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12385549 No.12385549 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12385562

The reason you're looking for videos and not reading journals and textbooks is because you're a worthless cumbrain that isn't cut out for even a trivial understanding of this subject.

>> No.12385580
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>> No.12385586

not that faggot but videos have been a godsend. Chemistry preps are vague and obtuse as fuck, and leave you with no intuitive understanding for the molecules and procedures

>> No.12385592

Is there an app maybe? I just thought it’d be good to learn by directly interacting with the atoms and molecules.

>> No.12385597


>> No.12385598

t. struggling premed student forced to take chems

>> No.12385602

there is sometimes merit to observing technique and the physical properties of the compounds.
but the overall chemicstry is inferior

>> No.12385608

fpwp from an egotistical brainlet, trying to make himself feel big
videos can bring a whole 'nother level of explenation to a topic. Having someone explain something can help a lot and they bring their own personal methods and tips and tricks to the table, which can help further. Though, videos shouldn't be used alone, and should merely support textbook studying.

>> No.12385621

What a sad nigger you are aren’t you you little sad nigger?

>> No.12385623

Then what would be the best chemistry textbook?

>> No.12385641

>look at me I'm a big boy and read real papers
Do you walk up to people watching rally and be like "aktchully driving like this isn't compliant with driving code and you don't get a license this way"
fuck off faggot
watching somebody do interesting reactions is entertaining

>> No.12385643

Yeah god forbid anybody eat dinner while watching internet nerds mix chemicals.
Watching reruns of 6 and a quarter males is a much better use of someone's time.

>> No.12385647


>> No.12385663


>> No.12385857

>has never done irl benchwork

>> No.12385907


>> No.12385916

not him but you’re an over-socialized faggot. take your reddit memes somewhere else. you don’t belong here.