engine itself had internal hydrolox torches as mentioned but they weren't capable of operating unless the engine was sitting on the launch pad, almost like they designed it that way on purpose.

>> No.12473756

Once pressure is upped on mars to support liquid water, what kind of plant life can actually live there?

>> No.12473763

Probably nothing, the soil is toxic.

>> No.12473764
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Chad ignition system coming through

>> No.12473770

Wouldn't the rain kind of... wash it away?

>> No.12473772

Anything adapted to grow on serpentine soils, basaltic lava rock, and iron rich sandstone. Don't' believe memes about soil toxicity, most plants don't give a shit about perchlorates and none as far as i know have any issue with heavy metals (no nervous system to fuck up).

>> No.12473776

Hasn't asparagus already been proven to grow in Martian regolith?

>> No.12473782

It would certainly dissolve the perchlorates into acid.

>> No.12473783

Correct, though soil leaching for less soluble toxins may take longer. Perchlorates pretty much destroy themselves in the presence of humidity anyway, with a relatively short decay timeframe.

>> No.12473815

The more interesting question is if can we "wash" mars regolith instead of having to ship tons of soil there. Obviously not with water, but with some other kind of light weight or easily producible liquid.

>> No.12473817

thats one cheeki breeki

>> No.12473833

You really think they're gonna do multiple pressure and loading tests, a static fire and the flight in three days?
You sure are optimistic.

>> No.12473841

Nobody’s shipping dirt to mars. The fuck is wrong with you

>> No.12473844

I can agree to this policy.

>> No.12473848

why does Shelby hate depots so much?

>> No.12473850

Elon should do his Starship Update on /sfg/

>> No.12473854

you have no video proof of a crash landing

>> No.12473855

How about this: a HUGE system of global H2O2 production should take place. Try to just pump out as much hydrogen peroxide as you can. Flood the planet with H2O2. Let it clean the soil. Then let it all decompose at once. Maybe ignite the whole planet in one mega explosion. The byproducts will be H2O and oxygen gas

>> No.12473857

>>4. before doing any of the above nuke the earthnigs so they don't spoil everything
Retards like you are the reason any colony will never be allowed to become either truly self-sufficient or at the absolute least truly independent out of fear of unwarranted aggression.

>> No.12473860

the green fire -> explosion combo gets a full 97 points

>> No.12473864

they're so tight lipped that no-one knows.

>> No.12473865


>> No.12473871

...and the RS-68 takes up nearly twice the area as the raptor. Good god fuck hydrolox.

>> No.12473875

oh yeah, guess minimum throttle with a single raptor would still be way too much


>> No.12473915
File: 50 KB, 1015x477, E7815CA5-3DEB-48BA-8796-D090F41D66F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin slow terraformer vs. the chad pyrotechnic planet dweller

>> No.12473923

Anon's airlock idea is not smelling so well anymore...

>> No.12473930

Because they would make SLS even more pointless than it already is.

>> No.12473955

The solution is simple

>CFCs are tens of thousands of times more potent as greenhouse gases than CO2
>CFCs are mostly made out of carbon
>Mars's atmosphere is mostly carbon
>build factories on Mars that suck in Martian CO2 and just spray CFCs back into the Martian atmosphere
>Greenhouse effect heats everything up and releases CO2 and water trapped in Mars's soil
>repeat until it rains for decades

>> No.12473974

Temperature does play a big role in mars terraforming, but honestly thats the easiest part. To me it seems like the hardest part is getting enough atmosphere to increase pressure. Yes there's a lot of gasses locked up in rocks, but I've heard that it might only be barely enough in optimistic cases. Plus, we can't actually live on a planet with some insanely high CO2/ O2 atmosphere, we need tons of nitrogen to be the nice boring gas that just add's pressure without being deadly to life(CO2) or overly reactive(O2). So that begs the question of where we can get nitrogen? I think titan is a good candidate, and it has plenty of it to spare. Plus, europa has tons of water that can be put to use, so why not kill two birds with one stone, make artificial comets using Europa's water that carry large loads of nitrogen from titan. We can either use mass drivers or some other cheap form of propulsion to get a high throughput of water and nitrogen to make Mars an earth like planet in no time.

>> No.12473985

>he doesn't want spiders as big as elephants stalking the martians

>> No.12473999

Fair point, but also I would rather every small cigarette lighter and flour bag not be considered in pipe bomb tier destructive devices. Plus, whats the fucking point of terraforming mars if you cant walk all the way up Olympus Mons without needing a full pressure-oxygen suit

>> No.12474001

Because Blue Origin never showed it, but fortunately none is needed as they admit to the crash.

