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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 17 KB, 800x450, reddit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12398363 No.12398363 [Reply] [Original]

Where else do you guys go for online scientific discussions that is similar to 4chan format

Is Reddit unironically the second best place to interact in semi real-time conversations?

>> No.12398394

Reddit has more serious scientific discussions, and you are more likely to see actual scientists/PhDs.

>> No.12398405

But Reddit lacks free speech though. If you say anything that goes against the hive mind then you'll get punished for it. Your post will get downvoted to oblivion or deleted and you'll get banned from the subreddit

>> No.12398407

>But Reddit lacks free speech though. If you say anything that goes against the hive mind then you'll get punished for it. Your post will get downvoted to oblivion or deleted and you'll get banned from the subreddit

This. The reason why it was 4chan that unfied physics leading directly to the Cerebras Chip that is the literal fucking singularity is because we were allowed to talk freely here. We tried to unify physics on r/physics and they banned us. Reddit can eat shit and die.

>> No.12398410

>scientific discussion
if you have to ask this question you're an IFLS retard.

>> No.12398423

Reddit lacks the wacky shit /sci/ come up on the daily. I'm not even memeing, the place is so dry and humorless

>> No.12398431

You go to arxiv or nature or science or cell or pubmed or PRL (to name a few) for actual science
you go to 4chan(nel) for /sqt/ and reddit for ifls and brain cancer
actual science discussion happens at your university or job

>> No.12398443

Yeah agree, but 4chan has its share of censorship

Yeah i am its a hobby for me, so? yet you are the only one not adding anything relevant, jumping threads with pathetic remarks

>> No.12398482

As with most things on Reddit, it depends. Certain subreddits are good for discussion for topics you may be interested in. Any subreddits with major traffic are disasters to have a discussion on. This goes especially for things like /r/science.

>> No.12398523

If you want imageboards, Lainchan has programming stuff. There don't seem to be many dedicated math/science imageboards. 420chan has /stem/ but it's so slow that even non-science-related imageboards get more math/science threads.

>> No.12398527

go to university

>> No.12398533

>Reddit lacks the wacky shit /sci/ come up on the daily
/sci/ hasn't come up with good shit for 10 years

>> No.12398547

no u

>> No.12398548


Sci literally unified physics so you fuck right off

>> No.12398561

Schizo posting is more of a /pol/ or /x/ thing, but okay I give you Tooker and optimum theory.
Anything else?

>> No.12398568
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>actual science discussion happens at your university or job
Nobody in my lab knows about SENS.
How autistic would it be to give my labmates Ending Aging for xmas.

>> No.12398606

Lol, I fucking see you posting in every fucking thread
>fucking unified physics
Also saw you in the thread about theory being more common place than experiment.
Get a life man. What is wrong with you. You sound like a lunatic

>> No.12398620
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It seems kind of weird to me that so few scientists are even aware of this "ending aging" initiative. Is death such an integral part of our daily lives (lol) that people are now desensitized to it?

>> No.12398644

>call it schizo posting
>somehow I'm the lunatic

>> No.12398650

Loooool I knew it. Thanks for admitting.

>> No.12398651

t. schizo

>> No.12398655

>oh no how can we live without the /pol/ tourists shitposting about corona masks and dumbshit american zoomers without even a school-tier science understanding

>> No.12398795

Please let me know if you find one. For years I have looked for a decent relatively uncensored science forum thread which isn't too dry, isn't too full of cunts, isn't too full of moonhoaxers and perpetual motion nuts, and where clear rational thinking is sort of balanced with creative "outside the box" thinking. All written in understandable language rather than "fuck-you-study-biochemistry-for-6-years" technical jargon.

I gave up looking. So I am stuck here.

>> No.12398991

>second best
What's the first?

>> No.12399084

>TIL The sky is green because of the algae flying in the upper atmosphere +321 points; 4gold; 8silver.
>I read they get sucked into the upper atmosphere by the polar vortex. +442 points; 1 platinum; 8 gold; 7 silver
>It's the yellow dust you can see in spring. It's the algae that died in winter. +12 points; 1 silver.
>Come on people, this is nonsense, the sky is blue! -90 points

>> No.12399218

Physics stack exchange

>> No.12399309


>> No.12399893
File: 32 KB, 454x520, soy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit has more serious scientific discussions

>> No.12399975

Excuse me, I talked to REAL experts on r/science. We are educated and some of us even have PhDs. The upvote system ensures that only real science gets through. It's mature, it's realistic. I'm gonna go feed my dog now.

