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12392905 No.12392905 [Reply] [Original]

In 100 years there will be two types of people.
Those who leave earth to help colonize the galaxy
and those who stay on earth to live in VR dreamland.

>> No.12392908

why the fuck would any human want to colonize the galaxy when we can get robots to do that for us? id rather get raped than suffer from bone wasting diseases

>> No.12392911

Delusional. People have been saying this stuff for such a long time. In a hundred years the most you'll have is a faster internet and more VR.

>> No.12392917

And BTW the VR is still going to be gay as fuck, just as it is now. There will be no tonal consistency, lots of glitches and bugs. Our software is already breaking down, software developers becoming less competent. You will need to program in such a way that accommodates thousands of terabytes of bloatware. Even though the internet is going to be faster, our software will be even slower than it is today and the internet speed will pretty much not affect your experience at all.

>> No.12392919

Caveman thinking.

>> No.12392926
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Just being realistic. It's nice to dream sometimes but you should realize that it's just a fantasy and not confuse it for reality.

>> No.12392993

Your timeline is off. 200 years more likely. Capitalistic aspects of tech seem to stifle innovation. Look at vidya, as soon as they discovered that they could riddle their games with microtransactions and make way more money with way less work, all of the innovation stopped

>> No.12393015

>200 years more likely
Keep dreaming lol.

>> No.12393020

we're capping off technologically by the end of this decade

>> No.12393022

What's a viable solution to this then?

>> No.12393056


Why not sends humanoid robots into outer-space and use VR to control those robots?

>> No.12393071

Even better, we could pretend we're colonizing galaxy in a VR simulation.
Who needs a real galaxy anwyay? I guess there aren't even space catgirls out there.

>> No.12393081

In 100 years we'll have ships with artificial gravity. Simulating it is trivial.

>> No.12393084

>colonize the galaxy
imagine believing this. For those of us who actually know about technology the wall is already plainly visible. Normies will see it in 10-20 years. Your peak period in life assuming you are 4chan average poster age is right during the peak of humanity. There will never again be a comfier, richer, freer period in all of our history this is the fucking Golden Age right here.

>> No.12393095

If you develop FTL communication, then you could pilot a robot and explore Orion one day, then the very next day pop into another robot and safely explore the depths of Neptune. It's both safer, faster, and more efficient.

>> No.12393102

can someone tell me the story behind this image? did tesla really send a car into space?

>> No.12393110

Were you born last year? That was major news in 2018. Elon launched his roadster on the Falcon Heavy, a self-landing reusable rocket.

>> No.12393125

we may end up with some reseaech base on mars but we are not going to ever "colonize the galazy". no human will ever undergo an interstellar trip. try to proof me wrong

>> No.12393133

What a fucking manchild. Is this really who we have to deal with to get us to space?

>> No.12393182

well there was some talk that it was all faked
hence this picture>>12392926

>> No.12393232


>> No.12393595
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We can already simulate gravity with centrifugal force or 'spin thing fast, get gravity!'

>> No.12393600

I keep trying to tell people this but they don't listen. The wall is smacking us very soon.

>> No.12393668

What a retarded criticism to levy.

>> No.12393737

>and those who stay on earth to live in VR dreamland.
Wastes of resources who ought to be euthanized.

>> No.12393941

If this is true we're all about to go completely insane

>> No.12394087

Even better, ascend to a higer existence and realize the universe is already a simulation

>> No.12394163

live on VR dreamland on your moving ship while you spend 1 year out of perceptual ones impregnating genetically engineered slaves teh old fashioned way just for fun to colonize worlds.

youd have to be an idiot to not want to choose all the good and avoid all the bad, only some sort of wrong-tier religion like christianity could make you believe that to have something good you need to also something bad

>> No.12394168

>post most obvious lazy cgi psyops since the moon landings
>has the balls to speak about fantasy land

>> No.12394187

I don't believe you. And even if you're right we should try anyway.

