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File: 1.67 MB, 3543x2506, 4-4-2019-VS22-launch1-hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12393928 No.12393928 [Reply] [Original]

Tropical Soyuz edition.

Previous thread: >>12390017

On sunday, a Soyuz launch from Kourou. Also, a Japanese launch of a H-IIA will take place that same day.

Also also: SN-8 hop soon.

>> No.12393944
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First for FREEDOM

>> No.12393945
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Reminder that SLS will reach orbit before Starship

>> No.12393947
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>> No.12393951

Reminder that you didn't make the first post faggot

>> No.12393954

Wasn't it supposed to reach orbit around 2012?

>> No.12393960

Reminder that chuds will not be tolerated in space

>> No.12393962

Anyone have that shoop with the Shuttle stack compared to SN8?
That was impressive to me, I can't imagine the reaction if you managed to get a wide audience of normies to see it.

>> No.12393975

agreed, citydwellers not allowed

>> No.12393976
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>> No.12393981

I love Soyuz launches from Kourou, what a confused mess

>> No.12393984
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>Anyone have that shoop with the Shuttle stack compared to SN8?

Here you go.


Hi there lurker.

>> No.12393991
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A post-Soviet republic selling rocket launches to NATO members and launching from South America does sound like something out of Neuromancer or Snow Crash.

>> No.12393992

>those confined to tightly packed populated spaces not allowed in space
Yeah that makes sense (not)

>> No.12393996
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>> No.12393997

Everyone in space will be Humanoid Underground Dwellers. If things go poorly, they might be Cannibalistic as well.

>> No.12393998

isn't elon a chud though? he busts unions and has openly made fun of marx and has said communism has never worked

>> No.12394000

no, vetoed

>> No.12394007

C.H.U.D. means cannabilistic humanoid underground dwellers, which perfectly describes the type of city-dwelling liberals who try to use it to mean "person I disagree with"

>> No.12394017

>only thing it does is add a shitton of dry mass to the second stage
that second stage would neither land nor make orbit btw

>> No.12394027

It would be better if the second stage were replaced with a quad engine Centaur stage

>> No.12394028

if there's one real tragedy of the BLM movement it's that nobody ever drew attention to the fact that the whole problem directly stems from corrupt police unions and that their "defund the police" case study in Camden NJ was really just union busting. Too bad they can't target unions because then they lose the moral highground.

>> No.12394029

2015 to be precise

>> No.12394035

i wonder what the chances are that life extension technology that allows living for hundreds of years to be accessible to middle class people within 50-60 years
its mostly used by communists i thought? but i guess liberals use it as well

>> No.12394037

uh yeah sorry I don't really make a distinction between "city dwelling shitty libs" and "communists"

>> No.12394039

To you people living out in country to avoid being close to 'those city folk' thinking you'll make it in space over those who are used to density, ngmi I'm afraid

>> No.12394047

yeah that's the good stuff

>> No.12394049

>liberals calling people sub-human

>> No.12394050

but none of this is spaceflight, can we go back to trying to talk about how propane won't soot up

>> No.12394051

I will forever remain pissed that NASA's orbital infrastructure and nuclear parts of STS got gimped for 50 fucking years.

That's because there isn't one anymore.

>> No.12394053

It will.

>> No.12394060

yeah, different engines, more fuel, attitude control, idk

>> No.12394068

there was some guy on about space opportunities in Australia?

>> No.12394071


>> No.12394072

Northrop Grumman Manufacturing Incorporated

>> No.12394077


>> No.12394084

Based and in a cave with a box of scraps pilled, send 'em to Mars

>> No.12394086

This, there's something about my country paying for ~2% of a Soyuz rocket launching from another hemisphere that gets me going

>> No.12394094
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what the fuck France

>> No.12394101

>hon hon hon skeilön go nyouum

>> No.12394103

maybe only once before cornpop cancels it

>> No.12394104

a new concorde? what a nice timing, now that even regular airlines are in shambles

>> No.12394107

no, it's Skylon

>> No.12394110
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tfw no lifting bodies

>> No.12394111

wtf i love biden now???

>> No.12394113

>asking budget 12billion, actual funding sub 100m
>ETA fucking never
>sounds like a great idea, make another
What even are euros?

>> No.12394125

>Another fucking skylon.
Ok place your bets now everyone, how many of these things will Yurop pretend to make before quitting or stalling out early in the prototype stage this time around?

>> No.12394129

Fond of concepts that will never leave the ground? Hardly a unique position to be in

>> No.12394144

French stealing from it's neighbors again? No real shock tbqh.

>> No.12394155
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LMAO no-one tell him that boing and lockheed are buying into SABRE for their own skylon concepts.

>> No.12394157


>> No.12394183

>propellant: impulse density
does anyone have a chart or something comparing propellants along this statistic?

>> No.12394185

I bet ESA could make it work with enough partnerships and bureaucracy but they'd finish it in 2052 after ITER

>> No.12394192

subcooled propalox: mostest
methalox: big
kerolox: yes
spicy orange and cancer juice: pretty good
hydrolox: bad

>> No.12394237
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>> No.12394245

Regular old liquid water is more dense than all of them, and can be used in 1500+ Isp plasma thrusters. With beamed power you could probably use such a system for earth lift.

>> No.12394253
File: 17 KB, 543x565, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is this table not sorted

>> No.12394256

It is sorted. Look at the rhoE column.

>> No.12394262

This is the spherical cow number, you have to adjust for ISP to get a practical number.

>> No.12394264

this is not a useful table, it doesn't factor in the different stoichiometric ratios for oxygen that are required
also their density for propane is way off, I think this is propane at 1 atm and boiling point

>> No.12394266

We euros have this retarded as fucking hell funding system where governments fund the initial research and then expect the researchers to get private funding for doing the thing. And if they manage to do it then we whine how Comapnies not based here are benefitting from the finished product while we barely get anythig from the patents for it.

>> No.12394273


SkyLon? More like SkyHon.

>> No.12394277

if hydrogen is so shitty then why is it still so good in 2nd stages? Its raw isp makes up for increased tank weight and being able to carry less of it?

>> No.12394280

>Its raw isp makes up for increased tank weight and being able to carry less of it?
Yes if the stage isn't limited by size. In orbit, Isp is king.

>> No.12394282

Yes. Isp is king in second/orbital stages, hence why 0.01g brachistochrones are a thing. It just gets swamped for first stages by the need for raw THROOST to get out of the gravity-loss phase.

>> No.12394283

uh so it's shitty for single stage performance (which is what we're measuring here) but it weighs much less for a given performance so you can use a much smaller first stage to throw it
shut the fuck up retard

>> No.12394298

Nov. 28Angara-A5 • Test Flight
Launch time: 0522 GMT (12:22 a.m. EST)
Launch site: Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia
A Russian government Angara-A5 rocket will launch on its second orbital test flight. Delayed from December and 2nd Quarter. Delayed from Nov. 3 and Nov. 24.

>> No.12394300
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>> No.12394303

Yes, that is why hydrolols rockets need SRBs.

>> No.12394304

Why not launch from top of mount Everest?

>> No.12394306


>> No.12394311

Worse inclinations than KSC plus you'd need to have your first stage passing over China the entire way.

>> No.12394312
File: 61 KB, 1000x600, 1594650273677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the Starlink satellites communicate through laser and can obviously communicate with each other they could certainly all focus their lasers onto a single satellite to continually heat it up to the point of inoperability or even outright melting it fairly easily.
Since the Starlink constellation is going to have 42,000 satellites that means 84 Starlink satellites could be focused on each Chinese satellite all at the same time.

>> No.12394313

rockets reach the height of mt everest like in a minute

>> No.12394316
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>> No.12394319

Are starlink satellites more environmentally friendly than land based cable?

>> No.12394322
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That is outdated information, the date has shifted to December the 4th:


>>MOCКBA, 23 нoя - PИA Hoвocти. Bтopoй иcпытaтeльный пycк paкeты-нocитeля тяжeлoгo клacca "Aнгapa-A5" c кocмoдpoмa Плeceцк в Apхaнгeльcкoй oблacти, oтлoжeнный пo тeхничecким пpичинaм, мoжeт cocтoятьcя 4-5 дeкaбpя, зaявили PИA Hoвocти тpи иcтoчникa в paкeтнo-кocмичecкoй oтpacли.

English translated:

>>MOSCOW, November 23 - RIA Novosti. The second test launch of the Angara-A5 heavy-class launch vehicle from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk region, postponed for technical reasons, may take place on December 4-5, three sources in the rocket and space industry told RIA Novosti.

>> No.12394329

Damn, is there an accurate space launch schedule tracker? Spaceflight Now always seems to have a bunch of wrong entries.

>> No.12394331

Ahem, Le Skylon.

>> No.12394332

>second orbital test flight
Why is it taking them so long to get this thing fully operational?

>> No.12394337

Why is there a US flag on that squatrocket?

>> No.12394339
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>yfw Musk manages to get a starship just over the 100km line a few days before SLS
>yfw it lands back successfully

>> No.12394340

Yeah I guess you could say hundreds of days is "a few".

>> No.12394341


For Russian launches, the Russian launch manifest is VERY accurate:


>> No.12394344
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No, thats German for The Skylon The.

>> No.12394345

Once you're out of the gravity well, mileage is king. Would you rather drive uphill with a beast of a 4x4 diesel that chugs fuel like a motherfucker or would you do it in a compact car that can barely pull its own weight in a slight incline but can go almost forever on the flats?

That's why hydrogen is complete shit as long as we're bound by gravity.

>> No.12394346

maybe NSF's calendar? https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?action=calendar
All of my autism sensors are saturated by that place so their calendar may be more accurate and up to date

>> No.12394359


That is because of ILS:


>>Headquarters Reston, Virginia, U.S.

