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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12418658 No.12418658 [Reply] [Original]

So I hear a lot of people saying that they're nervous about mRNA vaccines because they're new. Moreover, people rather frequently claim that one year is not enough to demonstrate safety of the technique of mRNA vaccination. However, some of these concerns are based on incomplete knowledge of the history of mRNA vaccination. While these types of vaccines are relatively novel, they are not nearly as novel as people tend to think.

The first demonstration of an expression response following mRNA injection dates back to 1990 [1], and a numerous clinical trials have been done since that time. Some examples can be found here: [2-4]. These studies include monitoring participants for adverse events for extended periods of time, far longer than the claims I often see here. See [5] for a good overview of safety assessments of vaccination using mRNA platforms.

Aside from that, people often forget that the field of mRNA therapeutics as a whole is even older [6; pic related]. This field has been concerned with any potential adverse events that it could produce. Nevertheless, the predominant reason for why mRNA based therapeutics haven't yet taken off full scale aren't safety concerns, but methodological issues stemming from the instability of mRNA in vivo. It tends to be broken down quickly, and requires some degree of stabilization for it to be able to reach its therapeutic potential. With recent advances, these obstacles have now been overcome. The point here is that the intrinsic instability of mRNA is something that strongly acts *against* the potential for long-term adverse effects.

So we know that the technique is safe, and now that we know it works, it's time to start rolling it out.

1: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/247/4949/1465
2: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18481387/
3: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28754494/
4: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28457665/
5: https://www.nature.com/articles/nrd.2017.243
6: https://www.nature.com/articles/nrd4278

>> No.12418677

>inb4 /pol/ starts shitting all over it

>> No.12418683

Good thread anon

>> No.12418699

Considering the vaccine. Sick of being forced to wear masks

>> No.12418702

Where do you live?

>> No.12418704 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 328x445, screen-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ey! Vsauce, Michael here

Skeletons are scary and spooky, but you know what else is? Niggers.

According to the U.S Justice Department, in 2006, 32,443 women of Caucasian origin were raped by men of African origin.

That same year, the number of African American women raped by Caucasian men... was... zero.

In fact, 90% of all interracial crimes in the U.S. are committed by blacks... against whites...

So what if all blacks were to... suddenly... disappear from the U.S.?

Murder would go down 49.7 percent, welfare recipients would go down 40 percent, SAT scores would go up about 100 points, the average IQ would go up 7 points, and AIDS victims would go down a staggering... 67... percent.

Significant changes for race that only makes up 13% of the population.

But what is... "race"?

In biology, races are distinct genetically divergent populations ‘’within the same species’’, with relatively small morphological and genetic... differences.

Populations can be described as ecological races if they arise from adaptation to different local habitats or geographic races when they are geographically isolated.

However, if sufficiently different, two or more races can be identified as... sub... species.

So how long do two races have to be isolated from one another before they're considered separate species?

Earlier this year, Archaeologists found artefacts in a cave on Western Australia’s Barrow Island dating back more than 50,000 years, making it Australia’s earliest known site of human occupation.

In contrast, the domestication of the dog began just 15,000... years... ago.

This distance, some several thousand miles between the mainlands of Australia and Asia also caused another kind of distance.

Genetic... distance.

Genetic distance is a measure of the genetic divergence between species or between populations within a species.

Dogs and wolves have been found to have a shorter genetic distance between each other than Negroids and non-Negroids.

>> No.12418708


The distance between Eurasians and Africans being even larger than Homo Sapiens and Homo... Erectus.

Well, it kinda makes sense. I mean, can two races with diverging skin tones, eye colors, behavioral patterns, intellectual and athletic capabilities even be considered the same subspecies? Is it even a question? Is it even a question you're... allowed to... ask?

In October 2007, geneticist James Watson, best known as one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA, and the familiar double-helix model we all had to learn in High School, was lambasted by the scientific community for a response he gave in an interview regarding the divergence of intellect between geographically isolated populations.

"There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically," James wrote. "Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so".

The response resulted with a suspension of Watson's administrative responsibilities and was forced to... cancel... his book tour. And tragically, in 2014, Mr Watson auctioned his Nobel Prize medal he won in 1962, stating that "no-one really wants to admit I exist".

Harsh. But people tend to react this way to ideas that go against their own personal world view and... cognitive... biases.

Confirmation bias. It's the tendency to search for, interpret, focus on and remember information in a way that confirms one's... own... preconceptions. This effect, stronger for emotionally charged issues, warps your interpretation of data in a way that keeps you from... being... wrong. There is something fundamental in our minds that makes us hesitant to question ideas that we've... already come to a conclusion to.

We all do it. But who could blame us? That's just part of being a member of the human... species.

And as always, around blacks, never relax.

>> No.12418711

>and now that we know it works
Do we know how many deaths have been prevented by this vaccine in the test population?

>> No.12418713


lol no

>> No.12418734

We know what how efficacious it is, so yes, you can estimate its effect on death rate in the population if you assume enough people will be vaccinated to reach herd immunity.

>> No.12418753

don't be a dumbass

>> No.12418761

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12418801

>1: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/247/4949/1465
>2: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18481387/
>3: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28754494/
>4: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28457665/
>5: https://www.nature.com/articles/nrd.2017.243
>6: https://www.nature.com/articles/nrd4278
had a quick look, this shit is gold

thanks for this thread, the mods should make this a sticky so that we don't have the same thread over and over again

>> No.12418897


>> No.12418964

front page

>> No.12419011

>Sick of being forced to wear masks
Don't count on this just ending when you've been vaccinated. It'll probably stick around for a while, until cases go down enough.

>> No.12419231

OP are you that doctor poster from pol a few days ago, was a great thread

>> No.12419253

Actually I'm not, but glad they're having proper threads too

>> No.12419265

the binding affinity of everything in human cells with every single topology on the spike protein has not been studied. this is the key issue. that free floating spike can wedge itself in some pathway and potentially cause havok. so it's not an issue of the mrna but what is translated from it.

>> No.12419306

Some points here:

1) Shortly after the mRNA is translation into protein, it is destroyed
2) The mRNA snippets are non-replicating, so once they are cleared no copies remain and no more protein is translated
3) Once the antigens are recognized by the immune system, they are absorbed by T-cells, and thereby destroyed
4) Any potential for these proteins to "potentially cause havoc" is intrinsically limited by the total amount of mRNA in the vaccine.
5) Since the major obstacle that needed to be overcome for mRNA vaccines to become useful (see OP) was that mRNA is so unstable that it is difficult to even reach protein expression at levels that are sufficient to engage the immune system, it is exceedingly unlikely that so much protein gets translated to result in any adverse effects that could pose a threat to the patients' health.
6) Even if translated protein would cause problems, these effects would be acute given that protein doesn't just keep floating around without degrading. The clinical trials thus far have been going on for long enough to demonstrate such effects, and none have occurred.

>> No.12419325

yes, the mrna is not the issue like i said. as for the translated proteins, they need to be detectable by the immune system as you point out which if they have some binding affinity to some topology in some pathway would occur. and it may not be acute, biology is a cascade of events so it's hard to tell. in any event i'm glad mrna vaccines are being developed but i will hold off for the 2nd gen and stick with attenuated viruses like chadox1-s for now. but i do want as many people to test it for me so go get the mrna vaxs pls, but you can't force me to do it. i will take chadox1-s tho.

>> No.12419332

That's fine, I'm not advocating forced vaccination and if you'd rather not take it then I don't have an issue with that.

I'm just trying to dispel the myths here, because there are a lot of them going around.

>> No.12419343

I have a few questions.

So, you need to take 3 shots over time until you finally have the full protection. How long will you have adequate protection after these 3 shots? Will you need to any more shots in the future to maintain protection?

>> No.12419357

fair enough, get as many of the normies to test it out. i would like to see mrna vaxs even more developed, especially since they may be applied to cancer treatments. i just wanted to let you guys here on this esoteric laotian finger painting assembly line know there is still some reason for hesitation. and given the option of chadox1-s i think it's the safer bet rn even if its got less efficacy.

>> No.12419407

Two shots actually, not three.

How long immunity lasts is somewhat of an open question, but some initial inference can be made: after infection with the virus itself, antibody levels drop down after a while, but T-cell immunity appears to remain steady, at least for the 8 month longitudinal studies that have been conducted thus far. This means that after some time (months) you'll likely lose sterilizing immunity (i.e. you cannot get sick), but you'll retain base immunity (meaning that if you're re-infected, you won't get very sick). Whether you'd need a follow up shot depends on your risk group: probably not necessary for some years if you're young and healthy.

>> No.12419479

>mrna vaxs even more developed, especially since they may be applied to cancer treatments
Me too. mRNA therapeutics in general are astoundingly promising, and could potentially also be applied to neurodegenerative and auto-immune disease like Huntingtons and MS. That's the upside of this pandemic: it poured a shit ton of resources into getting this stuff off the ground.

>> No.12419601

I'm not sure if we will get to pick and choose what vaccine we take right?

>> No.12419620

No one I know will get this crap. Good luck cuck lmao

>> No.12419669

Cuck, short for cuckold, is the automated response given by the /pol/ user when it gets confronted with something it does not understand. This confusional state often results in frog posting and further incoherent ramblings about "muh white genocide", or "muh cultural marxism". The /pol/ user will then often retreat to a safe environment, such as /mlp/, although it is on occasion also observed to 'double down' on its muddled and often prolix confabulations. This latter phenomenon is why the /pol/ user is widely regarded as an archetypal sufferer of double down syndrome.

>> No.12419698
File: 53 KB, 570x713, praiseTheD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also pass down the good name of Vitamin D, which can increase your immunity against the Coof.


