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File: 13 KB, 201x251, Future_POTUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12448160 No.12448160 [Reply] [Original]

Jonny Kim edition
Previous >>12445623
NROL-44 mission soon

>> No.12448173
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, amazing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is so cool

>> No.12448177

I hope they're starting to make the Jonny Kim documentary now

>> No.12448192


That is majestic. What a gracefull descent and smooth transition from horizontal to vertical! I am glad that I've got to watch it live and witness history in the making.

>> No.12448199

It's almost menacing as it approaches the viewer. Intimidating.

>> No.12448220
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So what are the plans for landing this on mars? Will the skydiving move still be useful with such a small atmosphere?

>> No.12448227

the skydiving is mandatory on mars. They need as much surface area as possible to eat up as much speed as possible. Engines will do the rest of the work at the end.

>> No.12448234

what the FUCK. I thought this was in slow-mo but I checked with a timer and this video is actually in real-time. I guess my stupid monkey brain can't parse a 15-story tall building falling so it thinks its moving slower than it is

>> No.12448243

Yes. They need heatshields to absorb the long glide/slowdown on mars/earth(leo). The atmospheric drag will absorb ~90% of the energy and then the final 10% or so will be resolved by the same engine maneuver. Light 2-3 of engine to reach close to net zero, then shutdown one, the use the final engine to land slowly.

>> No.12448247

It’s falling about 100m/s

>> No.12448248
File: 98 KB, 320x376, HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship big

>> No.12448249

It did occur to me - why not build a huge concrete water tank underneath the landing pad, then have a breakable layer that gives way with excess weight: hard landing equals a drop into the water tank, thus saving the vehicle from RUD.

>> No.12448251

it's also the exposure looks like high speed footage

>> No.12448255

Because you won’t have that on Mars

>> No.12448258
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>> No.12448265

The landing reminded me of that spongebob episode where he falls off a cliff after snowboarding and lands on his ass, leaving his lower body in a million tiny pieces

>> No.12448275

Anyone have an animated kerbal HUD version yet?

>> No.12448278


>> No.12448280

I hate being reminded that KSP 2 got pushed back to 2022

>> No.12448290
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>Starship lands on mars before KSP 2 launches

>> No.12448302

got people walking around on site now

>> No.12448303

>>Starship lands on mars before KSP 2 launches
How? The next mars launch windows aren't until September 2022.

>> No.12448316

I want a piece of SN8 scrap.

>> No.12448328
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>be rocket engineer

Work for national agency
>paid to develop a manned flag planting mission
>only allowed to upgrade 80yrs oldspace design
>no unproven technology allowed to be tested
>every 4yrs your budget and design goal reset
>do critical R&D side-project that will never be used

Work for private company
>paid to fucking colonize mars
>free hand to try any feasible new concept
>no uncool technology allowed to be tested
>subsidies money keep coming no matter what
>get all critical R&D for free from national agency

>> No.12448330
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From another thread >>12446662
>raptor is very briefly the world's only full-flow staged combustion hybrid liquid+solid tripropellant methaloxcu engine with a dual ablative and regenerative nozzle

>> No.12448347

Falcon 9 already lands on a boat on water, how does it go when it fails?
Or you land well or you don't, there is no safety net here.

>> No.12448353
File: 49 KB, 752x526, whoopsie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that shortly before the SN8 hop news was dropped about SLS failing it's wet-dress-rehearsal for a test-fire which is meant to simulate a launch. A government funded company can't even do a mockup of a mockup while some startup company aided by a guy who smokes pot is building flipping rockets. Oldspace is dust

>> No.12448354
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>NASA Scientists Plan To Approach Girl By 2018
As usual they are years behind schedule lol

>> No.12448356

They better put the top of SN8 in a museum

>> No.12448361

Why does it seem like more marine pilots get selected by NASA than any other branch? The Artemis crew has two and the falcon 9 test flight to iss had 1. Just wonderjng if anyone had some insight on this. I applied to become a marine pilot when I graduate with a bs in math this year in hopes of becoming a test pilot later.

>> No.12448373

This is just me spitballing but I'd guess it'd have to do with the really high amount of flight time they get in, and the complicated nature of carrier ops. Pilots on carriers are probably defacto some of the best any particular nation can yield because of how ridiculously complex, dangerous, and routine it all is.

>> No.12448378

Anyone have a link to the full launch/landing attempt that I can download? I can stream it from various places, but I want a hard copy to keep.

>> No.12448383

Looking through Twitter yesterday. Noticed that anyone with a furry profile picture was against elon and for govt oldspace.

>> No.12448393

honestly I was impressed with the amount of people who were inspired by it and knew that it was a success. Way more than in the past with high profile RUDs. Obviously MSM wants those explosion vid clicks and a handful of salty socialists hate Elon on principle, but pretty much everyone else seemed behind it.

>> No.12448398

MSM is controlled by the elites who hates Musk's guts.

>> No.12448401

you guys think ULA is gonna scrub their delta heavy again?

>> No.12448403

That is an interesting idea. A human trying to land on a platform moving possibly rolling from the sea seems incredibly difficult. Really puts into perspective what the falcon 9 does on it's own when landing on the drone ship. Thanks.

>> No.12448408

The flight seemed have broken into the normie optics zone which is a good thing. Spaceflight needs to be seen as a real thing rather than some weird nerdy hobby

>> No.12448413

Is water wet?

>> No.12448426
File: 448 KB, 719x834, 1586281676053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically, can SN9 fly before January?

>> No.12448427

ksp version: https://youtu.be/u-sWzuaq3Sw

>> No.12448429


>> No.12448439

Imagine how kino it would be if first thing on January 1st we get to see SN9 do the flop, then stick the lending

>> No.12448440

More amateur videos dropping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iauacCNV86s
Always amazed how good of a view these people got.

>> No.12448441

>no fire after first engine cutoff

>> No.12448445


>> No.12448446

Book it for right before Xmas.

>> No.12448456

yeah, I hope they keep it as a memento.

lmao. But really I'm shocked at how long it was able to run like that. It burnt green for a solid 4 seconds, only stopped by the RUD. An engine engaged in autophagy I would expect to die immediately, not sip contentedly on its own innards.

>Noticed that anyone with a furry profile picture was against elon
not surprised
>and for govt oldspace.
..what the fuck? Why the hell are libs FOR entities heavily integrated into the defense complex?

>> No.12448457

>twas the night before christmas
>and out on the pad
>sat the hope for mankind
>a shiny steel lad

>> No.12448460

Honestly while I'm impatient as shit to see progress, I'd want them to have a comfy holiday vacation for a week or two. I think they've earned it this year, all things considered.

>> No.12448464

>what the fuck? Why the hell are libs FOR entities heavily integrated into the defense complex
Because government, good

>> No.12448465

>..what the fuck? Why the hell are libs FOR entities heavily integrated into the defense complex?
They have a raging hate boner for Elon if you haven't noticed yet. The usual petty cancel culture shit because he hasn't 'kissed the ring' on a bunch of their stupid social fad issues.

>> No.12448468

yeah, they should have some celebratory chill time after that success. I know everyone's eager to go but you gotta tend to the people side of the equation sometime too.

>> No.12448472

>sn8 waving goodbye

>> No.12448479

Possibly but more likely happens in January.

>> No.12448481

Even if they decided to forgo all of the pre-testing on it which will probably take a month or two from hitting the pad, no way they get through the FAA again so quickly

>> No.12448483

>libs FOR entities heavily integrated into the defense complex
You shouldn't be surprised by this, given that they spent the past 4 years defending the NatSec state at every turn because "muh Russia."

>> No.12448484

it can definitely fly by then, but the bottleneck will probably be the engineers going over the data from SN8 than readiness to launch

>> No.12448488
File: 18 KB, 310x310, 1574196376786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, ULA is launching today?

>> No.12448490

Aircraft carriers don’t roll at all. You’re really smart though.

>> No.12448494

>Boca Chica starts Christmas celebrations
>Starhopper gets used as a giant eggnog keg
>Christmas tunes played by various honking instruments
>everyone is having fun with Pin-The-Fins-On-The-Starship
sounds nice

>> No.12448496
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>> No.12448504
File: 131 KB, 304x304, be advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doable? Yes. With all the delays of SN8? I strongly doubt.

>> No.12448511

Because that’s one anons hypothetical tard speak and you’re just miming what you heard on 4chan

>> No.12448513

What makes you think the delays SN8 had will be affected on SN9?

>> No.12448514

They deserve a long holiday no question. Though I wonder if Elon would allow it. You don't become a billionaire by taking Christmas off.

>> No.12448518

There is no such thing as an ocean proof boat. Physics don't just stop applying because of the size or shape of your vessel.

>> No.12448523

>You don't become a billionaire by taking Christmas off
How many people with money have you actually been around? All that workaholic hustle culture crap is just rhetoric told to wagies. Elon works hard, but not that damn hard.

>> No.12448534

There are ALWAYS delays.

MK1 was suppose to do a hope 14 months ago.

>> No.12448539

>week or two vacation
Not happening. People who want to relax don't work at Spacex. People who love the idea of going to mars, working hard, believe in their own power of hard work ethics work at spacex.

There maybe a day or two of celebration at spacex.

>> No.12448545
File: 1.85 MB, 168x224, 150 meter hop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the good sn8 aftermath images? I want to see if anything besides the tent was damaged by the RUD.

>> No.12448549

Having a passion for what you're doing doesn't mean you autistically shut down your entire personal life and forsake your family and friends to go hunch over in a work cave.

>> No.12448558

It literally does.

>> No.12448565

You have zero clue what you’re taking about. Consider that there are people who have worked at engineering start ups before that are in this thread that know more about it than you.

>> No.12448570

>You have zero clue what you’re taking about.
No u

>> No.12448574

That level of passion is the reason SpaceX is doing half the shit it is doing. Can't say it's misplaced either because who cares about keeping your family happy now if you can secure a land parcel on Mars for your genetic line by contributing exemplary work for SpaceX. I'm sure different departments have natural downtime anyways between waiting for the FAA or construction of each prototype so it's not like they are in a sweat shop.

>> No.12448579
File: 47 KB, 639x498, Aircraft Carrier Drifting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12448586

That's spacex work culture. Young/talented/passionate people work at spacex and want to achieve something. Musk himself has only takes handful of days off his entire adult life. Most of them ended in disaster for him.

>> No.12448587

>Burn out your entire work force in months because PASSION
Have you worked in a skilled labor job before? That's a pretty good way to get your employees pilfered by other companies. You can only use the 'You're going to MARS!' shtick for so long, and that only works on the younger crowd that hasn't been through the song and dance with start up companies before.

>> No.12448589

I didn't know Gene Cernan piloted a ship

>> No.12448593

>>Burn out your entire work force in months because PASSION
SpaceX is famous for burning out talented engineers

>> No.12448594

>who cares about keeping your family happy
People who care about not being alone and losing all their money to alimony and child support.

>> No.12448601

SpaceX burnout rate is higher than traditional aerospace companies. Its a known factor. As long as humans reproduce on earth, SpaceX will plenty of fresh blood to infuse new ideas and challenge status quo even within their own company. This is both a negative (slight loss of experience) but also a positive as it provides spacex with new/ untainted ideas. Its what allows them to operate so efficiently.

>> No.12448602

If you say so anonymous

>> No.12448603

With the age of the work force and the record low marriage rates I don't think a significant fraction of the grinders at SpaceX, the young'uns who are putting overtime modeling everything are married or close to it. Also if your spouse needs attention like a dog, can't see the bigger picture and not already busy teaching and raising your children anyways then reproducing with them was pointless in the first place.

>> No.12448610


>More amateur videos

Can someone post the others please?

>> No.12448614

the front literally fell off

>> No.12448619

>needs attention like a dog
Haven't been in a serious relationship before, I see.

>> No.12448624

Not sure this is all of them, but sure:


>> No.12448633


>> No.12448634

That's weird. It seems furries would be into nerdy stuff like space. I know we have one Krystal-obsessed person here at least.

>> No.12448640


>> No.12448648

>the young'uns who are putting overtime modeling everything are married or close to it
Average age of SpaceX's workforce is around 30 iirc, which is within the age of getting married even in America.
>Also if your spouse needs attention
Relationships are a lot of effort and time, having a 50-55 hour work week instead of a 40 hour one is likely going to put a strain on most relationships
>busy teaching and raising your children
Single income families are pretty rare these days even if you do pull a good salary due to cost of living increases.

