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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12431879 No.12431879 [Reply] [Original]

Making fun of nurses edition

Old thread was nuked

We discuss research, offer advice (the best one is to see your family physician), make fun of premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>What's the best spec for research?
Path, onc, anesthesia, etc.
>Best spec lifestyle wise?
Psych, optho, derm, rads

>> No.12431891
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>Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K out of this thread

>> No.12431901
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>Making fun of nurses edition
OK, sure.
Opie, that girl hella thicc.
But she's about 2 boxes of pop tarts away from looking like 80% of nurses (pic related).
Why ARE so many health care workers morbidly obese?

>> No.12431910

I had an anatomy professor point this out once.
I think it's stress eating, a typical low IQ coping mechanism.

>> No.12431933

I dont know about you but when I woke up from my surgery it was an angel that greated me (yes a nursoid)

>> No.12431979

>Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K out of this thread
Vaccines are dangerous and cause autism among other long terms conditions

>> No.12432257

>Best spec lifestyle wise?
Psych, optho, derm, rads
rads for sure. fuckers work from home now. i fucked myself in the ass with ortho

>> No.12432264

Any more detail on the ideal specs lifestyle wise ideally with personal experience?

>> No.12432322
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>> No.12432335

At what point is a vaguely numb right arm a concern?

Male. 20s. No diagnosed health problems. Woke up very early in the morning today, spent 10 hours studying for a final exam (and did the exact same thing this past friday). Drank maybe 6-8 cups of coffee. Grabbed some fast food after the exam, ate it, and went to bed. Woke up 2 hours later because of an uncomfortably dry throat (not unheard of for me) and because my arm felt asleep, like I had been laying on it. Dont remember if I had been sleeping on my side when I woke up.

Got up and drank some water ,Noticed arm didn't really feel like it was 'waking up' after getting up from nap and drinking some water for throat. Very vague, not quite tingling sensation that feels localized to the forearm muscle/tricep areas that I can only describe as feeling like that very late stages of the "waking up" process after you release your arm from under pressure. Moving my arm around, it feels vaguely similar to how it feels when I wake my arm up from being asleep, like there's a very small amount of motor control being affected.

My right arm is dominant and I use it for a lot of things. RSI? Carpal tunnel? Or did I have a stroke in my sleep?

>> No.12432352

going to school for fucking 8 years, getting into HUGE debt, then getting your license revoked for a dissenting opinion fuck em enjoy the physician shortage

>> No.12432354
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Clamping is rape.

>> No.12432358

Saturday night palsy/honeymoon palsy

>> No.12432365

Based nonetheless

>> No.12432393

Potentially putting your own patients at risk for some dumb political virtue signalling? Fuck him.

>> No.12432396
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>offer advice

>> No.12432434


>> No.12432631
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>> No.12432634

There is no physician shortage, there's shortage of training positions.

>> No.12432795


We all get stressed anon. We don't all stuff our faces because of it.

>> No.12432841

I hate how everyone treats nurses like they are the heroes of the hospital when really they do absolute shit. They make phlebotomists and CNAs do all the shitty, grinding work and Doctors do all the intellectual work. Most RNs are just thots making tik-toks and bitching about how they don't know how to chart in Epic. Fuck American healthcare.

>> No.12432968

Vitamin K is important for clotting

>> No.12433589

Why are they the best specs for research?

>> No.12433717

What a stupid fucking question. Fuck off.

>> No.12433743

Based. RN, NP, PA deserve the rope.

>> No.12433861

I have never worked in a hospital setting where this was remotely true--pretty much all positions were overworked and burnt out.

>> No.12434024

can someone pls post the evidence based gf frog?

>> No.12434030

Do i have coronavirus ? I feel weak, all my joints hurt, i have headache and fever.

>> No.12434034

get tested. don't forget there are other viruses out there so don't jump to conclusions. Now fuck off.

>> No.12434069
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I get the feeling you've never actually worked with nurses in medicine. Yeah, a lot of them are lazy, but when you deal with entitled pieces of shit all day, you kind of stop caring about those people. When I did my medicine rotations, the nurses were godsends because I could avoid the patients as much as possible. Now that I am in rads, I love my techs too, cause they are now the people that deal with patients all day.

Also side note, anyone notice that rads has the most attractive women? Every place I've been too has cute techs.

>> No.12434089

>the nurses were godsends because I could avoid the patients as much as possible.
And half the time they just pass the patient on down the chain to someone making barely above minimum wage who has to clean up shit and draw blood.
>Every place I've been too has cute techs.
Jesus fucking Christ, they are even worse. Do two fucking myocardial perfusion studies and then call it a day. The point being if American healthcare wasn't such a bloated, bureaucratic money pit you could easily get rid of 80% of people who work in the hospital.

>> No.12434091

>I could avoid the patients as much as possible.

wizard detected.

>> No.12434110
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>can someone pls post the evidence based gf frog?
this one?

>> No.12434137

Not this one. There was a frog with a flower on its head, white coat and the same red cheeks.

I remember the evidence based gf poster spamming that shit and you made that frog.

>> No.12434156

I hate nurses so much.

>> No.12434174
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>Do two fucking myocardial perfusion studies and then call it a day.

Where do you work that you only have 2 nucs studies a day? Our system probably pulls in over 1000 studies a day across all specialties.

>wizard detected.

I never knew how much I hated dealing with patients until I didn't have to really see them anymore or run to codes. Rads is fucking rad.

>> No.12434272

Med student here, i like nurses, they help me out.

>> No.12434330

We don't care if you like them. They're pieces of shit, that's all. Also fuck you nigger

>> No.12434332

Fuck you rads shitter

>> No.12434339

and i also have chestpain but it's not so bad

>> No.12434341

Get tested friendo.

Corona fucking sucks because everything can be a symptom of rona

>> No.12434369

Ok fuckers, help me out here. Should I see a psychiatrist?

The thing is that since a few years (5-6) I've been having this problem and I realized I need help, so far I thought it's something normal but now it degenerated so much that I cannot function properly and lose my concentration when studying or reading a book.

