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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 408 KB, 1022x871, its over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12404563 No.12404563 [Reply] [Original]

a whole generation of disabled people is coming

>> No.12404619

It is mainly old people being hospitalized for Corona. They will die fast and there will be no such "generation of disabled people" coming.

>> No.12404642

Fuck! And that bastard Elon Musk has been minimizing this as much as possible.

>> No.12404647

Likely this. I'd like to see a demographic breakdown of those with chronic symptoms, including pre-existing conditions, before jumping on the 'woe is us' bandwagon.

>> No.12404652

Good. Now the fucking Boomers and Zoomers will have to unite and fund / advance medical biotechnology, instead of fighting about immigrants and trannies

>> No.12404659

> It is mainly old people being hospitalized for Corona.
When will this meme end? It’s simply not true.

>> No.12404662

literally who

>> No.12404675

all zoomers will get permanent brain damage

>> No.12404683


>> No.12404686

I got it and I feel fine.

>> No.12404695

>Implying they weren't already brain damaged

>> No.12404696

covid doesn't exist

>> No.12404702

Oh hey guys check it out. This anonymous anecdote said he got the virus and feels fine. Time for all the M.D.’s and PhDs to pack it up and GTFO, the virus is a nothingburger, all the long term effects are blown out of proportion

>> No.12404718

Ah yes, a virus literally so terrible, and responsible for so much chronic illness in everyone who has it, that we've had to instate mandatory nationwide testing and masking policies to combat the large amounts of people who don't know they have it.

>> No.12404732

You’re right. The virus is actually a hoax perpetuated by global satanic pedophile elites. All the countries are in on the joke, including their medical and academic professionals. Their #1 goal is to troll you by making you wear a mask (behind closed doors they laugh and call it your “cuck muzzle”), and they spend millions of dollars on testing to emasculate you.

I must say anon, I’m impressed you figured it out.

>> No.12404744

>Vanishingly small chance for death or hospitalization for those hardest hit by the lockdown.
Wow it's a nothingburger, if we had only listened to the millions who said so

>> No.12404761

Corona just couldn't knock down your IQ any lower.

>> No.12404765

Did I say anything about satanic pedophiles, faggot? Every medical agency for 20 years has been panicking about some huge virus coming along and killing everyone. Then suddenly, Moderately Aggressive Virus appears on the scene! OH NOOOOO! We have to shut everything down it's going to kill all of us! It's the next Spanish Flu! There's going to be another wave! Wear a mask, don't kill grandma!

There's no conspiracy, I'm not saying there is. There's just a lot of midwits in high places overreacting because they want it to be their time to shine. Funny how all these medical professionals who supposedly are calling this the worst issue imaginable were toeing the party line in February when the WHO was saying this was all fake and not a big deal and totally contained by China. Then it gets out and they go into full panic mode.

It is a moderately aggressive virus. It's very bad if you're old. If you're under 60 it's essentially harmless. The "neurological symptoms" are almost exclusively that the loss of smell can last a couple months past when the symptoms go away in SOME people. I've had pneumonia. It was awful and I wanted to dye for like 3 weeks. Then I got put on antibiotics and after another 3 weeks I was mostly back to normal but my lungs took another month or so to completely recover.

>> No.12404771


You cant damage something that wasnt there to begin with.

>> No.12404780
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>> No.12404781

What's your point? Median hospitalization age is around 50-55.

>> No.12404787

so everyone aged 50 to 55 who gets it will end up in the hospital? Wow.

>> No.12404790

quick follow me.


>> No.12404798

>I wanted to dye
what colour?

>> No.12404823

I wonder if this is real or (((real))).
>What do you mean anon
When you talk with liberals they always "brag" about their "real" mental diseases, i wonder if covid can cause lasting damage or if it's just fear and people exaggerating their diagnose

>> No.12404845

lol yeah I noticed that after I posted it.

>> No.12404852

You were feeling blue

>> No.12404857

I'm more of an indigo desu

>> No.12404864

There will never be a cure for chronic pain.

They are doomed

>> No.12404867

This layered larp devolved into world salad btw

>> No.12404870

>a whole generation of disabled people is coming
>is coming
They are already here and they are called zoomers

>> No.12404872

Is there any subject that has to do with science or math that you won't declare to be /pol/? Why even bother having this board anymore if every subject to you is considered to be /pol/?

>> No.12404875

I feel sorry for them, imagine going to bed but you can't sleep because of the body aches

>> No.12404880

I got the rona and it's literally a nothing burger.
We destroyed the world over something less noticeable than the common cold.

>> No.12404885

20 year olds with nothing wrong with them have died dipshit

>> No.12404887

Yeah all 7 of them.

>> No.12404890

>old people get rona
>old people have memory problems and body pains
Omg this is so scary wtf will we do?1??1?1??!??!?!??!

>> No.12404895

>nothing wrong with them
Morbid obesity has that adjective for a reason, anon.

>> No.12404896

So what did members of my family die of?

>> No.12404899

my dad works at nintendo

>> No.12404909

probably old age

>> No.12404916

are you feeling adressed?

>> No.12404919

Can’t wait til you’re old with memory problems and chronic pain, then go ahead and laugh, Zoomer faggot

>> No.12404922

>Funny how all these medical professionals who supposedly are calling this the worst issue imaginable were toeing the party line in February when the WHO was saying this was all fake and not a big deal and totally contained by China.
nice revisionist history dumb cunt

>> No.12404929
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>get covid
>oh noes I’m going to be severely brain damaged
>nothings different; still just as schizoid as always
>the ride never ends

>> No.12404949

sounds 100% like bullshit just like everything they said about this hoax. it's just a fucking flu that kills boomers only

>> No.12404950
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>> No.12404952

sars is not the flu, poltard

>> No.12404967

>Feigl Ding
Isn't that the retard that spends 99% of his time seething on Twitter?

>> No.12405113

yeah it's super lethal thats why in no country it suprassed the flu in death rate, redditor.
Funny how i was all angry poltards like you werent even aware of it during january and paliticiasn did nothing at all to avoid the spread. Then i just saw the statisctics and realized it's a huge meme i stopped caring and realized the reason they let the virus spread wordlwide was to have an excuse for quarantines and makaing banks richer by forcefully mkaing people go bankrupt. If we had a real fucked up pandemic we would be all dead already because governments were too retarded to realize it was gonna happen the exact same as it did with chicken flu and pig flu in 2009 whatever you call it in english. Either if they did it on purpose or because they were too retarded it proves politicians and leftit bootlickers like you are a piece of shit that doom humanity

>> No.12405118

yeah like 10!!!! TEN!! what a fucking tragedy. we should all stay jailed for this reason while obesity and sedentarianism killl 1000x as much

>> No.12405273

> in no country it suprassed the flu in death rate
Whats the point of making such easily disproven lies?