>> No.12419772

>tests effects of vitamin D supplements
>on vitamin D deficient people
I mean, isn't that like giving dehydrated people water and then claiming that water helps protect against corona?

>> No.12419844


>> No.12419992


My good sir, you are absolutely right. But there has been signs shown that in several European countries that the population appears to be vitamin D deficient or have low levels of Vitamin D. But yes, it might not help those who have adequate levels of Vitamin D but considering winter is near you can never be too safe.

Nonetheless Thank you for clarifying my mistake.

>> No.12420072

Fair point, especially in winter.

>> No.12420165


>> No.12420224

Cool story bro, I'm still not gonna take it

>> No.12420269

Whatever suits you

>> No.12420317

>shoot this shit into your arm
which cells end up translating the mRNA? Muscle? Skin?

Unless you're drawing a conclusion, stop starting your sentences with "so." You sound like a fag

>> No.12420319

>Unless you're drawing a conclusion, stop starting your sentences with "so."
Not op but there's clearly a conclusion in that sentence you retard

>> No.12420325


>> No.12420481

Infect with one korona real, get 6 plant antivirocs...

Cucked phizer have to invent a wheel, just stockpilling plant antivirotics and having vitamines makes corona pass like nothing.

Neural strain is bigger problem, but people who already got corona can get corona again after 3 months, so it's not going to be effective longer.

Everybody getting minus 90 degrees shot every three monts is unsustainable as fucks and it's hostage sitation with whole America as hostage.

>> No.12420507

W- what?

>> No.12420519
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>0.05% Death Rate
>Please inject this rushed "vaccine" to change your DNA

>> No.12420531

clearly you can't fucking read

>> No.12420556

>to change your DNA

>> No.12420683

Front page

>> No.12420709

There's no point in trying to explain vaccine functions to commonpeople. Instead of giving you a weakened version of the foreign bodies, making your body discover the antibody recipe yourself, you're straight given the code. It's not "scary" or "rushed" or "strange."

>> No.12420769

In b4

>Muh Pharma
Ignoring that big business and governments at loggerheads with each other know they need to stop this
>Mh juice
>Muh hoax
>Muh NWO
>Muh illuminati

>> No.12420774

He's actually started a rather thoughtful thread on discussing actual science, the problems, solutions and history of this vaccine
To anons: What should we be concerned about with this vaccine?
What are the alternatives?

Watch it get shat on by /pol/ and /x/
>Feels bad

>> No.12420780


>> No.12420781

Can you link that thread lad please?

>> No.12420792

What's your major concern with the MRNA led vaccines?

A civilized discussion. Well done.

>> No.12420797
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Based and Attenborough pilled
>some autist meme this with this please. Preferably one image and one video with commentary audio of this statement.
Thanks .

>> No.12420799

I personally loved the French data on smokers and covid

>> No.12420801
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>to change your DNA
The absolute state of this ignorance

>> No.12420806

What do you reckon?
Another 3 years of this?
Predictions? Sources welcome too.

>> No.12420811


The phase III trial began on 27 July and enrolled 43661 participants. Around 42% of global participants and 30% of US participants had “racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds,” and 41% of global participants and 45% of US participants were aged 56 to 85. Pfizer has said that efficacy was consistent across age, sex, race, and ethnicity demographics, with 94% efficacy in people over 65.
>No results from the trial have yet been published in a peer reviewed journal.

Should we be concerned?

Also, it reads:
Solicited safety data from a randomised subset of around 8000 participants aged 18 or over, and unsolicited safety data from around 38000 trial participants who were followed for a median of two months after the second vaccine dose, have also been made available to regulators.

>The trial’s data monitoring committee has not reported any serious safety concerns related to the vaccine.

>> No.12420815

>The trial’s data monitoring committee has not reported any serious safety concerns related to the vaccine.
So basically no one's penis or arm has fallen off.

>> No.12420817



>> No.12420822

>So basically no one's penis or arm has fallen off.
Leaving many trans-activists apoplectic and saddened

>> No.12420831

So the anon, leaning towards this, has data at least

>> No.12420838


>> No.12420850

I am excited to let my DNA be altered from people I basically know they lie to me. I believe they just have my best interest in mind cause otherwise they woudn't lie to me.
See it like this, I am to retarded to understand there philosophical or scientific concept, and this is why they lie to me, to protect me from the truth.

>> No.12420852

I dont see how this is a conspiracy theory. These claims might be empirically inaccurate, but I can't say for certain because the biology, psychology, and sociology of race is not a subject I'm particularly interested in. But somethong being empirically incorrect does not make it a conpiracy theory.

>> No.12420908

>look ma I posted it again

>> No.12420914

You first, and I watch and study.

>> No.12420941

Your DNA is not going to be altered. RNA can't even reach your DNA.

>> No.12420975

Ty anon and how did the virus do it?

>> No.12421396

what does it do then

>> No.12421449

You transcribe mRNA out of your dna, and it is then translated by a ribosome into protein. Basically its just injecting straight mRNA to he automatically translated into a protein that somehow helps fight or resist covid-19 infection

>> No.12421453

Layman here. I won’t even buy the first generation of iPhone so why would I want to be first in line for this vaccine, especially when I’m not in a high risk category. I’m not %100 opposed to getting it, but I’m gonna wait a year or so.

>> No.12421464

Riddle me this, how much money are pharmaceutical companies saving by leveraging an emergency use authorization to field this technology? If it wasn’t for the EUA, how long and how much money would it take to bring a vaccine like this to market.

Scientists don’t make the important decisions, businessmen do.

>> No.12421553

based dept yeah we got another one

>> No.12421570

Look at this way.

You have Pharma shareholders sitting on vaults of research that if brought to market could cure literally tons of problems but of course business prevails.

This issue is who has more power during this pandemic?
Various different politically constructed governments and vast billion dollar non-pharma businesses or pharma
Part of the reason the vaccine has come to fruition is precisely because pharma sharholders sitting on that cash pile and research got a kick up the backside from governments, other lobby business groups and finally the tacit realisation that to sell their customer base more drugs, they actually need their customers functioning, working and hey.. alive.

There is also immense government funded led research from various different academic and leading universities for the first time ever working quicker as the pressure ranked up as in the modern era this situation is essentially unprecedented esp. in the west.
Don't trust Pharma monies, but other big boy money lobbyists pressure upon pharma to deliver and those other monies have military, tanks and banks that can leverage big time.

It's like in War, you see the most interesting developments when lives and economies are at stake.

>> No.12421801

Why did everyone who said this vaccine was dangerous suddenly change their mind after the media called the election fir Biden?

>> No.12421806

I hear the music every time.

>> No.12421809

Chaos is too shy to admit anything real about our elemental bodies, but you're not going to be able to cure everyone equally until the true differences in people's physiology is recognized.

>> No.12421822

Are you going to address his assertions or just call him names. This is sort of the point of having anonymous imageboards. So you can't ad hom. In theory, of course.

>> No.12421974

Are you really that stupid

>> No.12422075

People also tend to forget that of all vaccines, these ones are the most "different" from the virus itself. That ironically means a lower risk of side effects, because it contains a whole lot less viral material than other vaccines.

>> No.12422158
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not an argument.

>> No.12422189
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>" In addition, IVT mRNA-based therapeutics, unlike plasmid DNA and viral vectors, do not integrate into the genome and therefore do not pose the risk of insertional mutagenesis".

>> No.12422223
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>Cuck, short for cuckold ...
>[off topic rambling, casual and broad assumptions, demonising and strawmanning]
>... double down syndrome.
bewildering to me how someone would think typing all that garbage was a valuable use of time

>> No.12422271
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>0.05% Death Rate
>change your DNA
wrong, you dont have any authority to make that claim
maybe an option to gulp the vaccine could be available in the future
the polio vaccine is taken in orally
also there are multiple vaccines available and likely still developed, perhaps some for oral intake
mRNA vaccines function distinctively different than regular vaccines, so its questionable whether the term vaccine is really appropriate or a new word is required

interesting to see how much ignorance and misleading "information" can be contained in so few characters

>> No.12422290

>typing all that garbage was a valuable use of time
Said the retard replying to copy pasta

>> No.12422314

>falling for the obvious bait
spotted the newfag

>> No.12422368

>replying to pasta is baiting
OK retard

>> No.12422376

>I’m not in a high risk category.
Then by default you won't be the first in line.

>> No.12422381

There is data on the mRNA vaccines too guys. The phase III trials just haven't been published yet, but that goes for all of the different varients.


>> No.12422427

Here's the other one:


>> No.12422468

>>No results from the trial have yet been published in a peer reviewed journal.
>Should we be concerned?
I wouldn't expect these results to be published on the near term, but that alone shouldn't be a cause for concern. The phase I and II trials have already been published, and their aim is to establish safety and dose tolerance. Aside from that, regulatory agencies who are responsible for approval must assess the data from phase III trials, and that is in essence a peer review process. They will also publish a full report of contraindications for usage, so that health care professionals and the public knows what is known and what is unknown about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.

>> No.12422800

That proves his point though right

>> No.12422993

It's difficult to say, it depends on various factors and not all are predictable. For one, it depends on how quickly the vaccine will be distributed in large quantities. For two, it remains to be seen what proportion of the population is willing to take it. The initial wave of vaccinations in risk groups will most likely substantially bring down the number of fatalities, but won't suffice to curb the pandemic entirely. So depending on public sentiment and political decisions, until we approach some semblance of herd immunity, additional non pharmaceutical interventions (masks, distancing, etc) will probably remain in place. When exactly we reach that point will vary per country; probably some time mid- until late next year in Western Europe and the US. But again, it depends on how things will play out in practice.

