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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 23 KB, 291x291, 4F903CB9-B387-47AF-9812-7CB97EEAFDA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12397988 No.12397988 [Reply] [Original]

Post overrated universities with a toxic student community and terrible professors. Pic fucken related.

>> No.12397993

its ok anon, i didnt get in there either.

>> No.12397997
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>> No.12398001

Someone’s sad he got rejected

>> No.12398005
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>> No.12398007
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overrated brazilian university

>> No.12398010
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You're the POS who made the uni thread and pretended to be from UCLA aren't you?

>> No.12398039

Get fucked kid. There's a million other uni's with easier /sci/ undergrad programs and better campus culture.
I bet you're one of the faggots that have been constantly complaining about CS70 on the Confessions page

>> No.12398040

UCLA is a much better University then that shit hole UC Berkeley. I went to UC Merced.

>> No.12398048

The only thing that matters is graduate schools and their research output. Anyone can sit here and talk about how UCLA is better than UCB because LA is more fun and the students aren't as socially retarded, but UCB has way better research output in many areas. Similarly, UCLA has way more research output in other areas.

>> No.12398068
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How the fuck would you know about either then? Transfer?

>> No.12398080
File: 306 KB, 1200x816, A8C92149-5BD0-4F1D-8861-529D2E6B7F99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up bitch go Bobcats!

>> No.12398086
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Ok bro you do you

>> No.12398092

>students aren't as socially retarded
My existence proves this claim incorrect.

>> No.12398093

I like girl booties

>> No.12398104

Absolutely agree. Fuck this shithole. Not worth the prestige

>> No.12398129

uiuc is undeniably a great university but there’s literally nothing to do out here

>> No.12398130

I’m glad you agree Bro

>> No.12398137

Seems like most Elite Universities fit in to that description.
I get that have internationally renowned people working there and probably cutting edge research, but nothing annoys me more than smug undergrads or recent grads. OH LOOK AT ME I GO TO X, but when you start asking them questions it's like they've forgotten their entire course's first year.

>> No.12398150
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Emory is the school where they had to offer counselling for students who were afraid for their safety because someone wrote "Trump 2016" in chalk on a campus sidewalk.

>> No.12398171
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Come home, white man

>> No.12398195

home sweet home

>> No.12398197

>Hellhole full of niggers
At least PUC has white students

>> No.12398200

do you mean...brainlet students, right?

>> No.12398202

Enroll in law, engineering or med school and you'll be fine. That would also be the case for econ, but in this case you'd be better off at PUC.

>> No.12398204
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Bruh I just started at Emory as a grad student. Any pro tips? You from Atlanta? How do I get a gf?

>> No.12398543

Anon, if you’re still here, I’m scared I won’t pass CS70. Please tell me how to git good

>> No.12398864

Not that anon, but I'm pretty sure you can P/NP it if you're in eecs or cs (at least that's what I saw on the Berkeley subreddit). Are you doing badly enough to not get a C?

>> No.12399097

holy fucking kek dude, this from the merced baby? we don't even think about you
(for those wondering, berkeley has a great student community outside of CS and premed, and has plenty of wonderful professors).

>> No.12399139
File: 29 KB, 317x450, uwi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 40 university in Latin America and the Caribbean
>don't even need to publish a paper to get a PhD.
I assume we're like 40th on that list

>> No.12400339

You don't need to publish a paper to get a PhD at Harvard either. If you just ride out 6/7 years they feel sorry enough for you to give you your degree. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.12400388

Advice? Don't date your classmates or even undergrads. Emory is for rich leftists so unless you're also rich, they'll look down on you and if you're not leftist, they'll treat you like you're evil. That said, the Emory name holds a lot of sway with normies. Girls attending normie schools will be impressed so get a couple of Emory shirts. Just don't wear them in areas with the economically disadvantaged as it will make you a target.

>> No.12400394

all of them if you look exclusively at their CS programs

>> No.12402337

I failed high school and still got into UC Berkeley lmao (I went to community college and transferred)

how did you not get in anon? It's one of the easiest UC schools to get into.

>> No.12402347
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A student added preferred pronouns in their email.
Pic related is the reply from a philosophy professor. He's going to get fired.
Anyway, they think he's toxic.