>> No.12394366

>exclusive rights to the worldwide sale of commercial Angara and Proton rocket launch services
lel what

>> No.12394369

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Super-dense methane" bullshit that's going on in the solar system right now. Hydrogen deserves much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned genuine hydrogen in Florida for $20,000 (that's about 2 jobs in Alabama) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even produce 7000kN of thrust with an engine.

Aerospace chemists spend years working on a single tank of hydrogen and crack it up to a million times to produce the finest fuel known to mankind.

Hydrogen is thrice as powerful as hydrocarbon fuels and thrice as forceful for that matter too. Anything propane can push; a hydrogen can push better. I'm pretty sure a hydrogen could easily lift a moon mission with a simple booster-sustainer rocket.

Ever wonder why space agencies never bothered using non-hydrogen fuels to go to the moon? That's right, they were too scared make the attempt using inferior fuels. Even during the Space Race, Soviet spies targeted the American engineers with the hydrogen knowledge first because their power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Hydrogen is simply the best fuel that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the solar system. Here is the stat block I propose for hydrogen:

(Upper Stage Exotic Fuel)
Thrust coefficient of 3
550s specific impulse
+2 to storage density
Counts as Masterwork

(Booster Stage Exotic Fuel)
Thrust coefficient of 4
500s specific impulse
+5 to storage density
Counts as Masterwork

Now that seems a lot more representative of the power of hydrogen in real life, don't you think?

tl;dr = Hydrogen needs to lift more in the solar system, see my new stat block.

>> No.12394373
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You glorious motherfucker.

>> No.12394414

Fucking zero percent. Cope.

>> No.12394462

Bigger question to ask would be if NASA would pay off Elon to postpone any SN launches beyond 2021 to reduce the potential embarrassment. Implying that the gateway contracts and other NASA commercial delivery contracts are not already being given out with that in mind.

>> No.12394486

NASA doesn't have the foresight or care to do something like that, and Elon wouldn't take it. Certainly Jim's NASA wouldn't do that, since they like Starship and would use its success to whip oldspace into shape, and there's a chance some of that spirit perseveres into the next administration.

>> No.12394503

You might be on to something here...

>> No.12394506

the interplanetary lasers would be better for that, but yeah

>> No.12394527

Decided to do calculate thrust per unit area for these 3 engines. Units are Meganewtons per meter2

>Raptor goal (300 bar)
1.846 MN/m2

>Raptor current
1.477 MN/m2

1.279 MN/m2

0.864 MN/m2

Of course time will tell if the Raptor can hit its ambitious goals and if the BE-4 will improve any (engine is supposedly performing "better than expected").

>> No.12394537

Raptor is already 300 bar and has reached even further since that nu-male astronaut did his research.

>> No.12394539

What's in the mystery delivery in Boca Chica? o_o

>> No.12394542

300 bar consistently or 300 bar as a brief peak? Sorry, a bit behind raptor developments

maybe this one? https://nextspaceflight.com/

>> No.12394544

based and thrust/area pilled
Also BE4 is probably unoptimized as fuck and it's entirely the fault of their testing regime.

>> No.12394552
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testing regime?
Anyways, yeah it's really cool how SpaceX apparently deliberately optimized for thrust/area. The raptor is larger than the merlin but it's more taller than wider. Does any other engine have the lox pump directly above the injection plate?

>> No.12394564

>testing regime?
>just make a couple of operational prototypes
>sloowly test them bit by bit
Had they done what SpaceX did with raptor and started pumping them out and blowing them up the second they had something that halfway worked, BE4 would be operating years ago and likely at higher performance.

>> No.12394568

They got 330 bar for peak before slight issues, so I assume 300 bar consistent is easily doable as its 10% below the max threshold. Elon even said they'll push further to get more safer/stable peaks.

>> No.12394570
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>NASA doesn't have the foresight or care to do something like that
To be fair, NASA has stunted the development of multiple launchers and spacecraft that has been seen as an existential threat to the then current managerial regime. It's the core reason why the shuttle continued flying and all alternatives like the HL-20 and Shuttle-C were utterly dismissed. Hell if you wanted to go full conspiratorial you could argue that VentureStar wasn't given it's fair chance due to the regime at NASA not wanting to shake up the then current Shuttle administration

>> No.12394585

Experimental alcubierre warp engine.

>> No.12394587

That's entirely internal. Starship isn't competing for a slice of the NASA funding pie (paltry amounts here and there, but nothing by administrative standards), the same pressures don't apply and they have no leverage.

>> No.12394599

really? amazing

>> No.12394611

Rolls of outgassing tape

>> No.12394614


>> No.12394616

It comes from hell

>> No.12394619

superheavy legs

>> No.12394620
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does the BE-4 have ANY advantages over the Raptor?

>> No.12394623

OldSpace have glomped onto it as the new big thing. In the words of that one Joe Scott video I saw on it it's apparently a "game changer"

>> No.12394626

Honestly I can't think of a single one

>> No.12394627
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This? Probably crane parts, maybe landing legs but seems too big for that.

>> No.12394631

I feel like posting this exact comment in every /sfg/ that goes by yet never muster up the courage

>> No.12394634

More margin for reusability/future improvements? This is just a speculation though.

>> No.12394635

BE-4 will save spaceflight

>> No.12394638

based blue origin whitepiller

>> No.12394640

Lower chamber pressure and less strenuous operating conditions might end up in it having a longer service life, however since Blue are fucking black book fags about the actual details of their rocket, that assumption may not be well founded.
Until Blue are actually open about what their engine does, I will assume it's a piece of shit anemic in all significant qualities and their silence is borne of embarrassment.

>> No.12394642
File: 33 KB, 530x530, hyperstar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>france actually does make it
>only the most baguette of the baguettes can actually make it into space, flights with terrorists conveniently explode
>french colonize the moon
>a few decades pass
>earth is overrun by mutts with a few long noses trying to herd them
>suddenly spaceX starships hurl themselves into the atmosphere and land
>squadrons upon squadrons land and start blasting upon the soulless mutts like a contra level
>nosebergs are shocked at years of degeneracy being undone within hours
>Ashton (formerly X Æ A-12 (Elon left Grimes and found yet another midwife on Mars)) Musk is about to shoot a merchant in the face
>a flock of hyperstars suddenly swoop in
>suddenly the minecraft villager Ash was about to turn into hamburger meat gets backstabbed and collapses
>the murderer uncloaks his suit
>utters this: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/c/cd/Spy_laughlong01.wav
>next war on earth is the great Rhodesian-French war

>> No.12394643

I'm pissed that nuclear propulsion in the private sector got gimped. Micronuke NTRs pls kthx

>> No.12394644

absolutely never honks, and doesn't have molten diarrhea

>> No.12394647


>> No.12394649

It can be sold to even slower aerospace companies

>> No.12394650

No on every metric of thrust (per weight, volume, area, dollar, etc), unknown but almost certainly no on efficiency, maybe on readiness but as long as it hasn't left a test stand I don't accept it. Of course if you're not BO the biggest advantage it has is they'll actually sell it.

>> No.12394651

dubs of truth

>> No.12394654

ULA reminds me of automakers, except they dont even make their own engines now lol

>> No.12394659

Reminder, 3 days left till 15 KM flight.

>> No.12394663

Cost Plus contracts.

>> No.12394666

Here's a question: Merlin performance was increased substantially since Falcon 1. Assuming BO follows a similar path with BE-4, and two launch vehicles rely on BE-4, could ULA be left out of engine upgrades? Or is BO okay with increasing the performance of their competitor's vehicle? Hmmm

>> No.12394675

Vulcan will probably only sell government contracted launches

>> No.12394676

>they dont even make their own engines now
They never did. RL-10 is an Aerojet Rocketdyne product, as is the RS-68, while the Atlas first stage engines are Russian leftovers. ULA handles tankage, assembly, and launch operations.

>> No.12394680

Wasn't it internal ULA R&D that got the engine actually working? I'm sure they have some kind of sharing agreement anyway.

>> No.12394688

Current tests show that the BE-4 can offer the best performance per engine however raptors cost=/=performance is 3-5 times cheaper while providing 0.20 less MN thrust per engine compared to the BE-4. Both engines make the RS-25 look like a fucking joke, at least at sea level.

>> No.12394696
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Approximately how much are most satellites worth in scrap value?

I was brainstorming idea for a spaceplane about 2/3 the size of the Shuttle and 1/4 its gross weight. It's primary role would be repair services, personnel transport, and also returning defunct or decommissioned satellites to earth for scrapping. I was hoping the vehicle would be just small enough to replace the second stage of a Falcon Heavy.

Could satellite scrap value potentially pay back development costs?

>> No.12394704


this is really cool. End-to-end F9 booster tracking courtesy of the USAF

>> No.12394721

Holy fuck what if they randomly go back to the ITS landing leg design for super heavy. Half of you would be pissed

>> No.12394723

landing legs are a "contentious" design point right now at SpaceX

>> No.12394724

This is fucking awesome

>> No.12394728
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>> No.12394729

Is cold and windy.

>> No.12394736

Hydrogen a shit.
Methane is the good stuff.

>> No.12394741

If everyone farted in the direction of NASA, the space agency could recoup a lot of cost.

>> No.12394757

Made a webm of the landing last thread >>12390699

>> No.12394785

At least HL-20 (and X-38) lives on through the Dream Chaser

>> No.12394822

I believe the HL design itself was not only inspired by, but was a direct descendent of the MiG-105

>> No.12394832
File: 18 KB, 332x246, bor4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be right

>> No.12394836

No, scrap value will not pay for a billion dollar spaceplane... but government contracts to snatch Chinese birds out of the sky and return them to Earth would. That was DoD's whole desire for the Shuttle.

