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12412795 No.12412795[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any legit correlations?

No meme answers please

>> No.12412803

It's as strong as the correlation between OP and his love of dicks.

>> No.12412897

If i were a liberal i would say:
My skull doesnt look like my transbian friend's skull, checkmate incel

In "christian": post a huge pic with more than 100 skulls per race and the average or the averages

>> No.12412911

Im actually black and do admit my race are animalistic morons as a genetic majority, every single day of my life, mental feats that would be trivial for whites got me praised in the ghetto like being able to read a book when I was only 6 years old, or being able to do long division when I was 9 Most black males and females cannot comprehend academic pride so dont value working hard in school they were always puzzled why I worked so hard when the system would just allow them to graduate after doing jackshit in school. Of course the morons didnt know that they just thought they could coast by doing nothing in school, alot of my classmates dropped out which me being a smart person found disgusting. However since I was a child I found out that school dropouts is just Tuesdays in black areas where as white people or asians would feel intense shame towards school dropouts thats are celebrities.

>> No.12412913
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did someone say meme answers

>> No.12412917

good to see at least some of you are self aware. While the aggregate tends to be uncurious, low thought frequency, virtually no internal monologue apes like idiots, there are always exceptions so it's good that at least some of you have a chance. Good on you bud!

>> No.12412932

Can you not just look at the natural world and the history of human achievement, past and present and draw a conclusion?

>> No.12412999

>like being able to read a book
So that scene from boondocks is accurate?

>> No.12413002

Yes it is sadly.

>> No.12413023

You have my commiserations, I wish you success.
I heard that the end of segregation hurt smarter blacks the hardest because they were previously the elites of their community with their own internal economy, but once they were forced to compete with whites they were at a severe disadvantage. do you think there's much truth to the theory? I see it as alikely basis to how independent nations form.

>> No.12413035

do females really have foreheads that big? lmao

>> No.12413048

At least you're not a brazilian

>> No.12413072

A girl having a small forehead is a dead giveaway they're a tranny

>> No.12413084

Apparently there is a correlation between the fraction of people with a certain verbal IQ in a country and the GDP per habitant

>> No.12413112

>Any legit correlations?
No, IQ is whitey conspiracy to keep the black man down.

>> No.12413167

it's an imperfect measure of a single modality. Useful, yes, absolute or all-encompassing, no.

>> No.12413187

Yes, to keep the black man down.

>> No.12413206

>t. crush is dating a brazilian

>> No.12413298

>I heard
from where

>> No.12413319

>Yes, to keep the black man down.
yes, that is why I exist and continue to. To keep West African linage men in a lesser position to other men of different lineages within the same society.

>> No.12413354

i don't think there is any pleiotropy with racial appearance and iq. but the distribution of alleles of genes that code for cognitive traits is definitely not evenly split around the world.

>> No.12413383
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Although black people are less intelligent, a lot of people tries to scapegoat a lot of the problems in the black community to genes or IQ (IQ differences are real), however that does not explain the deterioration in the black community from the 1960's, where crime rates, unemployment and single motherhood have increased, and economic productivity deceased in the black community. since then their IQ's or genes obviously haven't changed significantly, so you can't blame genes/iq. Meanwhile welfare programs in the black community skyrocketed. its probably the availability of welfare synergizeing with Low IQ causing the problems in black communities. what im sick of hearing is either people scapegoating black problems to white racism preaching BLM BLM, or blaming genes, which is only halve the equation, which problematically closes any opportunity for a solution. So the black community is never going to be fixed

>> No.12413389

did you just fall for the larp? honestly this site blacked obsession is sad. I should pretend to be black for (you)'s

>> No.12413391

Any legit correlations would be deemed racist.
That's for elitists to talk with each other about face to face.

>> No.12413393

regardless of how people feel about it, simply handing people everything is really horrible for development as well
you want the bar high enough that people/individuals have to jump, but not so low that they don't have to make an effort

t. someone who was handed most things early in life, and suffered later in total inability

i unironically appreciate many aspects of modern day feminist movements, but they often tread into enablement that leads to later suffering

>> No.12413404

>since then their IQ's or genes obviously haven't changed significantly

Big assumption. You forget that welfare policy promotes dysgenics by not weeding out the very stupid and very dangerous, and instead promoting their breeding. In welfare states people are paid to exist and very low intelligence people thrive in this environment by popping out 3 to 7 babies each (fast) generation.

