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12460373 No.12460373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this happening, and what can we do to reverse it?
/pol/chuds fuck off please.

>> No.12460378

i blame social media

>> No.12460390

>why is this happening?
>if you give the correct answer you are a /pol/chud

It's literally because of the brown hordes.

>> No.12460399

also this

>> No.12460403

its well documented that IQ is inherited, normally human offspring gets just the average IQ of both parents, so maybe there's a selection pressure against intelligent individuals having partners with partners with same level same intelligence or maybe intelligent people are not having children, its known that high IQ is correlated with lower birth rates.

>> No.12460414

The more social humans are the less they need individual intelligence. We are under evolutionary pressure that selects for social extroverts that can rely on buddies to help each other with life's problems.

>> No.12460415

literally immigration + feminism retard, yes I have read academic peer-reviewed papers and these sate what I said

(feminism meaning more intelligent women having fewer children)

>> No.12460418

Also been this way since the neanderthal days. We have lost about 300 cc of brain matter since the peak. Cavemen had to be smart to survive in the wild alone or in tiny gangs.

>> No.12460428

Extremely based, I can't wait to witness the death of the western world by self cannibalization, you've oppressed the rest of the world for too long. This thread will probably not last very long after this post.

>> No.12460451

>I can't wait to witness the death of the western world by self cannibalization
Actually at this rate third world countries will be the first ones die because they absorbed current western belief system without financing or military power to keep their sistems working, China is the sole big country ready for eugenics and genetic augmentation so their future is probably a lot brighter than the rest of human civilization.

>> No.12460456
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Well let's see here, we have: mothers not breastfeeding enough; reliance on fast-food because both parents need to work to avoid poverty; micro-plastics in even healthy foods; air pollution if you're near the city; erosion of the nuclear family contributing to excess levels of cortisol; 24/7 access to internet including pornography; government welfare, which enables low IQ women to have children; the existence of charter schools; and much more.

I used to be a big supporter of government intervention programs like welfare and UBI, but upon learning that many immigrants will abuse it and have 4 or 5 children in the process, I became very cynical towards the idea of it. Also, I hate that most of my peers believe the government should teach basic skills like survival and cooking in schools. Your parents should be the ones that do that for you.

>> No.12460465


>> No.12460534

They didn't absorb it fully. Plus they only seem to do it because they're being bullied by the west. Now the west is slowly killing itself off by strengthening China and importing loads of 3td worlders who don't want to assimilate. What do you think will happen when there's a significant population of these people. They will make it impossible for the west to stop immigration which will create an avalanche of 3rd world to west immigration sounding the final death knell to white dominance. By then China will already be the global power.

>> No.12460548

>and what can we do to reverse it?
edditing the human germ line

>> No.12460552

>bring manufacturing jobs here
>stop exporting energy to china
>invest in green technology
problem solved

>> No.12460559

>/pol/chuds fuck off please.
the only answers that will work you will scare you so you'll dismiss them as /pol/

>> No.12460569

It's a non-issue. The idea that IQ in developed nations is "dropping" is based on a misunderstanding of IQ as a metric. By definition, the average IQ is 100. If there's a huge split between developed nations and third world nations, then the developed nations will appear to have higher than average IQ. As third world nations slowly improve because of better technology and infrastructure, everyone else is pushed down towards the mean of 100.

>> No.12460573

>sounding the final death knell to white dominance. By then China will already be the global power.
Don't count them out just yet, in the lower IQ landscape whites will still carve out new powerbases

>> No.12460578

Yes good luck convincing lazy whites to work for the same salary as 3rd worlders. Your unions will choke out any manufacturing or tech jobs left. And the funny thing about this is that different states have different laws about this retarded practice.

>> No.12460582
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Cell phones is causing people attention spans to drop.

Also brown people.

>> No.12460623
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A multitude of reasons, maybe try reading some Khaldun, Debord, Leibniz, Spengler, Lenin, Newton and Linkola before you ask obvious questions where you only want to be fed a garbage answer to confirm a belief that was already fed to you by the public schooling system.
Also get better at algebra.

>> No.12460632

Atrocious nutrition. Copper deficiency makes people retarded, iron is neurotoxic. Manganese and chromium are necessary for glucose metabolism, so their deficiency will cause brain fog on that alone, either way they their lack does lead to neurological symptoms in total parenteral nutrition.

