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1247235 No.1247235 [Reply] [Original]

If you are not agnostic then you are a fucking tool.

>> No.1247243


>> No.1247248

Fund it.

>> No.1247250

agnosticism is retarded

>> No.1247258

agnostic what?
atheist or theist?

>> No.1247262

if you are agnostic your a fucking faggot

fuck your gods

>> No.1247265

>Saying something definitively is or isn't.


>> No.1247267

"No." as in "No, that's retarded" not "that's an incorrect definition"
Atheism is a logical choice, not Agnosticism.

>> No.1247279

Failed logic there. I'm an atheist but the logical choice when you have no information for or against an argument is to take no stance on it.

>> No.1247294

So...not taking a stance on the teapot that billions of people claim, without evidence, to be between Earth and Mars?

The most logical choice is to assume that something *probably* doesn't exist without evidence.

>> No.1247295

>Implying atheism states a position, and agnosticism doesn't.

>> No.1247309
File: 537 KB, 1024x3000, atheismdefinition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that some people need to read this:

>> No.1247321

If by 'fucking tool' you mean 'regularly used for sex,' then yes!

>> No.1247331

im an agnostic atheist, as most reasonable science oriented folks are.

>> No.1247332


>> No.1247339

Atheism - The lack of belief if a God or Gods.
Agnosticism - The assertion that information about a God or Gods is unknowable.

>> No.1247369

>The assertion that information about a God or Gods is unknowable.
Which in itself requires knowledge that such an assertion is possible, thus making it retarded.

>> No.1247383

That was my point. Agnosticism is an idiotic stance.

>> No.1247393

If you are not agnostic then you are subjected to blind faith

which is reserved for the hapless masses

haters gonna hate

>> No.1247426
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>> No.1247423

>If you are not agnostic then you are subjected to blind faith
If you wanna call trusting the principles that made it possible for you to use that computer "blind faith", sure.

>> No.1247424
File: 857 KB, 3000x3000, godisouthere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1247434

enjoy never knowing what caused the big bang

if there really was one at all

>> No.1247458

>if there really was one at all

>> No.1247464

All powerful god huh? Considering he cant break the laws of physics, it seems he has limits.

>> No.1247484

If God can do anything, can He make a mountain which is too heavy for Him to lift?

* If He can make such a mountain, there is something which He cannot do: He cannot lift the mountain,
* If He cannot make such a mountain, there is something which He cannot do: He cannot make the mountain.

>> No.1247499


old shit is old. laws of physics and especially silly semantics don't apply to an omnipotent being.

>> No.1247543

How can you gather information on a being separate from the universe?

I mean come the fuck on

>> No.1247544

Shit. i just saw something like this while driving...made me fucking sick. I admit I beleive in (A) God, just wonder at times why. In all honesty though that animal probobly isnt feeling much pain, theres not much suffering when all that kinda shit is going on and soon they are gone, so who fucking knows?

>> No.1247561



>> No.1247577


>> No.1247588

Guys, we can't absolutely prove that derived laws of physics will still hold a week from now, guess we should just abandon all our technology

>> No.1247940

Depends what you mean by "agnostic".

If you mean "both sides are equally valid", that's retarded. OTOH, if you mean that you put christianity (etc) in the same category as the FSM, contact with aliens, /x/-level conspiracies, etc, then that's about right.

>> No.1247959

Remoev YUor ILlgEAL_cloeN_FO_HtTp://wWW.ANoTnalk.SE/ (Tn = Nt) ImmeIdAtEly. q mxzrs ktimkjulgemuz vc ei oi u dheajif

>> No.1247963

agnostic theist here

if the christian god is almighty, can he himself create an object so large/heavy, he cannot lift it?

>> No.1247983


>> No.1247991

yes but only for an infinitessimal amount of time, after which he would have the ability to lift it.

>> No.1248001

The Christian god already has enough problems and contradictions. The Christian god of the Bible cannot logically exist (or he is a giant bi-polar prick).

A deistic god that simply created the universe then sat back and watched? Possible, though seemingly improbable.

Pantheism? Who knows.

Atheism? Seems like the most likely thing right now.

>> No.1248002

interesting answer. i like it

>> No.1248021

did i not mention im a genius?

>> No.1248024

Agnostics are fucking tools.