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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 421x512, 1277108292345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1240008 No.1240008 [Reply] [Original]

>Your face when you find out your roommate/someone you just met on campus is "studying" for a faggot/worthless major

>My face when I found out my roommate was an English major

>> No.1240011
File: 28 KB, 363x310, ohwaityoureserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask roommate his major
>women's studies
>HAHAHAHAHAHA nice one bro
>i'm serious
>my face

>> No.1240015

Freshman year roommates:
1) Materials science and engineering
2) Math
3) Physics or computer science

Sophomore (next) year roommates:
1) Math and/or economics
2) Chemical engineering

Roommates confirmed for god tier.

>> No.1240017
File: 16 KB, 461x510, 1269807291038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he gay bro?

>> No.1240020

He probably felt the same way about your major.

>> No.1240021
File: 27 KB, 458x475, chomsky34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is smarter than all of you

>> No.1240027
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>Lol you mad English Major?

>> No.1240036
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Faggot major detected

>> No.1240038

Linguistics is a science

>> No.1240041
File: 46 KB, 400x430, gisele_bundchen-5283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This women is smarter than math PHds
(U$ 300.000 a day for a 5 minute walk)

>> No.1240043
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Wow nice bro

>> No.1240050
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>> No.1240055
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There's no way fashion models make that much... There just.. cant be..

>> No.1240063
File: 109 KB, 396x592, tombrady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 million a year base + Super hot/model wife.

>> No.1240095
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>Women's studies

>> No.1240106


Who the fuck cares?

Honestly, if he just gets any degree and does nothing but drink and fuck 24/7 then he has spent four years very well.

>> No.1240112
File: 620 KB, 300x300, facepalm1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when I found out my roommate was a computer science major
>asks me, a sociology major, for help with his statistics assignments

>> No.1240127

Dude, who gives a shit if your roommate is an english major.

He might be the one who is going to bring back all the hot girls and get you into the parties.

>> No.1240141


This anon has the right idea.

Who the fuck cares what any one else is doing at all? As long as your roommate is obnoxious then you have a been rather fortunate in the scheme of things. Try getting laid OP.

>> No.1240154

>Wanted to rage but remembers marketing class I took on the side having a more comprehensive stat. section than the one in the comp. sci. dept. raging harder now.

>> No.1240155

I used to be kind of 'wtf!?' about people who were silly majors, but I'm cool with it now. I've known a lot of shitty people in my department, and living with them sucked. I've had much better luck with music majors as my roommates/housemates, so I've softened up a bit.

>> No.1240163

That's only natural. CS isn't simply hard for hard's sake. Marketing lives and dies by stats.

>> No.1240287
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>> No.1240294

I would rather die than live with any of you.

>> No.1240296
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>shit tier majors detected

>> No.1240307

samefag it harder

>> No.1240323

ITT: Morons who cannot see the connections between all fields of academia

>> No.1240344

Obviously I fucking care who I'm going to be forced to be around and have conversations etc.

Who would I rather talk to?

Women's Studies/English Major
Or a Business/CS/bio/Chem major

>> No.1240351

Business majors are always faggots. No exceptions.

>> No.1240352

ITT: people that get employed when they graduate.

Not OPS roommate.

>> No.1240354
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>> No.1240357
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>>48 million/year
>>drive a car for a living
>>laugh at people on 4chon

>> No.1240362
File: 15 KB, 244x225, 1277105529926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol 0/10

>> No.1240365

Business/Econ Major
250k yr Starting

>> No.1240366

They're absolutely pitiful creatures. They have absolutely no purpose except to pursue a meager paycheck and buy shit.

At least we dream of improving mankind.

>> No.1240368

Business majors are just english majors that realized that they needed money in the real world and so switched majors. They are essentially the same kinds of people. Why you are grouping them together with the God tier majors like bio/chem/cs is beyond understanding.

>> No.1240377

No one cares how much money you make. You're a dime a dozen.

>> No.1240386

intelligence != value. he is more worthless than all of us. That said I do recognize that some humanities majors have some validity. But none as much as mah EE.