>> No.12460639

Also too much salt has recently been shown to cause brain damage and western food is salty AF.

>> No.12460651

>If you were so smart, you would pretend to be retarded

>> No.12460653

Read the article, low-IQ brainlet. Don't ask people who haven't read the article either for their shit takes.

>> No.12460671


>> No.12460685

CO2 concentrations are rising and CO2 is known to impair judgement

>> No.12460762

>Why is this happening?
Well, there could be several reasons.
1. Lower IQ..."import".
2. Smart people being aware of their surroundings and breeding less than dumb people (the idiocracy scenario, but less fun)
3. Constant stimulation exhausting the brains of everyone (60 hour weeks, screens everywhere, light pollution, noise pollution, etc.)
4. Raised toxicity of the consumables and environment (exhaust gas, all sorts of crap put in the food, chemicals in the water, accidental contaminations with heavy metals, etc.)
5. Lack of any reward for being intelligent (Yea Einstein, you go improve your future and work 100 hrs a week at your business, while Earl and Cletus over there are getting shitfaced with booze bought by the subsidies that got taken from your taxes).
>What can we do to reverse it?
Not much. As toxic as this environment is, we rely on it. You could, say, ban gas cars. But then you'd have an entire country unable to go to work or to go purchase what they need. You could close McDonalds, KFC and other fast food diners, but then you'd have thousands of unemployed people that can't find work elsewhere, and a whole bunch of people that relied on that food to survive (not to mention the money from the taxes these giants pay, which will stop coming once you close their businesses).
I guess nature will just follow its course. Humanity will devolve until it reaches such high levels of stupidity that it's unable to operate in the system they are, we'll have a second medieval era. Then we'll have another prosperous era, and another "dark ages", and another prosperous era, and so on.

>> No.12460800



>> No.12460809

You forgot psychopharmaceuticals, who greatly decrease the exchange of ideal intelligence models which would in turn have an impact on making the world more utopic, or cerebral.

Believe it or not, but the drug abusing einstein would probably have been institutionalized in his annum mirabilis at this day and age.

>> No.12460833
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Makes your think...

>> No.12460852

if that makes you 'think' then you're a pretty retarded low res turdagon and ready for the incinerator.

>> No.12460860

It's a world of problems mentioned in the thread, including immigration importation, but the solution is to create your own little bubble and work towards building the walls around what you will call your loved ones and your home. The only way to change it on a mass scale is to use the authoritative government agency that Western nations have given to its federal powers. Unlikely, and so you must worry about yourself and those you care about - let the brown rot and the toxic environment surrounding you go, head for clearer pastures.

>> No.12460903
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brainlet take. Yes, the average IQ will remain 100, but objective performance within first-world nations is decreasing.

>> No.12460933



>> No.12460951

>objective performance within first-world nations is decreasing
Genuinely curious, do you have a source for that?

>> No.12460959

Utter retard. Do you also think that McDonald’s employees today have a higher purchasing power than those in the 60s?

>> No.12460963

>Unchecked migration from genetically low IQ races and nations, some who never invented a wheel or two story building.

>> No.12460967

Seems irrelevant, but no.

>> No.12460974

At the same time there's more geniuses than ever before. Just look at how much harder every K-12 math/science olympiad got in the last 20 years. It's all Asians in Massachusetts and the Bay Area though

>> No.12460993

Except we’re not basing the nominal decrease in average IQ on the increasing IQ scores of third world populations; 18 year olds in Norway are doing worse on fluid IQ tests than their older cohorts.

>> No.12461061


>> No.12461070

Intelligent people having fewer children + migration from less intelligent countries

>> No.12461081

>demographics in all developed countries are shifting towards 80IQ immigrants
>IQ rates drop
I'm shocked

>> No.12461097

pls do provide said papers

>> No.12461103
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>> No.12461198

It's environmental, ie;
>lead poisoning from fuels (pb) and in fish
>plastics seeped into every square cm of the globe, increasing inflammation in every part of the body including the brain
>heavy metals and toxic shit like teflon everywhere
>almost all food packaging in US and some in EU likewise seeping plastics that act on the hormonal system
>radioactive metals (which do more damage through toxicity than even from radiation) from radioactive brine, a mass byproduct of fossil fuels and fracking which is spread on fucking roads throughout the US as de-icing and basically lots of people get exposed to it
>exposing kids to predatory social media designed to be as "retentive" as possible ie addictive so that they consider sign value to be more important than reality
>pesticides that cross the blood-brain barrier ditto
>air pollution from diesel, fuels, fires etc.
>mercury poisoning from gold mining
One or two of these might've been insignificant.

