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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12427258 No.12427258 [Reply] [Original]

>God-mode degree.
>Specialize in whatever you want, but still retain fundamentals of everything.
>Real thermodynamics, none of that "chemical engineering thermodynamics" or other off-shoot shit.
>The only real engineering degree.
Personally, I specalized in chemical processes and took electives in quantum mechanics, chemical thermodynamics, and energy conversion. I'm more qualified for chemical engineer jobs than chemical engineers, plus I know robotics and electronics.
I'm literally a beast.
Just look up mechanical eningeering research at top institutes (e.g. MIT, Georgia Tech, etc.) and see what we mechanical engineers are the REAL game changers.

>> No.12427267

I wish I was there (not gay).

>> No.12427274

are you sure? i used to think that mech eng is a shit tier degree

>> No.12427283

Look up MechE research at top places. It's next-level. People often fall into the trap of doing biomedical engineering or something that "sounds cool" but then realize what they learned has no real meaning, and that mechanical engineers are usually the best biomedical/chemical/etc engineers.

>> No.12428009

>80k a year
Lowest paying degree of all engineer degrees

>> No.12428339

Having access to the supreme knowledge of mechanics worths everything.

>> No.12428554

I have a mathematics test tomorrow, have retained no information because of covid and want to kill myself

>> No.12428620

That's cool and all but can you fix my car already? I'm almost late for a meeting.

>> No.12428656

I did my undergrad in mechanical engineering, now I'm doing a master's in aerospace engineering. I'm debating whether to continue in aerospace or switch back to mechanical for my PhD. In the end I guess my thesis topic and the courses I take are probably more important than the major.

>> No.12429769

How's grad school?

>> No.12429774

my friends and I always joked "if I fail out of EE, I can always go into ME"

>> No.12429953

I am not alone then. Hang in there fren

>> No.12430015

>Having access to the supreme knowledge of mechanics worths everything.
Bruh any monkey can learn mechanics, EE is way more superior.

>> No.12430023

>I'm more qualified for chemical engineer jobs than chemical engineers
let's see what happens when your first autocatalytic reactive crystallization blocks your meme industrial filters

>> No.12430028

I'm also sure you know how to model a packed bed reactor with an air sensitive catalyst in python and to predict all side reactions that can happen inside and analyze the impurities by NMR...

>> No.12430244

Yes and yes. I'm a chemical beast in the dry lab, wet lab, and I'm adept at quantum calculations too. Chemical engineers cope.
I also design robots for fun. Kind of good at signal processing but I admit EEs are better at signals. Whatever, I know what I need to make an amazing bot and AI.

>> No.12430383

funny it was the other way amongst my mech eng friends.

>> No.12430405


>> No.12430526

You wouldn't make this thread if you weren't insecure about your shitty pajeet degree

>> No.12430640
File: 34 KB, 640x427, mathphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>applied maths phd
>300k starting

>> No.12431640
File: 234 KB, 2526x1278, lmao @ mechfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12431743

>1st year mechanical engineering at supposedly good university
>60% of the course is electrical shit for some reason
>another 30% is bullshit ass essay writing "explain how you overcame 3 personal challenges" retardation
>only 10% tangentially related to anything mechanical or engineering
>all the professors are pajeets, muslims, women, or a combination thereof
Did i get scammed or it supposed to be like this? Thank god i didn't have to pay for it.

>> No.12431766

>discipline with high female enrollment
how is that a good thing?
it just means any retard can get into

>> No.12431772

>all professors are white men

>all the professors are pajeets, muslims, women, or a combination thereof

>> No.12431897

At my school it's:
>If I fail in engineering, I can always transfer to business.

>> No.12431983

You cannot even brag about your greatness without CS.

>> No.12432400
File: 7 KB, 230x219, 494C43B9-742B-48B1-8398-6AA18F6D684C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw CpE major
Im just a meme arent I

>> No.12432832

>plus I know electronics
EE here to tell you, no you fucking do not lol

>> No.12432966

It's not even worth bragging about because you can learn machine learning and C++ on youtube. I'm a MechE and I took a machine learning course. Biggest waste of time ever since most of the material could be found on youtube.

>> No.12433265

bro anyone with half a brain can become a civil engineer

>> No.12433289

Bitch please, Aerospace Engineering is where the chads are at, because it really is rocket science

>> No.12433350

Exactly, tell OP to try some RF related problems. It’s a brainfuck for the uninitiated, and still fucked at the highest levels of proficiency.

>> No.12433411

>plus I know robotics and electronics
you're like my little cousin playing with his arduino. If you had to do any real EE math your brain would melt

>> No.12433454

shit the fuck up cad monkey

>> No.12434084