>> No.1240389
File: 5 KB, 184x184, 1270885704287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meager paycheck
>Making 250k yr starting
>My face

>> No.1240394


Jack Welch has a PHD in Chemistry and was one of the most important business man beacause he can get along with all majors.

>> No.1240398

>my face when I'm an art major and I'm perfectly happy

>> No.1240405
File: 37 KB, 298x400, 1270099592156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing business to english majors
I bet you compare Physics majors to history majors too now.

>> No.1240408

Grad student here:

A little advice: Stop giving a fuck about your roommate taking the wrong major. Probability is you will fuck up your first major, and switch to an easier route your sophomore year.

So stop giving a shit about other people's bad decisions when you will make more fuckups than him anyway.

>> No.1240409


>> No.1240410

Bro I've had tons of friends that graduated high rank from Kenan flagler undergrad and nobody's making that straight out. Still 5/10

>> No.1240418

Business is worthless unless paired with Econ or if you get an MBA expect to make 150k-200k+ out of college

>> No.1240420
File: 34 KB, 377x421, faggotdetected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit tier major detected

>> No.1240431

Like I've said twice now, the number on your paycheck does not make you any more significant. Just stop.

>> No.1240433
File: 58 KB, 600x891, Kenyan Wosubukti Caught on Camera 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a poli sci (called International Relations at my school) major

Oh well, I dont really have a future, I'm just wasting time until I jump off a bridge or somesuch

I do love science though, hence why I come here

>> No.1240437

You just don't get it, do you? Fuck it, do whatever you want.

>> No.1240442
File: 30 KB, 640x480, 1270844080611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English majors are those faggots who are reading 24/7, and are dissecting every sentence for worthless bullshit. The people who constantly quote classic literature and are overall asswipes talking about writing an entire essay on one quote

Business majors are people who want to make money and have ambition/want to be entrepreneurs.

>> No.1240445

Bro I don't know where these imaginary schools are where people make $150k out of college regularly even with an MBA. I mean Wharton MBAs make that for sure but bro you're not getting that coming out of undergrad guaranteed. The people who get the best jobs out of undergrad alone are petroleum engineers who start at 90k but they only have to work an even 40 to get it. Those fucking churn and burn banking jobs that pay 120k aren't even worth it if you break it down hourly.

>> No.1240447

>Business majors are people who want to make money and have ambition/want to be entrepreneurs.
Can we at least try to be creative with our lies?

>> No.1240449

>Business majors are people who want to make money and have ambition/want to be entrepreneurs.

In other words, faggots with unrealistic expectations and goals. Sounds a lot like most english and social science majors. Thus the comparison.

>> No.1240451

Some economists are brilliant man. The assumptions you have to correctly make in econ can be just as difficult as those in physics at their highest levels.

>> No.1240454

"There are more things in heaven and earth, /sci/ , Than are dreamt of in your philosophy"

>> No.1240456

The world would be a much better place if all business majors became english majors, and not vice versa. English majors preserve culture and the human experience, business majors increase consumerism, degrade culture, exploit the poor and build ponzi schemes and soulless corporate enterprises

(I'm biology btw)

>> No.1240457
File: 12 KB, 233x175, 1270794985663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can compare anything you want in the world if you want to do it that horribly.

>> No.1240461

English is an awesome pre law major OP. Patent lawyer here I wish I would've taken more English in undergrad. I placed out of it and it hurt me.

>> No.1240464
File: 47 KB, 519x529, 1270163348242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy not contributing 1 thing to society.

>> No.1240471

Vet sci here.

ITT worthless individuals.

Who gives a shit what people do. Jobs need to be taken.

>> No.1240472

>>Implying business majors "contribute" to society rather than to their own wallets by exploiting and draining society

>> No.1240474

>implying anyone with a brain knows they aren't going anywhere with a degree in English/social science

>> No.1240477
File: 187 KB, 1142x504, 1274146491274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my flat:
Physics - me
two law students
french history - faggot detected

also a pretentious asshole who thinks he's better than all of us - french... gtfo

>> No.1240480

Like we need more lawyers in this country.

>> No.1240484

Whatever. You obviously are too blinded by retarded buzzwords and heuristics to understand basic logic anyways.

