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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12381697 No.12381697 [Reply] [Original]

>be physicist
>don’t know what 95% of the universe is

>> No.12381720

>be theist
>know 100% of the universe
feels good

>> No.12381722

>be mathematician
>be literally retarded

>> No.12381727 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 600x600, żaba spłaszczona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a biologist
>have never touched a pussy or a female breast

>> No.12381731
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>>be Computer engineer
>>simulate my own universe

>> No.12381734

Feels God

>> No.12381741

*beliefes to know

you are welcome.

>> No.12381746

>>don’t know what 95% of the universe is

Rejoice! Physicist has so much more to learn and explore. There career is wide open for advancement and seriously revolutionary ideas.

>> No.12381773

You believe that I believe
I know that I know

>> No.12381968


>> No.12382046


>> No.12382065

>let /pol/ infest your board
>the average intelligence in any given thread has now dropped by 30-60 points
>theists on a science board
>most smart posters have left because they don’t want to associate with vermin like neonazis or the religious
but at least there’s “free speech” here rite!

>> No.12382172


Get on our level fags

>> No.12382592


>> No.12382624

>most smart posters have left because they don’t want to associate with vermin like neonazis or the religious
imagine being scared of asociation to nazis on a fucking ANONYMOUS image board lmao

>> No.12382644

Its a shame you can't stop visiting websites you don't like.

>> No.12382649

Topologists are not real mathematicians.

>> No.12382660

>my own universe

Autist spotted.

>> No.12382707

if you write the program and you run the simulation and then you read the results, all you've done is live in your own imagination.

>> No.12382719

>being a fathlet

Don't harm yourself with so much euphoria, dude.

>> No.12382812

>be chemist
>dont care
>make useful shit

>> No.12382968
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I don't think anon is scared of being associated with Nazis it's more like Nazis are the scum of the earth they are not welcome here they are so unjustifiably racist and for that I hate them more than I hate niggers

>> No.12382982

>convinced to know

>> No.12383072

Physicists don't know what 95% of the universe is
The universe is infinite.
5% of infinity is infinity.
Physicists have infinite knowledge of the universe.
Sounds based.

>> No.12383098

>The universe is infinite.

>> No.12383206

cope, the "religious" you hate founded many of the best universities today and can also be scientists

>> No.12383311
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Is this the mathcuck cope thread?

>> No.12383330

i know that you know that he knows that i know that you know, you know?

>> No.12383350
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cheeky bastard

>> No.12383405
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Just grow one in a lab

>> No.12383416
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We're all products of our own imagination

>> No.12383578

Only 5% of 4chan nazi are unironic nazis tho.
Also, it doesnt say anywhere a nazi cant be smart or have anything to share on scientific topics

>> No.12383590

> be a longevity scientist
> probably will die soon from the constant pressure to develop the cure for death

>> No.12383719

I say we put all our efforts into AI and let it solve everything for us

>> No.12383724
File: 23 KB, 363x550, ede2b35ab00e4365be8e199112a17567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be mathematician
>don't know what 100% of the real numbers are

>> No.12383770

>Runtime error occurs
>Universe crashes
>Return to reality
>See how horrible is the world

>> No.12384328

everything can be solved through geometry

>> No.12384341

real numbers might not even actually be a real concept. Most of them don't even exist except by theory. The only actual numbers we can prove exist are computeable numbers, everything else after that is just autism fantasy

>> No.12384500

Don't worry, the irreligious are busy destroying those same universities.

>> No.12384586
File: 326 KB, 1200x1200, Flower_of_Life_127-circles.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe, at the sub-quantum level, is comprised of a grid of interconnected regions. Energy is these points warping and interacting with each other. The fundamental particles are complex repeating patterns that evolved over time from the interactions of the sub-quantum regions. Essentially, the flower of life meets conway's game of life.

Empty space is just relatively still, with very little movement lr interaction. There is still motion and interaction, which is where virtual particles come from, and there is normally EM waves travelling through it as a medium

>> No.12384664

Scientists in the past get a pass because of the world they lived in. Believing in any sort of religion or spirituality in the 21st century is literally the epitome of cope.