>> No.12394841

if you're going to build a reusable spaceplane, it needs to have enough delta v to function as the upper stage of a reusable booster
hopefully you can just buy booster launches lmao

>> No.12394842

the hard part isn't getting 200km up, it's going 7 km/s sideways.

>> No.12394847

And then SpaceX builds a Shuttle style clamshell+arm+cockpit satellite repair/retrieval Starship and puts you out of business. The only way a traditional spaceplane beats that is for cargos that can't handle the 3G flip burn at landing, like fragile satellites or injured people.

>> No.12394858
File: 206 KB, 1280x1128, 1280px-Canadarm_1_-_STS-72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will starship get a Canadarm?

>> No.12394862
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No, it'll get an American arm thanks to ITAR.

>> No.12394871

Chad Arm•Erica vs. the virgin Canadarm

>> No.12394873

The mach vapor is cool

>> No.12394885

Make Arm•Erica Grab Again

>> No.12394891

Damn that's pure falcon kino

>> No.12394904

Which was inspired by Dyna Soar and direct descendant of X-24A, and by proxy the HL-10

>> No.12394927
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>believes space is real

>> No.12394935

I cant fucking believe the hop is NET 2 DAYS
WhAT happened it was supposed to be Q2 2021 bros, did we get too cocky 600hz bros? oh no no NO NO i don t want to suck elon's cock

>> No.12394937

boca chica is going to be scrub central

>> No.12394941
File: 85 KB, 648x533, E9E54150-6314-4922-ABA6-3E4DB87FAC15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hydrolox sucks bro it's so weak

>> No.12394943

I predict not only will the hop not scrub, it will happen exactly on time. And it will land perfectly first try. See you all monday

>> No.12394944

>he STILL thinks shitship isn't going to be BTFO by baSedLS

>> No.12394947

it will land in a perfect fireball
how very undense of you

>> No.12394948

>not starshit
Come on.

>> No.12394961

>pic unrelated

>> No.12394994

where's the liquid oxygen?

>> No.12395000

thunderf00t says there's no life on venus, he proved it in a debate with a real scientist. so i guess we shouldnt go there to check. i think nasa and peter beck should cancel the venus missions, waste of money and time. thankful for thunderf00t to run the numbers before we fall into suck cost fallacy. king of the debunkers

>> No.12395001

that girl is hot, what's her name?

>> No.12395003
File: 732 KB, 1136x640, 1606515759493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna know how I know it won't crash in fire? Pic related. Nuff said

>> No.12395005

what is this and where is it from

>> No.12395007
File: 272 KB, 1000x1024, 1316239119346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the endless eight math problem

>> No.12395009

It's from the guys who developed X-Plane flight sim lmao

>> No.12395011

some dork that made an iPad app flight sim and put in a starship version of it

>> No.12395016

That dork created the best flight sim known to man until MSFS 2020 was released

>> No.12395023
File: 32 KB, 287x408, agent_smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believes he is real

>> No.12395024

is dork derogatory?

>> No.12395028

Starship is getting cancelled for environmental reasons.

>> No.12395031

Yes and that's why he's getting cancelled right after Tr*mp is jailed.

>> No.12395032

I know right? I was reluctant to let my gf go on vacation with her work buddy, but then Thunderf00t debunked my concerns.

>> No.12395033

no?i agree he's still a dork. A special dork

>> No.12395045

i dont follow, i just want to kiss her or smell her

>> No.12395047

Is her work buddy's name Phil Mason?

>> No.12395049

Not sure, she doesn't want to tell me and I don't want to intrude.

>> No.12395062

Yeah that's smart, jealousy is super unattractive to women. She might not want to fuck him now, but if you question her faithfulness she will :^)

>> No.12395067

You can only improve performance if you left that room in there to begin with
If you are already close to optimal numbers then it’s not like you can magically double chamber pressure

>> No.12395070
File: 318 KB, 393x404, chrome_U9RfQqNQyj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basically just repeates wikipedia with no rhyme reason or interesting addition to it
>Went to a shitty college and nonchalantly mentions his high grades there like if it he was being humble by not bringing up his achievement when in actuality is unimpressive as hell.
>wants to milk out sympathy by fixating on his speech disability which obviously doesnt impede his understanding, was obviously bullied to hell in high school but for being an obnoxious piece of shit and he thinks its because of this
>Avoids politics but literally everything he says is political support for the tamest version of left wing sjw imaginable. Oh it doesnt matter if were socialist or capitalist technology will fix all, YES ITDOESMATTERYOUFATFUCK
>Fucking can't go 2 seconds without mentioning he was in the military like if it made it look like this interesting and sort of macho man when in reality he's just like any other poor nigger who went to wageslave for the us army for college education and was probably refered to as lispy mcfat tits by his teammates and didnt even get buff while there
>cringely parades his "wife" who is clearly targeting him for his youtube money like if he suddenly stopped being an undesirable weirdo at age 35 (clearly he was a virgin before meeting her) when in reality what will happen is she will divorce her once shes pregnant with a real man and he will have to open two more youtube channels to raise someone elses children
>acts as if he was this sort of superior educatedly gentleman because their parents were so clinically retarded as to name their children after famous people, whenever he has to quote an author/source he uses the most uninspiring piece of shit taht a popsci writer would be afraid to quote for fear of appearing too unoriginal, he has the dullest blandest piece of shit books in display. He quotes the shitty objectively bad writer Larry Niven like if he was some sort of sci fi connoseur for naming someone other than Asimov.

did i forget something?

>> No.12395073

The hypothetical assumes improvement. I'm wondering if Blue's improvements would pass along to ULA, effectively improving Vulcan's performance. I assume yes, but only because it'd be cheaper to maintain a single BE-4 line than a ULA one vs Blue one

>> No.12395077

tldr. imagine being this obsessed

>> No.12395078

The sheer

>> No.12395079

have you been watching his streams or something? that's not healthy

>> No.12395081

I would assume they would simply not upgrade their engine unless they are paid to do so, like every other old space operation

>> No.12395082

yes, and trying to make sense of it

>> No.12395083

this guy is incredibly based and goofy

>> No.12395085

>lets ignore bad stuff and let it take over the world because if you care to denounce wrongnes youre "obsessed"

>> No.12395086

You left off repeating obvious facts at length
>If you double the radius of the o'neill cylinder, while leaving the length unchanged, the volume quadruples
>if you TRIPLE the radius, the volume goes up by a factor of 6
>if you quadruple the radius, the volume goes up by a factor of 8
Thank you Isaac, we get it.

>> No.12395087

literally who

>> No.12395090

Isn't he the one who's into shit eating? I can't remember which space e-celeb but I know for a fact one of them loves fecal play

>> No.12395094

Now kiss

>> No.12395095

you should stop

>> No.12395096

A lot of the esoteric sci fi stuff he discusses is kind of retarded too

>look at all this crazy shit you can do with infinite free materials, time and energy

Ok I guess?

>> No.12395097

At no point will anyone make an O’Neil cylinder anyways

>> No.12395098

It's also just machinery. He doesn't know enough about people to envision any sort of future society.

>> No.12395099

Would a $200,000 price ticket stop you from going to Mars?

>> No.12395102

esoteric is extremely generous for a character like him, hes just one of many fat youtubers who realized which random sounds get him money, a sad product of evolution
if thats a made up difamation thing its well deserved

you literally dont know what youre saying

>> No.12395103
File: 1.86 MB, 1363x1524, a3ddypdr3n621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link to the "debate" lmao-

the funny thing is the paper doesnt say it was aliens, it just ruled out all other known phosphine generation processes. since life has not been ruled out it stands as a possibility, equally with some unknown abiotic process. We should go there and find out instead of debating clickbait popsci articles that reported the discovery as "ALIENS FOUND"

>> No.12395106

depends, what happens if i take out a loan and i cant pay it back while im on mars?

>> No.12395107

yes I'm poor
you should stop wasting time on cringe youtubers and instead waste time here with us
post pictures of Starship

>> No.12395108
File: 27 KB, 1228x997, 1606078261131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao wtf? you could post this about anyone. just "speculation" hahaha

>> No.12395109

I'd max out my globohomo earth-side credit cards, and default on the loan once i'm on Mars.

>> No.12395111

Debt slaver

>> No.12395112

or terraform Mars!

>> No.12395114

The paper authors were really pushing the alien angle hard though, with no real basis.

>> No.12395115


>> No.12395118

((they)) won't be able to reach me

>> No.12395119

>you should stop wasting time on cringe youtubers and instead waste time here with us

>> No.12395121

but wait what happens if we sixtuple it? doeos it go up by a factor of six?

>> No.12395122

Inconvenient for you airlock de pressurization.

>> No.12395123

but life does make phosphine. it's the only known process they couldnt rule out. how can you argue harder for an unknown process without evidence?

>> No.12395124

pic of his wife, im not good looking but im better than that at least, i wnat to know what i can reasonably expect

>> No.12395126

I'm 24 and my net worth recently passed 100k, so I think by the time tickets are actually being offered to Mars and the Moon, I'll be fine.

>> No.12395128

to add, my point is life does exist and does create phosphine. it's the only real lead short of sending a probe to look.

as a sidenote they def should talk up the alien angle, it's the reason we've been farting around mars for decades. venus gets no fucking love, and if this tiny circumstantial evidence can convince soneone to send a probe we shouldnt care about the reasons

>> No.12395137

>my net worth
i think you mean 60k savings plus 40k tesla shares

>> No.12395141
File: 90 KB, 817x434, porco elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth laws don't apply to Mars

>> No.12395143

Have to watch the video to find out.