>> No.1240489


Society could be advanced by better English man. The bad use of words I see on this board alone(atheism, agnosticism, evidence, theory, proof, ideology, irony, further, farther, nauseous, nauseated) prove that better English skills would help scientists more accurately express their thoughts.

>> No.1240493
File: 36 KB, 576x324, 1276402388782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They run wallstreet and companies and make the world work. Lol don't tell me you're a communistfag

>> No.1240495

Businesses organize and coordinate human/material/information resources to deliver products as services to society. Its an interdicisplinary field where you study: psychology, finance, statistics, management science...

>> No.1240499

>Implying the US isn't suffering a severe shortage of patent lawyers.

>> No.1240500

RTVF here. Let the criticism begin.

>> No.1240501

>implying I used any "buzzwords"

>> No.1240509

Typical business major:
Starts out Libertarian, usually graduates Republican
Hates Lawyers (despite the fact that they will be relying on them to run their own businesses, if they ever manage to start one that is.)
Not smart enough to go into pure economics
Dislikes reading
Thinks that getting a business degree will get them a good job right out of school
Thinks that a business degree automatically makes them a businessman.
Thinks that they are equal to physicists, chemists, computer scientists, and biologists.

>> No.1240512

>implying wasting your time dissecting diction is worth anything

>> No.1240516

No thought without language. Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.1240519

>Thinks that they are equal to physicists, chemists, computer scientists, and biologists.

Like the last thing the world needs right now are majors like those that don't add anything to society. Bar CS of course

>> No.1240522


>implying language came before thought


>> No.1240523

Business majors trying to say they are better than English majors.

no point in arguing with people like this. Business majors are almost on par with communication majors.

>> No.1240528


When was the last time you had a thought that wasn't in a language?

>> No.1240532
File: 9 KB, 254x321, 1277107655828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when you think analyzing diction of books hundreds of years old is in any way helping the world move forward


and English Major detected

>> No.1240537

I'll enjoy making 4x+ what an english major does.

>> No.1240538

No fag I'm

>> No.1240544

Englishfag detected.
Enjoy making 40k a year teaching

>> No.1240545

Think about how much Richard Dawkins changed all your lives by coining the word meme. You were able to better understand the way human parrot-like thought occurs and use it to enrich your lives. Just sayin.

>> No.1240546

i knew a business grad who never heard of pfizer

>> No.1240549

Isn't "business" just economics for retards?

>> No.1240550


Depending on what you go into, most business majors are probably going to be starting out at around 25k or less. No job security either. Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.1240551

Once again I'm

>> No.1240552
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>> No.1240555

>Thinks that they are equal to physicists, chemists, computer scientists, and biologists.

I think you study for the wrong reasons.

>> No.1240556

>loses argument. Of course instead of admitting it he calls me blind

liberalfag detected

>> No.1240557

I was a shutin for a few years, and often went weeks without speaking a single word. Eventually, I stopped thinking in words. I recently decided to rejoin society, and it's been a bitch training myself to think in words again so that I can actually communicate.

It's a lot slower, too.


>> No.1240568


What are you a feral child? Look what happens to people that don't get language in their formative years. All the proof you need of the value of language in creating thought is right there in feral children.

>> No.1240572

Sure is butthurt businessfag in here.

>> No.1240575

Also the holocaust experiments. When people were isolated for long enough without language, they actually became feral.

>> No.1240577
File: 74 KB, 778x612, 1277108314055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop trolling. You fail so hard.

>> No.1240578
File: 49 KB, 600x431, Hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when science projects are underfunded in favour of the military so your potential is going to waste in these fields

>> No.1240583


>> No.1240586
File: 9 KB, 256x372, 1275290764726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw my friend for the first time in awhile
>says he got straight As
>Also hes a philosophy major
>I am now sad

>> No.1240588

that's only because they were jews.

>> No.1240600


Also a good major for law school.

>> No.1240602

completely different topics and courses of study
when combined it's god tier though

>> No.1240603

I like how when you mock englishfags for having no worth they just shrug it off and say shit like "Well, it's an interesting thing to study" and then go back to reading their shitty 18th century lesbian literature or something. But when you do the same thing to businessfags, they get all freaked out and start regurgitating shit that their mentors and the media tell them about business degrees. Fucking retards.