>> No.12448649

They probably don't do hairpin turns while a rocket tries to land on them

>> No.12448662

Thats why you marry someome you hate so you can stay away from her but once in a while fuck her when you're too horny to fap.

>> No.12448667

Is that a challenge?

>> No.12448679
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>> No.12448683

>Single income families are rare
Yes and there is literally zero point in reproducing in a dual income family, at that point your child is a memetic carrier of some underpaid bureaucrats and not even your own. The bare minimum for having a kid who won't be a fuck up is one ever present parent. I know society has been arranged to apply massive dysgenic pressure to everyone and this nonsensical "egalitarian" arrangement is hailed as normal but even moving to the turd world is more reproductively fit than letting your spouse or child be jerked around and puppeted by nefarious capitalists and academics or having them be raised by school teachers.

>> No.12448697
File: 1.07 MB, 1780x1338, vetsssf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12448705

Yeah thats shit. We need to return to a more traditional family structure.

>> No.12448719

Mars will enable that. Hell, if we play the cards right, we may get something like Black Mesa IRL. A research organization that actually allows you to live in their property and house your family free of charge.

>> No.12448725

Like an old company town?

>> No.12448732

Imagine this, but on Mars.

>> No.12448736

anymore? gotta love the energy over there

>> No.12448746

These two on twitter are the only other two I've seen, sure there is more somewhere


I love the crowds too, these tests do more outreach in a day then NASA has in 20 years

>> No.12448757
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interesting. Tory brings up the venture star. Without high launch rates it would have been pointless.

>> No.12448761

Looks like CGI.

>> No.12448767

Elon in general is a weird exception to the rules. There's a big diff between his brand of CEO and the kind that sits on their ass collecting rent all their life. As he himself has said "no one bleeds for the prince in the palace"

>> No.12448771

I imagine we'll get a flyover within the next day or two.

>> No.12448778

>Elon works hard, but not that damn hard.
Even the people who've worked with him say that his work ethic is insane.

>> No.12448779

Aka it would have costed $400+ millions per launch maybe upto billion USD.

>> No.12448784
File: 998 KB, 3480x2338, fhb(.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read French Press this morning
>SpaceX rocket blows up or something.
>Read more, they have no fucking clue what they're talking about.
Does the Human race even deserve to go to Mars?

>> No.12448786


>> No.12448790

You mean his underlings that have every incentive to kiss ass? You don’t say.

>> No.12448793

>no one bleeds for the prince in the palace
What does this mean

>> No.12448798

Even people who have left the company and have no reason to continue fellating him. I know it sucks to hear, but some people really are just capable of working ridiculously hard.

>> No.12448799

There have been multiple ex-nasa employees, ex-spacex employes, ex-tesla employees, even ex-wives who have all interviewed and claimed elon's a workaholic that does not stop.

>> No.12448803

It means that people don’t put in their all when the leader is weak.

>> No.12448805

It means people work harder for one who leads by example.

>> No.12448806

I'm assuming it means 'lead from the front'. Of course this is all relative if you compare the work of someone busting their ass actually engaging in engineering and architeching solutions to being a CEO that attends a few meetings.

>> No.12448807

I get the impression that he's the sort of dude who has nightmares every night of a meteor hitting the Earth or an actual deadly virus wiping us out and he is desperately trying to get us off this planet while he's the only one in a position to do so. Just listen to him any time he talks about "preserving the light of consciousness." He seems terrified of dying without making a difference.

>> No.12448808

Someone's salty. But the results are here for you to witness.
Yes it takes dedication to achieve great things.

>> No.12448812

It means people don't appreciate the company when their leader sits on his ass all day from 1000 miles away. When your CEO comes to visit on weekly basis and talks with normal employees on the floor, that's when everyone understands that CEO actually does care about the company/you working.

Sorta like how everyone can shit on each other over the internet, but in real life exchanges, we're all nice to each other.

>> No.12448819

Yeah, I’ve seen how management works. Convince someone else that talking is work because I’m not buying it.

>> No.12448821

is Biden ever going to pick a NASA admin?

>> No.12448823

In his interviews he talks about the scariest enemy of humanity being AI, other natural disasters are of course scary but AI is his biggest fear. Given what Google/China want to do with what AI, and what I'm sure he is privy to he wants to GTFO before the earth is an inescapable hellscape where every living person has an AI managed social credit score and morality counter tied to their every digital recorded action.

>> No.12448827

>SpaceX tweet showing footage from the pad.
>Top comment is about how that money would be better spent on lowlife cockroaches.
Can we kill Tweeter already?

>> No.12448829

Not sure if stupid or retard

>> No.12448835

This is a good list of sourced claims from relevant people who all say he's a good engineer:

>> No.12448838


>> No.12448839

RGV is flying his plane on stream

>> No.12448847

Stupid retard

>> No.12448850

Not yet.

>> No.12448851

it's honestly not a bad plan. Work yourself to death in your 20's and then coast for the rest of it if you want.

they can afford to do that because of the company's renown. SpaceX/Tesla are both extremely popular companies for uni grads.

I love watching normies get hyped over space. It's so genuine

no one is going to work hard for the fatass Prince who does nothing but sleep in the palace. But the people will die for royalty that joins them in battle on the front lines. That kinda thing. Having a leader take hits with you is good for moral.

This is why generals like Patton are so legendary:
>His philosophy of leading from the front, and his ability to inspire troops with attention-getting, vulgarity-ridden speeches, such as his famous address to the Third Army, was met favorably by his troops, but much less so by a sharply divided Allied high command
The elites don't like how "uncouth" it is but the common man loves it.

>> No.12448853

Don't scrub me baby

>> No.12448855
File: 39 KB, 736x414, bbe4406b142162bcec27a41c4e533f63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know

>> No.12448856
File: 732 KB, 1921x1281, SN8 Freefall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fits like a glove for the whole mission https://youtu.be/ZWE66zkDSoM

>> No.12448857

Super genius.

>> No.12448859

ya, good thing they went with the chea- HEY WAIT A MINUTE

>> No.12448864

How much of Starship is actually locked behind ITAR? I mean besides the software, I feel like we’ve seen the entire build process so far. The average NSF autist could probably tell you how to exactly build a starship; down to the exact steel alloy and piping layout and all that. Are there any parts of starship we don’t know about? Maybe how the fins actuate? (No in not chinease)

>> No.12448867

You're not forced to work at SpaceX.
If you don't like it, you quit.
You most likely won't have trouble finding another job.

>> No.12448868

From his biography and interviews he apparently had a panic attack when young about the fate of humanity and was convinced it will destroy itself so he became obsessed with saving it. He had a depressing childhood(being beaten up at school, abused/molested by his dad) and had no friends, plus the only books in his house were philosophical ones by neitzche and kant so he had a dim view of the future. It wasn't until he read The Hitchikers Guide and The Culture books that he started to be optimistic about the future.

>> No.12448869

why are you coomposting in /sfg/

>> No.12448872
File: 55 KB, 334x413, Elon YES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12448876

The engine part, I guess. The rest is just steel stuff anyone can make.

>> No.12448879

Launch me tonight

>> No.12448881

>omg he’s literally me!!

>> No.12448882

The metallurgy is another big one. I think most of it is about the workers moreso than the intellectual property.

>> No.12448887

Tory is an /sfg/ tier space nerd trying to turn a battleship (oldspace corporate culture) around with a Q-tip.

>> No.12448888

Is this the scrubbed launch from like 6 month ago?

>> No.12448889

cool, I get to see him takeoff in real time

>> No.12448893

Oh duh I didn’t even consider the engine hahah. Yeah in that case I unironically expect a SS clone to be made by Chang in the next ~15 years. It will be exactly the same, down to the dimensions. It will probably be an expendable first stage though, and a hydrogen upper stage.

>> No.12448896

I only need one source to tell me that

>> No.12448898

Sad but does this surprise anyone? The unit cost of the individual vehicles was probably over $1 Billion, mainly because it uses the most advanced tech on the planet. Also it’s huge as fuck and probably needs 6 million and a half hours of inspection. It’s a cool vehicle but once again, any reusable rocket made by the government is destined to fail simply due to a lack of efficiency.

I would rather hang out with your average boomer going


than your average Twitter intellectual.

>> No.12448899

Hi Tory

>> No.12448900

>it's honestly not a bad plan. Work yourself to death in your 20's and then coast for the rest of it if you want.
Exactly. You don't have to do crazy like spacex does to achieve somewhat early retirement. You can simply live a very frugal life during the 20s-30s and work your ass off with avg middle income job that pays 60K a year. Spend only ~10K a year bunking with roommate and eating frugally and you invest the rest. In 10 years, you'd have a base of ~3/4 of million USD in investment. Then you can live off of that forever with investments and living frugally buy buying a cheap $50K land, tiny house in the middle of no where and getting starlink for internet. Spending only 10K a year in spending and 4% annual investment gains, your investment will GROW to million by your 40th year.

Ofcourse this is ultra frugal mode. But its doable even in moderate budget.

>> No.12448903

He's surprisingly knowledgeable, yeah.

>> No.12448905

I am 100% convinced that the X-33 would work if NASA went with stainless steel and Methalox instead of carbon composites and hydrogen.

>> No.12448909

If you want to copy the dimensions you need to copy the fuel and go methalox. Which Chang can do, but it would probably be a cheap and easy open cycle engine instead of Raptor.

But if using "Jeb's Best Value Raptor" cuts payload in half, that's still 50 tons to orbit, fully reusable.

>> No.12448913

unless they steal it I doubt they can get the software right quickly

>> No.12448920

The beauty of Starship is its engine. I really don’t think Chang will be able to recreate a Raptor simply because of how insane the engine is. I bet they’ll use a shittier engine and just “brute force” the design. Expect the Chinese Starship to be made of the usual materials and not steel. Expect 50 tons to LEO reusable

>> No.12448926

>carbon composites and hydrogen
this was a nightmare combination to begin with. At least drop the hydrogen and the project would be made much easier

>> No.12448927

I wouldn't count them out just yet. Changs have so many engineers/physcists/mathematicians/etc that they will brute force their way through. Its only a matter of time/numbers game to them.

>> No.12448929
File: 236 KB, 624x612, E6C6EB64-2756-4F44-82D9-304F3675FB16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw doing Pre Med at Uni
>MFW I won’t start working until I’m 30
>Mfw I will miss out on my 20’s
Haha...but anything for Mars...haha

>> No.12448937

Nonorm person wants to eat ramen and watch hentai every day instead of have a life and spend some $

>> No.12448938
File: 39 KB, 2351x188, 1597215151748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their ACES shit was actually really cool. Shame ULA doesn't have the kind of freedom that SpaceX has

>> No.12448940

True but remember how their fighters are BTFO’d by Russia and the US? Same deal. They can steal all the specs they wan’t but they lack the metallurgy.

>> No.12448946

Its understandable as most people lack forethought, they are too impulsive, they don't want to live frugally(aka eating plain food), etc. But I'm just saying, there's a path forward for early retirement with if you shoulder early pains for later gains.

>> No.12448952
File: 3.28 MB, 4032x3024, 16076266721997871643159043483960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to stand in SpaceShipTwo with my payload. They took pictures but they have to clear it. If they did I'll post

>> No.12448959

Honestly, if you have the work ethic, foresight and self discipline to do all of this, you could just go into software development or investment banking and push your income into the six figures.

>> No.12448961
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did it explode this time?

>> No.12448963

50 tons to LEO fully reusable still dabs on literally everything but Starship itself

>> No.12448966

It hasn't launched yet

>> No.12448970

They've only recently been able to industrialize. Now they have a good chunk of industry. If you look at China 20 years ago, they were still mostly a shithole country. Today their average income is higher than eastern europe as they pay close to ~$20K USD per year. 20 years ago, that number was close to $2K USD(inflation counting).

>> No.12448973

True but remember that China is OldSpace. I imagine they’re going to take forever to develop it l. They’re only making “great strides” now because they’re doing shit that hasn’t been done in a while and the US got complacent over

>> No.12448985
File: 524 KB, 1050x600, Vulcam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a new video, this time about Vulcan and it's payloads. Any rocket you guys want me to make a quick video about? Maybe one of the meme small sats like firefly?