I get these rushes of anger whenever I think about a bad past experience and how could I have handled it differently. I remember every minor unpleasant shit that happened to me and overthink it over and over. For example, one or two years ago I was driving to a restaurant to meet with my parents. My future wife, her mother and grandad were with me in the car. I make a mistake and cut off someone. He stops the car near mine (average built, the usual normie wagie that looked like he smoked too much weed, long hair and a cap that all rappers wear nowadays, blue eyes and an unkept beard). He told me to bring the windows down, I do and apologize telling him I didn't see him (I really didn't see him) and he said that he will fuck me up, just that. Now I'm pretty sure I'm able to beat up someone like him like nothing, I'm a lanklet but pretty strong but in that moment, I really didn't mind it since I deserved it for not being attentive enough, mistakes like that happen, it's not the end of the world, for my fiancee's family's sake I didn't get aggressive or anything. 15 minutes ago I had a flashback of this event, clear as a day and imagined I didn't have anyone in the car, only me and the ways I could hurt that guy. Stomping his head like the nazi guy did in American History X, spitting on him, beating him until out cold or even worse, dead. Just because he said that one little insignificant thing to me. I repeat insignificant, because nobody cares, shit like that happens all the fucking time but today it was different, I had an adrenaline rush and my heart started pounding, thinking about way of hurting that guy. I do have other flashbacks too.

>> No.12434388


>> No.12434389


Another example, this time it was just me and my fiancee in the car. A cab driver pulled on the side of the road and blocked half of my lane, cars were waiting, I did honk at him and the audacity he had to start cursing at me. I fucking snapped and blocked his car, got down but he started backing up because I was too slow and my fiancee was holding me with all her power. It was fine on that moment, I felt better that I'm nobody's bitch and he backed up like a pussy but then I felt bad. Really bad. Like I probably fucked up that guy's whole day, for what? He was just waiting for his client, that's all. And the most I regretted it was the fact that my fiancee saw me explode like that and I apologized to her the whole drive.

I have other stories from uni or once when a guy wanted to grope my future wife or stupid encounters in some shops, etc. not just driving but these two popped up in my head today and made me angry like I've never been before. Just a fucking thought made my hard pump like crazy and made me think of ending someone's life...for absolutely no reason. I know it's not normal, I thought it was at first since I've always been this short fused and exploded quickly but for the sake of this girl, I was trying to not look like a fucking psychopath because I know I'm not. I have a normal life, family, I have my own apartment, my own car, pets, I don't owe money to anybody, food, sleep, exercise, books, sex is great, I have everything I want and everything I need but I can't understand why this shit happens.

>> No.12434464

SS+GOMAD for 6 months will fix you

>> No.12434481

I will book an appt. I told my fiancee about this thing now and she was very understanding and told me that whenever it happens to talk to her instead of keeping it inside me. I love her a lot and don't want to lose her because of this.

I don't have violent thoughts towards her or any other family member or pets, just people I encountered and had a particularly unpleasant experience with.

Found starting strength + gallon milk a day? I prefer doing cardio only to keep me in shape even tho I'm a lanklet, I don't really want to gain mass, kek.

Thanks for letting me venting it out to you guys, I feel much better now.

>> No.12434483

Go do some boxing classes mate, talking it out will not help. You have some pent up aggression you need to let out. Also it would help if you start feelling in control of your life again

>> No.12434487

Venting is good for you.

Ignore >>12434483, see what your psychologist thinks.

>> No.12434495
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>see what your psychologist thinks.

Will do. Appt is next week, will follow up then. Thanks bros.

>> No.12434627

Just go to a psychologist, man. No shame in that.

>> No.12434660

anons, it may sound silly but i wonder how authors from different locations publish papers collectively? i mean, i read a paper and i see that 2 authors from US, some others are from yurop and others from japan or something like that. how do those guys publish research articles like that?

>> No.12434749

Physician shortage??? Why not replace MDs with nurse practitioners, they are less expensive and provide higher quality care to the patient anyway.

>> No.12434765

Nice bait.

>> No.12435199

Gay ass take.
Men are supposed to be aggressive my dudeski. You either blow some steam by murdering a barbell or a punching bag or enjoy coping with some bullshit ass reactive depression this sissified and overly feminine modern world.
The day you realize you can OHP a nagging cunt on the driveway you'll realize that strength comes from self restraint.

>> No.12435297

Revenge fantasies are normal, everyone had some shitty "trauma" events like that where they remake the movie.
Having anger bursts on some rando isn't healthy though.

>> No.12435363

But is it normal for these thoughts to be this intrusive? I mean, shit happened almost 2 years ago...

>> No.12435620

Tell me about crispr

What kind of diseases will be treatable thanks to crispr?

>> No.12435658

The genetic ones

>> No.12435774

I believe there will be huge technological advances in the medical field within the coming 20 years.

Like scanners similar to an ecg that detects abnormalities in the neurological system.

>> No.12436124
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>20 years from now /sci/ schizos will be complaining about being capped at a young age

>> No.12436147

What are some big medical advancements made in the last year?

>> No.12436168

What's a good neurology textbook?

>> No.12436228


>I think it's stress eating, a typical low IQ coping mechanism.

Unlike suicide for doctors?

>> No.12436234

angry fatty detected

>> No.12436687

Yes, or drugs

>> No.12436774

My diary desu.

>> No.12436844
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What's the point of ketone bodies? If the body needs to use its fat reserves for energy production, why not use VLDL to deliver fatty acids to the target cells? What kind of "niche" does ketone bodies have in the body? Why even synthesize them at all???

>> No.12436901

>Doctor disregards basic preventative care during a pandemic to show fealty to a retarded conman
>Brags about it

>> No.12437008


No, you need jesus.

But seriously, you need to fucking relax. When I was a teenager I got angry over the dumbest shit until I found myself literally freaking out over video games. When you feel that anger come on, stop, take a deep breath, clear your mind, and find your inner peace. If you go to a psych specialist they will try to medicate you and what you really need is to take responsibility for your own feelings and actions, not suppress them.

>> No.12437082

Ketone bodies are basically last resort energy that is chiefly used by the brain and heart when glucose is low. The body makes it almost as a byproduct of normal gluconeogenesis. You will see elevated ketones in diabetics who don't take insulin because their body doesn't realize it has glucose available, so it keeps creating more. Since the entire body really uses glucose, ketones allow an alternate energy source for necessary organs (heart and brain).

When it comes to fatty acid use, IIRC, ketones are the result of the last oxidation of a long chain fatty acid and also a byproduct, but also giving an emergency energy source for necessary tissue.

>> No.12437275

>last resort energy that is chiefly used by the brain
I did some further reading and I think this was the niche that ketone bodies have. Free fatty acids tied to albumin and VLDL can't cross the blood-brain barrier but ketone bodies can. So when you run out of glucose you need the liver to release ketone bodies or else the brain has nothing to fuel it.

When adipose tissues release free fatty acids into the blood due to the influence of glucagon or adrenaline, most tissues can freely pick up those fatty acids should they need to, right?

>> No.12437678

>When adipose tissues release free fatty acids into the blood due to the influence of glucagon or adrenaline, most tissues can freely pick up those fatty acids should they need to, right?

Right, any cell with a mitochondria should theoretically be able to use it. I believe muscles and liver are referred to a lot when talking about it because they usually require large amounts of energy, which beta oxidation of fatty acids gives. This also provides the most energy out of all of our cellular processes too IIRC.

