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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 293 KB, 1200x1200, D7kSW55VsAEDIo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12378176 No.12378176 [Reply] [Original]

>So, Anon, I heard you're doing some research. What is it about?

>> No.12378177

Race and IQ.

>> No.12378179

Why aren't you wearing a mask you dumb whore?

>> No.12378181


>> No.12378187

Textbook collecting, and why autists do it

>> No.12378190

>scared of cooties


>> No.12378210

multi-dimenionsal inner earth and the divine origins of the Aryan race. What about you sweetie

>> No.12378221

Why yes I'm a geometer, how could you tell?

>> No.12378228

>my pussy itches anon will you scratch it for me? tee hee

>> No.12378258

Basically undermines your attempts to blend in, making you seem scared and lost. SO better find a trend that goes 4D BITCH AHHH AHAHAHAHAH

>> No.12378291


>> No.12378300

Why hello fellow redditor funny to see another "one of my own" as I like to say on this here 4channel : )

>> No.12378301

Hyperborean schizo.

>> No.12378332

It's basically just an excuse to torture small animals.

>> No.12378364

More like this pls

>> No.12378374

no you

>> No.12378380

the hidden benefits of being gang raped

>> No.12378397 [DELETED] 

I'm not even wh*te but Hyperborean Schizo memes speak to me on a spiritual level.

>> No.12378402
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>Implying I would speak to thots even if they pretended like they're smart

>> No.12378408
File: 140 KB, 776x377, aryan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you don't have to be white to walk the Aryan path, just be righteous and fight the Jew world order


>> No.12378445

Hm, so it seems. wow I've always feel like this but this confirms. Based. Fuck kikes.

>> No.12378466
File: 136 KB, 331x449, kshatriya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have been knighted kshatriya of the realm, I dub thee sir ((((tranny))) slayer

>> No.12378521
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally. My true self is not contained by the boundaries specific wavelengths of visible light-

>> No.12378526
File: 149 KB, 900x900, +_3e341a4317f358cf344a2d3e57f22e41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back.

>> No.12378780
File: 632 KB, 1280x687, PolSpergs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope, seethe, dilate

>> No.12378795


>> No.12378800

How do you even get a woman like that?

>> No.12378827 [DELETED] 

Effects of chloral hydrate intake on likehood of anal pregnancy

>> No.12378894


money and good genetics

>> No.12379194

Ooh, new word for r*dditardrs to try to use in the comments section of r/memes

>> No.12379247
File: 292 KB, 1920x1080, dilate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>divine origins of the aryan race
You tried too hard and instead of being le epic shitposter just look like a retard

>> No.12379394

Checked. Based.

>> No.12379410

What was the deleted coment?

>> No.12379414

ironic that your post is trying even harder than his

>> No.12379434

>Haha it's just some electrical engineering bullshit, I don't really get what it's about

Unless she's studying in your field this is the only answer to kill what would otherwise be a very painful conversation while not coming off as an autist.

>> No.12379453
File: 1.31 MB, 700x911, alex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone thinks it isn't you
son you are on set next level cringe, your cringe is so potent I feel embarrassed in your stead

>> No.12379458

Sociology of mathematicians and their refusal to let go of archaic notions which don't work.

>> No.12379566

It's about women's feet and erection rate, wanna help me out :D

>> No.12379604


Based and redpilled. Also czech'd.

>> No.12379663

based and redpilled faggot

>> No.12379705

Hardware to enable semantic less ADC for novel communication protocols

>> No.12381120

a new analytical method for glycerol in a complex matrix, based on a known reaction from 1965. what about you?

>> No.12381124

based, redpilled and /thread

>> No.12381128

you will never be a real woman

>> No.12381138

Why are you sitting at my table? Begone thot

>> No.12381139

Female orgasms.

>> No.12381230

I'm pretty confident socially with woman but this pic and the thought of having to reply that made me uneasy. Scientifically speaking..
1 - why prettier girls makes us more nervous? and 2- how do we get better at that?

>> No.12381264

why am i disgusted by "hot" girls and attracted to plain girls?