>> No.12394318

why do you think putting a big piece of metal in to space needs to be faked? You know the falcon heavy is capable of doing this without any trouble. Unless you think all rocketry is fake.

>> No.12394342

Tell us how long in your opinion

>> No.12394371


>> No.12394380

Round up all the capitalist pigs that control and stifle innovation and line up against the wall to be shot

>> No.12394520


>> No.12394524

It's never going to happen.

>> No.12394553

>never going to happen
No anon :(

>> No.12394660

ok you first

>> No.12394821

100 years ago there was no internet, no cell phones, no man had landed on the moon, no computers, not even television.

With the rate which technology evolves, in 100 years we should have incredible technological innovations.

>> No.12394825
File: 38 KB, 818x503, pPdNZ3ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man will never make flying vehicles.
Man will never land on the moon.
Man will soon run out of new technology to make.
Etc etc.

>> No.12394826

Debt issue controlled by the state. Today Corporations have self interest “is this good for me.” When state controls corporate charter issuing more strictly the question is “is this good for the people.”

>> No.12394831

Your silly, space travel may be a pipe dream, but technology is no where near a wall

>> No.12394837

It’s fucking retarded that Tesla’s market cap is bigger than Toyota (or ford or gm.) given Toyota production lvls of 10 million cars vs Tesla at 360,000

>> No.12394876

>Tesla’s market cap is bigger than Toyota

>> No.12394882

Hype machine.

>> No.12394902
File: 266 KB, 880x1262, 9CA9DC0C-44E7-45BF-A839-13343094EF09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becuase occupy Wall Street had the right name even if all their ideas were retarded and before it caught the sjw plague and started doing Progressive stack and all the retardation

>> No.12394914

Gravity is a product of mass retard, spinning something doesn't make it weigh more idiot

>> No.12394934

Hasn't it ever been so, with the frontier being the least baseded place but the making comfy luring onions in?

>> No.12395071

It's not capitalism that stifled it, it's imperialism and chartered monopolies. Under a true free market capitalism you'd have Europe directly competing with American software and in fact producing twice as much because of twice as many people. You have the inverse, America produces twice as much software with half the people and I'm being very generous here because Europe doesn't have a single big IT company or even an IT sector at all. The reason for this is because all of it is monopolized by America and they enforce IP laws on the rest of the world, and through the minefield that modern intellectual property is you're pretty much bound to run into a problem by producing any variation of an AAA game. So what ends up happening is no one produces anything big and the industry is dominated by the few AAA devs releasing iteration 15 of the exact same game, for which they have a monopoly and if any of your assets ever resembled theirs in a capacity, and if you were big enough for them to care, they'd sue you into bankruptcy. That's why China has an enormous and very prosperous gaming industry, while Europe has none and America has the same games that it had 20 years ago but with better graphics. The WIPO convention and the DMCA are not capitalism.

>> No.12395076

>better games would be produced without it protection for their funders
You are delusional

>> No.12395080

the best games were produced at the height of widespread piracy and as piracy began to decrease, so did game quality in parallel

>> No.12395101


>> No.12395348

Bullshit, where is my flying car.
Realistically in a hundred years, there will still be half the human population living in abject poverty and the other half working dead end jobs trying to pay their bills.
With a few extra toys does not make a worthwhile future to look forward to.

>> No.12395353

Space isn't real

>> No.12395517

I’m not giving traffic to that redditor site
Explain it yourself or post a proper academic source, you intelectual waste

>> No.12396043

Not am argument.
Low hanging fruit has no bearing on future development.
You can not use successes of the past to conclude success in the future.

>> No.12396050

Cute brat.

>> No.12396073

Stuff like computer processing and stuff are at a wall, but space travel? Not even close.

>> No.12396635
File: 115 KB, 1024x647, The true future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, were going to be in the midst of intense fighting over basic resources and potable water while climate issues and crop failure hammer the population reeling from the collapse of ocean fishing stocks. If any of you glassy eyed optimist manage to reproduce it warms my heart knowing your children will suffer.

