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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 122 KB, 693x705, missing-411-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12379813 No.12379813 [Reply] [Original]

>Bryan Warner goes missing in 1951
>Connie Johnson disappears in 2018
>Events separated by 67 years
>Same mountain
>planet Venus was 0.37AU away when Bryan went missing
>planet Venus was 0.34AU away when Connie went missing

What if there are similar clusters connecting missing persons cases (in national parks)? What are the odds?

>> No.12379820

Were those the only disappearances in those areas in 67 years?

>> No.12379825

>Missing 411

Daily reminder this is just "Bigfoot" shit repackaged for another generation of retards.

>> No.12379831


The author is an ex-cop. The data is solid. Anyone can look it up.

>> No.12379882

What happened? Can't explain this anomaly? Bigfoot has nothing to do with planetary position.

>> No.12379895

As far as I know, yes.

>> No.12379910
File: 362 KB, 1000x600, Cicada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to look deeper, anon. The answer lies in the numbers.

>> No.12379939
File: 166 KB, 960x960, 1605965304508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrance Woods was disappeared on the same day as Connie Johnson. My apologies for leaving that out.

Three people vanished while Venus was in almost the same distance. Coincidence?

>> No.12379998
File: 101 KB, 708x689, bryanandconnie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12380177
File: 182 KB, 1080x1080, 1600341109584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a clear case among many others that links the close proximity of another planet with missing people. There are multiple clusters indicating that it is recurring.

Any geniuses willing to chime in and solve this mystery?

>> No.12380220

So it's two arbitrarily selected people. You might as well pick any two people who were killed in Chicago 67 years apart.

>> No.12380230

People go missing all the time. OP showed no connection between these two people. There are likely many places that had two missing person sixty seven years apart.

>> No.12380233

>So it's two arbitrarily selected people.

They disappeared off the same mountain. 67 years apart. Without a trace. What is your definition of 'arbitrary'? lol. I expect much better from /sci/

>> No.12380247

Why are you retarded enough to believe that you made a compelling case?

>> No.12380274


Not even fucking kidding. You can detect them through modern day weather radar systems(they sequester moisture in the air into whatever bizarre fucked realm they are connected to).

This is some /x/ tier shit so no one will take it seriously, despite any manner of physical proof. Proceed with caution.

>> No.12380338

Ok cool, now why do you think fucking venus has anything to do with it?

>> No.12380351
File: 338 KB, 509x384, 1604030651597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planet list distribution should appear more random in the data set especially considering it covers decades of missing people in a specific area. Look at how they are organized. Not natural.

Distance may appear impossible to traverse in such a short period of time based on our current technology. However, it is well within the capability of unidentified space craft witnessed and acknowledged by the U.S. Air Force.

Either you are a retard or a shill. Which one is it?

>> No.12380357

explain more, i'm interested

>> No.12380370

should it? especially because you can just cherryPick missing people to be in the same month. Then you just hide up to a million miles of difference with rounding because you're using AUs. Anyone dumb enough to fall for this shit would have to have literal brain damage.

>> No.12380416
File: 64 KB, 395x224, 18May2019 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what they look like. Find one, go in. I am not interested in tiresome debates over the nature of reality anymore.

If you make it out alive, we can talk then.

>> No.12380430

According to observed flight characteristics in UFO history they have been clocked at 80 mph underwater and 4000 mph in the atmosphere. Anyone here know if they can go faster? I am not aware of anyone clocking them while in space. It is probably out of range. It would be fascinating to know their flight characteristics in space since there is no drag to contend with.

If we are to take some of the witness accounts involving transparent beings (cloaking technology) at face value, I would not rule out the capability to travel a few million miles. Our world still runs on fossil fuels, lol.

>> No.12380434

Another dimension, planet they weren't taken against there will they call it missing 411 because we want 'information' on where they went get it "411"