>> No.12423106

Good thread, have a bump

>> No.12423290

>there's no point in trying to explain vaccine functions to commonpeople
>proceeds to do exactly that

>> No.12423540


>> No.12423548

"Covid is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public"
- Dr. Roger Hodkinson

It will be hard to accept for many of you that are heavily invested in thinking /pol/ is retarded, the pandemic is real "world leaders have our best interest" or academia isn't fucking shit.

Reality is they are right and you fags need to look and start to realize what is truly coming. There is absolutely no real reason for global economic shut down in order to stop a literal coof. The fucking elites have been talking about this plan for so many fucking years, written books about the great reset and such. Now you have Justin Trudeau talking about the great reset on national tv, how it's time to re-imagine the economic system. It's all about power and control from a very tiny elite minority. It's fucking disgusting, and you guys, I mean smart guys I know on /sci/, but total retards when it comes to the greater story and how the world actually works.

Canada is the place where all of this plan will first be tried. Last week they announced that it will be illegal to see your relatives for Christmas. They also announced that you will have to wait for september for the vaccine because those privates companies vaccine are not good, you have to take THIS one, precisely this one with the mRNA which might or might not make your daughters sterile.

Look, I'm a strong man. I train, I go outside in the cold, I want my body to get hit, because like all living things, it gets hit, get weaker, then repair and overcompensate, which results in a stronger body. The solution will never be to lock your self up until you take a shot, then you still have to keep yourself locked and wear a stupid mask. This is mass schizophrenia on all the people that will call you schizophrenic.

>> No.12423597

>/pol/ is retarded
On this we agree.

And since you elected to ignore the sourced information provided in the OP in favor of going on an irrelevant tangent, I'll return the favor and ignore yours.

>> No.12423612

>I want my body to get hit, because like all living things, it gets hit, get weaker, then repair and overcompensate, which results in a stronger body.
why not try going for immortality and shoot yourself in the fucking head you retard

>> No.12423643

>in thinking /pol/ is retarded
That's true though, regardless of the pandemic.

>> No.12423646

>because like all living things, it gets hit, get weaker, then repair and overcompensate, which results in a stronger body.
What doesn't kill you can make you a lot weaker.

>> No.12423656

Are you for real retarded or is this pasta

>> No.12423698

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12423705

That's just plain false. Not surprising coming from a 120lbs fag allergic to peanuts.
Anti-fragility is a very important aspect of life.

Contrarian takes are important.

That's something people don't understand. It's important to have people who disagree with the main stream. We truly need people who go on and question the main narrative. It's brave. You go out there KNOWINGLY that you will get in trouble, that people will grunt at you, call you names, laugh at you.

Look, I don't agree with promiscuity, I call out the sluts at uni. LOOK, you stinky cunt has no power over me SKANK! You wear the mask? I rather not have something in my face that keeps me from breathing fresher air! You have ADHD? I think people of our generations all do! Fuck the pills they make you weaker in the end. It's ALL JUST COPE. I love life! I love laughing, meeting new people, new ideas, new debates! BRING ON THE FIRE! I FUCKING LOVE IT! Fuck this pandemic shit! It's way over-exaggerated. Get out there! Earn, trade, learn, fight, love, build, meet. EXPOSE YOURSELF TO THE WORLD, OR STAY LOCKED AND SUCK THE GLOBALISTS COCK!

>> No.12423725

found the chapotrannies and chinese

>> No.12423757

>Contrarian takes are important
Yeah, but you didn't provide a take, you provided a stream of word diarrhea. Different opinions are valuable if and only if they provide a counter balance to informed arguments with contrarian counter arguments of the same caliber.

We can discard your trash opinion because it provides literally nothing of value - you obviously have no place arguing in this thread. You're out of your depth and by such a wide margin that you don't even realize it. So why the fuck should we care what you think? You're not here for a balanced discussion, because you would have taken on the OP otherwise. You're here to spew nonsense, and it's getting rightfully ignored.

>> No.12423766


>> No.12423799

>That's just plain false
You honestly believe that if I rip your arm out of its socket, you'll end up with a stronger arm? Are you mentally disabled or something?

>> No.12423803

you first, tranny

>> No.12423895

called it

>> No.12423930

ctrl f his id: OzB/Mv1a

>> No.12424009

Thanks anon

>> No.12424019
File: 37 KB, 400x400, Zz6YSFus_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucking pleb ahahah>>12423799
you can't understand a simple concept such as anti fragility?

rightfully ignored? dude got more reply than anyone else in the thread, except for the /pol/ pasta kek. what is getting rightfully ignored is the actual OP if you actually read the thread lmao. No one with half a brain takes a shot for a coof.

>> No.12424273

>rightfully ignored?
Yes, (you)s don't mean people engage with the contents you retard

>> No.12424279

>ignored is the actual OP
>114 replies
>thread is up for 2 days
ok bro

>> No.12424299

I assume the proteins are hard to synthesize outside of the body, and the mRNA is easier to synthesize?

>> No.12424361
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covid is a real nd dangerous man-made bioweapon pandemic. sarscov2 is a modified ratg13 spike with a furin cleavage site virus passaged to k18 mice to mask it behind what looks like "perfectly natural, nothing to see here" o-glycan evolution. if it was a natural spillover the spike would not have the highest binding affinity for humans than every other species and it would mutate a lot. but neither of those are the case wth sarscov2, see refs. it is pretty evident with how the elites are pushing the great reset now that this was made by their ecohealth alliance multibillion dollar grant whore initiative in wuhan during the moratorium on gof studies as a means of hitting their 2030 deadline. so make no mistake they are behind this, and it's not a hoax but a stealthy attack on human health and liberty. these ppl are control freaks who want to take everything away from everyone else and make us into their drones.

>> No.12424362

Essentially, yes. The easiest way to make a protein is to put mRNA into a ribosome. Everybody on Earth already has millions of ribosomes, so why not just have them make their own proteins?

>> No.12424374
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I'd tell you to take your meds but you probably think Schwab is behind that too

>> No.12424375

I like how you often immediately can determine whether something is a schizo wall of text just by the shape of the post and sampling 5-6 or so words

>> No.12424380

It's the capitalization and punctuation for me. But when they start using words like "Great Reset" and "Drones" you can really feel it. It's like a twenties version of "New World Order" and "Sheep"

>> No.12424573

It's funny how they also always seem to pick the legitimate science threads for their schizo rants. As if they actually think that they can convert the actually knowledgeable people on this board.

>> No.12424600

It's something you can't really understand unless you've personally known a schizo.
My dad dated one for a while, and I lived with them both in high school. They see us as crazy. I'm dead serious, it's a literal "Everyone is the hero in their own story" thing. They absolutely think 95% of the world is batshit gouged eyes insane and they're the normal ones.
Our version of this is to imagine us going into an anti vaxx thread on /pol/ or Facebook and trying to explain that mRNA literally just makes a spike protein that your immune cells respond to. To them that makes every bit as much sense as when we hear that Schwab made the virus to create the great reset and eradicate the white race then create a slave species. That's as much of a settled fact to them as immune responses and mRNA are to us.
My dad's girlfriend was 100% positive, as positive as you're reading text on your screen, that he was trying to poison and rape her, that he was smashing up her car and destroying her property, and that he put hidden cameras and microphones on all of her property.
There is no cure. There is no reason. There is no possible endgame to discussion or even humoring of these people. They're just crazy and there is nothing you can do to help or to even understand them. They are what they are and that's all they are.

>> No.12424733


>> No.12424742


>tfw no vaccine against this level of ignorance

>> No.12424745

China communists and USA Capitalists aligning on this issue why?
Do they bum each other behind the bike sheds and laugh at you?

>> No.12424764
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It actually saddens me
All that intellectual potential to study something tangible, debate and bring nuance, wasted by interweaving politics, history and current events into a morass of autistic linkages (no offence based autists)

I always ask people like this:
>What would it take to change your mind?
Answers are always interesting as they sit, benefitting from the same science that gives them the lifestyle of technology they consume.

Any good documentaries on this phenomenon of conspiracy states of mind?
I will say 1 thing good about pol - often, they do have a nugget of gold.
I remember some Chinese Hazmat suit wearing anon back in December posting how terrible this was going to be with pics in Wuhan.
It's a sewage but more freedom of speech is needed both as containment and to point out contrary positions.

In short:
Yes politicians, corporations, hidden billionaires, scientists et al can and are corrupt as are most people desu, but COVID is real and the effects have been horrendous and yes people will take advantage on all sides for their own ends
The vaccine is much needed

>> No.12424788

Based anon and the siggy was much useful
Wish you well in health and life

>> No.12424795

Obama, Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, are all for this "vaccine". You have to be a complete moron to trust these people to tell you the truth.

>> No.12424796
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From a dif anon but chkd and based satire
>oh fuck bros, my cells are making mRNA right now. I can feel it. The polymerase sliding along my precious DNA, shitting out mRNA. oh christ, it been polyadenylated and 5' methyl capped. fuck! Ahhhhhh it's heading out fo the nucleus to my ribosomes. Oh jesus.
>Ahhhhh my ribosomes are translating it into amino acid polymers. Fuck nooooooooo.....help me bros, the proteins are making their way to the golgi and being exported in vesicles.
Oh fuck it is a TRANS golgi network. TRANS! NOT CIS! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

>> No.12424806

Normie here. I have a few questions
>Is there still shit like mercury etc needed in mRNA vaccines?
>Could mRNA vaccine produce prion thingys, which from my understand are false folded proteins
>What COULD be some long term side effects from mRNA vaccines be?

>> No.12424805

There's contrarianism and critical thinking
Then there's neuroticism
>I know that everyone agrees 2 +2 = 4 but I hate it
Then there's mixing a distrust with authority with personal powerlessness to concoct a theory that internally serves you the illusion that because you have contrarian insight you have greater grasps of matters

>> No.12424812

>a stream of word diarrhea.
I see that and raise you

>A secretion of sewage?
>An expulsion of excrement
>A regurgitation of retardation?

