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12433023 No.12433023 [Reply] [Original]

We just had a thread where people debated the safety and possible consequences of vaccines using mRNA. It was a pretty good thread where people took a pretty objective look at a lot of the concerns. Is anyone willing to post more concerns and debate them?

>> No.12433783

I'm sure this was asked but have mRNA vaccines been widely used before?

>> No.12434450

No, not even once. In fact, to date no mRNA cure has been approved for human usage

>> No.12434466

Not a technical concern, but the fact that the companies making the vaccine are known for their lack of morals, disregard for people's health, along with the fact that the vaccine is being severely rushed is worrisome.

>> No.12434485

It's weird how people are both praising these companies for the work they do on vaccines, while shitting on them for their predatory drug pricing, and pushing of addictive drugs onto people to drive further sales haha
Not that I'm against opiates or vaccines, but pharma companies deserve heavy scrutiny for their business practices, and shouldn't be trusted

>> No.12434497

>but pharma companies deserve heavy scrutiny
And this is why EU is still evaluating Pfizer data, before they allow their vaccine to be used. And UK already jabbed The Queen.

>> No.12434620

Please link the thread or summarize?
Do you understand how these vaccines activate the immune system? Is it the mRNA in itself that is foreign enough to be detected as viral and sparking the reaction? Or the spike proteins intracellularly? I understant they would get put on MHC-I but why are the cells attacked?
I also read that the spike proteins are put on MHC-II, how does that work?

>> No.12434624


>> No.12434736

>No, not even once.
True that none have been approved for usage, but not true that none have been used. There have been a whole bunch of experiments in humans with them already, even before the pandemic.

>> No.12434779

Skimmed the thread, but did not find a clear answer to my question. Thread gave me a few more questions:
1. If I understood correctly, the lipid nanoparticle layer can just fuse with our cell membranes, inserting the mRNA into the cells?
2. Can it fuse with any cell? How is the specificity controlled?
3. The mRNA will then be translated to both the spike protein, and membranes that both hold the protein and surround it?
4. The surrounding membrane will fuse with the cell wall and through exocytosis release a membrane ball containing spike proteins to the extracellular space?
5. These will then be recognized immediately by Th2 cells that will induce antibodies and so on? What about dendritic cells, antigen presentation and so on?
6. Why does it not need any adjuvance?
7. The spike protein created from the vaccine is showing more of itself, including a part that is similar/identical to syncytin-1, a protein involved in placenta formation?

>> No.12434934

>1. If I understood correctly, the lipid nanoparticle layer can just fuse with our cell membranes, inserting the mRNA into the cells?
>2. Can it fuse with any cell? How is the specificity controlled?
Yup. It isn't controlled, nor does it need to be.
>3. The mRNA will then be translated to both the spike protein, and membranes that both hold the protein and surround it?
>4. The surrounding membrane will fuse with the cell wall and through exocytosis release a membrane ball containing spike proteins to the extracellular space?
>5. These will then be recognized immediately by Th2 cells that will induce antibodies and so on?
>What about dendritic cells, antigen presentation and so on?
What about it?
>Why does it not need any adjuvance?
I'm not actually sure if adjuvants are used or not to be honest. If they're not used, I guess it's because the immunogenicity without them is already high enough without them. But I can't say this with certainty.
>7. The spike protein created from the vaccine is showing more of itself, including a part that is similar/identical to syncytin-1, a protein involved in placenta formation?
It isn't showing more of itself. It's anchored in a membrane in the same exact way as in the virus itself. The only part that's different is the 2P substitution (which makes it stable).

>> No.12435042

>What about it?
Wouldn't the T cells need to have the protein presented on an MHC molecule, with the right cytokines and so on?
Why do we have Th2 cells with the right specificity ready for the spike protein?

This part with the membranes seems a bit spooky to me. Wouldn't there for example be a risk for the spike protein to appear directly on its cell instead? If it lost its outer membrane layer, this would be the case after membrane fusion? I don't understand at all the mechanism here. Or is it the same assembly, fusion etc as the usual virus, just without any new RNA inside?

>> No.12435176

link the original 2 threads
and literally amino acid based

>> No.12435186

The dilemma for many on the right who are sceptical is that this issue of big pharma and the correct solution ironically involves more legitimate government oversight and crucially shows the benefits of the public research Centre which in essence is philosophically a conundrum for a small government pro-free market libertarian

>> No.12435223

FDA is now starting to release its assessment of the phase III clinical trials.


Since a bunch of people were saying things about fertility, this seems relevant:

>The study is collecting outcomes for all reported pregnancies that occur after vaccination, or before vaccination and not detected by pre-vaccination screening tests. Twenty-three pregnancies were reported through the data cut-off date of November 14, 2020 (12 vaccine, 11 placebo).

So looks like women are getting preggers at the same rate in the placebo group and vaccine group.

>> No.12435261

First of all, right-wing is not synonymous with small government.
Secondly, there is no dilemma or conundrum. Just their refusal to accept that a government is necessary. They are like a dog when you give it the option to have a small amount of food immediately or a larger amount of food if they abstain. They always go for the former option.

>> No.12435359

i kekd

>> No.12436430

>right-wing = anarchy
>right-wing = nazis
never understood this

>> No.12437625

I don't think the one axis political spectrum is helpful. It conflates views on culture, economic equality, and authority into one thing when they're three very, very independent things

>> No.12438676


ChadoX concerns of efficacy percentage
Issues vs better mRNA pfizer and Moderna?

>> No.12439297

>right-wing = anarchy
What retard claims this? Is it an american thing?

>> No.12439350
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Stop asking questions and take the vaccine. People are literally fucking dying.

>> No.12440081

Aren't they?

>> No.12440091
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Literally. Fucking. Dying.

>> No.12440099

have a (you) because i'm curious how many of these you have

>> No.12440178

the way it gets out is similar to how exosomes get out/are formed. when the spike proteins are synthesized, they first go into a MVB (after ER and golgi ofcourse), where they form the vesicules INSIDE the MVB, than the MVB fuses with the cell membrane. exosomes, or in this case, these spike protein carrying vesicules can only form, when enough of them are present, so there is a danger of some proteins staying on the MVB and thus getting on the surface of the cell. but as far as i know, that is calculated to be a minimal risk. as proven by the human trials.

>> No.12440202

Yes. America is a fundamentally Liberal country. In American politics, however, "Right Wing" refers to "the Republican Party", which is of course still Liberal. It's a false dialectic.

>> No.12440205

pharmasutical companyes are shady, profit otiented and like most large corporations will do anything for profit if they think they can get away with it. heavy regulation is important in my opinion. but i dont think this vaccine is dangerous. the whole matter is too public, they could never get away with any dickfuckary. i dont see any particular danger in this technology, we are basicly just copying a mechanism nature uses all the ime, its not like we invented it from scratch. and thankfully mRNA thins out as cells devide, so even if they somehow fucked upt, its doubtfull it would cause lasting harm