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File: 422 KB, 779x1402, 1581670521285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12421371 No.12421371 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>12417305

>> No.12421380

RIP Arecibo

>> No.12421388

Hayabusa 2 will land in Australia soon (in 2 days) carry with it asteroid samples.

>> No.12421389
File: 1.46 MB, 3032x2064, s122e009076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and STS-122 launched almost 13 years ago too
it's funny because some people will act almost offended if you assume they don't have any interest in space, but they only know as much as they can learn from 10 minute youtube videos
i'm not sure whether to chalk it up to general apathy, or my own overestimation of enthusiasm for space

>> No.12421392 [DELETED] 
File: 277 KB, 850x1202, 1607130007819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elon Musk sends you on a mission to investigate the indigenous aliens on a newly discovered planet
>Land and explore the local fauna
>See pic related
>She hasn't spotted you yet
What do you do?

>> No.12421397 [DELETED] 

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.12421405
File: 969 KB, 3840x4720, dxtixqsivv261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is >plebbit as fuck but I though this was hilarious

>> No.12421406 [DELETED] 

Use a gun to shoot the animal. Then skin the dead animal and clean out the meat for consumption so I can survive for few more weeks without worrying about food shortage.

>> No.12421409 [DELETED] 

>homosexuals on /sfg/
Gays aren't allowed in space

>> No.12421410 [DELETED] 
File: 498 KB, 440x247, 1605845460623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, it wasn't able to deploy the reentry capsule? That sucks, it could've been reused for other missions.

>> No.12421411

Go back

>> No.12421422
File: 42 KB, 400x570, Elon Musk Furcurious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that he's one of us

>> No.12421428 [DELETED] 

>You will never strip Krystal from her skintight flight suit after an intense 8-hour dogfight and huff in a deep lungful of her feet, armpits and anus, and hold it like a bong hit as long as you can

>> No.12421443 [DELETED] 

Furfags need to be shot and fed to the animals.

>> No.12421446

>SN8 delayed to early next year due to a problem after WDR (per NSF source)

Holyshit, Starship is the new SLS

>> No.12421448
File: 260 KB, 1280x848, z2EKhB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12421452 [DELETED] 
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>fed to the animals

>> No.12421463

*gets blown up by its own srbs in your path*
*gets vaporized on reentry in your path*
Nothin' personal astronauts

>> No.12421465

live stream list: http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/en/outreach/announcements/002508.html

Is Hayabusa 2 going to burn up in the atmosphere same as 1?

>> No.12421469
File: 303 KB, 1365x2048, 1597572005396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12421471

>When the spacecraft returns and flies past Earth to deliver the sample capsule in late 2020, it is expected to retain 30 kg (66 lb) of xenon propellant (of its original 66 kg (146 lb)), which can be used to extend its service and to fly by new targets to explore.[69] As of September 2020, a fly-by of (98943) 2001 CC21 in July 2026 and a rendezvous with 1998 KY26 in July 2031 was selected for a mission extension

>> No.12421474

Nah he's just curious in the way a dude experimenting with a finger is. He ended up sticking with catgirls or whatever.
Legit looks like a cover of some 80's anime or something.

>> No.12421475

How did you take a picture from the nightmares of oldspace?

>> No.12421482 [DELETED] 

Imagine just pulling her loincloth out of the way and taking a big sniff haha

>> No.12421484


>> No.12421487 [DELETED] 

This. Weaboos get the rope next.

>> No.12421499
File: 289 KB, 1280x1024, 1280px-Apollo_1_Prime_Crew_-_GPN-2000-001159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we should have continue using the Apollo

>> No.12421501
File: 357 KB, 750x537, AFEFE442-6DAE-4228-8B6E-13F629EF71E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the US government is sleeping while this shit is going unchecked

>> No.12421504
File: 135 KB, 1200x675, 1585757058844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn og dragon was fugly

>> No.12421506 [DELETED] 
File: 427 KB, 768x1024, 5c4c63f6150863b4954615c211905525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh, sweaty it's 2020 people can be attracted to anthrpomorphic animals and spaceships

>> No.12421522

Good enough for chinks to copy

>> No.12421524
File: 713 KB, 1080x1542, 20201204_222257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the engine that will take the first woman to the surface of the Moon. The BE-7 is a high-performance, additively manufactured liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen lunar landing engine with 10,000 lbf of thrust — deep throttling down to 2,000 lbf for a precise landing on the Moon. The engine will power@BlueOrigin’s National Team HLS lunar lander. Video is from a test this week at@NASAMarshall in Huntsville, Alabama — bringing cumulative test time on the program to 1,245 seconds.#Artemis#GradatimFerociter

>> No.12421528

Elon fraud musk btfo

>> No.12421530 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 322x298, moeshit skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Specifically the ones who are into girls that look like this.
Not really, it looked on par with pretty much every other oldspace design at the time.

>> No.12421533

starship and alpaca are finished

>> No.12421536

>>This is the engine that will take the first woman to the surface of the Moon
Bezos is already kissing Kamala's boots to not get cancelled?

>> No.12421538

Jeff really tryna play up the woke angle now to stop them from cancelling him. Kinda sad really

>> No.12421552

Any source on the 20% deep throttling? That's very impressive if it's true.
>first woman to the surface of the moon
lol. Has anyone here ever heard a human female ever talk about space?

>> No.12421554

Jeff Bezos is the source...

>> No.12421556

>Any source
Is Bezos not a good enough source for you?

>> No.12421558


I mean a real source. Musk says "Tesla FSD will be released [current year + 1]" every year but that doesn't count.

>> No.12421560

>In a test readiness review on Friday, Dec. 4, NASA gave the “go” to start the next Green Run test, wet dress rehearsal, for NASA’s Artemis I Space Launch System (SLS) rocket core stage. The wet dress rehearsal is the first time the stage will be fully loaded with propellants and is planned to last approximately 48 hours. The test will begin on Saturday, Dec. 5 by powering up the core stage avionics, and engineers plan to load more than 700,000 gallons of cryogenic, or supercooled, propellant on Monday, Dec. 7.
Which will test first, SLS or Starship? Which will fail?

>> No.12421561

Wut how's that related?

>> No.12421565

Musk= hack fraud
Bezos = always delivers and never hypes

>> No.12421567

Starship to orbit first, SLS has an operational mission before the ss/sh stack.

>> No.12421568

I don't think Bezos is trying to intentionally mislead here, and if you don't trust him here, then I don't think you'll find a better source short of calling up an engineer working on it.

>> No.12421569 [DELETED] 

>implying that's not their fetish

>> No.12421572

I meant an engineering test, actual numbers, not a tweet.
Wikipedia says the BE-4 is capable of throttling down to 65%, not 20%.

>> No.12421573

SpaceX can't compete with the great patriots of Alabama. First you get all the FAKE NEWS FUD from cunts like loren grush (from the vag/verge) trying to stir shit up. Turns out, they were ahead of schedule all along. Fuck the haters, SLS will fly before Starship limps to orbit

>> No.12421582
File: 95 KB, 450x600, 62366f79a174b1ea6f790e52c6bb6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought loren gash was a boeing lover

>> No.12421587

Wikipedia is not a source, it's an aggregator "written" by ""editors""

here's the blog post released by blue-

>> No.12421590


You're thinking of kendra horns and senator Shelby

>> No.12421594

That post is about the BE-7, not the BE-4

>> No.12421601

They're 50 years too late. Just saying.

>> No.12421605
File: 74 KB, 1200x800, 5fa26845d7632.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kendra horns
can't believe she lost her election
sad times

>> No.12421612

Be4 is not be7 cocksuck.

>> No.12421616

wake me up when they land insects on mars

>> No.12421622

i would get lost in those asscheeks, i want her to crush my skull with her thighs

>> No.12421629
File: 155 KB, 634x530, 1593391205444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposedly they landed bugs years ago, though some sources say its silkworms, others say its fruit flies.

>> No.12421630

by insects i meant chinese citizens

>> No.12421658 [DELETED] 
File: 3.15 MB, 2014x2166, 1606978770421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

purge the xenos
yiff in hell faggot

>> No.12421662

the scifi of the early space age imagined it as more common than just a single station
it's understandable that enthusiasm drop when reality fall far short of the dream

>> No.12421685 [DELETED] 

Based image.

>> No.12421691 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 708x988, 20200930_132643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right wing
He's not an incel who bitches about women and black people on the internet for 8 hours a day

>> No.12421699 [DELETED] 

>Elon "I'm a socialist" Musk as libright
>Bezos not a fascist

>> No.12421708 [DELETED] 

Holy smoothbrains. Where the fuck did you come from, go back.

>> No.12421710 [DELETED] 

Private corporations doing something a government traditionally does for cheaper and better is peak lib right.

>> No.12421722 [DELETED] 

Fiscally moderate is still considered Nazism by the left

>> No.12421724 [DELETED] 

Do you still believe everything elon writes on twitter? Does 2nd richest man in the world scream socialism to you? lmao

>> No.12421728 [DELETED] 

The mark of an NPC is one who can only speak in memes

>> No.12421732 [DELETED] 

No it isn't. Stop getting your news from 4chan.

>> No.12421737 [DELETED] 

Go back

>> No.12421753 [DELETED] 

Maybe in your mind.