>> No.12424837

Is there no help?
>Uncle was in a bad way went missing

>> No.12424838

1. yes they are called 'excipients' in pharma speak
2. don't know without knowing the actual code used which they won't share
3. short term: you can have immunity reactions, long term: organ failure and cancer

>> No.12424843


> Is there still shit like mercury etc needed in mRNA vaccines?

No. Even if there was any trace neurotoxic substances in the vaccines themselves this is a neurotic anti-vax meme concern because it's just one small physical dose.

>Could mRNA vaccine produce prion thingys, which from my understand are false folded proteins

No idea, but sounds silly

> What COULD be some long term side effects from mRNA vaccines be?

Autoimmune consequences. I haven't seen much discussion on potential autoimmune consequences so it's completely up in the air, but if there's going to be any serious longterm negative side effects it's going to be a bad immune response.

For example in the H1N1 vaccine, a very small amount of people developed Narcolepsy. This was later found to be a consequence of the body's immune system attacking specific proteins in the brain because they coincidentally were structurally similar to the viral protein. Have no idea what the equivalent would be for the spike protein though

>> No.12424873

Outstanding decent questions:

>So, it's a copy of Coronavirus mRNA with everything except the replicase code? So the cell will produce all the capsid's proteins and release what looks like a CoV shell, just without the RNA payload, so the immune system can train on it? Makes sense, but gives me more questions.
>1. How are they going to transport this mRNA into cells? It would need some sort of protection shell to arrive and enter, just like a virus does.
2. Wouldn't this capsid still have the capability to enter other cells using the same mechanisms CoV does? I.e. attach to the membrane and splice itself into it, just releasing nothing inside.
3. What if a different virus mRNA of another infection going in parallel in the body, or even a real CoV hijacks this "empty vehicle" and it helps spreading it? Or this disabled mRNA meets some other replicase protein inside the cell and starts reproducing?
4. Will the immune system actually react properly to it? Will that effect last?

>> No.12424878

>Have no idea what the equivalent would be for the spike protein though
A valid question

>> No.12424886

>gene editing
>gene editing
>development for gene editing
Huge redflag, thank you but keep that shit away from my bloodstream.

>> No.12424943

You can explain the theory of how vaccines work all you want, but you have no way of knowing what's inside the actual shots and if the companies developing them are telling you the truth about them.
In the end you're taking a blind leap of faith.

>> No.12424954

Sorry Anon. The best you can get is they become a kind of emotionless husk but they'll never be normal

>> No.12424958

I don't know if you're trolling but if you took a high school biology class you'd know mRNA can't change your genes.

>> No.12424965

Agreed, this is why I grind and centrifuge all of my food before running it through chromatography to ensure the government isn't trying to poison me.

>> No.12425001

>They absolutely think 95% of the world is batshit gouged eyes insane and they're the normal ones.

So was the couple guys saying to the nazis "yea maybe we shouldn't be putting jews in death camps" during the second world war.

I don't know what it is with academics these days, majority say it's true so it must be true. You motherfuckers think you know everything with your STEM training, but you all lack real education. Read a book, read philosophy, read good classic fiction, trust me you guys need it. Go on /lit/ for a bit, understand economics, understand money, history.

>> No.12425013

>Jesus told me that my dog is the Devil incarnate, this must have been what Galileo felt like

>> No.12425022

I mean they are fucking there, rubbing their fucking plans in our faces, arresting business owners trying not to go bankrupt, big corporations doing x3 profits.
>do it for your grandmother your heartless pig!
/sci/ was always famous for being an extension of reddit.

>> No.12425088

I'm anti lockdown but also don't think the virus is fake. You can still believe in science but also have different opinions.

>> No.12425248

based and centrifugal pilled
>Interstellar food when?

>> No.12425258

>"yea maybe we shouldn't be putting jews in death camps"

It was the agreed notion across the world including warring nations, right?
Oh wait no. Genocidal nationalism in geo-politics is not comparable to the analogy you are trying to create.

>t. Godwin's Law 2.0
I know nothing.
But I do know you could easily have reached for Galileo.

Again, what will it take for you to:
>Accept any scientific developments or knowledge in general
>Accept the logic behind the vaccine

Do you at the very least accept the premise of mRNA as a mechanism for future research?

>> No.12425270

>Go on /lit/ for a bit, understand economics, understand money, history.

There's literally post after post showing that the theories - which are more at home on /lit/ or /his/ at best (being generous) or /x/ at worst, have so many contradictions
Even in this thread, there is no coherent argument against the OPs information per se.

So far:
>Muh reset
>Muh joos
>Muh NWO
>Muh Big Pharma
>Muh no trusty corporations
>Muh no trusty governments
>Muh no trusty scientists
>Muh no trust authority
>Muh 240IQ contrarian.

>read good classic fiction
I'm really thick.
Beyond salient societal and valid points raised in works such as Huxley's prescient Brave New World, how do you see this mRNA vaccine bringing into being a sci-fi dystopia?
Why not start a thread on /lit/?

>> No.12425278

So how long until the US starts vaccinating you think? Other countries have already started, we're more than a week behind the curve.

>> No.12425343


>> No.12425347

Friday. Approval vote is Thursday, CDC has been saying the vaccines are already at hospitals and waiting for approval. I -think- the only other developed country that's approved the vaccine is the UK, and they're doing it Tuesday.

>> No.12425349

Yup those exist. That's not what this is.

>> No.12425357

>Once inside the host cell's cytoplasm, the virus uses its own reverse transcriptase enzyme to produce DNA from its RNA genome
Show me where they snuck an rTransciptase into the vaccine, I'm dying to see it

>> No.12425359

show me that they didn't, oh wait it's "company secret" can't show the code its private property

>> No.12425373

I wish you assholes wouldn’t be so busy trying to “correct vaccine wrong think” that you’d actually acknowledge our hesitation and concerns as legitimate instead of trying to pretend this is all solid and that anyone who resists is some schizophrenic Trump faggot and not someone erring on the side of caution.

I’m sure the vaccines have been made to the best of our knowledge.

We have SO MUCH MORE to go, and every drug effects every person differently.

Hell, they THOUGHT they had it right with the Polio vaccines too. They THOUGHT it was “safe” then too.

We won’t know until it’s out en-masse and I’m tired of you arrogant assholes acting like it’s not because it didn’t kill the test subjects which represent 0.001% of the US population.

I KNOW they did the best they could to cover as many groups as possible, but it’s not 100%.

I mean fuck a celebrity had to SUE to get SOME HELP for fucking firefighters after 9/11 and you expect me to line up for this shit?

So I can get another $1,200 to last me a year and so Republicans can call me a lazy piece of shit who doesn’t deserve to live because I got fucked up taking their science experiment and got disabled?

I’m sure it’s safe, but this is MY life. MY body. You won’t be there if this shit fucks me up, you won’t give a single fuck.

Thanks for the thread tho.

>> No.12425380

Russia and China have as well. And while you can argue they're not on par with western countries, its hard to argue they're not worthy of being included in the first world club: They have good technology, just social stratification and autocracy make their access to it wonky.

>> No.12425412

Based. Fuck the retatards responding to you anon

>> No.12425659

be academic cuck
>go on pubmed
>search corona good
>link research
be schizo
>go on pubmed
>search corona bad
>link research

There's good and bad tech. The good tech can revolutionize the world and it did. The bad tech can kill millions and it did.

I can take an experimental coof shoot pushed by creepy and organized elites or have an healthy life style just like I did my whole life and not worry about a literal coof. I can't remember the last time I got sick, for more than a day. Probably was before adulthood. You just can't get sick anymore once you get to maturity.

Don't fucking make the mask mandatory.
Don't fuck the future of zoomers by hyper inflating the currency.
Don't make the people more dependent on the state more than it already is.
Don't bring soft martial law.
Common sens
They will arrest you for hosting a party.
They will arrest you for running your restaurant.
They will arrest you for not conforming to the mask.
They will print 1/4 of all current money.

But hey, /sci/ says I'm an uneducated crazy person that should be put in gulag and they must be right because they believe in 'science' and 'the authorities'.

>> No.12425698
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>You just can't get sick anymore once you get to maturity.

>> No.12425881

Its still a novel technology, hence why there is not a single mrna vaccine in the market now. Up until 2005, there were serious adverse effects reported. It does not make sense to me to try a new technology for mass scale mandatory vaccination in an emergency situation.

Yes the idea is interesting and it could be the future of vaccines but you should probably wait at least a decade after a product is on the market before injecting the whole earth population with it.

The same people that told us hydroxychloroquine (a medication prescribed to millions of people over decades) is dangerous now want us all to be injected with a brand new technology fresh out of labs. But there are still not distributing vitamin D even though it has been shown it was effective at reducing infection and disease severity with no side effect.

Plus, its not like there is no alternative. We have the try and true method of disactivated vaccines working for decades now, that is what China is using with reason.

>> No.12425896

Good post with good info. Great research and summary.
Thank you!

>> No.12425901

>there is not a single mrna vaccine in the market
There are two.
>We have the try and true method of disactivated vaccines working for decades now
This is also offered as a vaccine. People have a choice. This one has much more side effects though.

>> No.12425990

Can someone explain the benefits of mrna vaccine over conventional vaccines?
If mrna just makes proteins to induce an immune response why not just inject proteins?
Not a biofag pls no bully

>> No.12426031

You have no way to prove they didn't.