>> No.12395146

The way the refute vulcanism is flimsy at best.

>> No.12395148

It's actually the other way around

>> No.12395150

There's a lot of things that can go unexpected when working with one lone sample from a planet millions of km away and figuring out a grandiloquent conclussion from it.

remember that less than 30 years ago scientists were convinced that there was no moon on the water no no no, forbidden to say it, donmt say it, youre wrong and im right bnecause im mr scientist, even tough the lunar landers found water but if you mentioned it you were a conspiracy nut.

mfw i literally known state tier of the art advanced scientifica knowledge (that there was water on the moon) before the mainstream west literally only because im not a slave and i have critical thinking.

>> No.12395152

current scientific consensus is that they may have jumped the gun on detecting phosphine
we'll need to wait for more observations

>> No.12395155

consensus is shit, its evil people telling you what to think, objective rationality is only right wrong once and forever.

a smart caveman could have figured out gravity, you dont need societys permission

the phosphene on venus is clearly wrong, theres no life there timestamp this, use your brain stop pretending as if the laws of physics can be determined by your feelings

>> No.12395157

Can't honk if you never fire it.

>> No.12395160

dumb nigger
anyway twelfth order polynomials lmao

>> No.12395167

Exactly. But we shouldn't go to Venus, we just don't have enough evidence that anything interesting is out there. Money spent on a Venus probe would be better spent on climate science anyway

>> No.12395168

sorry anon, too late, we're already going

>> No.12395171

shut the fuck up venus kuck

>> No.12395173

we've got to beat the russians

>> No.12395179

Russia's days in space are basically done. The country won't even survive this decade.

>> No.12395181
File: 110 KB, 768x1024, BOR-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BOR-2 (1969)

>> No.12395182

>Money spent on a Venus probe would be better spent on climate science anyway
Donald Trump is going to win on Dec 14 and there is nothing you can do about it other than dilate.

>> No.12395183
File: 38 KB, 600x895, X23_PRIME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X-23 (1966)

>> No.12395185

>moon on the water
if you must take drugs please take better ones theyre absolutely destroying you

>> No.12395229
File: 533 KB, 2048x2048, B2VQbn2CUAAWkGU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckdammit, Sean!

>> No.12395261

They've run Raptors above 300 bar for minutes at a time

>> No.12395292
File: 41 KB, 1080x620, 1580421910203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huh? Now even CASIC, a defence contractor/missile maker and developer of solid rockets, is working on methalox engines. This is the Mingfeng-1 engine, around 10 tons of thrust

Why is everyone getting in on the methalox game?

>> No.12395294

anon do you not know what net worth means

>> No.12395297

Starlink doesn't have lasers yet. The Starlink team said it's going to be awhile since it's too difficult.
>We did have an exciting flight test earlier this year with prototype space lasers on two Starlink satellites that managed to transmit gigabytes of data. But bringing down the cost of the space lasers and producing a lot of them fast is a really hard problem that the team is still working on.

>> No.12395315

we have d-word pass

>> No.12395335
File: 3.69 MB, 3600x3600, 41d-3063[resized].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is everyone getting in on the methalox game?
sooty exhaust is bad optics
we're headed for a clean climate-science based future, anon, and part of that reality involves using only certain fuels because they look less dirty

>> No.12395347

look less dirty or are actually less dirty?

>> No.12395354

look less dirty
actually being less dirty is something only smelly nerds want and doesn't really matter
the elimination of soot, visible fumes, smoke in general, or any kind of visible exhaust is the future
the secret to getting what you want is pandering to the midwit

this completely sound logic is also why the SRB is the patrician's choice, because fuck normies

>> No.12395358
File: 463 KB, 1594x947, is_lanceurs_arianeworks_themis_roadmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 years to hop
The absolute state of Europe

>> No.12395360

Great to see incredibly smart people who are able to explain things very simply. This guy needs more views.

>> No.12395364

in contrast to o neill cylinders, terraforming would actually make sense

>> No.12395367

fucking nice. The Raptor is such a fucking cool engine. Wonder if they'll ever sell the thing to others? I mean if they really do achieve all their goals its basically going to make most other engines irrelevant.

>> No.12395368
File: 63 KB, 1910x1000, 1576501101060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks cool.

>> No.12395370

The most plentiful gas there is, seemingly easy to tame now that more and more operators have working engines.
And you have no idea how much of this gas we have to spare as a by-product of drilling for oil, be it by fracking, jacking or deep sea drilling. We're fucking inundated with the shit. And then there's methane from other sources.

>> No.12395382
File: 94 KB, 1638x2048, 1587493955237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese rockets already look cool

>> No.12395392

Are we now shamelessly copying like filthy chinks?

>> No.12395401

Since when did Arianespace do anything that was original?

>> No.12395403

Arianne 5 looks original

>> No.12395404

We're not shameless enough if you ask me

>> No.12395405

The tech behind it is anything but.

>> No.12395408

I'm not even convinced that it's a good use of resources. In order to be worth it their rocket would have to be better than the F9 in some areas or at least specialize in a niche that it doesn't. Its 2nd stage aside the F9 is pretty optimized and mature at this point so one-upping it is not an easy task.

>> No.12395416

Arianespace is practically a welfare project for the various aerospace companies operating in Europe. It's more to keep the companies alive than anything else. Why else would for instance two Norwegian aerospace companies both be delivering solid parts when one of them could have done the same? The answer is because there are two aerospace companies in Norway and they both specialize in solids and hybrids, we do make some pretty badass missiles here.

It's not about good use of resources, it's about keeping the light on.

>> No.12395420

>it's about keeping the light on
But why didn't they copy SLS then?

>> No.12395426

Why the fuck would they do that? That's the opposite of keeping the light on, that's throwing money down an endless pit.

>> No.12395430
File: 345 KB, 1195x922, 1600831809790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the merlin is a pretty insane booster engine. Does the ESA even have an engine that could be viable in a reusable rocket? Just look at this shit: https://twitter.com/flightclubio/status/1330954332112449537 . I'm really not sure if any of these oldspace entities can pull it off. SpaceX makes it look easy but it's clearly not.

I get the notion of supporting local industries, and I'm sure that Europe wants to retain its capabilities at least, but at the same time it strikes me as damn near sacrilegious to reduce space to economic support

>> No.12395433

>it strikes me as damn near sacrilegious to reduce space to economic support
Every single NASA rocket has done it the same way until SpaceX came along. ULA is continuing in the same vein, Blue Origin discovered government pork and is about to grow fat and complacent on BE-4.

>> No.12395435

still cheaper than the staurn v

>> No.12395436
File: 1.28 MB, 2582x2263, 1582980985082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bigger image

>> No.12395437

Are you so sure about that? Saturn V flew many times and produced results.
SLS is probably not flying until fucking 2030 if it's flying at all.

>> No.12395449

>Why the fuck would they do that?
>not flying until fucking 2030 if it's flying at all

If you want a milk cow, the SLS is the perfect funding device. It doesn't even need to fly. Which is good, since cows can't fly.

>> No.12395451

How so? I'm completely unfamiliar with Ariane's development

>> No.12395453

Milking a cow is not the same as keeping the light on. SLS is a propaganda device more than it's a rocket.

Solid boosters and hydromeme sustainer ring a bell? That's shittle tech. "Le americains are doing ze hydroloxe, oui? Ve must copy zem immediatemon!"

>> No.12395460

>SLS is probably not flying until fucking 2030
Next year, Artemis 1.

>> No.12395465

I thought you meant the actual technology, not the broad concepts. You can hardly say using two SRB's is copying another rocket that's also used two SRB's before. It's like >>12395358, at some point you have to admit that there are only so many ways of doing things.

>> No.12395467

That F9 copy shit is also using "broad concepts" if we're going down that road, because it's not using SpaceX tech or software.
But it is trying to recreate what SpaceX did with F9 just like Arianespace did with hydromeme and boosters.

>> No.12395474

BRuh wtF
it took SpaceX less than a year to hop Starhopper, and another year to hop Starship SN5

>> No.12395484
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>> No.12395488
File: 3.89 MB, 3858x3900, AS17-146-22345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We learned more through r&d than we did by physically setting foot upon the moon. Man walking on the moon was just the cherry on top.

>> No.12395505

>That F9 copy shit is also using "broad concepts" if we're going down that road
Well no shit, that's how you land first stages, any powered booster landing is going to look like it's copying F9. But that's what I mean, there's not many other ways you can do it. Don't get me wrong, I'm no ESA apologist but all reusable rockets are going down that path, because it works. With all due credits to SpaceX, it seems odd to me to go ''Bruh they're just copying SpaceX'' every time a new reusable concept appears.

>> No.12395529
File: 169 KB, 996x673, Screenshot from 2020-11-28 07-55-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... is the starhopper coming to kill me?

>> No.12395539


>> No.12395552

So my uncle works at the FAA and he tells me no way they permit sn8 to fly unless they add more safety.
That's why there hasn't been a NOTAM yet

>> No.12395557

Followers don't get to be offended when they're said to be copying the leader, because they are. Deal with it.

>> No.12395563

what if he drops a rocket on your house? you know he lurks here and i don't think he'll be happy

>> No.12395565

No he doesn't, either that or he's too low on the social ladder to know what's what

>> No.12395570

not really

>> No.12395573

nope, not even close

>> No.12395588

they actually are less dirty because they leave less soot in the engines, which is bad for reusability anon

>> No.12395597

>the secret to getting what you want is pandering to the midwit
Ironic coming from a midwit post

>> No.12395602

> snatch Chinese birds out of the sky and return them to Earth

Good thing they have their own X-37B now

>> No.12395606
File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, 1591037520390.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> there's one real tragedy of the BLM movement
Yeah it's definitely not the random lynching of people in the street.