>> No.12402371

>Girls attending normie schools will be impressed so get a couple of Emory shirts. Just don't wear them in areas with the economically disadvantaged as it will make you a target.
This fucking state is too confusing. Anyway thanks anon. What do you usually do around here? Seems like everything on campus is closed. What did you major in?

>> No.12402377

>terrible professors
what major? The statistics professors at UC Berkeley were kino I only have good things to say, some GSIs were questionable.

>> No.12402381 [DELETED] 

i'm also mad at OP because I know think I'm OP when i'm really OP, OP is just a faggot.

>> No.12402382


>> No.12402390
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Seattle is not as cool as you think.

>> No.12402391

from what I'm getting out of this thread uni is probably full of incompetent boomers

>> No.12402392


>> No.12402397
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SUNY Ithaca
Fuck this place.

>> No.12402412
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I have a CSULB shirt but now the logo faded because I put it in the dryer too much. Anyway that pretty much sums up everything I know about CSULB. Oh and also some guy in fucking Thailand commented on my shirt, so apparently Thai people have heard of Long Beach for some reason. So, yeah. Pls subscribe and leave a like.

>> No.12402413


>> No.12402417

Post a good university instead

>> No.12402425

SBUfag here. How bad is it over there?

>> No.12402426
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>> No.12402430
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>> No.12402435
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>> No.12402439

>literally called "brown"
>not full of girls with enormous stinky brappers
Overrated indeed

>> No.12402451

this uni is full of brainlets that need to be spoonfed, and anyone that deviates from the herd of brainlets gets punished.

>> No.12402471
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Are they at least brown-skinned and/or primarily enjoy their brown-eye pounded?

>> No.12403154

my friend goes to sbu, hows it there?

>> No.12403160


>> No.12403224

Where did you find this?

>> No.12403235
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>> No.12403240

>students being allowed to bully professors
how to kill universities 101. guaranteed results in less than 2 decades

>> No.12403250

>At least PUC has white students
that couldn't get anywhere else so their parents pay for a diploma?

Smart white students get into a federal, not uniesquinas.

>> No.12403997

are you my guy that transferred from buffalo? he seems like he would be on here

>> No.12404030

Daddyyyyy ENEM is too hard for me

>> No.12404056

It's okay. Meh campus but everyone is chill. The memes are fun though.
No. But I think a lot of SBUfags are on /sci/. I saw someone posted their final paper last semester with the school name on top.

>> No.12404079

This school is comfy af

>cozy campus at the foothills of the Rockies
>mostly white Christian conservative students
>based faculty that prides itself on washing kids out (literally heard a prof tell someone to go to CSU if it’s too hard)
>even the mandatory SJW privilege checking courses are tame with a centrist slant.

this might be cope because it was my number two school but this has worked out better than I thought.

>> No.12404089

i went there for CS it's ok
not saying much but it's the best suny so you get a decent amount of interviews but everyone shits on you in industry for going to a suny

>> No.12404103

What's a good university for a CS grad student like me but also has a fun social environment aka nice girls?

>> No.12404120

>social environment

>> No.12404141

I meant future CS grad student lol. Currently an undergrad.

>> No.12404153

wrong field

>> No.12404174
File: 48 KB, 500x338, 2A790E8D-FB6C-416E-9C1D-3EE4978AE071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re one of those people that thinks they’re smarter than really are huh?

>> No.12404184

Ok so I'm a third worlder. What university would you recommend so that finding a job after my master's will be easier?

>> No.12404192

nobody likes seattle. full of bums
Washington is beautiful though.

>> No.12404202

School of Mines?

>> No.12404401

>rampant cheating
>backstabbing competitiveness

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the quality of education here, but I think the celebrated "collaborative atmosphere" is way exaggerated.

>> No.12404735

vestibular is so fucking easy I don't understand how people study a whole year and don't pass it.
I didn't study much. Started in august, after winter break and I got 1st place.
How dumb is the average br*zilian?

>> No.12404830

Kek, same. I didn't get 1st place, but I didn't prepare at all and even got scolded by mum for rushing the exams so I could end that bs as quickly as possible, yet I effortlessly got into engineering in a federal uni. Imagine paying over 1k every month for a prep course and still not getting into uni.

>> No.12404888

The best one in your country/region, or one that is particularly good in the field you're specialising in. And employment has much more to do with networking, signalling and previous collaboration with industry than your alma mater, although attending to a prestigious school helps you with all the former criteria.