>> No.12474005

Realistically, we're never moving planet sized quantities of nitrogen between planets.

The question is whether to try and get liquid water and enough CO2 to grow crops without a tent.

>> No.12474016

Why not?

>> No.12474020


>> No.12474028

You don't necessarily need the atmosphere to be breathable, just having some pressure will be a big help since you can move without a space suit and instead use a respirator.

>> No.12474032

Moving that much stuff is possible, but it would be akin to building a cathedral in the 17th century. You know it’s a project that will take HUNDREDS of years at best, and you’ll never get to see the fruits of your labor. You’ll just have people who serve as skeleton crews to fully automated ships truck giant shipments of elements across the solar system.
Maybe it would be like star trek enterprise where people are born and live their whole lives on ships with small vacation time on other worlds. I think those people were called boomers because they were the first generation to multiply and have a livelihood in space.

>> No.12474033

I'm personally of the opinion that the F-35 program price is inflated and at least some of the money went to black projects.

>> No.12474035

I mean your probably right, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna give up hoping. I honestly, think we could do it easier than we think with the right amount of pure brute forcing. I mean how long would it really take to build a moon sized Ice ball with with a hollow core? 1-3 decades? Then how much longer to lightly pressurize the insides with nitrogen? 1-3 decades? If we are performing engineering on that scale moving it to mars would be a simple solar sail operation. Then we either reduce its horizontal orbital speed to something low, blow it open and let everything fall to ground or unpump it over a period of a decade or so?

Big yes, but not inherently complicated or manpower intensive? If we have fusion cracked we could pull it off, maybe even crash some more asteroids or comets to bump up the numbers.

>> No.12474036

>Plus, we can't actually live on a planet with some insanely high CO2/ O2 atmosphere

Yes we can. CO2 is an inert gas just like nitrogen or argon to us and the only way it could harm us would be by displacing oxygen

>> No.12474040

>CO2 is an inert gas just like nitrogen or argon to us
That is where you are wrong.

>> No.12474042

Really? Maybe, I'm just totally wrong, but iirc the margins for the CO2 levels to become flat poisoness to humans are very tight. That's why CO2 scrubbers are the secrete sauce of how rebreathers are so efficient. I could also just be totally wrong though, I'm no expert

>> No.12474048

go rewatch Apollo 13 anon

>> No.12474052

>CO2 is an inert gas just like nitrogen or argon
Does /sci/ really?

>> No.12474053
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My grandpa died.

>> No.12474066

Suppose each load is 100 tons.

The earth's atmosphere is 100 quadrillion tons.

Assuming Mars's atmosphere is one thousandth the size of Earth's, you're still going to need to make a trillion trips.

>> No.12474067

Go and try taking a good whiff from a fresh open coke bottle

>> No.12474068

Eh. Small dog sized spiders then, maybe. If the oxygen intake will be sufficient. Or maybe GMO them to have lungs.

>> No.12474069

At that point it becomes easier to crash Titan into Mars.

>> No.12474075

If anything Mars' atmosphere is going to have to be more massive than that of earth's to get the same pressure because of the lower gravity.

I don't think putting an atmosphere will be that hard, atmospheres aren't too heavy. Deep, earthlike oceans OTOH are probably a non-starter.

>> No.12474076

Don't make one trillion troops then. Smash comets into mars.

>> No.12474082

Comets don't have enough nitrogen. The real kicker is that Nitrogen is the secret sauce that makes our atmosphere so nice. Unfortunately, nitrogen is harder to find easily than oxygen, water or carbon. We can't really hope to pressurize the atmosphere with anything other than nitrogen.

>> No.12474089

>screw and nut

Thats how I do my docking

>> No.12474099


>> No.12474107

FHeavy reusable could launch a lander capable of returning more moon mass than Chang'e will.

So SpaceX could do it all in house using a modified cargo dragon. Then auction the samples off in 1gram units. To pay for the whole thing.

>> No.12474108
File: 33 KB, 360x349, feels_bad_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro. I have one grandma left, and she's getting there too. Call your family guys.

>> No.12474111

>We can't really hope to pressurize the atmosphere with anything other than nitrogen.
[argon has entered the chat]

>> No.12474117

Horrific, probably would fuck up plant growth and a bunch of other processes that make the ground habitable to plants, but fuck it might work.