>> No.12405297

Where have you been? They’re getting fatter and dumber by the hour, anon.

>> No.12405321

Yeah, no I'm not falling for this Twitter nonsense

>> No.12405553

beat me to it

>> No.12405560

>The virus is actually a hoax perpetuated by global satanic pedophile elites
unironically this, stfu and eat the bugs stupid cunt

>> No.12405602

>yeah it's super lethal thats why in no country it suprassed the flu in death rate, redditor.

>> No.12405633

To be fair, most of their studies are ultimately only a couple more, slightly more rigorous, anecdotes.

>> No.12405636

>nothing wrong with them
Post pictures so we can laugh at their completely healthy 45 BMI

>> No.12405663

this doesn't even make sense. what is the mechanism? Covid is a respiratory disease, it is not a neurological disease and does not affect the central nervous system. How is that guy even a doctor? is he just trying to sell a scam to his gullible audience?

>> No.12405669

>it is not a neurological disease and does not affect the central nervous system
wrong. This shit seems to affect various parts of the body. People were saying in february that it kills sperm cells and sterilizes people. What the fuck is this virus?

>> No.12405678

It also affects the brain. This has been known from the beginning. The receptors for Covid-19 exist in your tongue, stomach, lungs, brain, and skin. Which is why some people lose taste and nothing else, some people get rashes on their skin, some people have stomach problems, and some people die because it got in their lungs. What it does in the brain is still being studied.

>> No.12405680

the holocough is serious, goyim

>> No.12405691

i'm already disabled

>> No.12405709

Denying science will get you nowhere friend.

>> No.12405722

Covid can cause sterilization because it attacks ACE2 receptors which surprise are found in the lungs and testes, among other areas.

>> No.12405729

Notice the media doesn't talk about his mild symptoms and quick recovery.

>> No.12405731

This isn't talking about hospitalizations but people in general.

>> No.12405738

What percent and what comorbidities?

>> No.12405740
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Its just the fucking flu

>> No.12405744

I'm so tired of covid hysteria. Just let me move on with my life, please

>> No.12405755

No goyim, you must walk the same pace as your most disabled, stupid, compromised individuals. This isn't a race! Racist!

>> No.12405783

Wow, thanks China. Also thanks to the US Gov for shitting the bed on this.

>> No.12405807

>/sci/ doesn't know how viruses work, more at 11

>> No.12405813
File: 101 KB, 654x720, fucking retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what happens when a literal retard is elected to office.

>> No.12405830

Break a leg.

>> No.12405833

10~35% of what
and also what the fuck is that percentage range lmao

>> No.12405837

>nixon failed because of his personality

>> No.12405963


>> No.12405975


>> No.12406239

Do they give you CCP shills chairs? Or do they make you stand while you shitpost?

>> No.12406248

Yes it is stupid I work at a hospital and literally 90% of our COVID patients were 70+

>> No.12406289

zoomers are already damaged by smartphones, they just don't know it yet

>> No.12406297

everyone who has ever used a phone will get brain cancer 40 years from now

>> No.12406300

Those brick cellphones from the 80s likely have higher carcinogenic potential than modern smartphones. Though, the radiation has been proven to damage fertility in both sexes, so I wouldn't sleep within 6 feet of a smartphone anyway.

>> No.12406308

cell phone electromagnetic fields aren't strong enough to break chemical bonds between molecules so they can't cause cancer.

>> No.12406314

I'm talking about the insidious effect smartphones have on attention and overall intellectual performance. My dad has been using cellphones roughly since 1994, he is pretty old and so far hasn't developed brain cancer.

>> No.12406326

Well, it can impact you in other ways.
I'm iffy on brain cancer being linked to smart phones in the first place, but this is indisputable. Other studies have linked keeping smart phones in your pocket to reduced sperm quality.

>> No.12406405


I got covid and all that changed is that now I have an appreciation for neighborhoods of infinity.

>> No.12406415
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>initiate global depression
>"you are in pain and depressed because of the reason we initiated global depression!"

>> No.12406999

I'm fully committed to the theory that this thing was created in lab with the intentions of being used as a bio-weapon, but it was released out to the public too early.

China was actually hurt really bad by this thing, but they are trying not to show it. Earlier in 2019 they were literally preemptively killing people that showed signs of the virus and locking people inside their apartments. I'm sure that was because a more vicious strain existed over there, but also there's videos of people having seizures from COVID that are exclusively only in China...

My point is, basically, this virus is not natural.

>> No.12407041
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God, I hate this fucking place. The signal to noise ratio is getting worse by the day. What the hell I'm even doing here...
The symptoms of long Covid can be broadly ascribed to two mechanisms:
1) organ damage (mostly to heart and lungs) resulting from the acute infection phase
2) post viral syndrome / post viral fatigue

Post viral syndrome / post viral fatigue is quite common after a serious infection but very poorly understood and it's related to chronic fatigue syndrome. In fact chronic fatigue syndrome and post viral syndrome fatigue / syndrome are probably two names for the same thing. There is a great overlap of symptoms between post viral fatigue / chronic fatigue syndrome and long Covid, especially if you exclude the symptoms ascribable to organ damage.

>> No.12407086

Covid mainly affects old people, old people usually have memory problems

>> No.12407094
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>> No.12407095 [DELETED] 

What do you bet all three of those men are circumcised and unvaccinated? They're probably even unclamped. Did you know that many orthodox Jews don't vaccinate? Aside from some who got the polio shot way back.

>> No.12407127

long covid doesn't exist. it is a forced meme used to reify a permanent pandemic. 8 yuan has been deposited into your account

>> No.12407144

Had corona 3 months ago. 100% fine. I almost pity all the cowards out there and the few weak enough to be harmed by it.

>> No.12407558

Now is time when they introduce chips to help you get better :)

>> No.12407573

When are we going to nuke China in retaliation for this?

>> No.12407597


>> No.12407606

dude you're literally brainwashed. there's no other way to explain this kind of obnoxious, irrational behaviour. anything vaguely running counter what the media says triggers you and you become senseless.

>> No.12407609

Why do all these spergs get so butthurt about covid

>> No.12407610

it's not. i remember exactly what happened because we were all excited for something big and the fact that the world was basically ignoring it was alarming. they went 180 when it set in and can't give up now that it's revealed to be nothing.

>> No.12407629

I had Covid last June and was totally fine, but am starting to develop symptoms of dizziness and fatigue. It's very odd and concerning.

