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File: 435 KB, 2090x1832, nals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12376781 No.12376781 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true /sci/? Are 97% of the population literally retarded?

>> No.12376796

if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.12376811

>everyday tasks
I've literally never done any of that.

>> No.12376817

>almost 50% of the population, according to the courts, don’t have rights as citizens
Why do they get to vote?

>> No.12376824

>never look at total bank deposit
>never check when your driver's license expires
>never locate an intersection on a street map
>never compare credit cards
I would call you a NEET, but a NEET would have to calculate SSI benefits. Are you a mountain hermit?

>> No.12376828

More or less.

>> No.12376873

I read the article, wow didn't know that iodine was that important to prevent low IQ at the fetal stage
here it is for who wants to read it btw

>> No.12376894
File: 86 KB, 744x305, modafinil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait is this shit true?
there's that many people in the US using modafinil in academia?

>> No.12376896

>22% can't locate an intersection on a street map
americans...explain yourselves

>> No.12376899

The republicans legislate that the 50% get a vote, otherwise repubs would never win another election

>> No.12376912

>voting for either hyper-industrial capitalist controlled party

>> No.12376925

These numbers confirm my personal bias and I like it. Also, I choose to believe that the article is trivial in justifying these biases in light of these perfectly correct and impossible to incorrectly calculate statistics.

>> No.12377051

So are you saying if we start putting iodine in Somalias water supply they'll stop being collectively retarded in a single generation?

>> No.12377062

>implying im american
>implying i dont vote third party

>> No.12377067

not that anon
IF, and thats a big IF, somalias average IQ is low due to iodine deficiency, then fixing iodine deficiency will lead to a higher average.

Now, do YOU think that somalias average IQ is partly or entirely reduced due to iodine deficiency?

Now you have your answer, bud

>> No.12377296
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This has to be fake, probably they set up some trick question in the tasks instead of normal ones?

>> No.12377306

>Can't deal with fact that great majority of people are dumb

>> No.12377320
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1563545798623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common folks aren't as dumb as you'd like to believe, take a breather from your ivory tower and see the real world sometimes

>> No.12377325

No, I do know common folks and the make alot of dumb decisions, dont' get me wrong, some narrow stuff common folks are pretty good, but overall they tend to make dumb decisions alot.

>> No.12377346

they literally are though. you can empathize and connect with other people on a human level but when math or basic knowledge comes up you'd be surprised to find out that even having some college puts you miles ahead of the average person. A bit over the majority (66%) have some college. Only 45 percent of the US population has a college degree at all. Think about that, then think about how braindead a lot of the general population of college seemed. That's a narrowed down majority of people.

>> No.12377510

Clearly they are, and you are one of them, because a quick search for NALS brings up the website for the National Center for Education Statistics, which has the test questions for the assessments from 1985, 1992 and 2003.

>> No.12377568

good for them. access to modafinil should be a human right. it's luddites who are denying us access.

>> No.12377579

It should be easy, just look for the star that shows "you are here".

>> No.12377607

Is today opposite day?

>> No.12377625

You're wrong, the average person is an idiot and smartlets aren't much better. The reality is that intelligence is overrated and doesn't matter as much as you people think. Frankly, in most cases being intelligent is a net loss for quality of life

>> No.12377644

College degree doesn't mean shit, I took a year of college before dropping out due to mental problems, and the math course was easier than the shit I did in high school. There was a class teaching web design and I almost fell asleep from boredom. Modern college outside of stem shit just looks like a grift to me; if you can write an essay you can pass a non-stem and writing an essay doesn't require intelligence beyond verbal communication.

>> No.12377673

Depends on how the test was administered. Academics can be blind to factors which skew results.

>> No.12377706

>Okay, I will do your test.
>What the fuck are these dumb assed questions?
>I feel insulted
>Am I getting paid for this shit? No.
>Put down any answer or none = I am out of here.

