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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12392979 No.12392979 [Reply] [Original]

Why do brainlets think the current ACT and SAT are reflections of IQ, when they are just typical study type tests

>> No.12392986

lol ask me how i know you got a poor score on those tests

>> No.12393025

All tests are IQ tests to some extent or another.
what is their correlation?

>> No.12393063
File: 314 KB, 638x359, am_i_disabled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get bored at school iq test
>receive my 89 points
feel sad for a bit

>> No.12393068

he’s right the correlation has weakened in recent years and it was never very strong

>> No.12393070

yeah i knew that too but i didnt make a thread about it

>> No.12393091

>caring about the SAT and ACT
Underage B&. Oddly enough, the reading comprehension sections are more reliant on reasoning than the mathematics sections. The math sections are easily gamed and reliant on memorization of concepts and formulas.

>> No.12393116

>Thinking IQ is some kind of gold standard

>> No.12393128



>Now, fifteen years after that work, researchers have confirmed the principal finding, yielding correlations between intelligence and the SAT of roughly 0.5 to 0.9, depending upon sample and the way in which intelligence is defined

the "brainlets", as you put it, are right.

>> No.12393143

The ACT and SAT are not tests of IQ and aren't considered to be. The ACT and SAT are strictly assessments of students work ethic, how willing any particular student is to prepare and study for an arbitrary examination. The ACT and SAT are designed to be high-stress tests that strictly determine how open the student is to taking it in the ass and dedicate all their time to learning irrelevant information.

>> No.12393148

.5 doesn't seem like a lot. Could just be a rounding error

>> No.12393158

You literary changed it from 130 to 145 you cause of my post you mental midwit, but guess what i dont care.

>> No.12393187


0.5 is like a moderate correlation, 0.9 would be very tightly correlated.

>> No.12393663

It's less than .5 in the most recent version of the test.

>> No.12393735

I love this meme, it‘s so fucking funny

>> No.12393741

Could someone help me understand this. I got perfect score in math section without studying. Like sat math is to diagnose retardation. That's how easy it was. But on the English part did abysmally. I got 570 out of the 800. What does this mean?

>> No.12394254

Why do brainlets think the current IQ tests are reflections of intelligence, when they are just typical study type tests

>> No.12394410

A high IQ is like being very tall or having a big dick, but with intelligence.

>> No.12394418

They've been simplifying the tests since they are "racist"

>> No.12394455

They're useful for filtering out idiots, not much for finding geniuses. Should be implemented in immigration as a barrier to entry

>> No.12394531

You're so smart. I could feel the heat sourced by your iq radiating out my screen; I could cook an egg. Lol retard. Did your IQ test results offend you? Your brain conducts less electricity than most.

>> No.12394551

sort of actually, I scored a 110 did some practise for about two weeks. Highest I ever managed to get before I got bored was 165.

>> No.12394583

It means you're retarded. Sorry champ.

>> No.12394636

>Doing well on an arbitrary test correlates to doing well on another arbitrary test

Mind blowing

>> No.12395334

>cult leader flattering retards to exploit their trust.jpg
Either I'm having a deja vu episode or I've seen this drill 10,000 times already.
This is a legitimately interesting question. And though I suspect you have a taste for the sublimely silly, as most men I've known whose balance is similarly askew but not sickening in any lack, I have recently lost the will to shitpost in the manner, and can only recommend research elsewhere for the same reason.

>> No.12395521

IQ correlates with standardized testing, following procedures and being reliable cog. IQ is not equal to intelligence, its a very specific sort of test but functionally equivalent to SAT or just any math test or Facebook crystal crush score.

>> No.12395532

IQ is not intelligence

>> No.12396298

because R = 0.86

>> No.12396312
File: 49 KB, 600x528, Forty_keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SATs and IQ tests are well known to test basically the same skills
>Correlations as low as .5
This doesn't demonstrate what you think it does lmao