>> No.12381312

Wtf is on her plate?

>> No.12381320

chocolate cream pie

>> No.12381330
File: 77 KB, 620x413, PepeChan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by being comfortable in your own skin. this girl is just a girl. I have banged 9 or 10 girls this hot or hotter she is nothing special. be funny with a good sense of humor.

you know all the things people here say that the spergs and trannies seethe about? smart people who aren't spergs lol at that kind of shit because they aren't uptight about. be pepe not redit and you will impress hot chicks

>> No.12381353

Shitposting on /sci/ is not research.

>> No.12381484

IQ is bullshit.

>> No.12381500
File: 49 KB, 460x574, JustForAnon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm studying convulsions in female humans induced by upwards thrusting motions, triggering the G spot. Female ejaculation is an interesting phenomenon.
But tell me more about you.

>> No.12382963


>> No.12382975

>be funny
>bro i've totally fucked girls hotter than this just bee yourslef : )
>spergs and trannies
>smart people are good at socializing
no they really aren't usually good at socializing
>be pepe
go back

>> No.12383014

i do shitty ml papers for some easy research gibs

>> No.12383022

say it again!

>> No.12383058

>smart people are good at socializing
no they really aren't usually good at socializing


>> No.12383699

lol @ showing your cards this blatantly. Yes little incel nerd not everyone on this board are scrawny virgins such as yourself. I stopped counting how many women I have had sex with at about 50ish and you probably commit murder to sniff their panties they were so sexy. Sorry you are r9kish but some of us who post are actual "CHADS" you little freak. You can see yourself back to >>>/r9k/ now little guy

>> No.12383709

why would you care what a dumb thot thinks of your research? are you that easily manipulated by pussy?

>> No.12384681

Until the first time we fuck, then unironically hope to never see or speak again

>> No.12384742

That's like saying
>"Well, Stacy I have been doing a lot of research on how far I can get my arm inside my ass. Yesterday I touched my lung and it tickled. How are you doing?"

>> No.12384931

Couldn't reproduce. Bogus research.

>> No.12385084

The answer to question #1 doesn't matter. You get better by practicing. It is the only way. You will make mistakes, and you will embarrass yourself while improving. Everyone is bad with women because they can't handle the pain of the learning process. The few that can handle it win everything, everyone else is left to fight for scraps.

>> No.12385093

>you don't know what you're researching
That's seriously dumb.

>> No.12385099

>>be funny
Youre definitely khhv

>> No.12385100
File: 377 KB, 1700x850, 1579161284398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm researching an end to ageing.
>wtf Anon isn't that going to totally mess up the world with all the rich and terrible people becoming immortals? Progress proceeds one funeral at a time. etc etc
No. An end to ageing is not an end to death and there's nothing productive about a gradual physical and mental decline in the later years of life. Not to mention that treating the mechanisms of ageing would inherently treat all the top meme subjects of research (cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, dementia, metabolic diseases, infections etc) since they stem from the same problems.

>> No.12385115

I shoot infrared lasers at gels made out of tardigrade(water bear) proteins using a diamond. Then I listen to how they scream to tell me what shape they are in.

>> No.12385136
File: 63 KB, 800x599, ropuchy walczą.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is about amphibians

>> No.12385139

>anisotropic properties of clay
Is that pussy wet or what

>> No.12385151

>1 - why prettier girls makes us more nervous?
you are afraid of triggering the wrath of a possessive alpha male.

>> No.12385154

Why the fuck do I do it anon?!

>> No.12385173


>> No.12385183

FTIR of protein backbone structures tells us their relative orientation ensemble. Using an ATR crystal I can use the wave that penetrates ~1um into the sample to gather data on things that light normally couldn't penetrate. Then I repeat this for a variety of conditions and proteins in an attempt to determine the structure-function relationship using rheology, calorimetry, and thermogravametric analysis.

Tbh I don't trust the analysis technique my boss wants me to use for my ir stuff so I need to design my own using some MD simulations to model the ensemble and then a bunch of bayesian statistics to make clusters for a fitting procedure.