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12400348 No.12400348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the scientific reason for white and asian women being so attractive to males of all races? And to take this hypothesis further, is there something behind the statement that asian and white females are themselves attracted to Black males?

>> No.12400366
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why would women of any color be attracted to simians? Pro tip: they arent

>> No.12400367

Bro you already have a thread for this. the answer is socioeconomics. White/asian women are associated with status. Black men are exotic to young asian/white women so they want to "tame the beast" It happened in rome with the barbarians as well, roman women wanted to jump on that big strong barbar cock. Noy much more to it.

>> No.12400370

I'm a white male. Kissless, handholdless, slightly disabled (not hereditary), currently doing my PhD and 30k Euros in the bank. I'm not a "meme master" or whatever else you would like to call me.

I have worked across all of Europe. Paris, Berlin, Munich, Milano. Everywhere I have seen the same pattern. The most attractive women tend to date Black men. Heck, I have several Black friends who are married to white women.

I think we should just have an honest discussion about the fact that white males cannot compete with Black males. And there's nothing wrong with that. We should be proud that white males are the best crossdressers, really feminine and overall soft with big prostatas. Seriously, most Black man who are heterosexual still are into white boys. This should tell us something.

For hundreds of years we oppressed Black males no they are free and it shows. White women and asian women are drawn liker crazy to Black man

>> No.12400405
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>median net worth of 35 year old white woman
>45,000 USD

Median net worth of 35 year old black woman

>25,000 (but 40% higher income p/a)

Women/men also want genetic distance to inherit immunities that inbred populations haven't developed/passed on immunities to already.

the greater the genetic distance, the greater the chance they have an immunity to something your tribe doesn't have.

>> No.12400410

I'm a black male. Kissless, handholdless, slightly disabled (not hereditary), currently doing my highschool diploma and 30 Euros in the bank. I'm not a "meme master" or whatever else you would like to call me.

I have travelled across all of Europe. Paris, Berlin, Munich, Milano. Everywhere I have seen the same pattern. The most attractive women tend to date White men. Heck, I have several White friends who are married to black women.

I think we should just have an honest discussion about the fact that black males cannot compete with White males. And there's nothing wrong with that. We should be proud that black males are the best crossdressers.

For hundreds of years we oppressed Black males no they are free and it shows. White women and asian women are drawn liker crazy to White man.


>> No.12400411

No. The real question is why are black women so unattractive to males of all races?

>> No.12400427

You BLACKEDcucks really do have the intention of shitting up EVERY fucking board, don't you?
Like normally I don't even take the "hurr durr shills" thing seriously but anyone doing this shit for this long has to be in a coordinated group paid to spam

>> No.12400435

Remember to put SAGE in the options bar.

Everyone put SAGE in the options bar.

>> No.12400437

nice meme, but wrong board

>> No.12400451

It's so tiresome.

>> No.12400456


>> No.12400466

Any chance to get a white gf as a slightly disabled (not hereditary) white male?

You memed my post which was my honest opinion on the topic.

>> No.12400481

You don't understand. In my post I specifically said that I'm not a "meme master" or whatever else you would like to call me. Sorry for the confusion, I hope this clarification clears things up.

As for your girlfriend problem, try jumping off of a tall building to build confidence. After a scary situation like that, talking to girls will seem like a walk in the park! Best of luck friend.

>> No.12400488

Are you by any chance a white incel that can't cope with the fact that Blacks are really sought after by white women?

>> No.12400501

No, I'm black. Didn't you read my post?

>> No.12400504

Asian women look more feminine.
White women look decent and the media promotes them.
People have always had a fondness for paleness.

And most black and asian men are just objectively less attractive.

>> No.12400527

lowest net worth of all (median 36 year old black woman has 5 USD net worth)

net worth buys health/beauty, fitness , child care ability, education, etc.

its like asking why the shitty 340 dollar car is the least desired car in a car lot sale.

>> No.12400533

You can't deny that white man are the most feminine men.

How does it feel like to be on top of the sexual food chain

But Black males are from the same material. They are also shitty 340 dollar cars. so why are white women so attracted to Black man?

>> No.12400553
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black men in virtually every study rate no.1 in facial/sexual/body attractiveness.

