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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 30 KB, 496x330, images - 2020-12-03T144317.877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12416087 No.12416087[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>99.8% survival rate

>> No.12416093

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12416096
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>> No.12416123
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not OP but i've been waiting for someone to take a look at this >>12415780 for awhile because /pol couldn't even understand the question >>294514601

>> No.12416187

Well typed based guy

>> No.12416287

96% if you're 60. 80% if you're 70.

But that's if you can get intubated. We're practically immortal in an ICU ward. If they run out of breathing machines, a lot more people are fucked.

I'm kinda worried about the long-term lasting effects. There's some fear-mongering studied out there. But we don't really have any examples of more than a year.

Most people will be fine though. Specifically most people under retirement age. We shut down our whole economy for this?

>> No.12416307

>96% if you're 60. 80% if you're 70
Where are those numbers coming from? Latest estimates are nowhere near that. Also my understanding was that intubating was one of the big mistakes made early on- dramatically increased inflammation, hardly anyone survived once reaching that point and we just do supplemental oxygen now.

>> No.12416415

I blame the administration for not making /pol/posting illegal outside of /pol/, much like it is to post ponies outside /mlp/.

>> No.12416499

Yep. It's simple and easy and helps.
As much as possible yeah.
Exactly. Overwhelming hospitals would suck.
No? I mean, if you want. I'm more excited about lab-meat.
Absolutely not. Fuck you.

>> No.12418260

40% of deaths happened in nursing homes, the median length of stay in a nursing home (before death) is 6 months, you have to be retarded to keep taking this serously at this point

>> No.12418265

As of last night I can no longer taste or smell ANYTHING.
Odds are this is covid or is it just the dozen+ dabs and several bowls/joints I’ve smoked.

>> No.12418274
File: 653 KB, 480x468, NotTheJews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I was telling the people on this board it was .03% fatality a year ago while the press was acting like it was the plague and the morons on this board argued endlessly with me saying it wasn't true. Pretty hilarious how massively retarded the people on this board are.


>> No.12418276

What conclusion do you want to arrive at? This is what modern medicine has become. You probably don't even give a fuck.

Go on, go out. Tell your local government to lift restrictions. Anything is pointless now.

>> No.12418279

oops wrong thread that was me telling /x/ but I posted it here too in some form, the responses were no different

>> No.12418280

You have never been in an ICU ward.

>> No.12418286
File: 572 KB, 845x479, covid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu you stone cold retard. are you a shill or just a sad, lonely incel that has nothing better in your life than to larp on an anime forum?

>> No.12418318

if the masks helped, why do we need to stay indoors? retard.

>> No.12418332

>Red Ice is a white nationalist and news multimedia company led by the married couple Lana Lokteff and Henrik Palmgren. It is based out of Sweden.
At least post something like Faux News to be credible, sweetums.

>> No.12418342

1 term

>> No.12418346


>> No.12418367
File: 130 KB, 300x300, ohgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I care what a drooling fucking retard like you thinks is "credible"
You probably think CNN is credible you stone cold moron stfu you goddamn clown

>> No.12418372

>10-30% permanent damage

>> No.12418375

go back to your oldfucksnews & sadfart

>> No.12418376

>At least post something like Faux News to be credible
I don't have a reaction image to show how triggered I am by this bait

>> No.12418377

Couldn't agree with you more

>> No.12418382 [DELETED] 

garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12418383

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12418386

100 days.
It's working in Europe, it'll work in US too.

>> No.12418389

Probably lower now

>> No.12418393
File: 279 KB, 808x646, glownigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These posts glow in the dark

>> No.12418395

go back

>> No.12418400

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12418408

Remember to dilate the neovagina

>> No.12418592
File: 443 KB, 785x731, cryingJew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys glownigger

>> No.12418595

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.12418606

>This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12418608
File: 62 KB, 720x376, 5fa9ea4789da4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are poltards like this?