>> No.1240610

I think well enough, thanks. I just have trouble communicating those thoughts due to a lack of practice. You know the feeling of trying to think of a certain word you just can't seem to remember on the spot? Try that every other sentence.

>> No.1240611

Enjoy teaching english bro

>> No.1240618
File: 29 KB, 300x338, jewish-werewolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My name is Ehud the Feral Jew. Can I please be the mascot of English majors on /sci/?

>> No.1240626



>> No.1240636


Hell yes you can.

>> No.1240639

No joke.

I also start entirely too many sentences with "I" but I'm not sure that's related.

>> No.1240645


So you admit your thought capacity has been impaired.

>> No.1240650
File: 33 KB, 321x357, 8 year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when none of you have jobs and are all talking out your collective ass's

chem grad student, btw

>> No.1240654

ITT: people who are jealous that their roommates get laid.

>> No.1240660


>> No.1240669

>freshman year roommate: math/music
He got my respect. Not for math, but music. Both are worthless but music majors are supposed to be difficult as fuck. I've done a bit of music theory and it's not easy.
>sophomore year roommates: theater, econ, econ
LOL, fine, and LOL because he dropped out of college respectively

>> No.1240671

History major here. You mad scientists?

You guys can make all the discoveries, but only I will understand how they truly affected mankind's path throughout the ages.

Oh yeah, and I'm good with computers and GIS too, so that's how I make my money...

>> No.1240677
File: 6 KB, 184x251, 1277107562603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Business majors 25k lololol fail
I agree business is pretty bad unless you get a MBA or double it with Econ.

>> No.1240679
File: 954 KB, 400x300, reactionevillaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I am working for a Fortune 500 company while you are sucking cocks for money

>> No.1240682

Enjoy burgerflipping

>> No.1240685

To all the non science majors (yes that includes you BS in business):

Why are you here? Just curious not trolling.

>> No.1240686

>He got my respect. Not for math, but music. Both are worthless but music majors are supposed to be difficult as fuck. I've done a bit of music theory and it's not easy.

Former music guy here (Graduated in 2004 and am doing my second degree in medicine).

Music isn't hard because of the theory (although things like tritone substitutions can be a little confusing at first), but because of the huge number of hours you need to play your instrument (about 5 a day) to pass with good grades. Add on top of that aural practise (about an hour) listening (2 hours) and the rediculous contact hours at 90% of conservatoriums (I was at two, I got sent overseas on an exchange) makes it hard as fuck.

That's for the hardcore course though (Jazz). Classical is a bit easier, and contemporary is a walk in the park

>> No.1240690

>High school teacher
>60k a year starting
>Laugh at /g/

>> No.1240694

What do you plan on doing/making money?

>> No.1240700

I like science (minor in ecology.)

>> No.1240701

I enjoy science and probably know more than the average kiddie here.

I've seen the homework threads

>> No.1240702
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>second panel

>> No.1240705
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Ask english teacher what qualifications she has

She says oxford honours in law

Ask why she is teaching highschool kids

Says it was too hard for women to get jobs in law when she got her quals

My face

>> No.1240707

60k for high school teaching? Private school?

>> No.1240709

Oldfag here. I know you scifags think you’re smart because you know what a fucking tensor is or whatever, but if any of you idiots think simply having an undergrad science education is going to get you shit, get in line with the english and cultural studies majors, open wide, and get ready to take a nice big bite of that shit sandwich called reality. You know what an undergrad physics degree gets you? A ticket to grad school to get a PhD and do research for the rest of you life for pennies. Same with chemistry. Bio has a bit more wiggle room with what’s going on in biotech these days, but even then a BS gets you in the door to be some phd or md’s fucking gopher and Amgen. If you’re good with math and science want a low six figure salary, go into engineering and get a masters. If you’re really good and really lucky you’ll hit 100k by your early 30s. If you’re really good and specialized, you might get 150 by your 40s. The big money in all this science shit goes to project managers and corporate people. So, get used to having you big smart science brain get told what to do by a bunch of MBAs and lawyers. If you want real money, do whatever the fuck you want for undergrad and then go to med school, law school or b-school and work on the business side of a technical industry.