>> No.12395608

>not being able to spot a shitpost

>> No.12395617

> why would someone do that, just go on the internet and tell lies?
They will just strap some safety to the fairing anyway.

>> No.12395636

Modern academia is truly fucked. They all clamber for attention and grants like drug addled hobos and fuck up constantly by doing so. Then they wonder why no one respects them.

>> No.12395656

Like I said I'm not defending ESA nor am I saying their plans or original. I just don't see why one would act surprised at the next generation of reusables all looking the same

>> No.12395663

2^2 = 4
3^2 = 9
4^2 = 16
You must know mathematics to post here. Volume is area of the base times height.

>> No.12395668

We should launch people like you on surplus minutemen so you can check the climate first hand.

>> No.12395669

gettin some major déjà vu with these two posts

>> No.12395672

>my uncle at the FAA just flew over my house

>> No.12395675

Welcome to 4chan, every post is a repost of a repost of a repost of a repost.

>> No.12395680

*climate studies

>> No.12395687 [DELETED] 

Elon is actually my daddy, and he told that you're a massive fucking nigger who should neck himself.

>> No.12395714

just cover the whole thin in osha lights and launch at night for dramatic effect

>> No.12395717
File: 97 KB, 1024x626, 824b073d5c13467cbfdf956fccee57c9clep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

嫦娥五号 got in the moon orbit.




>> No.12395736

source: just trust us, capitalist

>> No.12395741 [DELETED] 

Follow the Science



>> No.12395767
File: 169 KB, 330x327, 1596101890164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


IA's channel has many problems but this post is incredibly pathetic.

>> No.12395775
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>> No.12395792
File: 543 KB, 1600x867, 1559714506475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok chang

>> No.12395795
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>> No.12395841

Ok isaac

>> No.12395846

Fatty McFatFat :)

>> No.12395849
File: 100 KB, 1024x904, 1606561914329m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize there's fucking thousands of amateur sat watchers across the planet? They find fucking spy satellites.
American cope regarding China is hilarious to watch. You cunts are laughably insecure and think no one sees through it.

>> No.12395850
File: 65 KB, 223x238, Screenshot 2020-11-28 101734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed this diagram of a Super Heavy with what appear to be Falcon legs in the newest NSF video. Has anyone ever taken higher-res pictures of this?

>> No.12395856 [DELETED] 


>> No.12395857
File: 95 KB, 960x690, 1606350492358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> moon on the water
> i literally known state tier of the art advanced scientifica knowledge
> mfw (with no image reaction)
double digits as fuck

>> No.12395862

Great comeback mate. Really reacting well to being called out as insecure.
I'm whiter than you'll ever be little one.

>> No.12395863

design was thrown out ages ago

>> No.12395868

This. A Chinese person likened copying western tech to learning the piano. You start by playing other peoples' music to develop skill before making your own.

>> No.12395873


>> No.12395879

and yet, smarter than you

>> No.12395908
File: 187 KB, 2048x1152, 1585800580727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current Starship statuses

>> No.12395909

Nobody should be giving faggy larpers this much attention anon.

>> No.12395918

Who's surprised?

>> No.12395920


>> No.12395922

lmao, starshit will never fly

>> No.12395930

we're calling it shitstar now

>> No.12395934

i have a deep hatred for infographics. i think it's because they make dumb people feel smart

>> No.12395935

>picture with words, Grug angered

>> No.12395942

i'm sorry retard, i forgot to translate it for you. i have a deep hatred for pictures with words. i think it's because they make dumb people (like you) feel smart

>> No.12395944

Chinese rockets will never carry a living human being beyond LEO lmao

>> No.12395951

>enraged, Grug shouts at the picture and the accompanying words, his guttural cry echoing off the cave walls and out into the prehistoric night

>> No.12395953

how can one thunderous f00t be so based bros? massive smackdown on venus peenuses. mars is the way, and even phillip mason knows that

>> No.12395954
File: 116 KB, 1008x592, 1588288343309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but sls will guise

>> No.12395958

Yah, pretty much. There's nothing that can slow SLS down at this point, it has massive momentum. You must be a fool to deny

>> No.12395960

It's not meant to make you feel smart. It's supposed to be an easy way to see information

>> No.12395961

>it has massive momentum
only a decade late, and several times over the budget

>> No.12395963

Hydrogen is underperforming in D-IV.

>> No.12395972

>"This will be the end of China accession", says increasingly nervous neocon for the seventh time this year.

>> No.12395974

even worse, the Angara 5 test launch is now NLT Nov 11. Which means Putin took notice, and now heads will roll if there are any more delays.

Russia is suffering these days, what with five Glonass navsats failing at once, and only able to launch two replacements this year.

>> No.12395975
File: 45 KB, 512x512, 1602450071752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's nothing that can slow SLS down at this point
>Boeing, NASA getting ready for SLS Core Stage Green Run campaign ahead of Stennis arrival
>December 14, 2019

>> No.12395976


>> No.12395978

>"This will be the beginning of China accession", says increasingly nervous larping chicom as Starship flies over his house

>> No.12395981

Why don't they give actual wings to the starship so that it can glide back down instead of doing that stupid maneuver that will never work

>> No.12395982

Hello SpaceX stan, I hope you will enjoy what I like to call our "November surprise"

Your precious SN8 is doomed

>> No.12395985

isnt 4chan banned in china because of porn? someone post the copypasta

>> No.12395986

>November surprise
Oh, I know this one! It's when you miss the date after slipping for the fourth time lmao

>> No.12395989

it already has worked on mini starship, where have you been

>> No.12395993

>where you blow raptor innards out your ass

>> No.12395994

Starship don't matter in the long run. What matter is a nation industrial capacity and technical skills, both which are collapsing in the land of the """"free"""" for quite a while and constantly increasing amongst the chinamen.

>> No.12395996

because wings weigh a lot, and if you can do that kind of maneuver, which most likely will work since they've had a bit of practice with Falcon 9

>> No.12395998

What mini starship?

>> No.12395999

>not-up-to-date information
same as it ever was

>> No.12396003
File: 24 KB, 400x400, image_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. asian american, please.

>> No.12396005

>because wings weigh a lot
Ok let me redesign this airbus a380
I'll save on weight by removing the wings

>> No.12396007

It sure is nice being able to fire and replace engines in testing instead of having to stop all work for two years because you have a stuck valve in a museum piece that costs as much as an F35 lmao
>Starship don't matter in the long run
mega chicope

>> No.12396010

airbus a380 is an airplane, starship is not this really isn't that complicated

>> No.12396014

>two years development in boca chica
>nothing to show for
>no 20km hops
>no booster
>no water landings
>shortfall of gravitas missing in action
yeah, good luck SpaceX stan, you'll need it

>> No.12396016

Not just the wings but all the shit that goes with a horizontal landing. Much more dry mass efficient to do a tail landing.

>> No.12396019

I know, right? The crazy thing is that methane was never seriously looked at in the entire history of the Space Age. If you read "Ignition!", they researched literally every other possible rocket fuel/oxidizer combination, but plain-old methane is never mentioned. And suddenly everybody is trying it.

>> No.12396023

a380 is not a fucking airplane, it's a capsule. retard

>> No.12396025

Use English words or get the fuck out.

>> No.12396024

>There's nothing that can slow SLS down at this point
can't slow down something that's not moving

>> No.12396027

>nothing to show for
other than 10 test articles but let's ignore those :^)
>no water landings
Thank god it's only taken 2 years, imagine taking a decade to build one tank

>> No.12396028

>9 years of development
>20 billion dollars of funding
>hasn't even fired its engines

>> No.12396029

Starship is absolutely a plane, even the X-plane flight sim guy admitted it

>> No.12396030

take your meds schizo

>> No.12396033

wrong, all of those engines flew on shuttle. who's the dumbass now? i'll give you a hint. you ;)

>> No.12396034
File: 1.91 MB, 2436x1370, Airbus a380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at that magnificent capsule :)

>> No.12396036

What the fuck are you talking about?
Chinas accession began in the 70's

>> No.12396038

Imagine using museum articles to boost your shitty excuse of a rocket

>> No.12396039

indeed, they will only carry Chinese

>> No.12396044


>> No.12396045

>I've never fucked my wife, but her boyfriend did and that's just as good, right?

>> No.12396046

Starship won't matter for the same reason the Little Willie and Wright Flyer didn't. It is a crux of technical skill and engineering, but it will be quickly replaced by better iterations within a decade of being first introduced because of its experimental nature. What matter is the capacity to remain advancing the overall development loop to create improved designs, which depend on the industrial and educational health of the country.

>> No.12396049

I prefer making fun of the SLS guy, at least he doesn't actually believe it. This is actual cope.

>> No.12396051

At least SMME actually works, unlike honking raptor that shids molten turbopump. Really nasty, and disrespectful

>> No.12396057

You should keep that to yourself, it's embarrassing to others who have to read your fantasies

>> No.12396058

I can get behind that. What song would it play?

>> No.12396060

the RS-25 first fired 40 years ago, and it took over a decade to develop

>> No.12396062
File: 570 KB, 2329x2250, China political compass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is actual cope.
Ask me again in 50 years and let's see who is coping

>> No.12396064

Sorry rocket cuck, your engines are old and busted. You will never have the satisfaction of blowing out her O ring seals for the first time and her valves clam up at the sight of you. It will never be the same again.

>> No.12396065

Yes, tried and true engine. Still the king of all rocket engines. Most efficient rocket engine ever made and ever will be

>> No.12396069

I ge twhat you mean, but Starship isn't Wright Flyer
Starship is more like Boeing 707

>> No.12396071

>in 50 years
During the interregnum lmao

>> No.12396076

It also costs 64 million dollars, which is more that a full falcon heavy when reused.