>> No.12407635
File: 243 KB, 680x709, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The virus is actually a hoax perpetuated by global satanic pedophile elites

>> No.12407674

>will get

>> No.12407693

>dizziness and fatigue

I got this after I became a depressed piece of shit. Once I got my shit together it went away and I'm normal.

So now covid lockdowns are ruining peoples lives and they are getting depressed and symptoms of depression will be examples of covid effects.

>> No.12407823

wow you really had me there for a second. but the tone of the text alone gives it away that it's written by some amateur. looking up what the website is about and who hosts it was the rest of it.

>> No.12408013

Not everyone wants to spend their lives in a basement.

>> No.12408083

Remember the general state of people's health. I was walking around my town yesterday and it struck me that cars have become essentially giant wheelchairs. Literally 90% of drivers are/were obese, or ancient, or both

>> No.12408363

2nd, 3rd and 4th places in the Darwin Awards. Losers.

>> No.12408366

Sounds like you're on the wrong website normie

>> No.12408373


>> No.12408387

same. Also anyone under 80 is obese

>> No.12408400

>85+ people (majority of deaths) have memory problems and cognitive disfunction
Shocking. When will this society realize people actually have to die some day, preferably when they are not vegetable for half a decade?

>> No.12408407

biggest strawmen I have ever seen

>> No.12408436

the mechanism is selling panic for profit because boomers had pain in the back and knees and mixed up grandsons name one time

>> No.12408482

I'm 90% sure its a placebo effect.

I think its more likely people's mental health is bad because the world is boring and feels a little hopeless right now.

The brain and mind is a rather infinite thing.

>> No.12408548

>I had Covid last June and was totally fine, but am starting to develop symptoms of dizziness and fatigue. It's very odd and concerning.

Does it get worse with exercise?

>> No.12408657

You just dont remember feeling bad anon, the memory loss is already starting!

>> No.12408795

I can already see this becoming the new ADHD.
>oh doctor, my son is retarded, what can I do?
>he must have long lasting covid consequences, m'am
>but he never got i-
>NO MATTER! He probably wasn't tested. And if he was it was a false negative. Here, buy these pills and come back every month.

>> No.12408828

ADHD should be enough proof to consider psychiatry a pseudoscience. I mean, an illness that seems to only exist in American children... Half of my childhood friends would've been diagnosed with ADHD if they were born in America.

>> No.12408944

And I'm sure it's not. I'm sure COVID is getting hidden in neural tissue and slowly dissolves brain.

>> No.12408968

>muh death rate
Is this all you idiots can argue about? OP isn't about deaths you moron.

>> No.12408990

Same, but I got it in January. Probably from some Chinese students. I also developed heart palpitations which is a major fucker.

Not him. For me, it does. I sometimes can't even masturbate because close to orgasm my heart starts pounding itself out of my chest.

>> No.12409031

he's not laughing at the people with such problems, he is laughing at the conclusion that those problems are caused by the koronka

>> No.12409035

Brain derived neurothropic factor agonist is cure.

I have tried to convice pharmaceutical company into putting it on market but they refused.

>> No.12409048

Have you had a cardiological examination?

>> No.12409049
File: 1.02 MB, 1400x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Approximately one quarter of all people lack the ability to effectively process mold toxin. Mold exposure builds up over time. When the body's immune system is compromised, the symptoms of mold toxicity can begin to show.

Many of these covid long-haul symptoms are similar to those of mold toxicity. Further, since the 1970s, building standards have led to mold being an issue in something like half of American homes.

Given the above, I think scientists need to seriously consider whether mold toxicity and perhaps similar forms of toxicity aren't responsible for the symptoms we're seeing.

>> No.12409061

You think mold exposure made them more sensitive to COVID-19, or the other way around? I have a coworker who worked in a mold infested building. She developed chronic sinus and lung infections until she switched jobs. All of the respiratory issues slowly went away once she was out of the building. Mold is nasty stuff.

>> No.12409073

Other way around. COVID-19 could have overwhelmed the immune system's ability to cope with the mold toxicity, allowing those symptoms to express themselves.

>> No.12409076
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If you take the vaccine, you are pledging allegiance to the antichrist system and you will not be redeemable through the blood of Jesus Christ.
It is an rna vaccine that will change you into a non-human and your soul will go to hell.

>> No.12409123
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>> No.12409137

I lived in a mold building for years, but since I left do I still have mold spores in me that will show the toxicity if I get covid?

>> No.12409181


>> No.12409204

Approximately one quarter of all people have a genetic mutation of the protein HLA-DR which impairs the ability to process biotoxins. There are genetic tests for this. There also are tests where you can mail your frozen piss to a lab to check your mold toxin levels. Unfortunately these urine labs aren't perfect because the sickest people will be unable to excrete the toxin, throwing off the test results.

As for you specifically, dunno.

>> No.12409389

I am officialy positive.
I had one day of high fever, other than that coofing started 2 days into it. No smell taste loss, slightly noticable dizziness and intense fucking muscle and bone pains, independent of fatigue and body temperature. This one is a bitch. Unless i take painkillers i cannot make myself to do anything other than staying in bed.
No noticable cognitive loss, already started intelectually working yesterday (doable on meds). Other inmates have noticable headaches.
Thanks for reading my blog post. Ama, cant sleep anyway and have nothing to do tommorow.

>> No.12409407

covid isn't even real lol

>> No.12409414
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>> No.12409716

>Other inmates have noticable headaches.
I'm glad they give you access to the internet, anon.

>> No.12409815


>> No.12409937

This is retard tier.
It's a hoax to start.
But then these are literally just things the general population has.
Have you SEEN the general population?
This is just how people are.

>> No.12409942

Wickedest hoax ever, killed over a million people.

>> No.12410020

>10-35% of the population may have been, "on the spectrum", as it were

>> No.12410031

I'm willing to buy this honestly. I also have pretty bad panic attacks so I'm guessing that plays a part too.
Exercise is fine honestly, I'm not out of breath at all or weaker. I get waves of extreme dizziness, brain fog, and confusion. Also body aches at night.

>> No.12410052

These are symptoms of a major depressive episode

>> No.12410092

I've heard the same thing from everybody I've known who's had it. Not a single person I know has died. None of them have even been hospitalized.

>> No.12410103

>chronic fatigue syndrome
Is literally just lazy hypochondriacs.

>> No.12410107

I know a 30-year-old who ended up on a ventilator for two weeks. She had no preexisting conditions. Your experience may vary.

>> No.12410109

I doubt you do.

>> No.12410137

Of course you doubt it, because it doesn't fit your narrative, but it happened.

>> No.12410145

It probably didn't happen.

>> No.12410161

Sure, and you probably know someone who had a serious infection.

>> No.12410168

>you probably know someone who had a serious infection.
That's not true but you're saying it, which confirms my gut instinct that you're a liar.