There is some evidence that only highly intelligent Hebrew communities could survive in Europe, thus ultimately creating genetic wonders like Von Neumann and the Martians. A similar phenomenon happened less significantly throughout European natives themselves over the centuries.

By simply removing any barrier or difficulty to put food on the table, the welfare state model completely deleted any kind of selective pressure on intelligence. Its effects were rather quick on the AA community.

>> No.12413430

This is a completely retarded post; without welfare, they would still survive, they would just do "crime" ; welfare exists because civilization needs a underclass to keep happy, otherwise they burn shit down. The Roman Empire learned this lesson, and one of the ways they attempted to prevent uprisings was through state mandated food services i.g. the dole and land quotas

>> No.12413448

>without welfare, they would still survive, they would just do "crime"
there would be way less of them though, because guvvie can feed infinite kids for a single mother, but only a household with a present father (albeit criminal) could sustain kids in a welfare-less environment. So welfare state incentivizes low IQ females to have random sex and reckless men to go around creating broken households by siring offspring from multiple mothers. You can obviously see how this kind of people will outnumber high IQ responsible people in a few generations under a welfare state. You can keep sleeping and not open your eyes but this is exactly what has happened in the AA community since the 60s.

>> No.12413509

the niggers were always stupid, just accept it

>> No.12413523

i can, that conclusion is that you are simple

>> No.12413530

epic xd

>> No.12413542
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>> No.12413984

you're right, I'm aware of the dysgenics from welfare and women involvement in the workforce feminism. However the point i made still stands, and the dysgenics would not have first taken place if it wasn't for welfare + women working rights.

>There is some evidence that only highly intelligent Hebrew communities could survive in Europe, thus ultimately creating genetic wonders like Von Neumann and the Martians. A similar phenomenon happened less significantly throughout European natives themselves over the centuries
sounds interesting, can i have a source so i can read up on it. As far as i know, selection against IQ is global.

(Selection against IQ is stronger for women, due to women opting out of the motherhood for their career)

>> No.12414014

Every group has its geniuses and idiots. Living conditions and economic development plays a part too. Those who are intelligent need not flaunt it or make a statement about it. The time you waste screaming about how redpilled you are can be used doing something productive.

>> No.12414017

>>without welfare, they would still survive, they would just do "crime"
nope not if you shoot them, the smart ones will stop doing crimes and integrate into society, that wont happen though, because firstly welfare isn't going away, and secondly, shooting freeloaders is a humanities issue.

>> No.12414116
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>Every group has its geniuses and idiots
that's not the point of the thread

>The time you waste screaming about how redpilled you are can be used doing something productive.
that's not what we're doing on this tread, and you happen to be on the same thread, why don't you do something productive then?

Also race and IQ is not something trivial, movements like Black lives matter functions under the false assumption that the problems with the black community are to do with white oppression.

>> No.12414138

People who live in colder regions tend to be smarter because they have to be to survive.

>> No.12414158

Well, what do you expect a group of people that had centuries of oppression and cruelty to do, suddenly shape up and act right once a piece of paper dictated that they were human? You think the world was built overnight? I repeat, economic development plays a part in a society's upbringing, something that black Americans did not have the luxury to partake in. Your post proved my point, and I bet your response will too.

>> No.12414195

>Well, what do you expect a group of people that had centuries of oppression and cruelty to do, suddenly shape up and act right once a piece of paper dictated that they were human?
Ashkenazi Jews went from being pogromed every Tuesday to the top of every scientific field in a matter of a few decades.

>> No.12414202

anything more alive then a skull is more intelligent

>> No.12414209

Example I found:

As Hebrew communities were barred from low IQ jobs, which were a prerogative of the Christian masses, they were forced into high IQ but less holy jobs like commerce and banking. The stupid ones either died out or emigrated/converted. In any case there is evidence that IQ selection happened because of immense hardship and peculiar jobs reserved to them.