>> No.12426095

> There are two.
? Up until December 2020, no mRNA vaccine, drug, or technology platform, had ever been approved for use in humans, and before 2020, mRNA was only considered a theoretical or experimental candidate for use in humans.[1][7][10]

> People have a choice.
I am not so sure about that.
It is cheaper and easier to produce because you do not have to cultivate a live virus. But this is really an excuse because I do not know anyone who would prefer to pay 20$ for an experimental drug rather than 60$ for a conventional one. They spend trillions to prop up the markets but they want to do savings over vaccine production ?

The reality is behind closed doors some people in power chose to push this technology over the conventional approach. I do not think they released a public document so you will never know why.

From my point of view, it is a poor choice not only for potential unknown side effects but also because there will be less vaccination compliance in the population if it is a new technology.

>> No.12426120

>The reality is behind closed doors some people in power chose to push this technology over the conventional approach.
It's literally because they were quicker. The vaccine was already made back in February because all you need is the genetic sequence of the virus. Not everything is a conspiracy.

>> No.12426186

China developed at least 2 conventional vaccines in the same timescale so no, time to market is not different. I did not see any backing for disactivated virus vaccines development in the west in case the mrna/virus vector/nanoparticule ones would fail.

I think they discarded this option for some reason. Not necessarily a conspiracy theory, but there is a lot of money on the table, why did they push so hard Remdesivir and ventilators but not vitamin D/ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine ?

Poor decisions were made since the start of the pandemic and not everybody has common people best interest at heart. I dont see why it would be different for the vaccine.

>> No.12426284

You can't get sick at maturity? Have you really never had the flu?

>> No.12426299

>? Up until December 2020, no mRNA vaccine, drug, or technology platform, had ever been approved for use in humans,
There's one against rabies and one against some kind of cancer. Phase 1 results of the former were published almost four years ago.

>> No.12426301


>> No.12426305

>I did not see any backing for disactivated virus vaccines development in the west in case the mrna/virus vector/nanoparticule ones would fail.
First of all it's called inactivated vaccines and it's not the only conventional type of vaccines that exist. Secondly, USA has given about the same amount of $ for protein subunit vaccines.

>why did they push so hard Remdesivir and ventilators but not vitamin D/ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine
The only one pushing anything was the HCQ culture warriors. Remdesivir is not even recommended anymore. That's how evidence based medicine works.

>> No.12426329

You two are talking about two different things. Yes, there are mRNA vaccines/drugs in development, but they are not approved yet. By approved I mean as in on the market and possible to prescribe and get from a pharmacy.

>> No.12426380


>50 (78%) of 64 intradermally vaccinated participants and 29 (78%) of 37 intramuscularly vaccinated participants reported solicited systemic adverse events, including ten grade 3 events.

Grade 3 event is a hair below life threatening.

>> No.12426417

Incorrect, whether it is a health concern or not depends on the symptom.

>> No.12426428

Ah okay. That's true. But they have been tested on a good chunk of humans without showing any adverse effects.

>> No.12426429

OP here, these are indeed fair questions and I'll address them in a few hours. I'm currently not actively posting but will continue later if the thread is still alive.

>> No.12426433
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>> No.12426436
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>They are specific to:– Study population – Phase of product development (1-4)– Product evaluated (small molecule, therapeutic biologic, device, vaccine)

>> No.12426455

You're posting the grading for oncology drugs, and the follow it up with a post explicitly stating that the grading does not translate between study populations. You're proving my point for me...

>> No.12426475

The second screenshot states that it's relevant to vaccines as well. The grading itself is standardised I don't know why we're splitting hairs. See

What does Grade 3 AE mean to you?

>> No.12426517

>The second screenshot states that it's relevant to vaccines as well.
It doesn't. It states that the grading is specific for each of these categories. Can you not read?
Aside from that, your first pic explicitly states:
>not appropriate for otherwise healthy subjects
i.e. you are posting the grading for early phase clinical trials on oncology patients, not applicable here at all

> I don't know why we're splitting hairs
Because the details matter here. You are implying that there is substantial risk that these vaccines will result in hospitalization, but this is simply not correct.

>> No.12426557

What is the definition of "Grade 3 AE" as mentioned in that study?

>> No.12426586
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>So, it's a copy of Coronavirus mRNA with everything except the replicase code? So the cell will produce all the capsid's proteins and release what looks like a CoV shell, just without the RNA payload, so the immune system can train on it? Makes sense, but gives me more questions.
Mostly correct but not entirely. The mRNA vaccine only encodes a lipid shell and the (modified) spike protein, but not other membrane proteins that SARS-CoV2 expresses.

>1. How are they going to transport this mRNA into cells? It would need some sort of protection shell to arrive and enter, just like a virus does.
In essence, yes. Although one can also inject naked mRNA (ref 1 in the OP; see also ref 5 and pic related) or electroporate mRNA, these techniques are somewhat less efficient than encapsulating the mRNA. In this case, Pfizer/BioNtech use a lipid nanoparticle as the delivery mechanism (pic related).

>> No.12426587
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>2. Wouldn't this capsid still have the capability to enter other cells using the same mechanisms CoV does? I.e. attach to the membrane and splice itself into it, just releasing nothing inside.

The spike protein for SARS-CoV2 can be in two different confirmations [1]: the first enables binding to receptors [2], the second occurs after binding and enables the fusion of the membranes (pic related, top). The sequence for the spike protein that the vaccine contains differs from the exact spike protein of the virus in an important way: the S2 domain (pic related, bottom) is modified by substituting two prolines [3]. This has two functions: firstly, to stabilize the protein so that it mimics the intact virus with which the elicited virus-neutralizing antibodies must interact. Secondly, so that the protein can no longer undergo confirmational change following receptor binding. This means that the spike protein is still subject to detection by the immune system through exposing its receptor binding domain, but it is effectively inert in that when bound will not undergo the confirmational change that is required to fuse the membranes.

[1]: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/369/6511/1586
[2] https://science.sciencemag.org/content/367/6483/1260
[3] https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2027906

>> No.12426592

>3. What if a different virus mRNA of another infection going in parallel in the body, or even a real CoV hijacks this "empty vehicle" and it helps spreading it? Or this disabled mRNA meets some other replicase protein inside the cell and starts reproducing?
This is not a real risk, since SARS-CoV2 already has its own spike proteins, and does not need another vesicle to gain access to the intercellular space. Moreover, naked mRNA here cannot be replicated because it does not contain a transferase binding domain. Even if it were to replicate, the consequence would be a stronger immune response, and higher vaccine efficacy. But as mentioned, this is a practical impossibility, and also not one that is empirically observed in the clinical trials.

>4. Will the immune system actually react properly to it? Will that effect last?
Yes, that is the idea, and confirmed in the clinical trials. How long it will last is still not entirely known, but longitudinal data thus far indicate that although sterilizing immunity is lost after a period of months (meaning the virus could make you sick again), T-cell immunity remains at high levels, even some 8 months later. This means that even if you can get sick again, the severity of the sickness will be substantially attenuated; hospitalizations are far less likely and people will be less infectious to others.

>> No.12426633

I hope I may also ask a perhaps silly question for the experts in here to answer.
The mRNA is injected into muscle cells. They begin to produce the spikes and present them in their surface. These attract the immune system, right?
Does the immune system then destroy the muscle cells? Do they regenerate after that? They're not injecting into skeletal muscles, which can't regenerate, right?

>> No.12426639

>you’d actually acknowledge our hesitation and concerns as legitimate
I understand you feel attacked here and the conversation on 4chan is often hostile. Just know that I (OP) don't think any and all concerns should just be dismissed outright, or expressing any concern automatically makes you a schizo. Some concerns or questions posted in this thread are most certainly valid, and only natural since we're in uncharted waters. Those I engage with in good faith, and as long as it is reciprocal I will continue to do so.

That being said, the reason the discussion is often tense here I think is because the same debunked conspiracy theories keep being posted. We (scientists) are often approached with outright hostility and accused of lying when simply trying to address an issue that was raised. So these types of posts I simply will not entertain; they are not conducive to an actual resolution of concerns, one way or the other. That doesn't mean, however, that if you have a question or would like to raise a problem, any discussion is impossible from the outset. Some valid points were brought up in this thread, and I'm happy to discuss any others that come up.

>> No.12426650

>They begin to produce the spikes and present them in their surface.
Actually, no. They produce the spikes, but they also produce a lipid membrane that contains the spike, and the whole is encased in a vesicle in its entirety. The outer vesicle fuses with the host cell membrane, and the inner membrane + spike protein are released into the extracellular space. This free-floating vesicle then becomes the target of the immune system. So it does not actually target the host cells.

>> No.12426665

Half a year max, if a significant amount of populous become immunized, even just some 30-50% the virus cannot survive.

>> No.12426727
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It means exactly what it says in the article. WHO-defined grading:
>Participants recorded solicited local reactions (pain,redness, swelling, induration, ecchymosis, and itching) and systemic adverse events (fever, headache, myalgia, arthralgia, nausea, chills, and fatigue) on diary cards for days 0–7 after each vaccination. Solicited adverse events were graded for severity according to predefined criteria based on WHO guidance. Briefly, solicited local reactions(erythema, induration, and swelling) whose largest diameter was more than 100 mm and systemic adverse events that prevented normal daily activity were considered as grade 3 (severe) adverse events.
In other words, the symptomatically that you would expect from a strong immune response, and non-life threatening.

>> No.12426734

>the inner membrane + spike protein are released into the extracellular space
News to me, but sounds interesting. Do you have any sauce for this? I've been wondering about this like the other guy.

>> No.12426824

>Do you have any sauce for this?
Sure, check out methods in ref 3 from >>12426587

My answer specifically applies to the BNT162b2 variant (which was ultimately selected for phase III testing), so not to the BNT162b1 variant (which only encodes the partial spike protein and isn't anchored in a lipid membrane).

>> No.12426865

Thanks m8. Will check it out.

