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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12381294 No.12381294 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there no direct studies on if these things actually work?

Recent studies are always studying some secondary effect, and inferring that masks may help. For example, the famous study on visualizing droplets with lasers, that concluses the masks may help stop coronavirus by blocking droplets. But that isn't a direct study on whether or not they actually work.

Clinical studies in the past on masks have always found they do not protect against viruses. They were recommended only to help healthcare providers from getting splattered in their mouth, or to not drool in a patients open wound.

>> No.12381309

I don't know what you mean by direct but here's a 'natural experiment'.

>> No.12381327

Not direct since there is no controlling for variables other than mask usage, or even an attempt to disentangle them.

Also, that just shows that areas that spike earlier, decline earlier. That is is expected disease dynamics.

>> No.12381332

Also, their study clearly didn't continue to hold, since al.ost every state has a mask mandate, but is continuing to climb.

>> No.12381344

op, design a study that would be satisfactory to you.
post details.

>> No.12381387

so you insist on a recount?

>> No.12381400

Politics has rotted your brain.

>> No.12381560

1 term

>> No.12381573


>> No.12381590

Nobody in control wants such a study conducted as it has no potential outcome that will further their goals.

>> No.12381601

That study is misleading. It studies the trends of the mask mandates and the spread of the virus, not if masks work.

>> No.12381609

because they work just as well as wearing a cross on your neck or some other talisman.

>> No.12381614


>> No.12382389

No they don't fucking work.
Ear secured masks don't fit tight enough and therefore don't meet OSHA requirements.

It isn't rigid, so it is easily going to have blow by.
Cotton masks pores are too large to stop sneeze drops.
While the presumably nonwoven polypropylene mask you have shown can stop sneeze drops, the actual virus itself is much smaller.

>> No.12382397

duke study on the effectiveness of various masks. surgical masks are mid-tier; worse than N95s worn properly, but better than most masks people use

>> No.12382427

No one cares. Just ignore it till its gone.

>> No.12382552

> direct studies

You mean having people with COVID19 breath and cough at uninfected people with and without wearing masks? You can't ethically do that. The vaccine trials couldn't deliberately expose people either.

Your exhales lose a lot of momentum when passing through the mask, keeping droplets near your face instead of reaching whoever you're talking to. You also shouldn't think of masks as useless because they're not 100% effective. If infected people on average infects less than one other person the number of cases gradually drops. Masks don't get transmission to 0 but they can get the average below 1:1.

>> No.12382657

>You mean having people with COVID19 breath and cough at uninfected people with and without wearing masks? You can't ethically do that. The vaccine trials couldn't deliberately expose people either.
It would be nice if they tested this with something like rhinovirus or influenza. The results wouldn't necessarily hold true for SARS-CoV-2, but at least we could get past the nonsense of whether or not a mask can directly block (or reduce) viral particles.

>> No.12382809

Not with cotton.

Goes right through.
Top politicians and government officials are wearing cotton.
This is bullshit.

>> No.12382888
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The science will become very clear to you once Biden funds a separate "community police" force made up of 400 pound sheboons to fine you for not wearing one over your mouth AND nose if they manage to catch you.

>> No.12382951


Brilliant. /thread

(don't try to explain to respondents who are 'not convinced' and 'trolling'. They're not worth it.)

>> No.12383010


Here's a study:

1. light up a candle
2. put a mask on
3. try to put out the candle flame by blowing into it
4. if you can't the mask works, if you can then the mask you bought is shit

>> No.12383818

pol says they don't. So they don't.

>> No.12383824

>if you can then the mask you bought is shit
... but still legally a mask.

>> No.12383856

You have two options.

#1 Do a facemask study.
#2 Sell facemasks.

Which one would you preffer in means of personal income?

>> No.12383875

Write Miriam to send nudes...

Wait, I ...

Write Miriam that maybe it's the fact that day the masks went on mandate people ware also restricted to meet at public places and stuff like that. So they stayed home more and therefore it doesn't have to be mask, and she should consider and security measurements, not just mask in her study.

>> No.12384232
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Fuck off, Peter

>> No.12384262


>> No.12384282
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There has been, and this is the best one.