>> No.12474119

Shit sucks, I only have my mother left.

>> No.12474123

Christ you just reminded me of my short stint working at a brewery and the smell of a freshly emptied fermentation tank.
If that's what Mars smells like then someone else can have my ticket.

>> No.12474144

Some plants will survive and become progenitors of entire new orders or even classes.

>> No.12474149

I'm sorry man, I know its hard to go through.

I'm actually rather glad that I'm staying with my 2 remaining grandparents when I'm at college. They turned 83 this year.

>> No.12474160
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>Try taking my Nitrogen you fucking Mars nigger and see what happens

>> No.12474166

The enemy can not fight if you disable his atmosphere.

>> No.12474169
File: 1.54 MB, 480x264, Thinking Face Solar System Edition.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't it be easier to terraform Venus than Mars?

I mean, to the point where you could leave a surface level dwelling without any special gear.

>> No.12474172

Nitrogen can be shipped from Triton.

>> No.12474174

Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.12474175

tell us about him.
he probably loved you in an insanely inconditional way, like he must be rooting for you to get laid or to level up in a videogame or whatever from wherever he is right now, grandpas are like that, trust me i know

>> No.12474176

>Implying Titanese hicks won't fucking freeze to death because they are too stupid to turn on their heater's because they live on the closet approximation to Newfoundland++++++
>Your shitty moon is nothing a dumpy Costco gas station with free ice bags

>> No.12474180

No seasons, days are too long, geologically unstable.

>> No.12474181
File: 219 KB, 520x438, atmosphere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excuse me sarge, why are we training on how to modify atmospheres we have planet killing weapons

>> No.12474182

The hard part is that it has such a stupid amount of atmosphere that it would be unliveable even if you converted all of the CO2 into O2.

They did simulations and you would end up with like a layer of solid oxygen on the surface as soon as the greenhouse effect was no longer in play.

>> No.12474189

Can be fixed with solar shades and mirrors. The latter of which you'll need for mars anyway to keep the planet warm.

>> No.12474192


>> No.12474195

Anon you just gave me a very grinchy idea. Lets rename Venus to New Alabama so the D*pot man will ensure it's colonization and terraforming within the decade so good New Alabama jobs can be created by ULA

>> No.12474198

>freshly emptied fermentation tank
Not sure how that actually smells, but I imagine there's a whole lot of ther stuff
Inhaling high enough concentrations of CO2 plain fucking hurts

>> No.12474201

Combine the CFC and H2O2 strategies for maximum OxyClean brand terraforming power

>> No.12474209
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I idolized him. He lived more and saw more in his life than any other human being I have ever met.

Now I have to clean out his empty house knowing he's never walking through that door and we will never have a conversation again.

>> No.12474213

Sorry fren.

>> No.12474219

we feel you anon, make sure to move on and be happy that's what would please him the most

>> No.12474225

The geological instability can't though. Every few hundred million years the entire surface melts and gets absorbed into the mantle

>> No.12474230

80 atmospheres, motherfucker.

>> No.12474232

The resurfacing events are likely the result of Venus having no surface water to lubricate its would be plate tectonics, so getting some bodies of water after cooling the planet down and stripping off some of the atmosphere should suffice.

>> No.12474242


Biden will never be President.

>> No.12474247

>bringing back NERVA
too bad biden will slash NASA's budget

>> No.12474248

>Can't even repeal DACA
>Can repeal the DNC's election result
Don't rope yourself on January 20th, anon.

Plus, hey, Biden might keep that policy around anyway.

>> No.12474252

Just let it go man.

>> No.12474254

you don't need to make the atmosphere as dense as long as your fraction of oxygen is increased considerably.

>> No.12474257

focusing on nuclear is the smartest thing goverment funded space can do. Its the one area in which they can fucking guarantee they will always have the edge because they can octoquintuple the costs for any outsider with arguibly justified red tape

>> No.12474262

hey is there a /sfg discord? id love to carry on this madness discussion in real time while we shit post here

>> No.12474267

discord is cancer, and even if it wasn't you end up with a split userbase off as some people who will use discord more and more and don't even bother with the thread.