>> No.12405210

Can someone redpill me about how much prestige matters in America? I'm a 3rd world(white) and I'm thinking to apply for a thesis based master program. But I cannot afford living in extremely trendy/expensive cities. I most likely will be able to afford only mid-range state universities (infinitely better than any university my home cunt Brazil has)

>> No.12405238


>> No.12405287

we have a high acceptance rate, we're no more overrated than any other "university of <insert state name here>". Right on about Seattle anyhow

>> No.12405302

ha you got me son

>> No.12405304

I know some people from really far away who attended here. Is it just the people I happen to see or does everyone who go here come out gay/tranny?

>> No.12405332

Ted K. almost got an appointment for gender dysphoria and then became the youngest prof there.

>> No.12405337


Whats difficult about this course?? Looks like a standard undergrad probability course with some discrete math thrown in

>> No.12405534

Geneseo grad here. Wish I had gone to UB or SBU. Finishing my masters atm.

>> No.12405586

It could be a great city but we need to kick the bums out first

>> No.12405592

Every around Christmas I buy a big bottle of Everclear and wait for it to get really nasty outside, preferably below freezing. Then I go find the crummiest bum in my neighborhood and give him that bottle. Done this every year for 4 years now and only seen one guy ever again.

>> No.12405615

Honestly, unless you want to go into academia and make research your life, prestige doesn't matter all that much. If anything, you get a better education from a mid tier school because they actually care about teaching more than research. Just dont go to some shit hole school and you're golden

>> No.12405618
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you're probably the guy that has never cracked open a math book outside of a classroom textbook

>> No.12405621

I got accepted to berkely. Went to uc riverside in the end. Honestly, the teachers and staff are so supportive and helpful. My friend went to berkely and says it is actually awful.

>> No.12405624

That's sweet anon

>> No.12405639

What is a good UC for pure math?

I want to go into pure math and it seems like Berkeley is the best.

I always asked about it and got the same: “community is cancer, but it’s a good choice”. So idc, idc if it has leftys and other crap, just wanna get through math, I can just ignore people, I’m an introvert/schizoid.

>> No.12405644

UCSB's honors program is supposedly really good, if you're smart you'll be taking graduate courses in like your second year

>> No.12405652

I hate the people of Seattle

>> No.12405697
File: 50 KB, 480x640, 0D265539-9C77-45E4-8ADD-5A54A757884C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UCLA is known for having the best math program in California. Honestly if you graduate with honors from an Math UC your set for life, UCSC grad.

>> No.12405700

thanks for the hearty chuckle
>meme "ivy" that's worse than 20 other US schools
>don't wander off of campus or you'll get shot/mugged

>> No.12405705

there is unironically no reason to get a masters in the US, it's pretty much a meme degree

>> No.12405799

what about phd

>> No.12405803

that's what you should get instead. you don't need a masters before a phd in the US, so you're just spending money and time when you could be getting paid to do the same stuff.

>> No.12405815

A doctorate is just as useless as a masters
A simple bachelors is all you need to enter the job market where field experience matters a hell of a lot more

>> No.12405817

What are you on about? Just go to USP/UFRJ/CBPF/IMPA/ITA or whatever, or go for a free European uni like NTNU or TU Munich. Why would you specifically want to pay for a mid-range state university in the US for a Master's degree, of all things?

>> No.12405836

That’s extremely cringe and ignorant. Spoken like a true jew or child who doesn’t know anything about education.

A doctorate is for someone who wished to further their field via research and hard work. They produce original works and are saught after by prestigious universities and government agencies, you can make a lot of money, already on a starting salary from the NSA, because they often want original research for their stupid war privacy invasions shit.

Point is, it’s lucrative, unless you’re too scared that you’re an idiot that can’t produce any original research. Which maybe you should kill yourself, because if that’s so, you’re no better than a glorified calculator which can only get a job because we haven’t built the machinery to replace you yet.

Further more, you’ll left doing nothing better than your life than being part of a machine and a blip in history with no influence or impact whatsoever, point is it’s replaceable. That’s why you would want to go into research and innovate, to do something impactful and meaningful, rather than being a useless calculator machine.

And if you argue, then you only need a BA if you think you’re that skilled. That’s also idiotic, because by that argument “you don’t even need a degree!! Just live in a cabin, stop being materialistic, and live by yourself!” Which contradicts yourself.

Stfu and stop being a useless NEET man child.

