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12435271 No.12435271[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12435292
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>> No.12435296

Two things.
If you accept transgenderism, then you must accept also that I am black, not white (even though I have almost purely European ancestry).
Secondly, if you accept transgenderism, then you presuppose the idea of gender roles in a society, for otherwise there is no definition of gender outside of one's genetics.

>> No.12435309
File: 95 KB, 500x286, Trumptard getting owned.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12435439


>> No.12435476

Yes, social contagions and paraphilias are very natural things.

>> No.12435526

There is no such thing as a "naturalistic fallacy".
Nor is there a "slippery slope fallacy".
Neither of these argument techniques are fallacies.
If you are incapable of understanding why they are valid argument techniques, you're simply not intelligent.

>> No.12435566

As a fetish? Yes.

>> No.12435590

>tfw that same poster is shown in the /pol/ sticky
No wonder they are a bunch of retards.

>> No.12436179

god the is this shit

>> No.12436819
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>> No.12436862

Fuck off tranny. You're not welcome here.

>> No.12436897
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>> No.12436920

>posting animation macros on a scientific board for overachievers

>> No.12437037

There is nothing wrong in letting young kids get the transition surgery as earlier as possible, people who don't agree are transphobes and keeping the society back!

>> No.12437425

The question of transgenderism is two-fold:
1.Should society allow people to verifiably hurt themself physically to obtain mental/psychic relied?
2. Should individuals suspend their own observational faculties and pretend these people look like who they want to look like?

>> No.12437610

1. yes, sure
2. lmfao no

>> No.12437717

Of corse, sir.

>> No.12437726

The thing is that we don't know if this is THE Path to mental peace.

>> No.12437853

Medical and scientific consensus is that sexual dysphoria is a genuine psychological condition, and that social and medical transition is the most effective current treatment. My suspicion is that those who experience sexual dysphoria possess neurological differentiation more akin to the opposite sex. That all said, I question a lot of the pop transgenderism nonsense that seems more like people who are just depressed and/or confused or who misconstrue preferring other gender roles with genuine sexual dysphoria.

>> No.12437871
File: 78 KB, 711x681, HKIM8TS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just let me take my medicine in peace and try to have a decent life ;__;

>> No.12437874

the "path to mental peace" is fucking off from roles and identity entirely
the convoluted world will always present stress and chaos no matter what form is taken

>> No.12438169

You shall be left in peace, but a decent life? Thats out of the question.

>> No.12439428

Nice bait faggot

>> No.12439433
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If by medicine you mean pimozide, then good luck friend. If by medicine you mean female hormones, then 41% yourself.

>> No.12439440

autogynephiliacs (mtf trans) are mentally ill and a danger to society. They are narcissistic so they seek forced approval and recognition from people who really don't want to have anything to do with them, as this makes them horny. They are psychopaths.

>> No.12439441

Cope. Everyone knows /pol/ is only good to say the N word and blame the jews for every single misfortune in your lives.

>> No.12439445

Keeping society back from what? What wonderful advances will society gain if gender reassignment surgery is provided for every child who identifies as a different gender?

>> No.12439446

That has been proven false, trannies don't have different brain activities than non-transgenders at all. Transgenderism is nothing but one of many body dismorphic schizophrenias. Pimozide has a better treatment rate than any other drug, but the (((scientists))) will still claim castrating the poor sods is the way to go. Moder science cannot be dissociated from political interests, and anybody who unironically believe otherwise is naive or stupid.

>> No.12439460

Listen dude, it is good that people with genetics prone to abominations are removing themselves from the gene pool. It is bad that they are trying to push their mental illness on impressionable kids through internet forums or even demonic bs like 'drag queen reading hours' at public libraries all over the US.

>> No.12439461

And everyone knows you're a retarded faggot, so I guess that means everyone is right 50% of the time.

>> No.12439498

You're going to kill yourself. Everyone is right 50% of the time, so it's not looking very good for you now. ;)

>> No.12439508

Dont worry, I'm not a tranny lmao

>> No.12439541

lmao!!!! XD

>> No.12439562

Well that was cringe

>> No.12439566
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Honey, the word is gender. Sex describes your chromosomos and gender is a completely new word that was never before used to describe sex and instead describes our gender orientation

>> No.12439612

There's a shitload of cultures from all times and all over the world which more or less normalized transgenderism. "Natural" doesn't really mean anything, but it's certainly not a recent invention of "da evil joos".

>> No.12439614
File: 58 KB, 1125x907, puchatek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ...