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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12426629 No.12426629 [Reply] [Original]

Is evolution true?

>> No.12426641
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>> No.12426647

No it's pseudoscience.
The redditors on this board for some reason think that you need to be religious to see through the bullshit.

>> No.12426652

It's what is called "not even wrong".

>> No.12426661

What do you mean?

>> No.12426719

What are the problems with evolution?

>> No.12426759
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>> No.12426835

Did he really say that

>> No.12426861

Is there a better explanation for human existence?

>> No.12426864

Yes and it also applies to human brains.

>> No.12426876
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>t. retarded pedophile

>> No.12426935
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How come they're all Jewish?

>> No.12426950

How did it begin? Why did collections of particles start self replicating? How come we have never observed this ourselves? We have only seen life come from something else that is also life.

>> No.12428614


>> No.12428627

second law of thermo is almost certainly wrong btw

>> No.12428630


>> No.12428823

When did the right become so retarded? It used to be about based things like cutting down on benefits for niggers and reducing migration but now it's full blown retarded anti-science, evolution-denying, anti-vaxxer shit.

>> No.12428857

For the vocal minority in the US, politics is like sports. If you watch a sport you will often see fans of one team booing the ref for making call X against their team, and cheering the ref for making call X against the opposing team. Even though X is identical in both cases. They just support their team.
So now that there is an anti-science politician in the white house, they are obviously going to just support their team. The exact same thing would have happened if the situation were reverse, and some flamboyant tranny got into the white house; dogmatic leftists would go hard retarded as well, in support of their team

>> No.12428876

>Implying evolution is order.
Just look ar his face, look at yours.
Nature fucked around with big birds then dropped them or made them smol. There is no plan, if it works out it sticks around. Our race is probably the most resilient but our brains and culture is so randomly destructive that one can't even.
Questioning evolution as a whole is one of the most retarded flaws. Do you question gravity too? We should ask ourselves whether a particular evolutionary mechanism is modeled right just the same that we need to discuss GR and QG but don't mudd the water with hur durr evolution=ape.
Kys shitty trolls

>> No.12428885

I blame the two party system for this kind of tribalist thinking

>> No.12428901

You must be an absolute utter retard who knows nothing about thermodynamics nor evolution to believe that.

>> No.12428914
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This isn't about politics you braindead Amerisharts. It is about truth. Evolution is logically inconsistent and philosophically incoherent. Watch this and educate yourself.

>> No.12428916

>So now that there is an anti-science politician in the white house
As if that is a new thing and not how it has always been

>> No.12428946


>How did it begin?

We have guesses, but since we have no way of actually checking the exact conditions of the past no one can ever do anything more than guess.

> Why did collections of particles start self replicating?
Thats just how some organic chemicals work. In order to become a more stable structure they form chains, and when the chains get too long or other chemicals react with it the chains break. This becomes more and more complicated until RNA and eventually DNA strands are made.

How come we have never observed this ourselves? We have only seen life come from something else that is also life.

Becuase the conditions aren't right, and even the most simple organism alive is the result of billions of years of trial and error. We can produce pseudo-living unicellular organisms by mixing enough organic material and striking it with electricity every few seconds. Given enough time, this would develop into viruses and maybe even bacteria. But this is in our optimal conditions, knowing what makes what from the start. But, since the exact condition is unknown, you can't prove anything.

>> No.12429062

>what is the sun?

>> No.12429208

As far as I'm concerned this universe was only created last Thursday.

>> No.12429284
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Get the fuck outta here with your mystic woo woo bullshit. Go shove a crystal up your ass to faith-heal all that butthurt. Take your sock-puppets setting up soft-pitches with you.

Evolution is real and explains all life on Earth.

1) There is variance among populations.
2) This variance comes from mutation and DNA crossover between parents.
3) Some varieties succeed where others fail. Downs kids are fucked up and would die.
4) The varieties that succeed and make more kids are selected and directed towards having traits that succeed.
5) We can map out the path that evolution built up these changes in the species and across species.
6) This process is sufficient for explaining how all life on earth is related and descended from a common ancestor.

Science is real. Fuck off back to your church.

>> No.12429296
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Like the sun. Shit doesn't self-organize without entropy having a net gain somewhere else. The sun is burning gigatons of hydrogen and spewing all that entropy everywhere. Life on earth is powered by the sun. Duh.

>> No.12429306
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>How did it begin?

Lipids naturally form cells. They group together and are hydrophobic, so they form little bubbles. Amino acids bump into each strands of RNA which will, when impacting other things, leave an imprint, which other amino acids will fill and form copies of the original RNA.

Now that you have things making copies of themselves some do better than others. BOOM. Evolution kicks in and the next set of copies have an oh-so-slightly-better chance of making copies. And away it goes.

>Why did collections of particles start self replicating?
Because that's how chemistry works.

>How come we have never observed this ourselves?
Because we don't want to wait millions of years for the process to get lucky, and any repeat events wouldn't survive modern ecology. Our tree of life was the first to market.

>> No.12429312

>When did the right become so retarded?
They embraced the "religious right" and suckled those votes. Before that, it was businessmen making an argument for prosperity. Now it's a pile of retards making strawmen arguments on 4chan like it's some sort of missionary work.

Truth. Religious nuts could have their own wack-job party instead of invading the GOP. But no. So here we are.

>> No.12429317
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It's a fucking HOUR.
It's shit and full of "theologians" instead of scientists.

>> No.12429385
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If you won't even watch then shut up and leave. Your comments are worthless.

>> No.12430091

7)Humans don't evolve from monkey but monkeys and humans have an ancestor in common.

>> No.12430162

ayy lmao it's the same catnigger that gets obliterated every time he tries to post xis hot opinions on /his/

>> No.12430755

Everything about Abiogenesis is hypothetical, such thing has never been observed, it is not proven science.

>> No.12430760

8) Macroevolution has never been observed happening so it is only a belief.

>> No.12430799

Lenski has observed macro-evolution of e-coli into a new species. He has petri-dishes from every year of it's evolution.
You are so full of shit.
We can observe horses and donkeys at the tail end of splitting apart.
We can see whales have vestigial hip-bones.
We can see pandas developing a new thumb.
With the genomes mapped, we can specifically trace what changes occurred through the tree of life and point out exactly what happened between macroevolutions.

You are so utterly full of shit. You were full of shit 2 decades ago when creationism was the hot-new flavor of crazy. But that was decades ago. The crazies have moved on and abandoned you on this hill you continue to die on time after time. They don't even care anymore, but here you are, getting blown to bits.

>> No.12430828

Not empirical, we have never observed a species become a new distinct species in a lab or anywhere else by whatever means. So macroevolution is only a belief, the macroevolutionary process is a belief.

>> No.12430854


There is evolution of "darkfly". Literal new features are evolved over the decades long experiment, by putting regular flies in a dark environment and letting them evolve over decades.
We could just as easily produce a new species by selecting some short-lived organism, and then selecting for reproductive traits. Eventually the original organisms cant breed with the new organisms, which is the definition of species

>> No.12430889

We have empircally observed a species become a new distinct species in a lab:
Suck down your ignorance and get some learning.

>> No.12430892

>As if that is a new thing and not how it has always been
great post you nigger dick sucking retarded faggot. Just write a low-effort vague post to make yourself feel good.
Meanwhile you will find democrat and republican presidents who agree climate change is occurring, yet orangenigger cant wrap his head around highschool chemistry and physics.
stay mad and go magagagagag on nigger dick

>> No.12430907

>original organisms cant breed with the new organisms, which is the definition of species
eeeeh... it's close enough.
It's actually more nuanced and interesting but it's a decent line in the sand.

Tigers and lions are different species.
So are polar bears and grizzlys.

If you want to blow you mind, look up ring-species. It's freaky.

>> No.12430930

>catnigger is the "macroevolution is not empirical" faggot
loving every laugh

>> No.12431041

have you got a link to his posts on an archive?
I don't browse /his/ but I find reading posts by retarded headstrong anons to be amusing

>> No.12431172

>Meanwhile you will find democrat and republican presidents who agree climate change is occurring,
Yet they can't even agree on what gender they are.

>> No.12431348

You probably thought you were making a clever, witty response.

>> No.12431353

It has been debunked if that's what you're asking.

>> No.12431380

>logically inconsistent and philosophically incoherent
Literally theology. There's been a million and one religions, all claiming they have the real, the TRUE answer to life, the universe and everything, and no one claim is more valid than the others.

>> No.12431393

How can you post an hour long video on 4chan of all places, and be totally incensed when nobody wants to watch the whole thing? Do you know where the fuck you are? Have you nothing to do all day?

>> No.12431398
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>but my religion, on the other hand....

>> No.12431404

Yes we have. There are numerous examples, but the first one that comes to mind is "big bird" in the galapagos

>> No.12431415

By whom exactly?

>> No.12431444

shut the fuck up whore

>> No.12431453

I know that this is hard for your gay little zoomer faggot pill-ridden brain to comprehend, but some people actually have an attention span longer than five seconds.

>> No.12431458
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Study theology yourself and then hopefully you will stop being such a retard.

>> No.12431615

>>>/his/9911664 >>>/his/9910929 >>>/his/9821404 and >>>/his/9750587
For the catnigger, he makes troll threads, gets btfo and stops posting >>>/his/9908165
Look at this shit he doesn't even know basic philosophical terms >>>/his/9732522
>theology is logically consistent
It's the subject with no object, catnigger. It's also the systematic study of religion, not people looking to understand the inscrutableness nature of a shitty, useless and nonexistent god

>> No.12431623

So you, what, don't work for a living I'm guessing? Or are you a retail worker and you've got an hour to kill why you ignore your customers and pretend you're not the source of all of your problems? Its not just that it's an hour long, it's that it's an hour of undoubtedly circular reasoning and logical fallacies. Its hard enough to read your posts, I can't imagine listening to them for a fucking hour straight

>> No.12431988

>The E. coli long-term evolution experiment (LTEE) is an ongoing
Stopped reading there, macroevolution has yet to be observed.

>> No.12431995

Tbf God and any of it's trappings havnt been observed either

>> No.12431997
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Imagine being this obsessed with an internet anon

>> No.12432003

Did you not read about big bird then?

>> No.12432004

Hey, he shows up where I go and they are very stereotypical in their word usage
See >>12431988 how he uses the very same sentence structure once again

>> No.12432006

I don't know about that bro, in pandeism God is absolutely everything so. So it depends what you mean by God being "observed".

>> No.12432007

We literally watched the irish become human

>> No.12432027
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Some of those posts aren't even mine you dumb queer.
I am simply that based.
That wasn't me either. You are such a stupid whore.

>> No.12432073
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Oh and by the way, I was absolutely correct in that one thread. Mathematics is NOT a social construct. It is a metaphysical reality, no matter what your gross midwit jew brain thinks. I am right and you are wrong. I am superior to you in every way.

>> No.12432078

I never mentioned anything religion, everything on abiogenesis is hypothetical. There is no real proven way on how the fuck non living organisms become living organism. It remains one of the main unsolved problems in biology.

>> No.12432086

Except that any math beyond highschool level are just funny gamey little thought experiments which means it is absolutely a social construct

>> No.12432090
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And platonism is better than nominalism too. That nominalist anon is a gay retard homo

>> No.12432108
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>Except that any math beyond highschool level are just funny gamey little thought experiments
This is high level retardation

>> No.12432144

Nobody said it was a social construct you dumb fuck, only that it was a construct
Nobody cares

>> No.12432168

There's lots of evidence supporting theories on it, but you wouldn't know or care about that. The only thing you would accept as proof is impossible to produce

>> No.12432518

HAHAHAHAH! You stopped reading because they're still studying it!? What a fucking loser! This is your best argument? hahahahaha, even after the species changes into another IT STILL CONTINUES TO EVOLVE! of course they're going to keep studying you dumbfuck.

>> No.12432867
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