>> No.12405886

Yea, a doctorate is not required to make worthy contributions to society.

>> No.12405974

Neither is a BA. Why then get either? Money. If you are going to make a contribution, why not then put it as a thesis and get credit for your work? Or, just have no degree at all, and stop being a materialistic pig, and either die and let natural selection work, or make a notable contribution and pass on your genes.

>> No.12406003

Well you're going to need some money to start innovating, which is what a BA can offer and you can start from there.
Or you could waste your time, money, and energy going for a fancier title and an insignificant amount of extra understanding about your field.

>> No.12406010

True dat. But, that’s actually ironically false. PhD programs are supposed to make research easier given the unlimited resources you have. And, once again it is research. Ok like, the thesis is literally a contribution of your own. You can chose to make a shitty thesis or not. But those “innovative contributions”, can also just be you’re thesis!!! That’s the point!!

Some people innovate with their thesis, so it’s actually not a waste, plus a lot of European colleges actually pay for you to get a PhD at their school.

You clearly don’t know what getting a PhD is in that case if you simply boil it down to “extra understanding” lmfao. Like, no retard. It’s extra understanding, masters degree, which a lot of people get by 2 years in. AND you’re own original research, your thesis. Why not get some credit for it, like the other guy said. If you’re going to do research, a PhD allows you college resources, extra help from your advisor or whatever, and some credit, a doctorate, for all your hard work. It’s literally retarded not to get oke if you have the chance/opportunity.

>> No.12406025
File: 137 KB, 1439x1217, Screenshot_20191017-154438_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus, are you me?
as a word of advice, use college as a time to learn people skills with people you'll never see again in your life. join stupid clubs you barely care about, take leadership roles if you can (not hard). Being able to put on a convincing mask to present to society is important if you're very introverted or a legit schizoid. Socialize to the point you wanna puke, this way you'll be able to whip out the facade of an interesting, sociable person when needed. And before you argue, people skills do matter. Especially if you're planning on getting into real pure math, you'll need recommendations for grad school which means being a memorable, likable, intelligent seeming student to your professors.
t. pic related (also a mathlad)

>> No.12406027
File: 629 KB, 1044x952, MSVU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mount Saint Vincent University is a cesspool. One of the degree requirements for any bachelor course is a women's study course. Absolutely sickening.

>> No.12406029
File: 100 KB, 1280x1056, 1280px-Stony_Brook_U_logo_vertical.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok how many SBUfags are there on this board
I guarantee I know half of you retards

>> No.12406033

>Even the mandatory SJW privilege checking courses are tame with a centrist slant
I envy you. My college had a mandatory seminar for first-years that's full of that kind of stuff. We had one case where I realized that thinking there are only two genders is a controversial position, or that it was a sin to not completely and utterly despise Trump.
Covid actually saved me from worse, too. The leader of the seminar basically burned out just as much as we did and effectively ended the class a month early.

>> No.12406039


>backstabbing competitiveness
I see that as a good thing. That’s how it is out in industry, no sense in trying to candy coat reality for 4 years.

>> No.12406056

CSULB is full of Long Beach kids who don't even try. Even though it's one of the most applied to schools in the US, any Long Beach kid who managed to pass a class can get in. It's a community college with a special name.

>> No.12406078

I didn’t attend UCSB but I would go there every weekend when I lived in Santa Barbara. The chicks and partying is unreal. Like, if you don’t give a fuck about academics and just want to get your dick wet and be degenerate, go there. Shits on fire yo.

>> No.12406096

One of the universities I considered was like that, but the academic side of things was incredibly stuck-up. I think it got quarantined to hell because students kept partying, even during this semester.

>> No.12406097

Alumnus reporting in. I graduated with this guy that went to MSU the same year that Stanley transferred.

>> No.12406108

squidward nigga college

>> No.12406182

I work for UIUC as an assistant scientist. Good salary and insurance, and I don't have to teach.

>> No.12406185

I'm >>12406182
Did my postdoc at Cal. While the student community is crazy, the professors I regularly interacted with were pretty decent people.

>> No.12406260


>> No.12406292

What courses are these chicks enrolled in?

>> No.12406325

Brazil has excelent institutions. Look >>12405817 for some good examples.

>> No.12406332

> University of California--Santa Barbara has a total undergraduate enrollment of 23,349, with a gender distribution of 45% male students and 55% female students.