>> No.12410207

The fact that you think I'm lying makes me think you're a natural liar, otherwise you wouldn't be so convinced I'm lying, which means you probably do know someone who had a serious infection.

>> No.12410237
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There's been a gazillion threads about this already, but why is there such a big association between autism/extremely online people and transgenders?

Why does every transgender ever play smash bros?

>> No.12410288

The hallucinations only start in the second week

>> No.12410503

kek that's how Trump responds to every question and retards think he's being intelligent and "telling it like it is"

really puts the intelligence of the average American into perspective

>> No.12410534

>You’re right. The virus is actually a hoax perpetuated by global satanic pedophile elites.
all conspiracies can be better explained by the immense number of retards like you

>> No.12410535

oh no the flu fucked up some terminally ill and venerable old fucks. truly the end of times. who remembers when the corona bed wetters said it caused infertility and some hyper inflammatory syndrome in children? all ended up being BS.

>> No.12410540


sounds like typical flu symptoms.

>> No.12410548


that's exactly what happened though, you brainwashed garbage human.

>> No.12410559


nope, those videos are fake lol. what, you think the chinese police would film themselves yanking people off the streets? some of those videos looked professionally made. china's economy has grown while the rest of the world is still in recession. the unironically did this to fuck america over and score dominance over the world. look how hard their acting towards australia right now.

i swear your average NPC normieretard has a short memory because its like they've already forgotten about the antics in the south china sea and the showdown in hong kong.

>> No.12410618

Clamped lol

>> No.12410644

God, when did this board get infested by redditors? Please, fuck off. You retards treat covid like if it were the new smallpox.

>> No.12410648

Yes, but they found nothing except for some minor "transmission disturbance", I forgot the correct term, that they told me not to worry about. Other than that my heart seems healthy, so it's probably neurological. Or a blood clot somewhere. I have no idea and doctors don't take it seriously.

>> No.12410649

>You retards treat covid like if it were the new smallpox.
that's pol

>> No.12410653

>the rest of the world is still in recession.
What? lol

>> No.12410691

>Is literally just lazy hypochondriacs.
It's an actual illness with an extremely bad name and no official biomarker yet (there are however some experimental ones).
There is so much disinformation and bullshit surrounding it (just put chronic fatigue syndrome in the youtube search bar to get an idea, it's 95% bullshit and 5% actual research, and I'm being generous).
It's a pretty safe assumption that a sizeable subset of long Covid patients actually have CFS.

>> No.12410752

Walking is un-American.

>> No.12410765

Trump is just playing with your little mind.

>> No.12410778

How do i turn this into portfolio gains?

>> No.12410834

They all died of old age

>> No.12411320

no it doesn't you wetard

>> No.12411375

>Actual illness
>No biomarkers
Okay, guess I'm calling my boss today I got some CFS, can't work today.

>> No.12411408

>no biomarkers == can't be diagnosed
You weren't the brightest kid in school, huh?

>> No.12411419

Meanwhile there are definitely no longterm effects from isolating yourself in your home for years and never seeing other human beings

>> No.12411432

>isolating yourself in your home
>never seeing other human beings
Nobody does that though. Are you living in a fantasy world? Maybe you should leave your mom's basement at times.

>> No.12411525

No *official* biomarkers. There is at least a promising one in development which seems to work quite well. Moreover there are a lot of immunological and metabolic abnormalities in people with CFS, hardly a thing you can fake. CFS has only being studied seriously for the last 5 years, and only because the son of a famous scientist got ill.

>> No.12411527

sounds more like depression to me?

>> No.12411530

>works on my maschin

>> No.12411537

Brainlet answer.

>> No.12411619

Retard reply.
OP, that article is fat peopel and nerds coping with the fact they are in constant physical misery from lack of excercise, and they are using china plague hysteria to blame.

>> No.12411717

>thats why in no country it suprassed the flu in death rate
It did idiot

>> No.12411721

Yes, they clamp vaccinate circumcise fluoridate brominate chlorimate aluminate, I know.

>> No.12411775

why are you doing this OP?

>> No.12411789

Any study can be created to prove anons opinion. Truth is subjective.

>> No.12411819

What kind of shit website is that?

>> No.12411834


>> No.12411948

interesting article but I have some objections on applying to humans. Namely its the mass that can absorb and block radio waves, lowering the ability to create radicals.
Also the group of rats is very low n=6
Have you found any follow ups that apply it to humans?

>> No.12411995


>> No.12412000

that is exactly what happened
they even said human to human transmission isnt possible LOL

>> No.12412004

but it's not a lie. SHow me one (1) statistic that shows, that more people died of COVID than of the flu.

>> No.12412010

I don't use normie media

>> No.12412021


>> No.12412576

>OP, that article is fat peopel and nerds coping with the fact they are in constant physical misery from lack of excercise,
Literally a meme

>> No.12412622
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like pottery.
>HURR DURR you are just depressed
>HURR DURR just exercise more
It's not like we haven't seen this before:
And the medical community is like
>HURR DURR we haven't seen this before
It's all so tiresome...

>> No.12412638

you're just a faggot and your genetics are garbage. Virus has nothing to do with it.

>> No.12412721

Neurons do not have the ACE2 receptor used by Covid-19, you fucking retard. The loss of smell is due to epithelium in the nose being affected.
Do you even science bro?

>> No.12412838

Glucose metabolism in the brain has also been hypothesized for the smell/taste loss, which could explain why some people have sudden shifts in smell and taste perception.

>> No.12412867

Reddit is primarily zoomers though

>> No.12412892

Irrelevant. It was found in the brain and did damage there.

>> No.12412964

Expression of ACE2 in Human Neurons Supports the Neuro-Invasive Potential of COVID-19 Virus

The recent outbreak of 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by a novel coronavirus, has now spread quickly worldwide. Like the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), this novel type of coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, has been demonstrated to utilize angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as an entry point to the cells. There is a growing body of reports indicating that COVID-19 patients, especially those in severe condition, exhibit neurological symptoms, thus supporting the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 could infect and damage neurons within the central nervous system in humans. Using human pluripotent stem cells-derived neurons, here we show the expression of ACE2 in human neurons via immunocytochemistry. From this perspective, we elaborate on the idea that the neuro-invasive potential of SARS-CoV-2 should be considered as a possible contributory factor, as well as a therapeutic target, for the severe respiratory symptoms in critical COVID-19 cases.

>> No.12413434

Chink commie propaganda.

>> No.12413554

Kek. this is dumb, you are the dumb. A tweet. A fucking tweet. Consider yourself reported.

>> No.12413927

You guys are fags

>> No.12413947


>> No.12413950


>> No.12413970

AIDS, probably from getting gangbanged by niggers.