>> No.12421756 [DELETED] 

Reminder that science is a liberal process, and that every scientist is left of center.

>> No.12421757

>waddles into your nasa budgeting meeting

>> No.12421794 [DELETED] 


>> No.12421798 [DELETED] 

They're more like economic centrists, the idea that China is left wing is perpetuated by people who hate socialism and want socialism to take the blame for China's atrocities (which is actually caused by the government being fascist and not answerable to the people thus not caring if they bomb their own villages).

>> No.12421811 [DELETED] 

Yes, there’s zero reason to believe the COMMUNIST PARTY of China is the least bit left wing. The fact that the guy who espoused “socialism with Chinese characteristics” happened to be responsible for one of, if not the largest instance of mass death in recorded history must be a coincidence.

>> No.12421835 [DELETED] 

China is authoritarian state capitalist. Just because it has communism in the name doesn't mean it is. In fact it has very little socialist tenancies at all.

>> No.12421840

do they have hot cocoa on the space station?
will they take some to the moon?
will they take some to mars?

>> No.12421849

holy shit, blue origin is gonna mop the floor with spacex with HLS

>> No.12421853

Kek. Try not to roll eyes

>> No.12421855 [DELETED] 


>> No.12421857

Makes me sad that we will never have an admin as good as Jim again. Berger says new admin is still a toss up, other than we know it will be a woman.

>> No.12421858 [DELETED] 

He’s a businessman and therefore a virtue signaler first and there’s nothing wrong with that.

>> No.12421863
File: 20 KB, 400x254, 1418240663606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta have faith in the engineers

>> No.12421864 [DELETED] 

The reason so many people died under Mao wasn't because of communist ideology, but because he did exactly what Mugabe did and violently plundered his own country causing an economic collapse, murdering literally millions of people directly in this process (and of course the indirect effects would kill tens of millions through starvation).
Although part of the reason for the famine was actually enabled by communism: Since the government owned the farms, people who hadn't farmed a day in their life could dictate how every single farm was run, so you got retarded decisions like the Four Pests Campaign.

>> No.12421869 [DELETED] 

It only became state capitalist when it realized a full on command economy a la the USSR is fucking retarded. The rural areas are still very much 20th-century style communist agricultural villages, and the leadership still uses leftist propaganda as a means of maintaining control. Unless you’re one of those idiots that say “communism has never been tried” because Marx pushed for the end goal of removing the state (conveniently ignoring the fact that the group that leads the transition from capitalism to stateless communist utopia always ends up becoming a tyrannical dictatorship), China is pretty communist.

>> No.12421871 [DELETED] 

yeah, it's also the PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC, just like how we are a republic :)

>> No.12421887
File: 739 KB, 1100x1100, content_CE5_1100p_Image_version2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LROC has spoken
ching chong 5 has been confirmed

>Box indicates Chang'e 5 lander on the basaltic plains of Oceanus Procellarum ("Ocean of Storms") on 02 December 2020 09:54 EST (14:53:55 UTC). The lander is the bright spot in the center of the outline. The areas around the lander has been brightened due to the descent engine plume impigement on the surface (similar to what has been observed at other landing sites). Outline is 1210 meters wide; north is up. LROC NAC M1361560086R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

>> No.12421907 [DELETED] 

The reason the early USSR and Communist Chinese economies failed so hard wasn't because the economic model is unviable, it's because they take time and skill to set up and revolutionaries aren't true politicians and think that it's easy, especially since they're surrounded by yes men who will tell them that everything is going to plan.
Revolutionaries are warlords, it takes a lot of luck for them to so happen to be a competent politician. Communism is a system that greatly amplifies the power of the leader, so if they're an incompetent yet confident leader they can cause enormous damage.

The only example I can think of where a revolutionary so happened to also be a decent politician is Paul Kagame; though it wasn't a communist revolution, it was because of weak leadership and racial discrimination.

>> No.12421920

lol more like science fiction general

>> No.12421932

Raptor is basically the closest thing to a magic science fiction black box engine you can get burning (sensible) chemical fuels

>> No.12421936 [DELETED] 

Purge the Xenos

>> No.12421941
File: 3.98 MB, 3300x1650, WAC_CSHADE_E000N0000_032P[resized].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the moon is bumpy

>> No.12421945

Nope that would be ARCA. Their engine designs are so incredible 4ASS still doesn't understand how they work. We have a few anons in the reverse engineering department absolutely flabbergasted

>> No.12421946

post the mars one

>> No.12421997
File: 295 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201205-015205_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aerojet rocketdyne VP believes Elon's timelines are irresponsible. A journalist agrees. How does /sfg/ sleep at night when Elon is so irresponsible?

>> No.12422001

>shuttle bad
>apollo good

>> No.12422009

Same way Aerojet Rocketdyne's VP sleeps at night when selling museum pieces at 3x markup
>shuttle bad
>apollo good

>> No.12422011

good work, moderation team

>> No.12422018

he rationalized that by saying it's NASA's fault, which isnt entirely wrong

>> No.12422020
File: 312 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201205-020038_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12422025
File: 3.78 MB, 2900x1477, 20170319_mars-mola-arabia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best i could find
the internet presence of the MRO is poopy compared to LRO's apparently
can't find hardly any detailed imaging data

>> No.12422028

>It's just not that easy in rocketry.text

>> No.12422029

lordy, some wicked mental gymnastics from oldspace. the only ones making the public cynical about space progress is AJ, Boeing, Lockheed, and the rest of oldspace.

>> No.12422032

>Mars in the 2030s is still a stretch
Exactly HOW LONG do these boomers want to CHAIN us to this FUCKING ROCK

>> No.12422039
File: 3.76 MB, 3300x1833, Mars_topography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind i'm retarded
didn't even think to check wikipedia

>> No.12422043
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>> No.12422044

>commercial crew took 9 years!
>BOING: took?

>> No.12422061

I don’t understand why this new nonsense gets a pass

>> No.12422066

he also tweeted a slate article titled "The B*d*n Administration needs to do something about Tesla". Kek.

>> No.12422077

>Seething hard
Fuck Old Space

>> No.12422078
File: 213 KB, 1200x721, 1606331990381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>risks making the public cynical about our potential in space exploration

Our potential was fucking ZERO AND FURTHER DECLINING until Elon showed up, and its YOUR FAULT you corrupt boomer oldspace CUNTS.

>> No.12422085

Fuck you retard, stop peddling fake news if you can't provide a source!

>> No.12422091

Found the article


Read if you like ragebait. Pretty much the whole thing is seething about autopilot killing a handful of dumb boomers who can't read the giant fucking agreement box that says it's not full self driving yet and to pay attention you fat fuck.

>> No.12422097
File: 3.93 MB, 2900x1567, 6785490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your greed has made you weak, capitalist imperialist :^)

>> No.12422100

ooo v nice anon. i wonder if those low lands are evidence of an ancient shallow ocean

>> No.12422105
File: 231 KB, 1132x750, kfXqeuKX3Pb4vLTxYmv6LK-1200-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly capsulet

>> No.12422109

>What will we virtue signal about today? *shuffles papers* autonomous driving!

I read that article a few days ago, it's absurd that they never mention that autopilot is statistically much safer than humans driving and that delaying autonomous driving development with bullshit regulations will undoubtedly kill hundreds of thousands who will die from human error while driving. It's been years and they still mention the Uber car mowing down that homeless woman jaywalking in the dark.

>> No.12422111
File: 29 KB, 203x173, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey goyim

>> No.12422115

Garbage human beings

>> No.12422119

>misleads policy makers
That statement speaks volumes. He’s terrified that congress will eventually begin to question why a startup can do more impressive things exponentially cheaper and faster than any of the established aerospace firms.

>> No.12422124

The fucking schnozzer on that greasy kike

>> No.12422126

>they still mention the Uber car mowing down that homeless woman jaywalking in the dark
well yeah
because people still jaywalk in the dark
the danger of automated vehicles is not the collision between two automated vehicles
the danger is in the vehicles doing perfectly fine and then whoopsies a dog runs out into the road or whoopsies someone falls down while crossing the street and gets run over
not everything goes perfectly smoothly, and because of this people will always get run over
people much prefer getting run over by other people than they do robots

>> No.12422132

When I saw the 2nd pic, I initially assumed it was the 1st one and somehow had forgotten that half the suits were blue instead of orange. What the fuck?

>> No.12422138

Wait did chang'e 5 left chinese flag on moon?

>> No.12422142

tiny, robotic Apollo 11

>> No.12422153

Yup and the boomers who own planes would actually know the scope of abilities of an autopilot and that it's one-to-one with Tesla's - an advanced lane-keeping and cruise control driving *assistant*.

>> No.12422157

we have to stop elon, he is too successful. imagine if hitler had the same power and success as elon? we need to regulate the shit out of space and make it impossible to get any more power, no man should have this much control, it will destroy humanity

>> No.12422160


>> No.12422162
File: 443 KB, 732x740, journotwat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12422164

russsians aren't white

>> No.12422165

Speaking of planes, why are airlines dying to start flying 737MAX again? If I were them, I'd tell Boeing to shove it and rebrand before I tell customers they have the pleasure of flying a death trap

>> No.12422168
File: 24 KB, 276x280, Liberator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12422169

me on the left

>> No.12422170

>notice something?
>100% qualified astronauts
honestly, I'd rather not have to deal with menstrual blood floating around the cabin

>> No.12422173

Cucked by the duopoly. Only competitor can't put planes out the door fast enough to replace 737s.