>> No.1240715

Communication has been impaired. The concepts I want to express are still there, I'm just shit at getting them out.

>> No.1240719
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>> No.1240724

Enjoy your shitty jobs while I get my doctorate in computer science with a masters in computer and software engineering, and a bachelors in astronomy and statistics.

I'll be raking in the money with a caterpillar.

>> No.1240730

Because I'm a businessfag with a degree in business+econ and an MBA.

My Econ involves a ton of applied calculus and real analysis

>> No.1240735

Enjoy spending half your life in college while I double majored and have a masters and making 250k yr starting

>> No.1240738

Enjoy being offshored!

>> No.1240745


Ha. I've never heard of a business major who goes anywhere past calculus 2. Learn how to solve some partial differential equations, then we'll talk.

>> No.1240753

Get a clue fags. Business majors don't crack the top 10 in starting salaries.


>> No.1240755

>partial differential equations

Music guy here (and now vet sci). I learned that in year 10.

>> No.1240759

Why? You can pay some mook to do the leg work.

>> No.1240762

I'm actually a low level GIS tech at a local municipality. Which basically I do a whole lot of work, for admittedly decent pay.
Like I said, that's where I make my money. Basically my firm has attached me to their GIS systems and I run everything in house and report to them directly. I am responsible for system updates and maintenance of all their sewer maps and also manage any projects they'd like done regarding those maps.

I even do field work taking coordinates and then geocoding them. I have certifications that aren't tied to any university major so my history major is really just a matter of personal interest. But I'm considering minoring or even double majoring in GIS to make myself more marketable.

If I keep doing this I'll eventually have the creds to net any 6 figure job I want- but you have to stay current on the latest tech. I swear, sometimes I feel like GIS is a fandom- if you aren't "hip" to the newest shit, you are left in the dust.

>> No.1240768
File: 876 KB, 320x193, 1270968058945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when you're a 100% retard and don't read the thread when it has been said 10000000 times that business is horrible unless you double with Econ or get an MBA

>> No.1240770


Liberal shit source

>> No.1240771

Wow this is the first /sci/ thread I've seent that is going to hit the post limit

>> No.1240783


Dude whatever you can go to a shit school, be a total layman, get a double major in econ and biz and be a nobody. Even if you go toa shit school if you come out with a Chem Eyou are going to be somebody and you did some serious mental heavy lifting.

>> No.1240786

So.... what are you doing with a history degree?

>> No.1240792

Oh shit, 65k a year. That's big bucks. Oh wait, my buddy who majored in history and got an MBA from Yale makes 4 times that and has a much higher salary ceiling than some chemical engineer or programing monkey. You guys need to think bigger than what you can make straight out of undergrad. Petroleum engineer is probably one of the most short sighted things you can study right now. Assuming your 20 right now, hoping that oil will last for the rest of your working life is pretty stupid.

>> No.1240798

MBA is where they sent the law students that flunked out in my school. Lolumad.

>> No.1240800


Nah man


>> No.1240801
File: 25 KB, 370x334, 1277105754477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when you didn't read my post and realize I doubled in Business and Econ and have an MBA

I do my serious math for Econ in predicting stocks/creating functions

>> No.1240802
File: 30 KB, 333x400, muscle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> did some serious mental heavy lifting

>> No.1240809

Like I said, it's a matter of personal interest. I like to write, and in my spare time I'd like to write a few history books and get them published.

Plus I can sit around my well stocked library and smoke cigars while reading history books and the latest edition of ArcUser and be a boss.

...aaaand my secret is that when I get older I want to be a history teacher. Not as a means to make money, but just as a way to try and make a difference in kids' lives. Once I've made my bit in GIS I'll retire from it and do what I've always wanted to do- educate.

>> No.1240816

Do you really think MIT Chem Es are making 65k? I know business people struggle with math but does the word average mean anything to you? Engineers that are still engineering 5 years into their careers are failures. They move quickly up the ladder into the jobs biz majors work their whole lives to get because there is such a competency difference. Shellfag here. The MBAs don't know their elbows from their assholes here.