>> No.12396657

>In 100 years there will be two types of people.
eloi and morlocks

>> No.12396672

Way sooner. It's already starting to happen.
Moon landing technology was "lost".

>> No.12396691
File: 44 KB, 529x502, 1414533548839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


True. Horses will never be able run fast enough to make transcontinental and intercontinental travel feasible, comfortable or practical.

>> No.12396728

based H G Wells reference

>> No.12396758
File: 16 KB, 474x300, 1606397890359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're capping off technologically by the end of this decade

>that jaded zoomer that's seething over how many months the PS5 release took

>> No.12396976
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, 35hp79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they have.. and we still havent reach the date it is supposed to happen

>> No.12396998

Sorry wizard, be he is right, the prophet was right. 2020 is the best year of upcoming decade.

>> No.12397014

He managed to be top-3 richest in the world for whatever manchild actions he is having, and is still using his money to innovative things. Dont be so shallow child.

>> No.12397024


How stupid, naive or young do you have to be to live from Pong to massive multiplayer VR games and think it just stops there? The new chip developed by Cerebras changes everything and you all are too stupid to even understand why, but know this: photoreal and real time graphics will be here sooner than you think. Cerebras chip can process FASTER than macroscale physics. It can render macro photoreal FASTER than reality.

>> No.12397040


You are literally a retard. The new Cerebras chip can process photoreal macroscale graphics FASTER than reality. Perfect, photoreal graphics faster than macroscale physics. It is 200 times faster than a fucking super computer and fits in a laptop. You are too stupid to even understand why the chip works, because your understanding of reality is not based or optimum. You wouldnt even understand the chips architecture if I tried explaining it to you. Physics is unifed and this was one of the fruits of that. We tried to explain but you people are fucking brainwashed retards.

>> No.12397048

What you said very likely tho

>> No.12397059


Lol. Maybe animals and fundies will be doing this.

Optimists realized in the 1930s that there is enough energy in a dime to power a city for years. We released all that energy at once just to prove it and leveled the mother fucker. The resources for Optimists is infinite.

>> No.12397133

Sure thing bruh it totally doesn't take decades to get a reactor up and running and we totally wouldn't run out of fuel in 100 years if we switched to full nuclear. Let's just put our thoughts and prayers into fusion which might get a reactor running for 5 minutes in another decade and might see production reactors in another 20 while we experience EROI collapse and can't even afford maintenance cost for most systems WEW. Governments are totally going to come together in the name of altruism and not listen to lobbyist who will fight to maintain the status quo even as the first world turns into the third world due to climate based migration and a rapidly dwindling resources.

>> No.12397139

Nah i'm married and planning on a family but instead of pretending the future is going to be some utopia that caters to neets hooked up to a coomvac3000 and buying shit I don't need I will be acquiring property away from major population centers and starting a self sufficient homestead where I will pass on the skills to maintain it and increase the odds of my family making it through the great mutt filter.

>> No.12398517

>retarded elitist
Not him but you wouldn't understand the concept anyway

>> No.12398528

>too much capitalism creates stagnation
>too much socialism creates stagnation


>> No.12398601

In some parts of the world there is already famine and water scarcity.
To think it will happen everywhere is good for a blockbuster movie.

>> No.12398612

This. Colonizing any part of the solar system is a meme. Almost on par with Heavenly salvation, but for nerds rather than Christcucks. You may as well talk about colonizing the the ocean floor, although that is a far easier under taking.

>> No.12398675

Might happen in distant future ( like 200 years+, maybe as long as 1000 years+ ).

For the sake of the thought experiment assume the following are true:
1) Earth is facing environmental catastrophe, impacting food supply and political stability. Time line bracket: 100 years.
2) Currently only 3 major players worth mentioning in the industrial base and technology stakes. USA, Europe, China.

