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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 87 KB, 720x900, EovZGUNW8AMjYE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12464245 No.12464245 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is literally unrefutable.

>> No.12464254

Half of these men should not be within 10 miles of positions of power

>> No.12464257

Only one respectable is the guy in the top right for being a science guy on tv to educate the masses and the guy on the bottom left for being a rationalist.

>> No.12464259

Stop being a retard who thinks being good in one field AUTOMATICALLY means you're good in literally every other field.

>> No.12464269
File: 969 KB, 1097x800, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 12.23.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could go wrong?

>> No.12464271

Imagine a world ruled by Donald Trump

>> No.12464276

Don't tell me you fell for my redit tier troll? Of course I wouldn't want any of these guys near power. They should all be locked in cages to do SCIENCE until their last days on earth and never speak on topics they have no relation to

>> No.12464277

how well does Trump compare against Henry the 8th?

>> No.12464327

>rabid zionist

nobody who shills for israel is a rationalist.

>> No.12464346

scientists are equally sleazy and even more egoistic even the good ones

>> No.12464363

Allah akbar

>> No.12464385

If man were to be ruled by rational people, evolution would have intended the ignorant masses to be more rational. So no. That's just wishful thinking.

>> No.12464393

Can someone explsin who these guys are exactly? I only recognize three.

>> No.12464405

People are rational in social scenarios. It's only when they're isolated that we revert to our worst behaviors.

>> No.12464414

Evolution doesn't intend anything, nor is it perfect. Surpass nature.

>> No.12464425

The world is secretly ruled by scientists. Too bad most of those scientists are shit who care about hierarchy much more than about the truth.

>> No.12464451

>michio Kaku
>Neil black science man" degrasse tyson
>Sam "lol atheism" Harris

>> No.12464471

>implying hierarchy isn't important
Freedom is the opiate of the masses.

>> No.12464478

Dawkins has proven himself an ideologue with no grip on reality anymore when it comes to social issues.

>> No.12464488


>> No.12464492

where are the scientists in that pic?

>> No.12464498

fatter dumber crazier

>> No.12464508

Important for what?

>> No.12464514


>> No.12464539

Lawrence Krauss is a sex offender

>> No.12464540

Politics should be scientific, but that doens't mean any scientist could be a politician.
As for scientific politics, i think the best solution would be to create a few test habitats where you test out theoretical policies and study the negative or positive effects on those populations a few years to see if it makes sense to implement them longterm for everyone or not. So instead of having just politicians go "no u" in an infinite loop as they do favors for donators, you would have real numbers to prove if a policy is actually better or worse.

>> No.12464580

>Important for what?
Important for power, civilization, and useful progress.

>> No.12464610


>> No.12464681

i need daddy tv science men to imagine that world for me.

oh wow its beautiful, orange man bad

>> No.12464746

>Lawrence Krauss
Too handsy

>Michio Kaku
String theorist. 'nuff said

>Black Science Man (TM)
Hasn't done anything amazing, not sure he's even done any serious rigorous astronomy. Just a pundit that has done what 100 science pundits have dome before him

>Richard Dawkins
Literally does not understand kin or group selections.

>Sam Harris
Like Black Science Man (TM) but white. Writes like an undergrad.

>Leonard Suskind
Best of the lot. But he literally does not give a crap about politics.

>> No.12464750

People with brown eyes have no soul.

Subjugation is the essence of civilization. And thats a good thing.

>> No.12464796

Literally the opposite

>> No.12464842

Have brown eyes and no soul

>> No.12464848

As are 90% of politicians, including American presidential nominee Joe Biden

>> No.12464849


>> No.12465013

Michio Kaku is the Asian version of Neil deGrasse Tyson.

>> No.12465113
File: 36 KB, 1200x1200, 1607807935190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Susskind there

>> No.12465117

it literally is because it literally doesn't make a claim to be refuted

>> No.12465137

you ever worked at any scientific institution? Do you realize how bad are real scientist at running organizations? Do you want to be ruled by easily bullied autistis with negative social skills?

>> No.12465175

I'm taking kaku's course at ccny and he's literally conspiracy tier shit. One of his lectures contained talk about lizard brain crap literally

>> No.12465186

You realise that gender studies proffessors will be made the technocrats with all the power far sooner than physicists or biologists will be, right?

