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12462359 No.12462359[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will artificial wombs ever be possible?

>> No.12462525


>> No.12462528

don't disrespect the mother
you'll never compete with the original

>> No.12462755

The things I would do to her would make the Holocaust look like Sunday School.

>> No.12462925


>> No.12462929

Before anyone whips their dicks out, that's a man.

>> No.12462932

Damn, she's kind of cute

>> No.12462936


>> No.12462941

That makes it better

>> No.12462961
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We already made one last year dumbass

>> No.12462969

I want to impregnate sayuri

>> No.12462978

yes but not artificial eggs

>> No.12462993

You will never be a woman

>> No.12463254

i can still see the male, not sure what gives it away

>> No.12463299

the stomach. I didn't know it was a man at first but the stomach was a huge red flag for me and I wasn't sure why it was setting me off.

>> No.12463302

Two-for-One Special!

>> No.12463733

It's definitely possible technically to have an external artificial womb. Implanting one into a human body (especially a male one) is probably beyond our capabilities, though.

Economically feasible? Probably not for a very long time

>> No.12463751

This, but in a more polite way.

>> No.12463786

they are, and they are called womans
stop giving them rights retards

>> No.12463881

such a clockable tranny

>> No.12463883

That's exactly when people start to whip their dicks actually.

>> No.12463895
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>> No.12464487

stop posting that tranny everywhere
I have bad news for you anon

>> No.12464569

by contracting your gluteus maximus you can draw blood away from an unwanted erection

>> No.12464757

i just pretend to be taking a shit though i mostly do it when im edging and dont want to cum

>> No.12464895
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>> No.12464902
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I'd pump that bussy full of cum and suck her feminine cock all.day every day

>> No.12464916

The fingers as well. Men tend to have longer ring fingers than their index fingers, while women tend to have equal index and ring finger length.

>> No.12465280


>> No.12466338

All I would need is 2 minutes.

>> No.12466371
File: 428 KB, 1200x529, Artifical Womb and Lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already exists. It will be some time before it is marketable to humans. Shame too given it could legitimately help those unable to have children the old fashioned way.

>> No.12466504

>Shame too given it could legitimately help those unable to have children the old fashioned way.
Do you want to make the dysgenics trend even worse? we already have problems with the sons of men using fertility treatments having lower sperm counts than average.

>> No.12466616

adopt a child, christ.

>> No.12466784


>> No.12467142

it'd be cool as fuck to see various animals in these under a timelapse camera

>> No.12467147

Fertility is one of the least important traits to select for change my mind.

>> No.12467713

I had a craving to see one (1) BOOBA frog
I guess this will have to do

>> No.12467816

Progress will continue.
You are also probably on the wrong board.

>> No.12467841

It was a casual stroll before, now it's a race.

>> No.12469343

Dealing with women is a massive headache with no gain. I want a man. Most guys who are even a little bit bisexual do. I'm a guy and I'm not really feminine looking at all, but I have inadvertently seduced so many "straight" guys. The fact of the matter is that most guys are starved for affection. Even the ones who have girlfriends are starved for affection.
Women were a mistake.

>> No.12469374

They cant start from scratch, need a small fetus to grow. Its uncertain yet what kind of development issues they may have.>>12463786

>> No.12471100

You're a faggot

>> No.12471267

It could be a good tool for eugenics though.

>> No.12471269

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12471288

I am intrigued but also disgusted

>> No.12471294

yo faggot

>> No.12471582

was obvious
shoulder check takes 4 seconds

>> No.12471617

Oh shit man, I already busted to this. Fuck fuck fuck, help I don't want to be gay!!!

>> No.12471671

the buy 1 get 1 get free

>> No.12471894

>Looking to my own fingers
>they are equal

>> No.12471922
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This but Unironically.

>> No.12472008


>> No.12472110

What a great news anon!

Soon we will rid the world of those annoying women. The age of traps shall come

>> No.12472128

The cost of gestating and birthing the child is negligible compared to the cost of raising it. So artificial wombs will have no effect on society.

>> No.12472169

He he wouldn't it be funny to impregnate a trap by cooming into it's ass? Heh

>> No.12472199

Sauce for this boi

>> No.12472237
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It is far more heterosexual to jerk off to traps, especially more to have sex with them. You are enabling a man, an actual man, to suppress their own masculinity so they can submit to a superior man. Their very existence is an admission of their failed attempt of being a male were so pathetic that they actually decided to become a woman so they could submit a other male's superior masculinity. In doing so they are enabling you to dominate another man and make them into your woman. They are admitting that your masculinity is so far superior to their, that they are merely a women in your presence.

Trying to find a real women that is "equal" to you is pathetic cope for your pathetic maleness, you have to actually stoop to the level of a woman instead of dominating another male.

>> No.12472526

What's his name?

>> No.12472536

i want to believe

>> No.12472546

Hands on waist but with the thumb facing the hips is more masculine whereas girls will put their thumbs towards their groin and their fingers towards their hips. See CIA pose if you need an image.

If you see any videos of Sayuri, his broad shoulders give it away more than anything. He uses camera angles to make it less obvious in photos.

But what's the point of an artificial womb if you can't make artificial eggs (male)?

>> No.12472589
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>> No.12472597
File: 118 KB, 828x1472, @sayurimattar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel deja vu seeing this thread.
Sayuri Mattar, gorgeous Brazilian trap.
He actually looks good in motion, unlike most traps.

>> No.12472619
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>> No.12472860

She's kind of cute (≧︿≦)

>> No.12472906

transitioning was the best decision he made

>> No.12472922
File: 41 KB, 455x410, 1596657340585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn look at that peen clitty bulge, i'd ravage that boy pussy so hard bros

>> No.12472935

Very cute! OwO

>> No.12472941

Yea but he is right. I am called handsome by women, and I get laid on a pretty consistent basis if I feel motivated to jump through the hoops, but it’s almost never worth my time, and at worst the outcome is crippling depression from being lied to, made a fool of, and deeply hurt psychologically/emotionally.

I really hate it when I see dudes blaming everything that goes wrong in their lives on women, but the fact of my situation is that they have been a net negative. Their affections, too, are fleeting, and hollow. There is no true fulfillment with them. At least for me. They all turn out to have ulterior motives.
So it gets to the point where, yes, whenever gay guys compliment me or give me attention it’s almost -more- meaningful to me, because it feels genuine. Every time a gay dude hits on me or expresses attraction I am happy that anyone would even come out up front with no head games to express such affection. It’s a relief. If there ever was some fantastical gay serum I might even fucking take it, because at least then I might find someone that doesn’t automatically see me as a product to suck the life out of and throw away on a whim. Could all just be a false perspective though, of course.

>> No.12472951
File: 3.56 MB, 1080x1921, FBD8648D-845A-47BC-9530-1DA67F2F6952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuter as a twink

>> No.12472953

I hope you find what you're looking for. She's out there somewhere.

>> No.12472956

Kek he's got my hair but I'm /fit/.
Would fuck after gym, desu. It's not gay though cause the Greeks said it wasn't.

>> No.12473895

The Holocaust never happened and neither will your pathetic fantasies.

>> No.12473900

Women are bretty artificial already.