>> No.12422181
File: 3.07 MB, 5568x3712, iss064e006452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to play farmer with mommy kate

>> No.12422180

>people much prefer getting run over by other people than they do robots
In this case it was both a human and a robot that ran that woman over, how is the robot more at fault? A robot cannot be negligent in an accident unless the code itself is negligent but most vehicle accidents are due to gross human negligence.
>people much prefer getting run over by other people than they do robots
It's not one to one, people are scared of autonomous driving, partly because of the media fear mongering, but it doesn't mean they would take a 10% chance of being hit by a human over a 1% chance by an autonomous vehicle.
>the danger is in the vehicles doing perfectly fine and then whoopsies a dog runs out into the road or whoopsies someone falls down while crossing the street and gets run over
This is one of the areas autonomous driving will exceed humans in because it has a much larger and attentive visual field and it's much better at predicting the paths of objects in motion. The main thing is if the computer the recognizes the object in the first place and Tesla's self driving has already shown to be pretty good at this.

>> No.12422186

Why doesnt Boeing rebrand the MAX? Hell, why don't they rebrand the whole company? With Starliner and SLS and all the other flops they're responsible for, it's the least they could do

>> No.12422187

Lead injections. The only vaccine for this.

>> No.12422196

Because the Max fills a necessary niche, and they prefer it to the alternatives offered by Boeing’s limited number of competitors. High profile accidents traced to a fixable cause don’t mean all that much in the big picture.

>> No.12422200
File: 9 KB, 236x236, images (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that absolute fucking spaghetti jungle of pipes and wires. I would summarily execute the person responsible for such ugly ass work on my multi billion dollar space station.

>> No.12422205

They’re marketing to large organizations with entire bureaucracies dedicated to purchasing. Unlike in the case of your average consumer product, rebranding is going to have zero effect on their decision.

>> No.12422207



""""Journalist"""" indeed.

>> No.12422217

Jokes on you, the Russian segment looks all like that, if not worse.

>> No.12422222

I got blocked by this kike lol

>> No.12422232

looks fine to me

>> No.12422266

>i wonder if those low lands are evidence of an ancient shallow ocean
i wouldn't be surprised
if mars was once active enough to have a decent magnetic field, there could've been quite a bit more to mars in the past

>> No.12422274

it took 8 years to get to the Moon and they did that using slide rules and paper drawings instead of CAD

holy fucking shit these people

>> No.12422304

>it took 8 years to get to the Moon and they did that using slide rules and paper drawings instead of CAD

>> No.12422346
File: 2.75 MB, 5568x3712, iss064e006454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

launch thread


>> No.12422406
File: 69 KB, 612x491, 1606263409607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently their water booster wouldn't work because you can't get the needed electricity from batteries. The solution is clear: just plug it into an outlet with a really long cable. I'm a fucking genius

>> No.12422419
File: 398 KB, 490x590, 1591064605340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Heavy engine mount

>> No.12422422
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>> No.12422433
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 1592677543866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hole in the middle is for the gimballed engine trio, correct?

>> No.12422440
File: 283 KB, 1169x590, 1591834226314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12422453

I can fap to this.

>> No.12422463

This image was brought to you by Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov of the Super Heavy development team

>> No.12422478

Hayabusa 2 reentry stream starts in 4 hours

>> No.12422499

>A new batch of Chinese taikonauts.
>Notice something? 100% asian.
Well no shit

>> No.12422509

Will the Super Heavy be landing on land or on a bigass barge?

americans always embarrass themselves when they export their corporate ivy-tower bullshit to other countries

>> No.12422512
File: 13 KB, 722x165, rfuel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there known rocket fuels with heat of combustion between methane and hydrogen?

>> No.12422514

What's this? "Tweets you'll never see" for $1?

>> No.12422540

still me, by the way did anyone already experiment with liquid methane / liquid hydrogen mixture fuel (oxydized by oxygen ofc)?
Like 40% H2 and 60% methane?

>> No.12422548

Wouldn't the methane freeze in such a mixture?

>> No.12422557

For what purpose? So you'd need a vastly more complicated powerhead? So you'd need 3 tanks with wildly different temperatures?
For no particular gain whatsoever apart from maybe a little bit more mileage out of it which would be lost in the complexity of the engine?

Methane is one carbon atom to 4 hydrogen atoms. There's enough hydrogen there to go around without having to deal with the shit pure hydrogen does like seep through fucking everything and make materials brittle as well as tank fuckhuge.

>> No.12422561
File: 137 KB, 1000x2000, super safe engine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more potent fuels!

>> No.12422571

>additively manufactured
Just say 3D printed
Buzzwords are stupid

>> No.12422607

>americans always embarrass themselves when they export their corporate ivy-tower bullshit to other countries
I was listening to the planetary society's podcast and they were interviewing the woman who wrote a book called Operation Moonglow.
The host was absolutely dumbfounded how NASA leadership was pushing for diversity and inclusion for good PR overseas, but the important part of NASA that actually got shit done was 99% heterosexual white men with wives and children at home, however neglected they may have been.
These people genuinely don't understand that their weird ethnomasochistic politics have been forced onto normal everyday working people from the top down.

>> No.12422632

Russian government needs to abduct Nigerian women and launch them into space in order to appease a Jewish lady on internet

>> No.12422650

> me on the left, jizzing

>> No.12422681
File: 1.77 MB, 5540x1297, Mundus_carnis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA was never about science. It was first a way to build national prestige and develop ICBMs in a kosher way during the cold war, and later as a way to funnel money onto contractors.
Of course, western takes on race is not really makings things better(in fact, they are making things much worse, regardless of your views on race and what not, but that is another discussion).
I wonder where Big Tech investments in space and gene therapy will take us. Probably to pic related in the long run, I guess.

>> No.12422737
File: 147 KB, 1800x480, 1605739449708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one /sfg/?

>> No.12422748

>No Star of David design
This post is antisemitic and I'm reporting you.

>> No.12422754
File: 1.25 MB, 900x506, 1594577803331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boss shit

I find the gimble range differences to be interesting. #3 obviously has the most. I wonder how much they need?

>> No.12422854
File: 141 KB, 1080x1080, 1606823991569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 4 hours
mate you sure about that?
looks like another fucking three to me

>> No.12422859

It said 4

>> No.12422879

don't worry i fucked this up too and it's saying two hours from now
the Japanese better have their small littering fine payment ready or we may or may not send a softly spoken letter asking them pay up in a month or seven.

>> No.12422907
File: 1.22 MB, 1024x683, 1583044400568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12422922

God damn. I'll never not be a simp.

>> No.12422937

Is this poor thing supposed to fly again?

>> No.12422941

Why not? Who gives a fuck about the paint job.

>> No.12422945

I can't tell at a glance how much each booster has flown previously.

>> No.12422961
File: 71 KB, 1196x742, aerospike hot gas pressure fed system.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12422962

That's moostly just soot from the engines during the reentry burn.
The booster doesn't seem damaged at all.

>> No.12422968

Don't tell me you don't anthropomorphise rockets.

>> No.12422969


Anyone have a form-3 or similar resin printer? After seeing this (and figures for /tg/) I'm really thinking of getting one for christmas.

>> No.12422971

20km? What do you want 18 km for? 15 km is pretty high, but ok, I'll let you hop to 12km.

>> No.12422976
File: 70 KB, 434x550, space_N1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My ancestor :)

>> No.12422977

>Anyone have a form-3 or similar resin printer?
That's for jewelry and dental work, the random cheap chinese LCD printers (which are awful for jewlery work) will do that thing too

>> No.12422980
File: 85 KB, 680x485, dad_comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what to do

>> No.12422981
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12422994

Question: what if you made a rocket enginethat used only a little bit of oxygen for starting up, and after starting up it used a super-charger-like mechanism to insert atmospheric air into the carburetor?

>> No.12423002

This pretty much proves that this >>12422961 would work

>> No.12423011

You mean like the SABRE? I would use it to endlessly mock the British space industry

>> No.12423013

post the video outside of instagram

>> No.12423027
File: 589 KB, 571x1400, 1584370986527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The booster for the current dragon mission looks like shit too. Guess they didn't feel like painting it

still want someone to make an expander cycle aerospike. Seems like a perfect fit.

they're working on it

>> No.12423035

fucking cool. Impressive that he got mach diamonds.

>> No.12423040
File: 606 KB, 1267x5000, space_starship_big_as_fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like shit
Eye of the beholder my friend.

>> No.12423051

It is odd how rockets are actually able to age in their longer lives now.

>> No.12423059

It's just a cargo mission, despite using new Dragon 2 capsule. Crew-2 will have a shiny new paintjob again.

>> No.12423066

rockets are already running at the material science limits of pressure/temp. Your oxygen runs out in about 30 seconds. Any benefit it might add comes at basically creating a hybrid engine with weight and complexity.