Literally any class

>> No.12406349

I want to go here without going to Seattle. What are my options?

>> No.12406365

Would you recommend studying CS there? Very tempting ngl

>> No.12406391

based, hope he survives the Stasi purge

>> No.12406395

you mean shrimps

>> No.12406417
File: 499 KB, 1920x1920, 1920px-Portland_State_University_seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12406418

It’s undergrad. Go where you’ll have fun and don’t worry about school name till your masters+.

>> No.12406422

Holy fucking based

>> No.12406423

Based retard

>> No.12406424

Ouch. On a scale from 1-10, how fucking woke is that place?

>> No.12406437

20/10. Same with Portland Community College. I went to PCC briefly back in 2013 and it was uber-woke even then.

>> No.12406460

I just finished submitting grad applications to UT Austin, CU Boulder, UIUC, UCSB, and UW Madison. How bad did I fuck up?

>> No.12406632

how does that work exactly? don't you have to bring in your own funding to cover your own salary?

>> No.12406678

I was kind of salty too about not getting into EECS at UCB but I got into caltech and CMU for electrical engineering. I decided to go to ucla. I know people at cal. I can definitely say that their stem department has a toxic student community at least in the undergraduate level. I was think of applying to the big EE/CS schools for a PhD like Berkeley, cmu, Stanford, caltech. Which campus is the least toxic?

>> No.12407121

this: >>12405799 is not me
Why exactly? I mean the US clearly dominates in my field CS/CE. And Phd is not worth IMO

Sorry my man but you are delusional. Brazil is a shit-tier as fuck country. Terrible funding and environment. A PhD friend of mine who works his ass of in a top university in this country gets $600 of scholarship lmao and he gets a TOP scholarship. Not only but I obviously don't plan to live in Brazil, but no one gives a fuck about Brazilian degrees in the West, life unfortunately is not meritocratic. A shit-tier degree in some bumfuck rural university in the USA/Europe carries more weight in NA/Western E than a Brazilian degree (ie Bologna accord or other accords in which a Canadian degree is valid in the US and vice versa).
But the other point, yeah Germany seems legit. however let's be honest most things, especially in my field CS/CE are happening in the US.

>> No.12407145

This is completely non-related to the thread but just to illustrate how much of a shithole brazil and that university prestige does not mean shit if your country sucks :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sge9RJ2q7n8

>> No.12407156

I get paid a salary contingent on my past experience and current work experience with UIUC. I am still responsible for obtaining funding for my research that, in large part, covers my salary.

>> No.12407161

So they pay you only a partial salary and you have to bring in the rest? I thought it was all or nothing.

Don't you get quite a bit of autonomy to work on what you want assuming you brought in funding for it? I'm thinking about getting a research faculty job just so i can work on a specific thing and I know that I could get government funding for it. If I do, will the university just let me do my own thing as long as I have funding?

>> No.12407172

No, no partial salary. I get paid the salary but am expected to bring in enough to cover it. Ideally I bring in more money that can then cover other researcher/technician salaries in the even their funding efforts are unsuccessful.

I do get quite a bit of autonomy with my research, but it is a fine balancing act in working on what I am interested in and is findable through various organizations. For example, my research interest concern understanding and modeling species niches, and I leverage those interests via conservation-oriented research for imperiled species.

If you go the research faculty route, you'll likely have to start in an established lab that has prior funding to support you until you obtain fundinf of your own. That will, in itself, dictate the direction of your research. However, once you have your own funding, you have far more flexibility in developing your research program and it's direction. The university rarely cares in that case.

>> No.12407675

I'm sorry if I'm assuming too much, but it seems to me more like you're desperately trying to get the fuck out of Brazil than carefully planning your academic/professional career. Even if you intend to leave the country, I think that you should make a more solid planning. Jumping into the first American uni that accepts you isn't a good strategy, and you know that.

>> No.12407762


>> No.12407879

I can confirm this, I live in LB. But from what I've heard the retards from Long Beach do get filtered out after a couple years.

>> No.12407905

he's right though undergrad barely matters it's all the same

>> No.12407907

Good for nothing retarded place other than partying and ((((networking))))

>> No.12407944

Literally any non-oxbridge Russell group in the UK

>> No.12408005

didn't want to apply anywhere better?
depending on field those are anywhere from ~10th in the country to ~75th

>> No.12408044

Except maybe math and physics,I don't think it would be worth it.Ur gonna get depressed after seeing all the beautiful blonde stacies hangin out and partying with chads.