>> No.12474268

Suicide pls

>> No.12474269

>discord tranny

>> No.12474271

go back tranny

>> No.12474274

Poo rocket in about 10 hours

>> No.12474276

geez ok sorry it was just a suggestion forget i ever mentioned. SFG as in science fiction general from /lit has one i didnt thought it'd be such a big deal

>> No.12474277
File: 27 KB, 291x326, 1607736057886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please leave the minecraft server as you are disturbing the other players

>> No.12474278

Trannies pls

>> No.12474313

fucking shit ok i get it lets not try anything new ever ill go kill myself now if thats ok with you

>> No.12474314

Yes it is okay with me.
Bye bye

>> No.12474318


>> No.12474328


>> No.12474331

>SFG as in science fiction general from /lit has one i didnt thought it'd be such a big deal
Thanks for letting us know that that board is full of /lit/eral shit eaters now.

>> No.12474332

Damn. Got dark quick

>> No.12474334

you know, if i actually killed myself youd actually feel bad

>> No.12474336

The inescapable implications of letting it go are utterly transformative, irreversible, and pretty fucking disturbing for the long-held idea of this country.
I refuse to use discord. It has that name for a reason.

>> No.12474337

lmao wrong

>> No.12474340

You're on 4chan, kid. Just because this isn't /b/ doesn't mean everyone is a dainty young lady fresh out of finishing school.

>> No.12474343
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Post spaceflight.

>> No.12474344

only a psychopath would not feel bad after knowing he caused the death of a human being

>> No.12474346

yes please

>> No.12474347

Who are you?

>> No.12474350
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>> No.12474351
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Easy solution: just blast it with the Sun's corona and/or a fuckload of nukes.
How could we fix its spin though?

>> No.12474354

Hot damn I love /sfg

>> No.12474355

>if I kill myself then you caused it

>> No.12474356

Stop feeding the troll

>> No.12474358
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Ok, here's MiR.

>> No.12474364

Agreed. NTR needs to happen, and it’ll be out of the reach of private industry to innovate for quite some time.

>> No.12474366

Cute MiR!

>> No.12474367

Gotta hand it to them. Only Soviet Russia can make shit look rusted in space.

>> No.12474372

>forget I ever mentioned
No. Everybody look at him. Look at him and laugh.

>> No.12474375
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>> No.12474379
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>> No.12474381

He said spaceflight, not space crackhouses.

>> No.12474386
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I miss her bros

>> No.12474388
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>> No.12474390


Dont lament on the fate of SN8 too much, she did her job excellently. Her steadily more advanced sisters will continue the march of success.

>> No.12474392

>that foreboding green lighting towards the aft

>> No.12474393

To be fair, the fire and the progress crash certainly didn’t help things. The contrast of Mir’s interior to the shuttle’s is pretty insane, though:

>> No.12474394

God damn. If we could travel back in time do you think the scientists would believe us if we told them rockets such as these would run on methalox in the future and could land back at the launch site?

>> No.12474397

Sneight was trying to warn them, but they refused to listen.

>> No.12474398

>The inescapable implications of letting it go are utterly transformative, irreversible, and pretty fucking disturbing for the long-held idea of this country.
Yes, civil war likely within the next 10 years and, unless it's a definitive red state victory, we'll end up with either one or two client states under tianxia.

Why do you think we need Mars up and running so quickly?

You can build your own replica of her in your backyard for like 10 grand.

>> No.12474400

Go back to the 70s and you'd blow their minds on the computing power alone. Unix ran on PDPs at the time.

>> No.12474403

how's everybody doing tonight

>> No.12474404

Fucking based and 50's utopian vision of the future-pilled

>> No.12474406


>> No.12474407
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It'll pass.

>> No.12474408

Are there any news whatsoever regarding SN9? Are they replacing the flap at least?

>> No.12474411


>> No.12474414
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>> No.12474418


NASA says NewGlenn can bid on NASA launch services contracts.

>> No.12474420

Aww shit, I missed a golden opportunity there. It's 2am though.

>> No.12474421

Any launch schedule yet?
I just want to see new glenn fly

>> No.12474423

None yet afaik. But it merely states NewGlenn is eligible to bid.

>> No.12474425

Stressed but overall good

>> No.12474428

It must be pretty far along then if they're taking contracts.

>> No.12474432

lol some dude anheroed on this thread

>> No.12474437

is astra eligible? or any 4ass small launch vehicles?

>> No.12474439

There must be something but no one knows where NewGlenn is at and NASA isnt talking either for whatever reason.

>> No.12474442

Maybe for small sats but I dont think NASA does those much.

>> No.12474446

NASA has bought multiple Electron launches. They're doing a lunar rover from Wallops.

>> No.12474455

I'm sad and lonely.