>> No.12423069


>> No.12423079


>> No.12423083
File: 3.78 MB, 5999x3999, 1581584649138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks way better than the "crumpled tinfoil" look of MK1

>> No.12423084

that isn't the starship's final look though. it's going to much much smoother, probably by the mid teens
in regards to SN numbers

>> No.12423085


>> No.12423089

That one would make such a good flyback-booster

>> No.12423096
File: 231 KB, 1156x1496, page_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it checkered

>> No.12423098

Will they run all that cabling/piping through the insides of the steel tank things?

>> No.12423099

no, they'll put a raceway over it

>> No.12423111
File: 38 KB, 720x576, 1477809357056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Musk have a "Plan B" on the off-chance the Starship venture turns out to be a bust?

Upgrades to the Falcon Heavy maybe? Resuable Falcon 9 second stage?

>> No.12423119

He'll buy launches on Commercial SLS.

>> No.12423124

Why would it turn out to be a bust? Do you expect it to?

>> No.12423139

>Does Musk have a "Plan B" on the off-chance the Starship venture turns out to be a bust?
>Upgrades to the Falcon Heavy maybe? Resuable Falcon 9 second stage?
Well SH is more or less identical to Falcon 9's first stage in concept and since latter seems to be working ok, why shouldn't SH? Assuming SH does work they could build a budget disposable SS second stage disposing with the flaps, heat shield etc, or even investigate partial reusability by just bringing back the engines. I think even with a disposable upper stage they'd still be drastically cheaper than anything else out there likely including Falcon 9.

>> No.12423144

i doubt starship will fail anyways

>> No.12423164

>Unproven orbital refueling
>Unproven heat shielding
>No abort
>Unwieldy for lunar use
>Likely need for offshore launch infrastructure
I think Starship will (at least mostly) succeed, but there are enough issues with the architecture to keep Elon up at night.

>> No.12423167

>no abort
how is this an issue for its primary mission, delivering cargo to LEO?

>> No.12423174

It doesn't matter for cargo, but if they ever want to fly people on Starships without using Dragons to launch the astronauts separately, it'll be a concern.

>> No.12423175

>Unproven orbital refueling
Simple, use micro g acceleration to slowly transfer fuel
>Unproven heat shielding
TURFOC has been proven on several spaceplanes already
>No abort
Planes don't have an abort now do they?
>Unwieldy for lunar use
>Likely need for offshore launch infrastructure
Just means it'll cost more to develop. But starlink exists, so that is ok

>> No.12423177

but that's not Starship "failing"

>> No.12423180

For NASA yeah, but not for SpaceX

>> No.12423186

>Planes don't have an abort now do they?
Planes have wings. Starship doesn't. Planes also have far less chance of explosion than rockets.
>lunar use
yeah this is a minor thing, Starship is still a success even if it never lands on the Moon

>> No.12423188

>Starship doesn't
Starship has wings

>> No.12423189

Starship can't use its aero surfaces to glide to a soft touchdown. If a Starship loses its engines, it's done.

>> No.12423204

is that how rockets usually handle that stuff?

>> No.12423206

>starship has wings
Did they redesign it again? Post pics.

>> No.12423212

They should pack some chutes, I always do when I make spaceplanes in KSP because I suck at landing them.

>> No.12423214

The whole purpose of that is to be able to disconnect sources and route them to other units.
Kinda like an extension cord if you need to plug something in.
Take your autism elsewhere.

>> No.12423223

You will be lucky if Orion and Starliner won't be forced to launch on Delta Super Heavy

>> No.12423226

This. Commercial SLS is the future. Policy makers should create the legal framework for this to happen as soon as possible.

>> No.12423227

Hayabusa 2 mission control about to go live.

>> No.12423232


>> No.12423241
File: 198 KB, 850x850, __hayabusa_original_drawn_by_ayakashi_monkeypanch__sample-738c9fa264d241d5defd8253413cddc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's coming home, just like her older sister did.

>> No.12423242
File: 57 KB, 736x552, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for people like Musk to officially declare Space Jihad on oldspace and Urf.

>> No.12423244


Reentry in 25 minutes and change.

>> No.12423247

He's just mad a full flow stage combustion engine can be built for less than 200 million dollars per unit
>Is getting 500 million per SLS launch
>Caring literally at all about Elon musk's mars ambitions
Why does he even give a fuck? SpaceX doesn't sell engines, and doesnt threaten aerojet rocketdynes Monopoly beyond stealing theaunch market, blue origin already stole potential contracts from them too haha

>> No.12423274

The untranslated stream is better lmao

>> No.12423284

>Mission control looks like a neet pad

>> No.12423285

>Planes also have far less chance of explosion than rockets.
That is true with modern rockets, but the whole point of starship is to change that anon

>> No.12423288

well yes most rockets have some raceways on the exterior i believe

>> No.12423293
File: 293 KB, 960x540, arecibo telescope down.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12423296


>> No.12423297

>SpaceX's first crewed mission to Mars could be just four years away. Company founder and CEO Elon Musk said on Tuesday (Dec. 1) that he's "highly confident" SpaceX will launch people toward the Red Planet in 2026, adding that the milestone could come as early as 2024 "if we get lucky." Musk made the remarks during a webcast interview with Mathias Döpfner, CEO of the German media company Axel Springer SE. The two spoke at Axel Springer's Berlin headquarters as part of a ceremony honoring Musk, who won this year's Axel Springer Award. "And then we want to try to send an uncrewed vehicle there in two years," Musk told Döpfner. (The two-year target intervals are dictated by orbital dynamics: Earth and Mars align favorably for interplanetary launches just once every 26 months.)
Elon seems a lot more confident nowadays

>> No.12423305
File: 28 KB, 499x290, 1380682170252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12423320

I get the impression that things are gonna speed up dramatically after SN8. They already have SN9 ready to go and SN10 and 11 are both probably less than a month away. If they can keep the FAA off their back we could start seeing something close to a launch a month.

>> No.12423321

How much does it cost spacex to built each serial number iteration of raptor, doesn't seem like they spend $50 million every week churning raptors out?

>> No.12423325

Apparently there are plans for two flights a month after SN8

>> No.12423326
File: 242 KB, 508x386, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no japanese space qt gf

>> No.12423327

Just tuned in. What's going on now?

>> No.12423329

The capsule just re-entered.

>> No.12423332


>> No.12423335

That seems extremely optimistic going by their speed of pressure testing, Raptor install, weather considerations, etc. I'm sure they'll get there but probably not for at least another 6 months.

>> No.12423359

Weren't things supposed to drastically speed up after SN4 and DM-2's launch? Building has sped up a little, but testing hasn't.

>> No.12423360

Yes but I'd say things are much different this time.

>> No.12423372


>> No.12423379

They need a second test stand and more tanks haha

>> No.12423387

/sfg/ take on Momentus IPO? Getting thirsty for some newspace stock and the options are a bit thin.

>> No.12423397

Newspace companies should try to remain private if they can, fuck vulturous investors

>> No.12423408
File: 2.67 MB, 960x540, 1592329036642.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hop when

>> No.12423415

Oldspace is actually gonna get shoved off the cliff

>> No.12423417

Whoever made this should've brought Blue Origin to the front or added transparency to the elon image.
As is, it looks wrong.

>> No.12423419

2̶0̶ 1̶5̶ 1̶2̶.̶5̶ 6.25km hop is confirmed for Monday

>> No.12423421

Dumb post

>> No.12423433

Anon, pls.

>> No.12423435

>SpaceX keeps cutting down on the hop height until Starship becomes subterranean

>> No.12423443

>elon just tweeted potential 6km hop

>> No.12423444


>> No.12423445

>the boring company
Oh shit.

>> No.12423449

Post link or screenshot or you have the big gay

>> No.12423454

Duck Dodgers is great.

>> No.12423455


>> No.12423468

I've never actually seen it desu, I just remembered this video and thought "hmm, the joke actually works even better with the actual cartoon"

>> No.12423470


>> No.12423476

Kek, insider evidence suggests elon might be downgrading it to a 1km hop to test performance of SN8 in high altitude winds.

>> No.12423483
File: 735 KB, 977x520, gilmour eris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momentus has promise. I don't think they'll go full Virgin Galactic by going public, but it's reason to be a little worried.
It's interesting that they're designing their first tug both for rideshare on Falcon and dedicated launches on Relativity and Gilmour rockets. I guess it protects them from the possibility of SpaceX building tugs of their own, but I don't think pure kick stages for small rockets would be enough justify their business, especially when rideshare on large rockets would choke out some small launchers.
They have a handful of customers already, and if they can hold onto the rideshare tug market, they'll do well.

>> No.12423484

Look anon, I won't have you or anyone talking shit about Elon's -2km test borehole ok?

>> No.12423487

Elon Musk just confirmed that SN8 will do a -6,371 km hop to test Starship's heat resistance capabilities while shielding it from high winds

>> No.12423489

BREAKING: Elon will now just literally hop while dressed as a Starship

>> No.12423493

>...per ISO terminology, a 'hop' cannot exceed the vertical height of the hopping entity. After which, it is a 'jump'[4]
'fraid it's only capable of hopping 50 meters bros

>> No.12423495
File: 98 KB, 1400x996, 889E8307-5952-486B-8CFD-E1A93824BECD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any timeline where the Russians beat the US to the moon?