>> No.12426905

>why not just inject proteins?
Primarily because injecting the proteins by themselves is tricky: they tend to deform when subjected to temperature variations, and can even do so spontaneously under constant temperature. So they can't be kept for very long without falling apart by themselves. That's why substantial effort has been put in stabilizing the proteins, .e.g see [1].

Aside from that, synthesizing the protein is laborious and time consuming: you need a host organism to produce the proteins and then you need to isolate them after they've been produced. By just giving your body a blue print and letting it do the work itself you side-step this process. Moreover, the mRNA is relatively easy to produce, you can just do it with a process similar to a polymerase chain reaction. So once you have the sequence you want, it's easy to produce it in enormous volumes relatively quickly.

Lastly, once the platform is established for safety (which it now has), it's a straightforward process to modify it should new variants of the virus arise.

1: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/369/6510/1501

>> No.12426944

So these vaccines work by temporarily having your RNA produce immune bodies for the virus and then stopping theoretically once you have developed a more long term immunity? Or does it just produce some sort of "viral fragment" that would mimic the virus enough for you to develop immunity without you actually fucking you over? Or am I completely wrong here in general?

Besides that, my other concern is the talks people have about chipping and "vaccine passports". In principal I would actually be fine with these, but in practice I have deep privacy concerns about this sort of thing considering there aren't really any privacy laws in the US regarding chips and such that I'm aware of. Anybody know more about this to assuage my smooth brain?

>> No.12426958

> The only one pushing anything was the HCQ culture warriors. Remdesivir is not even recommended anymore. That's how evidence based medicine works.

Nice evidence based medicine where Gilead managed to push their expensive drug for approval and hospital distribution even though it has side effects and no benefits have been shown in large studies...

> https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2020/08/28/fda-ignores-science-expanding-remdesivir-treat-covid-19/5662305002/

> https://healthpolicy-watch.news/us-fda-approval-of-remdesivir-as-covid-19-treatment-ignored-who-solidarity-trial-results-showing-no-drug-benefit/

> https://www.livemint.com/science/health/remdesivir-s-failure-is-a-warning-for-covid-19-vaccines-11605924714441.html

> On 8 October, the company inked an agreement to supply the European Union with its drug remdesivir as a treatment for COVID-19—a deal potentially worth more than $1 billion. Two weeks later, on 22 October, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved remdesivir for use against the pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in the United States—the first drug to receive that status. The EU and U.S. decisions pave the way for Gilead’s drug into two major markets, both with soaring COVID-19 cases. But both decisions baffled scientists who have closely watched the clinical trials of remdesivir unfold over the past 6 months—and who have many questions about remdesivir’s worth.

>> No.12426992

Actually there is the novavax vaccine candidate which contains just the spike protein with an adjuvant with good results so far


> About NVX-CoV2373
NVX-CoV2373 is a protein-based vaccine candidate engineered from the genetic sequence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 disease. NVX-CoV2373 was created using Novavax’ recombinant nanoparticle technology to generate antigen derived from the coronavirus spike (S) protein adjuvanted with Novavax’ patented saponin-based Matrix-M™ to enhance the immune response and stimulate high levels of neutralizing antibodies. NVX-CoV2373 contains purified protein antigen and can neither replicate, nor can it cause COVID-19. In preclinical studies, NVX-CoV2373 induced antibodies that block binding of spike protein to cellular receptors and provided protection from infection and disease. NVX-CoV2373 was generally well-tolerated and elicited robust antibody responses numerically superior to that seen in human convalescent sera in Phase 1/2 clinical testing. NVX-CoV2373 is being evaluated in a Phase 3 trial in the U.K. and two ongoing Phase 2 studies that began in August: a Phase 2b trial in South Africa, and a Phase 1/2 continuation in the U.S. and Australia.

>> No.12426998

Burden of proof you fucking morons

>> No.12427030

>So these vaccines work by temporarily having your RNA produce immune bodies for the virus and then stopping theoretically once you have developed a more long term immunity?
The vaccines (the two mRNA vaccines now being considered for approval) work by giving your body mRNA. This is a blueprint for a particular protein. Your body takes this blueprint, and the builds the protein. This protein is what your immune system picks up after a while, and it then learns to recognize it and destroy it when it sees it again. The virus contains this protein (and a whole bunch of other shit), so when your body detects the virus later on, it'll recognize it and destroy it right away.

When your body reads the blueprint (the mRNA) and after the protein is built, the blueprint is automatically put through the shredder. This is a mechanism that your body uses so it doesn't keep producing proteins indefinitely. It's also used here, so however many copies of the blueprint you give your body, that's roughly how many copies of the protein you end up with (actually it's a bit less, because not all of the mRNA reaches the places where it can be read).

>Besides that, my other concern is the talks people have about chipping and "vaccine passports".
This is more of a political decision, and I can't really say much about its implementation. Many countries do use vaccine passport (I personally have one), but their purpose is just to keep track of what diseases you've been vaccinated for. It has no legal value beyond that. If people are planning to extend its legal basis, that is a political decision and not one I'd be very comfortable with. But that's just my opinion.

>> No.12427107

Fair point. It got a lot of pushback as you can tell from the links.

>> No.12427151

Well, if you want one potential reason for pushing one and hindering another, can take a look at the law.


>Criteria for Issuance of Authorization
>The Secretary may issue an authorization under this section with respect to the emergency use of a product only if, after consultation with the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, the Director of the National Institutes of Health, and the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (to the extent feasible and appropriate given the applicable circumstances described in subsection (b)(1)), the Secretary concludes—
>(3) that there is no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating such disease or condition;

This is at least for EUA, which it got earlier in may, full FDA approval being similar in that you would have to prove additional benefit in efficacy of treatment over existing options.

>> No.12427157


>> No.12427186

The virus doesn't alter your DNA either. You're thinking of a retrovirus, but SARS-CoV2 isn't one of those. It leaves your DNA alone, as do the vaccines.

>> No.12427214

>mRNA-based therapeutics ... do not integrate into the genome
No. mRNA does nothing to DNA. This is highschool biology stuff

>> No.12427239

Right. That was the claim that was replied to. That it doesn't alter DNA. So it proves his point. I think we're all in agreement here.

>> No.12427246

Awesome, thanks! That removed my last doubt. It wasn't clear to me whether the spikes stay attached or are released into the ambient environment of the cell.

>> No.12427248

Based science anon fielding questions left and right. Probably one of the most informative threads I've ever seen on here.

>> No.12427250

this is the basedest thread ever, thank you all who explained thoroughly!
and i looked but i couldn't see anything about protein folding. how does the cell forms the correct protein structure from a foreign mRNA?

>> No.12427271
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Agree. Much indebted to him. I can unfortunately only offer this image of a cat as tribute.

>> No.12427326

>how does the cell forms the correct protein structure from a foreign mRNA?
It does so through the exact same mechanisms that result in folded proteins stemming from native mRNA. The endoplasmatic reticulum contains a host of molecular chaperones that ensure correct folding. These molecules aren't specific to native proteins, but rather implement a set of folding rules that apply throughout nature.

I graciously accept.

I'm going to take a break now, if there are more questions I'll check back in later or tomorrow.

>> No.12427332

>These molecules aren't specific to native proteins, but rather implement a set of folding rules that apply throughout nature.
oh i got it. thanks, anon. i really appreciate your efforts.

>> No.12427420

Read the thread, they're convinced they snuck a reverse transcriptase into the vaccine lol

>> No.12427707

>engineer a self replicating mRNA
>the mRNA slowly starts taking over cells
>cell lysis releases the mRNA into the extracellular space
>soon the blood becomes only mRNA dissolved in water
>after that the water becomes mRNA
>there is no escape
>the chain reaction engulfs your helpless body
>you now exhale mRNA from your mRNA "lungs"
>other organisms struggle to breathe as their lungs are congested with clotted mRNA
>they too will succumb the power of the all consuming mRNA
>soon after, land mass and the oceans are nothing but mRNA
>a planet made entirely of mRNA
>self replicating mRNA
>the second law of thermodynamics is now broken as entropy itself is mRNA
>the very fabric of space is transformed into an single-stranded and unbroken chain nucleic acid
>cytosine, guanine, adenine, thymine
if only we would have listened to /pol/

>> No.12427734

>single-stranded and unbroken chain nucleic acid
Finally, true unity.

>> No.12427863

top kek

>> No.12427910
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>> No.12428233

What if I wait a while before I go for one, to see if there is adverse effects worth worrying about

>> No.12428248

Makes sense. Unless you're old or a nurse or something you probably won't be allowed to get one until like April

>> No.12428251

If you're not a risk group there's no harm in doing that

>> No.12428300

Fucking kek, 10/10 post

>> No.12428327

Okay so I understood about a quarter of that but what I'm getting here is that basically the thing the vaccine produced doesn't actually do anything in your body right?

>> No.12428348

If you really want to pull that pseuds' card, the burden of proof would lie first and foremost within the big pharma that claim their triannual bullshit shots of a new type of vaccine never tested before developed in record time is safe in the first place while making deals with the government to avoid being held accountable of any potential problems that rise from it, you subhuman sheep.

>> No.12428367

What if I just ignore the vaccine altogether.
The flu goes away with no effort spent on terminating it, so will this. If you want to stand in line for this massively hyped vaccine for this nothingburger then go ahead

>> No.12428447
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The vaccine holds a recipe for a part of the coronavirus, a counterfeit part if you'd like. Some of the cells in the body will use this recipe to make copies and give it away to the immune system. They will make what you can think of as wanted poster. If the immune system sees this part in the future it will be stopped before it's a problem.

The part in question is the spike protein (those red tags in pic related). They work as anchors for the coronavirus. On its own it doesn't do anything. It will just be removed and destroyed by the immune system.

