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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12474080 No.12474080 [Reply] [Original]

What do you believe the most important things that must be understood which most people haven't even heard of? Send me YouTube links, website links, book recommendations or whatever of things I should know. What secrets do you know? If you see this post you have to reply with at least some piece of knowledge to share with everyone in this thread.

>> No.12474109

If you relax your muscles and breathe normally when you're about to cum it feels better

>> No.12474121

Swim every day

>> No.12474129

Learn to break out of your conditioning like the buddhists and see the illusion of maya. That's probably the most "secret" knowledge you could gain in this world if there is such a thing.

Also you can't "become" intelligent, you either have the genes for it or you don't, though maybe you could max out your brain's potential by eating healthily, being stress free, and gaining knowledge as well as learning how to think more logically. Think of it like building muscle, you may not have a naturally huge frame but you can still max out whatever frame you do have, I bet even the smartest people never really max out their potential.

>> No.12474135

I think anyone in sciemce should know about:
Social choice theory and Arrows impossibility theorem

The concept of a convergent sequence

The concept of a group

A basic understanding of generative grammar and universal grammar

A basic understanding of statistics, epistemology, and philosophy of language. One of the most annoying things about normies is that they actually spend more time arguing over semantics, engaging in logically fallacious reasoning, and misrepresenting their opponents position. This does not just apply to political debate, but all arises in scientific contexts as well.

Other concepts that are interesting but not important for a non-expert are:
The muddy child problem/epistemic logic in general

The concept of an evolutionarily stable strategy.

Lindenmeyer L-systems

Autocatalytic sets

>> No.12474145
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tell me your mbti and I will tell you your path

>> No.12474146

first good post in this thread

>> No.12474153

ISFJ-T 5w6. Tell me.

>> No.12474158

Literally study constantly
Why are you on 4chan?
Open up a fucking optics book

>> No.12474167

what should I study though? Studying for the sake of studying is pointless and 99% of information is bullshit. I want to only study the information that actually matters

>> No.12474217

Half the time I test INTP, other half INFP
Tell me my fate please

>> No.12474231


>> No.12474305
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>he thinks anything actually matters
What matters is what you think matters
Wanna go to mars? Study aerospace engineering
Wanna find cures and shit? Study chemistry

>> No.12474387
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First you need to understand the lies you are told, but be careful to not fall into the opposite answer. Something false being considered true does not always make the opposite true. People lie to you in the way that people explain things when they do not understand them. Anon do you truly understand what pi is? If not understand it now. You want to know the important things? I do not know what you know. Know little math? Read Kalid Azad before you and then pick up a lecture or textbook.
What matters, what is important? Secrets seem to be important to the OP. Here I will tell you the secret.
There are few secrets, little truth. What you see before you is a plethora of lies, a filter. Important to disassociate this statement from empty schizo talk. Picture this, a meaningless plane of meaningless parts, through careful construction it conjures a meaning and its own truth.
Obvious, but needed. Now think of what you are. You are what you think, but what is it that you think? If you browse /sci/, it will have an effect on what you think, music affect what you think, memories and early teaching too. Do you see it? Apply that to everything and you will break from many things which aren't you. This is the consistent way to break free from the multitude of filters put onto you all.
Want to know some of the secrets? There are few honest who hold the secrets, and every man is faulty, remember great men are human like you, Newton and Ibn Khaldun have some for you which are hidden in filler. However I can not tell you these myself for you to understand.
Other than what I've already written. Uncommon because of its incongruous/opposite elements, be aware of it for things to begin to make more sense. This type needs to find something to consider above him to reach his potential. Reason, Ideal, God. Make it a constant. Intuitive systematic thinking and abstract modeling are the strongest tools.

>> No.12474391

the neurobiology behind mental illness. i feel like people don't understand the link between the pha axis, hpg axis, cognitive dissonance, excitotoxicity in things like fibromyalgia for example, the oxidizing effect of cortisol... list goes on.

people just like to consider diagnoses like schizophrenia, autism etc to be completely explained and fundamentally un-understandable phenomena. it's dumb as hell.

give a proper environment and emotional nourishment to everyone on the planet and watch 99,99999999% of all these 'mental problems' disappear. pah

>> No.12474708

Just focus on the truth.

>> No.12474908

Avoid Christianity/ Right wing ideology.

>> No.12474936

step 1, define intelligence

>> No.12474944

You can't become incredibly intelligent. It's like asking how to become an incredible athlete. Sure, it requires a large effort, but you need the right genetics to be a genius in the first place.

>> No.12474949

Hello, I have posted a thread before. I can tell you whatever you need to know about the universe.

This is something that you either figure out or don’t. If you can imagine, all of the founding fathers of America were enlightened and this was an Age of Enlightenment (many men esp in US and France) but this also happened for example to Muhammad, Buddha, Ghengis Kahn, etc.

What do you want to know? I don’t have YouTube links for you. Just ask the question.

>> No.12474995


Www.optimuminstitute.org and its not even close.

>> No.12475004

Intelligence is mostly genetic. Aside from that, internalize complex patterns: Read (good) philosophy, study mathematics and hard science diligently, and do puzzles. If it's easy to digest it's not what I'm talking about, you need to exercise your brain.

>> No.12475005

Don't work on being more intelligent. Work on being more productive (do more) and methodical (do it without wasting time). You'll learn and do more that way.

>> No.12475824

what are some good techniques for this which aren't blindingly obvious?

>> No.12475933


>> No.12476672

This type of stuff is the reason I still come to this site after 8 years. Based cum tips anon

>> No.12477494

Being in a fasted state can maximize your intellect

>> No.12477609

You dont. Acatalepsy. Skepticism. Nothing can ever be known about anything ever. The pursuit of knowledge and omniscience is futile is everythinf will always be unknown. We are wrong about everything. Logic, science, mathematics, the nature of our true being.

But it is insignificant since death will HOPEFULLY be the end of us forever.

>> No.12477614
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we all go through stages
>first I was an NPC and I'd get trolled by every 1/3 post, and I'd come in and type opinions in each of those threads.
>then I was a troll, I'd start a bunch of threads, worked as a jannie, and even a shill/influencer.
>now I've gotten to the stage where I just want to share my knowledge and reveal the level of perceptiveness, and reveal every edge that I may have to good people such as yourself

>> No.12478188

teach me

>> No.12478251

you accuracy is comparable to your wit.