>> No.1240823

You are now realizing that MBAs don't get jobs unless daddy makes a call.

>> No.1240824

I respect you Anon. Maybe its just because you are doing what you like/I loved every history teacher I've had

>> No.1240826

I call bullshit.

You have an infinitely long slab in one direction of width x. The bottom of this slab is held at a temperature T=1 while the sides are held at T=0. What is the temperature of any point on the slab?

>> No.1240828

Well thanks. I hope one day to be that teacher that kids say "man, my history teacher in X grade was the coolest".

>> No.1240830
File: 36 KB, 221x246, 1277108577350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when my Dad has an MBA and I have one too but working in completely different fields of study

>> No.1240831

Business majors are still here? Fuck off back to /new/.

>> No.1240832

What's your highest level of math?

>> No.1240835

>High school teacher
>55k starting
>Amazing job security

>> No.1240836

ITT: elitist faggots

Major in what you want, if someone majors in something you have no interest in there's no reason to be like "what the fuck, faggot?!"

also, inb4 "u mad" etc etc

>> No.1240841
File: 52 KB, 453x599, bush354203824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.1240842

Apparently you don't understand what a mean is, since you're talking about an exceptional person when you posit an MIT degree of any sort.

>> No.1240843

ITT: Hubris

>> No.1240844

>implying what your buddy makes = average starting salary of people in that major
While he's on the top end, there's obviously someone making $0 annually with their history majors.

>> No.1240847
File: 366 KB, 640x368, 1277108115873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Engineers are qualified to do what an MBA does.

I always wanted to be an engineer though...

Hell I'm an MBA for a bunch of engineers

>> No.1240849


I lol'd

>> No.1240856

>High school teacher
>55k starting
>good salary, good working conditions
>enjoyable career
>laugh at people on /g/ while grading papers

>> No.1240857

>implying MBA's don't make more than the average lawyer.
The average lawyer is piss poor working as a public defender

Also I go to a good school rofl

>> No.1240868

Ah, so it's hard being an MBA. I knew it. Business majors work pretty hard so I'm not surprised.

>> No.1240869

/sci/ reeks of elitism 24/7 anyway.

your point?

>> No.1240879

Real Analysis.

I use it quite frequently while MBAing it up at the office. My Econ degree prepared me more for MBAing than anything.

Calc I-III I use constantly too.

>> No.1240887

>High school teacher
>55k starting
>Feel like you are making a difference
>Laugh at people who have accomplished nothing on /sci/

>> No.1240890


All the people that are arguing hurrr business majors are using outlier statistics(150 K). So are you when you bring up a Yale history major. The average MBA only makes 70k a year. That's 5k more than the starting salary of the average chem e and 15k less than the average starting petroleum engineer. http://www.payscale.com/research/US/Degree=Master_of_Business_Administration_(MBA)/Salary

tl;dr Do engineering if you want to maximize cash for time.

>> No.1240897

Business majors just got fucking told. Math wins yet again.

>> No.1240899

Small time shit man. The average engineer is ahead of that by his sophomore year.

>> No.1240906

Checkmate business majors.

>> No.1240910

I like how as soon as I mention wanting to be a teacher everyone chimes in with this "highschool teacher 55k starting" stuff.

>> No.1240912

I love business/Econ but I feel sometimes I'm annoying my engineers with questions that I don't really need to know to do MY JOB, and I definitely play favorites with them over my other employees. I always feel like I'm bugging them and asking elementary questions that their just like "wtf are you talking about dude, don't fire me"

feels bad man

>> No.1240932

> implying scientists should see themselves on the same level as every slackbrained business major/liberal arts major/machinist/burger flipper out there

>> No.1240934


It's a pretty solid career

It's also quite enjoyable if you have a passion for it

Don't bother going in to teaching if you don't like explaining things and helping people

>> No.1240936
File: 24 KB, 270x338, I Mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefag it harder
Also I aint mad. I'm making 250k starting

>> No.1240945

You forgot to mention how, before you got your job, you knew that you could get "any job you wanted"

>> No.1240951

>business/econ with an MBA
I'd manage any company I could get, I knew I couldn't get any job i wanted

>> No.1240958

Ok outside of the fact that you are an obvious newfag/computer illiterate fuck that can't write the samefag detector script(if you could, you'd see that these are two different posters), the post times
are literally one second apart. Do you think that somebody typed those words in one second and uploaded it. Oh business majors, when will you learn.

