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12378820 No.12378820 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking how do you know if someone is smart in just a few minutes of conversation?

>> No.12378831

If you can't tell then you're not experienced enough in socializing

>> No.12378833


If they tell you they are unclamped. You know they are smart.

>> No.12378840

you just dont.
my former boss is an prof at university and talks you into anything.
at the same time a 13-year-old would be a better project manager.
he is so bad that he is bad again.

>> No.12378847

I do a couple of dog whistles about common conspiracy theories like the ones about the Moon landing or flat Earth. Dumb people are always very excited about telling you how dumb they are so it doesn't take much prompting to get them to expose their stupidity.

>> No.12378857

You cant. It takes several years of observations to see someone go through life's problems.

>> No.12378858

when im talking to someone and my protective instict kicks in, i know im talking to somebody retarded.

it puts a smile on my face sometimes tho i cant lie

>> No.12378860


>> No.12378884


>> No.12378887

You can tell if someone has at least the potential to be smart.
Scientifically speaking, if they ask questions and when they get an answer they go huh... instead of outright rejecting any idea that doesn't conform to their preconceived notions.

>> No.12378891


>> No.12378892

What was that study a while back that tested people's reactions to mugshots vs their actual IQ?

>> No.12378917
File: 251 KB, 693x414, 098228d4-fe23-4f5d-b33e-f91b20b03398-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk that could be the effect of something like pic related
people don't trust boris, he doesn't learn much cause people won't listen to him anyway
boris gravitates to the anti-intellectual crowd, he hangs with the jocks, because the girls in that subculture are more risk-seeking (maybe?)

>> No.12380397


Not that simple. Elon Musk talks like a retard. Many smart people do.

>> No.12380426

>Elon Musk
He is an idiot

>> No.12380441

Be high iq and project hard

>> No.12380472

1. how original they are
2. the words they use
a. not necessarily complicated words but the most absolute usage of words, in fact the simpler and clearer the better
b. they talk in only complicated words without emphasizing the 3 syllable ones. their flow is normal and the complicated words, again are appropriate and not try hard.
3. they open a conversation because they want to discuss an idea
4. their eyes they are alive
5. large flat square forehead
6. they are somewhat serious
7. they might be a little crazy

>> No.12380490

>6. they are somewhat serious
I know 2 165 iq tested idiots and both are the most nonchalant idiots you will find and completely dead eyes, you don't know how to look for the peak

>> No.12380517

aka how this anon views himself

>> No.12380642

could also be the cause of autism which again is not a sign of lack of intelligence
autists tend to not know what to talk next, while normal people can simply talk like it was scripted

>> No.12380663

By "smart" do you mean a person who gained a lot of knowledge, or someone who can wrap around something in his head faster?

>> No.12380687
File: 1.70 MB, 640x350, burn_the_witch_6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit thread

>> No.12380816

>the simpler and clearer the better
mostly, yes.

>> No.12380877

It's pretty accurate

>> No.12381092

Their bran shuts off the moment you approach a topic that is not gossip or parroting the latest fad news.

>> No.12381456

>large flat square forehead
5head master race

>> No.12383377

There is something seriously wrong with you.

>> No.12383421

No. It is not accurate.

>> No.12383436

>Seeing any issue with simply posting a video of a man's death

>> No.12383463

If they can quote rick and morty at you

>> No.12383484
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Grained, orthd and BPAd

>> No.12383493


>Hi! How much money do you make?

Income is basically equivalent to an IQ score.

>> No.12383626

It depends on the field, within fields it's pretty strongly correlated

>> No.12383677
File: 400 KB, 1917x1112, bnw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snow White and the seven dwarves. That's when it finally clicked, like any great script, they're showing the world from their perspective. That's the plan, to be grandiose (though now suffering) royalty, and to turn the rest of us into braindead, deformed, sick, weak, servile invalids. It's just like Brave New World, the lower the caste, the shorter the oxygen, and if you go below 70% you start to get dwarves and one eyed monstrosities. Put the fucking pieces together people.

>> No.12383690

>t. materialistic cunt

>> No.12383702

proportional is the word you're looking for.
>income is proportional to an IQ score
as if IQ was even a good measure of intelligence. it's not, but lets say for argument sake it is.
in that case income is proportional to one's ability to sell out
in actuality income is inversely proportional to intelligence, because (assuming you're not a psychopath) the smarter you are the more pathways to greater income you realize are morally unaccaptable

>> No.12383712

for example you are dumb as a rock, let that sink in

>> No.12383729

nope sorry, there is something wrong with you.

>> No.12383835


>> No.12383865

>Scientifically speaking, how do you know if someone is smart in just a few minutes of conversation?

Scientifically speaking, if you only have a few minutes of conversation then you ask what they scored in a certified IQ test.

>> No.12383873

well u can tell from behavior honestly from the first few minutes

>> No.12383967

you ever be in a room with a bunch of smart people and they just give off smart people vibes? Like you just want to punch them in the face or beat them up for being so smart even though they haven't done anything bad to you? There's a certain smugness to them, not really arrogance but you just get the feeling they don't really relate to the common person.

it's hard to explain idk it's just a feeling you get. And it only happens when you realize you're the dumbest person in the room.

>> No.12384048
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What you're describing is actually a post-traumatic state. Everything from narcissism to parentification and other conditioning in early childhood. It's likely that you can detect narcissism because you're relatively normal, have boundaries, empathy, etc, so you pick up on the "off" vibe where you just can't seem to connect or get ahold of anything.

I'm similar to them, but not quite. They disgust me because it's slightly harder for me to force them into the role I want them to occupy, and to make them give me what I want which is unfettered access to their internal world and the information in their head. They're too guarded or needy, status driven. Hard to describe. It's like, I asked you a fucking question, I just said xyz to you, give me your opinion, now. They have no other use to me.

>> No.12385037

Elon Musk is totally convinced that Elon Musk is really smart.

>> No.12385041

>165 iq
on which scale?

>> No.12385046

Is that how it is in the US? Here the normal people are the ones going "huh" and the autists are the one furiously debating back

>> No.12385057
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Except artists and poets make next too nothing (literally), mathematicians make barely anything more...

>> No.12385241

IQ tests don't go up to 165

>> No.12385279

Some go up quite high, and the psychologist is free to extrapolate past the test ceiling.

>> No.12385297
