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12423249 No.12423249 [Reply] [Original]

>36 years old
>find it more difficult to remember things
>much slower at understanding new concepts

Is this the normal ageing process?
Is there anything I can do to avoid my brain deteriorating so quickly?

Scientifically evidenced solutions only please.

>> No.12423254

A bullet to the brain will stop it.

>> No.12423259

Play chess, crosswords, math puzzles, keep it active. The brain is similar to any other muscle, you don't use it and it atrophies.
The damage already done can't be healed, so stop wasting time on this Godforsaken site.

>> No.12423295

I try to and stay mentally active by working through textbooks. I've done this all my life. Science, math, engineering... But despite this I just feel like I'm getting slower and slower.

Only thing I can think of is alcohol maybe? But I only drink once a week...

>> No.12423348

Stop drinking any alcohol at all.

Stop doing any drugs.

Exercise every day for at least 30 min (even a light jog/walk/yoga).

Do some high intensity exercise weekly.

Stop eating added sugar completely.

Get enough and regular sleep.

Have fulfilling relationships and take time to care about your friends/family.

Learning and solving math/physics/engineering problems is important but only half the battle - you use arguably more of your brain when socializing and it's been shown to be equally as important.

And finally, just relax and enjoy life. You're likely not getting slower, and it's likely just anxiety making you think so.

>> No.12423377

and they say don't come to 4chan for advice lmao

>> No.12423380
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Thanks for this.

>Stop drinking any alcohol at all.
I thought small amounts were okay, but I just googled this and found that it's not true


This will probably be the hardest thing for me to do since it's the usual way I socialize

>> No.12423405

I'm also in my 30s, and my old father has better cognition and perception than me.
Our generation must have been brainfogged via food or shots.

>> No.12423428


>> No.12423436

I'm 29 and I said Cardboard instead of Car Park earlier.

The modern world rots the mind and probably the brain too.

>> No.12423437

Alcohol isn't good for you. A beer here and there is whatever but if you rely on it regularly then that's definitely not good. If you must drink to socialize I'd do 1-2 beers for a night then call it quits. If anyone wants you to drink more for some reason then they're stupid (unless it's a big celebration like a bachelor party or some shit).
Nah it's not the food or shots. It's stress, the internet, and general lack of normal human activity like socializing face to face. Did you know it requires just as much or more brain power to read and deliver facial expressions than to solve a math problem?

>> No.12423472

>The damage already done can't be healed
bullshit, it depends

>> No.12423507

via internet and tiktok shit

>> No.12423515

>Did you know it requires just as much or more brain power to read and deliver facial expressions than to solve a math problem?
This is the efficient brain hypothesis right? What it means is that the brain is optimised for solving social problems, so we actually find non-social problems more difficult. This is why statistics and probability is so counterintuitive for most people

>> No.12423519

>tfw females are skilled mathematicians

>> No.12423754

Exercise and eat right. Get out in nature. Socialize. Have kids and play with them. Immerse yourself in a new language (I mean actually hang around native speakers, not fuck around with Babbel). Learn a new skill like an instrument, sketching, auto repair, whatever. Read and write every day.

>> No.12423771

Nope, it's caused by chemtrails and wireless devices. That's why you and everyone else is reporting this shit all the time. No it isn't normal, yes it was done to us against our will.

>> No.12423811
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>> No.12423822

All too well.

>> No.12423918

>Have kids and play with them
Rest is good advice but why this?

>> No.12423927
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this started happening to me at 16, you're getting off easy OP but i welcome you with arms. the road we walk is tough and nobody will be there for you when your mind starts playing tricks on you, when you cant remember the most basic stuff, when you can no longer function and resort to monkey brain logic 24/7. i welcome you friend

>> No.12423938

>Stop eating added sugar completely.
Bad advice.

>> No.12423979

You are also working your body out, right anon?

>> No.12424016

>Play chess, crosswords, math puzzles, keep it active.

You seem to be missing the one key bit of advice which staves off mental degeneration - being around other people and being SOCIAL.

Practising menial mental tasks does go a little to keeping you mentally active but really it is being social which does the most in preventing neurological decline.

>> No.12424064

I only hang out with one person (my wife) and internet people (you) is this enough?

>> No.12424066

>tfw 25
>have to reread sentences multiple times to understand them
>cannot focus on anything for more than a few minutes anymore
>legit cannot sit through 5 minute youtube videos anymore
i'm convinced the bulk if it is because my day job is boring as shit so i have no reason to learn or retain information anymore
i wasn't very smart to begin with though

>> No.12424082

>just socialize bro
genuinely where the fuck do i socialize if i have zero friends to start off with?