>> No.12414211
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>> No.12414213

Well they're not getting any less stupid with all the welfare.

>> No.12414215
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>> No.12414223

>filipinos outperforming white americans
So it is true that whites have abandoned the culture of education they once cherished. Sad. Massively subverted.

>> No.12414226
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why is filipino a separate category from asian?

>> No.12414229

Those same jews can also pass for white, and are significantly smaller as a group and did not have laws written to keep them impoverished and disadvantaged. You are underestimating the damage centuries of chattel slavery did to blacks in America, a few decades of supposed progress is a drop in the bucket. But it's easier to say niggers are stupid and whites are superior than actually address the issues that led to the BLM movement let alone the events spanning back last century.

>> No.12414232

Filipinos are barely considered Asian by other Asians. If you group, say, a Chinese with a Filipino, expect the Chinese taking personal offense. Chinese and even SE Asians think they are literal savages. Certainly they are not a particularly intellectual people, historically.

>> No.12414248

They look asian to me. Maybe a historian decided to group them that way.

>> No.12414252

>Those same jews can also pass for white, and are significantly smaller as a group and did not have laws written to keep them impoverished and disadvantaged
The absolute ignorance of this post. Jews were barred from having real estate property, government jobs, manual jobs. Jews were exterminated routinely and lived in ghettos (the term originated from Jews). This went on since the Romans (!!) so it's 2000 years of law mandated oppression. Black slaves in the new world have been freed relatively quickly and no law is against them now. They have a culture that worships victimhood though, so there you have BLM after many decades (and many black billionaires) since the last racial laws.

>> No.12414255

>many Black billionaires
Name them, and only the black American ones.
>No laws are against them
No need for laws when the dominant white society never followed them in the first place. Civil rights didn't do a damn thing and affirmative action benefited white women more than any other group.

>> No.12414258

Bro, I hope you are memeing, otherwise you are legit retarded.

>> No.12414274


Jay Z
Robert Smith
Oprah Winfrey
Michael Jordan
David Steward
Kanye West
Tyler Perry

Millionaires: countless.
Examples are Dr. Dre (800m) and Beyonce (400m).

There is literally zero oppression. You live in a fabricated world.

>> No.12414279

>You are underestimating the damage centuries of chattel slavery did to blacks in America
Not only in america but also in the rest of africa it seems.
You know what the funniest thing is though? American blacks are actually smarter than africans, really puts things into perspective, huh?

>> No.12414286
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Jews are the true master race.

>> No.12414291

Africans pretty much all have brain damage due to malnutrition.

>> No.12414296

>Many billionaires
>Less than ten
Yeah, I'm being trolled. And by your logic, whites aren't oppressed either since there are plenty of white billionaires in America, far more. And even funnier that you brought up millionaires when you specified billionaires in your original post. Television and media does not reflect real life.

>> No.12414313
File: 328 KB, 1026x809, crime rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Jim Crow, and legitimate legal and social oppression of black people, now that the civil rights movement has happened, and every legal barrier black people had, has been removed, and social oppression has been greatly minimized, or potentially even reversed via inclusion quotas and the Lefts glorification of the people on the bottom. After all that, tell me how Crime rates Increased in the black community since from 1960, why did the single motherhood in black communities increase, as well as increased government spending, and lower economic productivity. If the cause of the problems in the black community is oppression, why has their problems gotten worse as the oppression is/has been alleviated? Do you seriously black people are more oppressed now then they where during Jim Crow and lynching?

>Well, what do you expect a group of people that had centuries of oppression and cruelty to do, suddenly shape up and act right once a piece of paper dictated that they were human?
I certainly don't expect them to start committing more crime then before, start having fatherless homes, and opting out of the workforce, in fact I'd expect quite the opposite. I don't expect their statistics to instantly catch up to white people, but at least improvement would be nice.

I'm sick of bs Riots and and unnecessarily high crime rates and low economic productivity in the black community, non of which is innate to African Americans, as demonstrated by themselves even before the civil rights movement. We (unless you aren't American) live in the same country under the same government, paying the same taxes. I actually want whats best for the black community, for my own sake as well. Pretending that the source for the problems in the black community is because of White oppression, is not going to fix this, nor is blaming genes or IQ, because then there is nothing to fix.