>> No.12437908

She is fat she is just posing in a certain way. She isn't morbidly obese but she is about 20 pounds overweight

>> No.12439043
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This is common problem, from sleeping in some positions. Sleeping in a different position (on back, etc.) will help. To unfuck these areas, a quick and easy fix with some simple stretches- Pic related ( I edited the pic because some of this shit is ayy_lmao )

Do them erry day

>> No.12439139

i failed a shelf and a clinical skill session I really pray i don't have to repeat the rotation. Is every competitive residency chance gone now?

>> No.12439202

I dunno

>> No.12439322

i find medicine and biology incredibly captivating but i can't bring myself to sit down and learn by heart so many books

what do med students think of studying maths and physics?

>> No.12439344

are belly buttons genetic ?

>> No.12439382


Whose got some advice about how they wrote a good personal statement? Generic tips to tailor around each person's lifestory/interests/involvement/speciality appreciated.

>> No.12439701
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all of my coworkers have sucked dicks

>> No.12439748

Please /med/ help me I'm desperate. I might have a stomach ulcer since I've been taking ibuprofen daily por two months now (that's another story). My doc also told me to take 20mg of omeprazole per day and change it to 40 per day last month. I've been in pain por around two weeks during nights but yesterday night I ate guacamole (I didn't know that spicy food would worse it) and I've been in a lot of pain for around 6 hours now also I have diarrhea since then.
Inb4 go to the doctor, I already have an appointment, I took it 10 days ago but I didn't find anything before sooner than next week. Going to a guard is not an option since I live in a rural area and I can't drive like this.

>> No.12439759

you're probably going to die

>> No.12439772
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I know I will probably be fine in another 3 or 4 hours, but I have a lot of finals and this shit is ruining my sleep schedule, my sleep schedule I don't want to fail because my stupid tummy hurts fuck I should had study earlier.

>> No.12439789

Well, my ass just exploded and I'm feeling a little better now, but I think I just shitted diarrhea with blood. Should I stop ibuprofen although my doctor told me I should stop it on Monday? I do have an appointment on Monday, will I be fine or should I go to the hospital or something?

>> No.12439791

three days later, a mother had to make funeral plans
three days later a mother had to bury her son
(sorry anon)

>> No.12439798

go to the ER if you're that worried

>> No.12439825

I don't think residencies see your shelf scores, but I am not sure if they see if you pass/fail one.

Regardless, it would depend on which residency. IM and FM will pretty much always be available to anyone.

>> No.12439836
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>I might have a stomach ulcer since I've been taking ibuprofen daily por two months now (that's another story

>Should I stop ibuprofen although my doctor told me I should stop it on Monday?

Maybe, I don't know, you should stop fucking doing the thing causing the issue. Stop taking ibuprofen, eat bland food like bread and rice, and see if that helps while taking 40mg of omeprazole daily. If you are still having symptoms, you could have gastritis or an ulcer, and you can actually up the omeprazole to 40mg twice a day if it actually helps. Supposedly you can take it even more than that, but I've only ever seen GI do BID.

>> No.12439891

Covid Long Haulers are doomed
There is no cure for symptoms like fatigue and body aches

>> No.12439899
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>There is no cure for symptoms like fatigue and body aches

You mean there's no cure for getting old?

>> No.12440054

part of my family truly believe that the Covid Vaccines are bad and only to reduce the Population.
I tried everything I could think of to change their minds,
How could I convince them that the vaccines are a good thing?

>> No.12440061 [DELETED] 

You should just admit that they're right. Make sure to tell them that they also clamp and circumcise.

>> No.12440165

Tell them they're right and should keep chugging diluted bleach.

>> No.12440290 [DELETED] 
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>Patient comes to me with daibetes type 2
>Tells me she's a nurse and eats garbage food to cope with the stress
A bit of cosmic poetic justice, perhaps?

>> No.12440301
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>Patient comes to me with type 2 diabetes
>Tells me she's a nurse and eats junk food to cope with the stress
A bit of cosmic poetic justice, perhaps?

>> No.12440324 [DELETED] 

>Literally kill them for not following your religion

>> No.12440361
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cause and effect

they know exactly why but still want to hear the words from you

>> No.12440413

No. It's allowing them to die as they see fit.
Also, your lichlurry is out of place and unnecessary. Learn to grammar. Consider sudoku.

>> No.12440418
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is HRH dying??

>> No.12440447

>imagine being inbred and making it to her age
Jelly af ngl.

>> No.12440582

Dialectical behavioural therapy for you, anon.

~60% remission rate in 6y of therapy.

>> No.12440590

Suicide is the highest IQ cope around

>> No.12440644
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Why do nurses in general have monstrous sexual apatite

>> No.12440646
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she's dead bros

>> No.12440758
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Why has nurseoids been so self-congratulatory during the pandemic. Bitch you monitor the vital signs and draw blood.

>> No.12440796

is retardation based? sometimes i forget where i am... thx for reminding me

>> No.12440800

Because nurses are really dumb and stupidity correlates with doing impulsive and hedonistic stuff like eating shitty food, getting overweight, getting tattoos, being a promiscuous whore, getting shit faced on a weekly basis, smoking, not going to the gym, etc. You know, the type of behavior that every fucking nurse engages in.

Btw, for all those who are planning on becoming a doctor. Do not get a nurse waifu unless you know her virtues, because she is most likely going to become a fat piece of shit that will eventually divorce you. She has probably also fucked hundreds of guys before she met you.

>> No.12440807

No. This is simply an opinion, and the data behind the efficacy of mask-wearing is disputed. He should have worn a mask though.

>> No.12440809

you slept on your arm. There is nothing to worry about.

>> No.12440837

Nope. Neuroscience is a stagnant field as of now, and it will not change until they start producing some real changes.

>> No.12440844


>> No.12440865

What needs to be done?

>> No.12440879

I don't know. Maybe AI can help.

>> No.12440905

That will take 50 years.

>> No.12440907

Only a nurse would give this kind of advice.

>> No.12440913

Fuck nurses.

>> No.12441020

Hi Frens!
What is frequent urination a symptom of?
I go no 1 very frequently with low volumes.
It never used to be this way. Started mid twenties and been going on for years.
Its really uncomfortable.
I'm NOT diabetic!

>> No.12441072


>> No.12441094

>lard arms
>lard face
>lard everything else

>> No.12441113

Has anyone in here had asymptomatic COVID but experiencing long haul symptoms after the fact? Or know someone who did?

>> No.12441133
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dubs of truth

>> No.12441146

Thanks. Read the article. Am I correct in surmising there's no real effective treatment?