>> No.12414002

we have got to do something about these antimaskers and corona deniers endangering society. One of these days someone who has lost family members is just going to snap and start shooting up their 'protests' and probably end up in prison for it, which is a great tragedy.

>> No.12414128

So the same as the flu

>> No.12414309

I'm not the Anon you replied to, just curious. Does the immune system have any handle on neural infections? Can it somehow attack pathogens that entered neural pathways?

>> No.12414459

Yes it can, there are some kind of immune cells in your brain too.

>> No.12414564

>2% of the population get it and 20% of 2% suffer chronic...
So .004 percent of the population?
Calm down

>> No.12414798

Ok, thanks. That's good.

>> No.12414839

0.4% you forgot to multiply by 100.

>> No.12414973

>>2% of the population get it
That's an insanely low estimate that depends on the measures taken.

>> No.12415829

This. The dopamine-driven feedback loop of social media will mess up people's brain chemistry and be really hard to undo, especially with culture changing and social media improving at keeping users addicted.

>> No.12415897


>> No.12417353

>If you're under 60 it's essentially harmless.
imagine STILL thinking this lmfao. yes my 27 year old friend has no taste or smell, mental fog, reduced cardio, and whatever else is going to come from it is ESSENTIALLY HARMLESS. ahhahahahahahahah

>> No.12417465

Nurse friend had it. No symptoms at all except that she can't smell anything. It's been a month now and she's afraid it'll never come back.

>> No.12417475

>Blue checkmark
>Independent-fact-checker approved
Guaranteed bullshit with those two aspects. How many people under 60 do you know suffering the "severe effects of long COVID"? Why do we only ever speak in terms of anecdotal case studies, rather than epidemiology, when it comes to such cases?

>> No.12417479

Your friend is obese and a rare case scenario.

>> No.12417485

15% of the population smokes in the UK - that hits 30% if they vape
Over half of the UK population is overweight and 1 in 3 is obese
This is the same for other developed nations too (even worse in many example cases). Our population is already fucking disabled.

>> No.12417490

yep I think I have this. was sick for a week and afterwards I felt permanently dreamy and like it's hard to focus on a memory or recall info easily from long term memory. I hope based plasticity and serotonergic drugs help me out.

>> No.12417501

>serotonergic drugs
What are you taking?

Had covid a couple of months ago, I've recovered slightly from long covid, but there are so many weird things going on with my body I've never had before.. All sorts of aches and pains. I have had a constant migraine for 3 months, and it refuses to go away. Constant exhaustion, inability to focus, weird heart rate issues and tightness/pinching.. It's really no fun. I'm young and have no comorbidities as well, other than having previously been a smoker.

>> No.12417727

More like psychological
Sounds like the standard recipe of side effects in every drug trial including placebos

>> No.12417808


Many suffering weren't hospitalized.

>> No.12417812


>> No.12417942

>All sorts of aches and pains. I have had a constant migraine for 3 months, and it refuses to go away. Constant exhaustion, inability to focus, weird heart rate issues and tightness/pinching.. It's really no fun.
Welcome to the club. Rest as much as possible and hope it goes away.

>> No.12418033

that was a vaccine test I thought?

>> No.12418307

>I-It's just the flu bro

>> No.12418323

I had it I still haven't gotten all my taste and smell back.

And yeah I'm kind of not doubting this post..
Do you see how cold they are? I'm the space n***** they hate...

>> No.12418352

>How many people under 60 do you know suffering the "severe effects of long COVID"?
>Why do we only ever speak in terms of anecdotal case studies, rather than epidemiology, when it comes to such cases?
Because these cases are extremely difficult to quantify. We can't even properly trace infections and contacts, because we never cared to improve our medical infrastructure. We just don't have the resources to monitor each victim for long times right now.

Question for you: why is it that when any case is mentioned people instantly jump to "hurrr he had preconditions, was fat, rare case" when this is clearly not confined to such conditions? It's even mentioned on the WHO and CDC websites.
>even in young and healthy individuals

>> No.12418361

>I had it I still haven't gotten all my taste and smell back.
>And yeah I'm kind of not doubting this post..

I got it in February. Permanent heart damage, dizziness and brain fog so far.

>> No.12418362

I had the same in the beginning of the year, end of January. Took a bit more than three months until the migraines went away, heart rate issues almost six months and they're sometimes coming back. Exhaustion went away after six months as well. Inability to focus took about five months.
I still have tightness and stinging pain in the chest and sometimes heart palpitations, plus an inexplicable back pain, but it's almost fine again, focusing and energy are back.
There's still hope, guys.

>> No.12418368

Boomers and zoomers = immigrants and trannies

>> No.12418370

>plus an inexplicable back pain

It's your heart causing the back pain. I have it as well from Covid. I'm 30 years old and fit.

>> No.12418426

That would suck. I'm 31 and used to go rock climbing, skiing, running, swimming, rather fit as well.
If it's the heart, what exactly is causing it? Inflammation?

>> No.12418448



>> No.12418499

>There's still hope, guys.
Eh, it's been 15 years for me, assuming it's the same postviral thing.

>> No.12418520

The flu can also cause or worsen chronic health conditions, retard.

>> No.12418522

>no comorbidities except I damaged a part of my body the virus attacks

>> No.12418526

10-35% is huge fucking error bars.

>> No.12418527


>> No.12418553

Im nearly 100% sure I caught covid in late January, Im in the first state with confirmed cases, and I am in the same area the first case was found. I was sick for a month, terrible body aches and pains, I couldnt sleep, Id cough so hard my lungs would hurt. I was so weak I couldn't even open my cold medicine. After two weeks I was still sick but able to function, I thought I had gotten sick again. Almost everyone in my house had it, an older lady who lived with me almost went to the hospital because she couldn't breathe.

We're all doing fine now, COVID is overblown, but I can easily see how that kills people and it is indeed serious. But maybe we shouldn't have caused 2/3rds of businesses in my small suburb to shut down permanently.

>> No.12418566

>We're all doing fine now
>COVID is overblown
Can you see the flawed logic in there?

>> No.12418580

How are those at all in conflict? When I have streptococcal am I doing fine? No, but after it has passed I am fine.

Especially within the context of what this thread is about: anecdotally, we are not experiencing any lingering effects. Meaning, we are fin, you absolute sperg. Just because something can be bad doesn't mean it can't be overblown.

>> No.12418624

>anecdotally, we are not experiencing any lingering effects. Meaning, we are fin, you absolute sperg.
Who are "we" in this case? You and your family?
Because, if you hadn't noticed, there are potentially millions of new disabled people worldwide.
We should've handled this shit better, but this is NOT just the flu, you fucking imbecile.