>> No.12448987

>People are still editing the Starship page on Wikipedia back and forth
Lmao but holy shit I still can’t believe SN8 made it this far. Funny that she failed at the one this that was tested before.

>> No.12448990

Yeah and communism is a great idea on paper too.

>> No.12449002

Liberals control wikipedia and hate Elon Musk so they don't want to see "a billionaire" succeed

>> No.12449012

You mean deranged leftists. Stop letting the most illiberal group on the planet call themselves liberal.

>> No.12449027

What are the edits over?

>> No.12449031
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, D6D94435-0044-4D64-A1E5-C354E484676F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now it says “Other” because SN8 “completed its objectives but failed to land.”

>> No.12449038
File: 226 KB, 1365x2048, C7755F3B-2771-4B46-A90B-037AA628F484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m playing my role in history, willing to find my part
>Living with painful memories, loving with all my heart
>Made in heaven
>Made in heaven
>It was all meant to be

>> No.12449042

I applaud the 'tism, and I'm impressed you still show off your videos here. You've gotten way better at script writing and speaking with believable confidence. If I might make a suggestion: I think your channel would reap rewards in view counts and subscribers if you try out the Scott Manley form of presenting. Sit in front of your camera and show your face and have the script next to you. Try to recite most of the script into the camera and show the other footage when necessary. I think it would be fun just to try it out.

>> No.12449046

They didn't fly from the header tanks. They also never flew such a violent maneuver.
Weren't at least hopper tanks still pressurized with helium too?

>> No.12449049

every single ULA rocket ever launched failed to land but you don't see me editing them all to failures

>> No.12449051

So is good ol Musky boy gonna do the annual SS update now, or is he still going to just upload it as a blog post

>> No.12449057

are they having a pedantic shitfit over whether or not the test was a "success"?

over the build site now

>> No.12449059

If he does an annual update I hope he ONLY invites space autists instead of mainstream (((journalists)))

>> No.12449062
File: 16 KB, 800x117, 1578186067199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently he's going to do an interview with EA?

also do you guys think this is true?

>> No.12449063
File: 506 KB, 1920x2880, F4D2588D-13E8-4035-95BB-E2862AF9AF6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good video I really liked it. You have to be more of a “presenter” though. Unironically theres no shame in clickbait if you’re growing your channel.

>Why did SpaceX’s new MARS ROCKET CRASH
>Why the new VULCAN rocket will DEFEND AMERICA and BEAT SPACEX
>NASA’s new MOON rocket undergoes FAILURE in testing. WHY?

>> No.12449066

i feel bad for virgin-it's a genuinely cool spaceplane, and it is getting used for actual science and shit, but it feels like such a toy now what with the other stuff being done.

I do hope is pans out and the price of using it falls,i'd love to visit space someday.

>> No.12449067

If I was a worker at the site I’d definitely take a piece of SN8 home with me.

I mean Starship is pretty much done design wise. I guess they can go over interior designs but that’s all in the future.

>> No.12449079

they should just send the range control signal and see what blows up

>> No.12449080
File: 119 KB, 1196x674, 1578249915552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in a more recent tweet elon said that there were non-trivial changes coming to SN15+

>> No.12449081

Also make sure to mention ISRO. That will give you several thousand views per video.

>> No.12449082

While I still find EA incredibly cringe, I am slowly (read: SLOWLY) growing a small respect for him. His norminal hat and "pointy end up" jokes are gay. But he asks really good questions and knows what he's talking about.

>> No.12449084

C-4, while being quite hard to detonate accidentally, is fairly flammable. I’d assume the charges burned up in the fireball.

>> No.12449085

I have way better facial hair than that dweeb, and less of an overbite.

The midwit curse is real in every field. I get along better with tradesmen than I do with spreadsheet weenies.

t. software guy

>> No.12449086

I wonder of the major upgrades are going to be visible at all or if they're all internals/QA

>> No.12449087

Goddamnit Elon stop introducing variables into testing.

>> No.12449088

and this one

>> No.12449091

Do the paraffin start up in germany

>> No.12449099

Do Pegasus+Stargazer and talk about why air launch is a meme.

>> No.12449101

Different anon but off the cuff, I suspect the welds will become cleaner with the integration of more automated processes. Also the fins will probably start to look less like aluminum foil and more like official fins. Also they might clean up the engine bay and landing legs. I'm really excited to see when they will first slap windows on (this will likely be way down the road, after the first few orbital tests and probably even after they launch starlinks to orbit)

>> No.12449106

Cargo and tanker variants will never get windows so probably the first test of the crew variant.

>> No.12449116
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>> No.12449117
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is that part of the reason the landing explosion was so impressive?

yeah, he's done his research and is actually pretty fluent when answering questions on stream. While part of his behavior might be a bit "onions" overall it probably appeals to normies etc. His raptor video was unironically great in how it made a complex topic digestible for new people. He's overall a net positive for spaceflight I feel, and his success will inspire more people to get into the field at large.

I love how spacex is making that "use the most difficult/expensive tech all the time for the hell of it" approach look stupid. Humans just don't seem to do well with infinite funding and time. They need constraints to get their asses on gear. I feel that part of SpaceX's success if BECAUSE they're frugal and operate at a breakneck pace. They don't give themselves time to overthink themselves to death

>> No.12449139

Delta launch already delayed by 2 hours lmao

>> No.12449140
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how much of this land does spacex own?

>> No.12449142
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So how does one test for proper pressurization of the header tanks? Also what’s everyone’s consensus on SN9?

Will she make it? My heart cannot bear the pain anymore.

>> No.12449147
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>> No.12449153
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astra hopefully launching tomorrow.

>> No.12449156
File: 174 KB, 748x766, 4472A45B-F929-4434-B3A9-D65EEA64FB39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg I’m literally retarded

>> No.12449163

Small. Most is state/federal property

>> No.12449164
File: 108 KB, 500x500, 1387945920593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 always wins

>> No.12449169

>put "black lives matter" on rocket
>it explodes and destroys other people's expensive payloads

>> No.12449170

It's 20k in the developed coastal places, it's more like 10k average overall.

Still massively impressive when you consider that they had an economy the size of India's in 1987 and now they're two thirds the size of the US.

>> No.12449174

>Put “black lives matter” on a rocket.
>Payload is a swastika

>> No.12449202

Well the French certainly don't

>> No.12449214

The software and the engines are the secret sauce, everything else is trivial for the governments that ITAR is meant to keep stuff away from.

>> No.12449215

The bitter journalist making the best thing in spaceflight in the last 5 years into dramatised bad news will never go to mars lmao, they're loser dinwits and are NGMI

>> No.12449223

>you're a programmer? Specializing in 3D spatial data analysis? Let me tell you about this awesome macro I wrote
It makes me want to kill myself. I don't want to talk about my code, much less hear about your troubles with vba.

>> No.12449225
File: 930 KB, 1638x2048, astra kodiak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cowards aren't gonna stream it again, but at least we'll get some more Kinodiak with John Kraus back on site.

>> No.12449229

>is that part of the reason the landing explosion was so impressive
No. C-4 wouldn’t detonate due to a deflagration like you saw in the crash. It requires a fast detonation to shock it into exploding. Even shooting C-4 is unlikely to detonate it. C-4 readily ignites and burns without exploding if exposed to a sufficiently high temperature. Look up the mythbusters episode on C-4 if you wanna see it in action.

>> No.12449245
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I wonder how much panic was going on in oldspace offices when the flop/flip move succeeded.
I feel like that was the point where most people assumed the test would go wrong, but they nailed the maneuver on the first attempt and even managed to make it look graceful.

>> No.12449249

Someone here got meme jacked hard

>> No.12449254
File: 258 KB, 1600x1586, 95777867-C42C-4666-9387-EA31C6BEEA6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

98% chance they’re jerking each other off over the landing failure and patting themselves on the back. Even when Starship makes it to orbit they’ll still bitch about it.

>> No.12449256
File: 101 KB, 1420x946, shelby sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shelby collapsed in his home, sensing a great disturbance in the Finance, as if a million cost-plus contracts cried out at once and were silenced.

>> No.12449258

if it hadn't already dawned on them how embarrassingly far behind they were, it surely sunk in then.
I just wonder if it's enough to stop the new NASA admin from messing around with Artemis. If SN9 completes the hop and sticks the landing by inauguration I don't think there's anyone who could possibly say no to the reduction in costs and increase in capabilities that the Starship affords.

>> No.12449261

> French
> Human

>> No.12449273

lmao the COPV lands right next to the united rentals equipment

>> No.12449276

Lobbyists are powerful as fuck. I bet SpaceX goes it alone

>> No.12449278

Wtf do they launch from a large cliff?? The geology of that area looks amazing

>> No.12449279

>I don't think there's anyone who could possibly say no to the reduction in costs and increase in capabilities that the Starship affords
You'd be amazed. Lots of people equate "low cost" with "low quality", and thus see SpaceX as a threat for trying to drive down costs in an industry that's well known for being high tech and "dangerous". desu I think non-military government groups will resist Starship until it finally supersedes Apollo in some big way

>> No.12449280

They are still asspained that Musk is going to flood the Europe with German-made Teslas

>> No.12449283
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Felt bad that I laughed desu.
Let us not mourn her death but celebrate her life

>> No.12449288


>> No.12449295

Eussr space programs are socialist mKe work programs. They have no interest in reusable rockets. As it would mean building fewer rockets and employing less people.

>> No.12449298

>..what the fuck? Why the hell are libs FOR entities heavily integrated into the defense complex?

Because they can't cope with the fact that Elon proves the superiority of private industry in terms of actually delivering space hardware in a cost effective and timely manner

In the time it took SLS to do some static fires and pressure tests, SpaceX built a fully reusable first stage, a fully certified crew capsule, and an SSTO testbed

>> No.12449299

>be rocket engineer

work for national agency
>work as comfortable as possible even if it takes you 200 years to finish a task
>Your job is not only legally forced to exist but also, the same congressmen who have no problem torturing afghan children with razors to their balls are PERSONALLY invested in ensuring you always get to keep your job

work for private company
>Earn slightly above an ice cream delivery man
>Great learning opportunities! much better than a wage
>Don't complain! we're a team! you're a team player right?
>vacation? sure! tell you what make it a permanent one and let someone more motivated do your job
>In the time you spent complaining about 25 hour work day you could have worked some more
>compete with every deranged kid in the country whos willing to pay to work at spacex, if you work your ass off there's a 0.0001% of a 0.1% salary increase.
>no matter what you do all of the glory and recognition will go to elon musk, even if he actively denies it

Yeah no private space is great for results that people outside of it enjoy, like we do, but must be hell to work in

>> No.12449304
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What do you guys think?

>> No.12449305

I wonder how much faster starship will fall during descent when it's got an interior and heat shielding. Did SN8 have a mass simulator?

>> No.12449309

Its not the fact elon/spaceX is private industry. Its the fact he and his underlings are passionate about space flight while NASA is filled with low IQ midwits and mouth breathers that just want job security.

>> No.12449310

>.what the fuck? Why the hell are libs FOR entities heavily integrated into the defense complex?

because reality is a bit more complicated than you can learn on the internet, which is the sole source of information for 98% of people

im about to blow your mind

in order for nasa to beat the soviets they had to organize production in the most communistical way possible, if anything they were much more communistical than the soviets, and furiously anti free market .

but better dont go downt hat route kid, finding out that you dont know shit about shit is the real black pill, now step 1) recognize that youo never read a whole history book from start to finish
2) recognize that youd need to read at least 5 to be at baby begginer level who barely deserves respect
3) recognize that youre waaaaaaaaaa(1234789023478237489324 times to the amount of atoms in the universe amount of "a"s) y below that level

>> No.12449311
File: 67 KB, 720x644, pepo_thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice editing

>> No.12449312


>> No.12449313


>> No.12449315

I wouldn't say communistical. I would say nationalsocialtisical

>> No.12449318

Why would you work for NASA if you want job security? just go contract for a bridge or highway or something nigga lmaoooo

>> No.12449323

or get a contract for an SLS

>> No.12449324

Noice v8 m8

>> No.12449326

Easily the coolest thing of 2020, fuck coronavirus, fuck the haters

>> No.12449334

>Its the fact he and his underlings are passionate about space flight while NASA is filled with low IQ midwits and mouth breathers that just want job security

I'm sure that's true for some portion of NASA employees, but the ones I've personally interacted with (mainly those at JPL working on actual groundbreaking stuff with unmanned exploration) are just as passionate as I'm sure most SpaceX employees are.