>> No.12377735

Try reading sometime.
>Household interviews took place in respondents’ homes; prison interviews generally took place in a classroom or library in the prison.
>The entire survey will take approximately 90 minutes to complete, and you will be paid $30 for your participation.

>> No.12377797

>Okay, I will do your test.
>What the fuck are these dumb assed questions?
>I feel insulted
>Am I getting paid for this shit? Yes.
>Put down any answer or none = I am out of here.

>> No.12377803

>no one other than me has ever considered response bias

>> No.12377828

Wait a second, being able to calculate the cost of adding carpet to a room is almost good enough for Mensa membership?

>> No.12377856

does this actually work for you? It does absolutely nothing for me.

Only things ive found work
>nicotine gum (literal IQ booster, massive amounts of proof for this, look it up)
>low dose adderall

>> No.12377888

I've used it a few times to learn for exams and it did wonders for retention, it's baffling that off label use is criminalized just because there are long term risks. It's a drug that can turn dysfunctional wrecks into productive members of society. How is that not win-win for everyone? Why are ''''''ethics committees'''' so against performance enhancing drugs?

>> No.12377909

>yes I considered response bias!
So how did you "consider" response bias exactly?
>You have to take my word for it!

>> No.12377933

I too browse le epoic r/thedonald XD

>> No.12377971

Once again, try doing some reading. Sections 3 through 6.
The assessments were conducted by interviewers in person. It is incredibly easy to recognize whether someone is putting down random answers.

>> No.12378036

Which party believes people too stupid to be able to get a photo id should vote?

>> No.12378138

what is the average IQ of an African-American?
for which party do 90%+ of African-Americans vote?

>> No.12378503

Yeah, but what about Karens and soccer moms? They're all Republicans.

>> No.12378515

And they are white
That's all you need to know about intelligence

>> No.12378609

I would feel retarded for using a calculator.

>> No.12378620

Have you ever worked in a restaurant or warehouse or anything like that? The "half of people are retarded" meme is definitely true

>> No.12379542
File: 142 KB, 1000x1200, DqMPfKBUwAAin7I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's OK. I'm retarded too so it feels pretty comfy.

>> No.12379583

>nicotine gum

This is some fascinating shit

>> No.12379780

That's fucking weird bro.
Maybe I should give up ADHD meds and chew some nicorette instead.

>> No.12379795

>correlates with an IQ of level 96^3

who the fuck has an IQ that high?

>> No.12379801

Wow, haven't seen that word since Fruitopia and Stereo MCs were popular. Any advancements since then worth noting?

>> No.12379805

Probably means look at footnote three for context.

>> No.12380034

I have no idea, first time I've even heard the word. They cite some actual papers though, so that's something.

>> No.12380051

>I'm in the 97th percentile of the population
>For knowing that the cost to carpet a room is cost/area * area
I want to be aliven't

>> No.12380085

That's impossible, anon. It can't be THAT bad.

>> No.12380105
File: 141 KB, 660x717, Screenshot from 2020-11-24 11-27-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the carpet question
I thought maybe the reason so many people couldn't answer it was maybe the room was a complex shape, but it's literally a rectangle.

>> No.12380126

>room given in square feet
>price given in square yards (unit nobody who sells carpet would use)

eh, I could understand if you're not observant how you might fuck that up. That doesn't necessarily mean you're dumb

>> No.12380179

>there are long term risks.
Such as?

>> No.12380201

memory loss

>> No.12380212

Checked Home Depot's website. They list carpet prices in both sq ft and sq yd. Square yard was more common pre-2000 and still is the standard for wholesale.

>> No.12380214

Bump. Was gonna point that out. It's not a hard problem, but converting units? Especially in imperial?

I think people are just lazy. Unless I had to, I'd be like "fuck that."

>> No.12380691

An IQ of 96 cubed? Holy shit..

>> No.12380754

This just reinforces the fact that humanity's station ultimately is because of a handful of great men, and a percentage of sufficiently competent people, dragging society forward through the ages.

The common man exists only to support the infrastructure needed to support the common man, with the tiniest sliver skimmed off for useful work by his betters.