>> No.12399981

Well, yeah, people are held accountable for shit ideas and misinformation.

Just look at your response as proof.

>> No.12400011

What other anonymous image boards are there? there must be 4chan clones

>> No.12400026

>I gave up looking. So I am stuck here.
I used to use cripplechan
but then they pulled the plug on it after the whole christchurch falseflag gun grab

>> No.12400039

>shit ideas

genderchanging surgery may be detrimental to the individual

>> No.12400078

God i love this new world i actually talk in an ratio of 9:1 with people i never saw, have no idea how the look. And have nothing to do at all.
Its autist-paradise.

>> No.12400105

you seem to have typed in /sci/ but you meant to type in /pol/

>> No.12400161


>> No.12400201

LessWrong is great

>> No.12400232
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From my perspective as a biochemist and geneticist, /sci/ can be a bit rough for finding any good or interesting discussions. I have to sift through a lot of stupid shit here, especially from people from /pol/ who for some reason think their mentally impaired, circle-jerk opinions have any real-world value in my field. But occasionally there's some cool stuff, oftentimes it isn't worth the in-between time though. Reddit has more field value to me because of this.
But I'm sure this board might be better for computer, math, and physics people (maybe? idfk).
I just like the banter here better, and the interactions for more loose and less formal.

>> No.12400338
File: 255 KB, 716x724, 45 percent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be a woman
Imagine having any type of scientific pleasure and fulfillment from a website where the success of your posts comes from karma or upvotes instead than the quality of your ideas.
Completely retarded.

>> No.12400478

Do it faggot

>> No.12401621

people are aware of it its just wildly low on their radar because its soft immortality

>> No.12401626

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12401629

Karma and upvotes are directly tied to the visibility, and therefore success of your post you cretin. Reddit is dogshit but you dont even understand how its nested format works.

>> No.12402039

In a way you are everyone and noone at the same time, not sure what do to with this information though

>> No.12402042

Meant to reply to this >>12400078

>> No.12402359

while true, 90% of science is usually apolitical

>> No.12402364

99% of statistic is made up on the spot.

>> No.12402373

Never happened.

>> No.12402374

0 iq

>> No.12402379

yes and 100% of this foot up your ass

>> No.12402387
File: 671 KB, 426x597, man on high heel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 months fulltime
>2 months until I can start HRT
Why can't they start HRT before acting like something they're not?
Pic related took a much better route. Kept behaving as a true man while doing therapy until they were ready to transition fully.

>> No.12402449
File: 187 KB, 1500x2100, 1605612970807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer discussing and pontificating upon intellectually stimulating scientific topics on 4channel.org because I can say nigger and post phat anime braphogs

>> No.12402490

you have very low IQ

>> No.12402513

>Yeah agree, but 4chan has its share of censorship
No, it doesn't.

>> No.12402517

You have to go back.

>> No.12402525

Take your intellectual fascism back to plebbit. Censorship of ideas is social construct and is counter-intuitive to free-thought. Fuck off back to plebbit, your kind aren't welcome here.

>> No.12402527

>zero reading comprehension
Grats on being retarded.

>> No.12402543 [DELETED] 

do you know how to triforce?

▲ ▲

>> No.12402561

>Actual scientists/PhDs.
Reddit has a well documented phenomenon of users who lie about their education. Once these people cultivate minor celebrity on a sub, they either become a mod and snuff out criticism that way, or they are defended by the mob and any legitimate critics of those people are downvoted beyond visibility. Even the users with legitimate credentials are far more interested in minor celebrity than meaningful discussion.

>> No.12402759
File: 74 KB, 1080x622, 1606258485605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur a fucking retard u know that?
muh karma is a fucking popularity game, nigger it doesnt even matter.
just dont bring up race and iq and u get all the special stickers for gifted boys like u

>> No.12402788

Why the racism?

>> No.12402793

The vast majority of people haven't tasted death, just a small brush with it will easily change anyone into someone who wants to end aging. You'd be quite supersized how many of us in the anti-aging field have had near death experiences.

>> No.12402814

say hi to your wife's boyfriend

>> No.12402925

The remaining 1% is statistical error, right?

>> No.12403418
File: 241 KB, 890x768, 1602695492531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but theregular people there are retarded AF

>> No.12404960

Reddit has just too much Ritalin fuelled reputation building. 4ch is not bound by that.

So why was the science career general killed while people are still allowed to ask for advice on their careers in science?

