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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 365 KB, 1673x1843, 1606830325619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12407427 No.12407427[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Help me /sci/ Covid shills have made me anti-science.
> science is about observation and reason
> science is not about hysteria and paranoia

>> No.12407503

science is just a religion these days, try to reason with covidiots and u get called a heretic or "anti-scientist"

>> No.12407508

It's not science in itself, but its sacred cow status in modern society.

>> No.12407550

what is the reasonable response to observing your healthcare system breaking at the seams over literally just a flu?

>> No.12407592

socialist revolution, obviously

>> No.12407808

That image is ridiculous.

>> No.12408170

You have to be a complete retard to interpret that life expectancy paper as HIV being a 100% fatality rate
>Have a chronic disease that never goes away
>Have fucking medicine to combat disease for life
>Average age to live after getting HIV PER THE PAPER: "The LE of patients starting antiretroviral therapy early in the course of HIV infection and attaining restoration of a normal CD4 count may approach that of the general population. Improvements in treatment and the associated increase in LE imply that increasing numbers of HIV-positive patients will live to older age."
>Literally does not imply anything about it being fatal considering you can live up to the average population with treatment, whereas covid has no type of treatment for so far
>Have retard pseudo-intellectuals say its 100% because you die inevitably, despite the fact that you on average end up dying at old age with proper treatment

Why don't you actually be of use to society instead of pretending youre an intellectual who "discovered" a flaw in modern medicine? Stupid fuck. Do you understand nuance? Context? What do you think makes more sense to do as a society: tell people to stop committing sodomy over a virus that has been so well researched there is treatment to let you live to the average life expectancy (per your own sources you dumb retard), or shut down the economy to prevent a newly spread virus that we have no working treatment for that is literally breaking apart our medical system and killing people at a HIGHER RATE PER YEAR than HIV has killed people yearly since 1981? You are anti-science because your dumb pseud brain can't comprehend even the most basic abstract of your own source.

>> No.12408186

Covid is not the name of the virus
AIDS is also not a virus

>> No.12408194

>> science is not about hysteria and paranoia

No, but risk of irreversible harm most definitely is

>> No.12408230

Imagine comparing corona to HIV and thinking you're making a great point.

>> No.12408234 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 600x750, 1592144333753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like goth shit?
Like vampires?
Like hiphop/rap
Then listen to this amazing mixtape made by ELEVEN it is fire as fuck if you don't your mother will die in her sleep tonight thanks!

>> No.12408240

It might be different for you but I don't remember the last time I had a stranger fuck me in the ass, but I do remember them breathing.

>> No.12408265

give me a study that states a long term effect with coronavirus
>inb4 posts extreme cases
post a study where 80%+ of the population will suffer those long term effects if they catch covid

>> No.12408277

People don't really die of AIDS anymore, not in the first world.

>> No.12408280 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 632x599, wohn2ncj1zl31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like goth shit?
Like vampires?
Like hiphop/rap
Then listen to this amazing mixtape made by ELEVEN it is fire as fuck if you don't your mother will die in her sleep tonight thanks!

>> No.12408284

>give me a study that states a long term effect with coronavirus
Give me a study that's looked at covid-19 patients a year, or five years, post infection. Seems weird to say AIDS will kill you decades down the road, but just assume if a novel virus doesn't kill you in the first month, you'll be absolutely fine when we don't even have a year of data.

>> No.12408295

>what is burden of proof

>> No.12408297

So prove it won't happen. ;-)

>> No.12408306 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 225x224, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like goth shit?
Like vampires?
Like hiphop/rap
Then listen to this amazing mixtape made by ELEVEN it is fire as fuck if you don't your mother will die in her sleep tonight thanks!

>> No.12408354

be gone tranny

>> No.12408374

not an argument, tranny

>> No.12408399

>Compares two wildly different and still thinks made a point

>> No.12408414

Contribute something of substance.

>> No.12408418

not arguments

>> No.12408464

Neither is comparing a relatively new virus to HIV/AIDS which has been around and studied for fucking decades

>> No.12408472

stop talking out of your ass and look up what burden of proof is, no one can prove a negative you insufferable tard

>> No.12408473

not an argument. the only bad comparison is 171k vs 32M. the rest is valid.

>> No.12408493
File: 1.03 MB, 2314x2305, ENM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this pandemic has made me anti science too...
Science, to me was about the elimination of doctrine, and applying your mind to make the world better.