>Your post proved my point, and I bet your response will too.
well go on then

>> No.12414315

Lack of evidence economic oppression is brought by the presence of black billionaires and black millionaires and centimillionaires, which are quite many. So there nothing barring black americans from being rich.

However this is not sufficient. There might be oppression by law, like it happened with Jews. There is none. Zero.

There is no evidence of systematic oppression on black americans. Those who claim there is have built up so many sand castles in their heads that they cant discern reality anymore.

>> No.12414322
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Malnutrition didn't seem to affect holocaust survivors that much. Draw your own conclusions.

>> No.12414328

>Quite many
>Still can't name them
>Actually brought centimillionaire as argument
Stop. What you see on TV isn't reflective of reality. Why aren't YOU a millionaire?

>> No.12414337

I named the current black american billionaires, which you can find by googling them. I brought two examples of black persons who are not billionaires but have exceedingly high wealth. Black american millionaires are countless.

I havent watched TV in a long time.

How is this an argument? Looks like you are a /pol/ troll. I'll go back to my math threads. Stupid ass

>> No.12414338

Its just semantics, the maker of the graph probably determined that it would be useful to differentiate the two. As both probably are sizable populations in the US and also because they are scoring differently. For example "Asian" in that graph would include both Korean people and Japanese people, if they scored the same, it wouldn't make sense to differentiate the two. You would be better off just using a blanket term "Asian" to encompass both without loosing any information.

>> No.12414342

Malnutrition is not deleterious to general intelligence, race differences in intelligence is on general intelligence.

>> No.12414343

Hmmm, maybe all that you posted on your ebin redpill chart was the result of systematically destroying the black family. You do know that black mothers could only get welfare benefits if the father wasn't present, right? You also know that blacks get harsher sentences for crimes that are worthy of a misdemeanor charge at best, right? Maybe the crime rates correlate with the economic opportunities given? What should one do when their skin color alone bars them out of damn near every opportunity to not fall to a life of crime?

Yeah, some random guy posting a chart knows what's what.

>> No.12414347

I accept your concession.

>> No.12414351

Die troll

>> No.12414358
File: 90 KB, 750x739, se8j30adusq11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest scientist of today is a black man.

>> No.12414362

I see so that's why we see so many retarded Koreans, Chinese and eastern europeans.

>> No.12414365

>You do know that black mothers could only get welfare benefits if the father wasn't present, right? You also know that blacks get harsher sentences for crimes that are worthy of a misdemeanor charge at best, right? Maybe the crime rates correlate with the economic opportunities given? What should one do when their skin color alone bars them out of damn near every opportunity to not fall to a life of crime?

I would need sources on these claims, brosef

>> No.12414382

>You do know that black mothers could only get welfare benefits if the father wasn't present, right? You also know that blacks get harsher sentences for crimes that are worthy of a misdemeanor charge at best, right?
>Maybe the crime rates correlate with the economic opportunities given?
Poor whites still do less crimes than rich blacks.
>What should one do when their skin color alone bars them out of damn near every opportunity to not fall to a life of crime?
Just don't act like a nigger. Is this so hard?

>> No.12414393
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>You do know that black mothers could only get welfare benefits if the father wasn't present, right?
That statement is saying welfare encourages single motherhood because if they where not single, they wouldn't have access to welfare. That's my exact point ya goose. Welfare encourages single motherhood, thus the problems from single motherhood emerges in the black community

>systematically destroying the black family
where is any evidence there was the intent to do so? the people that voted for welfare was women, not men. Since you ostensibly seem to agree with me, believing welfare causes issues in the black community, i don't think voting women had the motive to destroy the black community
furthermore who has benefited from "destroying the black family"
not anyone, white people haven't. Now we have BS riots and taxing welfare states. The only people that has possibly benefited from this are Democrats, who pretty much has the black vote locked in every election, promising them welfare to fix their problem.

>Yeah, some random guy posting a chart knows what's what.

>> No.12414650

Do you recall how the CIA was literally funneling cocaine into the black neighbourhoods? I think for certain groups there might have been a motive. not that the welfare was intended that way but that certain groups would exploit it.

