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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 136 KB, 359x298, kurzgezak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12470858 No.12470858 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12470864

It would make another crater, probably too small to be seen from earth through a telescope.

>> No.12470873

it would be extremely painful

>> No.12471099
File: 141 KB, 397x441, consumer13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat people

>> No.12471105

no atmosphere, so wouldn't be nearly as destructive as on earth if detonated above the surface

>> No.12471135

The plan is this if we white people look all like him (walrus) we use harp to freeze the world, and only the fat will survive.

>> No.12471138

normie pop-sci is the worst kind of pop-sci, even worse than the fedora atheist "look how smart I am bashing astrology" pop-sci

>> No.12471144

Isaac Arthur >>>>>>> PBS Space Time >>>>> Kurzgeshit

>> No.12471215

it vibrated like a bell

>> No.12471237

...for you

>> No.12471324

You would waste millions and millons of dollars on a rocket carrying a warhead that probably also costs several million itself, only to make what would look like a firecracker going off on the Moon, as seen through telescopes on Earth.
That's assuming that every other nation on Earth didn't bomb the shit out of you first to prevent you from launching something that could come down on *their* country by mistake (or by design, in their thinking).
All in all, it's an idiotic idea.
You need to go back to >>>/b/, that's where the /b/rainlets /b/elong.
Waste of a thread.
Even a 'Superman vs. Batman who would win?' thread would be less worthless.

>> No.12471754

It hatches

>> No.12471775

I had really hoped this was a joke. My respect for Kumguzzleagt just went to less than zero.

>> No.12471783

This is a new level of pop sci cringe and facebook sharebait I did not believe was possible.

>> No.12471789
File: 39 KB, 548x618, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you're a physicist? I'm something of scientist myself. Self-taught of course. I just watched a Youtube video called "Nuke the moon" and now feel I am on equal footing to discuss more advanced topics with you. Shall we start with QFT? Let's begin...

>> No.12471808

not science or math

>> No.12471812

>Self-taught of course
the only kind

>> No.12471827

Where do these people get off at the thought of nuking everything? Their channel is starting to look like the manifesto of Dr Strangelove with all the nuking everything.

>> No.12471837

They have a team of data scientists who are charged with figuring out what kind of videos will get them the most likes and shares. Their conclusion is that popsci fanboys love videos about nukes for some reason.

>> No.12472016

We just need to bring oxygen there
That's what elon spaceships are for

>> No.12472026 [DELETED] 

hey man, I will say it one last time, so that you correct your behavior as fast as possible before causing any more disruption to this board and cause a reaction from angry anons that would be totally detrimental to the mentioned youtube channel
this is the fifth or sixth in 3 days
all fields

>> No.12472031

hey man, I will say it one last time, so that you correct your behavior as fast as possible before causing any more disruption to this board and possibly cause a reaction from angry anons that would be totally detrimental to the mentioned youtube channel
this is the fifth or sixth in 3 days
all fields

>> No.12472091

u triggered white boi?

>> No.12472160

>all fields
nigger what

>> No.12472181

Why the racism?

>> No.12472184

I think it could heat up enough to glass the dust there, making it possible to have some good reflections from sun light. Therefore it may be visible.

>> No.12472217

>Why the racism?
Why the progressivism?

>> No.12472238

I wish Isaac Arthur had a better speaking voice. I get that he can't help speaking like that and he's worked on improving how he speaks, but it's really distracting, which is a pity because the content is really good.

>> No.12472402
File: 760 KB, 1980x1400, __konpaku_youmu_reisen_udongein_inaba_inaba_tewi_yagokoro_eirin_and_ghost_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_byeontae_jagga__e57dbe9536b87475d8f592b6b128d885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The start of the Human / Moon Bunny War which results in the genocide of the human race

>> No.12474220

It ricochets,and comes back to earth heading towards OP's mom

>> No.12474917