The problem is that NASA has been restrained by ungodly amounts of red tape ever since the shuttle era. Starship is really going to be the first big innovation in manned spaceflight since the 70s.

>> No.12449337

>work 40 hour work weeks
>accomplish nothing


>work 80 hour work weeks
>get to see what you're doing create revolutionary technology and change the world

I'd rather do the latter desu.

>> No.12449343
File: 106 KB, 398x390, B35D5BCB-DBEA-4845-A5E8-6B237F60BB26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fast was SN8 going at impact? It feels like 3 more seconds of burning would’ve been enough to have a good landing.

>> No.12449345
File: 1.20 MB, 640x360, C7F9FF5E-8754-40C4-A64C-27FD457BEBB1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I come back to a properly detailed thread after shitposting about work ethic

>> No.12449350


>> No.12449353
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1604106791372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another great hurdle is making sure Starship can survive reentry AND perform the Crazy Elon maneuver without anything important being destroyed.
I wonder how they will test this?
IF Starship can SSTO with no cargo they would not have to wait for Super Heavy prototypes to begin testing reentry maneuvers and the hexagonal heatshields.
Exciting times lay ahead.

>> No.12449357

You can still get meaningful stuff done on a 40hr work week if you're not a lazy ass like an SLS contractor

>> No.12449384
File: 414 KB, 640x748, D786B9DF-9543-4D5D-A9A7-5CE954C91564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can fly straight up to 100 km then fall back down. It’s fast and high enough that TPS is still needed but low and slow enough that even if TPS fails, the starship will be fine. SpaceShipTwo uses TPS on its flights but a leaked report showed that it could land fine without it, albeit damaged.

>> No.12449385

I'm glad you're still at it! Thought you'd burned yourself out

>> No.12449389

> 80kg
I suppose that's just about an astronaut, if he's skinny

>> No.12449396

They’re French so it shouldn’t be hard

>> No.12449404

I agree. His entire schtick is normalfag bait which can be exhausting at times but his videos are legitimately informative (his video on FFSC is way better than Manley's explaining the same thing). I also respect that he is dumping money into his production values and getting complex animations and graphics done. It's not necessary but it shows a dedication that most Youtubers completely lack.

>> No.12449418
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Every Starship launched from Texas will be required to have the State Flag painted on.

>> No.12449429
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He made thousands of dollars in donations on his stream yesterday. I spotted a guy who donated $500. Who does that!?

>> No.12449431

I feel sorry for these guys really. They can do some awesome stuff but need to realise other countries can do awesome stuff as well. I think it's a massive inferiority complex from WW2 desu

>> No.12449437

People need something to live for, now more than ever. I work a mundane warehouse job that pays well, if I could take a pay cut to go down to Boca Chica and drive a forklift or clean toilets or something I would jump at the chance just to be in proximity to something that actually matters.

>> No.12449442
File: 98 KB, 890x445, things_are_looking_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have NO idea anon.

>> No.12449450

Better than going to some vtumor or a thot selling bath water.

>> No.12449451

>This is the guy who calls you Chud online

>> No.12449457

The internet was a mistake

>> No.12449463
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All's fair when it comes to the insurmountable task of getting normies to care about anything of actual significance

>> No.12449464

The MBAs might be, but anyone with an engineering background has to understand just how much this test proved.

>> No.12449468

It's insane but some people have way too much cash to burn and just want to feel like they're helping. While the donators are morons it was nice to see how much all the different streams have improved the last ~6 months. EA has 6K and 120 fps cameras, LabPadre has 4K and thermal cameras, NSF has like 4 angles (all ruined by them screaming like little girls). While they may be grifting, at least they're putting some of that grift to good use.

If the superchatters had any brains they would sit on their money until Starlink goes public and then dump their entire life savings into it. Then they can both make a shitload of returns while also actually directly contributing to SpaceX's development.

>> No.12449482

10 gallon hat on every starship is also required

>> No.12449483

Remember that one guy who donated $1000 to EA's stream so he could propose to his girlfriend and have it show up in the chat stream and EA didn't even notice?

>> No.12449485

Honestly I think most people are generous and want to give away their money to people who need it, they just don't donate to charity because it's a black hole that you'll never see anything tangible out of. When a person forms a parasocial relationship and actually believes the podcaster/whatever is genuine in their need for money to keep producing the thing that person likes, it's easy to connect the dots and feel confident that their money is at least being used to do something. Of course this is predicated on forming unhealthy parasocial relationships in the first place and placing trust in complete strangers that probably shouldn't be placed, but it's not hard to imagine the mindset.

>> No.12449489
File: 43 KB, 670x377, Moneybags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sit on their money until Starlink goes public and then dump their entire life savings into it
I'll be honest this is what I'm planning to do. Not my entire savings but a good amount. It seems too good to be true so I'll probably lose everything desu.

>> No.12449491

> It feels like 3 more seconds of burning would’ve been enough to have a good landing.
videos more or less confirm this. It was slowing down excellently but then sped up once the engine started choking - https://youtu.be/_jY14qHWFs0

>> No.12449511
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I support one and only one content creator financially by Patreon, and that is because I genuinely want him to continue making podcast episodes. I can't image dumping money for an internet thot.

>> No.12449513
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>> No.12449519

Kek why do people do this. Also how do people know EA is divorced? I've always wondered this

>> No.12449529
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>> No.12449536

>5.6% of Americans are millionaires
>20% of American households bring in less than $20k a year
>99% of Americans donate to her onlyfans when she bats her eyelashes
is this what mars will be like?

>> No.12449539
File: 259 KB, 964x329, trending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12449551


>> No.12449553

I put eggnog in my coffee

>> No.12449558

Never nogged before. How is it?

>> No.12449565

Like using half and half cream, but noggier

>> No.12449566
File: 76 KB, 282x300, 1581205192597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After eight foiled launch attempts, two last-second aborts and an unenviable 13 months sitting on the launch pad, will Thursday finally be NROL-44’s day?

>> No.12449575

sounds good

they'll probably remove it soon. Can't have anything good in trending

>> No.12449579

Betteridge's law of headlines says 'no'

>> No.12449590

if engines are the only problem they can just source from the russians, they still know how to make hot shit engines, just don't have the capital lying around to develop new launch vehicles

>> No.12449592

More views then crew-1 launch, unless the livestream got more and the video is gone

>> No.12449595

>right core BRAAAAAPS and shuts off at T+5
>N1 tier fireball
>Delta IV retired

>> No.12449597


>work 40 hour work weeks
>earn shitloads of money and enjoy your free time with it
>accomplish nothing


>work 80 hour work weeks
>earn shit and have an ulcer a heart attack at age 30
>get to see what you're doing create revolutionary technology and change the world

>> No.12449599

it was a very dramatic test. Easy to share.

>> No.12449610

No Refunds

>> No.12449612


space will unironically save us by bringing us together. EVERYONE loves this shit.

>> No.12449617
File: 7 KB, 248x203, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have to. Though it's not a military practice as common as it used to be in WW2. Maneuvering was absolutely foundamental during air attacks and you could not launch or land aircrafts during attacks because of the high, unpredictable rolling evasive maneuvers.

>> No.12449627

>Any rocket you guys want me to make a quick video about?
Long March 5

>> No.12449628

someone asked him about it and he bluntly acknowledged it. Then he moved on.

i know he's kinda a basedboy, but I like tim. he never spouts off about politics and he actually knows a lot for a non-expert.

>> No.12449630

This angle really shows how close it was to sticking the landing. It hangs for a second right before the thrust cuts out

>> No.12449631

I don't care how many Karens and Tyrones are screeching about this, Musk gets things done, and by the time Boink scrubs another test, because they got 0,00001 off in some calculations, SpaceX will not only make the Starship fly, but also land safely, regardless whether it will be SN9, SN10, or SN11.

>> No.12449640

While SpaceX pays an ok salary for the industry the incentives they are offered in stock options more than makes up for it. Plus having stock options would likely increase teamwork across all sections as everyone is pulling in the same direction for the company to succed.

>> No.12449648
File: 1.10 MB, 2210x1477, 1585246543866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The views are nuts. NSF has 2.3 million. EA has 1.8 mil. WAI has almost 1 mil.

and FUCK YOUTUBE/GOOGLE for betraying your userbase and prioritizing corporations over actual humans. Independent sites like NSF are hard to find via search; instead this mass-produced nasty trash is put above everything else. Eat shit.

>> No.12449650

Have they considered making air brakes or something like that? I love sticking those on KSP craft

>> No.12449655

for real. The theory and modeling behind it all is simply correct. Just need to work out a few kinks so that the hardware can match it.

>> No.12449659

>I just wonder if it's enough to stop the new NASA admin from messing around with Artemis.
if biden gets in no way, current dems love to suck boeing cock

>> No.12449664

that's pretty much what the flaps are

>> No.12449671

Hugely under-rated part of the test is the size footprint of the raptors. The fact they can gimbal so sharply and so quickly in such a tight cluster is really crazy for such a high power engine.

>> No.12449678

The ship itself is the airbrake. Sticking more little flaps on their would add weight and just screw with the aerodynamics of the main control flaps.

>> No.12449682

I unironically believe that if they decided to hover slam it, she would’ve made it.

>> No.12449685

~40-50% of their population rests on coastal place. If you look at how many million+ cities there are in China, you'll see 100s of them. US has only few dozen. The big cities like Beijing/Shanghai/etc are 20-30 million each. That's more population than many european countries.

>> No.12449701

half that, about 100 mph

>> No.12449704

no 100m/s seems right from the videos/analysis I saw, unless you have some other source

>> No.12449708
File: 304 KB, 1280x720, 28E11422-69D9-484F-9BC6-7D80B2755AA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why did the header tank lose pressure?

>> No.12449710

Most analysis I saw said 100m/s average, but didn't account for the thickening atmosphere so right before the flip it was likely a bit lower.

>> No.12449726

Most logical speculation I saw was that in addition to the fuel feed switching from main tanks to header tanks, they also needed to switch the autogenous pressurization lines over. It's possible that while the LOX tank -> LOX header valve worked, the Methane tank -> Methane header valve malfunctioned in some way.
No confirmation that that's the case, but it would make sense and explain why the header had enough pressure to restart but quickly petered out since the tank wasn't being backfilled by the engines.

>> No.12449728

lol soichi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXXiCF0MyFI

>> No.12449737

Redeemer of Souls blew ass

>> No.12449745

The assimilation of Texas culture into the realm of space is going swimmingly, I see

>> No.12449746

>>~40-50% of their population rests on coastal place. If you look at how many million+ cities there are in China, you'll see 100s of them. US has only few dozen.
That's because a majority of the US population lives in suburbs that look and act like multi-generational Roman military encampments to besiege the foreign populations currently occupying the cities. We saw that in action this summer as all attempts to expand the rioting out into the suburbs were met with armed response.

>> No.12449748
File: 124 KB, 1125x1132, EE99131E-B084-4C1D-B503-E39965A1EBCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wikipedia removed the Success/Failure part of the Starship page haha

>> No.12449754

Jealous of the japaneese for this great coverage. Wish their were subs

>> No.12449757

Not as much as you.

>> No.12449760
File: 257 KB, 1185x1072, spx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Independent sites like NSF are hard to find via search; instead this mass-produced nasty trash is put above everything else. Eat shit.
It literally shows up first

>> No.12449762

Guy's living the dream.

>> No.12449767

>not drinking it black
Girls aren't allowed on 4chan.
The only acceptable additive to coffee is whisky.

>> No.12449768

heat shield tech is on lockdown
the insides of turbopumps

>> No.12449769

There's people at the pad on LabPadre's stream right now. Don't know if they've been around before this.

>> No.12449770

these are probably customized for you

>> No.12449784


Multiple people climbing the launch mount right now, look like their investigating for damage.
Roll SN9 out you cowards.