>> No.12414747

I generally agree but I disagree with the conclusion. Selective pressure still remains because upwards social mobility is present in most western countries. In fact, I do believe that a society with a 100/15 IQ distribution is healthy and represents a somewhat optimal state. However, society itself becomes hostile to the dumb and lazy by destroying physical jobs and replacing them with office and administrative jobs which are out of reach for the sub-90-IQ people.

>> No.12414767

Some physical jobs can be quite cognitively demanding.

>> No.12414771

Yes, some. But what is the ratio to menial labor jobs ? And don't forget immigration into the labor force.

>> No.12414790

stonemasonry comes to mind

>> No.12414795

lets invert this, what manual jobs are the least mentally demanding?

>> No.12414803
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I'm white and still think most of my race are animalistic as a majority.
>small family dinner
>bring one uni book with me since nothing to do
>x person looks over
>"haha derivative of bing bong function, whaaat, is this what you read?"
>sits down and mindlessly watches another soccer/football game with everyone else
When most white people read, they're reading garbage crime stories or something. We've seen better days. But yes, at least they read and want their kids to graduate university.
Don't try to focus too much on it, just focus on you and try to help people out of the cycle of mindless consuming as you go.

>> No.12414807

Working at a conveyor belt would be my guess.

>> No.12414811

Focus on your kin and those close to you.

>> No.12414828

Given that "blacks" in the US are highly mixed with european genes. No.

>> No.12414834

how does the mutt compare to the purebreds? what about genetic diseases?

>> No.12414870

It is incredible to read this in a "science" board. You are punishing single mothers for crimes they did not commit based in assumptions taken off of your ass i guess.
An answer expected here would be to adress the main problem: poor education, poor sex education and lack of social commitment

>> No.12414881

do some actual reading, single mothers are a pox on society

>> No.12414888
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No, there is selection favor of low intelligence. The correlation between IQ and amount of children form men is 0 to -0.1, and -0.2 for women, and this relation seems to be global. sorry for the bad news bears.
look up: (IQ and fertility: A cross-national study, by Steven M.Shatz)

>However, society itself becomes hostile to the dumb and lazy by destroying physical jobs and replacing them with office and administrative jobs which are out of reach for the sub-90-IQ people.
Nope actually it is only people with both parents on welfare that have replacement fertility

If you are wondering, since the 1850's for genetic reasons, general intelligence has decreased by 15 IQ points. If you are wondering what the hell the Flynn effect is, that is due to environmental improvements that has increased mental abilities and/or specialized abilities that are very environmentally impressionable, that because of flawed IQ tests that involuntarily measures these mental abilities, adjacent with general intelligence. This means the overall score goes up, masking the underlining decline in general intelligence (which is 86-100% genetic). In other words, despite being legitimately stupider, we have gotten better at IQ test, making us ostensibly look smarter. You can look up the co-occurrence model if you want to further read up on published journals for what I'm saying if you are interested.

The thing is, we have already created the optimum environment to maximize our phenotype IQ, yet the dysgenics are still taking place.

>> No.12414894

>Nope actually it is only people with both parents on welfare that have replacement fertility
fucking scary

>> No.12414895
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>> No.12414896

No the main problem is welfare dependence, not poor education, poor sex education and lack of social commitment.

>> No.12414898

Does the capital AI want this? Or is this a way that humanity fights back against it?
I'd assume capital AI would want smart humans right?

>> No.12414916

>capital AI
sorry this is /sci not /x I think you are mistaken

>> No.12414918

Capital is an AI anon...

>> No.12414922

Yes but capital AI is not the powers that be

>> No.12414933

I would make a comparison to studies on the use of anthelmintics to control parasite infections in sheep and the weakening of the natural immunity against parasite load due to the artificial reduction in selective pressure against them because the immune defences against parasites are not energetically cheap so weaker immune systems redirected energy into the growth related traits they were heavily selected for

it's a fascinating field of study

>> No.12414958
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Yeah, eventually IQ is going to drop too low, and we wont be competent enough in medicine to handle the supper bugs. Maybe this is the fate for all technological advanced societies. Potential Fermi paradox explanation.