>> No.12423502

Yeah, in For All Mankind.

>> No.12423506

no Nedelin catastrophe, yeah

>> No.12423511

Probably one where JFK doesn't get his brain removed, he cans Apollo while trying to make a deal with the Soviets to do joint manned lunar missions, the Soviets play along while delaying their contribution until they pull ahead, and then they land men on the moon instead of the US

>> No.12423512
File: 17 KB, 250x364, glushko-2-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes in that one

>> No.12423523

No, the N1 wasn't developed enough to be viable before 1972-1975, and while soviet metallurgy is good, soviet engineering quality is not
The N1 was the only realistic option they could develop, their manufacturing ability was too limited to reduce complexity with larger parts

>> No.12423538
File: 60 KB, 600x399, 1590188674916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orion power and data unit has problems.
Expect moar delays.

>> No.12423545

>their manufacturing ability
they were also poor

>> No.12423571
File: 48 KB, 567x408, 1515556607163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 meter hop

>> No.12423582

The liberals in the space journalism sphere are giving me second hand embarrassment. Those dress uniforms are kind of neat though, does anyone know the name of them?

>> No.12423584
File: 120 KB, 1227x676, starship status.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Status update

>> No.12423594

it's part of the charm you dip

>> No.12423604

Reaction from non-space enthusiasts are cringy as fuck. Is this what all enthusiasts feel when non-enthusiasts react to things?

>> No.12423610
File: 75 KB, 493x498, nervous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 centimeter hop

>> No.12423613

For a moment I thought she was complaining about NASA, and I immediately thought Twitter would censor the message.

>> No.12423616

Ok edgelord

>> No.12423617

I think it's cute, I love amateurs videos of booster landings compared to the live stream. Watching people get excited even if they don't understand what's happening is cute.

>> No.12423618

...i-i'm not a d-d-dip...

>> No.12423619

Only for concrete fragments coming from the launch pad.

>> No.12423623

Agreed. It looks like absolute fucking shit

>> No.12423625
File: 3.01 MB, 2048x3648, Kaluga_Wikiexpedition_(2016-06-11)_0472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The N1 was the only realistic option they could develop, their manufacturing ability was too limited to reduce complexity with larger parts
Besides looking lel so kerbal, what's exactly wrong with the UR-700 that made it an unrealistic option compared to the N1? To me it always seemed like the better option.

9 engines on the 1st stage instead of 30, could actually be transported by rail to Baikonur unlike the N1 that had to be built on-site, 3rd stage is literally just a Proton 1st stage with 3 less engines so everything needed to manufacture it already existed

>> No.12423629
File: 59 KB, 342x456, Laputa_-_Grandville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if, for a space elevator, you build a massive flying platform. Think like a helicopter, something that can hover, and you hover it at 45 000ft (@ the equator) and you use that as a platform. Then you can cut a huge portion of cable previously needed.
On a scale from 1 to 10 how retarded is this? 6.5?

>> No.12423637

>White country has white astronauts

Liberals are retards.

>> No.12423651

I actually hate hearing commentary from non-enthusiasts. If you don't know what you're talking about then shut the fuck up.

>> No.12423665
File: 513 KB, 680x485, sn8 flop height.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12423677

They do if they watched Cowboy Bebop or Star Wars.

>> No.12423682
File: 52 KB, 552x519, lain_bio_suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12423696

You can use velcro cable ties, you know, velcro, the thing fucking invented to fasten stuff in a zero gravity environment? That way you don't have to shit around with zip ties or metal cuffs, just rip the ties off, move the cables when you need to, put the ties back on when you're done so there's not shit hanging out everywhere in a spaghetti mess that can catch on other stuff.

>> No.12423700


Things did speed up considerably after SN4. There are major hurdles SpaceX has to jump before they can accelerate further iterations. SN8 will be another hurdle for them: triple raptors, reentry maneuvers, dual fuel tanks, raptor re-ignition while in flight (assuming they cut power instead of throttling).
SN9 is practically ready to go at this point because they are confident in the hardware - its the software they need to really start tweaking at the moment.

>> No.12423701

no, you're just a bigot

>> No.12423706
File: 266 KB, 502x335, hp43aczu3a911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS is worse than a shoe, it is a plastic flip flop shower shoe!
Worn by Alabama!

>> No.12423707

Might as well make that shit nuclear too. Maximum depopulation.

>> No.12423712
File: 38 KB, 1486x492, 1583978428924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool. Wasn't sure because I know Starship's tank walls are also its outer skin so it has no choice, but not every rocket is like that.


>> No.12423716

>You can use velcro cable ties
Look at the bundles by her head.
All the other cables wouldn't benefit much by being tied together in an attempt to organize since they are so short.

>> No.12423732

>Hypergolic crossfeed.

>> No.12423751

Anyone have the Starship-Soyuz size comparison?

>> No.12423761
File: 88 KB, 960x639, ELON MOSQUE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the updated version without the typo

>> No.12423762

Was the Soyuz objectively better than the Shuttle for putting dudes in orbit?

>> No.12423774

>Same amount of failures for 10 times more flights, less than a third of the fatalities, much lower cost.
Yeah, it absolutely was, though i wish the Soviets innovated a little.
Also, fuck whoever designed that thing to be cramped as fuck.

>> No.12423778

did hyabusa capsule already come back?

>> No.12423779

>fuck whoever designed that thing to be cramped as fuck
>ywn be sandwiched between 2 tomboy ruskie space gfs

>> No.12423780

Yes. 4 hours ago.

>> No.12423786

I should correct myself, Soyuz didn't launch that much more crewed missions than the Shuttle, and considering it's been around for a lot longer i'd say they're about the same, so advantage goes to the shuttle in sheer quantity (Also the shuttle can get more payload to space). But safety and cost wise the only rocket that can compete with Soyuz is the Falcon 9.

>> No.12423788
File: 197 KB, 1345x683, Manifest-Direct3-062209-zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>risks making the public cynical about our potential in space exploration



>> No.12423790

So are they about to have 4 completed tank sections, and is SN10 gonna get aero surfaces soon?

>> No.12423794

Sorry, almost 3 hours ago.

>> No.12423798

Guy owns the washington post, he was woke from the start.
Can you imagine these two around when Kennedy announced plans to go to the moon?
Why do Russian photos always look so washed out like they are from a 1970s soviet camera?
Can't they just powerwash it or something, rather than giving it a new coat or leaving it dirty every time?

>> No.12423806

>Can't they just powerwash it or something, rather than giving it a new coat or leaving it dirty every time?
Surely they need to at least wash the saltwater off them from their journey home on the ocean barges?

>> No.12423821
File: 1.16 MB, 2576x1932, Zarya_FGB_control_module_.Russian-built.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capsulets, will they ever learn?

>> No.12423826
File: 172 KB, 1800x1215, space_launch_market2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He mad

>> No.12423828

What a sad cynical unenthusiastic existence, and to think that his company was tasked to bring men back to the moon. I wouldn't trust him to run a small plumbers business well.

>> No.12423831
File: 13 KB, 250x246, 159267753866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many people can be on ISS at the same time before the life support systems get overworked?

>> No.12423851

I'm guessing 12, because ISS sleeps 6, but there is a short period where you would be swapping crews. But then again, I don't know of a current rocket that can carry 6 crew, even Dragon only carries 4.

>> No.12423896

I thought dragon could carry 7

>> No.12423899
File: 243 KB, 1037x1556, 98A12D17-6F52-4C77-A26E-D790B56AB43D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the capsule found
also kino

>> No.12423906
File: 40 KB, 240x280, 1602696720912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Nihon does it again

>> No.12423908

Ah, you're right, it's only NASA that sends up 4 at a time.

>> No.12423912

wait, was the flop height actually reduced?

>> No.12423917
File: 191 KB, 220x165, thumbs_up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12423928

Yeah now it’s 3 kilometers

>> No.12423933
File: 1020 KB, 500x281, 1535225489739.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12423942

>3km? Why do you need a permit for 2km?

>> No.12423950

Holy shit looking at Jupiter makes me so sad. It’s like what the SLS SHOULD HAVE BEEN IF IT WASNT BOGGED BY CONGRESS RAGHHHHH

SLS is not an inherently bad vehicle, but it has a lot of stupid shit.

Hey bro’s, we have the shuttle external tank and boosters. What should we do?
>Oh I know! Let’s make the tank able to support an upper stage on top!
>Also let’s extend the boosters to 5 segments
Alright! Let’s reuse the current hardware though...
>No, let’s just redesign the fuel, the internal liner, the nozzle.
Jesus man the new boosters have nothing in common with the old ones
>Also let’s redesign the external tank!
Why? We already have all the segments we need and we have two spare ETs anyways.
>No it’s okay. You know what? Let’s EXTEND the external tank. Imagine the PAYLOAD we can get!
Wait why? It can already put 80 tons into LEO with the current tank and 5 segment boosters!
>No we can throw those out. Let’s use a new alloy!
Why? The old one works fine.