>> No.12449789

But there are no acceptable additives to whiskey.
How curious a situation.

>> No.12449791

The nosecone is in great shape, wow.

>> No.12449796

Early on there were some people searching around the fields as well

>> No.12449797

Someone needs to shop a couple into EoE.

>> No.12449820
File: 183 KB, 360x303, firefox_2020-12-10_15-47-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're bringing the excavators in.

>> No.12449829

>But there are no acceptable additives to whiskey.

>> No.12449832
File: 1.73 MB, 3024x4032, hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12449834

Whiskey and coke is fun. When I started drinking I mixed up wine and coke

>> No.12449837

>So you thought you could just scroll past without saying howdy?

>> No.12449853

Engineers haven't made decisions in spaceflight since Nixon nix'd von Braun's dreams (other than SpaceX and a handful of startups)

>> No.12449854

no its in incognito, i get pretty much the same results on a different PC

>> No.12449856
File: 76 KB, 249x264, hopper cheers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12449859

Thanks man, I'll consider it but it's hard enough trying to sound animated. Looking animated is gonna be a whole another thing, I'm afraid it's gonna turn into a hostage tape lol.

I'll try it! Also spaceX vids are like youtube crack.


I thought it was gonna be a complete meme, but it might be good for a nice 5 minute profile.

On the list for rockets in 10 mins or less for sure.

Got distracted I guess lol, It's a fun little hobby though.

On the list!

Thanks guys!

>> No.12449868

>wet-dress-rehearsal for a test-fire
> failing it's wet-dress-rehearsal for a test-fire

You know. I wanted to make a hilarious overacted shitpost right now, but honestly I can't find the enthusiasm for it anymore. I thought I was at that point beyond mad where I just laugh if all off. But I think I'm moving even beyond that now. I think I actually just stop caring about SLS altogether right now.
SLS news just stop registering as actual spaceflight news to me. Because it doesn't have anything to do with space flight at the end of the day. They might as well be spending their money pretending to build a statue somewhere. Same exact impact on changing space flight in any way that matters.
I'm so fucking glad I don't live in that timeline where we're stuck with this.

>> No.12449870

that's actually pretty cool

>> No.12449873


>> No.12449882
File: 175 KB, 600x600, starsip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good vid

>> No.12449884

>SLS news just stop registering as actual spaceflight news to me.
And things are only going to get worse for SLS from this point forward. Going to be interesting to see whether it ever gets the chance to fly. I suspect it might be a close run thing

>> No.12449896

Welcome to the club. It breaks my heart seeing Jim have to constantly shill for it. In all honesty he seems so much more excited talking about Dragon delivering humans to space, or Falcon 9 being reused for a flight vs. having to talk about an "exciting" green run that will happen in 2 weeks even though it was delayed 2 weeks ago... or another Starliner setback

>> No.12449897

>take a really flavorful beverage
>cool it down and at the same time overly dilute it so it doesn't taste like anything anymore
I will never understand this. If you need ice in your whiskey then get a better whiskey.

>> No.12449900

I can get behind this

>> No.12449902

Drinking liquor neat is disgusting and if you enjoy it you have just convinced yourself that you like it

>> No.12449908

Get better ice retard

>> No.12449915

Ever had neat whiskey at 80°F ambient temperature? It's crap. Neat whiskey only works when it's significantly cooler.

>> No.12449916

Whiskeys are pretty intricate. Same as wine, really.

>> No.12449924

That makes some amount of sense to me.

>> No.12449936

it's really not. Just don't buy shitty liquor.
My favorite part of drinking whiskey is that nobody ever pressures you into drinking more like they do with beer and wine. Nobody offers to refill you or will call you out for having a small amount of whiskey left in your glass. You can sit on a glass of whiskey all night and nobody ever notices or remarks on it. If you're at a party and don't really want to get drunk, just order a whiskey neat and nurse it all night.

>> No.12449939
File: 25 KB, 1117x535, trends_starship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normalfags are waking up

>> No.12449948

And if you do want to get shitfaced just keep tossing them back! It's a versatile drink.

>> No.12449959

Tastes fine to me. I keep some in my pocket to swig while I’m out on the town

>> No.12449962

>dilute it

You are supposed to drink it fast so that the ice isn't melting into it you retard. Ice cold whiskey is objectively superior to room temperature regardless.

>> No.12449963

It’s impossible to be convinced you like something when you don’t actually like it. That’s not how reality works.

>> No.12449971

How long until SpaceX flies their next Starship prototype?

>> No.12449976

it's the same kind of narcissism people have when they think all beer drinkers are just doing it to fit in or all people who like abstract art are doing it to look smart because they legitimately can't accept not being able to understand the appeal of something.

>> No.12449979

2 weeks to 3 months

>> No.12449980
File: 736 KB, 928x1359, wernherboomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...for you

>> No.12449981

A month or two. It will probably be on the pad in a month, then another month of static fires/pressure tests

>> No.12449983

Upper bound is likely 3 or 4 months. They technically should be able to fire again within a few weeks, but they may be busy studying SN8 data or working on something else.

>> No.12449990

All modern """art""" starting with Duchamp's Fountain is undeniably gay and terrible. If you say you like it you are a lying retard trying to fit in

>> No.12449991

partial data
that will go back down. Indeed it is going back down if you look at a shorter time frame.

>> No.12449992
File: 49 KB, 1024x488, 54759BA9-27F2-4321-94FF-E4EDA94A8E9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Spacex really wanted to I could see them having SN9 ready to hop in 2 weeks

>> No.12450001

>busy studying SN8 data
true, although they've got a hell of a backlog of SNs to go through, and the message they put on the stream at the end ('SN9 up next' or whatever) seems to suggest they'll be trying again sooner rather than later. I bet about 2 months, they'll try and fix the header tank pressure thing if at all possible and just go again (if it is a procedural thing it will go faster, if they need to alter the structure of the header tanks we'll be waiting)

>> No.12450003
File: 28 KB, 453x679, 61pdv8Vk2GL._SY679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern art is a conspiracy
just learn to accept that there are things you don't like and other people do like. It's not hard, it's just a tiny bit of empathy.

>> No.12450006

Its just rich people who like ugly things and use their money and exposure to push ugly things on working class people. The problem is people like the celebration of the ugly

>> No.12450010

>>modern art is a conspiracy
It literally is though. The CIA started promoting it in the 50s as a way to demonstrate freedom of expression compared to Soviet art and now it's mostly used as money laundering. Anyone who legitimately likes it is retarded.

>> No.12450014

modern art is just a tax dodge
you've been had m8

>> No.12450016
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>> No.12450018
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 05C95AA8-9674-4F64-A972-37D2C90CAEBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please sir, may I have some more empathy for my paint splatters

>> No.12450026
File: 12 KB, 216x272, Weston-pepper30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically flat earth tier conspiracy theorists

>> No.12450029

This is so fucking surreal.
Give it a couple of days and we'll have retard infestation claiming it's cgi

>> No.12450030

t. money laundering Jew

>> No.12450038

Dude you're a fucking retard. Not my fault you legit like paint splatters and shit in cubes

>> No.12450040

I had to fight my own brain telling me it was CGI so I can understand that. It's totally out of context for anything people have seen before.

>> No.12450075

the only good modern art is furry porn

>> No.12450076
File: 28 KB, 694x1034, estronaut pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God DAMMIT starship totally could have landed yesterday had those header tanks held out just a bit longer. By the time raptor started consuming copper it had killed most of its velocity, but the asphyxiation of fuel caused it to start dropping toward the pad

>> No.12450078

I like my son’s kindergarten scribbles, too.

>> No.12450081

yup. EASILY would have landed if it kept on its initial track

>> No.12450082

>It literally is though. The CIA started promoting it in the 50s as a way to demonstrate freedom of expression compared to Soviet art and now it's mostly used as money laundering

Socialist realism was unironically kino.

>> No.12450085

Of course we will. Humans see a metal cylinder the size of a building doing acrobatics and naturally think “what the fuck is that”

>> No.12450108
File: 733 KB, 1814x3742, 1586079633968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually pretty cool. So it uses a solid fuel and a liquid oxidizer.

>> No.12450114
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>> No.12450116

Yeah, and if it hadn't happened, that would be one less failure mode that SpaceX would know to fix. It's literally BETTER that it lithobraked, now they can make something work better. And it was totally kino too, this is space NASCAR.

>> No.12450119
File: 1.30 MB, 1823x3379, 1597850517310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that diagram is kinda bullshit but whatever

>> No.12450122

Random derailings (coffee/whisky/art) are fun when they're not political

>> No.12450135
File: 580 KB, 595x622, msedge_gC0W7FzbA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our based nip at it again

>> No.12450136

more on using FUCKING WAX as a fuel: https://engineering.stanford.edu/magazine/article/rocket-fuel-made-wax

Looks like NASA has been screwing around with the stuff too.

I bet in the future they're going to really slam the ascent to try get any dormant flaws to reveal themselves.

>> No.12450145

The grain silo doing a rocket-powered bottle flip is okay(ish) by itself, but there's something in that shot that just makes it look not real. I guess it's a combination of hi-end image stabilization and some weird lens, as well as background, lighting and camera angle. I would actually have hard time believing it's not a rendering if I didn't watch the stream live and saw it first instead.

>> No.12450152

>liquid rockets
>not safe or reliable
>solid rockets

>> No.12450158
File: 1.70 MB, 1196x816, 1579132937469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you just gonna orbit by without say'n howdy?

>> No.12450159

Absolutely, dangerously based

>> No.12450163

The only remarkable news relating to SLS is whenever a report shows how terrible the program management is

>> No.12450166
File: 337 KB, 683x1024, 1417308321296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12450169

I thought it was CGI until I saw the smoke + flames. It looked so clean, even the engine exhaust.

>> No.12450170

>100kN upper stage, Isp within 10s of the AJ10
That little third stage has the performance of an Apollo CSM. Not bad for an expendable wax rocket!

>> No.12450174

Christ that’s depressing

>> No.12450175

The most dangerous part working with a solid motor is the manufacturing. Storing and launching it is relatively simpler and safer than a liquid engine

>> No.12450179
File: 3.88 MB, 540x305, spacex-starship-sn8-hop1_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12450188

The live action Ika Musume movie is looking great.

>> No.12450190

Fuck chimney rock, rebuilt that road dammit

>> No.12450192

a hybrid motor burning paraffin and LOX is just kerolox with less plumbing

>> No.12450205
File: 162 KB, 600x589, with cost-plus content you win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12450221

the reason it looks so artificial is that an insane amount of lighting quick corrections are being don e in real time by an uncomprehensibly advanced ai to keep it PERFECTLY where it needs to go.

The whole endeavour is so ridiculously complex that it wouldnt work any other way, airplanes or even disposable rockets have that more natural woobly feel because they can allow some imprecisions. In this case its either close to perfect control or failure, thats why it will always look artificial until something goes very wrong

>> No.12450231
File: 508 KB, 4096x2304, Eo2HKkvUYAERFN1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take any other rocket program seriously anymore. SLS was always a joke but Starship is two generations or more ahead of literally every non-SpaceX vehicle, and they just proved the hard part works. Also, Starship now officially is ahead of SLS and will almost certainly orbit first.

How do I profit off this?

>> No.12450232

Rumors having that sn9 well be transported to the pad on the 14th lel

>> No.12450241


>> No.12450242
File: 40 KB, 297x297, all_smiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know the other astronauts told him to send this because he's not a NASA boy and can shit talk SLS

>> No.12450251

to think that architects and urbanists have studied the problems of urban design closely and have creative and innovative ideas to make life better for literally everyone but no one listens to them because, why pay 1/10000 of what the city spends on bagels for its police officers every week to an architecture studio for a careful plan when you can just spend the nations gdp in building ever more gigantic highways so that more people concentrate at the same place and its hell for all, GREAT IDEA!!! eventually the highgways will be big enough that the problem is solved right? take a look at asian cities, what? they didnt solve the problem? probably the highways still not big enough

>> No.12450252


>> No.12450261

Very very based. I think he's riding Dragon or Starship with MZ in a year or two

>> No.12450266

i wonder if that kind of haste comes from a desire to impress the general public, investors or his own ego?