>> No.12414970

What fears me is this
>IQ drops
>the west is incapable of making hardware
>China sees this as a chance and doesn't export any hardware to the west
>All software has degraded so much through abstraction and baseddev that depends on hardware
>no software can run anymore
>All C, assembly and C++ programmers died in the holocaust sequel
>Airplanes begin to fall from the sky, no computers are able to run anything anymore

>> No.12414977

The capital hivemind doesn't have any singular will. And it seems to lack self control. So no

>> No.12414983

the dysgenics is a major problem but the potentially hostile racial aliens that have been funneled into our lands are a powder keg that will inevitably be weaponised to literally destroy what infrastructure we actually have.

>> No.12415012

I stumbled across this video and at 24:00 they talk about persian rugs and how the industry is under serious threat even though some of the rugs sell for $18M, how the daughters of the skilled weavers see how poorly off their mothers are and aren't interested in learning the craft
I see many parallels to other skilled trades.

>> No.12415044

Intelligence is dependant on environment. The more challenges your environment places on your race the more intelligent they are. Aboriginal races are more suited to memory and direction than problem solving. You would think they lived in a challenging environment. They actually didn't until explorers turned up. Their whole culture was based on knowing where water holes and food sources were.

The Northern hemisphere is a challenging enviroment. You need to heat yourself, prepare for winter, have substantial shelter, cultivate crops, develop skills, live in communities. All these things promote critical thinking therefore intelligence.
An aboriginal teen before exploration could take of for months solo and be able to feed and water themselves pretty easily. They knew where to go, what to eat and didn't really need pernament shelter.

>> No.12415099

Another thing to think about is development. All of those up north would have started off as essentially genetic trash. There is no other reason to live there other than you were originally pushed out from easier resources through conflict.
They were weaker, lost and had to move. They had to respond to their new environment and they did or they would have starved. That is reflected now.
Saharan races used to rule the world but then they literally got fucked by the climate. There is plenty of evidence that North Africa used to be a lot more lush. Now its an environment that without tech only supports subsistance farming. No big communities, constant competition for resources, nomadic lifestyle etc don't lend themselves well to education and development.

>> No.12415281

>Intelligence is dependant on environment

>> No.12415369

Most of my cousins are dangerous felons, and Im the only male in my main family without a criminal record. My father who I never knew was a dangerous typical ghetto black male who wooed my mother in her early 20s 3 times.

>> No.12415378

>be me mulatto
>hear about bbc and white girls apparetly spreading their asses specially for me
>still lonely all the way through hs and uni
you white dudes need to have more self esteem ur not going up against much

>> No.12415391

Evolutionary Psychology is an S-tier meme subject. It is devoid of intellect.

>> No.12415392

Im blacker than you as my mom is a Trinidadian woman and my dad is an african american.

>> No.12415425

>+100 replies

every damn time lol

>> No.12415530

It sounds like an uphill struggle. I hope you can find a fulfilling life for yourself.

>> No.12415546

>so it's 2000 years of law mandated oppression
there must have been a reason for something that sustained.

>> No.12415557 [DELETED] 

>They were weaker, lost and had to move.
not true they generally followed and hunted megafauna

>> No.12415604

Are you actually black?

>> No.12415609

>There is some evidence that only highly intelligent Hebrew communities could survive in Europe, thus ultimately creating genetic wonders like Von Neumann and the Martians. A similar phenomenon happened less significantly throughout European natives themselves over the centuries.

Wrong. Those jews are the oens that get paraded around but thee were a ton of Jews who were labourers or dumb so to speak. On top of that the holocaust killed most Jews of all types so it was never really a factor in killing off the dumb so to speak

>> No.12415617

>Jews were barred from having real estate property, government jobs, manual jobs
Not really true. Jews in the US were able to work in many fields not afforded to them in E Astern Europe and even in Europe there were Jews who did well in many fields outside of East Europe. Poland pre-ww2 was basically eon of the best places for Jew to be in Europe and I worked with people who descended from well off Polish Jews.

>> No.12415624

7 billionaires is tiny lol. Also even despite being Billionaires they are still Black so they still have to deal with dumb shit Blacks often experience in higher socioeconomic environments like people calling the security on them in their own condo building.