>> No.12441148

Ok twink.

>> No.12441190

Yes. What I would do is to start a stopwatch once you feel the urge and then wait an hour before you go to the bathroom. Then after maybe a month of doing this wait one and a half hours, and keep increasing the time over the months until you don't feel an urge between 4-8 hours. This way you can the nerves innervating the bladder and the bladder itself will adapt to an increased volume of urine.
It could be something more serious though, like a tumor or an infection, I would consider going to a urologist,
Also, have you had any traumas, surgeries, or did you do anything specific when the symptoms first started?

>> No.12441196

maybe you have a UTI. Do you have cloudy piss?

>> No.12441233

No traumas, surgeries, etc.
Like I said, I never had any issues, then it started mid twenties and its been going on for at least 5 years.
Sometimes it gets worse, almost like a UTI for a short while.
Urine is not cloudy at all.

I also had my urine tested and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

>> No.12441296

get a nigger to tongue your anus to see if theres prostate problems

>> No.12441326

Why the racism?

>> No.12441348

I think maybe Im still a bit young for prostate issues.
The only other health issue I have is sinus infection. My mouth gets really really dry from that. Sinus started at about the same time as the bladder issue but surely there is no relation between the two, right? Recently I had a fever and that also made the bladder sensitivity 10x worse. It really sucks.

>> No.12445036

>How could I convince them that the vaccines are a good thing?

You should not be trying to convince someone who is healthy to take a rushed medical treatment. If they are elderly or have preexisting conditions that make them more likely to have a severe illness then sure. I personally don't want it because I wouldn't take ANY medical treatment that was rushed out the door in less than a year.

>> No.12445222

Plus, you're interfering with natural selection.

>> No.12445236

>Im still a bit young for prostate issues.

Get scanned anyway. For pelvic floor and urinary incontinence, your kegel muscle exercises are important. A lot of people are out of shape & have poor muscle tone across their entire, and especially lower abdominus. An intervention of physical therapy is appropriate.

>> No.12446792
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i have backaches in the region right above my ass crack (near my colon i think?)

i fell on my ass like 3 months ago once at a party, but idk shouldn't it have healed by now?

sorry I'm studying maths not biology :P

am i going to die?

>> No.12447000
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Patient has mild headache? Emergency neuro consult.

>> No.12447186

I want to get into med school. If I actually get accepted, how will it feel like? What is your experience in med school? Sorry for bad english.

>> No.12447267

It's a lot of work. I spent most of my time the first 3 years studying non stop. Got better in 4th year.

>> No.12447463

You probably have sacral dysfunction. Go see a DO.

Depends on how good your study habits are. I personally didn't have to study that much, maybe an extra hour or so a day except when boards came around.

But some people have very shitty study habits and don't know how they SHOULD be studying to retain information and they nonsensically spend their whole day and night studying like >>12447267

The biggest thing is to know what you need to know. If you skim first aid board review books you will get an idea of whats important, then make sure you can reason everything out (except biochem, that's straight memorization) and you will find yourself reviewing the same information a lot less.

>> No.12447624

Sublime, fuck nursoids

>> No.12447645

>don't know how they SHOULD be studying to retain information and they nonsensically spend their whole day and night studying like
Fuck off if you think this has anything to do with study habits. It was literally the norm for everyone. There was no other way to get through the material.

>> No.12447663

That sounds very difficult. Do you have any hobbies? And free time to spend it on hobbies?

>> No.12447670

>doing clerkship
>geriatric female, 99 yrs, slew of health issues
>I'm asked to draw blood
>can't penetrate any vein in arm or hand
>getting frustrated, call nurse for help as patient is now getting frustrated as well
>she penetrates arm first try
>instructor asks me why I had to call a nurse
>explain to him it's a nurse's job to draw blood and I needed assistance
>he then pulls me aside and roasts me about how I should have all the knowledge of any nurse, as well as perform any function they can in any capacity
>ask him why the fuck we even have nurses then
>tells me he doesn't think medicine is right for me

So beyond pissed today.

>> No.12447703

>explain to him it's a nurse's job
I'm sure he appreciates being reminded what the roles of nurses are. Next time just politely explain you recently studied it, and he may have forgotten having worked in a hospital away from med school for all those years.

>> No.12447708

Where I'm from, we never studied or practiced how to draw blood more than a single time and taking blood is always done by a nurse.

>> No.12447733

imagine not drawing blood from an IO...ngmi

>> No.12447780

As if IQ and food consumption are related haha

>> No.12447797 [DELETED] 

i looked it up online and i could only find some weird sketch with the bones above the ass
like that's where it hurts

>sacral dysfunction
is that bad?

>> No.12447802

i looked it up online and i could only find some weird sketch with the bones above the ass
like that's where it hurts

>sacral dysfunction
is that bad?

>> No.12447807

If I am liable for a aneurysm but my local medical history does not show it, what can a friend tell to the paramedics to make them believe him that his collapsed friend had one?

>> No.12447816

>faking an aneurysm
wew lad

>> No.12447818

indomethacin safe on 2-3rd months of pregnancy?

>> No.12447820

I don't want to fake anything anon, I just know that I am liable for one, but I haven't been recovered in any local hospital for a while so they might not have all the info and I don't want to risk them not believing my friend.

>> No.12447834

>here takes this untested rushed vaccine bro!
only retard is you.

>> No.12447873

IO for drawing blood from an elderly woman. Why?

>> No.12447893

What's the best way to study in pre-clinical years?
I'm starting to burn-out spending hours going through Anki. Someone help

>> No.12447897

Nurse here.

One of my CNA's came up to me the other day and was like "hey do you have one of those temperature taker things?". I gave her my thermometer.

As little schooling as I think I have sometimes, I understand REAL DOCTORS and not PRE-MED SHITSTAINS know they need us hard.

>> No.12447945

Thinking about doing a post-bacc at 28 and going into psychiatry. Anyone in a similar boat?

>> No.12448080

I've seen CNAs teach med students and interns how to ambulate patients. There's two sides to every coin.

>> No.12448394

IV's come from pure experience, you literally cannot "study" it.

>> No.12448482

I thought doctoids loved stabbing people

>> No.12448528

>finish med school
>had to have residency exam in december
>postponed indefinitely because pandemic
>stuck at home
>have all the time for studying but slowly falling into hard depression

>> No.12448639

Sooooooooooo. Who else's fav vitamin is vitamin K?