Its really crazy that they would hurry it so much. Like, they have the option to take 1-2 months to plan their next move and still be ahead of schedule and also look quite damn impresively good, its madness

also, doesnt the crashed area require any kind of repairs?

>> No.12450270

I think its because they are almost finished with SN10

>> No.12450274

what like, they need the storage area?
also, how are they doign on raptors, thats arguibly the most advanced rocket engine ever made, they cant be so cheap they can throw them away like this

>> No.12450283

Elon's target price point for Raptor is something ridiculous like less than a million.

>> No.12450284
File: 3.12 MB, 2526x1096, 1606419379355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12450286

Car culture and suburbs are an emergent response to the government banning lynching. If you can't fight, you run.

>> No.12450289

SN9 is already obsolete, better make some use of her, than just jump over to newer ones, and at best use her for static fire.

>> No.12450290
File: 2.22 MB, 2796x1518, gbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain't from Boca Chica if you never done this before.

>> No.12450293

elon von braun tweeted it

>> No.12450297

yeah but that includes economy of scales and a working finished production lines, the prototypes cant be much cheaper than a comparable engine, probably 200-300 million each

>> No.12450299
File: 646 KB, 1000x661, scrubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12450300

why aren't they using 3D printing for the raptor? I mean, it doesn't look like they need it, but at the same time everyone else is pitching it as the next big thing. Does 3D metal printing stop being viable when you pass a certain size threshold?

>> No.12450301

This is the scrub that never ends.
Yes it goes on and on my friends.
Some people started stacking it not knowing what it was.
But that rocket will honk and chirp forever 'cause

>> No.12450302

They're churning out Raptors pretty rapidly at this point, SN8 flew with R42, SN15 will probably fly to orbit with a Raptor in the low hundreds

>> No.12450305


>> No.12450306


here anon, have a more exciting vehicle related event

>> No.12450309

>200-300m each
>~60 raptors so far
>12-18 billion dollars

Lol yeah right, fuck off ULA shill.

>> No.12450310

If it's true that SN15 represents a major design iteration then they may try to rush through the pre-15 prototypes so any remaining design tweaks can be understood and implemented sooner I'm the post-15 line. Also might suggest that the header pressurization issue is fixable with software alone so they want to give any hardware faults asecond chance to appear ASAP with SN9.

>> No.12450314

The flaps were a phenomenal success. In the official stream you can see them twitching every now and then but the body itself is unmoving to the point that it looks surreal. Never seen something fall like that. I bet that the people inside the vehicle would experience the most buttery smooth ride falling down. At least until the engines mix things up.

>> No.12450317

Its called sense of urgency. Somethign that's lacking in most humans. We don't have infinite time, we're only able to work/think/act for ~60 years of our life, before/after which we become useless. Musk has less than 30 years before he goes senile and wants to speed up progress asap.

>> No.12450324

Anon they've made over 42 Raptors so far.

>> No.12450325
File: 480 KB, 4000x2400, starship_centaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If SN9 lands successfully, Elon might actually be right about an unmanned 2022 mission and 2023 Dear Moon. Not to mention the number of Starlinks even a single orbital prototype could launch in a matter of months.

>> No.12450328

3d printing isnt magic, for many shapes and applications is more expensive, slower and results in a weaker part.

The problem is that pop-sci-faggots like yourselves are obsessed with the idea of an universal teleporter which assembles everything "molecule by molecule" because they hate effort and dont understand that anything in this universe costs effort.

But sorrey to break it to you anon, everything requires effort, an universal assembler goes against the laws of physics, all manufacture will always need a huge array of different machines and techniques that must be used by us smart people who put in the effort to understand the laws of physics and apply it and WE have the power to determine how your universe will be. Sorry kid, should have woken up early to the college test

>> No.12450330

true. At a certain point they're going to WANT these things to fail so that they can expose all hidden bugs ASAP

>> No.12450334
File: 651 KB, 2048x1536, aftermath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wreckage being cleaned up now.

>> No.12450335

>header pressurization issue is fixable with software
is it known what the problem was in any more detail than "pressure dropped"?
what kind of sensors they got in there, i mean sure, theres a pressure gauge, do they have cameras poitning at different parts of the pipe? how about pressure sensors inside the pipe? how about therapists that ask each individual molecule how its feeling at every step of the way?

>> No.12450336

hope they turn that nosecone into a monument or something

>> No.12450343

I keep forgetting how huge Starship is

>> No.12450345

>If SN9 lands successfully, Elon might actually be right about an unmanned 2022 mission and 2023 Dear Moon.
if sn9 lands succesfully dear moon might upgrade to a landing.

"A small step for a japanese businessman but a big step for social media, in this year we came to the moon because we could affoard it, we came in the name of all rich people, not for peace or war or any of that boring faggy shit really just for memes and the lulz fuck you, the game"

science fiction authors could have never known

>> No.12450351

More pictures/videos from


Landing zone looks very close from far away, but up close, its large enough thats its fairly far away from everything else.

>> No.12450352

how many times has nrol 44 scrubbed or aborted?

>> No.12450353

its a 13 stories building with the diameter of one and a half school buses

>> No.12450354

There are printing deck size difficulties for sure, and SpaceX isn't as familiarized with 3D printing as with computer assisted conventional milling and manufacturing. On top of that there's no 3D metal printer right now which will match the normal processes for assembling speed with the same level of fidelity. Furthermore, laser sintered pieces will probably not be strong enough to deal with the stresses involved in such a large engine with such a high chamber pressure.
Supersonic metal deposition printing may eventually match or exceed normal milling, but it's still a relatively primitive and rough technology right now, although it might be useful for some aspects soon.
The fact that Raptor is easy to manufacture and easy to disassemble is the major innovative part of it's design from the construction view, not that it uses novel techniques to make the parts.

>> No.12450356

Awesome. I bet it'll fly more quickly than SN-8 did.

>> No.12450357

god damn that's fucking kino

>> No.12450358
File: 184 KB, 592x448, 1389918228043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mr Beast YouTube clickbait from the surface of the Moon
This is the best dystopia of all possible dystopias

>> No.12450359

Anyone got that image that's full of counter-argument info against the "we should fix our Earth problems before leaving it" crowd? Thanks in advance

>> No.12450360

>Elon, Gwynne, Paul Wooster(?)

>> No.12450362
File: 329 KB, 922x895, elon_thanks_orangeman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12450363

I don't think I'm especially more motivated than the average wagie but if I was a Starship engineer I probably would've gotten to work an hour earlier today after seeing yesterday's test. Just imagine realizing how entirety within your grasp a new reality is that only a day before seemed so uncertain. I can't imagine anything more motivating.

Exactly. It makes me wonder how many of those engineers still raised an eyebrow yesterday.

>> No.12450364

99.99999% of our budget is spent on earth. What could 0.00001% extra do?

>> No.12450368

I can see Elon's grind through the pixels

>> No.12450370

it's not a hard argument
>walk and chew gum at the same time
>engineers working on space travel aren't working on weapons
>fixing problems is a moving goalpost.
>if we ever think we've "fixed all the problems" that in itself is a bigger problem than any problem we have today
etc etc

>> No.12450371

>chinks furiously studying wreckage pictures for anything they can steal

>> No.12450373

>rocket is fine?
>it's just a scratch

>> No.12450378
File: 109 KB, 500x397, please-do-not-feed-the-birds-feeding-creates-a-dependent-14892339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12450387

delta scrub soon

>> No.12450389

why the fuck are so many smallsat companies using the tech, then? Relativity damn near built their entire business around it. Though from the start part of me was wondering if they were just doing that to help get investment cash. Similar to how buzzwords like "THE CLOUD" did.

>The fact that Raptor is easy to manufacture and easy to disassemble is the major innovative part of it's design from the construction view, not that it uses novel techniques to make the parts.
got it.

>> No.12450390

Depending on how strong the shockwave from the explosion was, a crew may have survived that landing. Not sure about the g force they pulled on impact, but it didn't look too extreme.

>> No.12450395

*grin, dammit

>> No.12450397

we seem to have crashed somewhere in the xxi century, lets dress as civilians and scout the location, with any luck nobody noticed us

>> No.12450401

write it down
i mean, its not the worst

>> No.12450403

The g force was absolutely fine. The shockwave was killer

>> No.12450405

>why the fuck are so many smallsat companies using the tech, then?
Because making small liquid propellant engines is incredibly difficult without the technology. Those injector plates and regen cooling channels are so small that they make any skilled machinist wince like you just kicked him in the shins if you asked him to make them

>> No.12450406

It doesn't have high upfront cost like conventional manufacturing so is more attractive to a startup

>> No.12450407

8 so far I think

>> No.12450412
File: 2.96 MB, 2048x1364, 1607253077674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ripped my PANTS

>> No.12450416

I'm curious if it really was. The explosion looked more flammable than violent. If the flight deck was somewhat reinforced, I'd guess a crew could walk away from that landing.

>> No.12450417

Why has no space startup gone big dumb rocket first?

>> No.12450418
File: 332 KB, 1352x1014, a1d2lvlb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's what this knife is for

>> No.12450423

I'm curious what caught fire in there.

>> No.12450425

Too late. There were people it CGI in the launch thread.

>> No.12450428

Big rockets are expensive as shit if you're expending them. Small rockets are typically done as proof-of-concept because the capital costs are smaller even though the mass fractions are actually worse.

>> No.12450429

It's easier to make smaller, lower pressure engines using laser sintering. Like I said, supersonic deposition may overcome that hurdle, just not yet.

>> No.12450430
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>> No.12450431

Good luck getting the funding for something like that.

>> No.12450433
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reaction image edition

>> No.12450434
File: 1023 KB, 1920x1080, Mystery Goo at Boca Chica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I made this this morning.

>> No.12450441


>> No.12450442
File: 74 KB, 147x183, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Elon bring his dog to the wreckage lmao

Just imagine SpaceX bringing the world's most renowned influencers onto the moon as the first humans in over 50 years, before Artemis lands the first w*man.

>> No.12450443

T-1 hour to ULA Delta 4 Heavy

>> No.12450446

that's basically what spacex did, right?

>> No.12450450
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>> No.12450453

Imagine landing directly on top of Chang'e 5 for the lels.

>> No.12450454

Why would anyone fund it? People funding private rocket firms need to see some vision that's going to be revolutionary.

A tiny Falcon1.

>> No.12450455

Falcon 1 was more or less a smallsat launcher.

>> No.12450457
File: 1.98 MB, 1948x1096, 1598164485092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liftoff is looking like 8:09 EST

>> No.12450458
File: 10 KB, 175x288, Veldhuyzen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We scrubben?

>> No.12450460

Man this stream lags every other second for me, absolutely unwatchable. I didn't have this problem streaming the last two days.

>> No.12450464

I don't see any burn marks. I think the fire was actually away from the tent. It was just hard to tell because long-range cameras make depth a bit funky

>> No.12450465

The whole point of big dumb launchers is the price reductions from not using carbon fiber or machined isogrid silliness, just big cheap steel tanks like Soyuz or Starship

>> No.12450467
File: 487 KB, 744x560, sn8 dome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go frame by frame from my timestamp. Watch the cone at impact. The full blunt force of the shockwave is going through the payload/crew area. It would kill anyone in there.
They could probably reinforce it and add a dome or something above the fuel tanks but it would cut in a ton to your weight budget

>> No.12450469
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bretty gud

>> No.12450470
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>> No.12450471

>it would cut a ton into your weight budget
what are we gonna do with the other 99 tons?

>> No.12450473

if you assemble orbital spaceships only using DISPOSABLE starships but only used soyuz to move the crew around it would still be insanely cheaper than anything we ever had

>> No.12450474

what the fuck did he just say? They've disabled some of the automatic abort stuff and they're going to do it manually? My speakers are shit and there's a lot of noise here.

>> No.12450479
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>> No.12450484

Big launchers need high pressure engines, or a literal warehouse full of gold to buy F-1Bs from Aerojew Shekeldyne.

*scrub thread

>> No.12450485

I definitely saw the fabric on fire yesterday on the right corner. It's probably some kind of fabric that doesn't show charring, but you can see that some of the beams got bent.

>> No.12450486

>ula update: experiencing lot of issues even right now
Not good sign

>> No.12450487

lol no

>> No.12450488

>thought they fixed the GSE problems
>but now they're tripping swing-arm alarms again

Can't make this shit up

>> No.12450490
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>> No.12450492

I love that an ancient /pol/ infographic still mentioned Zubrin.