>> No.12384578


Worth it if only for the cute diagram in fig2

>> No.12384589

Kek'd hard, ngl.

>> No.12384606

Is Taleb ever not a whiny baby?

>> No.12384635

So you think that the master plan of people trying to control us is to get us to wear a piece of cloth over our mouth? I really don't get why people care about the mask thing so much. It's literally not a big deal to wear one at all.

>> No.12384762
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>> No.12384765
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>So you think that the master plan of people trying to control us is to get us to wear a piece of leather over our mouth? I really don't get why people care about the BDSM humuliation device thing so much. It's literally not a big deal to wear one at all.

>> No.12384914

That's a pretty convincing one imo

>> No.12384921
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somebody address this right fucking now

>> No.12384924
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fuck your opinion faggot, opinions hardly have a fucking place on this board

>> No.12384943

Imagine being a year into this shitshow and still not understanding that masks aren't supposed to protect you from getting infected, but actually protecting others FROM you.
Which has been shown to work in countless studies, plus real-world experience in Asian countries. But they're commy scum and we should never do what they do, huh?

>> No.12384945

A single state without context for nearby states and enforcement of mask mandates.
A meta-analysis of different protocols to reduce infection

The response to both of these put together is why everyone thinks you are retarded.

>> No.12385023


>> No.12385083

0/10 you gotta try a little harder

>> No.12385144
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>wear the fucking mask

>> No.12385148

Imagine being a year into this shit and having had to move the goalposts around so much that no one believes in your fairytales anymore.

A mask gives as much protection when worn in your pocket as on your face.

>> No.12385150
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, 167F8591-AD1E-4CCB-972B-562D853AF017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is when they work=
When you have to go somewhere with strangers you will not see again AND
can practice social distancing.
The par excellence example is visiting a supermarket.
It really should be 12 feet, not six. But if everyone wore a mask and stayed about 12 feet apart the risk of transmission in a supermarket would Drop close to zero

>> No.12385158

No it have to be 13 feet. If everyone was 13 feet away and had a face mask, a blue one, white ones are racist and don't work, then we would've never had a pandemic to start with!

>> No.12385161

11.1 feet is numerologically significant and gives better protection. If we had that distance required we'd all be back to the old normal now

>> No.12385164

If everyone had just used hand sanitizers or even soap regularly this would've never happened, we would've had zero cases before it even began. ZERO!

>> No.12385166

Are all y'all actual NPC's or can you just not read papers and respond in any significant manner?

>> No.12385177

Paper findings are all over the place. For every study that says they found masks to work there's another that says no difference was seen.

But mask efficiency is a red herring. Why care about a disease with 99.993% survival rate unless you spend most of your waking time in an elderly care home?

>> No.12385200

God damn how can people still be as uneducated as you after almost a year of this pandemic?
>muh death rate
was maybe an argument right in the beginning, but we quickly saw it to be low. The reason is something completely different and I'm amazed at how many of you still ignore or refuse to understand it.

>> No.12385204

That's a rhetorical question, right?

>> No.12385212

It's not just about personal risk. People really don't know how to think statistically. Especially since you can pass it if asymptomatic.

Pandemics and mask use are statistical processes. You can't think of it as a real-time thing affecting your life, but a societal force. Masks help non-linearly counterbalance some of the non-linear growth, if almost everyone uses them.

It's a similar principle as vaccination and herd immunity. You're not fighting a virus; you're fighting Moloch. But braindead /pol/tards can't wrap their minds around that, either. No, you probably shouldn't be afraid of the virus. Yes, you should still wear a mask and get vaccinated.

>> No.12385220

>No, you probably shouldn't be afraid of the virus. Yes, you should still wear a mask and get vaccinated.
So much this.
It's rare to see reasonable people here ever since /pol/ discovered how easily they can manipulate discourse here.

>> No.12385266

If everyone had isolated China instead of hanging out in Chinatown and hugging Chang none of it would have happened.

>> No.12385292

Because people need something that's not proven to work they way they seem convinced it does so they can wear a shirt like "lmao that's like saying earth = flat Im so smart"

>> No.12385368

Rent free my friend. It’s time to move on.

>> No.12385893

>Study ends in August
Why? What do those counties look now? They are probably at their all time highs, like most other places now.