>> No.12408081
File: 222 KB, 920x725, 1588099525086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cleanest city/one of the cleanest cities in the US (both in my own opinion and based on some newspaper, I can't remember which one), and they have fairly mild weather, although a lot of rain in the winter. The only problem is that (1) its expensive as fuck, (2) culturally it's pretty shitty, and the people are assholes, and (3) the food and entertainment sucks dick. You'd think a city packed with stoners, hippies, and punks would have good food and a good music scene, but all they have are McDonalds and AMC movie theaters.

>> No.12408088

>You'd think a city packed with stoners, hippies, and punks would have good food and a good music scene
no i wouldn't

>> No.12408092

>Smart white students get into a federal, not uniesquinas.

Smart white students leave this hell-hole but that's neither here nor there.
All brazillian universities are for niggers and/or people who behave and think like niggers.
>inb4 hurr durr didn't get in X
I went to USP and left thereafter to go to UWM. From what I heard from a few close friends, it's all the same in the entire country unless you go to a decent private university.
Europe has rather iffy universities, but then again so does the U.S.
Ultimately, I believe going to the U.S. (as I did) to attend university is a better choice considering that Germany is a dictatorship at this point. There's a chance the U.S. may become one in the future too, but that's neither here nor there.

>> No.12408111

>No, no partial salary. I get paid the salary but am expected to bring in enough to cover it. Ideally I bring in more money that can then cover other researcher/technician salaries in the even their funding efforts are unsuccessful.
Do they give you some specific number of what you will need to bring in to cover your salary? Like if you make 100k do they say you need to bring in 150k to cover overhead and benefits? What is your actual salary based on and does it increase if you bring in more money?

>I do get quite a bit of autonomy with my research, but it is a fine balancing act in working on what I am interested in and is findable through various organizations. For example, my research interest concern understanding and modeling species niches, and I leverage those interests via conservation-oriented research for imperiled species.
Luckily I know I get can funding on my specific interest due to my contacts and reputation.

>If you go the research faculty route, you'll likely have to start in an established lab that has prior funding to support you until you obtain fundinf of your own. That will, in itself, dictate the direction of your research. However, once you have your own funding, you have far more flexibility in developing your research program and it's direction. The university rarely cares in that case.
Yes, I do plan to start in an established lab. You're saying they will have to fund me the first couple months before my own funding kicks in? I guess it will probably take some time to get my grant/contract paperwork actually done.

Sounds pretty good though. I'm hoping they will just leave me the fuck alone and let me do my own thing once I have the funding. I'm also really hoping I can work remotely but not sure if they will let me

>> No.12408117

All it has going for it is name recognition in the us cause microsoft used to work with them
Based pick, fuck UW

>> No.12408132

>all of these mediocrities seething over people that went to better universities
Toxic is just a cope word for hard-working
Seems like half of this thread is full of latinos; if you can't get into a good college in the US even with AA then God help you

>> No.12408154

>mom I projected again!
>yes mom on the internet!

Read the posts, nigger.

>> No.12408225

No specific number was ever given about what I need to bring in to cover my own salary. I'm still working under a senior research scientist, so his funding is covering overhead. Salary was based on education (I have a PhD), prior experience (I did a 3 year postdoc prior to this position) as well as the position itself. I've already gotten a substantial performance-based raise, but I also obtained $450k in grant monies.

Funding takes forever to process, so play it safe and expect the need for existing funding to cover you before your own kicks in. For example, it has taken ~5 months for my own funding to be processed, but the funds themselves are not yet available until the project begins (January 2021).

All in all, it isn't a bad gig. I work remotely from UIUC main campus in the first place, so that has never been a concern of mine. I figure you'll be left alone so long as you continue to produce results.

>> No.12408243
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>h-hey g-g-guys! I’m a number one rank too. G-g-guys?

>> No.12408246 [DELETED] 
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Like goth shit?
Like vampires?
Like hiphop/rap
Then listen to this amazing mixtape made by ELEVEN it is fire as fuck if you don't your mother will die in her sleep tonight thanks!

>> No.12408488

>I went to USP and left thereafter to go to UWM.
See, you got into a public university and then left the country.
I also plan to do it in 2021 or 2022. At least I'm from the south, not br*zil.