The USA and Europe are incapable of sustaining technological innovation since their social cohesion, education and industrial base is being eroded by 3rd world immigration and unpractical social policies, a process which is set to accelerate as environmental conditions around the world worsen. At best the USA will balkanize, at worse become another Brazil. Europe is effectively already balkanized and is set to become yet another stagnant shithole.

That leaves China. Although its shortcomings include lack of innovation, on the plus side China values education and technological progress. In this respect China can be thought of as slow and steady wins. China has considerable advantages over the west in terms of social cohesion and political pragmatism.

Providing China can address the environment issues on a global scale it is set to become the only world super power. When it achieves complete hegemony it will virtually have a free hand to do whatever it likes without opposition. With this is the potential to avert environmental catastrophe. Furthermore China will also then have a improved financial surplus by not needing a powerful military anymore. Under those circumstances it is easy to imagine China collating a fair percentage of existing world resources ( including human resources as well as physical ) to devote solely to a centuries long sustained space program. That might indeed take centuries, but providing everyone doesn't die in wet bulb temperatures or starve to death due to food chain collapse, then they can take as long as they like.

>> No.12398813

Then how will those robots get their fair share of black cock

>> No.12399117

Physics is unified?

>> No.12400040


>> No.12400069

Holy shit Gary has fallen off the deep end now

>> No.12400256

there are two possible futures.
the one where we exterminate all the mouth breathers to excel society
and one where we don't and we all fucking die.

>> No.12400261

Cope and wrong

>> No.12400305

Intelligent people have <1.0 children while the flood gates have been opened for the wretches of society to displace them. Brain drain is real and will have severe consequences when the world is like one giant Zimbabwe begging the last people who understand things to save them.

>> No.12400310

The world is fine

>> No.12400402
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>> No.12400459

yeah, it can go faster than the speed of light im sure. what the fuck kind of schizopost is this? what does that even mean?

>> No.12400813

t. polticuck retard.
either way your dead, so whatever. get over it.

>> No.12400952

it's so cringe how sure of yourself you are op.
and funny how very wrong you will be.

>t. 100 years ago "hurr flying cars"

you faggots can't connect the dots looking forward

>> No.12401019

earth is gay

>> No.12401028

>mechanical flight
>low hanging fruit
you must be 18 to post on this board

>> No.12401038
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> FASTER than reality

>> No.12401042

I dont think you know what the term balkanized means.

>> No.12401368

Your loss. More space alien pussy for me.

>> No.12401427


Macroscale physics faster than reality. Correct.

As in, the chip can process a nuclear blast, or falling water, at a level virtually indistinguishable from reality, in real-time, faster than reality.

>> No.12401431

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.12401438


The chip comprises 1 trillion, simultaneously processing, real-number cells. You cannot compare it to a 1 trillion transistor chip. This is something else. Real-number processing, not just 1s and 0s, and simultaneously, not just sequentially. The chip can render a real-time scene... like a photo real video game... FASTER than it can be processed in actual reality.

>> No.12401554

>In 100 years there will be two types of people
>The elites and the serfs living in pods eating bugs

>> No.12401783

post proof

>> No.12402309


You will see. The work of Optimists is so advanced it will appear to be magic to others. Cheers.

>> No.12402523

yes, platonic caveman

>> No.12402526

seethe while he disrupts the conventional thermal car market

>> No.12402532

actually the centripetal force caused by rotation simulates gravity pretty nicely.
The only problem now is how to cheapily build a rotating habitat.

>> No.12402536
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>redditor site

>> No.12402612

I dont think you have two brain cells to rub together. You retarded fuck.

>> No.12402629

It's 100% going to be robots that we control in first person with some sort of quantum computing bullshit that negates delay.

>> No.12403386


>> No.12403391

Real time and faster than reality? Lmao... Pass me whatever you're smoking bro

>> No.12403394

Why would anyone bother bringing the average pleb into space.