Now it feels like a religion whose narrative is controlled by people who don't actually know how to perform science.

>> No.12408503

Op started comparing the flu to covid but had to switch to hiv to when he discovered covid was worse than the flu. T

>> No.12408504

>not an argument
Sure it is. They are wildly different viruses. They attack different systems. And one is studied to a significantly higher extent than another. They are not even comparable

>> No.12408506

HIV isn't a death sentence anymore, unfortunately

>> No.12408507 [DELETED] 

Like goth shit?
Like vampires?
Like hiphop/rap
Then listen to this amazing mixtape made by ELEVEN it is fire as fuck if you don't your mother will die in her sleep tonight thanks!

>> No.12408543

it really is
> arvs are shit

>> No.12408561

>if you don't your mother will die in her sleep tonight thanks!

>> No.12408732

I tend to agree.

>> No.12408948

You're missing the point. It's a new virus, people have been getting infected for 8 months. How could we possibly have answers one way or another about the long term affects (especially compared to HIV, which has been studied for decades). SARS-CoV-2 has the potential to affect the nervous system, we have ACE2 receptors throughout our entire bodies. To make the assumption there won't be significant consequences is foolish, imo. Give it five or ten years, then we'll know, but I'd prefer to learn the answers by observing those who were infected rather than being part of the infected.

>> No.12408965

Airborne novel disease vs. sexually transmitted with a suite of drugs and tests specific for it

>> No.12408972

>He thinks HIV has a 100% fatality rate.
I thought smoothbrains were banned from this board?

>> No.12408975

He also is comparing a year of deaths for covid against all deaths from HIV which has been around for almost 50 years

>> No.12408980

Bro you want to explain why?

>> No.12408987

And the COVID-19 deaths only went up to April, and the R0 is somewhat meaningless for HIV since it's quite easy to avoid it entirely by avoiding risky behavior.

>> No.12408994

I can't get AIDS by going for a walk

>> No.12409007

This is the most blatantly lying graph I've seen to date. Congratz.

>> No.12409017

oh no, please dont do this to us ...
also, your pic is full of shit.

>> No.12409033

Pretty sure that's already been discussed throughout the thread. Fatality rate isn't 100% for HIV/AIDs, and we don't know what the long term consequences of COVID-19 will be. R0 for HIV is zero for people who aren't stupid, and aside from rape or a really fluky blood transfusion, a person can 100% protect themselves from ever getting it. Worldwide deaths only goes up to April for SARS-CoV-2, plus those AIDs deaths occurred over the course of four decades. Government response was dictated by a virus that can spread despite cautious behavior (aside from never leaving the home), compared to a virus that only spreads through risky behavior and each individual is capable of avoiding without impacting their daily lives. It's just an awful comparison.

>> No.12409312
File: 134 KB, 1029x1029, died of the disease he didn't think was a big deal on the 4th of july the most american thing possible right now, a true patriot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shriek about how the biased liberal media is just trying to hurt Trump in between coughing up my virus melted lungs

>> No.12409320
File: 154 KB, 828x1027, Eg4ASbPU4AEysLJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIDS and covid-19 are both similar in that the US did an incredibly shit job of containing them.

>> No.12409379

Maybe he would've taken the virus seriously if nurses and doctors didn't cheer on the plague vector/domestic terrorist organization known as BLM.

>> No.12409393

>Maybe he would've taken the virus seriously if...Trump told him to take it seriously.

>> No.12409394

>with treatment
What about if you don't treat it? Similar to how Covid currently has no treatment.

>> No.12409398

I'd argue 10% having long term effects is pretty unacceptable.

>> No.12409432

SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the virus that causes the Covid-19 disease.

HIV is the virus that causes the AIDS disease.

The R0 of HIV is not known and depends on region and era. It is estimated to be 0.45 to as high as 6.
the R0 of SARS-CoV-2 is 2-6.

Airborne respiratory viruses are among the most devastating viruses known to human existence. Other airborne respiratory viruses include smallpox which killed 2 million people a year during the 20th century and is estimated to have killed more humans than any other phenomenon in existence. The death toll caused by smallpox is estimated to be in excess of 5 billion people.

COVID-19 has killed 1.9 million people in 10 months. AIDS has existed for more than 40 years. In 40 years, COVID-19 would have killed 91.8 million people. As I noted earlier, the death toll caused by smallpox in the 20th century was approximately 2 million people every year. The fact that covid-19 killed ~1.9m people a year WITH lockdowns in place in most areas of the world would suggest that covid-19 is far more lethal than small pox. The lockdowns are 100% justified.