>> No.12448691

The mistake I made with Anki was that I studied cards too early without having grasped the concept. Répétition is much easier when you have fully understood the material. So I would advise you to read the stuff think about it and make sure that you really have understood it. Then make cards and recall.
I still like writing down notes, because it gives me a feeling of security even if it takes some more time

>> No.12448700

Mine is vitamin D But I guess that goes hand in hand with vitamin K

>> No.12448713

EZ IOs are indicated as: 1. less painful; 2. less psychological trauma to patient; 3. brrrtttt; 4. Doctors make their own choices, nurses only get to pick le ebin budderfli nettle

>> No.12448824

Wait, are you talking about intraosseous? For a blood test?
The fuck am I reading

>> No.12448837


>> No.12448841


>> No.12448956

Nah they like to put their finger up patients butts

>> No.12449001

Is general IM still a good career path these days? It seems like most of the jobs are hospitalist positions, which I have heard are depressing

>> No.12449022

Hospitals are depressing for weak minded normies who watch big bang theory and love cats. Hospitals are awesome for non-NPCs

>> No.12449030

I've heard it's depressing in the sense that you get dumped a lot of grunt work and are basically treated like a resident.

>> No.12449054

Oh well that's probably true but it depends on ur work ethic I guess. In my short time at hospital I've never heard so much complaining from people. Gone are the days where people lauded mild amounts of labor and we are now filled with people who shun the idea of doing slightly more than bare minimum and act like they're working in a sweat shop. Communism is indeed our future sadly.

>> No.12449149
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>> No.12449159

direct to the cecum in fact - freshest, plumpest vein is right there waiting to be *sniff sniff* poked.

>> No.12449182

Why does neurology have the worst physician happiness ratings? Is it because none of their patients get cured?

>> No.12449186

Probs. Basically getting paid to give death news

>> No.12449194

There are no proper treatments for neurological diseases

>> No.12449237

That's what I'm worried about. Neurology seems like one of the more interesting specs that I could reasonably match as a DO, but if I don't feel like I'm actually helping anyone I would get bummed pretty fast

>> No.12449253

diabetes 2

>> No.12449275

If you have a chronic infection, that can lead to all kinds of issues.

>> No.12449367

>is HRH dying?
Aren't we all?

>> No.12449469

Medfags, is there an easy way to cope with panic attacks (and to a lesser degree general anxiety)?

I was prescribed anti-anxiety meds about 2 years ago but I switched employers at the beginning of this year and lost my health coverage (and personal plans either don't cover the meds or the deductible is so high its not even worth it). Recently my panic attacks started again and it's fucking frustrating sitting there trying to convince myself i'm OK and i'm not having a heart attack, etc. There isn't anything that seems to trigger it (well, darkly/dimly spaces don't help). It's also fucking impossible for me to sleep.

But yeah, and relatively easy/cheap tricks for managing this bullshit until I can find a way to pay for actual meds?

>> No.12449572

A lot of people scoff
His name is Wim Hof
They don't believe the evidence
The master is in residence
He says to breathe in and out
18x then hold 90 seconds
And let it out
Repeat up to 6x a day
And take a cold shower
Even if youre not gay

Still anons won't believe
And blow their noses in their sleeve

>> No.12449622

>checks state of residence

the state of nutjobs

>> No.12449676

Sorry to hear that anon. Not my field of expertise, but it sounds like you should continue the treatment you already got. Was there cognitive therapy involved as well? Is there a way to discuss this with your employer to get you on a new plan?

And to my fellow American medfags: seriously go fuck yourself. How can you possibly defend this shit system? You're a bunch of fucking cucks for sucking insurance cock and not standing up for your patients.

>> No.12450004

Do you guys use/used a tablet to make your own notes? I am seriously thinking of getting an ipad 13" due to the size screen being close to an A4 paper, that way I can then print them out and review them. Whats your thoughts?

>> No.12450027

Fountain pen and parchment paper is kino. Why spend hundreds of dollars on the pen (which you'll lose), iPad, case, MnK possibly. Seriously. Just take written notes, it's much cooler honestly. Also never use blue ink or I'll slap your balls

>> No.12450062

Yeah generally I use breathing exercises to calm myself but that only goes so far. For instance breathing exercises are useless for the whole "waking up with 120bpm heat rate randomly" bullshit. Showers make my issues worse full stop.

>cognitive therapy
Explain? Basically I was perscribed anti-anxiety meds and I had a few counseling sessions (which were useless because I already know WHY I have panic attacks/anxiety).

>employer to get you on a new plan
My new job is contract based. I work full time but i'm hired under a special kind of contract where i'm not TECHNICALLY a full time "employee" but more of an at-will contractor or whatever. It's kind of bullshit and it's done specifically to get around the healthcare laws. The upshot is that it's the first job i've ever had that isn't minimum wage and I spend 90% of my day at home shitposting/playing vidya and getting paid for it. I can actually afford private health insurance but it seems like a fucking scam because the deductibles are so high on the plans I can afford that I may as well just pay out of pocket.

It's all gay as fuck. I don't blame medfags though, medical malpractice lawyers and pharmaceutical companies being retarded are why medical costs are so outrageous in the US and insurance companies are just capitalizing on an already shitty situation.

>> No.12450069

>Why spend hundreds of dollars
Many reasons. One reason is that you have all your notes, books etc in a small device. Also you never lose them if you sync them to the cloud. Other than that i agree that its overkill
>Also never use blue ink or I'll slap your balls
Black pen masterrace. Cam you still slap my balls pls?

>> No.12450090

>be me
>hypothyroidism for 7 years now
>thyroxine levels normal
>still sleeping constantly

>> No.12450109
File: 573 KB, 364x544, isac newton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never needed all of my notes on me at the exact same time during any day of classes. Just do this, it's what all my chad friends do.
1. go to lecture (optional)
2. take written notes
3. go home and type up written notes - condense/expand on points
4. now you've covered the material twice in one day, good4learning
5. fuck Stacey
6. go to meal hall

>> No.12450126

>5. fuck Stacey
Stopped reading right there

>> No.12450139

>stopped reading 95% of the way through
wow you showed him

>> No.12450148

bahahaha. Also why the fuck would you type notes you already wrote???? Just type them first time and reread them lmaooooo. Or just scan ur written notes and upload 2 cloud. Have some will power and just reread. lmao.

>> No.12450164

I have used an iPad mini with a pen for a year now with a pen, and it has been a game-changer. It is really nice to have all your documents and ebooks on one portable device.
you should also start making Anki cards for big picture stuff in the start then go deeper. Also, use pictures, especially when you are trying to learn medical names.

>> No.12450177


>> No.12450183
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Why does weed always give me PTSD?

>> No.12450198

In European med school, your daily routine for the two to three first years are going to be uni, library, dinner, go to bed, rinse, and repeat.

>> No.12450204
File: 8 KB, 320x273, hwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>condense/expand on points

i.e. add pictures, fill in blanks you missed or prof skipped over, then condense them all

>> No.12450210

Because you're a young white man with an overactive MAO activity.