>> No.12423951
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>> No.12423958

Jupiter, like any Shuttle-derived launcher, was doomed from the start. The Shuttle was built around keeping as many aerospace jobs alive as possible. That simply won't go away if the Shuttle is gone, but the Shuttle parts are still used

>> No.12423959

If there was actually a problem like that, SpaceX would just pull snate off the pad and get going with snine

>> No.12423960

Reminder that the only shuttle hardware flying on SLS are the engines. The tank uses a new metal and new tooling. It also has been totally redesigned from scratch to hold top-loads and they blew up a complete tank as a (((test))). The boosters also are completely new. They reuse the segments, sure, but their nozzle is redesigned, fuel is different, their interior is also totally different...damn

>> No.12423961
File: 202 KB, 1539x867, 1589935746285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KSP bros, I'm dropping here the forbidden tech of the trolling ayys, the Kraken drive. It doesn't require any fuel and has infinite dV:

throttleable version (requires piston):

>> No.12423966

what a fucking shitshow
at that point they should have just throw the whole thing out of window and build Saturn-5 II with F-1Bs and kerolox boosters

>> No.12423968

That’s probably how the UFOs that annoy the Navy work

>> No.12423971

>they blew up a full tank as a test
Literally the only good thing the SLS program did

>> No.12423980
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>> No.12423981

When are we going to Mars

>> No.12423982

8.4 meter wide Atlas core with 3 F-1’s and an 8.4 meter wide Balloon upper stage with 1 J-2X engine can put 50 tons into LEO. If you strap 3 Atlas V CCBs onto it but replace their engine with an F-1, you get like 90-100 tons into LEO.

>> No.12423983

Merlin has better TWR than F1B, they should have built Saturn V but with 45 Merlins instead of 5 F-1s

>> No.12423993

Right now, hop in

>> No.12423995

We're already on mars. You missed the boat.

>> No.12424004

Is this important?

>> No.12424006

Conflicting messages here

>> No.12424010

hop tomorrow pushed back haha :)

>> No.12424011

NSF talking heads reporting that the Sunday hop is off. Will be testing instead.

>> No.12424032

that would just look wrong

>> No.12424038


>> No.12424051

The capsule of ayy lmaos has landed

>> No.12424053

>Is this important?
It's a "Please don't kill our program" conference. Yeah, it's pretty important for NASA I'd say.

>> No.12424057

Yeah this shit isn't hopping until sometime next year.

>> No.12424058

Staticfire/preburner test tomorrow. This was expected, they wanted a static fire test.

>> No.12424062

They've had a dozen static fires already.

>> No.12424067

No, the last one was a shorter than normal static fire test, so they weren't fully satistified with it.

>> No.12424081


>> No.12424090
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Crossfeeding's only impractical if you're trying to feed the core engines and the booster engines from the same tanks. The way it would've worked on the UR-700 was with basically separate drop tanks on top of the boosters that only fed into the core

>> No.12424106

Looks like the 10 houses in Boca have still not sold. They're probably gonna wait for the court to take legal actions and create a stink.

>> No.12424116
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>> No.12424132

well I like it

>> No.12424148

Notice how NPC's desperately don't want anyone to be able to leave Earth

>> No.12424158

#1. the more space between engine bells the better. Also space on the outside edge for landing leg stuff.

>> No.12424162

can we arrange them in a swastica

>> No.12424176
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>> No.12424178

>SEVEN flights and still no bath
B1049 is getting real dirty, I hope it makes it to the 10 flight maximum we were promised. Then they'll sell it on craigslist to /sfg/.

>> No.12424186


>> No.12424192

I want it delivered to my property so I can turn it into a house.

>> No.12424201

You gonna become Diogenes of Boca Chica?

>> No.12424242
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>> No.12424261
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I did the math, and B1049 has launched approximately 86 metric tons of hardware to LEO. Assuming the last three missions of its life are all starlink launches of 60 satellites at 260kg per satellite, its total mass to LEO will be ~133 metric tons. Almost the same as a fully loaded Saturn V.

>> No.12424265
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>officially declare Space Jihad on oldspace and Urf.
Sieg Zeon!

>> No.12424270

This is literally just a pressure fed rocket with autogenous pressurization. It would have all of the drawbacks of a typical pressure fed rocket stage (high dry mass, low chamber pressure, low TWR) but would exchange the pressurant gas system (a separate high pressure bottle with a valve) with a vapor generator that used engine waste heat to boil some propellant. My assessment, it'd be a piece of shit but would function about as well as any of the other pressure fed shitboxes out there. If I were doing a pressure fed stage I would just use pressurized gas bottles, but instead of icky helium I'd have gaseous fuel and gaseous oxidizer instead (ie compressed oxygen and compressed hydrocarbon).

>> No.12424278
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>B1049 will soon have lifted more to orbit than any SLS ever could

>> No.12424286

Elon doesn't have to do shit to make SpaceX stakeholders happy. It's a private company.

>> No.12424305

The moon moves even further out of reach

>> No.12424334

Is this where I post about kerbal space programme?

>> No.12424345

Yeah Jim, go on.

>> No.12424356

"hmm" what, did you think those tiles they have just magically appeared somewhere?

>> No.12424371
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>a singe Falcon 9 booster has launched more into space than a hypothetical SLS block 1B could launch in theory

>> No.12424386

Is methalox just the objectively best possible chemical fuel combination?
>fluorine memes involve fluorine
>hydrogen requires ridiculous tank sizes and insulation
>more complex hydrocarbons leave soot and coking in the turbines for mediocre density gains
>ethalox evaporates at suspiciously high rates, especially around Russian ground crew

>> No.12424396

>ethalox evaporates at suspiciously high rates, especially around Russian ground crew
You make it sound like it's a bad thing

>> No.12424400

>fail to reach orbit
>accident investigation finds the rocket had half the fuel it should have
>ground crew are fucking plastered, swear it was full when they filled it

>> No.12424414

Is Ethane not usable instead of Ethanol?

>> No.12424419

SN9 is done?

>> No.12424430

>doesn't evaporate
>decent specific impulse
>no ignition troubble
>not bulky

>> No.12424435

can someone explain to a retard like me why this is such a bad engine design

>> No.12424438
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But muh toxicity

>> No.12424453

liquid cancer
The fucking fire is on fire.
Asbestosis intensivies
>phenolic resin
>ClF3 tank pressurized by UDMH combusting inside it, threatening to damage the thin fluoride layer that keeps the metal from burning itself
>UDMH-rich preburner in open cycle
Shoots out a lot of unburned UDMH into the air
Well, that never stopped russia or china...

>> No.12424458

everything in the image is hypergolic with CIF3 with the possible exception of CIF3 itself

>> No.12424462

Ethane falls under the "mediocre density gains" category, except unlike propane the density gains aren't worth the Isp reduction.

>> No.12424480

CLF3 is not as good as N2O4 when it comes to UDMH. Density is only a bit higher, increase heat of hypergolic reaction does not offset increased molecular weight of chlorine atoms.

If you're gonna consider CLF3 oxidizer, your fuel of choice 100% of the time should be boranes. Massive heat of combustion with any oxidizer, reacts especially strongly with fluorine, boron fluoride is a gas even at room temperature (unlike boron oxides which melt at >1000 degrees), etc.

All things considered, except for toxicity, the GOAT booster bipropellant has got to be diborane+ClF3. Super high density, Isp on par with kerolox, AND you don't have coking problems so FFSC is on the table.

>> No.12424486

>no ignition trouble
Yes, because ClF3 is hypergolic with UDMH. The problem is that it's also hypergolic with plumbing, tankage, turbomachinery, interns, and sand.

>> No.12424489

The actual answer is that the plumbing setup is retarded.

>> No.12424490

>FFSC is on the table
God won't allow a ClF3 rich turbopump to exist.

>> No.12424495

>FFSC is on the table.
>full flow staged combustion
How exactly is an oxygizer rich preburner/turbopump supposed to survive even a few seconds with ClF3?

>> No.12424499

The only reason ClF3 is hypergolic with a bunch of shit is because of the strained chlorine-fluorine bonds lowering the activation energy. If you build everything out of fluorides, the stuff is effectively as inert as oxygen when surrounded by oxides. Teflon for example would be a pretty effective barrier to prevent uncontrolled ClF3 fires.

>> No.12424502

>There's enough hydrogen there to go around without having to deal with the shit pure hydrogen does like seep through fucking everything and make materials brittle as well as tank fuckhuge.
I still find it hilarious how hydrogen will seep through SOLID METAL. It's like its trying to actively fuck over anyone dumb enough to use it.

>> No.12424505

make every single surface in the turbopump and preburner hollow and use them to inject a thin film of UDMH to keep a boundary layer intact

>> No.12424508

God is dead, and boron toxicity is what killed it
Build it out of a fluoride ceramic. Fluorine can't burn what has already been burned in fluorine.

>> No.12424510

You know what you get when you add fluorine to a fluorine fire?
More fluorine fire.
Then you get hurty bones.

>> No.12424517

It doesn't just seep through metal either, it forms metal hydrides, which act like ceramics in that they are brittle. The formation of metal hydrides gets much worse if the part in question is being stresses, say for example most of the shit in a rocket engine. The only solution to prevent this is to use special alloys that limit the formation of hydrides and can reform their normal structure 'behind' where the hydrogen has passed through, instead of retaining the little nano-cracks and voids.

>> No.12424521

That doesn't realy work with hypergolics...
>fluoride ceramic.
I'm not exactly sure it doesn't react with it.