>> No.12461211

Is there any way to avoid this at all? Could I buy a plot of land up north and become self sufficient?

>> No.12461220

cancel all child supports for low income families, and pay wealthy highly educated people such as Phd students to reproduce.

pay PhD students to donate gametes to lower classes.

eventually the genes of highly educated people will increase intelligence in society

>> No.12461227

the simple but true and definitive answer... look at the evolution of IQ in France in the last 50 years.

>> No.12461229

Its literally idiocracy.

>> No.12461234

Brain size is not the only variable that dictates inteligence.

>> No.12461244

that movie was a prophecy

>> No.12461266

We're importing 3rd worlders with poor education into our country. Of course our IQ rates our dropping. It'll stabilize eventually.

>> No.12461270


Go ahead retards. Prove this wrong.

>> No.12461285

>It'll stabilize eventually.
yes at 80 IQ with arabs and 70 IQ with africans.

>> No.12461344

Dysgenic trends caused by mass immigration and giving women equal right+education. You think its bad now, strap on your seatbelt because in just a few decades hordes of retards will absolutly crash modern civilization

>> No.12461355

Environmental contaminants. Air pollution, dioxins, heavy metals, xenoestrogens, endocrine disruptors.

>> No.12461371

If you have to ask, then the answer is no

>> No.12461381

People got dumber. Neanderthals were smarter than homo sapiens. Modern humans are losing brain matter and intelligence because they dont need it.

>> No.12461488

The fact that you said pol/chuds fuck off feels like you knew the answer but didnt want it to be so.

>> No.12461561

>Humanity will devolve until it reaches such high levels of stupidity that it's unable to operate in the system they are
Humanity will not improve until harsh malthusian selection comes inti firce again

>> No.12461571

secular declines are still happening in asia

>> No.12461576

It has been dropping non stop for 100.000 years.

>> No.12461580

Anon...It was already a documentary when it was released

>> No.12461590

>elite jewish couple and doctors
>white trash
it is sad that he had to frame it this way in order for the film to even get funded

>> No.12461592

one hundred thousand years?

>> No.12461603
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>> No.12461616

Peak homo sapiens had extra 300 cc of brain. Turns out humans get smarter as a social group than as smart individuals. More social=More adapted, less innovative.

>> No.12461625

Do you have any proof to back this up at all?

>> No.12461635


>> No.12461638


>> No.12461676


>> No.12461780

So why are african skulls so small?

>> No.12461963

I want the answer which I already know but i don't want to hear it since it's being used by internet not zees

>> No.12462007
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This image was made for you, OP.

>> No.12462015

They are the asymptote. The great equalizer.

>> No.12462072

Anon you replied to, yes of course there's ways of avoiding it and/or minimizing it, disregard >>12461371 but some like plastics are pretty much ubiquitous to the point that you breathe them in every second and drink them with every glass, some are easy af like don't use teflon pans/fryers etc. (carbon steel has better nonstick and flavor after burning them and easier to clean and more energy-efficient in so that's an easy one). Don't drink hot liquids from paper and plastic cups (paper cups also have plastic coating) etc. etc. etc. just be a bit mindful and you should be (relatively) fine. Relative to what any person should feasibly do to mitigate it and what is pretty much unavoidable brain damage (for example air pollution).

>> No.12462080
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>> No.12462091
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The simple answer is Jewishness. Such an answer is the foundation of most societal problems, but particularly IQ. The mass immigration of genetically and culturally inferior people, as well as the (((social media))) and (((Hollywood))) influencing the population to indulge in vapid behaviours till exhaustion. Additionally, as one anon already said, feminism coercing intelligent women into working professional jobs and missing out on their breeding years.

>> No.12462099

kek, based

>> No.12462120

>/pol/chuds fuck off please

So you already know the answer, but want someone to validate your feelings instead. Why are liberals so fucking infantile?