>> No.12450213
File: 52 KB, 604x453, foxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get research experience for residency applications if my school doesn't do any?

>> No.12450247


what does being a young white man have to do with it?

>> No.12450254
File: 140 KB, 439x380, voltage gated natsoc channels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry. you're loved white man

>> No.12450258

> it has been a game-changer
Noice. Do you think there would be an advantage if you got the bigger screen ipad? Also do you print your notes?

>> No.12450263

Molecules react differently in different bodies, anon.

>> No.12450285

What is that thing in the picture
how could i reduce MAO activity?(chemically or lifestylely)

>> No.12450295
File: 143 KB, 1100x211, ohwow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't she cancelled by her med school yet? This is obvious sexual signalling, not professional. What a wall hitter.

>> No.12450451

20 years old, work out 2-3 times a week (weightlifting, running), good weight, no other health issues. But I have ED (weak erections and can't keep them). Had my t levels tested and its quite high. Wtf could this be?

>> No.12450462

Ur probs gay and haven't realized it so when you look at girls you don't get hard

>> No.12450472

Not gay. In HS I was with girls and I was rock hard. Its only been lately.

>> No.12450505

stop watching porn and masturbating for 30 days. see if that helps

>> No.12450516

rads/surg for you

>> No.12450533

fck all yall

>> No.12450538

>100 degree temp
>have to cough everytime i breath out

I got covid, don't I?


>> No.12450550


>> No.12450559
File: 21 KB, 304x420, McDonalds_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Calls himself a medical professional
> Can't find a vein
Your instructor was right. Medicine isn't for you. May I suggest a fast-paced career in the food serving industry?

>> No.12450577

It can't be that bad. Free burgers for life? Maybe some colon cancer?

>> No.12450858

If you drew blood half as good as you argue with your immediate supervisor you wouldn't be treated as a bitch.
He told you to drop because you're idiotic, not because your lack of skill.

>> No.12450869

>is that bad?

It's a very common muscle imbalance often times starting after trauma. it's nothing that will harm you, but it does hurt. Doing yoga daily would probably be a good idea, will fix you up within a week.

>> No.12451194

how do i reconcile my pessimism and firm belief that we are hopelessly lost as a species with my duty to help people get better
i will be taking the oath in a few months

how do you personally do it, provided you share the predicament

>> No.12451207

Just secretly slip arsenic into your pts IVs over the course of decades. You'll rack up hundreds of kills

>> No.12451230

in my country doctors don't physically administer any medication (unless it's like an emergency shot or something), otherwise it's all nurses
we just prescribe it

>> No.12451271


>> No.12451539 [DELETED] 

>treatment resistant / drug seeking behavior

Get the fuck out of my office/thread

>> No.12451869

well i worked out during this time period pretty intensively
was that wrong? like i barely did cardio and i pushed on even though it hurt, thinking it was going to heal it

>> No.12452162

I never got the sentiment that you should never drink on an empty stomach. The liver processes alcohol at the same rate no matter what so you may as well experience the effects of it. I suppose one drawback would be a higher likelihood of ulcers because of the higher surface area alcohol would be exposed to in the stomach.

>> No.12452169

>Wowie med school is so hard, you need to memorize all of these hard words and different metabolic pathways, remembering is so tough!
>Playing memory 4 hours a day is so hard omg
Be honest, did you really need to study 5+ hours per day during med school?

>> No.12452172

>I never got the sentiment that you should never drink on an empty stomach
This is just because you get drunk faster if your stomach is empty, no? So that you don't accidentally drink so much you lose control. I don't think it has anything to do with protecting your liver.

>> No.12452173

should you be pretending you're a calculator or something? I use the one I got from walgreens so I don't need you here

>> No.12452175

I'm a med student.

>> No.12452178

Oh I was just insulting m*thoids in a thread so I thought they got mad or something

>> No.12452221

I never did except when boards came around. I don't understand why people had so much trouble remembering things from lecture. Then you will have people like >>12447645

It's like nobody uses logic to solve problems, they just regurgitate memorized material. A lot of my classmates would study (memorize) A LOT, and they didn't do nearly as well on boards. My friend and I pretty much had the same study habits and went through first aid together and did questions together and we did exceptionally well on the boards.

>> No.12452238

A brutal blackpill is that studying with a friend and discussing and trying to explain to eachother is an extremely potent way of learning (Feynman method essentially). If you are a friendlet in med school you will be severely handicapped.

>> No.12452252

One of my first classes in med school was histology with an incredibly intelligent teacher. Dude didn't practice medicine anymore but he knew damn near everything and then some. I asked him one day how he is able to remember so much material and he told me "Every time I see something new, I explain it to myself as if I was talking to a patient." Even if you don't have a friend, you can think it out and walk through your own logic if you aren't an NPC. If you are an NPC then you are probably fucked in more ways than just that though.

>> No.12452271

Some of us go to universities were you have tests every single week in different subjects. At the end of the semester you have exams. Not one, but you have to sit for an exam in every single subject. Some are written, some are oral, or a combination of the two. You can literally be asked about anything in a given subject. You can't gamble on what's important or not. The examiners are not necessarily interested in what you know. They will ask until they find a weak spot and rip you apart.

And that my friend is why we have to study our asses off and not just skim the USMLE first aid books.

>> No.12452276

why is is that no major medical advancements in the last 220 years took place in the US?

notable exception is organ transplantation ofc

>> No.12452358

>be me
>start my first-year as a medicine student
>smart as fuck, GPA is above 3.5 for an entire year
>girl who was my crush from high school approaches me, got my confidence, and start to confess my feelings to her after studying with her for an entire year
>Tell her I love her but I don't want a girlfriend now
>Got rejected, she told me that she has someone she already loves
>He was my buddy from high school
>Tfw got NTR'd I ask her then why would she approach me for an entire fucking year in the first place
>She tells me that I am just too sensitive
>Sad as fuck, this is my first time confessing my feelings to a girl and despite I am the one who rejects her it still feels hurts
>my second year was so fucking bad, GPA falls from 3.8 to a fucking 3.0
>after my wounds heal, start to study hard again. I ignore her for the next 2 years straight despite I was being in the same class as her.
>GPA recovers 3.5 but never pass the 3.5 again.
>in the third year, Corona hits 2020 and I'm starting to study hard more, grades improve and I start making money despite being a medical student freelancing on the internet while staying at home.
>Got my confidence again, the university started to opens
>She approaches me again and asking me weird shit from the past.

wtf is wrong with women /med/?
Now that my pre-med year officially ended and start the internship but I will probably with her again.

What should I do?