>> No.12396078

*146 million

>> No.12396079

>tried and true engine
Can't try it though
>Most efficient rocket engine ever made
That's the RL10 for chem rockets and some who xenon thruster overall but sure

>> No.12396084

>1 engine costs as much as three rockets stuck together
In what realm can other companies even compete

>> No.12396085

>Starship is more like Boeing 707
Not really. Starship is build on highly untested tech and reliant on tapping on a market that no one knows if it actually exists to actually make its money back. Beyond that, I think Musk himself said that Starship is meant to be phased out relatively fast for what is basically a bigger, 'roided up version once it gets going.

>> No.12396094

the cope in here from spacex stans really amazes me. they all crawl out of the woodwork when someone doesnt blindly suck starship cock. really embarrassing

>> No.12396095

so it's a 737 MAX

>> No.12396096

>tapping on a market that no one knows if it actually exists
The virgin chicom hedger. "This is barely a start, just the wright flyer... but maybe it'll be too much!" You can't decide whether it's too little or too much but you're sure you're unsure. Pitiful.

>> No.12396097

It's nice that your shitposts all contain the same calling card for easy identification. Happy fishing fren.

>> No.12396102

Do you guys think Launcher will win small launch?

>> No.12396104
File: 911 KB, 1360x768, 24f873afbe695309671f81a7a08ba65b03372d3ed58ebea4ea3c32223f7b4b65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. He is the ultimate life form.

>> No.12396103

I didn't give you permission to stop posting SLS cope, fucktoy

>> No.12396111

Why don't you post the "reminder that SLS will reach orbit before starship" again? That'll get them

>> No.12396115

A wild Texas Tank Watcher crawls out of the wood work! Hello, tell me, is it venting as we speak haha

>> No.12396118
File: 228 KB, 1024x829, Shelby's_Nightmare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12396119

that's a different anon, i'm against pedo/anime-posting

>> No.12396120

I'm venting as I type.

>> No.12396121
File: 50 KB, 500x500, spook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome, fellow Michoud Tank Watchers!

>> No.12396123


>> No.12396127
File: 918 KB, 680x1130, Trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I'd be calling you out as pic related, but that no anime stance is based.

>> No.12396132

I wish SLS had some more positive niches, like how ULA can differentiate from SpaceX

>> No.12396143
File: 704 KB, 538x720, hottest_reentry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hard in the Rocket Fuel
>Orbital Hoe Depot
>The Final Countdown (John King cover)
>Gravity of My Balls
>Aerogel (extra explicit)
>Stop! Rocket Time!

>> No.12396148

>John King
Meant Jack King

>> No.12396156

that's super interesting. I've read halfway through Ignition, recently finished chapter on peroxide. they must have messed with methane, but were blinded performance of hydrogen or sonething, right? must not have been notable

>> No.12396157
File: 803 KB, 3040x2432, X-30_NASP_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space planes are the future
Down with the rocket lobby!

>> No.12396161

Technically it still does. Out of the ultra heavy rockets, it's the farthest along its development. The only thing standing in its way is that the contractors tasked in building it are motivated to take as long as possible to finish it.

>> No.12396164

>its niche is that it can launch tomorrow
>editor's note: it cannot launch tomorrow

>> No.12396169
File: 30 KB, 500x279, you_got_me_there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12396171

it sucks. we didnt even need a green run. Jim entertained the idea skipping it altogether. they could've just launched Artemis-1 this year, it's unmanned anyway

>> No.12396176

That would've been a cool way to end a lame year

>> No.12396187


Predictable. Seriously, when did /sfg/ became /v/ lite with so much inane bullshit?

>> No.12396189

it's not a perfect analogy, but I don't think it's a bad one
>build on highly untested tech
turbofans weren't exactly untested, but they sure were barely off the drawing board
before it, they were still making planes with piston engines
>reliant on tapping on a market that no one knows if it actually exists
there wasn't really market for millions of passengers in 1950's either
most airports were not airports, but rather airfields at the time
and it took like 10 years until civilian market exceeded military contracts
>Beyond that, I think Musk himself said that Starship is meant to be phased out relatively fast for what is basically a bigger, 'roided up version once it gets going.
something more like 747, one could say

>> No.12396203

just make one interesting episode you piece of shit, and stop saying you were in the army. Tell you what, make an episode on SLS vs STARSHIP and we might forgive you

>> No.12396205

>"Le americains are doing ze hydroloxe, oui? Ve must copy zem immediatemon!"
it's kinda amazing how many people copied the shuttle's flawed approach. Fortunately I think the "massive hydromeme 1st stage" is finally dead in the water

>> No.12396211


Cool. Am I supposed to start calling you a tranny now so I can also assume you are someone that you aren't?

>> No.12396214

>wishing the evil of Isaac talking about modern rocketry on the world
He cucked himself into the "it will happen even if nothing ever happens" mentality, he doesn't have any perspective. Unironically his most watchable videos focus on planetary science.

>> No.12396221

I don't get that either. How is that interesting?

>> No.12396235

pretty sure they can put that gigantic orange piece of shit in orbit. Would be pretty hilarious having a few of those things just floating around

>> No.12396239

anybody have the reminder?

>> No.12396240
File: 824 KB, 1600x1198, starflight5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine if NASP got actually built and then some Karen shoots it down upon seeing this movie

>> No.12396242

he has like 20 videos on mars colonization and not once does he mention starship or even SLS or reusability in general, he just mentions some obscure advocacy groups that'll never do anything

>> No.12396244
File: 9 KB, 795x156, anime threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.12396245


>> No.12396248


His detachment from reality or anyone from the actual field is what makes Event Horizon a much superior channel.

>> No.12396249

Transexual Janitors are a very progressive move from 4chan administrators

>> No.12396252

John Michael Godier's channel is nice as well. It's more of an equivalent to IA but the topics aren't spastic like Awthur's. And there seems to be a lot more focus on actual science and its implications for the future (as opposed to 'hey guys what if we had unlimited energy and a replicator' )

>> No.12396254

>"it will happen even if nothing ever happens" mentality
I don't watch alot of his videos, but what is that mentality exactly?

>> No.12396255
File: 175 KB, 300x100, 1593462731281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So how much do you seethe by just refreshing the page?

>> No.12396259

Different anon, but I believe what he meant by that is that Arthur implies that humans are "obviously" going to have huge trade networks out to Neptune and other star systems and freighters and o'neill cylinders like star trek enterprise in the future and it's a 100% guarantee

>> No.12396262


Not that poster but my main problem with IA is that he makes wild assumptions on how society will organize or how people will act and then he just keeps building on top of a potential flawed base. Some episodes are good but if the entire premise of his episode is faulty due to something silly at the start then the rest of the 30 minutes is just a waste of time.

>> No.12396267

Well, it's a free country, but that doesn't mean I have to accept you

>> No.12396275

the market starship is tapping into is literally the current market, at a lower operational cost. it doesnt need massive payloads to pay for itself. it can do everything falcon 9 / heavy / dragon can do but fully reusable with lower overhead. it would be practical just for that. it doesnt need new markets. but it will create them

>> No.12396276
File: 11 KB, 200x163, 1582180211491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One of his assumptions that annoy me the most and is a premise to a bunch of his episodes is that interstellar colonization is a given and that governments will want to promote it with seeder ships or whatnot. If FTL communications and transport truly won't ever be achievable then there is literally zero incentive for governments to expand to other stars because basically what you are doing is creating potentially deadly rivals due to the inability to command and control the colonies. It will be just like what happened to Europe but on fucking steroids since you can never tell if one of the colonies went super bad and are sending near light speed missiles your way. I believe a case for strictly controlled interstellar travel to be much more believable.

>> No.12396285

Also, it can't be a November surprise when it inevitably gets pushed back to December.

>> No.12396287

uncontrolled could work if you dont mind losing mother colonies once in awhile. i guess the goal would be to have net gain, and losing some wont be an issue

>> No.12396289

Oh it'll be pushed back hahaha

>> No.12396293

Seems lame. I know that most people are interested in a sci-fi future in space, but spaceflight has a significant starting problem. There needs to be more talk in how to start a space economy rather than what would a developed space economy with unlimited resources look like.

>> No.12396295


It what universe would any sort of government think that potentially sacrificing their home capital planet to be a worthy trade? Do you not see the lengths that the US and China go for national security?

>> No.12396299

>basically what you are doing is creating potentially deadly rivals due to the inability to command and control the colonies
Such a government could go with the 1984 route, and make the colony culture such that a revolt against Earth is unthinkably evil. Undoing it would be difficult because the colonists would have no way to directly verify the information they have on Earth.

>> No.12396302

i dont think ((they)) have a choice

>> No.12396303

Well it would start with a prototype mining probe (think comet toucher but bigger)
And experiment with isru propellant on the same or another probe. I guess we could start at Phobos or Deimos

>> No.12396304

You could probably make millions by writing a book similar to John Locke or Thomas Paine’s common sense or something, but aimed at the government and economic structure of future Mars colonists. They might be inspired by your thinking... Although you might also pull a van gogh and write all your shit and die penny-less only for your works to get rediscovered one hundred years from now

>> No.12396310
File: 376 KB, 811x1000, pointing chika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're on the wrong website then buddy

>> No.12396311

Check out Spacefund and people like Rick Tumlinson. Him and those of similar mind have been working at the starting problem for decades. Traction is building recently however

>> No.12396314
File: 678 KB, 3192x2124, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12396323

Although others elaborated it somewhat already, the other thing is he just doesn't care how long it takes, favoring the BO "do it slow and 'right' by never ever accepting any perceived risk" approach.