>> No.12462146
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>> No.12462346

Ban immigration and deport all illegals.
Give grants to families to have children.
Have a meritocratic educational system, giving grants to schools with strong graduation rates, low student-to-teacher ratios, post-grad successes in the workforce and higher education, and especially schools with strong STEM (or similar informal) related programs. Have a similar program for the healthcare system.
Do an audit of all consumer products to remove anything detrimental to the development of our brains.
Legalise mind-enhancing drugs entirely and put additional restrictions on alcohol and marijuana.
There are a million other ways that we can do it, these are just some baseline ideas.

>> No.12462358

Also I forgot: no Common Core

>> No.12462368

Predicted and explained this decades ago.

>> No.12462369
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Forgot pic

>> No.12462410

1. water+food
2. extreme resource inequality
3. stagnation
4. extremely objective cultures
5. working for rich rather than working for self/self-group.

extreme tribalism creates dysgenic environments
they're not good sportsmen
it's in their interest to stifle competition

>> No.12462413

IQ had to develop at some point...

>> No.12462548

Not 100%, but you could get most of the way there. Don’t be east of a city. No conventional building materials or clothes. Filter your water, grow most of your food.

>> No.12462570

>you read one peter zeihan book

>> No.12463619

>if you have a solution fuck off
Well ok then.

>> No.12463641
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ban smartphones and tablets for people below 18 or 21

>> No.12463649

oh yeah ban instagram and facebook an the lot too

>> No.12463843

Average IQ in the west was only like 70 back in 1930. It's just return to tradition.

>> No.12463927

Africa will replace America for China's goods. It's larger, more populous and easier to manipulate. South America too. Meanwhile the immigrants from those two continents will continue flooding the west, making it easy for their families to do so and so on and so forth. Before you know it, whites will be minorities. The funny thing is that, China now is not even a threat compared to the libtards that will help the west cannibalize itself. If you retards had any sense, you would kill them off before they destroy your civilization. It would be really poetic to see western hegemony eat itself up. It would be like you guys weren't really all that smart enough almost like how this board tries to cope with racializing everything.

>> No.12464040

Unfortunately the most likely and parsimonious answer. Why would it be dropping in western Europe and not Asia otherwise ?

>> No.12464202

>Average IQ in the west was only like 70 back in 1930.
What sort of garbage is this based on?

>> No.12464210
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>> No.12464213

The flynn effect does not act on G. it's to do with trained abstract thinking.

>> No.12464232
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>(((globalism))) spent decades flooding the Western world with low iq 3rd worlders

Gee, hopefully someday the big brains could solve this mystery!

>> No.12464236

Kalergi plan to turn europe into a mutt race with an average iq of 85

>> No.12464237


>> No.12464241

I think it would be interesting for a European country to have an IQ test, where they would lower the taxes on families with children, the higher their IQ.

>> No.12464255
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>mind-enhancing drugs


>> No.12464258

what if you made it so the smarter you are the easier it is to get out of paying taxes?

>> No.12464264

Yeah, that's what I meant. Tax breaks for the smart, as long as they have children.

>> No.12464270


>> No.12464329
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>> No.12464359
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>/pol/chuds fuck off please

>> No.12464618

Even if all immgration stopped and all non-whites were deported western IQ would still decline because white people with high IQs simply aren't having enough kids to replace themselves. The only white people who are having kids anywhere near replacement rate are the low IQ retards on welfare.

>> No.12464639

higher education is extremely dysgenic for women.

>> No.12464666

you have to be actually retarded to think this. 100 is the reference point, it is the average of a specific group at a specific time. the average intelligence in another group will be different and if you compare the two groups with the first group as reference then the second group won't have an average of 100.

>> No.12464695

He's not wrong though

>> No.12464851

is it possible for medium iq two parents have a children with high iq?

>> No.12464860

Yes. it's a lottery which genes you get after all.

>> No.12464864
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Gotta love the scientific rigor in display here with a whole two sources itt. One a youtube video and the other from the discovery magazine. And people base their entire philosophical/political standpoints around this. Amazing

>> No.12464906

can ypu give more information about this?

>> No.12464907

IQ is gaussian distributed with parameters 100, 15. You all are fucking retarded. If someone loses points, someone else takes them.

>> No.12464938

smart girl - most fertile years spent sitting exams or wage slaving to pay off the debt from her degree
dumber girl - already has several kids before the other graduates

>> No.12464976
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you been jewdified negro

>> No.12464980
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>/pol/chuds fuck off please

>> No.12464986

It was always a documentary, also more of a utopia than the reality, at least somone was able to implement a reliable enough AI to maintain things

>> No.12464994

human productivity is increasing 100x every generation. Nice try retarded poldoomers.

