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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12397322 No.12397322 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /sci/ incapable of original ideas and attack people that are? Is it because this board is just pseud hacks or autism?

>> No.12397328

Give the latest example.

>> No.12397337

it's more of an ongoing theme with hacks rather than a one of type of deal. So pretty much any topic

>> No.12397345

I’ve only recently migrated to /sci/ in the past year after lurking for a while and I’m constantly amazed by the mix of genuinely smart people (read: people who are proficient in science) and complete retards. Bound to be conflict in there somewhere

>> No.12397347

People forgot how to imagine. People who invent the future are often criticized. For example Pascal's nn^x identity. ..[1(n^2), 2(n^2),1(n^2)]=nn^2 [1(n^3),3(n^3),3(n^3),1(n^3)]=nn^3 ........

>> No.12397348

/sci/ is pretty fucking stupid

>> No.12397377

what was your old board?

>> No.12397389

Mainly /lit/ /fit/ and /x/ (/x/ just for innawoods threads, I’m not into occult magic bullshit)

>> No.12397485

lit destroys this shithole honestly as far as IQ but too many threads are always being made while the threads don't get many replies. The threads die too quickly. I guess that kind of topic is just like that, books/entertainment. tv same thing

>> No.12397495

Yeah I enjoy /sci/‘s slower pace, I feel the threads get more development that way. Got any places you recommend for good literature discourse?

>> No.12397802
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Was you attacked? Go cry in your safe space, faggot.

>> No.12397819

Basically /lit/ is all about christianity. /sci/ is about some math and mostly science and math contrarians/pseudo-skeptics.

>> No.12397853
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>Why is /sci/ incapable of original ideas

>> No.12397981
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>was you

>> No.12398016
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>Why is /sci/ incapable of original ideas and attack people that are?
Thing is, 99% of science isn't ideas.

The bulk of science is grunt work. Only a tiny bit of science consists of ideas.

So there are a huge number of scientists who can't properly into ideas, but ZERO scientists who can't into patience/grunt work.

t. INTP idea master

>> No.12398028

the entire board is pseud. if there were real "Scientists" here they are either in grad school or long gone. majority of the posts are made by high school age c students and pseuds with a vague intrest in science or math and or political scientism

>> No.12398037

pretty accurate, it's also why the internet is so full of people who think they're geniuses but genuinely incapable of actually applying the scientific method to their dumbass ideas.

>> No.12398043

Nigger shitretarded fuck niggershit poop fuckniggers nigger shit shitpoo nigger rerarded fagretard fuck fucking niggerpoop shit fucking faggot retard vagina dick shit nigger fuck nigger shit kike faggot shit nigger fuckingnigger retarded faggotballs fuck ballsack niggerkike ass faggot niggerfaggot nigger dyke fucking nigger shit faggot nigger.
There's my original idea, now gimme my Nobel Prize.

>> No.12398052
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Because it is easier to fall in line. Just like religion; most people rather believe what they are being taught and take it as the truth.

Going into the jungle and using a machete to cut a path is much more difficult and risky. Why do that when you can simply walk on the nicely paved concrete sidewalk? Less energy to expend.

>> No.12398065

I agree with this too, most idea pushers are incapable of grasping nuance and continuous analog style thinking. Only broken discrete ideas.

>> No.12398077
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> scientific method
observation, hypothesis, experimentation, theory, communication, replication?
Don't you tell me a scientist cannot work only in few of these processes, either way check the final line of picrelated.

>> No.12398124

If you can't do every step yourself if you don't work with people who can you'll never ever produce anything worthwhile.
> just b urself ;)

>> No.12398161

I have internet, I can go directly to communication after the hypothesis stage, so those who have access to the equipment do the experimentation instead of me.
> just b urself ;)
Be yourself THE MOST

>> No.12398173

I could produce something worthwhile even if I avoided the hypothesis part, only delivering the observations, and my observations are the most unique.
Not one of mine, but so you know how it can be: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mpemba_effect

>> No.12398201

sorry to burst your bubbles but you'll never produce anything worthwhile. I hope this reality will push you to actually put the work in to prove me wrong.

>> No.12398208

Thank you. I'm motivated enough and used to ignore the ignorant hecklers (especially because now I'm well on my way, not only with aspirations, but also with some fruitions)
If your comment was destined to motivate me to prove you wrong, it would motivate me to make more great science jumping over a step or two here and there. So I glad to see that you consider it possible (consciously or unconsciously)

>> No.12398235

i'm afraid you'll learn the hard way skipping steps is exactly what you shouldn't be doing. Don't worry you'll either figure that out eventually or give up. Have fun.

>> No.12398257
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This has already been said before.

>> No.12398385

It's just like /fit/, at least half are there just to troll and have never been inside a gym in their lives, they just copypaste what they see there and twist it into bait to amuse themselves.