>> No.12396340
File: 153 KB, 1041x586, Sentinel-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the Sentinel-6 can eventually map the ocean floor down to mm accuracy, could we find thousands of shipwrecks and crashed planes?

>> No.12396342
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, firefox_2019-06-06_12-07-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this much of a realism autist you can't appreciate some good science fiction/fantasy

>> No.12396362
File: 92 KB, 1696x1228, 881cef8cb057737fbcde3fb128cf2120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>could we find thousands of shipwrecks and crashed planes?

With that accuracy? Yeah. Maybe we can finaly find MH-370, get the boxes and figure out what happend.

Speaking of planes, could they be outfitted with Starlink dishes for broadband, fast onboard wifi? It could also serve as some sort of tracking system so that planes (at least the big ones) can never disappear again.

>> No.12396391


After the Soviet Union collapsed, Lockheed-Martin went to the former Soviet republics to see what companies over there had technology that they could use and in return, helped fund many projects and/or setup joint ventures.

Examples are buying flightdata of the Yak-141 from Yakolev design bureau to aid them with the development of their X-35 wich has become the F-35, buying RD-180 engines for their Atlas-V's and as mentioned, ILS to help the Russians with commercial uses of Proton and future Angara launches.


I did not expect the launch date to be pushed back again. For a long time, end of November/early December was seemingly set in stone but not mid December.

>what with five Glonass navsats failing at once,

Do you have a source for that? I find that hard to believe to be quite honest with you.

>> No.12396392
File: 354 KB, 750x1190, BC610D44-0B23-4E07-A44D-FF9D6167DA95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit let’s go recover it

>> No.12396404
File: 945 KB, 1000x1000, 1606451136149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wakka wakka wakka

>> No.12396411

>let’s go recover it
ayy lmao

>> No.12396413
File: 422 KB, 470x272, chaika starship waving.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ultimate proof that "job security in government subsidized positions" needs to be vibe-checked every so often by private industry.

The last thing in rocketry we needed is the same old shit being pushed as "mind-blowingly awesome" to a dwindling public interest like in so many other fields (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS!).

>> No.12396415

What actually are the recovery capabilities of Starship?

>> No.12396420

100 tons downmass

>> No.12396421

It's a centaur stage I believe. We could go capture it. There is only one other example of a rocket stage returning to Earth; Apollo 12's upper stage. Launched in 69' and burned up in Earth's atmosphere in 2002

>> No.12396422

Really it's proof that government subsidized positions should all be eliminated, along with much of the third world.

>> No.12396424

Why isn't there a universal stage (like centaur) that carries satellites to their destination and saves enough fuel for an Earth return? Would it cost too much fuel or dv? I'm imagining a network of kick stages and tugs that can be refueled in Earth orbit and taken back via starship for inspection

>> No.12396434

that was one of the main point of the shuttle, to bring things to space and bring them to back to earth if need be. There where plans to bring back the hubble and put it in a museum before the shuttle program was shutdown I think.

>> No.12396451

I'm bored. What are some essential Martian anime? inb4 anime is shit. Of course it's shit but I'm that bored.

>> No.12396454
File: 970 KB, 2048x1366, 1567402676711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Animefags are wretched man children who unironically get upset that people here want see spaceflight related images instead of their autistic Jap cartoon spam, despite a whole board dedicated to that very subject. They're enabled by a faggot moderator and they pretend like fellating him for censoring people who just want them to stop shit posting means anything.

In before:
>User was banned for this post
>YUSSSS SLAY!!! That bad man insulted my cartoons1111!

>> No.12396456

>I'm bored.
Kill yourself, for fun of course, not just because you're a faggot.

>> No.12396459

My Little Belter Can't Be This Cute

>> No.12396465

Rocket Girls is trash but has anime tiddies and tries for some kind of realism in the technical aspects of spaceflight.
Planetes is a must, in fact I should rewatch it soon too.

>> No.12396480

all you need to do to beat the Falcon 9 is not be limited by road transportation size limits

>> No.12396481

Neither of those have anything to do with Mars.

>> No.12396485

>Fortunately I think the "massive hydromeme 1st stage" is finally dead in the water
He says, as they're hyping "THE MOST POWERFUL ROCKET EVER BUILT" which is Yet Another SRBs bolted onto a hydromeme sustainer stage.

>> No.12396486
File: 258 KB, 1418x2048, orbital_era.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there are anime about mars, just space in general.
Speaking of, did this ever release? Or did covid kill it?

>> No.12396487

Oh. Well then Cowboy Bebop I guess, Spike is from Mars. I dunno, Trigun? Not Mars but it's on a desert shithole planet.

>> No.12396493

I can think of a few Mars related ones but only Cowboy Bebop and Aldnoah Zero are any good.

>> No.12396516
File: 1.95 MB, 2436x1370, 1606581168303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go, I've highlighted the portion of this vehicle that is a capsule

>> No.12396520

In production. Anime movies takes years to make, it's not some weekly trash show.

>> No.12396529

Mars Daybreak - you'll hate it.

>> No.12396533
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, 9cb433f6ade2e91e812ffd07389e2854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12396541

there are at least three rockets either flying or on the drawing board to fly "soon(tm)" that are hydrolox sustainer cores surrounded by either solids or kerolox

>> No.12396543

The cockpit is unable to detach from the rest of the craft, therefor it is not a capsule, but a part of the plane

>> No.12396547

>he is unaware

>> No.12396553

It can detach, but not without compromising it's ability to be a capsule

>> No.12396558
File: 7 KB, 320x240, Look my nose magicly fell off when no missle struck me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go for stage-sep, flight 800

>> No.12396563

not sure if white aussie or chink aussie, but the amount of projection here is hilarious

>> No.12396568

TWA 800?

>> No.12396569

Meaning it’s max diameter would have to be 4.3~ meters

>> No.12396573

"dead in the water" as in the idea itself is out of-

>there are at least three rockets either flying or on the drawing board to fly "soon(tm)" that are hydrolox sustainer cores surrounded by either solids or kerolox
Oh. Well fuck me nevermind.

But WHY? Do other countries have SLS-like situations where they've built up infrastructure/industry around chunky hydrogen boosters and thus are determined to make more of them not for performance reasons but in order to keep the gravy train going?

Maybe I should be more appreciative of ULA and their vulcan. Oldspace going methalox is probably a miracle in and of itself.

>> No.12396576
File: 97 KB, 1192x670, twa_flight_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12396579


The center fuel tank exploding will do that too, no need for conspiracy-tier schizo inane babble when the official version of events are much more plausible.

>> No.12396581
File: 127 KB, 289x1114, 1592220105170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when do you guys predict we'll see super heavy begin testing? Pic not really related.

>> No.12396584

> I can not view anything except in the limited terminology that has already been used to express those things. Any innovation must fit within my definitions.
Starship is a new animal, kids. Bickering over which inaccurate term to use to describe it will only make you both look like dummies.

>> No.12396586

could...could this work?

>> No.12396589

four rockets, I think
Ariane 5, Ariane 6, SLS, Long March 5
Delta IV medium only recently died,
we decided that Starship was a rocket ship earlier
it needs to do horizontal landing to be a spaceplane and if it has wings it's not a capsule

>> No.12396592

yeah, if you can get the RS-25 to start in flight
and STS and Energiya have been dead

>> No.12396597

You’re a capsule

>> No.12396600

I'm a suppository, now bend over

>> No.12396603

The pressurized part of the aircraft is the majority of the fuselage. There are no sub-compartments.

>> No.12396604

how's the weather on the 30th by the way? better?

>> No.12396606


>> No.12396614

not optimal. they may be targeting later in the week now

>> No.12396615

Your MOM's a capsule!

>> No.12396619
File: 45 KB, 1614x1852, OHNONO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no, HOP bros, we got too cocky....

>> No.12396622

>Merlin engines at Boca
Wha-what are they planning bros? Lunar starship mockup?

>> No.12396623
File: 86 KB, 675x227, laughing_soldiers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That crop job

>> No.12396624

oh boy, that amazing crop, sorry /sfg/ bros, pour some LOX on me please

>> No.12396625

Paint.exe has become hostile

>> No.12396627

Nice flag lmao

>> No.12396628

The delay comes to no one's surprise, but that white space does.

>> No.12396632

oh no no no no, CROP bros, we got too cocky....

>> No.12396633

MSPaint just does that sometimes to me too.
"Today I'm going to randomly open with a 3000x3000 resolution image when I copypaste a 1920x1080 printscreen into it". I guess it's to get me to move onto whatever piece of shit they're planning to replace it with in win10.

>> No.12396637
File: 177 KB, 517x674, flagofretardedcropping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12396639
File: 8 KB, 271x186, smölpp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry /sfg/ bros... Feel free to put a bullet in my head, but not until I see SN8 HOP

>> No.12396640

holy shit am I on /rlg/ or does /sfg/ also suffer from an ancient morgothian curse

>> No.12396641

I forgive you. MSPaint did the same to me about a week or two ago.

>> No.12396643

Use the Snipping Tool next time

>> No.12396645

if you're on windows, get paint.net

>> No.12396646

excuse me

>> No.12396649
File: 1.50 MB, 800x800, Kerbals_land_Falcon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soyuz-2 with that fairing looks kerbal as hell to me

>> No.12396650

I did actually, but I'm using the newer snipping tool (win shift x) that just copies to the screencap to your clipboard.

>> No.12396654


>> No.12396669

win shift S*****

>> No.12396683
File: 83 KB, 1196x688, 1585331165856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just use firefox and press ctrl+shift+s. Automatically selects what you want most of the time. Really convenient.