>> No.1240965
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>My face when I'm going to call in a few of my engineers into my office to see if they can do some of my math

>> No.1240970

I lol'd

>> No.1240972

>My face when im managing engineers and my job potential is limitless.

What is the salary of the guy with the MBA managing those people?


>> No.1240977
File: 173 KB, 640x480, 1271299562548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1240980

>implying that there will ever be a straight up businessman that is as purely made of awesome as the God tier engineers/scientists(Tesla, Gates, Brinn/Page, Jobs, etc.)

>> No.1240991
File: 143 KB, 550x759, edison3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical businessmen

>> No.1240993

You do realize that if you are working at a company that actually is making money, you, your superior, his superior, etc they are reporting to someone who has an MBA

>> No.1240996

Why don't you all quit arguing and face the facts:

Business majors need to take more science classes (math, programming) and nerds need to take more management classes (perhaps just get an MBA after).

You aren't shit unless you are well rounded AND specialized.

>> No.1240997


>Dominated by scientists and engineers
>Checkmate business majors.

>> No.1241000

>Implying gates/jobs/brin/page report to bosses

>> No.1241007

>implies there has never been a profitable business enterprise that wasn't headed by a college graduate

>> No.1241008

Good luck getting on that list faggot. Everyone knows its not going to happen. How about strive for something realistic? Like working for them making mads stacks of cash with your MBA

>> No.1241010
File: 69 KB, 300x289, 1277106874443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they don't have thousands of people with MBA's

>> No.1241012

>typical business major logic as this was never implied

>> No.1241013
File: 129 KB, 409x383, 1277107738190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that the people with successful businesses that didn't go to college don't higher MBAs

>> No.1241015

MBAs have no skills or special knowledge, unlike English/Social Science fags (despite the fact that they are worthless cunts but that is a different subject altogether.)

>> No.1241017


>> No.1241018
File: 21 KB, 411x334, 1270778354548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when /sci/ is filled with a bunch of fascist that want everyone to be like them.

>> No.1241019


>> No.1241020


>> No.1241021

The richest people in the word are smart engineers and scientists. But most of the people in the 100K-200K bracket are Business majors.

>> No.1241023
File: 30 KB, 298x395, brett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I never took a logic course.
It's cool though, with my 250k yr starting I'm sure I could afford one

>My face

>> No.1241024

Looks like business majors are now on /sci/'s enemies list along with humanities and social science majors.

>> No.1241026

But the smartest people in the world aren't rich. Or, more accurately, they have no desire to be rich.

>> No.1241027


Then explain why the averages for MBAs are so low in comparison to engineers?

>> No.1241029
File: 52 KB, 405x387, 1270664762691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reasonable and logical person on my /sci/

>> No.1241030

Business majors confirmed for little brother complex. Now go to your room. Seriously I was a poli sci major and I don't have delusions that what I did was better than what my best friend, who is a petro engineer did in undergrad. I caught him in grad school though.

>> No.1241031

smart person here

I don't want to be rich

I DO want to have enough resources to do anything I want

so I guess I do want to be rich?

>> No.1241032

It's like a Computer Science. A lot of retards join up and get a degree because they that think that its an easy ticket to prosperity.

>> No.1241035

>Business major grade explanation
>Please tell me you're not a scientist.

>> No.1241036
File: 81 KB, 447x364, 1266146144064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"So, what kind of job are you hoping to get"

I try to say this with a strait face.

>> No.1241043


>> No.1241049

We've been fa/sci/sts from the break. Now gb2 /v/

>> No.1241052

>MBA's have a starting salary lower than one type of engineer omly

>> No.1241056


>> No.1241057

>No you retard they have a lower average salary than one type of engineer's starting salary. Also they have an extra 2 years of work and at least one more of school.