>Where else do you guys go for online scientific discussions
I used to go to Slashdot but that has turned into a circus where "funny" is more important than "insightful" which in turn is more often than not just plain wrong. It is past rot. It is fully composted mulch.

Derek Lowe has very good stuff on chemistry in his blog and the discussions below are valuable.

>> No.12404962

>hive mind
weird way to spell reality.

>> No.12404974

Unironically go find a decent discord community in a specific subject and make some friends. This is the best way to get casual real time science talk in current year.
If you haven't used discord to find communities because you were told it's full of trannies, well it is, but it still has a lot of great communities.
/sci/ is too slow, and reddit is filled with redditors.

>> No.12405616
File: 108 KB, 655x918, 1603291310621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12405629

>But Reddit lacks free speech though.
this. i asked for a nootropic that is similar to nicotine that isn't a vasoconstrictor and my post was deleted.

>> No.12405630

/sci/ has furries, I see that as a positive point.

>> No.12405645

>interactions for more loose and less formal
The anonimity encourages people to let go of ego and that necessityof being approved. Since there's no social filter, believe it is i places like here where we trully interact with eachother. It's easier to be lighthearted, and to be sincere. The big irony is that here, through a totally un-humane interface, without any aspects of real life socialization, is where we can find quality human interaction.

>> No.12405671

Too much gate keeping on reddit. Reddit is everything wrong/rotten about academia. This place is lower quality in some ways but for different and far less important reasons.

>> No.12405693
File: 710 KB, 950x1299, __yakumo_yukari_and_toyosatomimi_no_miko_touhou_drawn_by_ashiyu_ashu_ashu__8e01d50f88d06bb53927c59e5b133ef6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the only reason I can think of other than generalized stochastic incompetence is that janitorial staff are unwilling to let /sqt/ break up into more generals for some reason or another.
It's particularly bad once you notice that most people on /sqt/ dislike giving advice and it's the kind of stuff that ends up in the tally pretty often.

>> No.12406041

> it would have cost you nothing to not have said that but yet you did

>> No.12406356

Memes aside, do not underestimate the value of free speech.

>> No.12406945

literally mathoverflow physicsoverflow edward witten and great mathematicians have posted there lol

>> No.12406952

>if you think reddit light is great, you must go to reddit

>> No.12407290

This. Legitimate scientific discussion will either happen at the job, at conferences or seminars, or in writing a review. If you want to get something out there, I'd recommend writing a review. Most PIs have outstanding requests, and they'll have grad students or postdocs write them. I wrote one after I defended and before I moved on to my postdoc, it was a worthwhile experience. Took more time than I thought (and, no, you can't repackage your dissertation intro chapter, as people say), but I was able to go through the field, highlight interesting work, identify some questions, and suggest new avenues to pursue.

I agree, this board leans towards physical sciences. I'm in the life sciences, in one of the quantitative fields, have training in both. Doesn't mean there aren't decent discussions here in biomedical/biological sciences, but I'd agree this is better for physics/math/computer people.

I don't have a account on Reddit, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about here? I've been there a few times, and I would say this isn't the case. Most discussions in my discipline top out at around a "lower-level graduate student" knowledge base. I don't think I've ever seen a discussion that would be appropriate for a senior-level grad student or post-doc.

>> No.12407298

They moderate it really hard so that it is the sole place on reddit that the top isn't some epic funny meme. I'm glad for that at least.

>> No.12407638

generally no. it has generic, boring stuff unless you're on more niche subreddits. it has a problem with good posts not getting upvoted too so you have to scroll all the way through to see shit that isn't incompetent yes-man.

>> No.12407645

weird way to spell you used a word i didn't like or you effortposted instead of some shitty quip
lmao gtfo redditor

>> No.12407660

yea it's a problem of a post being filtered through the perception of their status. actually people say 4chan is just made up, autistic stories but for the larger subreddits all of the OC is fake shit. you can't trust someone is saying something that actually happened or that they're who they say they are and have the motives they claim, for some reason redditors are habitual liars. like i get that some of it is unadmitted fiction and most people know but this seems to extend beyond those subs.

>> No.12408057

nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot

>> No.12408326

>minor celebrity on a sub, they either become a mod and snuff out criticism that way, or they are defended by the mob and any legitimate critics of those people are downvoted beyond visibility
I have experienced that a few times elsewhere, and it is always fora that allow downvoting that suffer the celebrity disease. I always go in as anonymous in these places even if it relates to a topic I have years of work experience in, and still get voted down and out. Celebrities always rules supremely over facts.