>> No.12418629

>No, but after it has passed I am fine.
The point of this thread is that people develop chronic problems after having COVID. You are fine, but other people are not.

>> No.12418649

>this is not the flu
Where the fuck did I compare it to the flu. I said it was serious and easily see how it could kill people. The only thing I said that that triggered your absolute reddit brain is that it's overblown. Which it is. Covid isnt fun and no it's not good. But it isn't the fucking plague and I really dont think I should've not only lost my job, but had the local economy and business wiped out because the failures of the lockdowns.
Youre right, Im adding my 2 cents to the pile of anecdotal evidence. In my case sample size of about 4 people (one of which an senior smoker with emphysema), all doing alright almost a year out from infection. If people are literally turning retarded from covid, that's not good. I just didn't have that happen.

>> No.12418663

You'll have no money for science with trannies and illegals getting all of it, idiot and it won't matter once most of the population becomes sub 90 IQ.

>> No.12418674

>fatigue and body temperature. This one is a bitch. Unless i take painkillers i cannot make myself to do anything other than staying in bed.
>No noticable cognitive loss, already started intelectually working yesterday (doable on meds).
NSAIDS drastically increase the risk of stroke and cardiovascular consequences of COVID-19 as well as increase viral proliferation. The pain is a good thing, smooth brain. It is a signaling mechanism that something is wrong. You shouldn't take anything other than zinc and vitamin D if you catch it.

>> No.12418678

>NSAIDS drastically increase the risk of stroke and cardiovascular consequences of COVID-19 as well as increase viral proliferation.

>> No.12418707

A tweet from a literal who with no links to any actual data or science probably wanting you to donate money to some stupid shit. Wow great work OP, great contribution to this board you stupid fucking cunt

>> No.12418732

I know, I know, it doesn't count.

>> No.12418788

>ad hominem
lol he's in denial

>> No.12418797

>implying mds know shit
these are the same faggots who didn't even have basic supplies at their clinics, they were shopping at hardware stores for masks with other plebs

>> No.12418979

They were prescribed by my doc.

>> No.12419019

Clamped, can’t even read straight he’s so upset lol.
t. Unhealthy slob

>> No.12419022


>> No.12419035

>zinc and vitamin D
Has been debunked. Those studies basically said that because cases are more severe in the winter, and people get less vitamin D from the sun in the winter, it must be the vitamin D.
It's actually the weather causing your neck to be dry that's the issue here.

>> No.12419055

You aren't brave enough to put darkies in positions where they control the life and death of Jews and white Good Goys. Just try it and we will all laugh as they kill of the Covid pushers for "dissin" them. You know it's true.

>> No.12419235

I am pretty sure the claims your pic makes is more related to hospitalization itself than COVID especially when you end up in intensive care and get pumped full of drugs. I known enough people who went there and came out numb.

>> No.12419246


>> No.12419259

We won't know the full impact for years after the hype dies down.
Part of me hopes to see a future where 20% of the US is literally retarded, as an outsider of course.

>> No.12419268

so the new scam is to pretend it has permanent lifelong hard to detect effects so that tyrannical society keeps going?

>> No.12419274

That's been said since the very beginning you numbnut.

>> No.12419281

>Part of me hopes to see a future where 20% of the US is literally retarded
It would be an improvement

>> No.12420663

We went through this in another thread. Vitamin D is legit. So is zinc, probably.

>> No.12420826

Just wipe the fucking boomers out already

>> No.12421479

Cognitive dissonance can cause actual, physical pain when it gets severe enough and these guys have been all in on the nothingburger train for the better part of a year at this point.

>> No.12421627

>my anecdote trumps your anecdote

>> No.12421701

>It's just a flu bro
>It's harmless unless you are old or have pre-existing conditions
>Yes, some young people are affected but they are a tiny minority.
>What do you mean some people don't recover? There is no such thing as long Covid.
You are here
>There is such thing as long Covid, but it only affects a tiny fraction of patients
>Long Covid affects 20% of patients, but it's not that bad
>Long Covid is disabling, but I'm pretty sure we will find a treatment

Please don't respond with a basedjac variant or with a reference to trannies, it's super low IQ at this point.

>> No.12421714

that webpage has been used in court and half its length is citations, you retard. actually the reason is it referenced itself is because it contains copies of inaccessible material, original research, and original translations.

>> No.12421778

Some young people die from flu and some people get permanent effects from it too. The facts are that it's essentially safe and there are essentially no long term effects just like flu.

>> No.12421877

>The facts are that it's essentially safe and there are essentially no long term effects just like flu.
And the Earth is flat

>> No.12421879

Just because science disagrees with you doesn't mean you are retarded... wait actually it might mean exactly that.

>> No.12421902

There are people who haven't recovered from Covid in this very thread. I hope you are just trolling, but it's hard to tell nowadays.

>> No.12421912

There are people who haven't recovered from flu in this very thread, it's called an anecdote and it's worthless.

>> No.12421940


>> No.12421957

And permanent flu symptoms also exist? You need better shilling points since these ones aren't really working out for you.

>> No.12421985

>And permanent flu symptoms also exist?
Yes, you mong. Look up Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
>inb4 it doesn't exist
Every infection has the potential of producing chronic effects, but before Covid this phenomenon was dismissed by doctors and common people alike. What is different this time is that a lot of people are falling (very) ill at the same time, plus people can communicate via internet, so it can't be easily dismissed this time.
A similar thing has happened after SARS, but the SARS numbers were too low for people to notice.

>> No.12422002

>Every infection has the potential of producing chronic effects
Yes, which doesn't really make covid any special on that front. Considering it's death rate it's basically just flu.

>> No.12422069

It isn't.

Etc etc.

>> No.12422073

>falling back to muh death rate
The most obvious marker of an idiot.

>> No.12422086

It's not falling back, I demolished your argument and the death rate is just the nail in the coffin.

>> No.12422112

Go back to pol you imbecile. The hospital in the city next to mine is covid only.
>It's just the flu
The mantra of the moron

>> No.12422123

>The mantra of the moron
Fact of a scientist

>> No.12422137
File: 68 KB, 495x745, special people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing Hollywood is now immune to the virus.

>> No.12422144


lol why do you leftist creepers making shit up? there are no overflowing hospitals. there is not a single shed of evidence for these claims. yet ive actually seen the opposite, empty hospitals.

>> No.12422147

Show me the numbers, scientist

>> No.12422149

Stop your pathetic trolling attempts, Shlomo.

>> No.12422183


show me evidence of hospitals overflowing with covid 19 patients.

>> No.12422212


>> No.12422214

Nope. I remember it clearly. The original leftie position was that corona was nothing and only schitzo racist xenophobes believed in it.