>> No.12380913

It says 17% answered correctly, so why does OP say 3?

>> No.12380915

Did anyone here know there are 9 square feet in a square yard? I didn't.

>> No.12380927

no, i have no idea how to solve it since i dont know what a square yard is

>> No.12380944

OP is probably that question AND the credit card one. 17% squared comes out to about 3%.

>> No.12380945

am I in mensa yet

>> No.12380973

>all participants were smokers
>they were told not to smoke before the test
>10 samples

Huh... So you guys are also retarded...

>> No.12381043

You know how you can write programs to do some pretty wild stuff using only a small amount of storage and operations, and how you don't really need to know what you're doing to just copy the stuff other people are writing?

>> No.12381061

I think iodine can't change genetics anon... maybe it can boost 10-15 IQ points but not more.
If an african has an IQ of 60 and you boost it to 75 it's like putting your old pentium 1 on overclock while cooling it with liquid nitrogen

>> No.12381073

Not gonna do the math here but increasing the standard deviation of a population would give you a history-changing number of additional geniuses

>> No.12381074

I second this, they literally did not smoke for 2 hours before the experiment lol.
Now try with non smoking people.

>> No.12381078

>would give you a history-changing number of additional geniuses
you start seeing geniuses above an IQ of 130... that's pretty rare in Africa where the middle of the bell curve is 60-70. Even with iodine at 75-80 you would have a micro amount of genius outliers.

>> No.12381087

by the way there is no proof at all that most africans are iodine deficient... iodine can be found in natural food, particularly fish, beans, milk and meat just in smaller amounts. The boost would definitely not be a solid 15 but more a 6-7 I think.

>> No.12381089

and bananas

>> No.12381885

Mensa takes the top 2% but we only know that you're in the top 3%. You have a 2/3 chance to get in, so the real question is, do you switch doors when Monty Hall offers?

>> No.12381943

I can't believe this is possible. 17%? You multiply 9 and 12, divide by 9 (could just ignore both 9s), and multiply by 9.49. That's third or fourth grade level. How did only 17% of people get it

>> No.12381960

If you find this surprising you are the 97%

>> No.12381965

110-120 is all you really need for competence

>> No.12381966

I unironically take it for narcolepsy and can confirm cognitive benefits.

>> No.12381976


>> No.12381989

I'm beginning to question that since covid hit here, and coming from a immunology background dealing with the contradictions from these folks.

>> No.12382053 [DELETED] 


The answer is $67.19

>> No.12382063


>> No.12382067

I would guess a substantial amount of test subjects made that mistake.

>> No.12382106

Go to Wal-Mart, walk around looking at people and listen to things they're saying to each other. Don't look at the products or shop. Just pay attention to the people shopping there. Then you'll understand. If not, go to a dollar store in the blue collar part of town or to the ghetto and repeat the experiment.

>> No.12382247

the global average IQ is around 83
83 is the minimum cut off to be useful to the US military
half the world is too dumb to be a soldier...

>> No.12382259

~106 is rougly the minimum for a technical degree

>> No.12382346 [DELETED] 

>half of the world population is genetically african
well the mistery is solved...

>> No.12382363

>half of the world population is genetically either african or arab or low caste poo
well the mistery is solved it seems

>> No.12382428
File: 1.96 MB, 1022x1024, DF43589F-C600-42F0-A885-BC3A307EB152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of the population. I consider anyone with an iq lower than 200 retarded.

>> No.12383230 [DELETED] 

t. didn't real the article
That article is about the US and NALS level 2 correlates with an IQ of 96

>> No.12383258

t. didn't real the article
That article is about the US and NALS level 2 correlates with an IQ of 96

>> No.12384377

All of these questions use math you are supposed to teach to elementary school kids, and even less complex than the stuff I need to calculate knitting a sweater. What the fuck.

>> No.12385389
File: 25 KB, 703x800, 1603643857841.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is the power of brainlet cope
holy shit