>> No.12465005


>Have a meritocratic educational system, giving grants to schools with strong graduation rates, low student-to-teacher ratios, post-grad successes in the workforce and higher education, and especially schools with strong STEM (or similar informal) related programs. Have a similar program for the healthcare system.

Literally meaningless for the subject matter. IQ cannot be enhanced through education, you are either born with it or not.

>> No.12465007


>> No.12465009

>misses a very specific reference then spouts off a false narrative as fact while talking shit about what other people base their opinions on >>12464329
many such cases SAD!

>> No.12465012

see this big boy who know about normal means and deviations

>> No.12465014

This is a good thing. People with higher !Qs constantly are depressed doomers who mope constantly. A lower IQ populace would be less depressed.

>> No.12465021

>have high numbers
>mix in low numbers
>average value is reduced
if you think this needs a source you should leave and never come back

>> No.12465028

>human ability to destroy the planet is increasing 100x every generation

>> No.12465033


>> No.12465042
File: 751 KB, 1523x2048, 1603530825898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a genuinely not a racist, or even a conservative, but I think you guys are both right. It's a combination of mass immigration and the fact that wealthy, intelligent, educated people are having less kids.

I don't support constructing ethnostates, nor do I support involuntary eugenics, but I think we should tightly restrict immigration to just legitimate women and children refugees fleeing war, and we should help improve third world countries by limiting brain-drain and encouraging self-sufficiency and worker rights, as well as sustainable local production and consumption throughout the world. I also think we should institute voluntary programs that incentivize people with social, behavioral, and cognitive impairments to undergo sterilization in exchange for a small amount of free income. At the same time, we should offer monetary incentives to encourage highly intelligent individuals to reproduce. Finally, we should cautiously and slowly investigate genetic engineering in search of ways to improve human intelligence, appearance, and athletic performance.

>> No.12465047

I don't usually consider a gif of a website a reliable source. Sorry I didn't see "Negrified America" which I'm sure is a fair and balanced review of this concept as well as an uncited abstract

>Genetics is the same as basic algebra
Maybe you are right if there are a significant number of people who honestly believe that to be true.

>> No.12465048

Our societies have become so functional and ergonomic that you don't need as much intelligence to get by. IQ is atrophying.
Internet and smartphones have become a substitute for memory/understanding.

It's like giving everyone an exoskeleton muscle suit at birth then wondering why their bone density and muscle mass are so low.

There's also the distraction aspect of the technology.

>> No.12465052

>I'm not a conservative but think these conservative views are correct

>> No.12465063

>>Genetics is the same as basic algebra
If you think an IQ score is the same as "genetics" then you win dumbest post in this thread so far

>> No.12465065

wait I thought "believing" in IQ at all was racist and made you a "polchud". why can't leftard trannies come up with some consistency in their ideological framework other than worshipping brown people and talking shit about white people? This is probably a major contributing factor of lower IQ scores and I stress SCORES. leftard trannies probably often times refuse to give the correct answer to any problem because it is rayciss and "problematic"

kek morons

>> No.12465080

>sorry I said something untrue and STILL havent checked the source but watch as I continue to act like a pretentious fucking faggot
stfu n*gger you aren't smart, you aren't talented, you aren't above anyone else, you are just as moronic as the rest of the fucking retards on this board that called everyone pol and schizo and x who have been telling you massively retarded fucking faggots for years all of this shit is being purposefully engineered

>> No.12465105
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>implying everyone falls precisely and exactly into a specific pre-defined ideological category
>implying a leftist or a liberal is not allowed to agree with non-leftists on any issues whatsoever

All of the policies I've suggested have actually been supported by leftist scholars. The Neo-liberal corporatist wing of the left has largely monopolized public discourse on these issues in recent years and completely marginalized anti-establishment voice on the left that oppose globalization, free trade, and identity politics, but everything I have said has been and still is supported within certain segments of the left. If you are unaware of these voices and positions on the left, then it's either because you are a Zoomer or you get all of you news and political opinions from mainstream, corporate sources like Twitter, Facebook, Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC.
In fact, the left used to lead the discussion against globalization, centralization, and free trade. They used to talk about the WTO, the GATT, NATO, and TPP. They used to talk about the mainstream media and public disinformation. They used to talk about outsourcing, brain drain, and international workers right, and they used to criticize foreign aid and nation-building for being "paternalistic". Left wing activists literally held anti-globalization protests in Seattle and Portland. The in the early 2010s this all started to change. OWS in 2011-2012 was probably the last point in time when these sorts of conversations were occurring within leftist political spheres. Neoliberalism had been around for a while, but it wasn't until about 2013, when neoliberal voices on social media and within academia finally succeeded in ostracizing and marginalizing the leftist anti-globalization movement.