>> No.12396689

if you're on firefox you can just paste into the 4chan window once you've either used the Firefox screenshot tool or the windows snipping tool

>> No.12396692
File: 290 KB, 380x380, 1606466404956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me on the doll where the anime girl touched you

>> No.12396693
File: 23 KB, 1831x165, 1581166396646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit. Nice.

>> No.12396697
File: 28 KB, 748x142, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's very helpful

>> No.12396702

Is firefox better than chrome?

>> No.12396703

dunno, Chrome isn't FREE SOFTWARE

>> No.12396705


>> No.12396707

>you can just paste into the 4chan window
how, am brainlet, it just pastes spoiler tags?

>> No.12396709

I don't give a fuck about anime, but vtuber shit posters should be castrated then shot.

>> No.12396710

ctrl-v, bro

>> No.12396712

Apparently NASA uses Ultron

>> No.12396713
File: 557 KB, 1280x1206, fc29c372e0a9833aef6cc3c383474358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when's moon rallying

>> No.12396715 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 315x279, 1604641738597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12396716

reminds me of this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWARraXlBgkBU5YYY8XPJxw/videos

Some autist recreates SpaceX launches in KSP. As in they scrape the audio and recreate the visuals near 1:1. Here's the recent Vandenberg launch, starting at t-15. Frankly it's in some ways better than that shitty NASA cast: https://youtu.be/ZgMNT3Nwx4s?t=31

meant to quote

yeah not having to save the img is pretty great

>> No.12396720

don't avatarfag

>> No.12396723

I unironically want this so bad. Having to compensate for all the air time they'd be getting would require a ton of skill.
Really, if all goes well in the future the moon is just going to be a giant playground.

>> No.12396725

I want to dress up like Casval and then drop rocks on governments

>> No.12396730

Probably when Starship goes online. It'll most likely be with smaller remote controlled rovers at first with larger manned rovers splitting off into their own league once they're developed. A sport of that level of novelty would make large amounts of money in sponsorships alone.

>> No.12396733 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 221x218, 1603955901304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or what?

>> No.12396735

can't wait for Group B when they need to ban hydrazine and UDMH
keep fucking around and find out

>> No.12396736

I guess the rovers would to have RCS thrusters firing up, pushing the rovers into the ground? Otherwise probably too floaty to get consistent traction

>> No.12396738

excuse me
Group B Moon Rally gets banned after somebody almost dies of spicy orange and cancer juice

>> No.12396739

>each rover has a few rockets strapped on for a few seconds of MAX FAST

>> No.12396740

>muh remote control
keep your health-and-safety-pilled commie nonsense on t*rra

>> No.12396742

Maybe for later developments, but the first ones would most likely lack thrusters beyond the first landing and be purely solar powered. That way they can be reused for later races with little to no supporting infrastructure needed. Plus the floatiness would be novel and funny to watch for the first couple of races.

>> No.12396744

upwards thrusters and forwards thrusters are banned
RCS is only for controlling orientation in flight
rockets are banned, RCS is for aerial control only

>> No.12396748

It's not for safety, but development cost. It's hard to say if the sport would truly be popular enough to be self sustaining financially. Smaller remote controlled rovers are cheaper to develop and drive. If they turn out to not be as popular as needed, then the financial loss isn't terribly high.

>> No.12396756

Imagine two falcon9’s attached to the star ship.

>> No.12396763
File: 216 KB, 1037x9998, OHNONONO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no, HOP bros, we got too cocky....

>> No.12396769

Reminder, SN8 will fail and crash. SpaceX is going bankrupt and Elon Musk's fraud will be exposed. He's not an engineer. He's a businessman. He's a fraud. Anyone with a billion dollar can make a rocket.

>> No.12396773


>> No.12396777
File: 362 KB, 2048x1536, moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12396778

We wont need a hop if that screenshot keeps expanding upwardly

>> No.12396781

Gonna be rovers on mars/the moon anyway and once you have people and buggies you will have cernans going all out on them, doesn't matter what they cost or what the audience is

>> No.12396796
File: 64 KB, 328x9589, OHNONONONO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no, HOP bros, we got too cocky....

>> No.12396798

I like it better.

>> No.12396802
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x720, spacestarshuttleship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12396815

That's ONLY 64KB, and the limit is 2MB.

>> No.12396825

SpaceX needs a new fairing recovery ship called "MS Paint".
Macfags smug, they've had a partial screen capture for decades.
This, vtuber shit is cancer no matter what you think about anime.

>> No.12396827
File: 126 KB, 289x1114, 1577649051630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now it will

>> No.12396835

There's a resolution limit bro

>> No.12396836
File: 105 KB, 500x507, our-sun-my-disgust-9752849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a cute bundle of sticks...

>> No.12396841

Win + Shift + S retard

>> No.12396844


>> No.12396865
File: 237 KB, 1920x1018, 601a7ca29ce333316c5032dc958e1aa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*distant screaming*

>> No.12396870

wow, china's space program is pretty hardcore

>> No.12396881

This is the future when Elon Starship begins to take shape

>> No.12396886

Energia II: reusable booster crew

>> No.12396891

Jeremy Clarkson jumps the throttle, screaming POWWEEEERRRRR

>> No.12396906

you don't need the SRBs

>> No.12396922

I wonder how much Tesla is going to make selling power-packs to SpaceX. It's one Model X battery pack and four motors per Starship, right?

>> No.12396926
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, Uragan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Energia II
Don't even get me started on Energia 2, anon. It should be illegal to design something so beautiful yet never build it

>> No.12396935
File: 135 KB, 736x920, 952ECD9D-5BF2-4D58-ADDF-E23F770A6369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino shit never lasts long when the government is doing the spending

>> No.12396958

>somehow costs more than a Titan
Gee I wonder why they didn’t keep it around

>> No.12396968

>literally cluster a bunch of redstones together
>still costs more than Titan
has NASA ever not been a meme

>> No.12396983

Fucking onions avatar fag fucking consumer zoomer

>> No.12396984

One big tank costs way less than a bunch of small ones, but at that point it was still difficult to make such a massive tank

>> No.12396986

I don’t see anything for their medium lift rocket other than that they are going to take a core jupiter stage and slap on redstone stages. It’s not that easy in rocketry.

>> No.12396999

hippity hoopity hoop when

>> No.12397006

To be fair, the Saturn I came before the lifter versions of the Titan, and it was a rushed project.

>> No.12397010

Prob not this coming monday, may tuesday or wed. There's some wind issues on monday.

>> No.12397012

Everything back then was rushed.

>> No.12397029

>There's some wind issues on monday.
just build a wind barrier

>> No.12397032

Easier to wait a day.

>> No.12397033
File: 735 KB, 1812x1358, 1604930209155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would super heavy really have positive thrust/weight with SLS block 2 stacked on top of it? Pretty fucking nuts if so.

>> No.12397035

yeah, easily

>> No.12397041

just imagine watching the boosters separate, spread their wings, and gracefully fly down and land one after the other

>> No.12397044
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>> No.12397052
File: 21 KB, 344x211, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's closer than I thought, actually
the core stage has a wet mass of 2000 tons

>> No.12397053
File: 330 KB, 2000x1243, haarp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hums ominously

>> No.12397060

so this is the bastard responsible for all the hurricanes this season huh

>> No.12397062

could just use the original Super Heavy design with 42 raptors

>> No.12397065


>> No.12397066
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>> No.12397068
File: 133 KB, 945x1233, 1593496497107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this will never happen
Why does it have to be this way?

>> No.12397072

...in what world would this work

>> No.12397074

this one, looks good to me

>> No.12397078

What's wrong with it? They got 27 engines working on Falcon Heavy.

>> No.12397080

>rough waves send the booster into the ocean
>loses months of engine production in an instant

>> No.12397090

The one where SpaceX has engineers that aren't just occupying space for the welfare.

>> No.12397094

the one where raptor would have been much weaker than it is now

>> No.12397097

Not really comparable, since FH has 3 thrust pucks to take the force

>> No.12397100
File: 70 KB, 434x550, 317569d4c80fcca8f0390f0dec7a06a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice world where hopes for spaceflight are restored.

>> No.12397101

Then make one big thrust puck

>> No.12397104
File: 247 KB, 550x1125, N1_heavy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12397106

Well they did

>> No.12397111

I can only get so erect, anon, don't push me..

>> No.12397112
File: 21 KB, 565x543, 1605175184516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.12397122
File: 125 KB, 640x828, TheFastandtheFinalFrontier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Dragon 2 carrying movie stars soon, sooner than you might think.

>> No.12397202

Chang'e 5 capture burn successful

First braking took 17 min and reached an orbit of 400 km (apo?).
A second braking one day later will lower the orbit to 200 km.

>> No.12397269

very noice

>> No.12397273

Good work for them

>> No.12397287
File: 694 KB, 370x262, fantastic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12397295

Isn't Tom Cruise also going to space?

>> No.12397299

>17 min
That is a hell of a maneuver. Apollo's LOI took 6.5 minutes on a 91kN engine (vs Chang'e's 3kN).

>> No.12397300

hes going to find menu

>> No.12397302

>Page 10

Staging: >>12397301




>> No.12397305

xenu fuck autocorrect

>> No.12397358

a level of based not thought possible....

>> No.12397362

anyone got the abaurdly wide N1 pic? i think it's just below to width limit

>> No.12397420

LOL good work isaac, youre the one on the tranny sjw bullshit side

>> No.12397423

i just know its probably the actual isaac asimov and the actual event horizon dude hwoever that is just shilling for themselves, but fuck you convinced me, ill give that event horizon stuff a chance

>> No.12397429

>the actual isaac asimov
nigga what

>> No.12397502
File: 50 KB, 480x360, 1265088004941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