>> No.12384712

Most of the greatest scientist I've known were theist, you closeminded retard.

>> No.12384732
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>> No.12384786

>be non-physicist
>don't know and can't appreciate how much 5% is

>> No.12384791

>theists on a science board
Not mutually exclusive you reddit goober

>> No.12384913

8/10 troll points for Op.

If you really want to get under their skin, just mention the 'luminiferous ether'. It is like yelling Hail Satan! in a church.

>> No.12384917

>Be physicist
>Can't understand humor

>> No.12384923

>be Anon
>can't detect humor himself

>> No.12385551

>building a universe
>with 5% of parameters

>> No.12386228

Dark matter doesn't exist. Relativity is false.

>> No.12386232

>>theists on a science board
>implying there is a problem with this
Are you retarded?

>> No.12386243

>Relativity is false.
At Planck scales it may, but so far it has passed every test and experiment on macroscales.

>> No.12386252

>>theists on a science board
>implying there is a problem with this
Are you retarded?
No one gives a fuck about getting a pass from you, tranny. By the way, you will never pass.

>> No.12386259


>> No.12386288

Not exactly. The only numbers we can CONSTRUCT are computable numbers. We can prove the existence of non-computable reals.
Construction is not a prerequisite for existence.

>> No.12386291

Most of the universe is space, and it pisses me off that nobody can tell me what the fuck space is. It's not a concept, space very clearly exists, maybe it doesn't fit any of our existing classifications of things but much like matter and energy have a structure, space must have its own "space-particle", even if it doesn't exist as a conventional quantifiable unit.

>> No.12386359

at least you know more than physicists of 500 years ago

>> No.12386365

shut the fuck up, tranny, /pol/ is an agnostic board and there's no need to pull it into the discussion.
You will never be a woman.

>> No.12386381

>>be physicist
>>don’t know what 95% of the universe is
sounds fucking great to me. everything we have learned in the last several centuries is only 5%. just imagine what is left to discover.

>> No.12386431

>this number exists, trust me bros!
>NO I can't tell you what the nth digit is, just trust me bro it's real

>> No.12386476

Your "universe" is just a part of the actual universe.

>> No.12386488

When something is proven it doesn't matter if you "trust it" or not. It's proven and true. Math obviously isn't your strong suit.

>> No.12386498

>be biologist
>haven't seen even 1% of all living things

>> No.12386504

>invent flawed axioms of set theory
>it leads to ridiculous shit that makes no sense
>well it's proven according to my own retarded rules, so it must be true!

do some reading, kid, and stop believing things just because your text book tells you it's "true and proven". I'll start with the initial redpill:


>> No.12386512

The existence of non computable is found directly from analyzing computable ones.
Numbers exist, anon. They are not a construction or a figment of human mines or a set of rules that we make up and follow to describe phenomenon.
They ARE ontologically real things that exist. When we study math we aren't "finding the consequences of an axiomatic system" but rather "discovering the fundamental nature of reality".
There were numbers before there were things to be numbered. Constructivists are retards and Platonism is true.

>> No.12386520

the hook-thing screams in fear as he types "/pol/"

>> No.12386526

>Numbers exist, anon. They are not a construction or a figment of human mines or a set of rules that we make up and follow to describe phenomenon.
>They ARE ontologically real things that exist.

name one non-computable number that exist in nature. Go ahead, I'm waiting. There's infinitely many of them so it shouldn't be hard to give one example

>> No.12386545

>not just writing G = T

>> No.12386548

100% rounded universe is observed trough telescope trough various layers of exotic matter.

>> No.12386734

kill yourselves

>> No.12386788
File: 118 KB, 1520x1080, [Coalgirls]_Serial_Experiments_Lain_09_(1520x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[597C3373].mkv_snapshot_06.12_[2013.03.21_19.08.59].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nig

>> No.12386860

that's because theyre all too smol

>> No.12386923

lol go eat a dick