Fuck /pol/ and please copy and paste this wherever you see anti lockdowners/maskers.

>> No.12409462

bump this

>> No.12409471


>> No.12409577

>just post this schizo rant bro

>> No.12409599

>muh long term effects

>> No.12409602

I would investigate why your country puts high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated vegetable oil in everything

>> No.12409608

nope, doesn't make the OP invalid. hes not proposing lockdown for AIDS because he knows its not airborne. Hes proposing we should have told people to stop being fags. why does the entire population fuck up the entire world for a bad flu while we can't expect homos to hold themselves back from degeneracy to save themselves from a fatal disease?

>> No.12409610

Why are you comparing COVID to AIDS/HIV? They have nothing to do with each other, it'd be like comparing the measles to SARS or something. If you wanted to make a point you should've just compared it to the regular flu instead of looking stupid.

>> No.12409613

not an argument

>> No.12409703

>to save themselves
Because they *can* save themselves, and if they choose not to, it doesn't affect me. I can completely eliminate any risk of getting HIV.
Meanwhile, if you choose to be a dumb shit and go out while being infected with SARS-CoV-2, I could get infected just trying to buy myself some food for the week. They're not similar situations, at all.

>> No.12409749

If anyone is still a /pol/tard after covid and the election they cannot have more than 100IQ

>> No.12409870

You're retarded. Back to /pol/ where at least there you stand a chance of saying something of actual intellect.

>> No.12409910

did you miss the whole era where people were leaving syringes all over the place and were walking around stabbing people with infected needles, and let's not forget the rapes and blood transfusions.
bit different now with there basically being a cure for aids, but OP's pic is pretty valid for historic comparison

>> No.12409918

it's cheaper than healthier ingredients, and some of the money saved goes into lobbying the government or installing lobbyists into government positions of oversight so that the cheap and unhealthy ingredients are still allowed to be in our food
next question

>> No.12410082

not an argument, also rent free, i'm not a poltard

>> No.12410088

I think it's funny how they desperately tried to rebrand AIDS away from being a gay disease.

>> No.12410115

This is a bait thread. No responses with substance are engaged with here's, just OP waiting for someone to post something a minor error to leap on and screech about.

>> No.12410116

Are you really suggesting 50 million people were infected with HIV by being stabbed with infected needles, raped, or getting bad blood transfusions? Sure, those things happened, but the odds were pretty low. Meanwhile everyone is pretty much guaranteed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 without a vaccine.

>> No.12410147

Oh yeah, this is a quality post for a science board. Look at those references!

>> No.12410382

lol the amount of seething redditors on sci is pathetic. every single thread is being posted or shitted up by a retard with a pro-social attention seeking message.

>> No.12410556

Quality post

>> No.12410623

OP still hasn't responded to me. Hes comparing the 30 million deaths of a virus that has existed for more than 40 years to sars-cov-2 which has existed for like 10 months. of course aids will have claimed more lives than covid19. he's a dishonest faggot.

>> No.12410666


>> No.12410733

remove the wojaks and you have a point.

>> No.12411540

what is the point you're trying to make? that the fatality rate of a disease is higher if you don't receive the treatment that is readily available? are you retarded, by any chance?

>> No.12411606

Don't compare it to smallpox, that's a misuse of statistics. There were less people in total when smallpox was active so as a percentage smallpox killed more. The numbers are bad enough without false comparisons.

>> No.12411612

Hes too clamped to respond bro. He believes when 90 year olds are dying in the fattest country on earth from heart attacks it proves the corona plague is actually worse than aids and Spanish flu combined.

>> No.12411899

I expect there is action being taken against sodomy in the third world then ? Otherwise that would be murder of Black bodies and leftist say they don't advocate for racism so we can trust them to say the truth right ? :)

>> No.12411916

Surprisingly enough areas with major BLM protests didn't really see major increases in covid. Areas with no protests that reopened bars and indoor dining over the same period however saw massive spikes.