>> No.12474457
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Bye bye anon

>> No.12474462


looks like Astra missed orbit because of bad RP-1/LOX ratio

>> No.12474473

Based Titan poster

>> No.12474478

doing god tierly good on women but amazingly bad on literally everything else, believe it or not

for today my solution is alcohol lots of it, when i finish this second bottle of wine im gonna go lay down

>> No.12474482

Drink whiskey and play early 2000’s RTS games

>> No.12474483

easy fix then
the next one should be a full success unless that was their last shot

>> No.12474484

Why do you wish pointless struggle for him?

>> No.12474487
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She was a real hero of a ship, she did in four minutes what BOING won't do for fourty more years.

>> No.12474488

i can barely stand up, have youo ever drank two bottles of wine?

>> No.12474490
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I once went a week without fully sobering up. Te hangover afterwards was memorable.

>> No.12474493

The most recent hullo vid seemed to imply that they ran out of fuel, but not oxidizer. Assuming they did literally any math whatsoever before building the tanks, I’m kind of curious how that happened. Did they overestimate the rate of lox boiloff or something?

>> No.12474494

I drank a whole bottle last year. Played battlefield 1 all night and made sure to drink lots of water after I finished the wine. Woke up kinda late the next day but I wasn’t hungover at all. I can’t imagine drinking two bottles lmao. Be safe anon, don’t drive or choke on your vomit like amy winehouse or something

>> No.12474495

that's spaced over a week, have you ever drank two bottle ss of wine in a row?f

>> No.12474498

Struggle is good for the soul.

>> No.12474499

I like drinking because it controls my anxiety, but I always feel less sharp for a good week after any occasion on which I get drunk, so I try to avoid it.

>> No.12474501

What's the weather like down in Florida for today's launch? I'm hoping it's good and it'll go as soon as the clock ticks over to 14:00 GMT, because then I'll be able to watch it.

>> No.12474503

The fuck is launching tonight?

>> No.12474506

>amy winehouse
Huh, never knew she died of alcohol poisoning. Gotta be some nominative determinism going on there.

>> No.12474508
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The fact that they back BLM is proof they don't understand basic statistics.

>> No.12474511

Two bottles of wine and a few cold beers is my regular evening. I need to stop drinking.

>> No.12474514

Spy satellite, NROL-108.

>> No.12474515

First time I ever drank alcohol was a bottle of wine I stole from my parents. Was a good time
Irish DNA helps

>> No.12474522


Its going to be an RTLS one. It is getting pretty rare to have one of those these days. The Falcon 9 has been lifting a lot of tonnage into orbit, necessitating drone ship landings.

>> No.12474531

>”we designed the kerosene tank to hold 13% of the mass of the lox tank, but the flight data seems to imply that it needed to be roughly 52% to meet the proper mixture ratio”

>> No.12474532

Jesus christ. Remember in the early 2000’s when there was maybe one rocket launch a month. Now there seems to be one every other day

>> No.12474535

It was more like 1-2 launches per Quarter.
Dark days.

>> No.12474547

sn9 when

>> No.12474560


>> No.12474634

Where the fuck did everyone go? It’s a ghost town in here

>> No.12474641
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Don't mourn how she passed, celebrate how she lived.

>> No.12474643

nothing really to talk about, it's the run-up to christmas. That being said I'm amazed that I hadn't heard of Firefly until last thread, are they really about to BTFO Astra and compete with Electron?

>> No.12474644

Astra almost reached orbit, SN9 action nowhere in sight, SLS still being a meme. Not much to talk about except off-topic and that's uncouth.

>> No.12474648

surely that dumb BLM stunt has turned off some prospective engineers? I'm a new grad and there's no way I'm applying there, or any place that venerates joggers.

>> No.12474654

Considering SN9 is basically confirmed for 2021 there's not too much going on.

>> No.12474683
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>> No.12474685
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>> No.12474686


>> No.12474689
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>> No.12474693
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>> No.12474695
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>> No.12474698
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>> No.12474701
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Damn I'm based

>> No.12474702

New thread time I guess

>> No.12474703
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demonstrably based and redpilled

>> No.12474705


>> No.12474706
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make it 12m starship themed

>> No.12474711

>you're going to want to
>not you're gonna wanna

>> No.12474716

Those landing legs are so fucking cool

>> No.12474717

white people enunciate prepositions.

>> No.12474718
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>mfw I open up a panel and see the mold

>> No.12474725

>sfg has bug leg farms
>mir has mold brick farms

>> No.12474728

But I am white?

