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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12464299 No.12464299 [Reply] [Original]

Rational numbers are such bullshit.
I've never seen a rational number in reality.
Like really. Show me half an electron, faggot. Oh you can't? Rationals don't exist, soicucks.
"But wait!!!" you cry out, "HALF AN APPLE EXISTS!!!!".
An apple is a natural number of different elementary particles. If that number of elementary particles is even, then you can halve it, and have two collections of elementary particles with the same (natural) number of particles. If the number of elementary particles is odd, then you can't halve it.

>> No.12464328

You brainlets argue over whether some shit is real or not, of course they are not real and they do not exist. Have you seen any numbers when you look outside from your window? Did a number jumped in front of your car? Do you see any numbers when you look to the sky? Of course not, they do not exist as real objects. They are, however, useful as fuck regardless of their "existence". Also I can cut an apple into two identical parts in my mind and that is all I need. It is obvious that you cannot use your brain to imagine such simple things. If you do not "believe in" rationals because you do not see them in real life, think about this if your tiny ape brain is capable: have you seen your ideas in real life as they occur to you in your brain? Did you bump into your ideas while walking? No. Therefore your ideas do not exist and thus worthless to think about. I know you are trolling but holy fuck, every person on this board is talking about this irrelevant stupid question so there must be someone who really believes this shit.

>> No.12464340

>Also I can cut an apple into two identical parts in my mind and that is all I need.
An apple isn't an elementary particle. It's made up of quadrillions of particles. So you don't have 1/2 and 1/2. you have approximately quadrillions/2 and quadrillions/2.
If I had a magical powerful microscope I could see one electron. But I would never seen half an electron. And I would never seen minus one electron. I may see ONE positron and ONE electron. But an electron is not a negative number of positrons, and a positron is not a negative number of electrons. They both have positive mass

I know this is a difficult concept to understand since you're fresh out of middle school. So don't feel bad about not being able to contribute to the thread, buddy :)

>> No.12464343

+ even if you want to shitpost, get good at it. Every single day there is at least 10 new threads about why 0.99...=/=1 or do reals exist or something. Just shut the fuck up or find something original and funny

>> No.12464345

Don't worry, when you turn 16 or so maybe then you'll finally understand what abstractions are.

>> No.12464348

Something existing is not confined to "some physical thing that I sense with my senses".

>> No.12464350

The primary purpose of math is study the properties of abstract objects (such as numbers) rather than thinking about what they mean/represent.

>> No.12464354
File: 22 KB, 223x226, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The evolution of /sci/:
>Complex numbers arent real
>Real numbers aren't real
>Rational numbers aren't real
What's next?
>Negative integers aren't real
>Zero isn't real
>Natural numbers aren't real
>Commutativity isn't real
>Associativity isn't real
>Set closure isn't real
>Sets aren't real
>Math isn't real
>Reality isn't real
let's keep this going, anons.

>> No.12464360

take your meds schizo

>> No.12464365
File: 400 KB, 800x553, 24430272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take your meds schizo

>> No.12464376

After seeing one positron, cut that shit into half in your mind. There's your 1/2 electron.

>> No.12464382


>> No.12464392
File: 166 KB, 1200x1000, X7fQkrX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had to use a positron just to sound extra smart, didn't you

>> No.12464421

go to any mirror to see a halfwit

>> No.12464423

They are abstraction bro. Imagine you have a big cake. Everytime you cut it in half, you would have to create a new 'system' to describe it like apile of cake made of
>2 small cake
>4 small small cake
>8 smaller small cake
Instead, you can easilycall them 1/n cake

>> No.12464428
File: 39 KB, 453x453, bcfabd9890330f79e593b1f03120ceda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an obvious troll reacting to the posts explaining why the real numbers are not a logically sound theory and why it doesn't work.
OP tries to make the false equivalence between real numbers and rational numbers, he tries to present the argument of people who doubt the real numbers as saying that they don't exist because they're abstract quantities, which is nothing like the actual arguments. The rational numbers are fundamentally distinct from the real numbers, and not just because one is countable and other is not (which is actually a meaningless concept to begin with). The rational numbers can be implemented in the real world, and you can do arithmetic with them. The questions about rational numbers are definite questions. The reals are a fairy tale.
By the way, the people who have complaints about the real numbers are not actually trolling. You can go to the threads yourself and see them rationally explain their position with actual arguments.

>> No.12464439

well trolled, sir. You had me in the first half, ngl.

>> No.12464443

top kek

>> No.12464444

Why do you think I'm a troll? Is there any particular part about my position that you find confusing?

>> No.12464449

what a waste of quads

>> No.12464472
File: 82 KB, 817x570, 1596140466321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun whenever there is a serious physics thread or some math game, but the rest of the time it's all bullshit.

>> No.12464474

>rationals are okay
take your meds you dumb schizo

>> No.12464476

Why wouldn't this work?

>> No.12464480

Magnetic forces do no work

>> No.12464481

It would find a stable state.

>> No.12464485

Not that kind of work

>> No.12464833

Really retard. Of all the objectional numbers that dimwit Platonists think are "real". You have objection on rationals

>> No.12464846

Plato died but left his shit here.

>> No.12465307

Platonism is true you dumb fucking idiot.

>> No.12465325

It could be true that somewhere out there in some Platonic realm there is the set of completed infinity, called aleph null. But what Godel showed us is that we'll never actually be able to appreciate it. Our finite minds are just too limited. So any discussion of what actually happens in the true completed infinite belongs to theology, not mathematics.
I'm actually a Platonist when it comes to natural numbers. I believe that 1,2,3,4, even though they are abstract concepts, they're real things that we can use, interact with and understand. However, the concept of completed infinite is nothing but a fuzzy dream.

>> No.12465345

OP is a Platonist attempting to parody finitists. He thinks rational numbers and reals are equally real because they're both abstract concepts. i.e. OP is a retard

>> No.12466848

Do you fkn believe in God too.

>> No.12466892


>> No.12466898

take your meds

>> No.12467180


Found this due to an irrational constant

>> No.12467209

By that logic dragons exist

>> No.12467289

anon, the what's next part is already our board. There are threads about negative numbers, zero and ZFC on a weekly basis and we have a thread on associativity up right now as I'm typing this >>12464512

>> No.12467369

(((negative numbers))) are schizo nonsense.

>> No.12467652

If any of you fuckers call me a schizo in class because I use real to compute an eigenvalue or some shit I will beat the shit out of you.