>> No.12450494

Pretty sure just falling from the height of the nosecone would be enough to kill you

>> No.12450495
File: 654 KB, 2400x1601, 121318-DeltaIVHeavy2-ula-1000x667_2400_1601_80_s_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething at the process. This is what results-oriented rocketry looks like.

>> No.12450497

Sure, but the initial investment required is quite high, and there's a greater perceived risk of failure compared to a smaller vehicle following similarly simple design principles.

>> No.12450508
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>> No.12450510


>> No.12450511

will they come from orbit and then aerobrake straight into a landing or do one pass of the atmosphere to slow down into an elliptical orbit and then slow down enough to land on the second pass?

>> No.12450512

Anon, Starship is 3.7 school busses wide

>> No.12450514
File: 75 KB, 62x62, 1607138838392.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's starting

>> No.12450524



>> No.12450525

Okay question here, lets say Starship/Superheavy see's orbit late 2021/ early 2022 and they hit the 2 mil per flight benchmark. What can they do with all their new cheap tonnage to orbit? Space Stations? Asteroid Redirects? Space Docks? What pieces of infrastructure could they throw together and get launched in-between Starlink, Artemis, and Mars missions?

>> No.12450526

definitely that jurvetson guy taking the pic

>> No.12450527

Elon doesn't actually smoke pot. He only did it once on that joe rogan podcast. He thinks it makes people lazy.

>> No.12450529

How would you have gotten a probe to alpha centauri by now

You could probably develop breakthrough starshot with enough money now, but decades ago? No useful computers were small enough back then

>> No.12450534

Thats what I was thinking too but wasn't too sure how close he was to SpaceX management team.

>> No.12450535

There was no shockwave, haven't you listened to the audio of the crash? Instead of the crack of a detonation we got the bwoosh of a slow deflagration. The explosion looks impressive but it's just methane vapors burning as they escape from the tank. Again, no shockwave here.

>> No.12450539

why has this particular launch been scrubbed so much?

>> No.12450540

>compared to a smaller vehicle following similarly simple design principles.
Those don't work. The whole reason oldspace got hung up on gram-counting autism is because it's really hard to get to orbit with a small rocket. Think about how obnoxiously huge the R7 family is compared to, say, Electron.

>> No.12450541




>> No.12450542
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>Still targeting 2009 ET

>> No.12450545

the rocket isn't flight-proven

>> No.12450547

>this shitty rocket is going to bump SpaceX's launch again

>> No.12450552

first of all Starlink is trivialized and it also means they'll probably be launching other constellations so there's going to be a lot of junk flying in LEO almost immediately. But other than that, it's literally anything. Cost per tonnage to orbit was once the bottleneck and will no longer be the bottleneck. It depends what the next bottleneck is, if it's engineering or politics or something else.

>> No.12450553
File: 3.23 MB, 1156x1149, screenshot-www.google.com-2020.12.10-18_28_59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ULA has been on the pad for so long that you can see it on google maps 3D view

>> No.12450556

That's a Delta IV Medium of some sort (you can tell by the boosters).

>> No.12450558

Oh, I thought that was some other stuff

>> No.12450564

SN9 moving to pad coming monday


>> No.12450569

2 mil for 100 tons to LEO?
That's 20$/kg.
They can do whatever they want if they hit this cost.
You could send steaks to orbit, land and sell them, they will cost just twice the price of normal steaks.

>> No.12450570

That's true, but I mean more what's the first item that makes doing all the other stuff way easier?

Personally, I think an asteroid redirect is probably the most important mission to do first. Not just because mining for money, but also just having tons of raw workable mass in orbit. All of sudden you can build big structural elements hollow, and just fill the inside with dirt or rocks from an asteroid, not refining required.

On the other hand though, a massive propellant depot or space dock would make it easier to launch asteroid redirect missions so who knows.

>> No.12450571

according to NSF the range people are getting pissed at ULA for screwing with their schedules

>> No.12450572

This guys lays out a really good vision of what Starship will likely be used for.

>> No.12450574

What if they actually fly it before the end of the year?

>> No.12450575
File: 244 KB, 709x525, nothing personnel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This Space Center isn't big enough for two ninja clans

>> No.12450581

They might. They'll just install raptors, then do 1-2 wdr/1-2 static fire and then flight.

It might actually fly at the end of dec or new year. Whatever the case, it will be fucking awesome.

>> No.12450584

Called it >>12445769

Who wouldn't be pissed at a rocket that's been scrubbed like ten times?

>> No.12450589

Did not think of that one, yeah that could be very profitable indeed. Maybe, Im just too sci-fi poisioned to think of the simple stuff that would work.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.12450592


Beal Aerospace, but the founder called it quits after spending something like 300 million of his 500 million dollar fortune.

>> No.12450594

Was hoping some one would post this series.

>> No.12450599

>You could send steaks to orbit, land and sell them, they will cost just twice the price of normal steaks.
Elon could sell $40 Orbit Burgers at Boca and make money.

>> No.12450604

Official ULA is LIVE


>> No.12450606
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>> No.12450609

pls RUD

>> No.12450610

That red flame is KINO

>> No.12450612

What about raising cows in zero g and flying them back to Earth for slaughter? I bet they'd be tender like veal.

>> No.12450619
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>> No.12450631


>> No.12450632
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>Not dropping steaks from orbital velocity to cook it

>> No.12450654
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>> No.12450655

That's insane. Do we know the status of SN10+? Is a flurry of testing successive vehicles until SN15 early next year in the cards?

>> No.12450656

a schoolbus is 6m long you fuckboi. good thing you uneducated liberals (no conservative people would be that dumb) aren't allowed in spacex

>> No.12450670

Nothing else has a nosecone, so anything after 9 is a few weeks out at the least.

>> No.12450673

wikipedia says
>Tank section stacked in midbay. Awaiting aero surfaces and nose cone mate.

>> No.12450677

Most up to date SN status is here >>12450231

>> No.12450695

Oh I thought you were talking about the schoolbus width vs Starship width.
A schoolbus is ~2.43 meters wide. You can park three of them side by side inside of Starship without breaking the mirrors off.
I don't know what kind of retard country you come from where school busses are only 6m long, though. Where I live they are 13.7 meters long.

>> No.12450699

>From development to launch in 2 years
Oldspace today could never

>> No.12450701

Clps video would be cool.

>> No.12450703
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>> No.12450707

I'm really enjoying the amount of concentrated autism surrounding the Starship development program, really makes it easy to stay interested (not that I'm the type of person to get bored of something like this, however without constant finger-on-the-pulse autists I would not be able to spend all day shitposting about it). Love you fags.

>> No.12450717

>Season all the meat before takeoff.
>Crash it into the pad and pick it out of the wreckage, perfectly cooked.

>> No.12450718
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>> No.12450722

what does the B stand for?

>> No.12450727


>> No.12450729

It’s a really diverse community, too.
There’s even primitivists

>> No.12450730


>> No.12450733


>> No.12450735

Booster number 1, probably, because that’s the first Superheavy

>> No.12450739


>> No.12450741

why not BSN1

>> No.12450742

Any estimates for completion on the first booster?

>> No.12450744

I'm curious how the engines look. Though they're obviously not going to show that

>> No.12450745

probably once Starship can RTLS without exploding

>> No.12450750


>> No.12450757

No, I mean, maybe this business plan could work, but my point is that whatever you want to do that involve space, the cost of launching to orbit becomes pretty much irrelevant at this point.
As >>12450552 said, there would be other bottlenecks, but if you can imagine something that more or less make sense, flying to orbit won't be an obstacle.
What would people do with this?
Building bases on Mars, the Moon, free-flying, etc. would be a given, you can just send the materials from earth at first as it won't be too expensive (sending an aircraft carrier would cost less than building it).
I think that would be detrimental to ISRU first because of the low cost, but the farther from Earth, the more ISRU would be interesting.

>> No.12450773

It's pretty much just stacking rings, the most time consuming bits are gonna be the thrust structure and the load bearing supports for the grid fins.

>> No.12450782

Not bad ULA
Not bad

>> No.12450783
File: 657 KB, 1650x1060, vvTSjUWyZXBkNAMWuKchJ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that's 100% gonna happen is they're gonna mount a telescope to a Starship and have it do ~2 week long missions to orbit and return. Think of pic related but a Starship in space.

>> No.12450791

so with a starship refueling in orbit, could it accelerate an object to catch up to Voyager in a reasonable amount of time?

>> No.12450795

if it had a good expendable stage on board, sure

>> No.12450798

I doubt you can identify what's engine and what's not in the wreckage.

>> No.12450803

In a decade or two maybe.

>> No.12450816

Pretty sure they detonated the engine/bottom part with C4.

>> No.12450821

No? The 2 explosive packages for the FTS were located on the center spine of the leeward side of the tank.

>> No.12450831

If I could walk around it I 100% guarantee I'd be able to find the engines.

>> No.12450833
File: 379 KB, 1111x597, E60CDF78-F229-4AE9-91B5-4E2145DB30F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>musk projected super heavy would take a month to be ready
>it STILL hasn't hopped
post yfw SLS orbits before starshit

>> No.12450835
File: 460 KB, 581x664, ula missiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caption this image

>> No.12450842

>gay, 1995, colorized

>> No.12450843
File: 220 KB, 415x485, 1602297072072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like SpaceX is taking Super Heavy development for granted. Like building a giant booster will ever be easy. Makes me think something will go wrong.

>> No.12450847

>ULA automated launch site defense systems repel an attack by Chinese forces; 2024, Colorized

>> No.12450850

>SLS orbits

>> No.12450853

Once they perfect starship, and the raptor engines become reliable, SH will be a walk in the park to build

>> No.12450857
File: 70 KB, 434x550, 5FEC7D85-E58C-48D5-950C-07051E4436F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-it'll totally work guys! N-nothing can go wrong with just stacking a bunch of shitty little engines next to each oth-

>> No.12450861
File: 299 KB, 2280x1270, Screen-Shot-2020-05-30-at-5.06.14-PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are touchscreens really advantageous over just using a mouse and keyboard? i have a personal hatred for anything with a touchscreen, since in my experience they're imprecise, easy to break, and generally just a pain to use.

>> No.12450867

It does look a bit like Wooster to the right of Gwynne. Also, Lars Blackmore's gotta be among them. He's the control guy for all this landing magic going back years - Sr. Principal Mars landing engineer.

>> No.12450868

Pretty sure this last test flight has more air time then all the N-1 launches.

>> No.12450873
File: 178 KB, 406x430, 1607510479437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maezawa can't find anyone mad enough to join him on dear moon
>In a surprising turn of events, Mr Maezawa has announced a partnership with cover corporation
>This starship will be outfitted with the latest VR imaging cameras, allowing our talents to appear in full 3d streams inside starship as it travels around the moon

>> No.12450874

>t-they look cool!
>they're s-s-sleek!
>m-muh epic sci-fi f-fantasies!
t. the average muskcel

>> No.12450876 [DELETED] 


>> No.12450878
File: 53 KB, 750x406, 7072083C-9E33-49C7-913C-64D8B91E99C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let’s slap a powerful first stage on the bottom, that’s a good trick

>> No.12450882

Planned, unlike starscrub's RUD fireball. Good luck getting any human to board your shitty death trap with footage of that crash blasting 24/7 at anyone who gets near it.

>> No.12450888
File: 8 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just slap three of them together.
>How hard can it be?

>> No.12450889

Muskets have been trying to cope all week lmao.
>Muh planned explosion
>anything after the flip was a bonus heh heh
>It was supposed to be 20km so I will keep calling it 20km even though Shepherd can easily break 100km
>DAE hate boeing???

>> No.12450890

Starship is the same diameter and a bit over half the length and it was doing fucking backflips and shit yesterday, the Booster is going to be fine especially since it will be structurally stronger than Starship in order to carry the 1500 ton load in front.
I don't know why anyone would be scared of the Booster design encountering problems except for being afraid of "big rocket stage". News flash, the only big rocket stages ever built were either a massive success (Saturn V first stage) or extremely over budget piece of shit because oldspace (SLS core). Before you mention the N1 first stage, Starship is actually bigger than that so it doesn't really count as a big rocket stage in this context. Lots of throoost but lacking in volume.