>> No.12412119
File: 95 KB, 960x724, K1IfJBBl7oOhEx8YrSRTWwSO5sNfAyOZeuf45aecjso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf brehs covid just cured the flu! i swear covid is not just another flu testing as false positives, its completely different despite both being high contagious and attacking the lungs

>> No.12412163

this thraed proves that /sci/ is a bunch of cucks

>> No.12412234

>NYC's contact tracers have been told not to ask people if they've attended a protest
Oh well it's just cuz everyone wore a mask so there's no need, right? Wrong
>Over 1,000 health professionals sign a letter saying, Don't shut down protests using coronavirus concerns as an excuse
This was before ANY cased of covid could've possibly been recorded. They had a deliberate agenda: BLM is more important than the pandemic.

>> No.12412880

Fair enough.

>> No.12413367

good job completely failing to address my point.

>> No.12413380

Everyone conveniently forgetrinmg that HIV had little to no treatment for fucking forever and no one did shit lmaoooo

>> No.12413392

we should be quarantining pozzed faggots.

>> No.12413395

You're a fucking retard, covid goes away on its own, HIV doesnt. You can reasonably eliminate covid with restrictions, you can't get rid of HIv without killing every HIV infected person.

>> No.12413399

>implying we shouldn't be throwing them in leper colonies

>> No.12413409
File: 49 KB, 640x360, 9q62cOiVPouc_640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the covid response was too little too late. but more to the point, the issue is the hypocrisy with the hiv response which should be rounding up every pozzed infected and throwing them into a leper colony on some island somewhere. this should also be done for herpes infecteds and should've been done for hep c infecteds before it was cured recently too.

>> No.12413423
File: 80 KB, 1080x611, 1603752854114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like >>>/pol/ is more your game.

>Doesn't even know the difference between HIV and AIDS
It's always the dumbfucks isn't it.

Thanks for the post.

>> No.12413425

The burden of proof lies on he who affirms.

>> No.12413436

lockdowns are justified for sarscov2 and so are quarantine leper colonies for hiv.

>> No.12413446

No i BTFO it completely, you can cope tho

>> No.12413462
File: 146 KB, 2000x1500, 8e1875-20200626-covid-cases-age.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao nope

>> No.12413499

>Fatality rate isn't 100% for HIV/AIDS
You're a fucking nigger you know that? Well, what the fuck will you accept as a fatality cause, nigger? Some guy has HIV, he gets a flu and dies, do you think the HIV had nothing to do with it, fucktard? Do you think taking Mr. Krabs' pill for all your life is enough to turn you healthy and have your CD4 levels always normal? Well it's fucking not. HIV is also serious shit and nobody gives a fuck because fighting that would imply to destroy the thing the entire modern economy is based on, promiscuity.

>> No.12413529

Did you know that the scientific data tells us that

Covid is just as deadly as the flu (the flu mysteriously disappear where there's covid, you just have to google that to see for yourself lol)

Climate change is obviously not due to our activity (history and climatology shows us such similar, sometimes far more important changes before industrialisation, the whole thing is just a huge post hoc ergo propter hoc)

We still have no proofs about the 6 millions' "holocaust" (not a single order in the 10000000s of pages of the Reich's production about that exist, there is no proof gas chambers were used for something other than delousing, there are proofs that psych warfare was involved in making up the scenario, that the number 6 million was told in like 43, we know that Nuremberg is a juridic aberration that used anything as proof and that they had the guy that made the Moscow fake trial, and so on)

It's all the same, propaganda, or to be more precise, psychological warfare. Not science. Never was.
The fact that you can't discuss such topics isn't because of science but because you've been told that
>this is science
>science is always right
(as if it can never advance or have parts of it be revised)
>if you know this you're more intelligent and more humane

>> No.12413535

Forgot to mention racial inequality, a thing science has extensively documented but pop science and politicians prefer to say it's nazi science so it's pseudo science instead of adressing the methodology and data. Easier.

>> No.12413557

>COVID-19 has killed 1.9 million people in 10 months.
1m5, that's 400k less mate. And that's just 3 times what the common flu does.

Remember that there are 55 to 60 millions deaths every single year too.

Also it's not the virus that killed. Death people were positive to the test, that's different. The nuance is important here :
It usually worsened previous conditions, or weakened people already on the verge of death. You just have to read about mean age of those dying or the comorbidity factors.

So shut up with your alarmism and smallpox comparison.