>> No.12385953

Asking for proof isn't unreasonable, especially on /sci/. Sounds like you came here from reddit and have jumped on the 'everything I don't like is /pol/' bandwagon that is already falling out of favor. Bet you were also doing the Harlem Shake a year after it stopped being trendy.

>> No.12386897

You're accusing me of four things, all of which I never did. What does that say about you?
Hint: you're a faggot.

>> No.12387597

The direct studies show they do not work. And because these things have been memed into being effective, those studies get pulled from websites or otherwise memory holed. The most accurate study I've seen, they had a hospital as a semi-controlled environment. The effectiveness was based on catching a respiratory virus. The result was that fitted N95 PLUS social distancing performed 20% better than surgical masks which basically did nothing. But these were doctors who were trained on proper care and fit. So the general public who doesn't even bother to maintain their cloth masks would likely only see a fraction of that benefit. But instead, they use cloth masks which do nothing and on top of that, are told to use these worthless masks when you can't social distance. It's like the media is trying to spread the virus.

>> No.12387603

If you have to resort to name calling while also not presenting anything to support your points, you're not going to convince anyone of your viewpoint.

>> No.12387610

The problem with that static view of how a mask may help is that it fails any dynamic scenario. If a sick person's particles don't travel as far due to their cotton mask, so what? They themselves are moving. They are still crop dusting the air with their particles. The vast majority of which can't be filters by a cloth mask. And air movement does the rest. We are using one cartoonish depiction of how a mask might work to way over advocate the effectiveness. To the degree that we are now putting people in danger with this drastic overselling of what a piece of cloth can do.

>> No.12387613

>It's like the media is trying to spread the virus.
Having known many journalists over the course of my life, I can safely say this is more about them simply being of lower than average intelligence and of having very little depth of knowledge than it is about trying to cause the spread of the virus, even though that's good for their business. They're simply not intelligent enough to come up with such a plan, though it is possible someone else did and is giving talking points to the media to spread.

>> No.12387618

quick follow me.


>> No.12387645

>The direct studies show they do not work.
>And because these things have been memed into being effective, those studies get pulled from websites or otherwise memory holed.
I'm sure if they exist, they're archived somewhere.

>The result was that fitted N95 PLUS social distancing performed 20% better than surgical masks which basically did nothing.
Source? Are you talking about the comparison of respirators to surgical masks that had no maskless control?

>> No.12388041

What is my viewpoint?

>> No.12388046

What people like you consistently misunderstand is that the studies showing "they don't work" have tested whether they protect the wearer, while the studies that showed them to work tested whether they protect others FROM the wearer.
These things happen when people like (you) only read the headline, not even the abstract. Or maybe it's the ultra low reading comprehension on this board.

>> No.12389393

People like me have read way more about masks than people like (you) pretend to. And while there are no real studies about how much your worthless piece of cloth protects others from you, there is the simple face that it can’t possible protect others if it doesn’t protect the wearer at all. So not many are dumb enough to pursue such a stupid endeavor. We do know that 97% of the particles you generate in a cough are sub micron. We do know the remaining 3% are mostly not visible. We know the holes in the typical cotton mask are visible. Thus we know they are easily over 50 microns. We know particles under 30 microns are easily suspended in the air. Thus we know from simple geometry that you face panties don’t do shit to protect others from you. And promoting the idea that they can will only increase risk. Which is obvious in the complete lack of correlation in mask use and positivity rates. Which are now spiking all over the place despite people wearing cloth over their mouths.

>> No.12389573

>People like me have read way more about masks than people like (you) pretend to
>And while there are no real studies
>simple face that it can’t possible protect others if it doesn’t protect the wearer at all.
I'm other words, you haven't read anything and don't understand anything at all. Gotcha.
Have you seen the gifs of people wearing masks vaping through them? What difference did you notice to someone not wearing a mask?
>typical cotton mask
Ah, now it's a special type of mask. Because you found out your argument was bullshit?
>Thus we know from simple geometry
What are van der Waals forces?

>> No.12389584
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>there is the simple face that it can’t possible protect others if it doesn’t protect the wearer at all.

Peak dumb.