>> No.12424086

this is def undoable. you're probably fucked your attention span from browsing internet all day

>> No.12424120 [DELETED] 

i'm trying to fix it a bit but i'm weak willed as shit. fortunately i'm kind of burnt out on video games

part of me wants to believe it's just psychological. i feel like i wasted 2020 so like trying to "catch up" seems pointless.
i'm afraid of preparing for my attempts at going for a job change into research or even a phd when i turn 26 because it seems painful and as narcissistic as it sounds it really hurts thinking in a long timeline again
like i keep setting delusional goals for myself that i know i'll fail at

i don't know, i just am really upset at myself for blowing this year off. i really just feel like an absolute failure and i completed anything i wanted to except the smallest of fucking tasks this year
at least i started working out again but even then i missed two days because i was being lazy

i actually tried cutting out internet for 2 weeks and it didn't really work either
been on adderall, anxiety disorder = panic attacks on addy, so had to stop

i unironically am setting an ultimatum on some stuff and if i can't even meet those targets by the end of this year i'm seriously considering up on everything and working part time at a bullshit government job

it's a blogpost, but i just feel apprehensive because i feel like i've already failed
maybe i'm making excuses because i've been living damage control so it doesn't matter. i won't finish what i wanted to by the end of the year because i blew it off for 3 months, so it hurts
even my success feels like failure because i'm so far behind

i dunno, had to let it out, hoping it resonates with someone at all because i can't be the only one who thinks like this
at least i actually fucking got up and started working out, in the middle of rest rn

>> No.12424165

>>tfw 25
>>have to reread sentences multiple times to understand them
>>cannot focus on anything for more than a few minutes anymore
>>legit cannot sit through 5 minute youtube videos anymore
Jesus Christ anon, I hope you're baiting.

>> No.12424170

not that guy ur replying to but im in a similar position, sometimes have to reread the sentence twice or more just to understand it and i cant even focus on anything for more than a couple of minutes

>> No.12424187

Not everyone can build muscle

>> No.12424194

i've tried cutting out internet usage, but i find that i end up finding something else to waste time on, even if it's just staring at a wall because i don't feel like mentally applying myself because it's hard

not bait. the rereading and skipping through 5 minute yt vids part is real. i wanted to self study some stuff this year but i just didn't. trying to pick up the scraps and get a tenth of what i should have done this year.
i wonder how much of it is mentality, i'm always behind everyone else and i feel like a massive failure at anything i do so nothing is enjoyable.

>> No.12424208

It's probably over for us Tbh.

>> No.12424210

anon im in a similar position with you

does anyone know how to fix this problem? literally nothing in enjoyable, if i try to watch a tv series or any activity that requires concentration i always get bored and start browsing 4chan or watching youtube videos like a spaz. not sure what to do about it but i want to get out of it

>> No.12424228

i don't want to admit i'm a failure yet...

i'm convinced it's environment and stability, for me, i believe my mind is wired into a loop of "the current lifestyle is working so why bother changing it? you're going to fuck it up anyways" and i don't know how to get out of that. i also started college at 21 so i know how it feels to be old and behind and it legitimately damaged my mental state thinking about how young everyone around me is
playing games online with friends has been the most fun i've had recently, but that stuff is detrimental to self improvement

>> No.12424241

>(DHA) Wild salmon fish oil
Exercise every day.
Stop drinking water with even the slightest trace amounts of lead in it no matter how "safe" they say it is.
Half-life for lead is 28 days in soft tissue and 10-20 years in your bones. It accumulates over time.

>> No.12424245

Are you guys NEETs?

>> No.12424277

I'm a wagie.

>> No.12424283

nope, i'm a wagie

>> No.12424402

i am

>> No.12424452

I take this shit every two days and it's starting to fuck with me. I tried reducing dosage to 100mg but still I feel like crap unless I'm on it.

>> No.12424466

this basically
some diversity in your thinking is good. people who just do academics all day turn into schizos or just weirdos. you need to keep up your mind-body connection, keep up your reactions and quick decision making, creativity, etc. Socialization is probably good but as a socially anxious and socially inept retard I can't really say I've had positive outcomes from socialization.

no alcohol or drugs, get sleep are no brainers

>> No.12424523
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>dropped out of high school at 16 used to smoke weed and drink all the time
>went back to community college at 21 and currently at 4-year at 26
>drink water only, eat well, fast in 8hr windows, and read everyday

my problem solving and conversational calculus feels sharper than ever. i do forget very obvious things that are unimportant, but i think thats more of a shift with priority synthesis. i think its interesting, having done things backwards in a way. pretty sure its all downhill from here though.

id say just have "something" that wakes you up in the morning and that you want to learn and improve on. never feel truly complete

>> No.12424529

Socialize. Even bare minimum socialization is good for you. Increase it in small doses you feel comfortable with

Go without technology for extended periods of time and push yourself in nature

Write out your thoughts in an actual journal

Read challenging material and find means to discuss it

Exercise intensely and frequently

Take small, irregular doses of cognitive enhancing drugs (be careful where you get them)

Have a regular routine that includes lots of variation and make/leave room for improvisation

Find the right romantic partner

>> No.12424546

>every two days
>fuck with me
Take it at the same time every day.
I have a script for 400mg daily.
I found 300mg daily to be the sweet spot for me.
Over 2 years with zero side effects.
I stopped using for two months this summer with no withdrawal.

>> No.12424555

Stop posting on my board boomer

>> No.12424937

Stop booming on my board poster

>> No.12425126

Post boarding on my boomer stopper?

>> No.12425193


>> No.12425206

> soundcloud

Still using soundcloud in 2020 shows a decline in cognitive abilities

>> No.12425524

>feel like
>quickly deteriorating
Okay but have you actually done any tests or kept any metrics over a period of time?

>> No.12426117

The fuck dude. Most people can't handle more than 200mg and get any sleep.
You have narcolepsy right? Otherwise you must sleep like 2 hours a night.

>> No.12426217

You sure you ain't just depressed as shit?

>The damage already done can't be healed
You got a single fact to back that up?