>> No.12474740

then quit talking like a nigger, and start enunciating.

>> No.12474766

>talking like a nigger
>yo you gun wuh see dis
Just because it's not the king's English doesn't mean it's nigger speak.

>> No.12474774

Been gone for awhile, is a 2022 cargo mars mission still possible?

>> No.12474775

>Tfw after 6 year Mir looked like an eastern european space favela
>The 22 year old ISS still looks fairly clean, even in the old parts
Did Russians bathe in the 90s?

>> No.12474777

What's the largest you can make a TSTO reusable and have it still work? It seems like you could keep going for a while.

>> No.12474784

I was mainly trolling but there is a continuous function starting with the King's English and leading to ebonics. I have actively worked to eliminate any sort of leftover slang from high school, people who talk like juveniles in their 20s and beyond are usually outing themselves as retards. Using fewer contractions has been pretty useful, it makes you slow down and articulate your thoughts better. I just hate black lexicon making its way into everyday language.

>> No.12474786

Go get laid bro

>> No.12474788

see, completely typical black people twitter response lmao.

>> No.12474794

Do you enjoy being a racist asshole? That's not okay

>> No.12474803


>> No.12474804

you sound like an unpleasant person to be around

Normal people use different registers for different social situations, and use more vernacular registers in more informal situations.

>> No.12474807

Possible, but requires tight timing. More likley is the 2024 cargo mission due to the fact that orbital mechanics only allows for few weeks.

>> No.12474808

You sound like a useless twat who got lost on her way to Instagram.

>> No.12474809

In Germany like 2 weeks ago Elon said they want to send an uncrewed Starship to Mars in 2022. I was during the Axel Springer awards thing iirc.

>> No.12474811

* Few weeks out of every 26 months to launch from earth to mars.

>> No.12474812

You are doing the right thing. The plebeians lack the capacity to appreciate this, disregard them.

>> No.12474815

Okay fag

>> No.12474818

I predict spaceX will launch 1-10 test articles to see if starships are able to not fuck up landing on mars (most of them will crash)

>> No.12474821

It's been fueled by my disgust of everything even remotely related to blacks and their culture, I can't help it. The more I'm exposed to them, the more racist I get.

I know, and I've noticed that the most worthwhile people in my circle have strayed from juvenile ways of speaking as well. I don't have different registers, I talk the same way with stranger as I do with my parents. Blacks and wiggers think of regular speech as stilted for some reason. I guess there is an absolute highest level of formality reserved for judges and politicians and the like. I'm not autistic, I'm just saying what passes as normal for me and other educated whites will pass ass excessively formal for joggers.

>> No.12474823

Thats not much of a prediction. That's what Musk/SpaceX has talked about already.

Try predicting something more post worthy. "I predict first mars cargo mission will have an autonomous robot that will write fuck niggers on mars." Saying "i predict something someone said will happen will happen" is not a prediction.

>> No.12474824

See, completely typical black people twitter response.
>shieet you a virgin
>he a faggot lmfaaaooooooooooo

>> No.12474829

Stop talking about god damn niggers on twitters, you god damn niggers.

>> No.12474830

doge is autistic so he speaks more formally

>> No.12474836

In better news for BO, New Glenn can now compete for NASA contracts.

>> No.12474840

Can you two autistic niggers stop sperging out and shitting up the thread? Thanks.

>> No.12474841

Posted earlier >>12474418

>> No.12474848

it's not all me, a few other anons backed me up against the black twitter faggot. I think it's important that those who enable black """"""culture""""""" don't feel welcome here.

>> No.12474854

>4ASS covert operative undercover in boca chica
>Accesses modified cybertruck before it is loaded up to go to mars
>Installs his own programs on it
>Truck gets dropped off on the surface of Mars
>Immediately starts driving and leaving tyre tracks spelling FUCK NIGGERS
>It's solar panels ensure infinite charge driving slowly
>4ASS operative disabled remote control
>By the time the next synod comes around and elonauts arrive to stop it there are hundreds of square kilometres of FUCK NIGGERS

>> No.12474855
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I’m sorry.

>> No.12474912

Who will be the first porn actress to perform in orbit?

>> No.12474914

>hundreds of square kilometres of FUCK NIGGERS
No, no. Yotsuba line art and "Fuck Urf" big enough to be seen from Hubble.

>> No.12474920

You're mum.

>> No.12474923

Just confirmed SpaceX want to send memes to the Moon.

>> No.12474943
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Yes. Memes like this.

>> No.12474947