Then once they realized it was a free pass to wreck society and institute authoritarian policies they jumped on it big time, and the right wing, being largely reactionary against the left, took the opposite position.

>> No.12422240

This is why se can't have nice things anymore
>They believe X, therefore I must believe not(x)
The west is fucking screwed

>> No.12422258

Current total deaths for the year in the USA:
2,654,825 for 11 months out of 12, project that up to 12 -> 2896173, lets's say 2900k for the sake of simplicity
Deaths for a reference year (2018) 2,839,205
Were looking at an excess of maybe 50k deaths, basically population growth level of increase. Covid has been attributed about 250k of those deaths. Obviously those numbers don't add up but when you consider influenza, heart disease and others have lowered (mostly due to all deaths with coronavirus being attributed as coronavirus deaths eliminating all influence deaths and lot of heart disease). Essentially no one is dying from it, any more than people normally die from flu or other conditions.
Even using the CDC raw data for the virus itself you arrive at 1% mortality which is the maximum cap, the true number is lower as the number of infected vs positives is going to have much greater error than number of dead vs dead with covid and as we can see from above dying with covid isn't the same as dying from covid.
Considering those factors we are basically arrived to what amounts to an above average but still basicaly insignificant common cold season. American numbers are also the ones most "for" covid as testing is poor and hospitals are eager to mark dead people down for covid for economic and political reasons. You could just as well look at european or dare I say asian numbers and arrive for even milder disease by the numbers.
To further kill the meme we could also take a look at the age division. 95% of the deaths occur to people older than 50, 80% to people aged 65 or more. As we can see the disease is overall about as dangerous as flu and only really dangerous to retired or bit younger if obese.


We desperately need more free helicopter rides.

>> No.12422326

And before you start screeching how all life is precious or something of that nature you must consider the death in proportion to the actions taken.
Let's say covid will kill a whole million people and the result is lockdowns, guaranties total shutdown of international trade and travel as well as destruction of economy and all the lives lost thanks to that in future suicides or inability to afford healthcare or what ever. But surely it's all worth it.
Consider then that smoking kills 500k people a year and the only action against that has been what banning it in restaurants? Putting the nation on a "smoking lockdown" for 4 months would basically reduce those deaths by at least 90%, maybe even effectively eliminate it alltogether and that's effectively permanent solution. Cost? The lockdown doesn't even need to be physical, just bad the production and sale of tobacco. Maybe you lose the taxes from that but it's more than made up in various savings.
Obesity? Kills million a year and probably another 500k just the strain on healthcare. Easily solved by a mandatory lard camp.
Maybe your excuse is that those are things people are killing themselves with which is somehow OK despite it being a huge drain to the society and your finances even if it doesn't personally effect you (people still die from the drain on the hospitals so that's a moot point). What about AIDS? Killed a million people, just by executing or at least locking up 10k gays at the start all those people could have been saved. What about flu, killed way more people than covid ever could, no actions taken even though a permanent lockdown could save them.
etc. etc.
It's thus clear that the response to covid is hysteric and unproportional. And while saving lives is a good thing shilling for political gains while being dishonest, not so much.

>> No.12422336

A lot of assumptions in your post.
First, these are the numbers with the lockdown measures enacted. Without them we would be in a much, much worse situation. In March, in Bergamo the death rate skyrocketed so much that the bodies of the dead had to be transported away by the army. Totally just the flu.
Moreover there is compelling evidence that covid causes chronic issues. Even if it was just a flu ( it isn't) it would be a crippling flu.
Finally if it wasn't for a certain subset of the population that was autistically screaming "muh privacy", we could've had effective tracing, negating the need for lockdowns.

>> No.12422377

>A lot of assumptions in your post.
Just numbers and science, ill point out assumptions here
>First, these are the numbers with the lockdown measures enacted
Other nations have less of lockdowns and less deaths, US numbers are very exagerated as it was said. The lockdowns simply haven't been effective.

>Without them we would be in a much, much worse situation.
Not by much when looking at other nations. E.g. just a hyperbole to sound more neurotic from you.

>In March, in Bergamo the death rate skyrocketed so much that the bodies of the dead had to be transported away by the army.
The 2 explanations for this are
1) the disease magically mutated into very deadly and then mutated to be not deadly immediately
2) it's an anecdote you pulled off a tabloid where the half truth is that the local morgue was simply overwhelmed (because it was a 1 unit corpse burner), the army wasn't actually needed but since it was called in preemptively they were used
Think carefully which one makes more sense

>Moreover there is compelling evidence that covid causes chronic issues
Ye no, even your own wikipedia puts it at 2% for 3 months which isn't even so bad, with most of the "long term symptoms" being psychological in nature e.g. just as well explained by stress of media blasting you about covid and lockdowns. Again the actual long term effects can exists, they just aren't practical consideration.

>If people didn't resist light harassing we could have harassed them more
Again hysteric and unproportional. You don't track AIDS spreaders by their phones despite it being essentially 100% lethal and 100% long term consequences, apparently intentionally giving aids to someone is totally fine but a disease that has 0.1% chance to kill you (lot less if you aren't geriatric and obese) warrants that. This is why you are political shill.

>> No.12422400

>there are no overflowing hospitals.
That's where you messed up. There are overflowing hospitals but there are always overflowing hospitals somewhere. Healthcare needs are not spread uniformly across the country and at times peaks and valleys in demand develop, sometimes seemingly at random. The doomers are going to be able to point to overflowing hospitals somewhere and use that to refute you even though there's always a hospital somewhere overflowing.

>> No.12422407

> inmates

>> No.12422413

If it turned out covid was entirely fake i would still support the lockdowns.

>> No.12422697

>with most of the "long term symptoms" being psychological in nature e.g. just as well explained by stress of media blasting you about covid and lockdowns
You are full of shit. Breathlessness, neurological symptoms, heart issues are hardly psychological.
Don't bother to respond. You are an idiot.

>> No.12422757

>>In March, in Bergamo the death rate skyrocketed so much that the bodies of the dead had to be transported away by the army.
>The 2 explanations for this are
>1) the disease magically mutated into very deadly and then mutated to be not deadly immediately
>2) it's an anecdote you pulled off a tabloid where the half truth is that the local morgue was simply overwhelmed (because it was a 1 unit corpse burner), the army wasn't actually needed but since it was called in preemptively they were used
>Think carefully which one makes more sense
Dude you fucking what?
If you can read italian:
All’interno di questo raggruppamento le province più colpite dall’epidemia hanno pagato
un prezzo altissimo in vite umane, con incrementi percentuali dei decessi nel mese di marzo 2020,
rispetto al marzo 2015-2019, a tre cifre: Bergamo (568%), Cremona (391%), Lodi (371%), Brescia
(291%), Piacenza (264%), Parma (208%), Lecco (174%), Pavia (133%), Mantova (122%), Pesaro
e Urbino (120%).