>> No.12408545

>Salary was based on education (I have a PhD), prior experience (I did a 3 year postdoc prior to this position)
How much was your starting salary? This is about my level of experience also.

>I work remotely from UIUC main campus in the first place, so that has never been a concern of mine.
So you are working from another UIUC location or working from home? Were you doing this even before covid? I'm hoping I can work full time "from home" and just travel around to wherever I want

>> No.12408549

>at least I'm from the south, not br*zil

>> No.12408573

Are you aware tha foreigners can't take advantage of AA right? there are no race-based scholarships and such for non-US students.

I'm >>12407121
Yeah, I'm from Unicamp. Brazil is complete shit. Not sure if the other people who were suggesting Brazilian unis are delusional gringos or Brazilians coping. The amount of favela-niggers or in general thirdie mentality (such as supporting racial cotas, being in general against industry-university partnership, lazy people and brainlets in general) is astonishing. We are in 2020 and *still* debating about whether the university should have endowment or not lmaooo.
Anyway, did you after finishing undergrad or in the middle of it? I heard a dude saying that Brazilian unis are harder (not necessarily due to academic rigour but more because of the course load and lack of infrastructure). What are the biggest non-obvious differences between Brazilian Unis and Americans?

>> No.12408590

cope favela monkey

>> No.12408626

Started at $50k with full health/vision insurance, retirement benefits, and incentives where if I work for UIUC for 7 years my kids can attend for 1/2 tuition costs.

I was working from another location since starting this position. I have been at home since mid March.

>> No.12408677

this, except the professors are tenured and also don't give a fuck, I'm pretty sure so many people apply to here just because it's close to where they live. I fucking hate this uni so much, professors take off points for not showing work on fucking calculations. Tenured professors literally grade as if they're god and even if the book goes against what they say they just say "the university allows me to have tentative grading policy" like it's actually counterintuitive to read the book for some math courses. Yes, at CSULB it's better if YOU DON'T READ THE ASSIGNED TEXTBOOK.

>> No.12408695

holy shit, i thought it was going to be much more than this. i'm hoping i can get a lot higher and i think i probably can from what i know of other people in such positions in my field, but i guess we will see.

do you think they will make you go back in after covid? i'm hoping remote working becomes much more acceptable

>> No.12408715

Well, I think you also have to consider all the fringe benefits aside from strict salary. That alone is thousands of dollars a year, plus the fact my spouse and kid are covered dependents. It's great if you work in a higher paying discipline, but don't get your hopes up for making an astronomical wage. Besides, my current salary with this year's promotion is a very comfortable standard of living for central IL.

I honestly don't know if they will make me return to my office post-COVID. Considering I've authored successful grants, wrapped up a project, and have 5 papers in review ATM, I hope they just leave me and my current work situation alone.

>> No.12408721

Well, I dropped out from my federal and failed to prepare for another vestibular later on because I didn't study at all during the 4 months or so I had for it, now I'm stuck in an uniesquina because my parents said I'd have to move out if I didn't get into uni already (and I did it through the extravestibular). I tell myself that at least I don't have to deal with DCE types, but everyone is so fucking dumb, and that's coming from someone who's not particularly brilliant. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.12408728

>you’ll left doing nothing better than your life than being part of a machine and a blip in history with no influence or impact whatsoever
I'm sure most postgrads are out there changing the world...

>> No.12408736

I know it wont be astronomical but I'm hoping it will at least be in the same ballpark as what I'm making now as a government employee in a research lab. Is there any way to figure out what salaries look like in advance? It seems pretty difficult to tell for most universities.

>> No.12408760

You could try something like Glassdoor to get a ballpark estimate. My PhD institution also used to make staff and faculty salaries available if you looked hard enough. Lastly, Illinois makes all state employee salaries publicly available, so perhaps you could find a comparable state-sponsored position for whatever state you foresee yourself working in.

>> No.12408773

nigga they freeze to death

>> No.12408774

Thanks. One more thing, are the positions "permanent" (assuming you keep bringing in funds) or are they for a certain time like 2-3 years?