White women also rate no.1

Asian men and black women are at the bottom. (short, small dick, low bw and iq, beta), (fat, poor, tall, low iq, small breasts)

no black men have 20,000 X greater net worth than black women at about 15 - 25,000 USD

they are also buying millions of market value over many white and minority men by their height and bodyweight and penis size.

1 inch of height is 25,000 - 50,000 net worth, and many black men have 6-8 inches over whites and other minorities.

so sure many black men are those shitty cars, and they are ignored by white women.

but there is a significant 20% who're basically lambo/bugatti tier to women. And it only takes one black man to have sex with hundreds of white women.

>> No.12400563

I'm a black, handholdless, kissless, virgin male. In my experience, white women are not attracted to black men.

>> No.12400581

Why are you such a faggot?

>> No.12400622
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white women are not attractted to 80% of men regardless of race.

KYS or try to 1% max,

>> No.12400642

The face tho. What the fuck

>> No.12400657

wh*Te women are mentally ill

>> No.12400660

White males are taller on average, though.

>> No.12400677
File: 98 KB, 532x532, 1604156682173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're looking at FAME maxing and BBC maxing also height differential, and CASH maxing.

this guy is famous, 1% tier, and rich, 0.1% tier.

She knows his face is fucked... he still mogs 80% of other men.

yes white men are 1 inch taller than american black men....

but this still leaves literally millions of black men in the top 20% of height in the US.... these are the men fucking all of the white women.

>> No.12400697
File: 279 KB, 808x646, glownigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know
Anon you aren't very bright are you?

>> No.12400704

>but this still leaves literally millions of black men in the top 20% of height in the US
Even more tall whites, a larger % of whites are in the top 20% of height too. Also the largest penises, on average, in the world are found in France and Ecuador.

>> No.12400798

france has 20% blacks at this point and lol no blacks are confirmed in peer review for largest penis.

Yes even more tall whites, but the point is 80% of whites are still too short to be attractive to women.

and also about 83% of black men are too short.

the idea that a 5'7" white man stands a chance in hell against a 6'2" black man is a joke.

height is huge, worth millions over a lifetime in dating/sex. but there are other sex appeals that blacks KEK the hell out of their equivalent whites too.

>> No.12400836

>blacks are confirmed in peer review for largest penis

>> No.12400851

>the cia has a classified shitposting folder

>> No.12400883

France is like 5% sub-saharan african.

>> No.12400894

Your last thread sucked and I already told you how it is, your people are destined to live forever so that we can extract top tier females, less than 2% of black guys would ever want to even look at your ugly crossdressing ass.

>> No.12400970

I don't say this often, but kill yourself, nigger. Hitler wouldn't have achieved shit if it wasn't for the scientists and engineers doing all the grunt work. Same goes for the first world war.

One day we will get back at you subhumans

>> No.12400974

>You can't deny that white man are the most feminine men.
Asian people have the most neoteny, this is proven, meaning asian men are the most childlike and feminine.

>> No.12401000

Good good, retaliate, exactly as planned. Also Hitler was a dirty nigger-lover.

>> No.12401029

Yeah sure, Rheinbastard

>> No.12401046

Have you even read meinkampf friend? It's suicidal tranny lunatics like Hitler and OP that I'm against here

>> No.12401060

Took you some time didn't it.
The western internet is open. You have absolutely no idea who is trying to control you. Don't try and visit it too much.

>> No.12401132

I live in Atlanta, Georgia and this is what I've found after performing various Chadfishing experiments on Tinder for a few months. White Chads are always most desirable by women. He always blew up my phone with an insane number of matches, while Tyrone got quite a few matches, but not nearly as much as Chad.

And I used two types of Tyrones: gangsta Tyrone and nerdy Tyrone. Gangsta Tyrone looked like a typical hoodlum with tattoos and he gained more matches with (mostly black) women. Nerdy Tyrone was a foreign Nigerian studying for a PhD at Georgia Tech and he received less matches. He noticably matched more with white women, but even so, he didn't gain the same amount of white female attention as Chad.

>> No.12401238

can confirm
mostly the ones who have moved on from chads have met the retard chads that they realize they dont need to deal with