>> No.12424527

>that doesn't work with hypergolics
why can't the boundary layer be a continuous explosion? at least it's not fluorine rich

>> No.12424532

If the boundary layer is burning up at a high speed, it doesn't realy work.

>> No.12424534

Nuclear thermal rocket

>> No.12424540
File: 92 KB, 960x504, shuttle c mockup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So remind me why NASA didn't just go for shuttle C with and Orion deployment design?

>> No.12424541

so continously inject more I don't see the problem

in fact, let's dispense with any other fuel injection and use full-surface-injection-and-cooling with UDMH

the entire interior of the preburner is the injector

>> No.12424542

Shuttle-C would've killed the Shuttle and killed manned spaceflight along with it. Shuttle-C was never meant to carry human cargo

>> No.12424545

The more you inject, the more it burns.

>> No.12424547

Nah, fluorine can't burn itself. It also can't burn anything that's been fully reacted with fluorine. The only reason the world at large is generally flammable with fluorine and other fluorine based oxidizers is because unlike oxygen, there isn't a huge fluorine surplus in the inner solar system.

Just think of it as if the entire world was made mostly out of nitrides (like, oceans of ammonia and shit), and then you started introducing oxygen. The oxygen would be able to burn pretty much any of the nitrogen compounds except nitrogen gas. Same goes for fluorine in an oxygen-dominated world; fluorine burns water like oxygen burns ammonia. That doesn't mean that fluorine can burn LITERALLY anything, because for that to be true you'd need to be able to just add infinitely more fluorines to every fluorine complex you formed.

>> No.12424551

My bones are already hurting just from reading that and it's not just my arthritis.

>> No.12424552
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post yfw 122m drop

>> No.12424556

Well, Monday is my birthday. Better fucking deliver, Elon.

>> No.12424575

I Just don't understand why the current shuttle derived launch vehicle project is supposed to use the rather expensive RS-25 engines straight out of a museum instead of the cheaper RS-68 engines and skipping the human rated part.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to lauch crew with an allready existing, human rated launch vehicle and dock in orbit than to burn up 4 RS-25 engines instead of 3-4 RS-68 engines?

>> No.12424577

What the hell are the final landing legs gonna look like on Starship?

>> No.12424581

Nobody knows, Starship is still very much in development...

>> No.12424583

Prestige. Your new shiny rocket getting cucked by sending astronauts up on crew dragons is not a good look.
And unfucking the RS-68 Fireball is a job and a half.

>> No.12424587
File: 1.45 MB, 480x270, happening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The White House is asking the Senate not to direct NASA to use the SLS to launch the Europa Clipper mission.
Been away a few days so not sure if it's been mentioned but holy shit SLS might take a noticeable blow from congress if they allow this.

>> No.12424588

>unfucking the RS-68 Fireball is a job and a half.
No need to do so, just launch it unmanned.

>> No.12424592

>inb4 aspargus staged falcon heavy centaur

>> No.12424594

Read the first part again. That's just saying "NASA can't do it anymore" or "Rocketdyne can't make proper engines anymore".
It's not a good look and that's why they're not doing it.

>> No.12424604

The RS-68A is rocketdynes flagship-engine though.
It powers ULAs flagschip rocket, the Delta IV heavy.

>> No.12424605

No high energy ClF3 molecules flying in all directions due to a continuous thermonuclear reaction.

>> No.12424606

RS-68s don't like being near SRBs

>> No.12424609
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>> No.12424610

Then skip the SRBs and use more RS-68 engines.

>> No.12424611

It's a piece of shit that's barely any better than the RS-25 and it would need countless upgrades to go near the SRBs to avoid the entire fucking going Challenger.
Hydrolox is shit that belongs in upper stages and only because it gives good mileage. No other reason for using it.

>> No.12424615
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>> No.12424618

You can't, because the hydrogen thrust to weight ratio is garbage. SLS can't get off the pad without the SRBs.

>> No.12424619

No, that mission would greatly benefit from centaur over a Delta IV upper stage.

>> No.12424626

The point is to make it cheap.
More engines, or start with a half filled tank to have one boilerplate launch and end the SLS programm while spending the least amount of money possible.

>> No.12424627
File: 347 KB, 694x720, 1573667907529.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing Falcon Heavy to SLS
>when Starship will fly before SLS

>> No.12424631

Sorry, but SRBs are 70% of the engine thrust for 120 seconds at liftoff. That turd is going nowhere without them no matter how many shit sustainers you stick on it.

>> No.12424633
File: 113 KB, 400x416, p17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the point is to make it cheap
>single use throw away rocket with 4 advanced reusable hydrogen engines out of a museum
>literally 99% new design, no commonality with Shuttle at all other than the engines

>> No.12424641

>The point is to make it cheap.
You don't even understand what the SLS is. It's a fucking government jobs program. It's not meant to be "cheap". It's meant to be an eternal lasting program spread all over the place that wastes tax dollars for the longest time possible.

>> No.12424642

Considering that Falcon Heavy is getting a fairing extension (and ignoring the escape tower), is this now somewhat plausible?

>> No.12424648
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>> No.12424657

Then burn the engines for 120s before liftoff to archive a thrust to weight ratio better than 1.
My idea was about ending it without canceling it officialy.
That's the point, it needs to end.

>> No.12424664

>is this now somewhat plausible?
Yes and no.
>engineering standpoint
FH needs to throttly back a lot since ICPS isn't made for such high accleration.
FH could as well launch with only the side boosters active and start the expendable center core after the side boosters seperated.
>political perspective
There is no way in hell ULA and SpaceX are going to cooperate.

>> No.12424668

>Then burn the engines for 120s before liftoff to archive a thrust to weight ratio better than 1.
Aaand you're dry and have fuck all payload capacity. Hydrolox is shit.
>My idea was about ending it without canceling it officialy.
>That's the point, it needs to end.
Welcome to space politics. You're about to lose it altogether. Don't be surprised if the administration changes, time lines starts dropping gradually further back, funding starts dropping off then finally it all gets axed with some vague "well it wasn't producing results anyway even though we wasted so much money on it".

>> No.12424671

>Aaand you're dry and have fuck all payload capacity. Hydrolox is shit.
Doesn't matter, the first and at the same time last launch is just to say you haven't canceled it.

>> No.12424676

Ok, how about you go shoot off some fireworks instead and claim you just launched a rocket in a space program?

>> No.12424678

>FH could as well launch with only the side boosters active and start the expendable center core after the side boosters seperated.
Or shut down engines to keep within G limits. Add in some creative throttling and it'd eliminate that as an issue.

>> No.12424681

it was always plausible, they would just need
1. A stage adaptor
2. Aerodynamic testing
Scrubs for a crosswind of 2km/h though

>> No.12424687

Aspargus staging would help with low payload high energy trajectories.

>> No.12424691

You don't understand, that way SLS would be finished, show unsatisfactory performance and finaly end.

>> No.12424696

Spergzegart made a new video. How plausible would a scenario like this be and is the narrator correct about what could happen?
Or hell, just add a third side booster.

>> No.12424707

You don't understand. It's got a built in block scheme so it's going to be "upgraded" for as long as they feel like keeping the pork flowing.

>> No.12424748

>I'm not exactly sure it doesn't react with it.
I'm 100% sure. How do you think they manage to put ClF3 into containers; the metal walls form a thin layer of fluoride ceramic on contact with the liquid. If the part were made entirely of a fluoride ceramic instead of relying on a passivating layer, the part would be completely immune to attack by fluorine.

>> No.12424757

We already talked about this, if the engines were mounted up inside a skirt they would be immune to heating from the SRB plumes. Saying that RS-68 can't be used on SLS because of muh heating issue is backwards justification; they wanted to keep RS-25 jobs alive, which is why they decided to do shuttle derived heavy lift in the first place.

>> No.12424766

Reminder that SRBs are 70% of the thrust and also almost 50% of the mass of the entire SLS rocket. Remove the SRBs and you only need to add a few more core engines to achieve TWR >1, because getting rid of the booster mass also gets rid of the need for about 50% of the launch thrust.

>> No.12424777

Yes, but even without that it was plausible. Only minor changes to the actual rocket would be necessary, biggest issue would be the ground support hardware modifications (though if anyone could get that done fast it'd be SpaceX).

>> No.12424779

The thing is, you generally want a TWR significantly higher than just >1, usually more like >3.

>> No.12424793

>How plausible would a scenario like this be
Hasn't happened in 4.5 billion years, not likely to happen before the Sun expands enough to make Earth a sterile hot desert. Don't worry about it, basically.

>> No.12424816

>The thing is, you generally want a TWR significantly higher than just >1,
Yes, so add ~3 engines after you get a design with a TWR of 1
>usually more like >3.
lmao no, I don't think there's any orbital rocket on Earth that has a liftoff TWR that high, not even the all-solid ones. There's a sweet spot around TWR of ~1.4 that wastes the smallest amount of delta V to gravity losses without wasting potential delta V capacity by using relatively tiny propellant tanks. As for burnout TWR, most chemical stages do climb up to about that high before stage cutoff, depending on the relative masses of the first and subsequent stages. The Saturn V for example was a bit of a weird case, because it started off with a bit of an abnormally low TWR on the pad (~1.2), but would have climbed to over 5g during ascent if it didn't shut down the center engine before stage cutoff, because a very large fraction of the mass of the Saturn V was in the first stage and it had no ability to throttle down the F-1 engines.

