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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12377929 No.12377929 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, I am currently still in high school and plan on going to university for physics afterwards. I have some spare time on my hands and wonder what I could study in order to further extend my interest in math and physics. So I am asking you /sci/, what are the most fascinating ideas in math that I could get into in a couple of hours? Physics is already fascinating on its own even without understanding a lot of the math behind it but I want to see your most interesting topics that should increase my motivation to work hard.
Thank you

>> No.12377946

Just major in "Applied Math" not "math" but APPLIED

Can get litterally almost any job afterwards. Involves studying the applications of math in engineering, comp sci, physics, and social sciences.

>> No.12378023

Thanks but this does not answer my question and is not what I want to do

>> No.12378039



Should help.

>> No.12378050
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>> No.12378054

You have to be over 18 to post here

>> No.12378071

Idk how it is in murica but over here in Germany you can be in school and over 18. I am 18 and have in fact a classmate who's 21. So please just answer my question and prove that you belong on the math board

>> No.12378081

What is the highest math you've taken so far?

I would recommend looking into Fourier Transforms, Fourier Analysis, and especially Digital Signal Processing like the Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem.

>> No.12378092

Not sure how it is called but derivating and integrating was probably the most advanced topic we did. Fourier Analysis is a term I often came across but never actually took the time to read it up properly. Will probably do that now, thank you

>> No.12378108

You should also look into Ordinary Differential Equations, they're the next step in math if you go the "Applied" route - that is, if you plan on doing Engineering or Physics.
They're also incredibly interesting. If you've heard of "Chaos Theory" or "Dynamical Systems" - they're the study of Differential Equations.

>> No.12378133

Another word I often hear but hardly worked with or know any differential equations. Any particular ones I should look up in addition to the ones you mentioned or just diff eqs in general?

>> No.12378169

abstract algebra

>> No.12378180

Start with ODEs/Ordinary Differential Equations. The other main type are "Partial Differential Equations" and they are significantly more difficult to solve. ODEs are an undergraduate course, PDEs are a graduate course, to give you an idea of the difficulty jump.

For specific important ODEs, you can look into the
>Harmonic Oscillator Equation (Pendulums, Electronic Oscillators)
>Bessel Equations (Other oscillating things, Electronic Oscillators)
>Newton's One-Dimensional Heat Transfer Equation
>Logistic Equation (Population growth and decay)
>Lotka-Volterra Pedator-Prey Model (Population growth and decay between predators and their prey)
>Maxwell's Laws (THE most important differential equations you can know/learn about)

If you're feeling up to it, one of my favorite applications of Differential Equations is that of "The Calculus of Variations".
If you remember from Differential Calculus, you were able to "optimize" a function, by finding where its derivative is equal to zero.
CoV is a further abstraction of that. With regular optimization, you're finding the optimal point among a whole bunch of possible points, on a single function. With CoV, you're finding an optimal *function* from a group of possible functions, within a family of functions.

>> No.12378182
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Category theory

>> No.12378186

I take it back - Maxwell's Laws are PDEs. Still, very interesting and worth looking into.

>> No.12378205

>I am 18 and have in fact a classmate who's 21
So, a zigeuner or a rapefugee?
To answer your question, practicing single and multivariable calculus will make your life significantly easier. If you also go through a physics problem book you'll be coasting through the first two years.

>> No.12378225

Thanks a ton anon. This should keep me busy for a while, would be amazing if I could make it to understanding the Maxwell equations while before going to uni.
Can you please spoonfeed me a little what is category theory and why is it often memed on?

>> No.12378266

It's a very abstract and "algebraic" view of mathematics.
Most structures in math have properties which can canonically be decomposed into the associative law + identity + universals + some sort of mapping to other structures (functors)
A lot of math that looks totally different in its standard representation is trivially identical due to being of the same category. Basically it's just a "better" if more abstract representation for a lot of math.

I know that it is used by some physicists of late working with quantum gravity. But really it would just give you a sense on how fluid and flexible mathematics can be, since it forces you to exercise your abstract interpretation of things and question the representations you currently use.

I don't suggest diving too deeply into it, but just get a taste to broaden your horizons on what math can be.

>> No.12378290
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I suggest going through the book The Beauty of Doing Mathematics by Serge Lang. It's the transcript of a series of lectures Lang gave to general audiences about beautiful mathematics where he goes quite deep into some topics but keeps it accessible. The interactions with the audience are also recorded in the book which makes it very engaging. The topics include prime number theorem, zeta functions, elliptic curves and much more. Highly recommended.
Another book worth checking out is Hilbert's Geometry and the Imagination. Also aimed at general audiences it presents many beautiful theorems in math, specifically in geometry, from sphere packing to affine geometry and applications to number theory via lattices. Very, very good book.

>> No.12378313

This is the correct answer.
Do some basic group theory and grab a linear algebra book(or just matrix methods book depending on how advanced you are.)

>> No.12378358
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Read this to get a good overview of everything.
It's very suitable for someone with only a bit of exposure to the differential calculus.

>> No.12380015

Why is europe like that? School is supposed to be tutorial mode, that's why you finish it when you are 18.

>> No.12380068


>> No.12380414

Is the How to prove it book good?

>> No.12380432

Practice attention to detail.

Like how you skimmed over the guide link at the top of this board.

>> No.12380440
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astrology, particularly the 22 energy matrix of destiny, it's an android app called '22 energy' some of it is in Russian but the code explanations are in English it has something to do with adding the numbers of your birthday

>> No.12380458


>> No.12380664

OP is looking for fascinating math, not just some basic guides

>> No.12381173