>> No.12452408

>What should I do?
Don't see women as equals or even as human. Just see them as toys for sexual gratification. Realize that you didn't love that girl, your reptilian brain just wanted to have sex with her. You'll feel much better once you realize this.

>> No.12452444

>tfw uncharismatic chinese lecturer with bad english

>> No.12452509

Read the rational male

>> No.12452516

So whats the consesus? Ipad or notebook?

>> No.12452594
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antiseptic technique was a massive step forward. check this swaggy boy spraying the patient down with pure nebulized ketamine and fentanyl

>> No.12452689
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ok this is an embarrassing question to ask a doctor irl so i am going to ask you guys.
can you rip your asshole from shitting too hard? i have this dry humongous log that has been inside me for like 4 days ( i was traveling). i feel like it can come out if i "push a little harder" but i am worried i will rip my ass. i tried lube, didn't help at all.

>> No.12452695

Yes, take a stool softener
Also "I was traveling" isn't an excuse to not shit

>> No.12452715

i can't shit without a bidet

>> No.12452728

You ever reel your boat up on a trailer with a metal wire, and the wire made these creaking and popping noises?
That's the kind of pop I heard in my ear yesterday, just without the metallic resonance sound.

>> No.12452760
File: 3.14 MB, 600x338, average nurse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck did you just fucking say about nurses?

>> No.12452845

books to get started on medicine at a high school level? Do I need chemistry to get started?

>> No.12452907

This is all you should be focusing on. Enjoy your brainlet years.

>> No.12452910

>What should I do?
Not simping would be advisable. You sound like a limpdicked cretin with attachment issues and codependent tendencies so I'd place my bet on "she will breadcrumb you into the shadow realm and you'll accept and like it".

>> No.12452948 [DELETED] 
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women shouldn't be thought of as equals. Even the Roman Catholic Church teaches that bro, they're meant to support you. As soon as you give them more credit than they deserve it's basically idolatry and you deserve to get rekt in return. Pic related is from the non-pozzed catechism of the church and these rules have been established for years and are still in practice today in some places

>> No.12453069
File: 124 KB, 821x686, lääkeapustaja36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she'd probably enjoy being wrestled down and chocked out.

>> No.12453104

The more /fit/ you get the more gay you become, this has been true since ancient times

>> No.12453192

Not exactly gay but less forgiving of women and their bullcrap. Today was lower body day and I couldn't stand damned thots hogging up the horizontal femoral curl for their booty workout.
Bitch you already did the same motion with cables and the standing machine. Get on var, do bridges, watch your carbs and fuck off.

>> No.12453330

Why are you doing an internship together?
You're obviously simping for her, or she is stalking you if this has gone on since high school.

>> No.12453583

I have had thoracic pain for almost ten years now. Will strengthening my back muscles help?

>> No.12453639


>> No.12454071

Based and unironically would fugg

>> No.12454093 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 828x815, 1597802613058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn pound her from behind while admiring her chiseled back muscles and watching her armstrings tighten while she grips the sheets

>> No.12454122


>> No.12454286

When will there be a cure for burning sensations/tingling?

>> No.12454335

look up low dose IV anaesthetic. It'd usually be a problem because they fuck with your Na but theres some therapy out there where you can get low doses of an anaesthetic over a couple hours and have better pain control over a couple weeks

>> No.12454474


Hade människan varit längre fram i utvecklingen inom medicin och teknik om tyskarna vunnit kriget?

Vad tror ni?

>> No.12454530

Go see a physical therapist and see if they can improve your pain problem. While it would seem logical to focus on back muscles, youre more likely going to focus on all the trunk muscles.

>> No.12454634

>Tell her I love her but I don't want a girlfriend now
Holy cringe, you don't confess someone outright telling them you love them, and when you do, you don't follow up telling them that you don't want any commitment. It's both creepy and half-hearted. But either way it sounds like she didn't like you that way anyway.

>She approaches me again and asking me weird shit from the past.
Maybe she likes you a bit and wants to rekindle your friendship, or maybe she's having issues with her bf and needs some validation.

>wtf is wrong with women /med/?
From reading your post I can tell you're not capable of having an earnest, selfless relationship with a woman, I'd advise against meeting her again.

>> No.12454696

Take potassium iodide every day for the rest of your life. Only cure for hypothyroidism.

>> No.12454704

Get away from wireless devices, consume bladderwrack or lugols iodine and see what happens, remove halides and goitrogens from your diet.

>> No.12454723

whats a good cure for schizophrenia?

>> No.12454734

I imagine fasting, NAC, vitamin C, and searching for sources of deeply buried mental conflict and early childhood traumatic conditioning, would be the first step.

>> No.12454749

Deleting all 5g towers. Obviously.

>> No.12454798

That too.

>> No.12454837

I've tried uninstalling but deleting makes more sense. Thanks.

>> No.12455078

Is death by sodium azide poisoning subjectively painful?

>> No.12455184

Is it possible to catch back up if you do fuck all first semester of med school?

>> No.12455354

Drop. It'll hurt you even more in the long run.
Needless to say that if you're already slacking chances are you're ngmi.

>> No.12455377

This currently summarises in an indirect and comedic way my stance on the vacc

>> No.12455669

hehe hope so, I've done fuck all for my first 2 years. Will be taking the Step soon so we'll see.

>> No.12456174

>immediate supervisor
The hospital is severely short staffed, so I was actually shadowing one of the attending physicians. Not sure if that's better or worse.

>> No.12456180

I work with 6 nurses in a clinic. Only one looks like this and she's by far the most incompetent of them all. She once told a patient to go on a diet to improve general health and was absolutely blasted by the patient, who weighed less then her. Was funny to see. The older and fatter the RN = less helpful. Fresh grads are difficult to work with as well.

>> No.12456193

based balkanchad in romania we do the same; doctors are demigods in hospitals

>> No.12456198


I'm romanian, I can confirm that we have been taught how to draw blood and when nurses can't do it, they call for the doctor.

>> No.12456251

>PhD in nursery
just why.....

>> No.12456260

it's a form of cope

>> No.12456262


>> No.12456309
File: 966 KB, 1117x1182, 1607440182508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patient has serious headache and has recently started experiencing seizures?
nah it's nothing just take some paracetamol and drink water

>> No.12456373

Babushka comes in the middle of the night with a 2/10 headache?

Send home and tell her to wait for the bill.

>> No.12456414

>2 MRIs and 3 weeks of regular visits for headaches
>turns out to be caffeine withdrawal

>> No.12456425 [DELETED] 

Prenatal vaccination.
Induce with pitocin.
Immediately clamp cord.
Inject vitamin K.
Deny the breastmilk.
Give poison food.
Cone beam CT to the face.
Brainwash under fluorescent lights.
Raise with tablet and cell phone as surrogate parent.