>> No.12465115

All the incredibly intelligent people I know are smarter than both their parents combined, so let's not even talk about the average.
Correlation =/= causation, and educated people also educate their children, so the midwit IQ (between 100 to 110) is easy to maintain cross generationally with environmental factors.

>> No.12465119
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>conservatives breath air
>air bad
please stop breathing and do the world a favor and show us all the power of your convictions and your commitment to social justice

>> No.12465126

>Add a high and a low number get the average
Unless they are talking about how high IQ teachers are able to make dumb students smarter the poster I was talking to was referring to genetics. Just like the negrification poster. IQ score is even less reliable than genetics though so you do have that right.

I did. It doesn't have citations either except an abstract ar the end with no reference to where it came from. A blog post without citations is about as trust worthy to me as a 4chan post without citations or some physical proof. If you genuinely believe that to be an acceptable source to use in a discussion you will only ever discuss things with people who agree with you.

>> No.12465130


>> No.12465146

>IQ is gaussian
You meant IQ is assumed to be gaussian
But it might br a good fit (I'm not an expert)

>> No.12465147
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he is a retarded fucking corporate nuleft tard whose political positions are based on w/e is the opposite the multi billion dollar corporations tell him is "far right", which means anything that goes against their interests

>> No.12465149
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Not the same anon, and I am not a globalist cuck, but there is some truth to this. I read this paper a few months ago called The Evolution of Innovation-Enhancing Institutions by the evolutionary anthropologist Joseph Henrich.


However, there is also evidence that a certain level of cultural homogeneity and a common epistemological framework are necessary to achieve technological innovation and dissemination of new ideas.

>> No.12465161

Oh wait, do you mean to say that opion pieces from people that have no evidence count as a viable evidence? Cause I got a lot of tweets from people who disagree with everything if that's what you want, even people more famous than Jung.

>> No.12465181


>> No.12465196

I'm smart because I wear glasses, use Linux and read /sci/.

>> No.12465217

>blog post
It was written by Julius fucking Evola you goddamn retard it says it right there at the top in a different color font and everything so goddamn retards eyes can be drawn to it and has numerous citations under NOTES and counter current is not a blog you fucking donkey

>> No.12465239

if you agree with conservative views then you are conservative whether you like it or not.

>> No.12465246

Why does America have such a fucked up idea of what words mean? their liberals are the most dogmatic and closed minded

>> No.12465254

I'm european and I'm right wing. why the fuck do you assume I'm some leftard?

>> No.12465258

And yet it still lacks any real data.

Cool, a guy who admired Himmler wrote it. Want a tweet from one of the top physicists in the world saying BLM? What do you mean an appeal to authority is retarded?

The "citation" under notes is the source of the essay. Beneath that is an uncited abstract. Really quite numerous.

>> No.12465267

I don't I just find it strange that terms in america seem so warped

>> No.12465276

Dumbfuck breeds of human like blacks and indians are the majority of Earth so Earth's average IQ would be low.

>> No.12465298

>using excel vs abacus = destroying planet
no i dont think so

>> No.12465331

this. its undeniably a factor and likely the biggest if not only factor. people from brown shitholes score very poorly on IQ tests. It doesn't matter if the IQ test is good or not since we are trying to explain the decline in IQ, not necessarily intelligence. Moving to a white country won't magically make you score like a white person. We started importing them en masse. of course they are going to bring the average down in white countries. I feel bad for europoors.

>> No.12465339

Import the third world, become the third world.

>> No.12465414

High IQ is called psychosis.

>> No.12465439

It's been said plenty of time. Race has something to do with it, but it doesn't help that the upward march of technology does all the thinking for us. Future generations will be extremely gimped from having this technological crutch.