>> No.12413595

Not only that, you cannot really ban people from having sex. I mean you can but we need governments that dont meddle in our affairs to such degrees. Were globally turning into an Orwellian nightmare as it is.
And covid is an airborne disease thats much, much easier to spread than aids.
I remember at the end of 2019 how literally everyone at poll was like NOTHINGBURGER NOTHINGBURGER

I live in serbia, our country is infamous for broken down barely functioning hospitals.
The virus didnt strike hard here as much, most people wear masks and actually self isolate, but man, weve all seen some shit on our facebook - today there was a video being shared around of a hospital that has a fucking sewer opening in the waiting room - and its leaking stinky shit water all over.
People being left outside in the cold to freeze do death, people lying in the halls of the hospital. In a village near the croatian border, some people got so pissed that they created a media sensation out of their little hospital that was just completely fucked.
I had bunch of friends that were claiming how corona isnt real...
But once that shit hit national television and our premiere went there for a visit - and doctors and people screamed at her how they are thieves, - a whole lot of my friends changed their minds. I guess if it doesnt hit close to home you just dont care

>> No.12413597

>2-3 weeks
Fucking clockwork

>> No.12413623
File: 353 KB, 1052x581, OOOOH_YES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in America
>get raped while shopping for food
>get raped while paying for food
>go to any restaurant
>get double raped and then stabbed by several hypodermic needles while just sitting there
>go home
>can't avoid getting absolutely railed anally by every door handle in existence

>> No.12413627

Basically this. The average age of death from covid is higher than the average age of death. Small pox actually killed young people (aka people who matter).

>> No.12413635

>virus that you get well from in the time it takes you to even become symptomatic from covid somehow doesn't spread
t. Gay retard

>> No.12413659

I hope you develop a bacterial lung infection and then get denied treatmwnt because of triage

>> No.12413666

seeth harder grandpa

>> No.12413667

t. + cope

>> No.12413718

>clearly disproven several times using his own sources

>> No.12413727
File: 342 KB, 500x375, prwdULSAwu8W93JY6Vntzqwc24QCIrOylXHn6o7jEHY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe how inclined people are to let things they have no knowledge of actually actively controll their life. Its not very hard to find out what the deal behind rona is, nor is it to difficult to find the nonsense init, or even "the" cure. I suppose people are just incredibly busy doing incredibly important task of some sort.

>> No.12413744

>It's always the dumbfucks isn't it.
It was a comparison of diseases you dummy, or do you not know the difference between SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19?

>> No.12413755

>Some guy has HIV, he gets a flu and dies, do you think the HIV had nothing to do with it, fucktard?
Kek. I like how if someone dies from COVID-19, and they had an underlying condition, people throw a conniption fit claiming the virus isn't what killed them, yet if someone has HIV for 30 years and eventually dies from an infection, it's definitely the HIV that killed them.

>> No.12413767

>but SARS killed more!
>but its only a few thousand people!
>but the flu kills more!
>but car crashes kill more!
And holy fuck, the new /pol/cel cope:
>but it didnt completely eclipse all other deaths combined yet!!!
My God, take the L already.

>> No.12413769

why are chuds like this?

>> No.12413774

Saves Lives
wear a mask
and reinstate criminal penalties for male sodomy


>> No.12413778


>> No.12413783

>see someone about to jump off a building
>kick him off
your brain on pol

>> No.12413796

What if deep down they all realise that AIDS sufferers all deserve their fate whereas Covid affects innocent people who did nothing wrong?

>> No.12413839

Now tell me what the fuck I have to do with public health niggers being lazy about describing which comorbidity is most dangerous for the shit?

If you have Kidney failure and you get a flu and die at 50, the cause of death is Kidney failure. If you have HIV, your CD4 are below normal and you get a flu, it's HIV, if it's normal it's The Flu. Trying to fit a whole patient into one disease is not easy and very prone to error, you know. As far as I'm concerned, the shit virus will end up causing tons of kidney disease left and right and there's you idiots thinking you know every shit about the fucking thing.

>> No.12413846

Loyal spouses are frequently infected by HIV because their partner fucked some whore.

>> No.12413850

Such is the fate of those who enable Sinners.

>> No.12413873

Hmmm I wonder what happened 2 weeks before that spike, could it be?
>On May 21, Governor Tim Walz allowed all restaurants and pubs with outdoor seating to open on June 1 at 50% capacity

>> No.12413877

lmao. go eat a dick

>> No.12413883

Yeah like Ofra Haza. Just make sure you don't marry an absolute degenerate or you'll be collateral damage.

>> No.12413888

Same situation in Georgia, Florida, and Texas in June, when all three states allowed bars to open early in the month, and by the middle of the month new cases were soaring.