Explain pl0x.

>> No.1241060

Wow. Natural science fags sure are butthurt about MBAs making more money than them.

>> No.1241061

>/sci/entist's reaction to criticism,
What do I care what other people think? Goodbye.
>Businessfags reaction to criticism,

>> No.1241065


>> No.1241066

5,000 different types of engineers and an MBA only has a starting salary lower than 1 of them.

>> No.1241070

The truth, It hurts, doesn't it?

>> No.1241073

Maybe because the job potential of a petroleum engineer (the only one that competes with an MBA's salary) is relatively low
while an MBA's jobless is limitless? especially with a degree in econ as well.

>> No.1241075

>He still gives a shit about his salary!
This is why you're not a /sci/entist. Most of us would gladly live in our cars if it meant we could conduct meaningful research.
As long as I'm paid enough to feed my brain, all is well.

Sage for a boring discussion made worse by apologists.

>> No.1241077

MBA's job potential

>> No.1241078

>wants only enough pay to feed his brain

you FOOL

your muscles need to be fed too, or you can't do fancy equations on blackboards or calculators!

>> No.1241079

A /sci/entist's code of conduct:

>Disregard females
>Disregard currency
>Acquire knowledge

>> No.1241080


>Median salaries for all engineers
>Those with BS and up
>Every single one is higher than the median MBA salary
>Even though all engineers with only BS are included.

>> No.1241081

wow even these businessfags will be adding more to society than you.

>> No.1241083

We're done here.

>> No.1241084


Businessfags are you even trying?

>> No.1241085

Job potential of an MBA: Able to work at various levels of management within a corporate bureaucracy

Job Potential of Scientist: Limitless.

>> No.1241088

>not adding to society

1/10 for getting me to respond

>> No.1241089

On the office floor, competing with other MBAs to see who can throw together the best spreadsheets? I'm sure.

>> No.1241095

Yes, because marketing the newest Miley Cyrus CD will be more meaningful to society than research which can potentially yield new scientific knowledge.

>> No.1241097
File: 186 KB, 381x380, Grumpy Baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my sister goes to collage for creative writing.
>my face

>> No.1241098


>> No.1241100


And it gets worse.

She goes to Bob Jones University.

>> No.1241101
File: 32 KB, 569x557, 1271298593487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Median salary of MBA: 115k

>My face

>> No.1241103

This I'd rather change the earth than live in a mansion.

>> No.1241109


>> No.1241110

Go ahead and call me when any of you faggots make a discovery. I'll buy you a house

>> No.1241111

Wow. This is pathetic. You are all pathetic. /sci/ is terrible.

>> No.1241114

Median salary for MBA: 115k

>> No.1241116

OK, make sure to tell us which mailroom are you going to be working in so we know where to call.

>> No.1241118

Why exactly are you in /sci/ again?

>> No.1241122

Wow. This thread was originally just about making fun of retarded humanities and social science majors. Then it turned ugly and the anti-businessfags came out and ruined it. Let's just let this thread die.

>> No.1241126

Starting salary of MBA: 96k
suck a fat one petroleum engineers.

>> No.1241131



>> No.1241140



>> No.1241144

>implying it wasn't the business major retards that ruined it.

>> No.1241157


>> No.1241160

We were all on your side and then suddenly you faggots started hating on us along witht he engishfaggots.

>> No.1241163

enjoy that liberal site bro

>> No.1241171

site looks legit but fails hard

>> No.1241183

Which started here
Deal with it business majors. No scientist is ever going to respect your intellect and they're probablygoing to make more money than you. If you want more money, do more difficult things. That's how capitalism works. But of course you knew that right?

>> No.1241270

Yeah, nothing says income like science. Engineering, sure. But pure scientists don't make shit.

>> No.1241285

>The richest people in the word are smart engineers and mathematicians.

You almost wrote "scientists" there, for a sec, buddy. I fixed it or you, though.

>> No.1241298

I was an English major and got a job as an analyst at a bulge bracket investment bank. I probably make more than any engineer / scientist here.