Source: https://www.istat.it/it/files/2020/05/Rapporto_Istat_ISS.pdf

Those are the death rate increments in March 2020 in respect to the same period in 2015-2019. In Bergamo it was +568%. Just the flu bro.
This is public information you know.

>> No.12422774

Not even the same person I was just pointing out how it's retarded to counter "It's just flu" with "ZOMG I knew 20 y/o powerlifting olympian whos was on a vent and now has only 40% lung capacity'" I had a grandparent die from (((COVID))) while the multitude of people I know who have got it that aren't old shrug it off. It isn't just the flu but it also isn't ebola or this crippling illness that will fuck you up for life and it certainly isn't worth shutting the world down

>> No.12422787

It's also public information that the actual death rate is low in Italy too. You can be hysteric and sensational all you want but reality will always win over shills.

>> No.12422904

The death rate in Italy is 3.5%. Maybe that's low for you, I don't know. Maybe since it's mostly old people and people with pre-existing conditions who die you don't care. BTW, this thread was about the chronic effects of Covid, not about death rates. If this is true there is a risk of potentially millions of people developing chronic health problems. With SARS 25% of survivors developed problems. It's too soon to say what percentage of Covid patients will go on to develop health issues, we will know in the following months.
And lockdowns are not the evil work of the jews. We have the technology to trace contacts, but people like you don't want a tracing app on their phones, because, well I don't know. An app that can be uninstalled after the pandemic and leave no trace. Taiwan, a democracy, did that and they are Covid free. But we can't because of morons like you.
But nooo, it's da joooos.

>> No.12422939

There won't really be chronic effects either and this thread is about fear porn and shilling. sci is a bad place to shill and you should really be doing it in pol but here you all are anyways.

>old people and people with pre-existing conditions who die
When the average death is above the life expectancy you are essentially losing nothing, the amount of collective man years you lose is very minimal and the next thing that would have taken them is already around the corner. When a 20 something dies from AIDS you just lost 60 years of life which is worth probably 60 covid deaths just from that. These are the realities of our world yet you are hysteric of one thing but not the other. Why is that?

>With SARS 25% of survivors developed problems
Problems that don't really matter. Take AIDS in comparison, it has killed a million, there are no "survivors" and while you are waiting to die you experience deliberating problems to your health and lifestyle. Why are you not concerned of that? Because locking up gays wouldn't get you votes.

>but people like you don't want a tracing app on their phones
Where's the tracing for AIDS? Flu? Gays? Criminals? A nigger is way more dangerous to my person and property than any disease that actually exists and yet they are allowed to roam free. It turns out the measures have nothing to do with preserving lives or lifestyle but about politics. Again you are trying to push hysteric and unproportional responses to further your political agenda (most likely because you are jewish)

>> No.12422967

>There won't really be chronic effects either
Who are you, Nostradamus?
>Problems that don't really matter.
You are a moron, if 25% of people with Covid developed chronic problems, like with SARS, it would be a fucking problem.
>Where's the tracing for AIDS? Flu? Gays? Criminals
You are an idiot. Apple and oranges.
Go back to pol.

>> No.12422986

>If 200% of people who get the common cold dies in a violent explosion it would be a fucking problem.
>A respiratory infection that kills some frail and elderly is an apple. Another respiratory infection that kills some frail and elderly is an orange! You can't compare them!
You have no right to call that guy an idiot when your own arguments were made by wiping your ass with your keyboard.

>> No.12422999

What's wrong with comparing diseases to each other?

>if 25% of people with Covid developed chronic problems,
Your own source stated the number of people experiencing 3 months of (mild) symptoms was in the 2% range which is low and insignificant + the symptoms aren't debilitating. It's objectively speaking not a big problem. Meanwhile AIDS is 100% of the time 100% problem and overall a larger problem even if the problem weight was even which it's not. It would thus make sense to mark AIDS carriers out so you could avoid them and issue harsh punishments for spreading it. But again that goes against your agenda so you must refuse these basic realities.

And again lockdowns will destroy peoples lives and kill people, much more than 250k just from coming suicide wave and lack of funding for hospitals and yet you don't advocate these same things for other things that destroy peoples livelyhoods or kill people because again your goal isn't to save people. In the real world it's better to cut 79's life shorter by 1 year to save 10k their jobs and livestyles.

>> No.12423001

Dude you can't compare AIDS to Covid. Come on.

>> No.12423012

Yes AIDS is orders of magnitude worse and it's being actively spread by the same people demanding lockdowns on covid.

>> No.12423017

>But again that goes against your agenda so you must refuse these basic realities.
I don't have an agenda. I don't care about the gays.
>And again lockdowns will destroy peoples lives and kill people
Because MORONS like you don't want an app installed on their phones.
YOU are the reason for lockdowns. YOU. Do you understand? It's YOUR fault. Not mine.

>> No.12423028

It's easy to avoid AIDS (just don't take it up the ass), Covid is airbone and extremely contagious and spreads orders of magnitudes faster than AIDS. Again, apples and oranges.
BTW, explain to me why a contact tracing app is bad? :-)

>> No.12423031

>I don't have an agenda
If you are advocating for lockdowns and tracking for covid but not for any of the other bigger problems (aids, niggers, obesity, smoking) then you do in fact have an agenda.

>Because MORONS like you don't want an app installed on their phones.
Do you push apps for AIDS or for criminals too?

>YOU are the reason for lockdowns.
Trying to quilt me won't work kike. There is no AIDS lockdowns or nigger concentration camps despite them being much bigger problems.

>> No.12423038

And it still manages to be less of a problem than AIDS

>BTW, explain to me why a contact tracing app is bad? :-)
Where's the contact tracing for niggers, they end more lives and destroy more property than any plague? Where's the contact tracing for AIDS?

Explain why objectively larger problems can't have the same level of caution taken against them but covid is something that must be tackled at all cost despite it being objectively small problem.

>> No.12423042

>You shoul've an app for nigggeeeeeerrss
Simply deranged

>> No.12423047

Your agenda is showing kike, you really need to take this shilling to pol, not many people will fall for it here.

>> No.12423048

>Where's the contact tracing for niggers, they end more lives and destroy more property than any plague? Where's the contact tracing for AIDS?
Where is the app for future school shooters lik you.

>> No.12423052

Day of the nose clipping is near.

>> No.12423062

You have no arguments.
You lost.

>> No.12423070

Your arguments got demolished ages ago kike. Literally from first post of the thread you have been losing.

>> No.12423073

And Trump will be the next president, LMAO.