>> No.12450900

A space capsule has a shitload of cuntrions that need to be accessed at any given time, one at a time, and usually no more than a few minutes per function per flight. Having 30 dedicated control panels for everything vs having one touch screen with thirty menus plus some 'real' controls for the important stuff is better, less clutter less electronics less mass less risk of something breaking and more capsule volume leftover to work with.

>> No.12450903

Heavy won't have legs. It is supposed to slot back into its own launch pad.

>> No.12450904

>all week
It's been one day, anon.

>> No.12450908

No it’s not

>> No.12450909

This is starting to become the best possible timeline.

>> No.12450910

Aspirationally, but not for a while and definitely not starting out unless Musk suddenly felt it's necessary from the start.

>> No.12450911

i understand the advantage of computerization, but why not use a mouse and keyboard is the question? or if mice don't work well in space, i'm sure there's an alternative

>> No.12450914

Eventually, sure. However, not to start off, and certainly not the test versions. Besides, even if cradle landings don't work, it's not like the Booster can't eat the mass penalty of including some stubby 1m long reusable legs. It's going to work bros, even if they encounter glitches they have backups to their backup plans.

>> No.12450919

The best possible timeline is the one were in, where SLS, the nation's proven super-heavy lift vehicle, puts American astronauts back on the moon, and we stop wasting money on stupid reddit meme shit like "muh reusability" which will NEVER be economically viable.

>> No.12450923

It's probably just a lot easier to do touch screens, desu. It's not like their UIs are too small, everything has nice big buttons to jab. Also you can bet your ass that those touch screens are not the delicate cheap shit they so often produce for consooomer products.

>> No.12450929

shoo shoo, shill

>> No.12450933

Could Superheavy act as an SSTO with a light enough payload? If so, has any consideration been given anywhere to using it as a solo lift vehicle to carry exceptionally heavy payloads into LEO? (maybe a gravity ring)

>> No.12450934

>stop wasting money on stupid reddit meme shit like "muh reusability" which will NEVER be economically viable
>"Falcon 9 pays for itself by the second flight and is printing money by flight 3"
cope harder nigger

>> No.12450937
File: 161 KB, 1600x999, Tesla-Model-3-Interior-tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I myself just have a proper hatred of touchscreens
I suspect much of it has to do with elon musk's terrible design philosophy
If you want to see what i'm talking about, just look at the interior of a tesla. Has to be the worst looking interior i've ever seen

>> No.12450939

Some day soon starships will be flying around the solar system, and some retarded hipsters will long for the days of Government run space agencies .

>> No.12450942

Could you please stop spamming the thread with your low tier troll bullshit? Thanks.

>> No.12450943

You can't fudge the numbers forever, Muskcel. The IRS will find out soon enough and your dear leader will have he'll to pay when the American taxpayer finds out he's been defrauding them to fly epic Rick and Morty box sets over their houses.

>> No.12450949

Government agencies gave us the moon landings. It gave us the space race. It gave us the first reusable launch system in history. It gave us the largest space station ever. What have private space given us? Sending rich pedos to annoy real astronauts for a few weeks? Epic reddit memes about driving a Tesla on Mars?

>> No.12450952

It looks ugly, but having used non-touchscreen car systems, large touchscreens are infinitely better than a bunch of knobs, buttons, and dials when it comes to navigating an interface. Most car companies are going in that direction to at least some degree.

>> No.12450953

I agree with you.
It's just so completely unusable.

Looks cool in sci-fi, completely unpractical in real life.

>> No.12450957

Have you ever used a tesla screen? I haven’t myself so I would like to know how it is. Also instead of a panel I wish it was integrated into the dashboard and looked more like a TNG display than a bootleg ipad strapped into the middle of the car

>> No.12450961

>, large touchscreens are infinitely better than a bunch of knobs, buttons, and dials
Not the other guy but - In what way? When I'm driving down the highway I shouldn't have to take my eyes off the road to fuck with the touchscreen and find the a/c. I should just be able to flip a switch.

>> No.12450966
File: 182 KB, 1664x936, Eo4ZiSaXEAMRghA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, now we're on the topic of cars, and screens do not belong in cars, full stop
If you're a moron that cant read a map or navigate by yourself, get a satnav system for your, or a stand for smartphone
it doesn't look cool, it looks like shit. when it comes to cars, a lot of modern design is inevitable due to pedestrian safety standards, but modern ugly interior design in cars is inexcusible.

>> No.12450971

you'll never catch me driving a t*sla
hate EV's, hate teslas, hate big ass screens in cars, and hate modern car design

>> No.12450976
File: 71 KB, 800x800, 1603271161161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12450983

Simple systems like A/C are better with physical buttons, but when it comes to navigation, radio, and that sort of thing, they become incredibly tedious. Trying to work with car play in Audi's non-touchscreen interface was a pain in the ass for me, and probably takes more attention away from driving than a simple touchscreen would.

>> No.12450984

"Turn on ac"


>> No.12450986

Driving petrol vehicles is going to be made prohibitively expensive in the mid to long term future. Hope you have a big wallet to keep your lifted compensation truck going.

>> No.12450990


it wouldn't be able to re-enter from orbit without the heat shielding and aerodynamic controls the upper stage will have, so you'd have to spend a lot of time developing that capacity (the current SH's will land like Falcon 9/Heavy booster segments). using it as an expendable leo launcher would be economically unviable since it has a shit-ton of engines. the only reason musk is quoting such low costs per launch is he expects he wont have to replace them very often.

in any case, ssto's are kind of shit efficiency wise; all of that thrust the booster stage has is great when you're close to the ground, but once you've got some breathing room those extra engines are just dead weight (and not vacuum optimized either). i couldn't tell you how much it could take into orbit by itself, but I can guarantee you it'll be dogshite compared to what the 2 stage can do.

the upper stage might be able to do ssto, with a pitiful cargo though.

>> No.12450992


>> No.12450994

Unironically mention the indian space agency and put "hindi" in your titles

>> No.12450997


>> No.12450998

Starship alone can carry negative payload mass to orbit in reusable mode, and zero payload mass to orbit in a stripped-down expendable mode. It's the closest thing to an SSTO we have, but it would never make sense to use it as one.

>> No.12451002

Bet its vacuum engines, full heat shield, and early payload bay

>> No.12451004
File: 228 KB, 355x536, Starship_Genesis_Evangelion .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12451025

Needs more blue hair and bandages.

>> No.12451038


>> No.12451043
File: 1.24 MB, 1196x1333, 1599744795890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12451044

Looks like a natural art deco piece

>> No.12451047

Looks better than most of the "modern art" sculptures dotted around my city.
Wish I was joking.

>> No.12451049
File: 33 KB, 588x178, Screen Shot 2020-12-10 at 9.30.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtube itself found the video and commented on it

>> No.12451051

The whole flight was so fucking Kerbal, made me laugh when I saw it explode

>> No.12451052

SN8 has meaning
modern art does not

>> No.12451053


>> No.12451062


>> No.12451065


>> No.12451071


>> No.12451078
File: 370 KB, 593x488, close enough for my jewdar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one coping via projection. You seethe at the fact that your jewish masters' cost-plus tactics keeping the gentiles grounded won't be working much longer. Cope.

>> No.12451085
File: 34 KB, 1024x512, starhopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starhopper watching SN8 die like

>> No.12451092


>> No.12451104

>Muh planned explosion
The explosion was never planned. Just expected
The explosion revealed a flaw in a system that is now fixed. Sure, they could've figured out the flaw before flight by performing various studies but that would be too slow for them
>anything after the flip was a bonus heh heh
The flip was the most harrowing part of the flight. SN8 doing it without issue is a good thing
>It was supposed to be 20km so I will keep calling it 20km even though Shepherd can easily break 100km
No one still calls it a 20km hop. Also SN8 didn't need to go to 100km
>DAE hate boeing???
Boeing is a very flawed company who would hire people inappropriate for their assigned position simply because they asked for a lower salary than their competitors. The company is capable of doing many great things, but they keep making decisions that waste their talent and that is why they are hated so much

>> No.12451111

Epic answer anon! Very based and redpilled!

>> No.12451133

kys bezosnigger

>> No.12451145

i love these posts, idk why sfg takes the bait. just smile guys, it's a joke

>> No.12451175
File: 187 KB, 427x220, tumbling down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12451185
File: 3.85 MB, 5568x3712, DSC_2324 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an engine there with the pipes, right?

>> No.12451234

Looks like it yeah

>> No.12451241

that's the thrust puck

>> No.12451280

Oh come on, I-10 is fine

>> No.12451587

Love TF video on SN8, talks about fuel sloshing in the main tanks on landing, he doesn't know about the header tanks. And thought the green was TEA TEB. Lmfao

>> No.12451593

he got it right at first, said looks like burning copper, but kept saying he didnt think there was any copper in tanks/raptor. in comments he agreed with some retard saying tea-teb

>> No.12451612

>just go contract for a bridge or highway
Do know what's involved in becoming a Professional Civil Engineer?
>Take the FE exam during/after graduating
>Work as an Engineer in Training (EIT) for 4-5 years(Yes, its required to wait this long)
>Finally take the PE exam to get professionally licensed.
>Have to work all sorts of nights and weekends anyway because that's when work is scheduled to avoid traffic disruptions

>> No.12451627

They literally admitted to it and to promoting post-modernists in colleges to fight marxism.

>> No.12451639
File: 177 KB, 1239x770, Lun-Class-Ekranoplan[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gut feeling is SLS is going to end up something like the Ekranoplane or the Spruce Goose; a single test flight and then it's mothballed because it's just not useful anymore, except there won't even be anything to mothball with SLS.

>> No.12451641

houston is like that because of the petrochem lobby and because TX-DOT is probably one of the most bloated govern organs in the US. when they rebuilt I-10 even the old money republican residents wanted a rail line but no dice.
They are literally moving a freeway from one side of downtown to another and burying it UNDERGROUND in a city that has massive flooding every 2 years. Why? because fuck you, TX-DOT wants a bigger budget, and the developers want to connect “EaDo” and downtown for the california transplants.

>> No.12451656

>They have a time machine

>> No.12451657

>they will cost just twice the price of normal steaks.
Maybe if you're Canadian...

>> No.12451661

It’s literally just a big metal pressure vessel with rocket engines on one end and some avionics that they figured out years ago with Falcon 9

>> No.12451742

I almost want spacex to fail because i saw retarded soiboy youtubers who scam people for a living celebrate in ways that were so cringey they put me in a coma, i don't think ill be able to handle what theyll do when the full stack flies, much less when they get to mars

>> No.12451744

some things are easier to do the bigger you make em. Particularly on the prototype because you can just overengineer shit to make sure it works, then figure out where to reduce weight in future iterations

>> No.12451747
File: 368 KB, 983x867, PinochetMusk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want SpaceX to fail because I'm mad about youtube
How about we use you as the next test payload?

>> No.12451748

>avionics that they figured out years ago with Falcon 9
only literaly every aspect of it is easier, the speeds are less, the pressure is less, it has more margin, more engine out capability and it can even hover if necesary

>> No.12451750

if you can take in that amount of cringe and be ok theres something wrong with you

>> No.12451751
File: 57 KB, 894x714, mickey_mouse_wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered not watching things you don't like? I don't fucking watch Big Brother either, do you watch Big Brother just to get mad that it exists?

>> No.12451768

I dont like ignoring problems, thats the way of letting them grow out of proportions and then its impossible to control and at your doorstep. A man has a duty to know objective right and evil, be aware of it and do anything in his power to stop it.

Cringey onions bois with no muscles or ivy college education (which shows that they arent willing to do effort )who go "woaah yeah yass queen fly yes, this is totally my achievement" are almost ubiquitous in space its kinda hard to "just ignore them"

"oh lets ignore communism, its just some angry dude in germany"

>> No.12451788

Objective right and evil does not exist. Read Hume.

>> No.12451794
File: 83 KB, 600x673, stop_liking_file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just mad at YouTube, that is not a real problem.
>blah blah blah words words words
Stop trying to justify your autism and just admit you're literally this kid

comparing kid's youtube videos to an ideology with a kill count in the tens of millions is you being a faggot drama whore