>> No.12428449

>Muscle cells dress up as wanted guy because they fell for the mRNA meme
>Immune system SWAT raids them and shoots them dead

>> No.12428461
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>> No.12428502

>On its own it doesn't do anything. It will just be removed and destroyed by the immune system
Wouldn't that mean it will produce less memory cells as its offensive presence against the immune system is basically null? That was one of the reasons why live vaccines are more effective long-term-wise than vaccines with dead parts.
I suppose it would explain why you have to take the covid shot every four months. Honestly I don't really see the benefits of developing this type of vaccine.

>> No.12428534

It was an extreme oversimplification. How long the immunity lasts with these mRNA vaccines is still up for debate as far as I know.

>> No.12429195
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>tfw an austistic shitposting anonymous digital hellscape gives some based answers

>> No.12429203

Anything good can be misused.
But sadly our collective science education and critical thinking is not taught in public schools.
Private schools have less of this issue at the elite level

>> No.12429209

Anon, we probably would have even given you the time of day had you adopted a fram of reference, say Avicenna's concept of holistic balance within the body or say galileo's treatment against the priesthood.

Please present logic, evidence and a reasoned critqiue rather than this flowing incoherence

>> No.12429218


I've got the chip
>I CAN FEEEEEEEL the hands of the nwo nanobots controlling me via 7G altering my DNA at Gates's command- It's not an immune response. THEY GOTS TO THESE PEOPLE'es brains. WAKE UP !
>Goes off to buy from Amazon and give data to big corps.

>> No.12429223

I think this is what is most revolutionary if theis vaccine's efficacy in process and mechanism works in real world scenarios.

>Go on then fucking clever virus U WOT M8? You changed your coat? I see your new protein spike and map it and here's a new mRNA vaccine
And so on and so forth.

>> No.12429229

Do we know how many mRNA protein blueprints numbers of quantity, it takes to have the right effect but not overwhelming granny nora?

>> No.12429231

Have they mentioned the nanobots yet?
Because they definitely will inject nanobots.
I read it somewhere and watched a youtube doc

>> No.12429237

Biology and our DNA synthesizing proteins through transcription mechanisms is truly astonishing when you think about the logic and processes required to in-sync

>It was the best of times
>It was the worst of times
I suppose.

>> No.12429244

If its so irrefutably safe, why do they need to have legal immunity from prosecutions?

>> No.12429246

>the chain reaction engulfs your helpless body
Diana Ross

>> No.12429248

This and the other linked based satire anon from previous thread
/sci/ satire best

>> No.12429251

>cytosine, guanine, adenine, thymine

It's there in the bible
End of days
These are the 4 horsemen.

>> No.12429257

>developed in record time
Not understanding that the logic that makes you skeptical of Big Pharma is exactly why they don't release big developments until pushed to do so as they sit on tonnes of ideas and theories that are based because it's not profitable until they get a kick by the bankers and politicians.

Essentially, big pharma is the Chelse youth academy buying up young players so no-one else can have them.

>> No.12429264

mRNA is the double-agent informer.

>> No.12429269

Because corporations and government corruption go hand in hand
Even torturing foreign people that are innocent gives you immunity.

>> No.12429492

We didn't at the beginning, but now we do because we've tried it out in dose escalating trials.

>> No.12429654

what's this from?

>> No.12429781
File: 152 KB, 892x892, ex-pfizer petition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies and call for co-signing the petition


>> No.12429834

I had a look at this earlier because initially I thought they might ne onto something here, but it turns out to be nonsense.

There is a minor degree of homology between a sub domain of Syncytin-1 and the coronavirus spike protein. But that is completely irrelevant since the two are entirely different proteins with a central helix structe present in Syncytin-1 that is not there in the spike protein. Conversely, the immune repons occurs due to the exposed binding domain of the spike protein, which does not show any homology. So antibodies will accordingly not show affinity for Syncytin-1.

This whole thing is just someone looking for an excuse to be antivaxx and trying to give it the appearance of legitimacy, but the basis of the argument is entirely unsound.

>> No.12429862


Guys... get it? Based?

Get it...? Guys... based? Like BASE pair?

Guys get it?

>> No.12429879
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>> No.12430147

thanks, good to know

>> No.12430329

Oh no no no scumbag. Stop seeing the world in rose coloured glasses.
There IS homology between covid19 spike protein and sub domain of syncitin 1. That is the critical point.
You are misinforming people with the other statement that only the binding domain of spike protein is involved. That is true if it was an ATTENUATED VIRUS like in conventional vaccines. mRNA vaccines use our cellular machinery to produce the spike protein which released outside the cell and the WHOLE PROTEIN is exposed to the lymphocytes. It is not just the binding domain.

The truth is we do not know if cross reactivity will happen or not. It is very likely. These companies should have spent at the very minimum a few months trying the vaccine is monkeys, rabbits and other mammals to see if placental functions are uninvolved or not.
But THEY DID NOT. It is an experimental mRNA drug that supposedly gives you immunity against the coof for 6 months . This cannot be even called a vaccine.

>> No.12430333

>literally seething when bullshit gets called
I'm not the guy you're replying to but he's clearly posting solid info, as opposed to you

>> No.12430338

lol, he's right you retard, it doesn't fucking matter if the whole protein is presented or not because it's the RBD that produces antibody binding

>> No.12430346

Not my problem your sensitive mind cannot handle opposing views. He gave his opinion and I gave mine.

>> No.12430351

kek, he clearly explained why you're wrong, and you called him a scumbag in return

you're the one who cant handle opposing views retard

>> No.12430359

How do you know? What you speak is true only in natural cases when only binding domain is exposed outside the cell membrane.
What if other regions of spike protein structure has a higher affinity/ lower binding energy towards lymphocytes? What if other cytokines, immunomodulators surrounding the spike protein and immune cells change the dynamics of the reaction process?
Immunology is very complicated and it has still many questions unanswered. You cannot just assume binding domain will only react when the whole protein structure is exposed.

>> No.12430363

He didnt explain shit. Wtf you talking about.

>> No.12430364

>How do you know?
because that's how it works you tard

see >>12426587 and the papers posted there

>> No.12430366

>Wtf you talking about
i could ask you the same thing

>> No.12430380

All that is saying how this is supposed to work.
There is no data on its safety on fertility or if there will be no problems in future pregnancies. You are literally telling to run on an assumption that the human body with its wide variation in immune mechanisms will just bind to that one region in every single individual and all will go according to plan and everything will be allright.

>> No.12430389

you... you don't even know what an RBD is, do you?

>> No.12430390

>therefore we must stop clinical trials in progress that establish safety
wew lad

>> No.12430404



Why dont you fine lads vaccinate your girlfriends and daughters first. Come back to me when they can still conceive with an intact placenta and then try to shove it in my face about how wrong I was.
Until then all you can do is larp.

>> No.12430420

the fucking irony

buddy, it's OBVIOUS you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about

>> No.12430434

riddle me this einstein, if the SARS-CoV2 spike protein shows conformity to syncytin-1 to such a degree that it would result in antibodies with affinity for Syncytin-1, why doesn't an infection with the virus itself make women infertile?

>If I contract Covid-19, will I become infertile in the future?
>There has been plenty of research conducted in this area, but so far, there is no evidence to suggest that it has any effect on fertility.

>> No.12430435
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>> No.12430436

John Carpenter's The Thing. Wonderful, wonderful film. Without knowing anything about your taste in movies, I can confidently say you'll love it.

>> No.12430440

Then prove it. Show me how wrong I am by the evidence that there is no cross reactivity between antibodies produced by the mRNA vaccine and the placental syncitin-1.
Prove me wrong bro. Show the data or btfo.

>> No.12430443

-> >>12430434

>> No.12430453

Excellent info anon. Do you know the mechanism these lipid nanoparticles use to deliver mRNA effectively into cells? Or are they counting on a (more effective) flood approach as the nanoparticles spontaneously burst after diffusing through a broad intracellular space?

>> No.12430454

Redpill me about Sputnik V, and why you can't drink alcohol in 40 days (this literally kills the average Russian)

>> No.12430458

*intercellular/interstitial obv

>> No.12430479

They're 100% going to still make you wear a mask for the next year, vaccine or not

>> No.12430487

Vaccine =/= Natural Infection you stupid nigger.
Vaccination completely cuts off the Th1 response and goes straight to Th2.
Antigen presenting cells dont only present the spike protein they present all other antigens on the virus structure to form antibodies on.
The antibodies formed will be of a different mixture than a homogeneous one you get from vaccination. There will not be so many circulating antibodies against the spike protein compared to vaccination. Chances of cross reactivity against placenta syncitin-1 is lower than vaccination. Im not saying its 0 but its low.
Immunity from natural infection is 100x better than vaccination.

I want data on the vaccine. You cannot provide that. So you still havent answered my demand.

>> No.12430499

>Immunity from natural infection is 100x better than vaccination.
Yeah lets infect pregnant women with coronavirus. What a great idea

>> No.12430529

bAsed and amino acid pilled

>> No.12430533


>> No.12430537

Jokes on you, all my family are dead because of COVID

>> No.12430540
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>> No.12430541

Personally I'm sceptical of mRNA vaccines nor will I have one but I've had a thought that's been bothering me for a while. From what I understand the mRNA will prompt the cells to create Covid-19's spike protein and from that protein the body will recognise it as foreign and destroy in theory granting immunity. Considering we've established that is the protein the anti-bodies attack in order to grant immunity to the vaccine. Would it not make more sense from a logistical standpoint to modify a bacteria with the mRNA technique in order to produce a the spike protein, harvest it and then inject said protein into the body to provide the same immunization effect? Considering that we have synthetic insulin derived from bacteria and that method is well established due to a recurring demand for more insulin due to diabetic patients. Why do scientists not modify bacteria to produce the spike genome like they're suggesting and then harvest that protein for injection in vaccination? The logistics of it to me seem much simpler since insulin is a on-going demand while Covid should be a one and done deal but I'm genuinely curious as to why I have never seen it mentioned as a valid technique when programming bacteria is well researched and insulin is also a protein.