1. Limited hospital capacity even BEFORE covid
2. Shortage of Doctors and Nurses in pretty much every county in the US. Problem is worse elsewhere.
3. 1.9 million deaths/yr is a huge burden on the medical infrastructure
4. The burden on the medical infrastructure would result in a dramatical decrease in QoL in every area of life.
5. Letting COVID become endemic gives it the ability to mutate even further. If SARS-COV-2 had the same lethality as SARS-COV-1, it would kill 5-30 million people easily.
6. COVID-19 has killed 1.6 million people in 10 months. At current trends, it will have killed 1.92 million people by year's end. Considering that smallpox killed 2 million people every year in the 20th century, I'd say COVID-19 lockdowns are 100% justified.

Copy and paste this anywhere you see retarded polfags. Also, Biden won and you will never. have 270 electoral votes.

>> No.12418609

I'm convinced that Pol is the reason 4chan continues to have the reputation it has. Seriously if you took all the /Pol/acks off this site 95% of the shit content would disappear

>> No.12418621
File: 919 KB, 997x1122, lucifer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off back to hell yid

>> No.12418625
File: 632 KB, 1280x687, PolSpergs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello my fellow goy I too post here and hate that board that wont take the blue pill
>ha ha ha am I right guise pol and shit

>> No.12418641

if "pol" triggers you all so much why do you come here? You can go to bunkerchan, redit, facebook, twitter etc etc. You can go literally 1000's of places on the internet, anywhere but here. Yet you come here and cry the entire time. pol is part of 4chan, get used to it or fuck off, it belongs here, you obviously dont. It really is that simple. Everyone hates you fucking idiots 1000 times more than they care about /pol/. I wish you would all drink bleach and die desu

>> No.12418644

I guess your view on it depends on whether you have elderly or infirm people who you care about.

>> No.12418647

Go back to /pol/ you fucking braindead moron. Absolutely no one want's anything to do with you.

>> No.12418651

A huge percentage of our country are overweight baby boomers so it’s much worse than you think.

>> No.12418653

Nope you are the cancer of this of site, always have been. Moots greatest mistake was to allow the metastasis

>> No.12418654

I wonder if they know what shows the characters are from. Do they just get absorbed into weeb culture and actually assimilate?

>> No.12418655

I've never even been to pol you stupid fucking faggot. No you delusional fucking idiot IT IS YOU everyone fucking hates.

>> No.12418661

why don't you go to pol you stupid fucking nigger and never come back here since they are all you can think about. go suck their dick you faggot you very clearly are playing hard to get and can't stop thinking and talking about them because you want some nazi dick up your ass

>> No.12418668

There's some nasty colds and flu strains going around with or without Covid. I live in an Australian city where the total number of Covid cases for this year is in the triple digits and the number of deaths can be counted on one hand (in other words, Covid doesn't exist here), yet despite all the social distancing and lockdown bullshit we've been through I've been sick several times this year, one of those illnesses in May left me bedridden for days. I can't recall ever being sick so frequently until this year.

Hell right now as I type this I've got a stuffed up nose and a sore throat. I did the right thing, got tested, and got yet another negative result.

What the fuck's going on? The tinfoil hat part of me wonders if there's some sort of low level biological warfare going on, with mild colds and flus being released by the major powers during a supposed pandemic so as to completely cripple economies due to people constantly staying home from work as a precautionary measure.

>> No.12418671


>> No.12418673
File: 292 KB, 1920x1080, dilate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/here. I actually love reading threads where the Jews and trannies are spewing salt about me and the boys. it is very flattering. Please seethe more for my nightly keks trannies this shit is cash

>> No.12418679

why are leftards so fucking stupid? Do you even know wtf a cope is you stupid fucking retard or do you just have a pavlovian trigger to say it because you read other dipshits saying it and you are too stupid to say anything else? The mods should ban anyone who says pol on this board

>> No.12418691

>a cope
Never change poltard.

>> No.12418716

yes "a cope" you fucking donkey as in a coping mechanism. You know what cope actually means? Of course you don't because it is just a word to say to you because you that you idea what it actually meant because you are fucking idiot.

You trannies are so fucking stupid it is genuinely mind boggling. You are literal NPC just spewing reactions to stimulus mindlessly

>> No.12418723

I want to take a dump in your mouth tranny post your bulge pics

>> No.12418740
File: 650 KB, 800x1203, many copes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch your blood pressure. Maybe you should have a wank "researching" tranny porn?

>> No.12418747


>> No.12418750
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