>> No.12456675

>vitamin k
Short answer to why this is controversial?

>> No.12456772

Did the psyllium fiber water with which I washed down 200mg of diphenhydramine have an adverse effect on its release? 100mg the other day left me unable to stand, but now I feel no heavier than at any other bedtime.

>> No.12457620

He's salty he's a microbiotalet

>> No.12457727

ok /med/, you're just fucking with normies now

>> No.12457755

I'd let that nurse use her pussy on my dick like a sphygmomanometer if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.12457866

Yes. You shouldn't let politics permeate into your work ethics.

>> No.12457879

They know they will receive nation-wide congratulations and will get better career growth options after the pandemic ends.

>> No.12457888

To figure out how brain functions and signals actually work. It's not enough to just know what part of the brain does X or Y thing.

>> No.12458080

>Why even synthesize
ketone bodies are the result of overflowing Acetyl-CoA and the CAC missing intermediaries due to gluconeogenesis. On the the keton bodies is acetone, something you can usually smell in a diabetics breath.

>> No.12458098
File: 66 KB, 390x470, 1422164463911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and will get better career growth options after the pandemic ends


>> No.12458104

>>100 degree temp
thats water boiling range, adivse to call your doctor asap.

>> No.12458140

>tfw my doctor won't even acknowledge that the nurse practitioners are even in the same room as him
imagine going to school that long only to command less respect than a scribe

>> No.12458152

I've found that for patients having panic attacks, various mindfulness techniques tend to work well.
For an acute one? No joke, sit (or lie) down and do a vagal maneuver. Bear down like you're pooping, force a cough, or dunk your face in ice water for 15 seconds.

>> No.12458169

Not everyone here is a Euro. And I wouldn't be an asshole to you if you had said 37.5C.
Useful vitamin that's treated as a panacea.
There is no way you couldn't find a vein anywhere. You don't HAVE to go in the hand/arm, those are just preferred locations. And the reason you should be able to do their job is because you won't always have one to bail you out.
If you're telling me you couldn't hit an EJ then you should just quit now, because you can't even be trusted with a pen.

>> No.12458179

>circumcision prevents AIDS
Why would that be true? That legitimately sounds like a Jewish lie

>> No.12458187

Clamping? What does that mean?

>> No.12458193

Clamping the umbilicus on a newborn baby.
There's debate as to how long you should wait before clamping, or whether or not it's necessary at all.
Depending on who you ask, you may only wait a minute to prevent backflow from the baby into the placenta, some places are suggesting more like 5-10 minutes to provide the last of the oxygen/nutrient rich blood time to go into the baby. Others think clamping is unnecessary altogether.
I'm not going to weigh in as to which is "the truth," just letting you know what the major camps are saying.

>> No.12458204


>> No.12458227

fewer targets for the virus. the circumcised dick also has an extra protective epithelial layer
it's a small but noticeable effect, obviously only relevant from a public health standpoint in Africa, aka The Ace of Spades

>> No.12458294

i brush my teeth every morning and every night and drink lots of water yet one tooth is rotting and I will probs have to get a filling @ 20 years old. I don't even eat lollies or chocolate. How do i prevent this?
The only bad thing i drink is diet coke every now and then. Would diet coke contribute to rot?

>> No.12458383

It means Garrett hasn't taken his medication today

>> No.12458388

>pancreatic cancer stage 2b
>ampulla of vater adenocarcinoma T2N1 or something

what would you say the outlook is for a healthy and strong young man? Apparently the cancerous polyp on the bile duct was removed succesfully and entirely, one lymphnode compromised. Planning on following up with chemo or radiation after the recovery from the surgery...

>> No.12458399

It’s nbd anyway. I work in credentialing at a giant hospital network and have seen tons of dr’s get their licenses suspended for far worse shit. Something like this I guess will make it suspended for no less than 6 months

>> No.12458456

>what would you say the outlook is for a healthy and strong young man?

Not great. 20-40%ish 5 year survival rate for people who have nodal mets. Problem with these types of cancers is they metastasize quick, so even seeing only 1 positive node, there are usually micromets in other places as well. It's ultimately the luck of the draw. Good luck anon, be as healthy as possible so that you can tolerate chemo/radiation.

>> No.12458520

That's some grade A advice you got there.
Been doing the same for quite some time now and it works great for understanding complex topics.

>> No.12458542


I should note that the specific subtype is what ultimately determines the true survival rate, apparently the "intestinal" sub type is the best one to have and the pancreaticobiliary subtype is the worst. Being that you said it was pancreatic, I was under the assumption that the pancreatic type was the kind you had.

The study I am seeing is also from 2014 and a lot can change in 6 years. My guess is the 20-40% 5 year survival is probably the low end in general, but with newer advancements it may be quite higher than that. The most important thing to do is talk to your oncologist as they will absolutely have more updated information than I am giving you but don't let them force you into doing anything you don't want to do. They are generally pushy and try to get everyone to do treatment no matter how bad the prognosis.

>> No.12458570

sounds similar to what I have been reading. But your feedback helped me understand it a bit better. Thanks anon. Its my brother, not me, and I'm just worried about him. He is supposed to talk to the oncologist soon after a little more time recovering from the surgery.

>> No.12458605

Anyone knows fluid therapy guidelines based on Winters' studies? My shithole country works with shitty rule of thumbs.

>> No.12458609
File: 60 KB, 600x507, Winters-diagram-with-the-subdivision-of-total-body-water-intracellular-fluid-and.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.12458638

It felt amazing for me because I used to be depressed and thought I could never get in. I'm in Canada so maybe take this with a grain of salt, but I had tons of free time in the pre-clerkship (ie 1st two) years. When an exam was approaching I was studying all the time, but otherwise I had tons of free time to work out, see friends, nap, etc.

Clerkship (currently doing) is a whole other story though. Fuck you're busy

>> No.12458649

Damn good luck to him

>> No.12458746

floss bro. which tooth is it? perhaps you have an impacted wisdom tooth causing decay if it's a molar?

>> No.12458748

if USA always get a second opinion as dentists purposely try to scare you because it's FOR PROFIT

>> No.12458785

Pretty sure its my first molar. I use sensodyne whitening toothpaste, floss, and then use sensodyne alch free mouth wash every morning and night.
Maybs its just bad genetics

>> No.12459530

So I had a sort of mild case of covid but still have the neurological stuff going on like drastic change of sleeping and eating habits accompanied by daily anxiety attacks. Does this mean my brain is still inflamed? Is this permanent? Should I go get blood work done?

>> No.12459546

there's a good chance you might die

>> No.12459551

Thank you anon all better

>> No.12459653