>> No.12424871
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>> No.12425000


Video of the ascender and the orbiter automatically docking. As well as the transfer of materials form the ascender to the returner.

Anybody have the timeline as to when the returner is getting launched as well as coming back home?

>> No.12425069

Who would win in a fight? Guy who hoses down the rockets or guy who drives the crawler?

>> No.12425099

the guy who tied the octaweb to the ship before they used the grabber robot

>> No.12425103
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>> No.12425163

Propane, bro

>> No.12425166

Why couldn’t shuttle c be man rated??
Calling bullshit

>> No.12425171

Where do you put the people

>> No.12425177

put them inside a soyuz while the shuttle C carries that soyuz

>> No.12425181

is there a goofier language out there, lmao

>> No.12425185
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I would have said "because they would be throwing away perfect SSMEs" but here we are.

>> No.12425186

When does Angara launch?

>> No.12425188

But NASA would need a Soyuz then

>> No.12425192

wow. I'm genuinely impressed that it's even worse than I thought.

>The only solution to prevent this is to use special alloys that limit the formation of hydrides and can reform their normal structure 'behind' where the hydrogen has passed through, instead of retaining the little nano-cracks and voids.
Do they bother to use these alloys in disposable rockets? Sounds expensive.

>> No.12425194

Well they better get one

>> No.12425197

As we've discussed before, methalox with FFSC gets better performance than propalox with ORSC. Can't use the full-flow cycle with propalox because a propane-rich preburner will coke up almost as bad as a kerosene-rich preburner would, under the conditions of said propane-rich preburner. The absolute real world ceiling for stage performance using non-toxic propellants appears to be FFSC methalox.

>> No.12425200
File: 2.10 MB, 2048x784, 1598509972770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is what fucked up SN8's avionics

>> No.12425202

No numeracy (no words for 1...2...3...), no future/past tense, no color words.

>> No.12425207
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>> No.12425209

What if you just put the crew in EVA suits and velcro'd them to the inside of the fairing?

>> No.12425232

>Do they bother to use these alloys in disposable rockets?
Yes. Otherwise they would not last even through ground testing. Hydrogen embrittlement at dozens of atmospheres and elevated temperatures is no joke. The early alloys the americans developed back in the day are and were pretty cheap, but they also kinda suck. That's the real trade-off; you can't have parts inside a hydrolox engine subject to the same specific stresses as in a hydrocarbon-oxygen engine, because the alloys used in those engines are physically stronger in general. It's like, imagine the performance difference between hypergolic engines and hydrocarbon-oxygen engines if the latter had to use aluminum alloys for every part in contact with the propellants, for whatever reason. The engine would have shit chamber pressure and shit pump-power-to-volume-over-mass-flow.

>> No.12425235

Why don't they dig a proper flame trench?

>> No.12425243

Because if you dig next to the beach, you get a canal.

>> No.12425250

That's based but I actually meant how goofy it sounds to listen to mandarin, not the structure of the language itself.
Also this is gold;
>He points out that the criticism of his conclusions uses his own doctoral thesis to refute his knowledge and conclusions drawn after a subsequent twenty-nine years of research.
The academic community is a joke

>> No.12425253

looks like a Darksouls weapon

>> No.12425257

because muh water table, also they need to figure out how to deal with debris blasting up from the ground anyway, because there aren't any wide, flat, clean areas of exposed bedrock monolith on either Moon nor Mars.

>> No.12425261

but if they did that they wouldn't have sickass blades flying everywhere at mach 3

>> No.12425269

>Otherwise they would not last even through ground testing
holy fuck

>you can't have parts inside a hydrolox engine subject to the same specific stresses as in a hydrocarbon-oxygen engine, because the alloys used in those engines are physically stronger in general
I swear to god every time I think I have hydrolox figured out I come here and pick up another reason why its shit. Unbelievable.

>> No.12425329
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x872, Apollo11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-minus fifteen seconds
>guidance is internal
>ignition sequence start
>all engine running
>we have a liftoff!
>thirty two minutes past the hour!
>liftoff on Apollo 11

>> No.12425330


>> No.12425336

imagine the smell

>> No.12425339
File: 397 KB, 1131x1434, america as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[patriotism intensifies]

>> No.12425340

*matt Morton synths in the background*

>> No.12425341
File: 2.94 MB, 376x270, space_saturn_V_liftoff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12425346


>> No.12425348

This is a blue board anon.

>> No.12425365

One chunky boi vs avionics control wiring.
Have you ever noticed how KSC 39A and 39B are raised platforms? You don't dig next to a beach.

>> No.12425368

Water cooled steel plating now. So should be a nonissue.

>> No.12425383

please post the ones with the shuttle engines igniting, I'm so close

>> No.12425389
File: 873 KB, 640x360, my hype.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12425399
File: 3.53 MB, 306x172, space_shuttle_ignition.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a better one

>> No.12425406
File: 1.81 MB, 480x270, 1593410605281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we posting engines now?

>> No.12425409

this is the one I was referring to. The only other one I can think of is closeup of the satrun V's

>> No.12425423


>> No.12425513
File: 164 KB, 1920x872, 2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12425552

>Some samples will be set aside for future studies when technology has further advanced.
Funny way to phrase "sold to private collections"

>> No.12425555

Is that supposed to be bad?

>> No.12425556
File: 1.49 MB, 1437x875, 1586011097572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA considering commercial Mars data relay satellites
>In recent presentations to advisory committees, NASA officials have discussed the possibility of working with industry to place several satellites into orbit around Mars that would serve as relays for other missions, notably the proposed Mars Ice Mapper. Such satellites, they said, could greatly increase the amount of data missions can return to Earth and end reliance on aging science missions that also serve as data relays.
>“We intend to do this as a commercial contract that will be solicited and competed,” said Jim Watzin, former director of the Mars Exploration Program who is now a senior adviser supporting human Mars exploration planning at NASA Headquarters, at a Nov. 23 meeting a panel of the ongoing planetary science decadal survey. “This is an opportunity space that is an enabler for exploration.”
>Language in the report accompanying the Senate version of a fiscal year 2021 appropriations bill that funds NASA hinted at the agency’s interest in commercial communications at Mars. “The Committee is aware that NASA is investigating possible new models for using commercial services for future communications with Mars surface assets in the late 2020s and early 2030s, though no such services exist today,” the report stated.

>> No.12425559

Making profit off space resources is fucking based. Whoever starts selling lunar rock benchtops and tiles is going to become loaded and also based for supporting space projects.

>> No.12425565

>one Starlink launch increases Mars bandwidth by several orders of magnitude

>> No.12425573

how would that work anyways? You'd need to use starship obviously since falcon can't get there, but starship can carry what, several hundred starlinks? And I have doubts about it having sufficient fuel to reach all the orbits it wants to deploy sats to which would mean you have a much of wasted mass since you're not gonna deploy 600 sats to a single orbit

>> No.12425577

I bet Falcon Heavy plus Starlink's xenon thrusters could do it. Probably not with a full load of Starlinks, though.

>> No.12425583

Wait until /x/ hears about this.

>> No.12425584

The article talks about three Mars geosats. You could get them there by Falcon Heavy.

>> No.12425593

Starship arrives, brakes into a highly elliptical orbit, coasts to apoapsis. At apoapsis in a highly elliptical orbit, plane changes are really cheap. Starship releases a group of satellites and waits for next orbit. Starship changes plane by 15 degrees. Starship releases next group of satellites. Repeat to release 24 clusters into 24 different orbital planes. Each satellite uses its own propulsion systems to circularize its orbit (or at least bring apoapsis down below Phobos' altitude.
That's how you do that.

>> No.12425605

Apollo 12 LM pilot Alan Bean put moon dust in his paintings
after his stint with nasa he decided to become an artist

>> No.12425609

>late 2020s and early 2030s
>spacex gets contract to deliver a few oldspace shit sats in 2028
>yeah whatever just chuck them in one of the 500 starships this synod run so we can claim our $300m contract

>> No.12425640

>hold your fire, there's no life forms aboard
All George had to do was have the commander say they need to confirm whether intelligence was sent in the pod. You really fucked that one up, Georgey boy.

>> No.12425643

Disposable launch pads

>> No.12425644

Jesus Christ, I didn't even notice the moon. I saw the thumbnail and my brain just went to the escape pod scene. It's the wrong galaxy and wrong number of engines

>> No.12425647
File: 287 KB, 2880x1640, moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet you feel silly
you're a silly boy

>> No.12425652


>> No.12425691

F9 can put about 4000kg to Mars transfer orbit

>> No.12425722

So is there any reason the hop distance keeps getting downgraded?

>> No.12425749


>> No.12425771


>> No.12425886

no, but it's very interesting to get information on where they came from
we didn't know much about it before

>> No.12425965

>starlink is threatened by astronomy
>earth based telescopes are starting to blow up
Musk has to be stopped. The American taxpayer needs to take control of SpaceX and ensure that our skies remain pristine save for a few orange tanks on orbital trajectories.

>> No.12425969

incorrect, propane burns clean