>> No.12430547

I approve.
Please wait whilst I shine the sun through my orfices and pump bleach down my goblet.

>> No.12430551

Is there evidence that this vaccine is less harmful to pregnant women than coronavirus is?

>> No.12430553


>> No.12430561

/sci/ thread on based sci approved films and media when?

>> No.12430566

>Show datas and evidences or gtfo

>> No.12430569

Thank you, you absolute mentalists.
Checked and knowledge pilled

>> No.12430573

There's evidence that show COVID-19 confirmed infection in pregnant women have higher risk of being admitted to hospital and ending up in the ICU.

>> No.12430578

A higher risk compared to the base population right? I'm specifically asking about the effects of the vaccine. Has there been any study of the vaccine's effects on pregnancy or fertility at all?

>> No.12430579

Fucking hell you're so full of shit I'm running out of ways to call you stupid.

>In both younger and older adults, the two vaccine candidates elicited similar dose-dependent SARS-CoV-2–neutralizing geometric mean titers, which were similar to or higher than the geometric mean titer of a panel of SARS-CoV-2 convalescent serum samples
The immunogenicity of the vaccine is about the same as in people who were actually infected. It's obvious that a vaccine isn't a real infection, but the dosage is titrated to mimic a real infection. You should do your fucking homework before randomly pulling shit out of your ass.

>> No.12430589

>interstelluar when?


>Would it not make more sense from a logistical standpoint to modify a bacteria with the mRNA technique in order to produce a the spike protein, harvest it and then inject said protein into the body to provide the same immunization effect? Considering that we have synthetic insulin derived from bacteria and that method is well established due to a recurring demand for more insulin due to diabetic patients. Why do scientists not modify bacteria to produce the spike genome like they're suggesting and then harvest that protein for injection in vaccination? The logistics of it to me seem much simpler since insulin is a on-going demand while Covid should be a one and done deal but I'm genuinely curious as to why I have never seen it mentioned as a valid technique when programming bacteria is well researched and insulin is also a protein.

I think it's buried in some of the excellent responses, and though I disagree with your valid skepticism, your question is actually logical but may be incorrect. If I'm wrong correct us:

Proteins of the nature of the spike protein is notoriously fragile.

Incidentally, what happens if a batch of vaccine has mRNA snippets that have either been degraded or disturbed? Would they become inert or have the potential to create a different destructive proteins form?
(say mRNA code is ABBA but is degraded to ABB - would this interfere with any homologous normal bodily ABB proteins if it existed or create a new protein spike that could be dangerous?)

>> No.12430591

See: >>12426905
And also >>12426992

>> No.12430594


>> No.12430596

Not that I'm aware of. I can't possibly think this vaccine will be given to pregnant women without studies suggesting it's safe.

>> No.12430598

Why hasn't there been? seems like a pretty big oversight

>> No.12430599

those results will come eventually

clinical trials don't enroll pregnant women right away, but people end up getting pregnant anyway and we get some preliminary data with that

probably good to hold off on pregant vaccinations until more is known, for many reasons

>There will not be so many circulating antibodies against the spike protein compared to vaccination

LARP detected from this shitty assumption

>> No.12430600

Does this also include people who identify as women?
>I couldn't resist. I'll go away now

>> No.12430614

>hold off on pregant vaccinations
Last I checked we don't vaccinate pregnant women at all, for any infectious disease. For the vaccines discussed here pregnancy is definitely contraindicated.

>> No.12430616

No, because pregnant women aren't vaccinated. That's also the case for any other type of vaccine.

>> No.12430617

>seems like a pretty big oversight
It's not the first study you do when developing new therapies.

>> No.12430618
File: 69 KB, 850x400, quote-the-demon-is-a-liar-he-will-lie-to-confuse-us-but-he-will-also-mix-lies-with-the-truth-william-peter-blatty-51-29-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but most people don't know that, so it's a perfect spot for misinformation.

>> No.12430624
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>The vaccine is specially designed to make people infertile since the wealthy want us to stop having kids. That's why pregnant women aren't allowed to get vaccinated, the baby would die.
Stop and think about this statement for a moment.

>> No.12430635

Makes about as much sense as
>First, we've got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.

>> No.12430759

This is one of the first threads to convince me of intelligent life on 4chan

>> No.12430810

>>interstelluar when?
I'm asking if you know what the final delivery mechanism is. My assumption is the lipid nanoparticles spontaneously burst, letting the mRNA go and relying on the random chance of some cell uptaking it.

>> No.12430819

absolute kek

>> No.12430843

>My assumption is the lipid nanoparticles spontaneously burst, letting the mRNA go and relying on the random chance of some cell uptaking it.
lipid nanoparticles can't and don't "burst" and the chance of any of your cells voluntarily taking up random mRNA is zero even if the mRNA isn't immediately degraded by nucleases floating around
There are two methods for the current vaccines:
lipid nanoparticles, which fuse with the cell membrane and deposit their contents into the cell like a -some
and adenoviral vector, where they've retarded an adenovirus so that it won't replicate and loaded it with S mRNA. It enters the cell same as an adenovirus, and induces spike production

The iffy part is that S needs to be expressed on the surface of the right type of membrane which means it needs to be manufactured by ribosomes and packaged as if it's actually SARS2-nCoV in order to be recognized properly.

>> No.12430903

>Incidentally, what happens if a batch of vaccine has mRNA snippets that have either been degraded or disturbed? Would they become inert or have the potential to create a different destructive proteins form?
>(say mRNA code is ABBA but is degraded to ABB - would this interfere with any homologous normal bodily ABB proteins if it existed or create a new protein spike that could be dangerous?)
It wouldn't be transcribed
As much as I dislike the concept of this vaccine, it's not really a valid criticism and I couldn't in good faith use it as an argument.
every mRNA has a 5' cap and a poly(A) tail
mRNA has no 5-methylguanylate = degraded by exonucleases, not translated
mRNA has no polyadenylation = degraded by exonucleases, not translated
If you have a break in the mRNA somewhere in the coding region, you'll end up with two fragments, one with a 5' cap, and one with a poly(A) tail. mRNA needs both to be translated.

mRNA is extremely fragile and has a full complement of checks & balances for a reason, the reason being:
>it's better to waste resources than fill your cell with shit that doesn't work or is wrong
>unless mRNA degrades quickly, cells will have a large time lag between making something they need and continuing to make something, despite having enough of it
>not being extremely particular about what mRNA can enter the cell, or be translated is basically the equivalent of letting anyone run any code they want on your computer, at any time

>> No.12430966

>everybody I don’t liek is schizophrenic
And you wonder why people don’t trust pencil neck “scientists”.

>> No.12430997

Fuck off, the adults are talking

>> No.12431060
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>Why are you being so dismissive towards people who are neurologically averse to reason and critical thinking

>> No.12431099

What even is the point of it for someone young and fit when the whole mantra we were force-fed was
> protect the vulnerable!
and it turns out it doesn't even stop someone catching/transmitting the virus?
Personally I'll take my chances with the virus over the vaccine

>> No.12431165

See the reply to the second question in >>12426592

>> No.12431174

Looks like we've hit the bump limit. Thanks a fantastic thread.

>> No.12431249

What a weird bump limit

>> No.12431260

300, same as always no?

>> No.12431285
File: 437 KB, 792x690, pfizer petiton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what the ex-Pfizer respiratory research head had to say about it.


This link explains the placenta concerns


The problem is if you become pregnant after getting vaccinated.

>> No.12431287

We've covered this nonsense. Read back a little.

>> No.12431317
File: 380 KB, 890x905, HERV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody addressed this


>> No.12431423
File: 24 KB, 600x900, weamericans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude...they're gonna chip me, bro!

>> No.12431439

what are you talking about? what neural strain?

>> No.12431489

>i was only pretending!
>y-you're the newfag!
you have to lurk mooooar

>> No.12431518

Yes we did you idiot. There was an extensive discussion on what exactly this homology implies.

>> No.12431651

Not him, but I
>am 21
>am overweight
>was born asthmatic (generally over it now)
>eat a lot of fats food with intermittent periods of proper diet
>exercise daily by walking 8km/day
and I haven't had the flu/a bug for more than 2 days in like 4 years
Had I been eating properly I wouldn't have even gotten the little bit sick I did, so I'd say that anon isn't completely wrong

>> No.12431708

Is this where I provide you with an anecdote of a child with no comorbidities being admitted to the ICU with COVID-19?

>> No.12431853

Lurk moar

>> No.12431868

capped checkd and based
The thread reaffirms /sci/ as actually doing what it's meant to do.
Would enjoy more wit though

>> No.12431882

Boris anons what you think of this?

>> No.12431936

Lipid nanoparticles can indeed spontaneously burst, as every molecule can do. Messenger RNA is uptaken by cells, evident by the weak efficacy of naked mRNA vaccination, discovered in the '90s. It seems that the mechanism is actually membrane fusion though. The reason why I'm puzzled, is because I thought a virus needed glycoproteins on its envelope surface to bind to a cell and induce fusion. Yet I can't see any mention of this in the information released about lipid nanoparticle tech.

>> No.12432272

All I'm saying is that proper diet and exercise can go a long way to help avoid getting sick by normal seasonal illnesses. Don't get me wrong, I think Covid is a serious deal and that only having a healthy lifestyle won't be enough to avoid getting infected, I'm just suggesting that it can help minimise the symptoms, especially if one takes vitamin supplements as well. Though this might be stating the obvious.

>> No.12433024