>> No.12413897


>> No.12413983

why should we tell people to stop having gay sex to combat the spread of HIV and other STDs instead of just telling people to use protection, your own image says that straight sex is also a significant factor in HIV cases

>> No.12413989

>expect there is action being taken against sodomy in the third world then ?
Suggested safe sex in a culture that doesn't practice it. These are only suggestions, no one can enforce it (retard)
>Otherwise that would be murder of Black bodies and leftist say they don't advocate for racism so we can trust them to say the truth right ? :)
Completely irrelevant. Politics belongs to /pol/

>> No.12413995

>2 weeks
lmao, median is 5 days and skewed towards to 2 for incubation.

>> No.12413996

Anemic patients receiving blood and druggies were hardly a significant no. of total cases - majority (50+%) of cases were gays

>> No.12414000


>> No.12414001

how did that adult human being go through that experience and then write that?

>> No.12414033
File: 3.53 MB, 6340x3043, MasterCovidSheet1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody got good charts/quotes/info to add to this?

>> No.12414228

>muh death rate
Stupid fuck.

>> No.12414241

You'll never be a woman

>> No.12414282

>oh god, oh fuck I am a tranny that loves big black dildos in my asshole and if someone says something that fucks with my NPC programming I just say the magic words /pol/ and it just goes away

>> No.12414292

>I am a perfectly rational mentally healthy human just like you all
stfu you spastic fucking retard

>> No.12414303

You have to go back.

>> No.12414449
File: 437 KB, 760x1006, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you cannot really ban people from having sex
UK: Hold my beer

>> No.12414463

You understand that it's not a ban on sex specifically, right?

>> No.12414477
File: 249 KB, 576x340, 1606967849005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy

>> No.12414479
File: 41 KB, 492x450, HitlerYouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must not know where you are buddy you took a wrong turn at pleebit and ended up in the wrong neighborhood. You are in my house kiddo, you can fuck right off to wherever the fuck you came from, not one single person will miss you

>> No.12414558

Because everyone parties hardest on a Monday. Official recorded cases lagged quite a bit more than symptom onset especially back when testing infrastructure was incredibly inadequate like it was back in June. But that vertical line in your graph was most likely due to memorial day weekend with eased restrictions.

>> No.12414648

>wear the condom!

>> No.12414667

Because gays are less likely to use protection.

Strait sex is a factor, but a majority of that is 'bicurious' people- think about it. At least one of them has likely slept with someone of the same sex, and the person sleeping with them is happy with sleeping with someone who has done that.

We've been telling people to use protection for 20+ years extremely actively, is it working? (the answer is no)
>inb4 we just need to spend more money/ have more free shit available
Why can't i spend this money telling people not to have sex? it is 100% effective afterall!

Clearly most of them are not even asking/ don't care so why should we spend money helping them? I'm happy giving free health care to people in the case off accidents, but sticking your dick in another man is a fully conscious act.

Also i literally can't believe you are not scared of this virus you anti-science bigot. We all need to force gays and druggies to stay at home and only communicate through webcams to stop the spread of this thing. If my nan slipped and accidently landed on a needle she could get aids- its not all about you you know.

>> No.12414680

>Because gays are less likely to use protection.
Did you even read the link you posted? Fuck me this place is just filled to the brim with absolute fucking retards.

>MSM reported more consistent condom use during anal sex than heterosexuals reported during vaginal sex.

>> No.12414752

Considering the fact that there's one Anon who, to date, made at least six threads about something I said in a single post almost a year ago, I would say he'd clearly miss me.
I'm also not a newfag, I've been here since summer.

>> No.12414760

Science is a process. The scientific community has long since abandoned it.

>> No.12414768


>> No.12414808 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12414821

>look how important I am I was able to regurgitate what other people have been pounding into my head on this board for years
Bitch I have been coming here since 2015 telling you stupid little shits what the Jews are doing. stfu you retarded faggot, you have no idea wtf is happening or why. You are a mindless gimp that can't figure anything out if it isnt shit directly into your ear

>> No.12414829

The image is shit, and I'm gonna ignore all the details and instead focus on one of the central points: Sodomy seen as something normal. I agree with you OP that we shouldn't be promoting it as much, because of how dangerous it can be. I saw the STD statistics for gay men and I couldn't believe it.

t. bisexual who hates sodomy.