>> No.12408784

Sorry to hear that. I have a quite smart buddy who failed twice at the vestibulares because despite being great at STEM, his verbal IQ is nothing but horrendous. We like sharing our uni experiences and talking about the stuff we study, but I'm starting to feel sad for him. He's getting scammed. He passed Physics I with excellent grades without knowing how to solve problems with Calculus, he passed Calculus I with excellent grades without having to solve limits approaching infinity or even know what a Taylor series is, and he has to pay for bullshit courses like "Interpersonal Communication" or "Instrumental Writing". It must be truly tiresome.

>> No.12409003

I started off as a visiting assistant scientist and have been promoted to assistant. It seems, at least with this institution, that positions are relatively permanent and comparable to a tenure system.

>> No.12409280

Is Marist or UConn good?
Marist is beautiful but I heard it's a bit pozzed, but I can't imagine it's as pozzed as UConn.

>> No.12409360

I liked UIUC, spent a summer there once out there in between basedFACE and the lab

>> No.12409369

based face lol
Its literally called s o yFACE
Basically a fancy research farm with CO2 pipes in the ground the plant researchers did outdoor trials in

>> No.12409839

for what

>> No.12409920

I don't understand the middle part of that

>> No.12410238

This frustrated autist is living proof you don’t need a PhD To get into the job market

>> No.12410331

anon why is it so bad

>> No.12410371
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All of the science and engineering professors are massively autistic.

>> No.12410372

Nobody in Seattle goes to McDonalds besides bums lol. Also,
>The cleanest city/one of the cleanest cities in the US
is complete nonsense.

>> No.12410400

>Nobody in Seattle goes to McDonalds besides bums lol
i-i went to mcdonalds when i was in seattle
was usually packed. 7/11 was the shady shit that i wouldn't go into again

>> No.12410516

Isn't that basically any Uni in the west that doesn't focus purely on the hard sciences?
Basically, if there is a large humanities program, your description automatically applies, doesn't it?

>> No.12410545

i'm too lazy to link it but add mit to the list

>> No.12410583

>there is unironically no reason to get a masters in the US, it's pretty much a meme degree
A Master's is a hard or soft requirement for some jobs. Government contractors can charge for more if they have advanced degrees, which means your employer can pay you more.

>what about phd
It doesn't make a lot of sense to get a phd unless you want to be a scientist and you want to work in academia.

>> No.12410674
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>toxic student community
What's wrong lad cant handle the bants? Did someone bully you on piazza? Any student who is going out of their way to be an asshole to you is probably someone you can safely ignore.

>terrible professors
Ok this one has a bit more merit, there are some professors that don't give a shit about anything but their research or are perpetually surprised that all their students aren't autistic like them.

t. CS undergrad at Berkeley

>> No.12411048

Why is it that any thread about schools always gets a shit ton of replies about what school you went to and how your rivals suck, etc. Damn you guys are easy to bait.

>> No.12411270

I think its one of those math classes retards take so that they can avoid calculus

>> No.12412842

why so many sbufags but no buffalo bros?

>> No.12412943
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I literally only come into these threads to find people praising the school I went to and tell them to stfu.

>> No.12412946

Link what, asshole?

>> No.12413415


>> No.12413426

the image, you subhuman retard

>> No.12413429

help him you fuck

>> No.12413432

Is english your first language?

>> No.12413589

at least you're not a bing fag

>> No.12413626

I was there for undergrad when that happened, 30 something students bitched about it (out of over 3000) and I remember them being openly mocked. Something like feminism in action or some shit. I also personally witnessed a prof bring a girl to tears by reciting shitbull statistics in the middle of lecture. They do have designated minority rooms and the admissions dept. is pozzed as fuck though.

>> No.12414157

avoid calc? yeesh

>> No.12414166

>prof bring a girl to tears by reciting statistics

>> No.12414234

>tfw I go to UIC whose nickname is literally University of Indian and Chinese

>> No.12414257

True. STEM students at Berkeley are especially robotic. Went to Cornell and couldn't be happier.

>> No.12414275

Lol same story here but I had 4.0 at my cc and did summer research internships so I can’t really say it’s that easy from my experience

>> No.12414276

have you fucking retards considered that I, perhaps, may have, possibly, fucking gone here?

dumb niggers

>> No.12414433

All universities lol

>> No.12414444

I love the weekly armed robberies two blocks from campus.

>> No.12414527

I’m studying physics and math here and it’s pretty lit

>> No.12414537

Here we got bitched at if we didn't use the correct form to address our professors. There was no way you could bullshit them with adding your own pronouns. Save that shit for your shrink.

>> No.12414754
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