>> No.12465198

Do you mean irrefutable you goddamn retard?

>> No.12465219

Imagine a world run by people with strong financial and social economic backgrounds.

>> No.12465221

I read all of them. I'm so smart now...

>> No.12465228

Weird bunch people to group together.

>> No.12465322

to all of the people who do not know who bottom right is: pls leave this board forever

>> No.12465326

Dawkins is good too, if you read his earlier books.

>> No.12465335

something about religion makes people go a bit mad, look what happened to Newton

>> No.12465340


>> No.12465365

I would argue the opposite. The only people who don’t support Israel are neo-nazi sub-humans, SJWs, and radical Muslims. One could argue there is no type of human more likely to be lowlife stupid vermin than a person who dislikes israel. You yourself are guaranteed to be from /pol/, which is literally the lowest IQ cult in modern history.

>> No.12465392 [DELETED] 

wdym black

>> No.12465393

Hello shlomo, how many Palestinian children you bulldozered today?

>> No.12465400

wdym black

>> No.12465408

It’s bulldozed. Thanks for filling in the last 1% of doubt that you’re a muslim or white trailer trash /pol/ rat kek

>> No.12466293

But if they stopped doing science to rule the world, theyd be politicians. So wed still be ruled by politicians

>> No.12466307

What's in there to refute?

>> No.12466322

Sounds pretty based to me

>> No.12466341

If this is how we define science we are better off living in a world where this is not true.

>> No.12466387

it'd be nice to see our institutions balanced out with community representatives, industry representatives, and representatives of certain fields of wisdom

but it's mostly lawyers and economists because they're just there to swindle perception and bend words

>> No.12466398

Sounds fun lmao. Guy's got some funk

>> No.12466407

They're the most power-hungry and controlling people ever. It would suck.

>> No.12466427

Unironically technocracies are a good thing
In soviet russia 89% of the Politburo were engineers and russia went from a nation of mainly subsistence farmers to the second most powerful nation in the world.
The CCP was also dominated by people of a STEM background and China had similarly remarkable social changes
It works

>> No.12466445

Kaku and Lenny are the only based people on this list.

>> No.12466469

>Leonard Suskind
He's the only one who has made significant contribuitions to science in pic related.
He isn´t a charlatan or a an annoying ummactually retard like black science man or a fucking crackhead like kaku.

Arguably he's the only one who could be called a scientist there.

>> No.12467020

>His position is bad
>Current position is bad
Yes, they are both horrible systems of government.

>> No.12467029

Depends if women have a hand in choosing the leaders

>> No.12467032

Both are valid.

>> No.12467178

>The only respectable one is these two guys

>> No.12467196

It depends on your definition of "scientists".
Science divulgators should be less eligible.
Imagine Bill Nye in a position of power lmao.
everyone singing the vagoo song while he burns Earth models to inflict CO2 guilt

>> No.12467201

the problem is always the same... a distinction must be made between scientists and (((scientists)))

>> No.12467264

the problem is that people accept that the world should be ruled at all.

>> No.12467405

Better than former reality tv show hosts.

>> No.12467460
File: 22 KB, 399x399, 06CB8A6D-F9F2-491A-90B8-121F05E9DD65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re not chad enough to get the job done. We’ve already got a technocratic oligarch masquerading his despotism with a veneer if scientific expertise, but thanks anyway.

>> No.12467617

>If you don't support Israel you're stupid

>> No.12467651


I think you're missing the point
Why do you think politician is a career in the first place? Because nobody else wants to do it
Politics is a classic catch 22 and self fulfilling prophecy
The only people who want to be politicians are people you shouldn't want being politicians

>> No.12467657

How do you not know who Leonard Susskind is? He has made big contributions to physics.

>> No.12467659

Only one based guy: Leonard Susskind

>> No.12467697


>> No.12467717

Kaku did actual research.
You don't respect Lenny?

>> No.12468560


>> No.12469670
File: 490 KB, 220x166, ndt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not sure he's even done any serious rigorous astronomy.
Literal PhD in astrophysics: